.TH TIE 1 "30 August 2022" "Web2C @VERSION@" .\"===================================================================== .SH NAME tie \- merge or apply WEB change files .\"===================================================================== .SH SYNOPSIS .B tie .BR \-c | \-m .I outputfile masterfile .IR changefile .\|.\|. .\"===================================================================== .SH DESCRIPTION The .B tie program is used to process multiple change files used with the WEB system for literate programming. The WEB programs allow one to apply patches to a source file (the .IR masterfile ) by means of a number of change files (often only a single change file is allowed). .B Tie can be used to either merge up to 32 change files into a single one or to apply the changes to the .I masterfile in order to create a new one. Output of either the new change file or the patched master file goes into .IR outputfile . .\"===================================================================== .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-c Create a single change file from the given .IR changefile s. .TP .B \-m Create a new master file by applying the given .IR changefile s. .\"===================================================================== .SH ENVIRONMENT The environment variable WEBINPUTS is used to search for the input files, or the system default if WEBINPUTS is not set. See .BR tex (1) for the details of the searching. To avoid conflicts with other programs that also use the WEBINPUTS environment, you can be more specific and use WEBINPUTS_tie for special requirements in TIE. .\"===================================================================== .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR web (1), .BR ctie (1), .BR cweb (1). .\"===================================================================== .SH "AUTHOR" Klaus Guntermann, TH Darmstadt, Institut f. Theoretische Informatik. Man page by Joachim Schnitter, TH Darmstadt, Phys. Chemie I. Maintained as part of TeX Live.