%!TEX TS-program = xetex %!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode % story.tex, with special characters converted to Unicode, and Zapfino font declarations \nopagenumbers \font\body="Zapfino" at 10pt \body \font\title="Zapfino:Stylistic Variants=First variant glyph set" at 12pt \font\author="Zapfino:Stylistic Variants=Second variant glyph set" at 10pt \hrule \vskip 1in \centerline{\title A \ SHORT \ STORY} \vskip 6pt \centerline{\author by A. U. Thor} \vskip .5cm Once upon a time, in a distant galaxy called Ööç, there lived a computer named R.~J. Drofnats. Mr.~Drofnats—or “R. J.,” as he preferred to be called—was happiest when he was at work typesetting beautiful documents. \vskip 1in \hrule \bye