@x @d my_name=='pbibtex' @d banner=='This is pBibTeX, Version 0.99d-j0.35' @y @d my_name=='upbibtex' @d banner=='This is upBibTeX, Version 0.99d-j0.35-u1.29' @z @x for i:=@'200 to @'237 do xchr[i]:=chr(i-@'200); for i:=@'240 to 255 do xchr[i]:=chr(i); @y for i:=@'200 to 255 do xchr[i]:=chr(i); @z @x for i:=@'200 to @'237 do xord[i]:= i-@'200; for i:=@'240 to 255 do xord[i]:=i; @y for i:=@'200 to 255 do xord[i]:=i; @z @x @d zen_pun_first = 161 {Zenkaku punctuation first byte; in EUC} @d zen_space = 161 {Zenkaku space first, second byte; in EUC} @d zen_kuten = 162 {Zenkaku kuten second byte; in EUC} @d zen_ten = 163 {Zenkaku ten second byte; in EUC} @d zen_comma = 164 {Zenkaku comman second byte; in EUC} @d zen_period = 165 {Zenkaku period second byte; in EUC} @d zen_question = 169 {Zenkaku question mark second byte; in EUC} @d zen_exclamation = 170 {Zenkaku exclamation mark second byte; in EUC} @y @d e_ss3 = @"8F {single shift three in EUC} @d e_pun_first = @"A1 {Zenkaku punctuation first byte; in EUC} @d e_space = @"A1A1 {Zenkaku space; in EUC} @d e_toten = @"A1A2 {Zenkaku kuten; in EUC} @d e_kuten = @"A1A3 {Zenkaku toten; in EUC} @d e_comma = @"A1A4 {Zenkaku comman; in EUC} @d e_period = @"A1A5 {Zenkaku period; in EUC} @d e_question = @"A1A9 {Zenkaku question mark; in EUC} @d e_exclamation =@"A1AA {Zenkaku exclamation mark; in EUC} @d u_pun_first1 = @"E3 {Zenkaku punctuation first byte(1); in UTF-8} @d u_pun_first2 = @"EF {Zenkaku punctuation first byte(2); in UTF-8} @d u_space = @"3000 {Zenkaku space; in UCS} @d u_toten = @"3001 {Zenkaku toten; in UCS} @d u_kuten = @"3002 {Zenkaku kuten; in UCS} @d u_comma = @"FF0C {Zenkaku comman; in UCS} @d u_period = @"FF0E {Zenkaku period; in UCS} @d u_question = @"FF1F {Zenkaku question mark; in UCS} @d u_exclamation = @"FF01 {Zenkaku exclamation mark; in UCS} @d u_double_question = @"2047 {Zenkaku double question mark; in UCS} @d u_double_exclam = @"203C {Zenkaku double exclamation mark; in UCS} @d u_interrobang = @"203D {Zenkaku interrobang; in UCS} @d u_question_exclam = @"2048 {Zenkaku question exclamation mark; in UCS} @d u_exclam_question = @"2049 {Zenkaku exclamation question mark; in UCS} @z @x for i:=@'200 to @'237 do lex_class[i] := illegal; for i:=@'240 to 255 do lex_class[i] := alpha; lex_class[@'33]:=alpha; @y @z @x for i:=@'200 to @'237 do id_class[i] := illegal_id_char; @y @z @x for i:=@'240 to 254 do char_width[i]:=514; @y @z @x procedure lower_case procedure lower_case (var buf:buf_type; @!bf_ptr,@!len:buf_pointer); var i:buf_pointer; begin if (len > 0) then for i := bf_ptr to bf_ptr+len-1 do if ((buf[i]>="A") and (buf[i]<="Z")) then buf[i] := buf[i] + case_difference; @y procedure lower_case (var buf:buf_type; @!bf_ptr,@!len:buf_pointer); var i:buf_pointer; @!ch:integer; begin if (len > 0) then for i := bf_ptr to bf_ptr+len-1 do if ((buf[i]>="A") and (buf[i]<="Z")) then begin buf[i] := buf[i] + case_difference; end else if ((is_internalUPTEX) and (buf[i]>=@"C3) and (buf[i]<=@"D4)) then begin ch := fromBUFF(buf,i+2,i); if (((ch>=@"C0) and (ch<=@"DE) and (ch<>@"D7)) or ((ch>=@"391) and (ch<=@"3AA) and (ch<>@"3A2)) or ((ch>=@"410) and (ch<=@"42F))) then begin ch := toBUFF(ch + case_difference); buf[i] := BYTE3(ch); buf[i+1] := BYTE4(ch); end else if (((ch>=@"100) and (ch<=@"137) and ((ch mod 2)=0)) or ((ch>=@"139) and (ch<=@"148) and ((ch mod 2)=1)) or ((ch>=@"14A) and (ch<=@"177) and ((ch mod 2)=0)) or ((ch>=@"179) and (ch<=@"17E) and ((ch mod 2)=1)) or ((ch>=@"370) and (ch<=@"373) and ((ch mod 2)=0)) or ( ch=@"376 ) or ((ch>=@"3D8) and (ch<=@"3EF) and ((ch mod 2)=0)) or ( ch=@"3F7 ) or ( ch=@"3FA ) or ((ch>=@"460) and (ch<=@"481) and ((ch mod 2)=0)) or ((ch>=@"48A) and (ch<=@"4BF) and ((ch mod 2)=0)) or ((ch>=@"4C1) and (ch<=@"4CE) and ((ch mod 2)=1)) or ((ch>=@"4D0) and (ch<=@"52F) and ((ch mod 2)=0))) then begin ch := toBUFF(ch + 1); buf[i] := BYTE3(ch); buf[i+1] := BYTE4(ch); end else if (ch=@"178) then begin ch := toBUFF(@"FF); buf[i] := BYTE3(ch); buf[i+1] := BYTE4(ch); end else if ((ch>=@"400) and (ch<=@"40F)) then begin ch := toBUFF(ch + @"50); buf[i] := BYTE3(ch); buf[i+1] := BYTE4(ch); end else if (ch=@"4C0) then begin ch := toBUFF(@"4CF); buf[i] := BYTE3(ch); buf[i+1] := BYTE4(ch); end end @z @x procedure upper_case var i:buf_pointer; begin if (len > 0) then for i := bf_ptr to bf_ptr+len-1 do if ((buf[i]>="a") and (buf[i]<="z")) then buf[i] := buf[i] - case_difference; @y var i:buf_pointer; @!ch:integer; begin if (len > 0) then for i := bf_ptr to bf_ptr+len-1 do if ((buf[i]>="a") and (buf[i]<="z")) then begin buf[i] := buf[i] - case_difference; end else if ((is_internalUPTEX) and (buf[i]>=@"C3) and (buf[i]<=@"D4)) then begin ch := fromBUFF(buf,i+2,i); if (((ch>=@"E0) and (ch<=@"FE) and (ch<>@"F7)) or ((ch>=@"3B1) and (ch<=@"3CA) and (ch<>@"3C2)) or ((ch>=@"430) and (ch<=@"44F))) then begin ch := toBUFF(ch - case_difference); buf[i] := BYTE3(ch); buf[i+1] := BYTE4(ch); end else if (((ch>=@"100) and (ch<=@"137) and ((ch mod 2)=1)) or ((ch>=@"139) and (ch<=@"148) and ((ch mod 2)=0)) or ((ch>=@"14A) and (ch<=@"177) and ((ch mod 2)=1)) or ((ch>=@"179) and (ch<=@"17E) and ((ch mod 2)=0)) or ((ch>=@"370) and (ch<=@"373) and ((ch mod 2)=1)) or ( ch=@"377 ) or ((ch>=@"3D8) and (ch<=@"3EF) and ((ch mod 2)=1)) or ( ch=@"3F8 ) or ( ch=@"3FB ) or ((ch>=@"460) and (ch<=@"481) and ((ch mod 2)=1)) or ((ch>=@"48A) and (ch<=@"4BF) and ((ch mod 2)=1)) or ((ch>=@"4C1) and (ch<=@"4CE) and ((ch mod 2)=0)) or ((ch>=@"4D0) and (ch<=@"52F) and ((ch mod 2)=1))) then begin ch := toBUFF(ch - 1); buf[i] := BYTE3(ch); buf[i+1] := BYTE4(ch); end else if (ch=@"DF) then begin { Latin Small Letter Sharp S } buf[i] := "S"; buf[i+1] := "S"; end else if (ch=@"FF) then begin ch := toBUFF(@"178); buf[i] := BYTE3(ch); buf[i+1] := BYTE4(ch); end else if ((ch>=@"450) and (ch<=@"45F)) then begin ch := toBUFF(ch - @"50); buf[i] := BYTE3(ch); buf[i+1] := BYTE4(ch); end else if (ch=@"4CF) then begin ch := toBUFF(@"4C0); buf[i] := BYTE3(ch); buf[i+1] := BYTE4(ch); end end @z @x procedure get_the_top_level_aux_file_name label aux_found,@!aux_not_found; begin if (not set_enc_string (nil,'EUC')) then uexit(1); @y label aux_found,@!aux_not_found; var i:0..last_text_char; {this is the first one declared} begin @ @z @x zen_ten, zen_period, zen_question, zen_exclamation: if( str_pool[sp_ptr-1] = zen_pun_first ) then repush_string else @; othercases @ @y othercases begin if (is_internalEUC) then begin case (fromBUFF(str_pool, sp_ptr+1, sp_ptr-1)) of e_kuten, e_period, e_question, e_exclamation: if (str_pool[sp_ptr-2]<>e_ss3) then repush_string else @; othercases @; endcases; end; if (is_internalUPTEX) then begin case (fromBUFF(str_pool, sp_ptr+1, sp_ptr-2)) of u_kuten, u_period, u_question, u_exclamation, u_double_question, u_double_exclam, u_interrobang, u_question_exclam, u_exclam_question: repush_string; othercases @; endcases; end; end; @z @x x_chr_to_int push_lit_stk(toDVI(fromBUFF(str_pool, str_start[pop_lit1]+2, str_start[pop_lit1])),stk_int) { a KANJI char is 2byte long } @y push_lit_stk(toDVI(fromBUFF(str_pool, str_start[pop_lit1]+length(pop_lit1), str_start[pop_lit1])),stk_int) { a KANJI char is |2..4|byte long } @z @x if( (ex_buf[ex_buf_ptr-1]=zen_comma) or (ex_buf[ex_buf_ptr-1]=zen_kuten) ) then ex_buf_ptr := ex_buf_ptr - 2 else ex_buf_ptr := ex_buf_ptr - 4; @y if (is_internalEUC) then if((fromBUFF(ex_buf, ex_buf_length, ex_buf_ptr-2) = e_comma) or (fromBUFF(ex_buf, ex_buf_length, ex_buf_ptr-2) = e_toten)) then ex_buf_ptr := ex_buf_ptr - 2 else ex_buf_ptr := ex_buf_ptr - 4; if (is_internalUPTEX) then if((fromBUFF(ex_buf, ex_buf_length, ex_buf_ptr-3) = u_comma) or (fromBUFF(ex_buf, ex_buf_length, ex_buf_ptr-3) = u_toten)) then ex_buf_ptr := ex_buf_ptr - 3 else ex_buf_ptr := ex_buf_ptr - 4; @z @x zen_pun_first: begin if((ex_buf[ex_buf_ptr+1]=zen_comma) or (ex_buf[ex_buf_ptr+1]=zen_kuten) ) then @y e_pun_first: if (is_internalEUC) then begin if ((fromBUFF(ex_buf, ex_buf_length, ex_buf_ptr) = e_comma) or (fromBUFF(ex_buf, ex_buf_length, ex_buf_ptr) = e_toten)) then @z @x else if(ex_buf[ex_buf_ptr+1]=zen_space) then @y else if (fromBUFF(ex_buf,ex_buf_length,ex_buf_ptr) = e_space) then @z @x end; @y end else begin ex_buf_ptr := ex_buf_ptr + multibytelen(ex_buf[ex_buf_ptr]); preceding_white := false; end; u_pun_first1, u_pun_first2: if (is_internalUPTEX) then begin if ((fromBUFF(ex_buf, ex_buf_length, ex_buf_ptr) = u_comma) or (fromBUFF(ex_buf, ex_buf_length, ex_buf_ptr) = u_toten)) then begin preceding_white := false; and_found := true end else if (fromBUFF(ex_buf,ex_buf_length,ex_buf_ptr) = u_space) then begin ex_buf[ex_buf_ptr] := space; ex_buf[ex_buf_ptr+1] := space; ex_buf[ex_buf_ptr+2] := space; preceding_white := true; end; ex_buf_ptr := ex_buf_ptr + 3; end else begin ex_buf_ptr := ex_buf_ptr + multibytelen(ex_buf[ex_buf_ptr]); preceding_white := false; end; @z @x if( ex_buf[ex_buf_ptr] > 127 ) then ex_buf_ptr := ex_buf_ptr +2 else incr(ex_buf_ptr); @y ex_buf_ptr := ex_buf_ptr + multibytelen(ex_buf[ex_buf_ptr]); @z @x if name_buf[name_bf_ptr]>127 then begin append_ex_buf_char_and_check (name_buf[name_bf_ptr]); incr(name_bf_ptr); append_ex_buf_char_and_check (name_buf[name_bf_ptr]); end else append_ex_buf_char_and_check (name_buf[name_bf_ptr]); @y append_ex_buf_char_and_check (name_buf[name_bf_ptr]); if multibytelen(name_buf[name_bf_ptr]) > 1 then append_ex_buf_char_and_check (name_buf[name_bf_ptr+1]); if multibytelen(name_buf[name_bf_ptr]) > 2 then append_ex_buf_char_and_check (name_buf[name_bf_ptr+2]); if multibytelen(name_buf[name_bf_ptr]) > 3 then append_ex_buf_char_and_check (name_buf[name_bf_ptr+3]); name_bf_ptr := name_bf_ptr + multibytelen(name_buf[name_bf_ptr])-1; @z @x x_int_to_chr str_room(2); if (pop_lit1>127) then begin append_char (Hi(k)); append_char (Lo(k)); end else append_char (pop_lit1); push_lit_stk (make_string, stk_str); end; @y str_room(4); k:=toBUFF(k); if (BYTE1(k)>0) then append_char (BYTE1(k)); if (BYTE2(k)>0) then append_char (BYTE2(k)); if (BYTE3(k)>0) then append_char (BYTE3(k)); { always } append_char (BYTE4(k)); push_lit_stk (make_string, stk_str); end; @z @x @!pop_lit2_saved: integer; @y @!pop_lit2_saved,@!mbl_tpe: integer; @z @x { 2 bytes Kanji code break check } tps:=str_start[pop_lit3]; tpe:=tps; while tpe < str_start[pop_lit3+1] do begin if str_pool[tpe] > 127 then begin if str_start[pop_lit3+1] < tpe+2 then break; tpe := tpe + 2; end else begin if str_start[pop_lit3+1] < tpe+1 then break; tpe := tpe + 1; end; if tpe<=sp_ptr then tps := tpe; if sp_end<=tpe then break; end; if (pop_lit2_saved > 1) and (tps = str_start[pop_lit3]) then tps := tps + 2; {truncate at least one} if (pop_lit2_saved < -1) and (tpe = str_start[pop_lit3+1]) then tpe := tpe - 2; {truncate at least one} if tps > tpe then tpe := tps; sp_ptr := tps; sp_end := tpe; @y { |2..4| bytes Kanji code break check } tps:=str_start[pop_lit3]; tpe:=tps; mbl_tpe:=0; while tpe < str_start[pop_lit3+1] do begin if multibytelen(str_pool[tpe])<0 {just in case} or (str_start[pop_lit3+1] < tpe+multibytelen(str_pool[tpe])) then break; mbl_tpe := multibytelen(str_pool[tpe]); tpe := tpe + mbl_tpe; if tpe<=sp_ptr then tps := tpe; if sp_end<=tpe then break; end; if (pop_lit2_saved > 1) and (tps = str_start[pop_lit3]) then if multibytelen(str_pool[tps])>=0 then {just in case} tps := tps + multibytelen(str_pool[tps]); {truncate at least one} if (pop_lit2_saved < -1) and (tpe = str_start[pop_lit3+1]) then tpe := tpe - mbl_tpe; {truncate at least one} if tps > tpe then tpe := tps; sp_ptr := tps; sp_end := tpe; @z @x if str_pool[sp_ptr] >127 then begin append_char (str_pool[sp_ptr]); incr(sp_ptr); append_char (str_pool[sp_ptr]); incr(sp_ptr); end else begin append_char (str_pool[sp_ptr]); incr(sp_ptr); end; @y append_char (str_pool[sp_ptr]); incr(sp_ptr); @z @x incr(sp_xptr1); num_text_chars:=num_text_chars+2; @y num_text_chars := num_text_chars + multibytelen(str_pool[sp_xptr1-1]); sp_xptr1 := sp_xptr1-1 + multibytelen(str_pool[sp_xptr1-1]); @z @x const n_options = 8; {Pascal won't count array lengths for us.} @y const n_options = 9; {Pascal won't count array lengths for us.} @z @x usage_help (PBIBTEX_HELP, 'issue@@texjp.org'); @y usage_help (UPBIBTEX_HELP, 'issue@@texjp.org'); @z @x end; {Else it was a flag; |getopt| has already done the assignment.} @y end else if argument_is ('kanji-internal') then begin if (not (set_enc_string(nil,optarg) and (is_internalEUC or is_internalUPTEX))) then write_ln('Bad internal kanji encoding "', stringcast(optarg), '".'); end; {Else it was a flag; |getopt| has already done the assignment.} @z @x @ An element with all zeros always ends the list. @y @ Kanji-internal option. @.-kanji-internal@> @ = long_options[current_option].name := 'kanji-internal'; long_options[current_option].has_arg := 1; long_options[current_option].flag := 0; long_options[current_option].val := 0; incr(current_option); @ An element with all zeros always ends the list. @z @x begin kpse_set_program_name (argv[0], 'pbibtex'); @y begin kpse_set_program_name (argv[0], 'upbibtex'); @z @x procedure x_is_kanji_str procedure x_is_kanji_str; label exit; @y procedure x_is_kanji_str; label exit; var ctmp,clen:integer; @z @x procedure x_is_kanji_str (cont.) while sp_ptr127 then begin push_lit_stk(1,stk_int); return; end else begin incr(sp_ptr); end; end; @y while sp_ptr= function is_char_kanji_upbibtex(@!c:integer):boolean; label exit; var k:integer; begin { based on upTeX-1.29 kcatcode status: 16,17,19->true / 15,18->false } is_char_kanji_upbibtex := true; if (is_internalUPTEX) then begin { should be in sync with |kcat_code| of uptex-m.ch } k := kcatcodekey(c); if k=@"25 then return { Hangul Jamo } else if (k>=@"68)and(k<=@"69) then return { CJK Radicals Supplement, Kangxi Radicals } else if (k>=@"6C)and(k<=@"6D) then return { Hiragana, Katakana } else if k=@"6E then return { Bopomofo } else if k=@"6F then return { Hangul Compatibility Jamo } else if (k>=@"70)and(k<=@"72) then return { Kanbun .. CJK Strokes } else if k=@"73 then return { Katakana Phonetic Extensions } else if k=@"76 then return { CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A } else if k=@"78 then return { CJK Unified Ideographs } else if k=@"88 then return { Hangul Jamo Extended-A } else if k=@"93 then return { Hangul Syllables } else if k=@"94 then return { Hangul Jamo Extended-B } else if k=@"99 then return { CJK Compatibility Ideographs } else if (k>=@"10D)and(k<=@"110) then return { Kana Extended-B .. Small Kana Extension } else if (k>=@"13B)and(k<=@"142) then return { CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B .. H } else if k=@"1FE then return { Fullwidth digit and latin alphabet } else if k=@"1FF then return; { Halfwidth katakana } end else { is_internalEUC } if is_char_kanji(c) then return; is_char_kanji_upbibtex := false; exit:end; @ @= if (is_internalUPTEX) then begin for i:=@"80 to @"BF do lex_class[i] := alpha; { trail bytes } for i:=@"C0 to @"C1 do lex_class[i] := illegal; for i:=@"C2 to @"F4 do lex_class[i] := alpha; { lead bytes } for i:=@"F5 to @"FF do lex_class[i] := illegal; for i:=@"C0 to @"C1 do id_class[i] := illegal_id_char; for i:=@"F5 to @"FF do id_class[i] := illegal_id_char; for i:=@"80 to @"BF do char_width[i]:=257; { trail bytes } for i:=@"C2 to @"DF do char_width[i]:=771; { lead bytes (2bytes) } for i:=@"E0 to @"EF do char_width[i]:=514; { lead bytes (3bytes) } for i:=@"F0 to @"F4 do char_width[i]:=257; { lead bytes (4bytes) } end else begin { is_internalEUC } for i:=@'200 to @'240 do lex_class[i] := illegal; for i:=@'241 to 254 do lex_class[i] := alpha; lex_class[255]:=illegal; for i:=@'200 to @'240 do id_class[i] := illegal_id_char; id_class[255]:=illegal_id_char; lex_class[@'33]:=alpha; lex_class[e_ss3]:=alpha; for i:=@'241 to 254 do char_width[i]:=514; char_width[e_ss3]:=0; end; @z