/* lpdfscannerlib.c Copyright 2013 Taco Hoekwater This file is part of LuaTeX. LuaTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LuaTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LuaTeX; if not, see . */ /*tex The scanner can read from a string or stream. Streams can be given directly as |ppstream| object or as a |pparray| of streams. Here is an example of usage: \starttyping local operatortable = { } operatortable.Do = function(scanner,info) local resources = info.resources if resources then local val = scanner:pop() local name = val[2] local xobject = resources.XObject print(info.space .. "Uses XObject " .. name) local resources = xobject.Resources if resources then local newinfo = { space = info.space .. " ", resources = resources, } pdfscanner.scan(entry, operatortable, newinfo) end end end local function Analyze(filename) local doc = pdfe.open(filename) if doc then local pages = doc.Pages for i=1,#pages do local page = pages[i] local info = { space = " " , resources = page.Resources, } print("Page " .. i) pdfscanner.scan(page.Contents,operatortable,info) pdfscanner.scan(page.Contents(),operatortable,info) end end end Analyze("foo.pdf") \stoptyping */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "luapplib/pplib.h" #include #define SCANNER "pdfscanner" #define MAXOPERANDS 1000 typedef enum { pdf_integer = 1, pdf_real, pdf_boolean, pdf_name, pdf_operator, pdf_string, pdf_startarray, pdf_stoparray, pdf_startdict, pdf_stopdict, } pdf_token_type; typedef struct Token { pdf_token_type type; double value; char *string; } Token; typedef struct ObjectList { struct ObjectList *next; ppstream *stream; } ObjectList; typedef struct scannerdata { int _ininlineimage; int _nextoperand; Token **_operandstack; ppstream *_stream; ObjectList *_streams; const char *buffer; size_t position; size_t size; int uses_stream; } scannerdata; #define PDFE_METATABLE_ARRAY "luatex.pdfe.array" #define PDFE_METATABLE_STREAM "luatex.pdfe.stream" typedef struct { void *d; /*tex reference to |PdfDocument|, or |NULL| */ void *pd; /*tex counter to detect |PDFDoc| change */ unsigned long pc; } udstruct; static void clear_operand_stack(scannerdata * self, int from); static Token *_parseToken(scannerdata * self, int c); static void push_token(lua_State * L, scannerdata * self); static void *priv_xmalloc(size_t size) { void *new_mem = (void *) malloc(size); if (new_mem == NULL) { luaL_error(Luas, "no room for stream"); } return new_mem; } static void *priv_xrealloc(void *old_ptr, size_t size) { void *new_mem = (void *) realloc(old_ptr, size); if (new_mem == NULL) { luaL_error(Luas, "no room for stream"); } return new_mem; } #define xreallocarray(ptr,type,size) ((type*)priv_xrealloc(ptr,(size+1)*sizeof(type))) #define INITBUFSIZE 64 #define define_buffer(a) \ char *a = (char *)priv_xmalloc (INITBUFSIZE); \ int a##_size = INITBUFSIZE; \ int a##index = 0; \ memset (a,0,INITBUFSIZE) #define check_overflow(a, wsize) do { \ if (wsize >= a##_size) { \ int nsize = a##_size + a##_size / 4; \ a = (char *) xreallocarray(a, char, (unsigned) nsize); \ memset (a+a##_size, 0, a##_size / 4); \ a##_size = nsize; \ } \ } while (0) static scannerdata *scanner_push(lua_State * L) { scannerdata *a = (scannerdata *) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(scannerdata)); luaL_getmetatable(L, SCANNER); lua_setmetatable(L, -2); return a; } static scannerdata *scanner_check(lua_State * L, int index) { scannerdata *bar; luaL_checktype(L, index, LUA_TUSERDATA); bar = (scannerdata *) luaL_checkudata(L, index, SCANNER); if (bar == NULL) luaL_argerror(L, index, SCANNER " expected"); return bar; } static void free_token(Token * token) { if (token->string) { free(token->string); } free(token); } static void clear_operand_stack(scannerdata * self, int from) { int i = self->_nextoperand - 1; while (i >= from) { if (self->_operandstack[i]) { free_token(self->_operandstack[i]); self->_operandstack[i] = NULL; } i--; } self->_nextoperand = from; } static void push_operand(scannerdata * self, Token * token) { if (self->_nextoperand + 1 > MAXOPERANDS) { fprintf(stderr, "out of operand stack space"); exit(1); } self->_operandstack[self->_nextoperand++] = token; } static Token *new_operand(pdf_token_type c) { Token *token = (Token *) priv_xmalloc(sizeof(Token)); memset(token, 0, sizeof(Token)); token->type = c; return token; } static void _nextStream(scannerdata * self) { ObjectList *rover = NULL; if (self->uses_stream && self->buffer != NULL) { if (self->uses_stream) { ppstream_done(self->_stream); } else { free(self->_stream); } } rover = self->_streams; self->_stream = rover->stream; if (self->uses_stream) { self->buffer = (const char *) ppstream_all(self->_stream, &self->size, 1); } self->position = 0; self->_streams = rover->next; free(rover); } static int streamGetChar(scannerdata * self) { int i = EOF; if (self->position < self->size) { const char c = self->buffer[self->position]; ++self->position; i = (int) c; } if (i < 0 && self->_streams) { _nextStream(self); i = streamGetChar(self); } return i; } static int streamLookChar(scannerdata * self) { int i = EOF; if (self->position < self->size) { const char c = self->buffer[self->position]; /*not |++self->position;| */ i = (int) c; } if (i < 0 && self->_streams) { _nextStream(self); i = streamGetChar(self); } return i; } static void streamReset(scannerdata * self) { if (self->uses_stream) { self->buffer = (const char *) ppstream_all(self->_stream, &self->size, 1); } self->position = 0; } static void streamClose(scannerdata * self) { if (self->uses_stream) { ppstream_done(self->_stream); } else { free(self->_stream); } self->buffer = NULL; self->_stream = NULL; } /*tex end of stream interface */ static Token *_parseSpace(scannerdata * self) { return _parseToken(self, streamGetChar(self)); } static Token *_parseString(scannerdata * self, int c) { int level; Token *token = NULL; define_buffer(found); level = 1; while (1) { c = streamGetChar(self); if (c == '(') { level = level + 1; } else if (c == ')') { level = level - 1; if (level < 1) break; } else if (c == '\\') { int next = streamGetChar(self); if (next == '(' || next == ')' || next == '\\') { c = next; } else if (next == '\n' || next == '\r') { c = '\0'; } else if (next == 'n') { c = '\n'; } else if (next == 'r') { c = '\r'; } else if (next == 't') { c = '\t'; } else if (next == 'b') { c = '\b'; } else if (next == 'f') { c = '\f'; } else if (next >= '0' && next <= '7') { int next2; next = next - '0'; next2 = streamLookChar(self); if (next2 >= '0' && next2 <= '7') { int next3; next2 = streamGetChar(self); next2 = next2 - '0'; next3 = streamLookChar(self); if (next3 >= '0' && next3 <= '7') { next3 = streamGetChar(self); next3 = next3 - '0'; c = (next * 64 + next2 * 8 + next3); } else { c = (next * 8 + next2); } } else { c = next; } } else { c = next; } } check_overflow(found, foundindex); if (c >= 0) { found[foundindex++] = c; } } token = new_operand(pdf_string); token->value = foundindex; token->string = found; return token; } static Token *_parseNumber(scannerdata * self, int c) { double value = 0; pdf_token_type type = pdf_integer; int isfraction = 0; int isnegative = 0; int i = 0; Token *token = NULL; if (c == '-') { isnegative = 1; c = streamGetChar(self); } if (c == '.') { type = pdf_real; isfraction = 1; } else { value = c - '0'; } c = streamLookChar(self); if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '.') { c = streamGetChar(self); while (1) { if (c == '.') { type = pdf_real; isfraction = 1; } else { i = c - '0'; if (isfraction > 0) { value = value + (i / (pow(10.0, isfraction))); isfraction = isfraction + 1; } else { value = (value * 10) + i; } } c = streamLookChar(self); if (!((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '.')) break; c = streamGetChar(self); } } if (isnegative) { value = -value; } token = new_operand(type); token->value = value; return token; } static Token *_parseName(scannerdata * self, int c) { Token *token = NULL; define_buffer(found); c = streamGetChar(self); while (1) { check_overflow(found, foundindex); found[foundindex++] = c; c = streamLookChar(self); if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == '/' || c == '[' || c == '(' || c == '<') break; c = streamGetChar(self); } token = new_operand(pdf_name); token->string = found; token->value = strlen(found); return token; } #define hexdigit(c) \ (c>= '0' && c<= '9') ? (c - '0') : ((c>= 'A' && c<= 'F') ? (c - 'A' + 10) : (c - 'a' + 10)) static Token *_parseHexstring(scannerdata * self, int c) { int isodd = 1; int hexval = 0; Token *token = NULL; define_buffer(found); while (c != '>') { if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')) { if (isodd == 1) { int v = hexdigit(c); hexval = 16 * v; } else { hexval += hexdigit(c); check_overflow(found, foundindex); found[foundindex++] = hexval; } isodd = (isodd == 1 ? 0 : 1); } c = streamGetChar(self); } token = new_operand(pdf_string); token->value = foundindex; token->string = found; return token; } #define pdf_isspace(a) (a == '\0' || a == ' ' || a == '\n' || a == '\r' || a == '\t' || a == '\v') /*tex this is rather horrible */ static Token *_parseInlineImage(scannerdata * self, int c) { Token *token = NULL; define_buffer(found); if (c == ' ') { /*tex first space can be ignored */ c = streamGetChar(self); } check_overflow(found, foundindex); found[foundindex++] = c; while (1) { c = streamLookChar(self); if (c == 'E' && (found[foundindex - 1] == '\n' || found[foundindex - 1] == '\r')) { c = streamGetChar(self); check_overflow(found, foundindex); found[foundindex++] = c; c = streamLookChar(self); if (c == 'I') { c = streamGetChar(self); check_overflow(found, foundindex); found[foundindex++] = c; c = streamLookChar(self); if (pdf_isspace(c)) { /*tex |I| */ found[--foundindex] = '\0'; /*tex |E| */ found[--foundindex] = '\0'; /*tex remove end-of-line before |EI| */ if (found[foundindex - 1] == '\n') { found[--foundindex] = '\0'; } if (found[foundindex - 1] == '\r') { found[--foundindex] = '\0'; } break; } else { c = streamGetChar(self); check_overflow(found, foundindex); found[foundindex++] = c; } } else { c = streamGetChar(self); check_overflow(found, foundindex); found[foundindex++] = c; } } else { c = streamGetChar(self); check_overflow(found, foundindex); found[foundindex++] = c; } } token = new_operand(pdf_string); token->value = foundindex; token->string = found; return token; } static Token *_parseOperator(scannerdata * self, int c) { define_buffer(found); while (1) { check_overflow(found, foundindex); found[foundindex++] = c; c = streamLookChar(self); if ((c < 0) || (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == '/' || c == '[' || c == '(' || c == '<')) break; c = streamGetChar(self); } /*tex |print| (found) */ if (strcmp(found, "ID") == 0) { self->_ininlineimage = 1; } if (strcmp(found, "false") == 0) { Token *token = new_operand(pdf_boolean); token->value = 0; free(found); return token; } else if (strcmp(found, "true") == 0) { Token *token = new_operand(pdf_boolean); token->value = 1.0; free(found); return token; } else { Token *token = new_operand(pdf_operator); token->string = found; return token; } } static Token *_parseComment(scannerdata * self, int c) { do { c = streamGetChar(self); } while (c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != -1); return _parseToken(self, streamGetChar(self)); } static Token *_parseLt(scannerdata * self, int c) { c = streamGetChar(self); if (c == '<') { return new_operand(pdf_startdict); } else { return _parseHexstring(self, c); } } static Token *_parseGt(scannerdata * self, int c) { c = streamGetChar(self); if (c == '>') { return new_operand(pdf_stopdict); } else { fprintf(stderr, "stray > in stream"); return NULL; } } static Token *_parseError(int c) { fprintf(stderr, "stray %c [%d] in stream", c, c); return NULL; } static Token *_parseStartarray(void) { return new_operand(pdf_startarray); } static Token *_parseStoparray(void) { return new_operand(pdf_stoparray); } static Token *_parseToken(scannerdata * self, int c) { if (self->_ininlineimage == 1) { self->_ininlineimage = 2; return _parseInlineImage(self, c); } else if (self->_ininlineimage == 2) { Token *token = NULL; self->_ininlineimage = 0; token = new_operand(pdf_operator); token->string = strdup("EI"); return token; } if (c < 0) return NULL; switch (c) { case '(': return _parseString(self, c); break; case ')': return _parseError(c); break; case '[': return _parseStartarray(); break; case ']': return _parseStoparray(); break; case '/': return _parseName(self, c); break; case '<': return _parseLt(self, c); break; case '>': return _parseGt(self, c); break; case '%': return _parseComment(self, c); break; case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case '\t': return _parseSpace(self); break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '-': case '.': return _parseNumber(self, c); break; default: if (c <= 127) { return _parseOperator(self, c); } else { return _parseError(c); } } } static int scanner_scan(lua_State * L) { Token *token; scannerdata *self; if (lua_gettop(L) != 3) { return 0; } luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TTABLE); luaL_checktype(L, 3, LUA_TTABLE); self = scanner_push(L); memset(self, 0, sizeof(scannerdata)); self->_operandstack = (Token **) priv_xmalloc(MAXOPERANDS * sizeof(Token)); memset(self->_operandstack, 0, (MAXOPERANDS * sizeof(Token))); /*tex stack slot 4 = self */ self->uses_stream = 1; if (lua_type(L, 1) == LUA_TSTRING) { /*tex We could make a temporary copy on the stack (or in the registry) which saves memory. */ char *buf = NULL; const char *s = lua_tolstring(L, 1, &self->size); if (s==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"fatal: cannot convert the token to string."); exit(1); } buf = priv_xmalloc(self->size+1); buf[self->size]='\0'; self->uses_stream = 0; memcpy(buf,s,self->size); self->buffer = buf; } else if (lua_type(L, 1) == LUA_TTABLE) { udstruct *uin; void *ud; int i = 1; while (1) { lua_rawgeti(L, 1, i); if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TUSERDATA) { ud = luaL_checkudata(L, -1, PDFE_METATABLE_STREAM); if (ud != NULL) { ObjectList *rover = NULL; ObjectList *item = NULL; uin = (udstruct *) ud; rover = self->_streams; item = (ObjectList *) priv_xmalloc(sizeof(ObjectList)); item->stream = ((ppstream *) uin->d); item->next = NULL; if (!rover) { rover = item; self->_streams = rover; } else { while (rover->next) rover = rover->next; rover->next = item; } } } else { ObjectList *rover = self->_streams; self->_stream = rover->stream; self->_streams = rover->next; free(rover); lua_pop(L, 1); break; } lua_pop(L, 1); i++; } } else { udstruct *uin; void *ud; luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TUSERDATA); ud = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, PDFE_METATABLE_STREAM); if (ud != NULL) { uin = (udstruct *) ud; self->_stream = ((ppstream *) uin->d); } else { ud = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, PDFE_METATABLE_ARRAY); if (ud != NULL) { ObjectList *rover = NULL; pparray *array = NULL; int count; int i; uin = (udstruct *) ud; array = (pparray *) uin->d; count = array->size; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { ppobj *obj = pparray_at(array, i); if (obj->type == PPSTREAM) { ObjectList *rover = self->_streams; ObjectList *item = (ObjectList *) priv_xmalloc(sizeof(ObjectList)); item->stream = obj->stream; item->next = NULL; if (!rover) { rover = item; self->_streams = rover; } else { while (rover->next) rover = rover->next; rover->next = item; } } } rover = self->_streams; self->_stream = rover->stream; self->_streams = rover->next; } } } streamReset(self); token = _parseToken(self, streamGetChar(self)); while (token) { if (token->type == pdf_operator) { lua_pushstring(L, token->string); free_token(token); /*tex fetch operator table */ lua_rawget(L, 2); if (lua_isfunction(L, -1)) { lua_pushvalue(L, 4); lua_pushvalue(L, 3); (void) lua_call(L, 2, 0); } else { /*tex nil */ lua_pop(L, 1); } clear_operand_stack(self, 0); } else { push_operand(self, token); } if (self->uses_stream) { if (!self->_stream) { break; } } else { if (self->buffer == NULL) { break; } } token = _parseToken(self, streamGetChar(self)); } /*tex wrap up */ if (self->_stream) { streamClose(self); } clear_operand_stack(self, 0); free(self->_operandstack); return 0; } static int scanner_done(lua_State * L) { int c; scannerdata *self = scanner_check(L, 1); while ((c = streamGetChar(self)) >= 0); return 0; } /*tex here are the stack popping functions, and their helpers */ static void operandstack_backup(scannerdata * self) { int i = self->_nextoperand - 1; int balance = 0; int backupstart = 0; int backupstop = self->_operandstack[i]->type; if (backupstop == pdf_stopdict) { backupstart = pdf_startdict; } else if (backupstop == pdf_stoparray) { backupstart = pdf_startarray; } else { return; } for (; i >= 0; i--) { if (self->_operandstack[i]->type == backupstop) { balance++; } else if (self->_operandstack[i]->type == backupstart) { balance--; } if (balance == 0) { break; } } self->_nextoperand = i + 1; } static void push_array(lua_State * L, scannerdata * self) { /*tex nesting tracking */ int balance = 1; /*tex \LUA\ array index */ int index = 1; Token *token = self->_operandstack[self->_nextoperand++]; lua_newtable(L); while (token) { if (token->type == pdf_stoparray) balance--; if (token->type == pdf_startarray) balance++; if (!balance) { break; } else { push_token(L, self); lua_rawseti(L, -2, index++); } token = self->_operandstack[self->_nextoperand++]; } } static void push_dict(lua_State * L, scannerdata * self) { /*tex nesting tracking */ int balance = 1; /*tex toggle between \LUA\ value and \LUA\ key */ int needskey = 1; Token *token = self->_operandstack[self->_nextoperand++]; lua_newtable(L); while (token) { if (token->type == pdf_stopdict) balance--; if (token->type == pdf_startdict) balance++; if (!balance) { break; } else if (needskey) { lua_pushlstring(L, token->string, token->value); needskey = 0; } else { push_token(L, self); needskey = 1; lua_rawset(L, -3); } token = self->_operandstack[self->_nextoperand++]; } } const char *typenames[pdf_stopdict + 1] = { "unknown", "integer", "real", "boolean", "name", "operator", "string", "array", "array", "dict", "dict" }; static void push_token(lua_State * L, scannerdata * self) { Token *token = self->_operandstack[self->_nextoperand - 1]; lua_createtable(L, 2, 0); lua_pushstring(L, typenames[token->type]); lua_rawseti(L, -2, 1); if (token->type == pdf_string || token->type == pdf_name) { lua_pushlstring(L, token->string, token->value); } else if (token->type == pdf_real || token->type == pdf_integer) { /*tex This is an integer or float. */ lua_pushnumber(L, token->value); } else if (token->type == pdf_boolean) { lua_pushboolean(L, (int) token->value); } else if (token->type == pdf_startarray) { push_array(L, self); } else if (token->type == pdf_startdict) { push_dict(L, self); } else { lua_pushnil(L); } lua_rawseti(L, -2, 2); } static int scanner_popsingular(lua_State * L, int token_type) { Token *token = NULL; /*tex this keeps track of how much of the operand stack needs deleting: */ int clear = 0; scannerdata *self = scanner_check(L, 1); if (self->_nextoperand == 0) { return 0; } clear = self->_nextoperand - 1; token = self->_operandstack[self->_nextoperand - 1]; if (token == NULL || (token->type != token_type)) { return 0; } /*tex The simple cases can be written out directly, but dicts and arrays are better done via the recursive function. */ if (token_type == pdf_stoparray || token_type == pdf_stopdict) { operandstack_backup(self); clear = self->_nextoperand - 1; push_token(L, self); lua_rawgeti(L, -1, 2); } else if (token_type == pdf_real || token_type == pdf_integer) { /*tex the number can be an integer or float */ lua_pushnumber(L, token->value); } else if (token_type == pdf_boolean) { lua_pushboolean(L, (int) token->value); } else if (token_type == pdf_name || token_type == pdf_string) { lua_pushlstring(L, token->string, token->value); } else { return 0; } clear_operand_stack(self, clear); return 1; } static int scanner_popanything(lua_State * L) { Token *token = NULL; /*tex how much of the operand stack needs deleting: */ int clear = 0; int token_type; scannerdata *self = scanner_check(L, 1); if (self->_nextoperand == 0) { return 0; } clear = self->_nextoperand - 1; token = self->_operandstack[self->_nextoperand - 1]; if (token == NULL) { return 0; } token_type = token->type; /*tex The simple cases can be written out directly, but dicts and arrays are better done via the recursive function. */ if (token_type == pdf_stoparray || token_type == pdf_stopdict) { operandstack_backup(self); clear = self->_nextoperand - 1; push_token(L, self); } else { push_token(L, self); } clear_operand_stack(self, clear); return 1; } static int scanner_popnumber(lua_State * L) { if (scanner_popsingular(L, pdf_real)) return 1; if (scanner_popsingular(L, pdf_integer)) return 1; lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int scanner_popboolean(lua_State * L) { if (scanner_popsingular(L, pdf_boolean)) return 1; lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int scanner_popstring(lua_State * L) { if (scanner_popsingular(L, pdf_string)) return 1; lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int scanner_popname(lua_State * L) { if (scanner_popsingular(L, pdf_name)) return 1; lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int scanner_poparray(lua_State * L) { if (scanner_popsingular(L, pdf_stoparray)) return 1; lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int scanner_popdictionary(lua_State * L) { if (scanner_popsingular(L, pdf_stopdict)) return 1; lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int scanner_popany(lua_State * L) { if (scanner_popanything(L)) return 1; lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static const luaL_Reg scannerlib_meta[] = { {0, 0} }; static const struct luaL_Reg scannerlib_m[] = { { "done", scanner_done }, { "pop", scanner_popany }, { "popnumber", scanner_popnumber }, { "popname", scanner_popname }, { "popstring", scanner_popstring }, { "poparray", scanner_poparray }, { "popdictionary", scanner_popdictionary }, { "popboolean", scanner_popboolean }, /*tex For old times sake: */ { "popNumber", scanner_popnumber }, { "popName", scanner_popname }, { "popString", scanner_popstring }, { "popArray", scanner_poparray }, { "popDict", scanner_popdictionary }, { "popBool", scanner_popboolean }, /*tex Sentinel: */ { NULL, NULL } }; static const luaL_Reg scannerlib[] = { { "scan", scanner_scan }, /*tex Sentinel: */ { NULL, NULL } }; LUALIB_API int luaopen_pdfscanner(lua_State * L) { luaL_newmetatable(L, SCANNER); luaL_openlib(L, 0, scannerlib_meta, 0); lua_pushvalue(L, -1); lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index"); luaL_openlib(L, NULL, scannerlib_m, 0); luaL_openlib(L, "pdfscanner", scannerlib, 0); return 1; }