/* ffdummies.c Copyright 2006-2009 Taco Hoekwater This file is part of LuaTeX. LuaTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LuaTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LuaTeX; if not, see . */ /* some dummy functions and variables so that a few ff source files can be ignored */ #include "ffdummies.h" #include char **gww_errors = NULL; int gww_error_count = 0; void gwwv_errors_free(void) { int i; if (gww_error_count > 0) { for (i = 0; i < gww_error_count; i++) { free(gww_errors[i]); } free(gww_errors); gww_error_count = 0; gww_errors = NULL; } } __attribute__ ((format(printf, 1, 0))) static void LUAUI_IError(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; size_t l; char buffer[400], *str; l = strlen("Internal Error: "); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Internal Error: "); va_start(ap, format); vsnprintf(buffer + l, sizeof(buffer) - l, format, ap); va_end(ap); str = xstrdup((char *) buffer); gww_errors = realloc(gww_errors, (gww_error_count + 2) * sizeof(char *)); if (gww_errors == NULL) { perror("memory allocation failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } gww_errors[gww_error_count] = str; gww_error_count++; gww_errors[gww_error_count] = NULL; } __attribute__ ((format(printf, 1, 0))) static void LUAUI__LogError(const char *format, va_list ap) { char buffer[400], *str; vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, ap); str = xstrdup((char *) buffer); gww_errors = realloc(gww_errors, (gww_error_count + 2) * sizeof(char *)); if (gww_errors == NULL) { perror("memory allocation failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } gww_errors[gww_error_count] = str; gww_error_count++; gww_errors[gww_error_count] = NULL; } /* this is not static because it is used by gwwiconv.c */ __attribute__ ((format(printf, 1, 2))) static void LUAUI_LogError(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); LUAUI__LogError(format, ap); va_end(ap); } __attribute__ ((format(printf, 2, 3))) static void LUAUI_post_notice(const char *title, const char *statement, ...) { va_list ap; (void) title; va_start(ap, statement); LUAUI__LogError(statement, ap); va_end(ap); } __attribute__ ((format(printf, 2, 3))) static void LUAUI_post_error(const char *title, const char *statement, ...) { va_list ap; (void) title; va_start(ap, statement); LUAUI__LogError(statement, ap); va_end(ap); } static int LUAUI_ask(const char *title, const char **answers, int def, int cancel, const char *question, ...) { (void) title; (void) answers; (void) cancel; (void) question; return (def); } static int LUAUI_choose(const char *title, const char **choices, int cnt, int def, const char *question, ...) { (void) title; (void) choices; (void) cnt; (void) question; return (def); } static int LUAUI_choose_multiple(char *title, const char **choices, char *sel, int cnt, char *buts[2], const char *question, ...) { (void) title; (void) choices; (void) sel; (void) cnt; (void) buts; (void) question; return (-1); } static char *LUAUI_ask_string(const char *title, const char *def, const char *question, ...) { (void) title; (void) def; (void) question; return def ? strdup(def) : NULL; } static char *LUAUI_open_file(const char *title, const char *defaultfile, const char *initial_filter) { (void) title; (void) initial_filter; (void) defaultfile; return (NULL); } static char *LUAUI_saveas_file(const char *title, const char *defaultfile, const char *initial_filter) { (void) title; (void) initial_filter; return (copy(defaultfile)); } static void LUAUI_progress_start(int delay, const char *title, const char *line1, const char *line2, int tot, int stages) { (void) delay; (void) title; (void) line1; (void) line2; (void) tot; (void) stages; } static void LUAUI_void_void_noop(void) { } static void LUAUI_void_int_noop(int useless) { (void) useless; } static int LUAUI_int_int_noop(int useless) { (void) useless; return (true); } static void LUAUI_void_str_noop(const char *useless) { (void) useless; } static int LUAUI_alwaystrue(void) { return (true); } static int LUAUI_DefaultStrokeFlags(void) { return (sf_correctdir); } struct ui_interface luaui_interface = { LUAUI_IError, LUAUI_post_error, LUAUI_LogError, LUAUI_post_notice, LUAUI_ask, LUAUI_choose, LUAUI_choose_multiple, LUAUI_ask_string, LUAUI_ask_string, /* password */ LUAUI_open_file, LUAUI_saveas_file, LUAUI_progress_start, LUAUI_void_void_noop, LUAUI_void_void_noop, LUAUI_void_int_noop, LUAUI_alwaystrue, LUAUI_alwaystrue, LUAUI_int_int_noop, LUAUI_void_str_noop, LUAUI_void_str_noop, LUAUI_void_void_noop, LUAUI_void_void_noop, LUAUI_void_int_noop, LUAUI_void_int_noop, LUAUI_alwaystrue, LUAUI_void_void_noop, NOUI_TTFNameIds, NOUI_MSLangString, LUAUI_DefaultStrokeFlags }; /* some bits and pieces */ int URLFromFile(char *url, FILE * from) { (void) url; (void) from; return false; } /* print.c */ int pagewidth = 0, pageheight = 0; /* In points */ char *printlazyprinter = NULL; char *printcommand = NULL; int printtype = 0; void ScriptPrint(FontViewBase * fv, int type, int32 * pointsizes, char *samplefile, unichar_t * sample, char *outputfile) { (void) fv; (void) type; (void) pointsizes; (void) samplefile; (void) sample; (void) outputfile; } #if 0 /* unused */ static int PdfDumpGlyphResources(void *pi, SplineChar * sc) { (void) pi; (void) sc; return 0; } #endif /* autotrace.c */ int autotrace_ask = 0, mf_ask = 0, mf_clearbackgrounds = 0, mf_showerrors = 0; char *mf_args = NULL; int preferpotrace = 0; void *GetAutoTraceArgs(void) { return NULL; } void SetAutoTraceArgs(void *a) { (void) a; } void FVAutoTrace(FontViewBase * fv, int ask) { (void) fv; (void) ask; } SplineFont *SFFromMF(char *filename) { (void) filename; return NULL; } /* http.c */ FILE *URLToTempFile(char *url, void *_lock) { (void) _lock; (void) url; ff_post_error(_("Could not parse URL"), _("FontForge only handles ftp and http URLs at the moment")); return (NULL); }