/* otp.y: Grammar for OTP files. This file is part of Omega, which is based on the web2c distribution of TeX. Copyright (c) 1994--2001 John Plaice and Yannis Haralambous Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Roozbeh Pournader Omega is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Omega is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Omega; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ %{ #include "otp.h" #include "routines.h" #include "yystype.h" int k, len; static void yyerror(char * msg) { fprintf(stderr, "line %d: %s\n", line_number, msg); } %} %token NUMBER %token ID %token STRING %token LEFTARROW %token RIGHTARROW %token INPUT %token OUTPUT %token ALIASES %token STATES %token TABLES %token EXPRESSIONS %token PUSH %token POP %token DIV %token MOD %token BEG %token END %left '+' '-' %left '*' DIV MOD %% File : Input Output Tables States Aliases Expressions ; Input : /* Empty */ { input_bytes=2; } | INPUT NUMBER ';' { input_bytes=$2.yint; } ; Output : /* Empty */ { output_bytes=2; } | OUTPUT NUMBER ';' { output_bytes=$2.yint; } ; Tables : /* Empty */ | TABLES MoreTables ; MoreTables : OneTable | MoreTables OneTable ; OneTable : ID '[' NUMBER ']' { store_table($1.ystring, $3.yint); } '=' '{' Numbers '}' ';' ; Numbers : /* Empty */ | MoreNumbers ; MoreNumbers : NUMBER { add_to_table($1.yint); } | MoreNumbers ',' NUMBER { add_to_table($3.yint); } ; States : /* Empty */ | STATES MoreStates ';' ; MoreStates : ID { store_state($1.ystring); } | MoreStates ',' ID { store_state($3.ystring); } ; Aliases : /* Empty */ | ALIASES MoreAliases ; MoreAliases : OneAlias | MoreAliases OneAlias ; OneAlias : ID '=' OneCompleteLeft ';' { store_alias($1.ystring, $3.yleft); } ; OneCompleteLeft : STRING { $$.yleft = StringLeft($1.ystring); } | OneLeft '<' NUMBER ',' NUMBER '>' { $$.yleft = CompleteLeft($1.yleft, $3.yint, $5.yint); } | OneLeft '<' NUMBER ',' '>' { $$.yleft = PlusLeft($1.yleft, $3.yint); } | OneLeft '<' NUMBER '>' { $$.yleft = CompleteLeft($1.yleft, $3.yint, $3.yint); } | OneLeft { $$.yleft = $1.yleft; } ; OneLeft : NUMBER { $$.yleft = SingleLeft($1.yint); } | NUMBER '-' NUMBER { $$.yleft = DoubleLeft($1.yint, $3.yint); } | '.' { $$.yleft = WildCard(); } | '^' '(' ChoiceLeft ')' { $$.yleft = NotChoiceLeft($3.ylleft); } | '(' ChoiceLeft ')' { $$.yleft = ChoiceLeft($2.ylleft); } | '{' ID '}' { $$.yleft = lookup_alias($2.ystring); } ; ChoiceLeft : OneLeft { $$.ylleft = llist1($1.yleft); } | ChoiceLeft '|' OneLeft { $$.ylleft = lappend1($1.ylleft, $3.yleft); } ; Expressions : EXPRESSIONS MoreExpressions { for(cur_state=0; cur_state' { cur_state = lookup_state($2.ystring); } ; TotalLeft : BegLeft Left EndLeft { $$.ylleft = lappend($1.ylleft, lappend($2.ylleft, $3.ylleft)); } | BegLeft EndLeft { $$.ylleft = lappend($1.ylleft, $2.ylleft); } ; BegLeft : /* Empty */ { $$.ylleft = nil; } | BEG { $$.ylleft = llist1(BeginningLeft()); } ; EndLeft : /* Empty */ { $$.ylleft = nil; } | END { $$.ylleft = llist1(EndLeft()); } ; Left : OneCompleteLeft { $$.ylleft = llist1($1.yleft); } | Left OneCompleteLeft { $$.ylleft = lappend1($1.ylleft, $2.yleft); } ; Right : /* Empty */ | Right OneRight ; OneRight : STRING { len=strlen($1.ystring); for (k=0; k' { out_int(OTP_STATE_CHANGE, 0); } | '<' ID '>' { out_int(OTP_STATE_CHANGE, lookup_state($2.ystring)); } | '<' PUSH ID '>' { out_int(OTP_STATE_PUSH, lookup_state($3.ystring)); } | '<' POP '>' { out_int(OTP_STATE_POP, 0); } ; %%