@x [0] MFLua % This program is copyright (C) 1984 by D. E. Knuth; all rights are reserved. @y % This program is MFLua, strictly based on the METAFONT 2.7182818 source code. % What follow are the original comments of METAFONT 2.7182818. % This program is copyright (C) 1984 by D. E. Knuth; all rights are reserved. @z @x [0] MFLua \def\MF{{\tenlogo META}\-{\tenlogo FONT}} @y %\def\MF{{\tenlogo META}\-{\tenlogo FONT}} \def\MF{{\tenlogo MF}{\mc LUA}} @z @x [1.2] MFLua @d banner=='This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182818' {printed when \MF\ starts} @y @d METAFONT_banner=='This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182818' {printed when \MF\ starts} @# @d MFLua_version_string=='-0.5' @# @d MFLua_banner=='This is MFLua, Version 2.7182818', MFLua_version_string {printed when MFLua starts} @# @d banner==MFLua_banner @z @x [12.186] MFLua - runscript primitive At any rate, here is the list, for future reference. @d if_test=1 {conditional text (\&{if})} @d fi_or_else=2 {delimiters for conditionals (\&{elseif}, \&{else}, \&{fi})} @d input=3 {input a source file (\&{input}, \&{endinput})} @d iteration=4 {iterate (\&{for}, \&{forsuffixes}, \&{forever}, \&{endfor})} @d repeat_loop=5 {special command substituted for \&{endfor}} @d exit_test=6 {premature exit from a loop (\&{exitif})} @d relax=7 {do nothing (\.{\char`\\})} @d scan_tokens=8 {put a string into the input buffer} @d expand_after=9 {look ahead one token} @d defined_macro=10 {a macro defined by the user} @d min_command=defined_macro+1 @d display_command=11 {online graphic output (\&{display})} @d save_command=12 {save a list of tokens (\&{save})} @d interim_command=13 {save an internal quantity (\&{interim})} @d let_command=14 {redefine a symbolic token (\&{let})} @d new_internal=15 {define a new internal quantity (\&{newinternal})} @d macro_def=16 {define a macro (\&{def}, \&{vardef}, etc.)} @d ship_out_command=17 {output a character (\&{shipout})} @d add_to_command=18 {add to edges (\&{addto})} @d cull_command=19 {cull and normalize edges (\&{cull})} @d tfm_command=20 {command for font metric info (\&{ligtable}, etc.)} @d protection_command=21 {set protection flag (\&{outer}, \&{inner})} @d show_command=22 {diagnostic output (\&{show}, \&{showvariable}, etc.)} @d mode_command=23 {set interaction level (\&{batchmode}, etc.)} @d random_seed=24 {initialize random number generator (\&{randomseed})} @d message_command=25 {communicate to user (\&{message}, \&{errmessage})} @d every_job_command=26 {designate a starting token (\&{everyjob})} @d delimiters=27 {define a pair of delimiters (\&{delimiters})} @d open_window=28 {define a window on the screen (\&{openwindow})} @d special_command=29 {output special info (\&{special}, \&{numspecial})} @d type_name=30 {declare a type (\&{numeric}, \&{pair}, etc.)} @d max_statement_command=type_name @d min_primary_command=type_name @d left_delimiter=31 {the left delimiter of a matching pair} @d begin_group=32 {beginning of a group (\&{begingroup})} @d nullary=33 {an operator without arguments (e.g., \&{normaldeviate})} @d unary=34 {an operator with one argument (e.g., \&{sqrt})} @d str_op=35 {convert a suffix to a string (\&{str})} @d cycle=36 {close a cyclic path (\&{cycle})} @d primary_binary=37 {binary operation taking `\&{of}' (e.g., \&{point})} @d capsule_token=38 {a value that has been put into a token list} @d string_token=39 {a string constant (e.g., |"hello"|)} @d internal_quantity=40 {internal numeric parameter (e.g., \&{pausing})} @d min_suffix_token=internal_quantity @d tag_token=41 {a symbolic token without a primitive meaning} @d numeric_token=42 {a numeric constant (e.g., \.{3.14159})} @d max_suffix_token=numeric_token @d plus_or_minus=43 {either `\.+' or `\.-'} @d max_primary_command=plus_or_minus {should also be |numeric_token+1|} @d min_tertiary_command=plus_or_minus @d tertiary_secondary_macro=44 {a macro defined by \&{secondarydef}} @d tertiary_binary=45 {an operator at the tertiary level (e.g., `\.{++}')} @d max_tertiary_command=tertiary_binary @d left_brace=46 {the operator `\.{\char`\{}'} @d min_expression_command=left_brace @d path_join=47 {the operator `\.{..}'} @d ampersand=48 {the operator `\.\&'} @d expression_tertiary_macro=49 {a macro defined by \&{tertiarydef}} @d expression_binary=50 {an operator at the expression level (e.g., `\.<')} @d equals=51 {the operator `\.='} @d max_expression_command=equals @d and_command=52 {the operator `\&{and}'} @d min_secondary_command=and_command @d secondary_primary_macro=53 {a macro defined by \&{primarydef}} @d slash=54 {the operator `\./'} @d secondary_binary=55 {an operator at the binary level (e.g., \&{shifted})} @d max_secondary_command=secondary_binary @d param_type=56 {type of parameter (\&{primary}, \&{expr}, \&{suffix}, etc.)} @d controls=57 {specify control points explicitly (\&{controls})} @d tension=58 {specify tension between knots (\&{tension})} @d at_least=59 {bounded tension value (\&{atleast})} @d curl_command=60 {specify curl at an end knot (\&{curl})} @d macro_special=61 {special macro operators (\&{quote}, \.{\#\AT!}, etc.)} @d right_delimiter=62 {the right delimiter of a matching pair} @d left_bracket=63 {the operator `\.['} @d right_bracket=64 {the operator `\.]'} @d right_brace=65 {the operator `\.{\char`\}}'} @d with_option=66 {option for filling (\&{withpen}, \&{withweight})} @d cull_op=67 {the operator `\&{keeping}' or `\&{dropping}'} @d thing_to_add=68 {variant of \&{addto} (\&{contour}, \&{doublepath}, \&{also})} @d of_token=69 {the operator `\&{of}'} @d from_token=70 {the operator `\&{from}'} @d to_token=71 {the operator `\&{to}'} @d at_token=72 {the operator `\&{at}'} @d in_window=73 {the operator `\&{inwindow}'} @d step_token=74 {the operator `\&{step}'} @d until_token=75 {the operator `\&{until}'} @d lig_kern_token=76 {the operators `\&{kern}' and `\.{=:}' and `\.{=:\char'174}', etc.} @d assignment=77 {the operator `\.{:=}'} @d skip_to=78 {the operation `\&{skipto}'} @d bchar_label=79 {the operator `\.{\char'174\char'174:}'} @d double_colon=80 {the operator `\.{::}'} @d colon=81 {the operator `\.:'} @# @d comma=82 {the operator `\.,', must be |colon+1|} @d end_of_statement==cur_cmd>comma @d semicolon=83 {the operator `\.;', must be |comma+1|} @d end_group=84 {end a group (\&{endgroup}), must be |semicolon+1|} @d stop=85 {end a job (\&{end}, \&{dump}), must be |end_group+1|} @d max_command_code=stop @d outer_tag=max_command_code+1 {protection code added to command code} @y At any rate, here is the list, for future reference. @d delta_code=1 {n. of new primitives added } @d if_test=1 {conditional text (\&{if})} @d fi_or_else=2 {delimiters for conditionals (\&{elseif}, \&{else}, \&{fi})} @d input=3 {input a source file (\&{input}, \&{endinput})} @d iteration=4 {iterate (\&{for}, \&{forsuffixes}, \&{forever}, \&{endfor})} @d repeat_loop=5 {special command substituted for \&{endfor}} @d exit_test=6 {premature exit from a loop (\&{exitif})} @d relax=7 {do nothing (\.{\char`\\})} @d scan_tokens=8 {put a string into the input buffer} @d run_script=8+delta_code {execute a Lua script} @d expand_after=9+delta_code {look ahead one token} @d defined_macro=10+delta_code {a macro defined by the user} @d min_command=defined_macro+1 @d display_command=11+delta_code {online graphic output (\&{display})} @d save_command=12+delta_code {save a list of tokens (\&{save})} @d interim_command=13+delta_code {save an internal quantity (\&{interim})} @d let_command=14+delta_code {redefine a symbolic token (\&{let})} @d new_internal=15+delta_code {define a new internal quantity (\&{newinternal})} @d macro_def=16+delta_code {define a macro (\&{def}, \&{vardef}, etc.)} @d ship_out_command=17+delta_code {output a character (\&{shipout})} @d add_to_command=18+delta_code {add to edges (\&{addto})} @d cull_command=19+delta_code {cull and normalize edges (\&{cull})} @d tfm_command=20+delta_code {command for font metric info (\&{ligtable}, etc.)} @d protection_command=21+delta_code {set protection flag (\&{outer}, \&{inner})} @d show_command=22+delta_code {diagnostic output (\&{show}, \&{showvariable}, etc.)} @d mode_command=23+delta_code {set interaction level (\&{batchmode}, etc.)} @d random_seed=24+delta_code {initialize random number generator (\&{randomseed})} @d message_command=25+delta_code {communicate to user (\&{message}, \&{errmessage})} @d every_job_command=26+delta_code {designate a starting token (\&{everyjob})} @d delimiters=27+delta_code {define a pair of delimiters (\&{delimiters})} @d open_window=28+delta_code {define a window on the screen (\&{openwindow})} @d special_command=29+delta_code {output special info (\&{special}, \&{numspecial})} @d type_name=30+delta_code {declare a type (\&{numeric}, \&{pair}, etc.)} @d max_statement_command=type_name @d min_primary_command=type_name @d left_delimiter=31+delta_code {the left delimiter of a matching pair} @d begin_group=32+delta_code {beginning of a group (\&{begingroup})} @d nullary=33+delta_code {an operator without arguments (e.g., \&{normaldeviate})} @d unary=34+delta_code {an operator with one argument (e.g., \&{sqrt})} @d str_op=35+delta_code {convert a suffix to a string (\&{str})} @d cycle=36+delta_code {close a cyclic path (\&{cycle})} @d primary_binary=37+delta_code {binary operation taking `\&{of}' (e.g., \&{point})} @d capsule_token=38+delta_code {a value that has been put into a token list} @d string_token=39+delta_code {a string constant (e.g., |"hello"|)} @d internal_quantity=40+delta_code {internal numeric parameter (e.g., \&{pausing})} @d min_suffix_token=internal_quantity @d tag_token=41+delta_code {a symbolic token without a primitive meaning} @d numeric_token=42+delta_code {a numeric constant (e.g., \.{3.14159})} @d max_suffix_token=numeric_token @d plus_or_minus=43+delta_code {either `\.+' or `\.-'} @d max_primary_command=plus_or_minus {should also be |numeric_token+1|} @d min_tertiary_command=plus_or_minus @d tertiary_secondary_macro=44+delta_code {a macro defined by \&{secondarydef}} @d tertiary_binary=45+delta_code {an operator at the tertiary level (e.g., `\.{++}')} @d max_tertiary_command=tertiary_binary @d left_brace=46+delta_code {the operator `\.{\char`\{}'} @d min_expression_command=left_brace @d path_join=47+delta_code {the operator `\.{..}'} @d ampersand=48+delta_code {the operator `\.\&'} @d expression_tertiary_macro=49+delta_code {a macro defined by \&{tertiarydef}} @d expression_binary=50+delta_code {an operator at the expression level (e.g., `\.<')} @d equals=51+delta_code {the operator `\.='} @d max_expression_command=equals @d and_command=52+delta_code {the operator `\&{and}'} @d min_secondary_command=and_command @d secondary_primary_macro=53+delta_code {a macro defined by \&{primarydef}} @d slash=54+delta_code {the operator `\./'} @d secondary_binary=55+delta_code {an operator at the binary level (e.g., \&{shifted})} @d max_secondary_command=secondary_binary @d param_type=56+delta_code {type of parameter (\&{primary}, \&{expr}, \&{suffix}, etc.)} @d controls=57+delta_code {specify control points explicitly (\&{controls})} @d tension=58+delta_code {specify tension between knots (\&{tension})} @d at_least=59+delta_code {bounded tension value (\&{atleast})} @d curl_command=60+delta_code {specify curl at an end knot (\&{curl})} @d macro_special=61+delta_code {special macro operators (\&{quote}, \.{\#\AT!}, etc.)} @d right_delimiter=62+delta_code {the right delimiter of a matching pair} @d left_bracket=63+delta_code {the operator `\.['} @d right_bracket=64+delta_code {the operator `\.]'} @d right_brace=65+delta_code {the operator `\.{\char`\}}'} @d with_option=66+delta_code {option for filling (\&{withpen}, \&{withweight})} @d cull_op=67+delta_code {the operator `\&{keeping}' or `\&{dropping}'} @d thing_to_add=68+delta_code {variant of \&{addto} (\&{contour}, \&{doublepath}, \&{also})} @d of_token=69+delta_code {the operator `\&{of}'} @d from_token=70+delta_code {the operator `\&{from}'} @d to_token=71+delta_code {the operator `\&{to}'} @d at_token=72+delta_code {the operator `\&{at}'} @d in_window=73+delta_code {the operator `\&{inwindow}'} @d step_token=74+delta_code {the operator `\&{step}'} @d until_token=75+delta_code {the operator `\&{until}'} @d lig_kern_token=76+delta_code {the operators `\&{kern}' and `\.{=:}' and `\.{=:\char'174}', etc.} @d assignment=77+delta_code {the operator `\.{:=}'} @d skip_to=78+delta_code {the operation `\&{skipto}'} @d bchar_label=79+delta_code {the operator `\.{\char'174\char'174:}'} @d double_colon=80+delta_code {the operator `\.{::}'} @d colon=81+delta_code {the operator `\.:'} @# @d comma=82+delta_code {the operator `\.,', must be |colon+1|} @d end_of_statement==cur_cmd>comma @d semicolon=83+delta_code {the operator `\.;', must be |comma+1|} @d end_group=84+delta_code {end a group (\&{endgroup}), must be |semicolon+1|} @d stop=85+delta_code {end a job (\&{end}, \&{dump}), must be |end_group+1|} @d max_command_code=stop @d outer_tag=max_command_code+1 {protection code added to command code} @z @x [13.211] MFLua - runscript primitive primitive("randomseed",random_seed,0);@/ @!@:random_seed_}{\&{randomseed} primitive@> @y primitive("randomseed",random_seed,0);@/ @!@:random_seed_}{\&{randomseed} primitive@> primitive("runscript",run_script,0);@/ @!@:run_script_}{\&{runscript} primitive@> @z @x [13.212] MFLua - runscript primitive right_bracket:print("]"); @y right_bracket:print("]"); run_script:print("runscript"); @z @x [17.257] MFLua begin print_diagnostic("Path",s,nuline); print_ln; @y begin mflua_printpath(h,s,nuline); print_diagnostic("Path",s,nuline); print_ln; @z @x [20.332] MFLua begin print_diagnostic("Edge structure",s,nuline); @y begin {mflua\_printedges(s,nuline,x\_off,y\_off);} print_diagnostic("Edge structure",s,nuline); @z @x [22.465] MFLua move_to_edges(m0,n0,m1,n1); @y mflua_PRE_move_to_edges(p); move_to_edges(m0,n0,m1,n1); mflua_POST_move_to_edges(p); @z @x [24.491] MFLua begin p:=c; n:=info(h); lh:=link(h); {now |lh| points to $w_0$} @y begin {mflua\_offsetprep(c,h);} p:=c; n:=info(h); lh:=link(h); {now |lh| points to $w_0$} @z @x [24.506] MFLua offset_prep(p,h); {this may clobber node~|q|, if it becomes ``dead''} @y mfluaPRE_offset_prep(p,h); offset_prep(p,h); {this may clobber node~|q|, if it becomes ``dead''} mfluaPOST_offset_prep(p,h); @z @x [24.519] MFLua unskew(x1,y1,octant);@/ @y unskew(x1,y1,octant);@/ mflua_print_retrograde_line(x0,y0,cur_x,cur_y); @z @x [24.515] MFLua begin xx:=x_coord(r)+x_coord(w); yy:=y_coord(r)+y_coord(w)+half_unit; @y begin xx:=x_coord(r)+x_coord(w); yy:=y_coord(r)+y_coord(w)+half_unit; mflua_print_transition_line_from(xx,yy-half_unit); @z @x [24.515] MFLua else begin decr(k); w:=knil(w); xp:=x_coord(r)+x_coord(w); yp:=y_coord(r)+y_coord(w)+half_unit; end; @y else begin decr(k); w:=knil(w); xp:=x_coord(r)+x_coord(w); yp:=y_coord(r)+y_coord(w)+half_unit; end; mflua_print_transition_line_to(xp,yp-half_unit); @z @x [24.521] MFLua @= begin xx:=x_coord(r)+x_coord(w); yy:=y_coord(r)+y_coord(w)+half_unit; @y @= begin xx:=x_coord(r)+x_coord(w); yy:=y_coord(r)+y_coord(w)+half_unit; mflua_print_transition_line_from(xx,yy-half_unit); @z @x [24.521] MFLua else begin incr(k); w:=link(w); xp:=x_coord(r)+x_coord(w); yp:=y_coord(r)+y_coord(w)+half_unit; end; @y else begin incr(k); w:=link(w); xp:=x_coord(r)+x_coord(w); yp:=y_coord(r)+y_coord(w)+half_unit; end; mflua_print_transition_line_to(xp,yp-half_unit); @z @x [31.630] MFLua - runscript primitive moved into the buffer by \&{scantokens}. @y moved into the buffer by \&{scantokens} or \&{runscript}. @z @x [31.637] MFLua - runscript primitive else if name=2 then print_nl("") @y else if name=2 then print_nl(" or ") @z @x [33.679] MFLua - runscript primitive {text was inserted during error recovery or by \&{scantokens}} @y {text was inserted during error recovery or by \&{scantokens} or \&{runscript}} @z @x [35.706] MFLua - runscript primitive |exit_test|, |relax|, |scan_tokens|, |expand_after|, and |defined_macro|. @y |exit_test|, |relax|, |scan_tokens|, |run_script|, |expand_after|, and |defined_macro|. @z @x [35.707] MFLua - runscript primitive scan_tokens: @; @y scan_tokens: @; run_script: @; @z @x [39.796] MFLua - runscript primitive @!cur_exp:integer; {the value of the expression just found} @y @!cur_exp:integer; {the value of the expression just found} @!lua_cur_exp:integer; {the value of the Lua expression returned by runscript} @z @x [41.866] MFLua q:=make_ellipse(major_axis,minor_axis,theta); if (tx<>0)or(ty<>0) then @; @y mfluaPRE_make_ellipse(major_axis,minor_axis,theta,tx,ty,0); q:=make_ellipse(major_axis,minor_axis,theta); if (tx<>0)or(ty<>0) then @; mfluaPOST_make_ellipse(major_axis,minor_axis,theta,tx,ty,q); @z @x [41.891] MFLua make_choices(p); @y mfluaPRE_make_choices(p); make_choices(p); mfluaPOST_make_choices(p); @z @x [44.1064] MFLua if max_offset(cur_pen)=0 then fill_spec(rhs) else fill_envelope(rhs); if lhs<>null then begin rev_turns:=true; lhs:=make_spec(lhs,max_offset(cur_pen),internal[tracing_specs]); rev_turns:=false; if max_offset(cur_pen)=0 then fill_spec(lhs) else fill_envelope(lhs); @y if max_offset(cur_pen)=0 then begin mfluaPRE_fill_spec_rhs(rhs); fill_spec(rhs); mfluaPOST_fill_spec_rhs(rhs);end else begin mfluaPRE_fill_envelope_rhs(rhs); fill_envelope(rhs); mfluaPOST_fill_envelope_rhs(rhs); end ; if lhs<>null then begin rev_turns:=true; lhs:=make_spec(lhs,max_offset(cur_pen),internal[tracing_specs]); rev_turns:=false; if max_offset(cur_pen)=0 then begin mfluaPRE_fill_spec_lhs(lhs); fill_spec(lhs); mfluaPOST_fill_spec_lhs(lhs); end else begin mfluaPRE_fill_envelope_lhs(lhs); fill_envelope(lhs); mfluaPOST_fill_envelope_lhs(lhs); end; @z @x [47.1165] MFLua print_char("]"); update_terminal; {progress report} @y print_char("]"); update_terminal; {progress report} mflua_printedges(" (just shipped out)",true,x_off,y_off); @z @x [49.1204] MFLua @p begin @!{|start_here|} @y @p begin @!{|start_here|} mflua_begin_program; @z @x [49.1204] MFLua start_of_MF: @; @; history:=spotless; {ready to go!} if start_sym>0 then {insert the `\&{everyjob}' symbol} begin cur_sym:=start_sym; back_input; end; main_control; {come to life} final_cleanup; {prepare for death} @y mfluaPRE_start_of_MF; start_of_MF: @; @; history:=spotless; {ready to go!} {This was the first sensor. Original comment: "remember to modify web2c/texmf.defines by adding mfuainitialize and then texmfmp.h and lib/texmfmp.c". Now obsolete} mflua_initialize; if start_sym>0 then {insert the `\&{everyjob}' symbol} begin cur_sym:=start_sym; back_input; end; mfluaPRE_main_control; main_control; {come to life} mfluaPOST_main_control; final_cleanup; {prepare for death} mfluaPOST_final_cleanup; @z @x [49.1205] MFLua end; end; @y end; mflua_end_program; end; @z @x [51.1214] MFLua - additional sections to handle runscript @* \[51] System-dependent changes. @y @ @= begin get_x_next; scan_primary; if cur_type<>string_type then begin disp_err(null,"Not a string"); @.Not a string@> help2("I'm going to flush this expression, since")@/ ("runscript should be followed by a known string."); put_get_flush_error(0); end else begin back_input; if length(cur_exp)>0 then @; end; end @ @= begin {begin\_file\_reading;} name:=2; {should be name:=3 but for the moment we keep 2} k:=first+length(cur_exp); {print(" k=");print\_int(k);print\_ln;} {print(" first=");print\_int(first);print\_ln;} {print(" length(cur\_exp)=");print\_int(length(cur\_exp));print\_ln;} { Will be removed as soon as we have tested that it's ok} {if k>=max\_buf\_stack then} { begin if k>=buf\_size then} { begin max\_buf\_stack:=buf\_size;} { overflow("buffer size",buf\_size);} { end;} { max\_buf\_stack:=k+1;} { end;} j:=str_start[cur_exp]; limit:=k; mflua_runscript(j,first,limit); lua_cur_exp:=make_string; if length(lua_cur_exp)> 0 then begin begin_file_reading; add_str_ref(lua_cur_exp); j:=str_start[lua_cur_exp]; k:=first+length(lua_cur_exp);limit:=k; { Will be removed as soon as we have tested that it's ok} {print("=============BEGIN TEST===============");print\_ln;} {print(" k=");print\_int(k);print\_ln;} {print(" first=");print\_int(first);print\_ln;} {print(" limit=");print\_int(limit);print\_ln;} {print(" length(lua\_cur\_exp)=");print\_int(length(lua\_cur\_exp));print\_ln;} if k>=max_buf_stack then begin if k>=buf_size then begin max_buf_stack:=buf_size; overflow("buffer size",buf_size); @:METAFONT capacity exceeded buffer size}{\quad buffer size@> end; max_buf_stack:=k+1; end; while first