% pdfglyph.w % % Copyright 2009-2011 Taco Hoekwater % % This file is part of LuaTeX. % % LuaTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under % the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free % Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your % option) any later version. % % LuaTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT % ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or % FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public % License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along % with LuaTeX; if not, see . @ @c #include "ptexlib.h" #include "pdf/pdfpage.h" @ eternal constants @c #define e_tj 3 /* must be 3; movements in []TJ are in fontsize/$10^3$ units */ @ @c static int64_t pdf_char_width(pdfstructure * p, internal_font_number f, int i) { /* use exactly this formula also for calculating the /Width array values */ return i64round((double) char_width(f, i) / font_size(f) * ten_pow[e_tj + p->cw.e]); } @ @c void pdf_print_charwidth(PDF pdf, internal_font_number f, int i) { pdffloat cw; pdfstructure *p = pdf->pstruct; cw.m = pdf_char_width(p, f, i); cw.e = p->cw.e; print_pdffloat(pdf, cw); } @ @c static void setup_fontparameters(PDF pdf, internal_font_number f, int ex_glyph) { float slant, extend, expand, scale = 1.0; float u = 1.0; pdfstructure *p = pdf->pstruct; /* fix mantis bug \# 0000200 (acroread "feature") */ if ((font_format(f) == opentype_format || (font_format(f) == type1_format && font_encodingbytes(f) == 2)) && font_units_per_em(f) > 0) u = font_units_per_em(f) / 1000.0; pdf->f_cur = f; p->f_pdf = pdf_set_font(pdf, f); p->fs.m = i64round(font_size(f) / u / by_one_bp * ten_pow[p->fs.e]); slant = font_slant(f) / 1000.0; extend = font_extend(f) / 1000.0; expand = 1.0 + (ex_glyph/1) / 1000.0; p->tj_delta.e = p->cw.e - 1; /* "- 1" makes less corrections inside []TJ */ /* no need to be more precise than TeX (1sp) */ while (p->tj_delta.e > 0 && (double) font_size(f) / ten_pow[p->tj_delta.e + e_tj] < 0.5) p->tj_delta.e--; /* happens for very tiny fonts */ p->tm[0].m = i64round(scale * expand * extend * ten_pow[p->tm[0].e]); p->tm[2].m = i64round(slant * ten_pow[p->tm[2].e]); p->tm[3].m = i64round(scale * ten_pow[p->tm[3].e]); p->k2 = ten_pow[e_tj + p->cw.e] * scale / (ten_pow[p->pdf.h.e] * pdf2double(p->fs) * pdf2double(p->tm[0])); p->cur_ex = ex_glyph ; /* we keep track of the state of ex */ } @ @c static void set_font(PDF pdf) { pdfstructure *p = pdf->pstruct; pdf_printf(pdf, "/F%d", (int) p->f_pdf); pdf_print_resname_prefix(pdf); pdf_out(pdf, ' '); print_pdffloat(pdf, p->fs); pdf_puts(pdf, " Tf "); p->f_pdf_cur = p->f_pdf; p->fs_cur.m = p->fs.m; p->need_tf = false; p->need_tm = true; /* always follow Tf by Tm */ } @ @c static void set_textmatrix(PDF pdf, scaledpos pos) { boolean move; pdfstructure *p = pdf->pstruct; if (!is_textmode(p)) normal_error("pdf backend","text mode expected in set_textmatrix"); move = calc_pdfpos(p, pos); if (p->need_tm || move) { print_pdf_matrix(pdf, p->tm); pdf_puts(pdf, " Tm "); p->pdf.h.m = p->pdf_bt_pos.h.m + p->tm[4].m; /* Tm replaces */ p->pdf.v.m = p->pdf_bt_pos.v.m + p->tm[5].m; p->need_tm = false; } p->tm0_cur.m = p->tm[0].m; } @ Print out a character to PDF buffer; the character will be printed in octal form in the following cases: chars <= 32, backslash (92), left parenthesis (40), and right parenthesis (41). @c static void pdf_print_char(PDF pdf, int c) { if (c > 255) return; /* pdf_print_escaped(c) */ if (c <= 32 || c == '\\' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c > 127) { pdf_room(pdf, 4); pdf_quick_out(pdf, '\\'); pdf_quick_out(pdf, (unsigned char) ('0' + ((c >> 6) & 0x3))); pdf_quick_out(pdf, (unsigned char) ('0' + ((c >> 3) & 0x7))); pdf_quick_out(pdf, (unsigned char) ('0' + (c & 0x7))); } else pdf_out(pdf, c); } static void pdf_print_wide_char(PDF pdf, int c) { char hex[5]; snprintf(hex, 5, "%04X", c); pdf_out_block(pdf, (const char *) hex, 4); } @ @c static void begin_charmode(PDF pdf, internal_font_number f, pdfstructure * p) { if (!is_chararraymode(p)) normal_error("pdf backend","char array mode expected in begin_char_mode"); if (font_encodingbytes(f) == 2) { p->ishex = 1; pdf_out(pdf, '<'); } else { p->ishex = 0; pdf_out(pdf, '('); } p->mode = PMODE_CHAR; } @ @c void end_charmode(PDF pdf) { pdfstructure *p = pdf->pstruct; if (!is_charmode(p)) normal_error("pdf backend","char mode expected in end_char_mode"); if (p->ishex == 1) { p->ishex = 0; pdf_out(pdf, '>'); } else { pdf_out(pdf, ')'); } p->mode = PMODE_CHARARRAY; } @ @c static void begin_chararray(PDF pdf) { pdfstructure *p = pdf->pstruct; if (!is_textmode(p)) normal_error("pdf backend","text mode expected in begin_char_array"); p->pdf_tj_pos = p->pdf; p->cw.m = 0; pdf_out(pdf, '['); p->mode = PMODE_CHARARRAY; } @ @c void end_chararray(PDF pdf) { pdfstructure *p = pdf->pstruct; if (!is_chararraymode(p)) normal_error("pdf backend","char array mode expected in end_char_array"); pdf_puts(pdf, "]TJ\n"); p->pdf = p->pdf_tj_pos; p->mode = PMODE_TEXT; } @ We need to adapt the tm when a font changes. A change can be a change in id (frontend) or pdf reference (backend, as we share font resources). At such a change we also need to adapt to the slant and extend. Initially we also need to take the exfactor of a glyph into account. When the font is unchanged, we still need to check each glyph for a change in exfactor. We store the current one on the state record so that we can minimize testing. @c void pdf_place_glyph(PDF pdf, internal_font_number f, int c, int ex) { boolean move; pdfstructure *p = pdf->pstruct; scaledpos pos = pdf->posstruct->pos; /* already done: if (!char_exists(f, c)) { return; } */ if (font_writingmode(f) == vertical_writingmode) { if (p->wmode != WMODE_V) { p->wmode = WMODE_V; p->need_tm = true; } } else { if (p->wmode != WMODE_H) { p->wmode = WMODE_H; p->need_tm = true; } } if (p->need_tf || f != pdf->f_cur || p->f_pdf != p->f_pdf_cur || p->fs.m != p->fs_cur.m || is_pagemode(p)) { pdf_goto_textmode(pdf); setup_fontparameters(pdf, f, ex); set_font(pdf); } else if (p->tm0_cur.m != p->tm[0].m || p->cur_ex != ex) { setup_fontparameters(pdf, f, ex); p->need_tm = true; } /* all movements */ move = calc_pdfpos(p, pos); /* within text or chararray or char mode */ if (move || p->need_tm) { if (p->need_tm || (p->wmode == WMODE_H && (p->pdf_bt_pos.v.m + p->tm[5].m) != p->pdf.v.m) || (p->wmode == WMODE_V && (p->pdf_bt_pos.h.m + p->tm[4].m) != p->pdf.h.m) || abs(p->tj_delta.m) >= 1000000) { pdf_goto_textmode(pdf); set_textmatrix(pdf, pos); begin_chararray(pdf); move = calc_pdfpos(p, pos); /* for fine adjustment */ } if (move) { if (is_charmode(p)) end_charmode(pdf); print_pdffloat(pdf, p->tj_delta); p->cw.m -= p->tj_delta.m * ten_pow[p->cw.e - p->tj_delta.e]; } } /* glyph output */ if (is_chararraymode(p)) begin_charmode(pdf, f, p); else if (!is_charmode(p)) normal_error("pdf backend","char (array) mode expected in place_glyph"); pdf_mark_char(f, c); if (font_encodingbytes(f) == 2) pdf_print_wide_char(pdf, char_index(f, c)); else pdf_print_char(pdf, c); p->cw.m += pdf_char_width(p, p->f_pdf, c); /* aka |adv_char_width()| */ }