/* omfonts.c: Main routine for ofm2opl, opl2ofm, ovf2ovp, ovp2ovf. This file is part of Omega, which is based on the web2c distribution of TeX, Copyright (c) 1994--2001 John Plaice and Yannis Haralambous Omega is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Omega is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Omega; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #define OMFONTS #define OFM2OPL #define OPL2OFM #define OVP2OVF #define OVF2OVP #include "cpascal.h" #include "parser.h" #include "manifests.h" #include "omfonts.h" #include "list_routines.h" #include "error_routines.h" #include "header_routines.h" #include "font_routines.h" #include "param_routines.h" #include "char_routines.h" #include "dimen_routines.h" #include "parse_ofm.h" #include "out_ofm.h" #define PROG_MIN 0 #define PROG_OFM2OPL 0 #define PROG_OPL2OFM 1 #define PROG_OVF2OVP 2 #define PROG_OVP2OVF 3 #define PROG_OMFONTS 4 #define PROG_NUM 5 #define cmdline(i) (argv[i]) int verbose_option; int char_format = CHAR_CODE_NUM; int num_format = NUM_CODE_HEX; int text_format = TEXT_CODE_MIXED; int program; const_string name_ofm = NULL; const_string name_opl = NULL; const_string name_ovp = NULL; const_string name_ovf = NULL; FILE *file_ofm = NULL; FILE *file_opl = NULL; FILE *file_ovp = NULL; FILE *file_ovf = NULL; FILE *file_output = NULL; unsigned char *ofm = NULL; unsigned char *ovf = NULL; unsigned length_ofm = 0; unsigned length_ovf = 0; const_string name_program; const_string OMFONTSHELP[] = { "Usage: omfonts -ofm2opl [OPTION]... FILE...", " omfonts -opl2ofm [OPTION]... FILE...", " omfonts -ovf2ovp [OPTION]... FILE...", " omfonts -ovp2ovf [OPTION]... FILE...", "", "be ofm2opl, opl2ofm, ovf2ovp, or ovp2ovf", NULL }; static const_string names_program[PROG_NUM] = { "ofm2opl", "opl2ofm", "ovf2ovp", "ovp2ovf", "omfonts" }; static const_string *names_help[PROG_NUM] = { OFM2OPLHELP, OPL2OFMHELP, OVF2OVPHELP, OVP2OVFHELP, OMFONTSHELP }; static const_string names_msg[PROG_NUM] = { "This is ofm2opl, Version 2.1", "This is opl2ofm, Version 2.1", "This is ovf2ovp, Version 2.1", "This is ovp2ovf, Version 2.1", "This is omfonts, Version 2.1" }; int no_files=0; const_string *files[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; const_string suffixes[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; const_string full_suffixes[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; static struct option long_options[] = { {"verbose", 0, &verbose_option, 1}, {"char-format", 1, 0, 0}, {"num-format", 1, 0, 0}, {"text-format", 1, 0, 0}, {"ofm2opl", 0, 0, 0}, {"opl2ofm", 0, 0, 0}, {"ovf2ovp", 0, 0, 0}, {"ovp2ovf", 0, 0, 0}, {"help", 0, 0, 0}, {"version", 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; static void read_in_whole(unsigned char **, unsigned *, FILE *, const_string ); static void init_tables(void); int main (int argc, string *argv) { int getopt_return_val; int option_index = 0; name_program = kpse_program_basename(argv[0]); if (FILESTRCASEEQ(name_program, "ofm2opl")) program = PROG_OFM2OPL; else if (FILESTRCASEEQ(name_program, "opl2ofm")) program = PROG_OPL2OFM; else if (FILESTRCASEEQ(name_program, "ovf2ovp")) program = PROG_OVF2OVP; else if (FILESTRCASEEQ(name_program, "ovp2ovf")) program = PROG_OVP2OVF; else program = PROG_OMFONTS; do { getopt_return_val = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, "", long_options, &option_index) ; if (getopt_return_val == -1) { ; } else if ( getopt_return_val == '?' ) { usage (names_program[program]); } else if (!strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "help")) { usagehelp (names_help[program], NULL); } else if (!strcmp(long_options[option_index ].name, "version")) { printversionandexit(names_msg[program], nil, "J. Plaice, Y. Haralambous, D.E. Knuth", nil); } else if (!strcmp(long_options[option_index ].name, "ofm2opl")) { if (program == PROG_OMFONTS) program = PROG_OFM2OPL; else usage (names_program[program]); } else if (!strcmp(long_options[option_index ].name, "opl2ofm")) { if (program == PROG_OMFONTS) program = PROG_OPL2OFM; else usage (names_program[program]); } else if (!strcmp(long_options[option_index ].name, "ovf2ovp")) { if (program == PROG_OMFONTS) program = PROG_OVF2OVP; else usage (names_program[program]); } else if (!strcmp(long_options[option_index ].name, "ovp2ovf")) { if (program == PROG_OMFONTS) program = PROG_OVP2OVF; else usage (names_program[program]); } else if (!strcmp(long_options[option_index ].name, "char-format")) { if (!strcmp(optarg, "ascii")) char_format = CHAR_CODE_ASCII; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "num")) char_format = CHAR_CODE_NUM; else warning_s("Bad character code format (%s)", optarg); } else if (!strcmp(long_options[option_index ].name, "num-format")) { if (!strcmp(optarg, "hex")) num_format = NUM_CODE_HEX; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "octal")) num_format = NUM_CODE_OCTAL; else warning_s("Bad number code format (%s)", optarg); } else if (!strcmp(long_options[option_index ].name, "text-format")) { if (!strcmp(optarg, "upper")) text_format = TEXT_CODE_UPPER; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "mixed")) text_format = TEXT_CODE_MIXED; else warning_s("Bad text code format (%s)", optarg); } } while (getopt_return_val != -1); switch(program) { case PROG_OFM2OPL: { no_files = 2; files[0] = &name_ofm; files[1] = &name_opl; suffixes[0] = "ofm"; suffixes[1] = "opl"; full_suffixes[0] = ".ofm"; full_suffixes[1] = ".opl"; break; } case PROG_OPL2OFM: { no_files = 2; files[0] = &name_opl; files[1] = &name_ofm; suffixes[0] = "opl"; suffixes[1] = "ofm"; full_suffixes[0] = ".opl"; full_suffixes[1] = ".ofm"; break; } case PROG_OVF2OVP: { no_files = 3; files[0] = &name_ovf; files[1] = &name_ofm; files[2] = &name_ovp; suffixes[0] = "ovf"; suffixes[1] = "ofm"; suffixes[2] = "ovp"; full_suffixes[0] = ".ovf"; full_suffixes[1] = ".ofm"; full_suffixes[2] = ".ovp"; break; } case PROG_OVP2OVF: { no_files = 3; files[0] = &name_ovp; files[1] = &name_ovf; files[2] = &name_ofm; suffixes[0] = "ovp"; suffixes[1] = "ovf"; suffixes[2] = "ofm"; full_suffixes[0] = ".ovp"; full_suffixes[1] = ".ovf"; full_suffixes[2] = ".ofm"; break; } default: { fprintf(stderr , "Unrecognized program: %s\n", name_program); fprintf(stderr , "This binary supports ofm2opl, opl2ofm, ovf2ovp, and ovp2ovf\n"); usage ("omfonts"); } } name_program = names_program[program]; kpse_set_program_name(argv[0], name_program); kpse_init_prog(uppercasify(name_program), 0, nil, nil); if (((argc-optind) > no_files) || ((argc-optind) < 1)) { fprintf(stderr , "%s: %s\n", name_program, no_files == 2 ? "Need one or two file arguments." : "Need one to three file arguments."); usage (name_program); } *(files[0]) = extend_filename(cmdline(optind) , suffixes[0]); if (optind+2 <= argc) { *(files[1]) = extend_filename(cmdline(optind+1) , suffixes[1]); if (no_files == 3) { if (optind+3 <= argc) { *(files[2]) = extend_filename(cmdline(optind+2) , suffixes[2]); } else if (program == PROG_OVP2OVF) { *(files[2]) = make_suffix(cmdline(optind+1), suffixes[2]); } } } else if (program != PROG_OFM2OPL) { *(files[1]) = basenamechangesuffix(*(files[0]), full_suffixes[0], full_suffixes[1]); if ((no_files == 3) && (program == PROG_OVP2OVF)) { *(files[2]) = basenamechangesuffix(*(files[0]), full_suffixes[0], full_suffixes[2]); } } switch(program) { case PROG_OFM2OPL: { file_ofm = kpse_open_file(name_ofm, kpse_ofm_format); read_in_whole(&ofm, &length_ofm, file_ofm, name_ofm); (void)fclose(file_ofm); if (name_opl==NULL) file_opl = stdout; else rewrite(file_opl, name_opl); file_output = file_opl; parse_ofm(FALSE); break; } case PROG_OVF2OVP: { file_ovf = kpse_open_file(name_ovf, kpse_ovf_format); read_in_whole(&ovf, &length_ovf, file_ovf, name_ovf); (void)fclose(file_ovf); file_ofm = kpse_open_file(name_ofm, kpse_ofm_format); read_in_whole(&ofm, &length_ofm, file_ofm, name_ofm); (void)fclose(file_ofm); if (name_ovp==NULL) file_ovp = stdout; else rewrite(file_ovp, name_ovp); file_output = file_ovp; parse_ofm(TRUE); break; } case PROG_OPL2OFM: { file_opl = kpse_open_file(name_opl, kpse_opl_format); rewritebin(file_ofm, name_ofm); init_tables(); yyin = file_opl; (void)yyparse(); output_ofm_file(); (void)fclose(file_ofm); if (num_errors > 0) exit(1); break; } case PROG_OVP2OVF: { file_ovp = kpse_open_file(name_ovp, kpse_ovp_format); rewritebin(file_ovf, name_ovf); rewritebin(file_ofm, name_ofm); init_tables(); yyin = file_ovp; (void)yyparse(); output_ofm_file(); (void)fclose(file_ofm); output_ovf_file(); (void)fclose(file_ovf); if (num_errors > 0) exit(1); break; } default: {exit(1);} } exit(0); } #define BIG_BLOCK 0x20000 #define LITTLE_BLOCK 0x1000 static void read_in_whole(unsigned char **contents_loc, unsigned *length_loc, FILE *file, const_string name) { unsigned no_read; unsigned no_total_read = 0; unsigned size = BIG_BLOCK; string where; string current_block; current_block = (char *) xmalloc(size); where = current_block; while (1) { no_read = fread(where, 1, LITTLE_BLOCK, file); no_total_read += no_read; if ((no_total_read+LITTLE_BLOCK) > size) { size *= 2; current_block = (char *) xrealloc(current_block, size); } where = current_block + no_total_read; if (ferror(file)) { fatal_error_s("Error while reading file %s", name); } else if (feof(file)) { break; } } *contents_loc = (unsigned char *) current_block; *length_loc = no_total_read; } static void init_tables(void) { font_table_init(); /* subsidiary fonts in virtual fonts */ init_header(); init_planes(); init_measures(); }