/* font_routines.c: Data structures for virtual font support This file is part of Omega, which is based on the web2c distribution of TeX, Copyright (C) 1994--2001 John Plaice and Yannis Haralambous Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Roozbeh Pournader Omega is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Omega is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Omega; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "cpascal.h" #include "manifests.h" #include "dvi.h" #include "error_routines.h" #include "list_routines.h" #include "font_routines.h" #include "char_routines.h" #include "header_routines.h" #include "print_routines.h" #include "out_routines.h" #include "omfonts.h" #define BLOCK 256 font *font_table = NULL; unsigned font_table_size = 0; unsigned no_fonts = 0; font *cur_font = NULL; unsigned cur_font_index = 0; unsigned vtitle_length = 0; unsigned vf_check_sum = 0; unsigned vf_design_size = 0; void font_table_init(void) { font_table_size = BLOCK; font_table = (font *) xmalloc(font_table_size); no_fonts = 0; } static void font_no_incr(void) { if (no_fonts * BLOCK == font_table_size) { font_table_size += BLOCK; font_table = (font *) xrealloc(font_table, font_table_size); } no_fonts++; } void clear_map_font(int font_number) { if (cur_font==NULL) internal_error_0("clear_map_font"); cur_font->font_number = font_number; cur_font->font_name = NULL; cur_font->font_area = NULL; cur_font->font_at = design_units; cur_font->font_checksum = 0; cur_font->font_dsize = 10*UNITY; cur_font->font_at_defined = FALSE; cur_font->font_checksum_defined = FALSE; cur_font->font_dsize_defined = FALSE; cur_font->ovf_packet = NULL; cur_font->ovf_packet_length = 0; } void init_map_font(int font_number) { unsigned i=0; while (ifont_area != NULL) free(cur_font->font_area); if (cur_font->font_name != NULL) free(cur_font->font_name); if (cur_font->ovf_packet != NULL) free(cur_font->ovf_packet); clear_map_font(font_number); break; } i++; } if (i==no_fonts) { font_no_incr(); cur_font = &font_table[i]; clear_map_font(font_number); } packet_table_init(); append_command(DVI_FNT_DEF_1, i); cur_font_index = i; cur_font = &font_table[i]; cur_font->ovf_packet = cur_packet; cur_font->ovf_packet_length = packet_ptr; packet_table_end(); } void set_font_name(string name) { if (cur_font==NULL) { internal_error_0("set_font_name"); } if (cur_font->font_name != NULL) { warning_0("FONTNAME previously defined; old value ignored"); free(cur_font->font_name); cur_font->font_name=NULL; } cur_font->font_name = name; } void set_font_area(string area) { if (cur_font==NULL) { internal_error_0("set_font_area"); } if (cur_font->font_area != NULL) { warning_0("FONTAREA previously defined; old value ignored"); free(cur_font->font_area); cur_font->font_area=NULL; } cur_font->font_area = area; } void set_font_check_sum(unsigned cs) { if (cur_font==NULL) { internal_error_0("set_font_check_sum"); } if (cur_font->font_checksum_defined != FALSE) { warning_0("FONTCHECKSUM previously defined; old value ignored"); } cur_font->font_checksum = cs; cur_font->font_checksum_defined = TRUE; } void set_font_at(fix at) { if (cur_font==NULL) { internal_error_0("set_font_at"); } if (cur_font->font_at_defined != FALSE) { warning_0("FONTAT previously defined; old value ignored"); } cur_font->font_at = at; cur_font->font_at_defined = TRUE; } void set_font_design_size(fix ds) { if (cur_font==NULL) { internal_error_0("set_font_design_size"); } if (cur_font->font_dsize_defined != FALSE) { warning_0("FONTDSIZE previously defined; old value ignored"); } cur_font->font_dsize = ds; cur_font->font_dsize_defined = TRUE; } string vtitle = NULL; void set_vtitle(string title) { if (vtitle!=NULL) { warning_0("VTITLE previously defined; old value ignored"); free(vtitle); vtitle = NULL; } vtitle = title; } unsigned packet_table_size = 0; unsigned char *packet_table = NULL; unsigned char *cur_packet = NULL; unsigned packet_ptr = 0; void packet_table_init(void) { packet_table_size = BLOCK; packet_table = (unsigned char *) xmalloc(packet_table_size); packet_ptr = 0; cur_packet = packet_table; } static void packet_ptr_incr(void) { if (packet_ptr == packet_table_size) { packet_table_size += BLOCK; packet_table = (unsigned char *) xrealloc(packet_table, packet_table_size); } packet_ptr++; } static void append_to_packet(unsigned val) { packet_ptr_incr(); packet_table[packet_ptr-1] = val & 0xff; } void init_map(void) { move_table_init(); packet_table_init(); } void end_map(void) { current_character->ovf_packet = cur_packet; current_character->ovf_packet_length = packet_ptr; packet_table_end(); } void append_command_2(unsigned cmd_0, unsigned max_n, unsigned cmd_1, unsigned actual) { if ((actual < 0) || (actual > 0x7fffffff)) internal_error_1("append_command (actual=%d)", actual); if ((cmd_0 + actual) <= max_n) append_to_packet(cmd_0 + actual); else append_command(cmd_1, actual); } void append_command(unsigned cmd_1, unsigned actual) { if ((cmd_1 != DVI_SET_1) && (cmd_1 != DVI_FNT_1) && (cmd_1 != DVI_FNT_DEF_1) && (cmd_1 != DVI_XXX_1)) { internal_error_1("append_command (cmd_1=%d)", cmd_1); } if (actual < 0x100) { append_to_packet(cmd_1); append_to_packet(actual); } else if (actual < 0x10000) { append_to_packet(cmd_1 + 1); append_to_packet(actual >> 8); append_to_packet(actual & 0xff); } else if (actual < 0x1000000) { append_to_packet(cmd_1 + 2); append_to_packet(actual >> 16); append_to_packet((actual >> 8) & 0xff); append_to_packet(actual & 0xff); } else { append_to_packet(cmd_1 + 3); /* BUG: Should deal with negative numbers */ append_to_packet((actual >> 24) & 0xff); append_to_packet((actual >> 16) & 0xff); append_to_packet((actual >> 8) & 0xff); append_to_packet(actual & 0xff); } } unsigned char *ovf_ptr=NULL; int ovf_get_arg(unsigned char **ptr, unsigned k, boolean is_signed) { int a, b; if (k>4) internal_error_1("ovf_get_arg (k=%d)", k); a = b = (int) ((**ptr) & 0xff); (*ptr)++; if ((is_signed==TRUE) || (k==4)) { /* 4-byte numbers are signed */ if (b > 0x7f) { a = a - 0x100; } } while (k>1) { b = (**ptr) & 0xff; (*ptr)++; a = 0x100 * a + b; k--; } return a; } void input_command(unsigned *cmd, int *actual) { unsigned the_cmd = *ovf_ptr & 0xff; ovf_ptr++; if ((the_cmd>=DVI_SET_CHAR_0) && (the_cmd<=DVI_SET_CHAR_127)) { (*cmd)=DVI_SET_1; (*actual) = the_cmd; } else if ((the_cmd>=DVI_SET_1) && (the_cmd<=DVI_SET_4)) { (*cmd)=DVI_SET_1; (*actual) = ovf_get_arg(&ovf_ptr, the_cmd - DVI_SET_1 + 1, FALSE); } else if ((the_cmd>=DVI_FNT_NUM_0) && (the_cmd<=DVI_FNT_NUM_63)) { (*cmd)=DVI_FNT_1; (*actual) = the_cmd - DVI_FNT_NUM_0; } else if ((the_cmd>=DVI_FNT_1) && (the_cmd<=DVI_FNT_4)) { (*cmd)=DVI_FNT_1; (*actual) = ovf_get_arg(&ovf_ptr, the_cmd - DVI_FNT_1 + 1, FALSE); } else if ((the_cmd>=DVI_FNT_DEF_1) && (the_cmd<=DVI_FNT_DEF_4)) { (*cmd)=DVI_FNT_DEF_1; (*actual) = ovf_get_arg(&ovf_ptr, the_cmd - DVI_FNT_DEF_1 + 1, FALSE); } else if ((the_cmd>=DVI_XXX_1) && (the_cmd<=DVI_XXX_4)) { (*cmd)=DVI_XXX_1; (*actual) = ovf_get_arg(&ovf_ptr, the_cmd - DVI_XXX_1 + 1, FALSE); } else if ((the_cmd>=DVI_RIGHT_1) && (the_cmd<=DVI_RIGHT_4)) { (*cmd)=DVI_RIGHT_1; (*actual) = ovf_get_arg(&ovf_ptr, the_cmd - DVI_RIGHT_1 + 1, TRUE); } else if ((the_cmd>=DVI_DOWN_1) && (the_cmd<=DVI_DOWN_4)) { (*cmd)=DVI_DOWN_1; (*actual) = ovf_get_arg(&ovf_ptr, the_cmd - DVI_DOWN_1 + 1, TRUE); } else if ((the_cmd>=DVI_W_1) && (the_cmd<=DVI_W_4)) { (*cmd)=DVI_W_1; (*actual) = ovf_get_arg(&ovf_ptr, the_cmd - DVI_W_1 + 1, TRUE); } else if ((the_cmd>=DVI_X_1) && (the_cmd<=DVI_X_4)) { (*cmd)=DVI_X_1; (*actual) = ovf_get_arg(&ovf_ptr, the_cmd - DVI_X_1 + 1, TRUE); } else if ((the_cmd>=DVI_Y_1) && (the_cmd<=DVI_Y_4)) { (*cmd)=DVI_Y_1; (*actual) = ovf_get_arg(&ovf_ptr, the_cmd - DVI_Y_1 + 1, TRUE); } else if ((the_cmd>=DVI_Z_1) && (the_cmd<=DVI_Z_4)) { (*cmd)=DVI_Z_1; (*actual) = ovf_get_arg(&ovf_ptr, the_cmd - DVI_Z_1 + 1, TRUE); } } void append_to_packet_fix(unsigned cmd, fix fval) { unsigned k; unsigned negative=FALSE; int t; if (design_units != UNITY) fval = zround(((double)fval) / ((double)design_units) * 1048576.0); if (fval<0) { negative = TRUE; fval = -1 - fval; } if (cmd == 0) { k = 4; t = 0x1000000; } else { t = 0x7f; k = 1; while (fval>t) { t = (t<<8) | 0xff; k++; } append_to_packet(cmd+k-1); t = t/0x80 + 1; } do { if (negative == TRUE) { append_to_packet(0xff - fval/t); fval = (fval/t)*t + t-1-fval; negative = FALSE; } else { append_to_packet((fval/t) & 0xff); } k--; t = t >> 8; } while (k != 0); } unsigned move_table_size = 0; move *move_table = NULL; move *cur_move = NULL; unsigned move_ptr = 0; void move_table_init(void) { if (move_table == NULL) { move_table_size = BLOCK; move_table = (move *) xmalloc(move_table_size); } move_ptr = 0; cur_move = move_table; cur_move->h = 0; cur_move->v = 0; } void packet_table_end(void) { cur_packet = NULL; packet_ptr = 0; packet_table_size = 0; } static void move_ptr_decr(void) { if (move_ptr==0) internal_error_0("move_ptr_incr"); move_ptr--; cur_move = &move_table[move_ptr]; } static void move_ptr_incr(void) { if (move_ptr == move_table_size) { move_table_size += BLOCK; move_table = (move *) xrealloc(move_table, move_table_size); } move_ptr++; cur_move = &move_table[move_ptr]; } unsigned get_hex(unsigned char c) { if ((c>='0') && (c<='9')) return(c-'0'); if ((c<'A') || (c>'F')) { internal_error_1("get_hex (a=%c)", c); } return(c-'A'+10); } void set_select_font(unsigned f) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < no_fonts; i++) if (f == font_table[i].font_number) { append_command_2(DVI_FNT_NUM_0, DVI_FNT_NUM_63, DVI_FNT_1, i); return; } internal_error_1("undefined MAPFONT %d cannot be selected", f); } void set_set_char(unsigned c) { if (cur_font==NULL) { warning_1("Character (H %X) cannot be typeset in undefined font", c); } else { append_command_2(DVI_SET_CHAR_0, DVI_SET_CHAR_127, DVI_SET_1, c); } } void set_set_rule(fix height, fix width) { append_to_packet(DVI_SET_RULE); append_to_packet_fix(0, height); append_to_packet_fix(0, width); } void set_move(unsigned direction, fix fval) { if (cur_move == NULL) { internal_error_0("set_move"); } if (direction == M_LEFT) { fval = -fval; direction = M_RIGHT; } else if (direction == M_UP) { fval = -fval; direction = M_DOWN; } if (direction == M_RIGHT) { /* horizontal movement */ if (cur_move->h == 0) { cur_move->wfix = fval; cur_move->h++; append_to_packet_fix(DVI_W_1, fval); } else if (fval == cur_move->wfix) { append_to_packet(DVI_W_0); } else if (cur_move->h == 1) { cur_move->xfix = fval; cur_move->h++; append_to_packet_fix(DVI_X_1, fval); } else if (fval == cur_move->xfix) { append_to_packet(DVI_X_0); } else { append_to_packet_fix(DVI_RIGHT_1, fval); } } else { /* vertical movement */ if (cur_move->v == 0) { cur_move->yfix = fval; cur_move->v++; append_to_packet_fix(DVI_Y_1, fval); } else if (fval == cur_move->yfix) { append_to_packet(DVI_Y_0); } else if (cur_move->v == 1) { cur_move->zfix = fval; cur_move->v++; append_to_packet_fix(DVI_Z_1, fval); } else if (fval == cur_move->zfix) { append_to_packet(DVI_Z_0); } else { append_to_packet_fix(DVI_DOWN_1, fval); } } } void set_push(void) { append_to_packet(DVI_PUSH); move_ptr_incr(); cur_move->h = 0; cur_move->v = 0; } void set_pop(void) { append_to_packet(DVI_POP); move_ptr_decr(); } void set_special(string special_string) { unsigned len = strlen(special_string); unsigned i=0; append_command(DVI_XXX_1, len); for (i=0; i>24, file_ovf); fputc((i>>16)&0xff, file_ovf); fputc((i>>8)&0xff, file_ovf); fputc(i&0xff, file_ovf); file_ovf_count += 4; } static void output_ovf_fonts(void) { unsigned i, j, k1, k2; for (i=0; iovf_packet_length; j++) out_ovf(cur_font->ovf_packet[j]); out_ovf_4(cur_font->font_checksum); out_ovf_4(cur_font->font_at); out_ovf_4((unsigned int)cur_font->font_dsize); if (cur_font->font_area != NULL) { k2 = strlen(cur_font->font_area); out_ovf(k2); } else { k2 = 0; out_ovf(0); } if (cur_font->font_name != NULL) { k1 = strlen(cur_font->font_name); out_ovf(k1); } else { k1 = 4; out_ovf(4); } if (cur_font->font_area != NULL) { for (j=0; jfont_area[j]); } if (cur_font->font_name != NULL) { for (j=0; jfont_name[j]); } else { out_ovf('N'); out_ovf('U'); out_ovf('L'); out_ovf('L'); } } } void output_ovf_file(void) { unsigned i, k; out_ovf(DVI_PRE); out_ovf(VF_ID); /* Check for vtitle==NULL by Joel Riou */ k = vtitle ? strlen(vtitle) : 0; out_ovf(k); for (i=0; i= DVI_FNT_DEF_1) && ((*ovf_ptr & 0xff) <= DVI_FNT_DEF_4)) { cur_font_index = no_fonts; cur_font = &(font_table[cur_font_index]); font_no_incr(); input_command(&cmd, &(cur_font->font_number)); print_map_font(cur_font->font_number); in_ovf_unsigned_4(&cur_font_check_sum); cur_font_at = ovf_get_arg(&ovf_ptr, 4, FALSE); cur_font_dsize = ovf_get_arg(&ovf_ptr, 4, FALSE); in_ovf(&cur_font_area_length); in_ovf(&cur_font_name_length); cur_font_area = NULL; if (cur_font_area_length != 0) { cur_font_area = (char *)xmalloc(cur_font_area_length+1); strncpy(cur_font_area, (const char *)ovf_ptr, cur_font_area_length); cur_font_area[cur_font_area_length] = '\0'; ovf_ptr += cur_font_area_length; print_font_area(cur_font_area); } cur_font_name = NULL; if (cur_font_name_length != 0) { cur_font_name = (char *)xmalloc(cur_font_name_length+1); strncpy(cur_font_name, (const char *)ovf_ptr, cur_font_name_length); cur_font_name[cur_font_name_length] = '\0'; ovf_ptr += cur_font_name_length; print_font_name(cur_font_name); } print_font_check_sum(cur_font_check_sum); print_font_at(cur_font_at); print_font_design_size(cur_font_dsize); right(); } } void input_ovf_chars(void) { int pl,cc,wd; while ((*ovf_ptr & 0xff) <= VF_LONG_CHAR) { if ((*ovf_ptr & 0xff) == VF_LONG_CHAR) { ovf_ptr++; in_ovf_4(&pl); in_ovf_4(&cc); in_ovf_4(&wd); } else { in_ovf(&pl); in_ovf(&cc); in_ovf_3(&wd); } ensure_existence(cc); current_secondary_character->ovf_packet_length = pl; current_secondary_character->ovf_packet = ovf_ptr; ovf_ptr += pl; } while (ovf_ptr < (ovf+length_ovf)) { if ((*ovf_ptr & 0xff) != DVI_POST) fatal_error_0("Not a VF or OVF file; final bytes should be 248"); ovf_ptr++; } }