- changes: - rename envvar SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH_TEX_PRIMITIVES to FORCE_SOURCE_DATE; no changes in functionality. - bugfixes: - \pdflastmatch more reliable when there was no match --------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016) (May 20, 2016) - changes: - if the environment variable SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is set, use its value for the PDF CreationDate and ModDate values, and to seed the trailer /ID. This by itself should suffice to create reproducible PDFs. The new primitives below support more granular output tweaks with the same intent. - if the environment variable SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH_TEX_PRIMITIVES is set to 1, the \year, \day, and \time primitives are also initialized from the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH value, instead of the current time. - new primitive \pdfinfoomitdate to omit CreationDate and ModDate keys. - new primitive \pdftrailerid to set seed for the trailer /ID computation; with an empty argument \pdftrailerid{}, the /ID is omitted. - new primitive \pdfsuppressptexinfo to omit PTEX.* keys from output; the value is a bitmask: % 1 -> PTEX.Fullbanner % 2 -> PTEX.FileName % 4 -> PTEX.PageNumber % 8 -> PTEX.InfoDict (/Producer /Creator /CreationDate /ModDate /Trapped) - bugfixes: - do not crash if font size of a vf >= 2048pt. --------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015) - changes: - support JPEG Exif as well as JFIF. - do not even warn if \pdfinclusionerrorlevel is negative. - sync with xpdf 3.04. - bugfixes: - ensure line-ending after a group dict in the output. --------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2014) - changes: - sync with Knuth TeX 3.14159265, e-TeX 2.6 - new warning-suppression parameter \pdfsuppresswarningpagegroup - new primitives for fake interword spaces: \pdfinterwordspaceon, \pdfinterwordspaceoff, \pdffakespace --------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.1415926-1.40.14 was released on 2013-05-30 (TeX Live 2013) - changes: - sync with e-TeX 2.5 - better largefile support - bugfixes: - inclusion of particular pdf's failed (http://bugs.debian.org/672951) --------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.1415926-1.40.13 was released on 2012-04-21 (TeX Live 2012) - changes: - new warning-suppression parameters \pdfsuppresswarningdupdest and \pdfsuppresswarningdupmap - bugfixes: - better support for uniABCD and indexXYZ glyph names - large-file support (from peb) --------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.1415926-1.40.12 was released on 2011-06-20 (TeX Live 2011) - bugfixes: - for 16-bit images in PDF 1.4 mode --------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.1415926-1.40.11 was released on 2010-07-28 - bugfixes: - ttf2afm reported wrong ItalicAngle for some fonts - detect/prevent wrong arguments of \pdfsetmatrix [#4301] - check for pdf nodes in dvi mode - whitespace should be inserted when concatenating contents stream [#4307] - pdftex fails to include seemingly good PDF [#4309] - wrong description of \pdfelapsedtime in manual [#4300] - \pdfgentounicode conflicts with cmap+\pdffontattr [#4291] - \rightmarginkern doesn't work for last lines [#4292] - \pdfximagebbox wrong for PDF files with /Rotate != 0 [#939] - \leftmarginkern & \rightmarginkern doesn't work with box registers > 255 [#4312] - changes: - pdf inclusion: removed the requirement that named resources must be indirect (#4299) - added debug messages for pdftex_fail() --------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.1415926-1.40.10 was released on 2009-11-30 - sync with TL09 - changes: - increased sup_dest_names_size - partial support for TTC - enable mktexpk by default - patch #2087: Support for CMap namespace - \pdfshellescape is 2 if restricted shell escapes are enabled. - bugfixes: - segfault when processing certain TTF fonts - jpg image resolution not set in some cases - \pdfobj file {foo} for files foo that don't end with '\n' - bugfix #4289: \primitive\pdfoutput cannot be queried - bugfix #4288: character width mismatch in font XY.vf ignored - bugfix #993: "/Names array not sorted correctly" - bugfix #606: "Forbidden ... while scanning ???" - bugfix #3253: Bug in Type1 font subsetting - \show\pdfstartlink is wrong - pdf_set_rule() uses incorrect variables - bugfix #2090: enabling LFS breaks PDF inclusion on some systems (warning: not heavily-tested yet) - t1_log() macro caused problem with some compilers -------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.1415926-1.40.9 was released on 2008-08-16 - bugfixes: - pdf inclusion (inconsistent use of -DDISABLE_OUTLINE) - bug #2068 (cross-platform format dumping/undumping) - bug #2082 (font_dim[FONTNAME_CODE] not initialized) - bug #2083 (unchecked assignment) -------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.1415926-1.40.8 was released on 2008-07-10 - Incorporated synctex - Incorporated the new version of TeX: 3.1415926 - The pool file is now compiled in - Bugfix: - some large TrueType fonts caused pdftex to segfault (1866) - fix for copying contents streams of included pdf (1751) - Fonts from included PDFs for which maplines existed missed their /StemV values - \pdflastximagepages was broken for JBIG2 images - included PDFs with a negative lly in the MediaBox with a depth != 0 with \pdfximage were wrongly vertically diplaces (936) - PDF inclusion was broken on ppc-darwin (941) - pdfTeX uses libpng 1.2.29 ------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.141592-1.40.7 was released on 2008-02-17 - Bugfix: - PDFs > 2GiB (LFS) were still broken on 32-bit systems ------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.141592-1.40.6 was released on 2008-02-04 - Bugfixes: - inclusion of encrypted PDFs was broken (861) - PDFs > 2GiB (LFS) would be broken, even on 64-bit systems. Now the basic support for LFS is there, you only need to supply the right compiler flags (this is not yet done automatically). See build.sh for hints on compiling. - Page groups in pdfs (see the discussion in the notes vor v1.10a) are now handled correctly (741) - When including transparent PNGs pdftex now automatically adds a Page Group (896) - broken map files would lead to core dumps - unusual TrueType fonts would lead to an assertion error (874) - the null object in the object table was never initialized - included PDFs with /PieceInfo lost their /LastModified date - an empty colorstack crashed pdftex (897) - pdfTeX uses libpng 1.2.24 - pdfTeX uses xpdf 3.02pl2 ------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.141592-1.40.5 was released on 2007-07-31 - Bugfixes: - calling 'pdftex %' would crash (830) - fflush the recorder file - pdfTeX uses xpdf 3.02pl1 ------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.141592-1.40.4 was released on 2007-07-11 - Bugfixes: - It was impossible to set the font Flags to 4 in map entries (762) - The font Flags of non-embedded fonts were wrong (794) Now pdfTeX uses the Flags from map entries (if found) or guesses values for the base14 fonts. It also warns when you not-embedd a font without Flags - Subsetted fonts still had their private UniqueID copied (774) - \pdfunescapehex returned a wrong result if the last character was not a hexadecimal digit and the last hex pair was incomplete (777) - Copying a box with \pdfstartlink inside produced the same /Link annotation object multiply, with same object number and identical coordinates on the page (799) - When trying to use a font without TFM, without map entry, and no PK font available, a broken PDF was produced. Now no PDF is generated and the error messages have been improved (721) - Problems with vf fonts (722) - With pdf inclusion the font descriptor could get mixed up and miss some required keys (810) - Font expansion led to wrong log output of \kerns (736) - \pdfprimitive was broken (see http://www.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-pdftex/2007-April/002860.html) - The -recorder option of web2c didn't record fonts, included images and some other files (772) - Using \pdfximage in IniTeX before \dump caused a crash when the format was used (824) - \letterspacefont had some problems (712) - \letterspacefont and \pdffontexpand had some problems (747) - Improvements: - pdf compression is now a bit faster (patch 726) - the behaviour of TeX when it asks for a file name has been improved (756) - pdfTeX uses libpng 1.2.18 - pdfTeX uses xpdf 3.02 ------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.141592-1.40.3 was released on 2007-02-04 - bugfix: documents which used type 1 and truetype or opentype fonts resulted in broken pdfs (729) ------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.141592-1.40.2 was released on 2007-01-31 - bugfix: maplines starting with = would not work as advertised - bugfix: xpdf would complain that PDF 1.7 is too new ------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.141592-1.40.1 was released on 2007-01-08 - bugfix: the shell escape function was a bit broken - bugfix: \pdffontattr gave confusing warnings - allow JBIG2 images only with PDF >= 1.4 - allow \pdfglyphtounicode in dvi mode for format generation - pdfTeX uses libpng 1.2.15 ------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.141592-1.40.0 was released on 2007-01-01 - pdfetex (as a separate binary/program) is gone; all extensions are now in pdftex. The make files still know about the target pdfetex, but it's just a copy of pdftex - The sources of TeX, eTeX and pdfTeX have been merged into one file pdftex.web and one change file pdftex.ch. The sources of TeX and eTeX distributed are just there for reference - New features: - pdfTeX can now generate PDF 1.5 object streams, which leads to smaller PDFs. This is controlled by setting \pdfobjcompresslevel to a value >0 (3 compress everything, 2 don't compress /Info, 1 also don't compress embedded PDFs) and works only with PDF >=1.5 - pdfTeX now supports another image file format: JBIG2 files (.jbig2) - the memory allocated for objects and destination names now grows dynamically - pdfTeX now generates smaller PDFs since for char positioning the width of chars (/Widths) is stored with more precision and so the chars must rarely be positioned separately - the PK resolution is now taken from the "pk_dpi" parameter in texmf.cnf if it has not been set in the format file or by the user - pdfTeX now removes the generated pdf in case of a fatal error - pdfTeX now sets /ModDate and /Trapped in the InfoDict by default (the values can be overridden with \pdfinfo) - the format of warnings and errors issued by pdfTeX has been changed and unified - the output of -version has been extended and now includes information about the libraries actually used, which can be handy when using shared libraries - rules and their positioning on the page are now inside a qQ group - New primitives: - pdfTeX can now handle colourstacks. - \pdfcolorstackinit A stack is initialized by \pdfcolorstackinit. It expands to the number of the new stack. The common case, the traditinal color stack is already initialized as first stack: \pdfcolorstackinit page direct {0 g 0 G} The keyword "page" means that this stack is page based. At the start of the new page, the current stack value is automatically set. - \pdfcolorstack \pdfcolorstack push {} pushes the current value on the stack and sets the . \pdfcolorstack pop pops and sets the current stack value. \pdfcolorstack current sets the current stack value without changing the stack. This is useful for stacks that are initialized without keyword "page". Thus the page start setting can be set manually. \pdfcolorstack set {} The current value is set to . - Transformation matrices can now be manipulated more cleanly: Currently matrix changes are done and hidden inside \pdfliteral nodes; pdfTeX doesn't parse its contents and does not know the new settings of the transform matrix. Thus the new primitives to save pdfTeX from parsing \pdfliteral contents and to notify pdfTeX about matrix changes to use them in calculating link and anchor positions. - \pdfsetmatrix{ } is the equivalent to \pdfliteral{ 0 0 cm} - \pdfsave is the equivalent to \pdfliteral{q} - \pdfrestore is the equivalent to \pdfliteral{Q} - \pdfprimitive\TeX-primitive executes the original \TeX-primitive even if the command has been redefined since. E.g. \let\relax\undefined\pdfprimitive\relax expands to \relax. \ifpdfprimitive\TeX-primitive is true if \TeX-primitive has its original meaning - \ifpdfabsnum and \ifpdfabsdim are like \ifnum and \ifdim, but don't care about negative numbers - shell escape: if the first character of a filename for \openin, \openout \input is a pipe symbol (|), the filename is assumed to be a request for a pipe to a command line that is given in the rest of the filename - draftmode: With \pdfdraftmode=1 or the commandline switch -draftmode pdfTeX doesn't write the output pdf and doesn't actually read any images, thus speeding up compilations when you know you need an extra run but don't care about the output, e.g. just to get the BibTeX references right - \pdfpxdimen (introduced in 1.30) is now a real dimension parameter. It allows one base dimensions on pixels. 1px defaults to 1bp (or 72dpi), but can be changed with the \pdfpxdimen primitive: \pdfpxdimen=1in % 1 dpi \divide\pdfpxdimen by 96 % 96 dpi \hsize=1200px Now \hsize is (1in/96)*1200 - \pdflastlink returns the object number of the last \pdfstartlink - \pdfsavepos now works in DVI mode - Fonts: - support for subfonts: This creates all needed map entries for subfonts automatically and handles Unicode mappings - ToUnicode entries for Type1 fonts (patch 580) - HZ: - added patch 462: HZ font expansion in autoexpand mode now produces smaller pdf files, as it works by modififying the text matrix for single fonts instead of embedding many expanded font versions. Therefore HZ now can be used also for TrueType fonts and even for non-embedded fonts (e.g. Times-Roman) - Bugfixes: - the PDF statistics in the log are now correct - added JFIF detection patch to writejpg.c (bug 548) - bugfix: invalid pdf created if font name contains space (509) - bugfix: truetype OS/2 v3 fonts (594) - bugfix: Type1C (CFF) fonts of embedded pdfs didn't get replaced - pdfTeX uses libpng 1.2.14 ------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.141592-1.30.6 was released on 2006-02-16 - bugfix: updated xpdf to 3.01pl2 ------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.141592-1.30.5 was released on 2005-12-04 - bugfix: \pdfximage prints the file name twice (bug 441) - bugfix: buffer overflow with \pdfmatch (bug 444) - bugfix: updated xpdf to 3.01pl1 ------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.141592-1.30.4 was released on 2005-10-17 - bugfix: whitespaces in filenames didn't work on Unix anymore (bug 377) - bugfix: two \immediates cancel themselves (bug 437) - bugfix: wrong file name in error messages of image inclusion (bug 435) ------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.141592-1.30.3 was released on 2005-09-04 - bugfix: \write18 ------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.141592-1.30.2 was released on 2005-08-25 - fixed some build problems and minor bugs introduced in 1.30.1 ------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.141592-1.30.1 was released on 2005-08-21 - the eTeX extensions can now be enabled with the cmdline switch -etex - pdfTeX uses xpdf 3.01 ------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.141592-1.30.0 was released on 2005-08-01 - pdfxtex (introduced with 1.20a) is gone; all extensions are now in pdf(e)tex. - Some primitives have been renamed; the old names will still work, but are deprecated and some give a warning that they are obsolete: \pdfoptionpdfminorversion -> \pdfminorversion \pdfoptionalwaysusepdfpagebox -> \pdfforcepagebox \pdfoptionpdfinclusionerrorlevel -> \pdfinclusionerrorlevel - pdftex knows two new units: - new Didot (1nd=0.375mm) - new Cicero (1nc=12nd) - New primitives: - Inclusion of pngs has been greatly improved: It now does - alpha channel and transparency (only if %!PDF >=1.4) - 16-bit colour (only if %!PDF >=1.5); this must be enabled by setting \pdfimagehicolor to 1. - gamma correction; this must be enabled by setting \pdfimageapplygamma to 1. The device gamma is taken from \pdfgamma. If no embedded value can be found in the png image, then the value of \pdfimagegamma is used instead. - fast direct embedding of png streams, if their structure allows this; the automatic fall-back is to decompress and re-compress as before. - pdfTeX now has an interface to the precise system time (if available) as an aid in benchmarking TeX macro code. - \pdfelapsedtime is a read-only integer that (initially) returns the amount of time passed since the start of this run. This amount is given in `scaled seconds': the value 65536 counts as one second. If more time has passed than 32767 seconds, (2^31)-1 will be returned. - \pdfresettimer updates the internal timer, such that subsequent calls to \pdfelapsedtime will restart from 0. - pdfTeX can now generate random numbers: - \pdfuniformdeviate generates a uniformly distributed random integer value between 0 (inclusive) and (exclusive). - \pdfnormaldeviate expands to a random integer value with a mean of 0 and a unit of 65536. - \pdfrandomseed allows access to the current seed value. - \pdfsetrandomseed sets the random seed to a specific value. - \pdfnoligatures\f disables ligatures for the loaded font \f. - Escaping strings: - \pdfescapestring{} escapes the string so that it can be used as PDF string. - \pdfescapename{} escapes the string so that it can be used as PDF name. - \pdfescapehex{} converts the string to uppercase hexadecimal representation. - \pdfunescapehex{} reverses the effect of \pdfescapehex - \pdfcreationdate expands to the date string that pdfTeX uses in the info dict as default. - \pdffilemoddate{} expands to the modification date of in the same format as \pdfcreationdate (PDF date format). - \pdffilesize{} expands to the size of as string. - \pdfmdfivesum{} or \pdfmdfivesum file {} calculates the md5 sum (of a string or a file) and converts it to uppercase hexadecimal format (same as \pdfescapehex). - \pdffiledump [offset ] [length ] Expands to a hex dump of the file given in , starting at given offset or 0 with given length. - \pdfshellescape is a read-only integer that is 1 if \write18 is enabled, 0 otherwise. - \pdfxformname , which expands to the number in the corresponding form XObject name. - \leftmarginkern and \rightmarginkern tell the margin kern at the left and right side of the horizontal list stored in box . - \pdfpkmode is a token register that sets the MF mode for pixel font generation. The contents of this register is dumped into the format, so one can (optionally) preset it e.g. in part of pdftexconfig.tex. - \pdftracingfonts: An integer variable controlling the tracing of font expansion. It is zero by default; then we get a log (with fontexpansion) like this ...\tenrm t ...\tenrm (+20) e Without font expansion, this default should be compatible with TeX's original log output. If \pdftracingfonts is set to 1 (or greater), we get a more verbose log: ...\xivtt (cmtt10@14.0pt) t ...\xivtt (cmtt10+20@14.0pt) e See also bug 304. - New experimental primitives: - \pdfmatch [icase] [subcount }] {}{} Implements pattern matching using the POSIX regex. It returns the same values as \pdfstrcmp, but with the following semantics: -1: error case (invalid pattern, ...) 0: no match 1: match found Options: * icase: case insensitive matching * subcount: it sets the table size for found subpatterns. A number "-1" resets the table size to the start default. - \pdflastmatch The result of \pdfmatch is stored in an array. The entry "0" contains the match, the following entries submatches. The positions of the matches are also available. They are encoded: "->" The position "-1" with an empty string indicates that this entry is not set. - \pdfstrcmp{}{} compares two strings and returns the strings "0" if equals , "-1" if is less than , "1" if is greater than - The primitive \pdfmovechars has been removed (bug 294) - Bugfixes: - empty strings are not supressed anymore (bug 335) - \unhboxing and character protusion didn't work well together (bug 292) - --jobname didn't work if there was no filename at all (bug 302) - Some problem with fonts on solaris (bug 315) - Dangling font objects with non-replacable fonts (bug 311). - \pdfxform didn't work with box>255 (bug 310) - cmap: unicode ???? is mapped to multiple glyphs (bug 306). - pdfTeX uses zlib 1.2.3 ------------------------------------------------ pdfTeX 3.141592-1.21a was released on 2005-02-04 - ttf2afm 1.0: - added support for refering to glyphs via unicode in encoding files (ie 'uniXXX') - added some more info to the AFM output - some minor bug fixes - a short documentation available - pdftex now understand forms 'uniXXXX' in encoding files (only makes sense with TrueType fonts) - added subset tag for TrueType fonts - PDF strings are now printed as following: (This is a string) -> (This is a string) This is a string -> (This is a string) -> - check for double newline char to get rid of empty lines in PDF output - Fixed a bug in the scanning of map lines introduced in the fix of bug #242 in 1.20b. - Fixed three problems in xpdf; xpdf is now 3.00pl3 - \ifeof18 is a simple method to test if \write18 is enabled. - a few extensions in pdfxtex: - \pdflastximagecolordepth returns the last color depth - \pdfximage supports a keyword "colorspace" following an object number representing a ColorSpace object - \pdfstrcmp compares two strings - \pdfescapestring/\pdflastescapedstring provide a way to escape string - \pdffirstlineheight/\pdflastlinedepth/\pdfeachlineheight/\pdfeachlinedepth allow fixing line dimen - patches from Taco - px dimen unit - tagcode patch - quitvmode patch ------------------------------------------------ pdfTeX 3.141592-1.20b was released on 2004-12-22 - Fixed some minor bugs, mostly with hz - The info line "output format initialized to PDF/DVI" isn't shown anymore, as this info wasn't reliable (bug 112). - Now the PDF-related statistics (PDF objects...) in the .log file is only shown in PDF output mode. It start with a line "PDF statistics:". - \pdfimageresolution is not limited to 2400 [dpi] anymore, can now be between 0 and 65535 [dpi]. - pdfTeX uses xpdf 3.00pl2 - pdfTeX uses libpng 1.2.8, which fixes some png-related bugs. ------------------------------------------------ pdfTeX 3.141592-1.20a was released on 2004-09-06 - There is a new program pdfxtex, which contains experimental features which might end up in pdftex in the future. - Most distributions now use eTeX as the default engine, so when you call pdftex you will get pdfeTeX. Most distributions now also use pdfTeX as the default engine, so when you call latex you will get pdfeTeX running LaTeX.:-) - We are setting up pdfTeX as a project at sarovar (http://sarovar.org/projects/pdftex/). Please report bugs etc. through the site. - Support for the file pdftex.cfg is gone completely. All parameters that had previously been set by it can be set through primitives; their values are dumped to the format file. - The searchpath for encoding and mapfiles has been changed. See http://tug.org/pipermail/tex-live/2004-January/004734.html and http://tug.org/pipermail/tex-live/2004-January/004791.html - eTeX is now version 2.2, incorporating the last changes to TeX (3.141592). - New options for \pdfmapfile: General functionality: Map items (map files, new: also single map lines; see \pdfmapline) are put in list of pending map items. During the next shipout, pending map items are sequentially scanned for their map entries, and an internal map entry database is updated, using the modes below. Then the list of pending map items is cleared. Map entries of fonts already in use are left untouched. New: All \pdfmapfile and \pdfmapline commands can also be given after shipout of the first page. - \pdfmapfile {foo.map} clears the list of pending map items and starts a new list with the only pending file foo.map. When the map entry lines of foo.map are scanned, duplicate map entries are ignored and a warning is issued. This is the old behaviour. - \pdfmapfile {+foo.map} puts foo.map in the list of pending map items. When the map entry lines of foo.map are scanned, duplicate map entries are ignored and a warning is issued. - \pdfmapfile {=foo.map} puts foo.map in the list of pending map items. When foo.map is scanned, matching map entries in database are replaced by new entries from foo.map. - \pdfmapfile {-foo.map} puts foo.map in the list of pending map items. When foo.map is scanned, matching map entries are deleted from database. - \pdfmapfile {} clears the list of pending map items. It does not affect map entries already registered into the database. This is the old behaviour. - New command \pdfmapline {line}. It's like \pdfmapfile but here you can set single map lines like in the map files directly. The modifiers (+-=) have the same effect as with \pdfmapfile. - Simplified the handling of the 14 Type 1 "standard fonts" (Times, Helvetica...): They are now more or less handled like any other Type 1 font. See http://www.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-pdftex/2004-July/000648.html - hz: So far the font expansion feature required that the user must be able to create expanded tfms (eg cmr10+10.tfm). Now font expansion can be used without creating these tfms. See http://www.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-pdftex/2004-May/000504.html - hz: Changed \pdffontexpand primitive --> the expand factor is now fixed to 1000 and the argument is ignored. This will lead to spurious texts of "1000" in your output if you compile old documents. - New command \pdftexbanner which returns a string with the full banner of the current binary (e.g. "This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.20a (Web2C 7.5.3) kpathsea version 3.5.3") - The PTEX.FullBanner key is now inserted in the document info dict instead of the catalog. Newer versions of Acrobat display it. - Now includes support for encTeX. - Extended \pdfannot to use reserveobjnum/useobjnum See http://www.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-pdftex/2004-March/000424.html - Bugfix: pdfTeX would read an .xpdfrc when including pdfs. See http://tug.org/pipermail/pdftex/2004-March/004835.html - Bugfix: The strings in /ID would sometimes be empty. - Bugfix: Even when mapfiles or encodings or PostScript font files were missing, pdfTeX still produced a (most often corrupt) pdf. Now it aborts with an error in these cases. - numerous small bugfixes. - pdfTeX now uses the GNU libavl from Ben Pfaff for managing of fontmap entries. - pdfTeX uses zlib 1.2.1 - pdfTeX uses xpdf 3.00 - pdfTeX uses libpng 1.2.7 ------------------------------------------------ pdfTeX 3.141592-1.11b was released on 2003-10-06 - Bugfix: The handling of /Rotate produced displaced images when /Rotate was 90 or 270. ------------------------------------------------ pdfTeX 3.141592-1.11a was released on 2003-08-02 - New command \pdftrailer analogue to \pdfcatalog whose argument ends up in the trailer dictionary. - The behaviour when an included pdf has a newer version than the one specified with \pdfoptionpdfminorversion can be controlled by the new internal integer \pdfoptionpdfinclusionerrorlevel: If it's 0, pdfTeX gives only a warning; if it's 1, it raises an error. This can also be set in pdftex.cfg with pdf_inclusion_errorlevel - The syntax for outlines has been extended to allow attributes: --> [count ] See http://www.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-pdftex/2003-June/000165.html - The syntax of \pdfobj has been extended: \pdfobj (h, v, m) --> reserveobjnum | [useobjnum ] [] [stream []] --> | When the optional keyword `reserveobjnum' and `useobjnum' is not given, the behaviour is unchanged. See also http://tug.org/mailman/htdig/pdftex/2003-March/003814.html - Bugfix: /CreationDate didn't care for the timezone and could be fooled. See http://www.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-pdftex/2003-July/000223.html - Bugfix: The translation of 8-bit characters in included pdfs that had their eighth bit set sometimes got wrong because of a missing typecast. See http://www.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-pdftex/2003-July/000216.html - Bugfix: pdfTeX -ini would crash with a minimal file because it didn't read it's config and so didn't know anything about fonts. See http://tug.org/pipermail/pdftex/2003-July/004262.html - Bugfix: \pdfstartlink would produce spurious /NewWindow entries. Also the syntax of and has been cleaned up. See http://www.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-pdftex/2003-June/000167.html - Bugfix: \pdffontattr was not used for T3 fonts. See http://tug.org/pipermail/pdftex/2003-June/004127.html - Bugfix: The cropbox of an included pdf would sometimes not be used. See http://tug.org/pipermail/pdftex/2003-May/004037.html - pdfTeX uses xpdf 2.02 ------------------------------------------------ pdfTeX 3.141592-1.10b was released on 2003-02-26 - The numbers in transformation matrices are allways written with maximum precision (see http://tug.org/pipermail/pdftex/2003-February/003596.html). - Incorporated the new version of TeX: 3.141592 - Bugfix: Numbers in pdfs would sometimes be just a wee bit of (changed implementation of pdftoepdf.convertNumToPDF). - Bugfix: When setting the /Producer, /Creator or /CreationDate keys with \pdfinfo pdfTeX would also insert default values which caused duplicate keys in the info dict (see http://tug.org/pipermail/pdftex/2003-February/003524.html). - The reading of mapfiles is much faster (see http://tug.org/pipermail/pdftex/2002-July/002843.html). - Bugfix: AR5 had problems with the CTM when displaying in "fit visible" mode (see http://tug.org/pipermail/pdftex/2002-May/002688.html). - Bugfix: str_in_str had wrong indices (see http://tug.org/pipermail/pdftex/2002-March/002367.html). - Bugfix: decimal_digits defaulted to 0, which caused problems with included images when including pdfs (see http://tug.org/pipermail/pdftex/2003-February/003518.html). It now defaults to 4. - Bugfix: the type of included images was decided based only on the extensions; now pdfTeX looks for magic bytes at the start of files (see http://tug.org/pipermail/pdftex/2003-February/003519.html) ----------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.14159-1.10a was released on 2003-01-16 - pdfTeX is now able to produce pdf1.4 (which is also the default) and has almost complete support for including pdf1.4 files: - Additional attributes like MetaData are copied from included pdfs. - Currently the Page Group attribute (see sections 7.3.6 and 7.5.5 of the pdf 1.4 reference) of included pdfs is NOT copied (as we don't know how to handle this when imposing pdfs). This means including pdfs with transparency features will work as long as the included pdf doesn't use Page Groups; if it does, the result might not be what is expected (One application known to use Page Groups is Adobe Illustrator v9++). The distributed pdfTeX binaries will give a warning about any occurance of a Page Group in an included pdf and ignore the Page Group (thus producing syntactically correct pdfs but probably not the intended output). Acrobat 5++ and newer versions of Jaws display files without Page Groups correctly, so this might not really be a problem. See pdftoepdf.cc for preprocessor flags which allow this behaviour to be changed (copying the Page Group (most likely producing incorrect pdf) or treating Page Groups as errors). - The new primitive \pdfoptionpdfminorversion sets the pdf version of the generated file and the latest allowed pdf version of included pdfs: \pdfoptionpdfminorversion=3 tells pdfTeX to set the pdf version to 1.3 and allows only included pdfs with versions <= 1.3 . The default for \pdfoptionpdfminorversion is 4 for pdf 1.4 This must appear before any data is written to the generated pdf file, so you should put it at the very start of your files. This can also be set in pdftex.cfg with pdf_minorversion - It is now possible to specify the pdf page box to use when including pdfs. The syntax has been extended: \pdfximage [] (h, v, m) --> [] [] [] [] --> mediabox|cropbox|bleedbox|trimbox|artbox The default is cropbox (which defaults to mediabox), to be compatible with previous versions of pdfTeX. The page box specified at \pdfximage can be globally overridden with the config parameter always_use_pdfpagebox and the command \pdfoptionalwaysusepdfpagebox , where 0 is the default (use whatever is specified with \pdfximage), 1 is media, 2 is crop, 3 is bleed, 4 is trim and 5 is artbox. This can only be set once per object, i.e. the value used at \pdfximage is remembered. See the pdf reference for an explanation of the boxes. - The support for the inclusion of jpeg images has been extended to allow the inclusion of JPEG/Exif files which are produced by digital photo cameras (thanks to Hartmut Henkel). - The support for the inclusion of tif images has been removed as it was of limited use (it worked only for gray-scale and rgb images) and produced wrong results (all other images types where treated as rgb images). Tif images can be converted on *nix on-the-fly to pngs with the help of ImageMagick, epstopdf.sty or pdftex.def v0.4 or newer, and this rule: \DeclareGraphicsRule{.tif}{png}{.png}{`convert #1 `basename #1 .tif`.png} - The extensions for pdf encryption have been removed, since they make the pdfTeX code overly complex. Those needing pdf encryption are encouraged to produce a standalone program for encrypting pdfs. - pdfTeX now writes a usage statistic about the pdfTeX specific memory to the log. - numerous bugfixes, most of them in the inclusion of pdfs. - pdfTeX uses xpdf 2.01 - pdfTeX uses libpng 1.2.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.14159-1.00a-pretest-20011127-ojmw was released on 2002-01-29 ---------------------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.14159-1.00a-pretest-20010806 was released on 2001-08-06 ---------------------------------------------------------------- pdfTeX 3.14159-1.00a-pretest-20010804 was released on 2001-08-04 (This file public domain.) // vim: tw=79:ts=2:expandtab:autoindent