@x @!file_line_error_style_p:boolean; {file:line:error style messages.} @y @!file_line_error_style_p:boolean; {output file:line:error style errors.} @!halt_on_error_p:boolean; {stop at first error.} @!quoted_filename : boolean; @z @x ready_already:=0; if (history <> spotless) and (history <> warning_issued) then @y ready_already:=0; texmf_finish_job; if (history <> spotless) and (history <> warning_issued) then @z @x else begin print_char("."); show_context end; @y else begin print_char("."); show_context end; if (halt_on_error_p) then begin history:=fatal_error_stop; jump_out; end; @z @x area_delimiter:=-1; ext_delimiter:=-1; end; @y area_delimiter:=-1; ext_delimiter:=-1; quoted_filename:=false; end; @z @x begin if stop_at_space and ((c=" ")or(c=tab)) then more_name:=false else begin if IS_DIR_SEP (c) then @y begin if c="""" then begin quoted_filename:=not quoted_filename; more_name:=true; end; if ((c=" ")or(c=tab)) and stop_at_space and (not quoted_filename) then more_name:=false else begin if (c="*") then c:=" " else if (c="?") then c:="~"; if IS_DIR_SEP (c) then @z @x @= procedure print_file_name(@!n,@!a,@!e:integer); begin print(a); print(n); print(e); end; @y @d print_file_name==texmf_print_file_name @z @x @d append_to_name(#)==begin c:=#; incr(k); if k<=file_name_size then name_of_file[k]:=xchr[c]; end @y @d append_to_name(#)==begin c:=#; if not (c="""") then begin incr(k); if k<=file_name_size then name_of_file[k]:=xchr[c]; end end @z @x @p begin @!{|start_here|} @y @p begin @!{|start_here|} texmf_start_job; @z