/* lepdflib.cc Copyright 2009-2013 Taco Hoekwater Copyright 2009-2013 Hartmut Henkel This file is part of LuaTeX. LuaTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LuaTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LuaTeX; if not, see . */ static const char _svn_version[] = "$Id: lepdflib.cc 4847 2014-03-05 18:13:17Z luigi $ " "$URL: https://foundry.supelec.fr/svn/luatex/trunk/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/lepdflib.cc $"; #include "image/epdf.h" // define DEBUG //********************************************************************** // TODO: add more poppler functions (many are still missing) //********************************************************************** // objects allocated by poppler may not be deleted in the lepdflib typedef enum { ALLOC_POPPLER, ALLOC_LEPDF } alloctype; typedef struct { void *d; alloctype atype; // was it allocated by poppler or the lepdflib.cc? PdfDocument *pd; // reference to PdfDocument, or NULL unsigned long pc; // counter to detect PDFDoc change } udstruct; static const char *ErrorCodeNames[] = { "None", "OpenFile", "BadCatalog", "Damaged", "Encrypted", "HighlightFile", "BadPrinter", "Printing", "Permission", "BadPageNum", "FileIO", NULL }; //********************************************************************** #define M_Annot "epdf.Annot" /* ls-hh: epdf.* gives better protection in registry */ #define M_Annots "epdf.Annots" #define M_Array "epdf.Array" #define M_Catalog "epdf.Catalog" #define M_Dict "epdf.Dict" #define M_EmbFile "epdf.EmbFile" #define M_FileSpec "epdf.FileSpec" #define M_GooString "epdf.GooString" #define M_LinkDest "epdf.LinkDest" #define M_Link "epdf.Link" #define M_Links "epdf.Links" #define M_Object "epdf.Object" #define M_Page "epdf.Page" #define M_PDFDoc "epdf.PDFDoc" #define M_PDFRectangle "epdf.PDFRectangle" #define M_Ref "epdf.Ref" #define M_Stream "epdf.Stream" #define M_StructTreeRoot "epdf.StructTreeRoot" #define M_XRefEntry "epdf.XRefEntry" #define M_XRef "epdf.XRef" //********************************************************************** #define new_poppler_userdata(type) \ static udstruct *new_##type##_userdata(lua_State * L) \ { \ udstruct *a; \ a = (udstruct *) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(udstruct)); /* udstruct ... */ \ a->atype = ALLOC_POPPLER; \ luaL_getmetatable(L, M_##type); /* m udstruct ... */ \ lua_setmetatable(L, -2); /* udstruct ... */ \ return a; \ } new_poppler_userdata(PDFDoc); new_poppler_userdata(Annot); new_poppler_userdata(Array); new_poppler_userdata(Catalog); new_poppler_userdata(Dict); new_poppler_userdata(EmbFile); new_poppler_userdata(FileSpec); new_poppler_userdata(LinkDest); new_poppler_userdata(Links); new_poppler_userdata(Object); new_poppler_userdata(Page); new_poppler_userdata(PDFRectangle); new_poppler_userdata(Ref); new_poppler_userdata(Stream); new_poppler_userdata(StructTreeRoot); new_poppler_userdata(XRef); //********************************************************************** static void pdfdoc_changed_error(lua_State * L) { luaL_error(L, "PDFDoc changed or gone"); } static void pdfdoc_differs_error(lua_State * L) { luaL_error(L, "PDFDoc differs between arguments"); } //********************************************************************** static int l_open_PDFDoc(lua_State * L) { const char *file_path; udstruct *uout; PdfDocument *d; file_path = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); // path d = refPdfDocument((char *) file_path, FE_RETURN_NULL); if (d == NULL) lua_pushnil(L); else { uout = new_PDFDoc_userdata(L); uout->d = d; uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = d->pc; uout->pd = d; } return 1; // doc path } static int l_new_Array(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uxref, *uout; uxref = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_XRef); if (uxref->pd != NULL && uxref->pd->pc != uxref->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); uout = new_Array_userdata(L); uout->d = new Array((XRef *) uxref->d); // automatic init to length 0 uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uxref->pc; uout->pd = uxref->pd; return 1; } static int l_new_Dict(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uxref, *uout; uxref = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_XRef); if (uxref->pd != NULL && uxref->pd->pc != uxref->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); uout = new_Dict_userdata(L); uout->d = new Dict((XRef *) uxref->d); // automatic init to length 0 uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uxref->pc; uout->pd = uxref->pd; return 1; } static int l_new_Object(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uout; uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); // automatic init to type "none" uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = 0; uout->pd = NULL; // not connected to any PDFDoc return 1; } // PDFRectangle see Page.h static int l_new_PDFRectangle(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uout; uout = new_PDFRectangle_userdata(L); uout->d = new PDFRectangle(); // automatic init to [0, 0, 0, 0] uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = 0; uout->pd = NULL; return 1; } static const struct luaL_Reg epdflib_f[] = { {"open", l_open_PDFDoc}, {"Array", l_new_Array}, {"Dict", l_new_Dict}, {"Object", l_new_Object}, {"PDFRectangle", l_new_PDFRectangle}, {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** #define m_poppler_get_poppler(in, out, function) \ static int m_##in##_##function(lua_State * L) \ { \ out *o; \ udstruct *uin, *uout; \ uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_##in); \ if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) \ pdfdoc_changed_error(L); \ o = ((in *) uin->d)->function(); \ if (o != NULL) { \ uout = new_##out##_userdata(L); \ uout->d = o; \ uout->pc = uin->pc; \ uout->pd = uin->pd; \ } else \ lua_pushnil(L); \ return 1; \ } #define m_poppler_get_BOOL(in, function) \ static int m_##in##_##function(lua_State * L) \ { \ udstruct *uin; \ uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_##in); \ if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) \ pdfdoc_changed_error(L); \ if (((in *) uin->d)->function()) \ lua_pushboolean(L, 1); \ else \ lua_pushboolean(L, 0); \ return 1; \ } #define m_poppler_get_INT(in, function) \ static int m_##in##_##function(lua_State * L) \ { \ int i; \ udstruct *uin; \ uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_##in); \ if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) \ pdfdoc_changed_error(L); \ i = (int) ((in *) uin->d)->function(); \ lua_pushinteger(L, i); \ return 1; \ } #define m_poppler_get_DOUBLE(in, function) \ static int m_##in##_##function(lua_State * L) \ { \ double d; \ udstruct *uin; \ uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_##in); \ if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) \ pdfdoc_changed_error(L); \ d = (double) ((in *) uin->d)->function(); \ lua_pushnumber(L, d); \ return 1; \ } #define m_poppler_get_GOOSTRING(in, function) \ static int m_##in##_##function(lua_State * L) \ { \ GooString *gs; \ udstruct *uin; \ uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_##in); \ if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) \ pdfdoc_changed_error(L); \ gs = ((in *) uin->d)->function(); \ if (gs != NULL) \ lua_pushlstring(L, gs->getCString(), gs->getLength()); \ else \ lua_pushnil(L); \ return 1; \ } #define m_poppler_get_OBJECT(in, function) \ static int m_##in##_##function(lua_State * L) \ { \ udstruct *uin, *uout; \ uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_##in); \ if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) \ pdfdoc_changed_error(L); \ uout = new_Object_userdata(L); \ uout->d = new Object(); \ ((in *) uin->d)->function((Object *) uout->d); \ uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; \ uout->pc = uin->pc; \ uout->pd = uin->pd; \ return 1; \ } #define m_poppler_do(in, function) \ static int m_##in##_##function(lua_State * L) \ { \ udstruct *uin; \ uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_##in); \ if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) \ pdfdoc_changed_error(L); \ ((in *) uin->d)->function(); \ return 0; \ } #define m_poppler__tostring(type) \ static int m_##type##__tostring(lua_State * L) \ { \ udstruct *uin; \ uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_##type); \ if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) \ pdfdoc_changed_error(L); \ lua_pushfstring(L, "%s: %p", #type, (type *) uin->d); \ return 1; \ } #define m_poppler_check_string(in, function) \ static int m_##in##_##function(lua_State * L) \ { \ const char *s; \ udstruct *uin; \ uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_##in); \ if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) \ pdfdoc_changed_error(L); \ s = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); \ if (((in *) uin->d)->function((char *) s)) \ lua_pushboolean(L, 1); \ else \ lua_pushboolean(L, 0); \ return 1; \ } //********************************************************************** // Annot m_poppler_get_BOOL(Annot, isOk); static int m_Annot_match(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin, *uref; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Annot); uref = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 2, M_Ref); if (uin->pd != NULL && uref->pd != NULL && uin->pd != uref->pd) pdfdoc_differs_error(L); if ((uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) || (uref->pd != NULL && uref->pd->pc != uref->pc)) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); lua_pushboolean(L, ((Annot *) uin->d)->match((Ref *) uref->d)); return 1; } m_poppler__tostring(Annot); static int m_Annot__gc(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Annot); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); #ifdef DEBUG printf("\n===== Annot GC ===== uin=<%p>\n", uin); #endif if (uin->atype == ALLOC_LEPDF) #if 1 /* def HAVE_ANNOTDECREFCNT */ ((Annot *) uin->d)->decRefCnt(); #else delete(Annot *) uin->d; #endif return 0; } static const struct luaL_Reg Annot_m[] = { {"isOk", m_Annot_isOk}, {"match", m_Annot_match}, {"__tostring", m_Annot__tostring}, {"__gc", m_Annot__gc}, {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // Annots m_poppler_get_INT(Annots, getNumAnnots); static int m_Annots_getAnnot(lua_State * L) { int i, annots; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Annots); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); annots = ((Annots *) uin->d)->getNumAnnots(); if (i > 0 && i <= annots) { uout = new_Annot_userdata(L); uout->d = ((Annots *) uin->d)->getAnnot(i); uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } m_poppler__tostring(Annots); static const struct luaL_Reg Annots_m[] = { {"getNumAnnots", m_Annots_getNumAnnots}, {"getAnnot", m_Annots_getAnnot}, {"__tostring", m_Annots__tostring}, {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // Array static int m_Array_incRef(lua_State * L) { int i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Array); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = ((Array *) uin->d)->incRef(); lua_pushinteger(L, i); return 1; } static int m_Array_decRef(lua_State * L) { int i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Array); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = ((Array *) uin->d)->decRef(); lua_pushinteger(L, i); return 1; } m_poppler_get_INT(Array, getLength); static int m_Array_add(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin, *uobj; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Array); uobj = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 2, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uobj->pd != NULL && uin->pd != uobj->pd) pdfdoc_differs_error(L); if ((uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) || (uobj->pd != NULL && uobj->pd->pc != uobj->pc)) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); ((Array *) uin->d)->add(((Object *) uobj->d)); return 0; } static int m_Array_get(lua_State * L) { int i, len; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Array); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); len = ((Array *) uin->d)->getLength(); if (i > 0 && i <= len) { uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); ((Array *) uin->d)->get(i - 1, (Object *) uout->d); uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Array_getNF(lua_State * L) { int i, len; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Array); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); len = ((Array *) uin->d)->getLength(); if (i > 0 && i <= len) { uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); ((Array *) uin->d)->getNF(i - 1, (Object *) uout->d); uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Array_getString(lua_State * L) { GooString *gs; int i, len; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Array); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); len = ((Array *) uin->d)->getLength(); if (i > 0 && i <= len) { gs = new GooString(); if (((Array *) uin->d)->getString(i - 1, gs)) lua_pushlstring(L, gs->getCString(), gs->getLength()); else lua_pushnil(L); delete gs; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } m_poppler__tostring(Array); static const struct luaL_Reg Array_m[] = { {"incRef", m_Array_incRef}, {"decRef", m_Array_decRef}, {"getLength", m_Array_getLength}, {"add", m_Array_add}, {"get", m_Array_get}, {"getNF", m_Array_getNF}, {"getString", m_Array_getString}, {"__tostring", m_Array__tostring}, {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // Catalog m_poppler_get_BOOL(Catalog, isOk); m_poppler_get_INT(Catalog, getNumPages); static int m_Catalog_getPage(lua_State * L) { int i, pages; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Catalog); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); pages = ((Catalog *) uin->d)->getNumPages(); if (i > 0 && i <= pages) { uout = new_Page_userdata(L); uout->d = ((Catalog *) uin->d)->getPage(i); uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Catalog_getPageRef(lua_State * L) { int i, pages; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Catalog); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); pages = ((Catalog *) uin->d)->getNumPages(); if (i > 0 && i <= pages) { uout = new_Ref_userdata(L); uout->d = (Ref *) gmalloc(sizeof(Ref)); ((Ref *) uout->d)->num = ((Catalog *) uin->d)->getPageRef(i)->num; ((Ref *) uout->d)->gen = ((Catalog *) uin->d)->getPageRef(i)->gen; uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } m_poppler_get_GOOSTRING(Catalog, getBaseURI); m_poppler_get_GOOSTRING(Catalog, readMetadata); #ifdef GETSTRUCTTREEROOT_RETURNS_OBJECT m_poppler_get_poppler(Catalog, Object, getStructTreeRoot); #else m_poppler_get_poppler(Catalog, StructTreeRoot, getStructTreeRoot); #endif static int m_Catalog_findPage(lua_State * L) { int num, gen, i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Catalog); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); num = luaL_checkint(L, 2); gen = luaL_checkint(L, 3); i = ((Catalog *) uin->d)->findPage(num, gen); if (i > 0) lua_pushinteger(L, i); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Catalog_findDest(lua_State * L) { GooString *name; LinkDest *dest; const char *s; size_t len; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Catalog); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &len); name = new GooString(s, len); dest = ((Catalog *) uin->d)->findDest(name); if (dest != NULL) { uout = new_LinkDest_userdata(L); uout->d = dest; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); delete name; return 1; } m_poppler_get_poppler(Catalog, Object, getDests); m_poppler_get_INT(Catalog, numEmbeddedFiles); static int m_Catalog_embeddedFile(lua_State * L) { int i, len; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Catalog); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); len = ((Catalog *) uin->d)->numEmbeddedFiles(); if (i > 0 && i <= len) { uout = new_FileSpec_userdata(L); uout->d = ((Catalog *) uin->d)->embeddedFile(i - 1); uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } m_poppler_get_INT(Catalog, numJS); static int m_Catalog_getJS(lua_State * L) { GooString *gs; int i, len; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Catalog); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); len = ((Catalog *) uin->d)->numJS(); if (i > 0 && i <= len) { gs = ((Catalog *) uin->d)->getJS(i - 1); if (gs != NULL) lua_pushlstring(L, gs->getCString(), gs->getLength()); else lua_pushnil(L); delete gs; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } m_poppler_get_poppler(Catalog, Object, getOutline); m_poppler_get_poppler(Catalog, Object, getAcroForm); m_poppler__tostring(Catalog); static const struct luaL_Reg Catalog_m[] = { {"isOk", m_Catalog_isOk}, {"getNumPages", m_Catalog_getNumPages}, {"getPage", m_Catalog_getPage}, {"getPageRef", m_Catalog_getPageRef}, {"getBaseURI", m_Catalog_getBaseURI}, {"readMetadata", m_Catalog_readMetadata}, {"getStructTreeRoot", m_Catalog_getStructTreeRoot}, {"findPage", m_Catalog_findPage}, {"findDest", m_Catalog_findDest}, {"getDests", m_Catalog_getDests}, {"numEmbeddedFiles", m_Catalog_numEmbeddedFiles}, {"embeddedFile", m_Catalog_embeddedFile}, {"numJS", m_Catalog_numJS}, {"getJS", m_Catalog_getJS}, {"getOutline", m_Catalog_getOutline}, {"getAcroForm", m_Catalog_getAcroForm}, {"__tostring", m_Catalog__tostring}, {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // Dict static int m_Dict_incRef(lua_State * L) { int i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Dict); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = ((Dict *) uin->d)->incRef(); lua_pushinteger(L, i); return 1; } static int m_Dict_decRef(lua_State * L) { int i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Dict); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = ((Dict *) uin->d)->decRef(); lua_pushinteger(L, i); return 1; } m_poppler_get_INT(Dict, getLength); static int m_Dict_add(lua_State * L) { char *s; udstruct *uin, *uobj; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Dict); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = copyString((char *) luaL_checkstring(L, 2)); uobj = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 3, M_Object); ((Dict *) uin->d)->add(s, ((Object *) uobj->d)); return 0; } static int m_Dict_set(lua_State * L) { char *s; udstruct *uin, *uobj; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Dict); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = (char *) luaL_checkstring(L, 2); uobj = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 3, M_Object); ((Dict *) uin->d)->set(s, ((Object *) uobj->d)); return 0; } static int m_Dict_remove(lua_State * L) { char *s; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Dict); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = (char *) luaL_checkstring(L, 2); ((Dict *) uin->d)->remove(s); return 0; } m_poppler_check_string(Dict, is); static int m_Dict_lookup(lua_State * L) { const char *s; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Dict); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); ((Dict *) uin->d)->lookup((char *) s, (Object *) uout->d); uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; return 1; } static int m_Dict_lookupNF(lua_State * L) { const char *s; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Dict); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); ((Dict *) uin->d)->lookupNF((char *) s, (Object *) uout->d); uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; return 1; } static int m_Dict_lookupInt(lua_State * L) { const char *s1, *s2; int i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Dict); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s1 = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); s2 = luaL_checkstring(L, 3); if (((Dict *) uin->d)->lookupInt(s1, s2, &i)) lua_pushinteger(L, i); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Dict_getKey(lua_State * L) { int i, len; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Dict); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); len = ((Dict *) uin->d)->getLength(); if (i > 0 && i <= len) lua_pushstring(L, ((Dict *) uin->d)->getKey(i - 1)); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Dict_getVal(lua_State * L) { int i, len; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Dict); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); len = ((Dict *) uin->d)->getLength(); if (i > 0 && i <= len) { uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); ((Dict *) uin->d)->getVal(i - 1, (Object *) uout->d); uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Dict_getValNF(lua_State * L) { int i, len; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Dict); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); len = ((Dict *) uin->d)->getLength(); if (i > 0 && i <= len) { uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); ((Dict *) uin->d)->getValNF(i - 1, (Object *) uout->d); uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } m_poppler_check_string(Dict, hasKey); m_poppler__tostring(Dict); static const struct luaL_Reg Dict_m[] = { {"incRef", m_Dict_incRef}, {"decRef", m_Dict_decRef}, {"getLength", m_Dict_getLength}, {"add", m_Dict_add}, {"set", m_Dict_set}, {"remove", m_Dict_remove}, {"is", m_Dict_is}, {"lookup", m_Dict_lookup}, {"lookupNF", m_Dict_lookupNF}, {"lookupInt", m_Dict_lookupInt}, {"getKey", m_Dict_getKey}, {"getVal", m_Dict_getVal}, {"getValNF", m_Dict_getValNF}, {"hasKey", m_Dict_hasKey}, {"__tostring", m_Dict__tostring}, {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // EmbFile m_poppler_get_INT(EmbFile, size); m_poppler_get_GOOSTRING(EmbFile, modDate); m_poppler_get_GOOSTRING(EmbFile, createDate); m_poppler_get_GOOSTRING(EmbFile, checksum); m_poppler_get_GOOSTRING(EmbFile, mimeType); m_poppler_get_BOOL(EmbFile, isOk); static int m_EmbFile_save(lua_State * L) { const char *s; size_t len; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_EmbFile); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &len); if (((EmbFile *) uin->d)->save(s)) lua_pushboolean(L, 1); else lua_pushboolean(L, 0); return 1; } m_poppler__tostring(EmbFile); static const struct luaL_Reg EmbFile_m[] = { {"size", m_EmbFile_size}, {"modDate", m_EmbFile_modDate}, {"createDate", m_EmbFile_createDate}, {"checksum", m_EmbFile_checksum}, {"mimeType", m_EmbFile_mimeType}, {"isOk", m_EmbFile_isOk}, {"save", m_EmbFile_save}, {"__tostring", m_EmbFile__tostring}, {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // FileSpec m_poppler_get_BOOL(FileSpec, isOk); m_poppler_get_GOOSTRING(FileSpec, getFileName); m_poppler_get_GOOSTRING(FileSpec, getFileNameForPlatform); m_poppler_get_GOOSTRING(FileSpec, getDescription); static int m_FileSpec_getEmbeddedFile(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_FileSpec); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); uout = new_EmbFile_userdata(L); uout->d = ((FileSpec *) uin->d)->getEmbeddedFile(); uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; return 1; } m_poppler__tostring(FileSpec); static const struct luaL_Reg FileSpec_m[] = { {"isOk", m_FileSpec_isOk}, {"getFileName", m_FileSpec_getFileName}, {"getFileNameForPlatform", m_FileSpec_getFileNameForPlatform}, {"getDescription", m_FileSpec_getDescription}, {"getEmbeddedFile", m_FileSpec_getEmbeddedFile}, {"__tostring", m_FileSpec__tostring}, {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // GooString static int m_GooString__tostring(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_GooString); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); lua_pushlstring(L, ((GooString *) uin->d)->getCString(), ((GooString *) uin->d)->getLength()); return 1; } static const struct luaL_Reg GooString_m[] = { {"__tostring", m_GooString__tostring}, {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // LinkDest static const char *LinkDestKindNames[] = { "XYZ", "Fit", "FitH", "FitV", "FitR", "FitB", "FitBH", "FitBV", NULL }; m_poppler_get_BOOL(LinkDest, isOk); static int m_LinkDest_getKind(lua_State * L) { int i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_LinkDest); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = (int) ((LinkDest *) uin->d)->getKind(); lua_pushinteger(L, i); return 1; } static int m_LinkDest_getKindName(lua_State * L) { int i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_LinkDest); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = (int) ((LinkDest *) uin->d)->getKind(); lua_pushstring(L, LinkDestKindNames[i]); return 1; } m_poppler_get_BOOL(LinkDest, isPageRef); m_poppler_get_INT(LinkDest, getPageNum); static int m_LinkDest_getPageRef(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_LinkDest); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); uout = new_Ref_userdata(L); uout->d = (Ref *) gmalloc(sizeof(Ref)); ((Ref *) uout->d)->num = ((LinkDest *) uin->d)->getPageRef().num; ((Ref *) uout->d)->gen = ((LinkDest *) uin->d)->getPageRef().gen; uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; return 1; } m_poppler_get_DOUBLE(LinkDest, getLeft); m_poppler_get_DOUBLE(LinkDest, getBottom); m_poppler_get_DOUBLE(LinkDest, getRight); m_poppler_get_DOUBLE(LinkDest, getTop); m_poppler_get_DOUBLE(LinkDest, getZoom); m_poppler_get_BOOL(LinkDest, getChangeLeft); m_poppler_get_BOOL(LinkDest, getChangeTop); m_poppler_get_BOOL(LinkDest, getChangeZoom); m_poppler__tostring(LinkDest); static const struct luaL_Reg LinkDest_m[] = { {"isOk", m_LinkDest_isOk}, {"getKind", m_LinkDest_getKind}, {"getKindName", m_LinkDest_getKindName}, // not poppler {"isPageRef", m_LinkDest_isPageRef}, {"getPageNum", m_LinkDest_getPageNum}, {"getPageRef", m_LinkDest_getPageRef}, {"getLeft", m_LinkDest_getLeft}, {"getBottom", m_LinkDest_getBottom}, {"getRight", m_LinkDest_getRight}, {"getTop", m_LinkDest_getTop}, {"getZoom", m_LinkDest_getZoom}, {"getChangeLeft", m_LinkDest_getChangeLeft}, {"getChangeTop", m_LinkDest_getChangeTop}, {"getChangeZoom", m_LinkDest_getChangeZoom}, {"__tostring", m_LinkDest__tostring}, {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // Links m_poppler_get_INT(Links, getNumLinks); m_poppler__tostring(Links); static const struct luaL_Reg Links_m[] = { {"getNumLinks", m_Links_getNumLinks}, //{"getLink", m_Links_getLink}, {"__tostring", m_Links__tostring}, {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // Object // Special type checking. #define m_Object_isType(function) \ static int m_Object_##function(lua_State * L) \ { \ udstruct *uin; \ uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); \ if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) \ pdfdoc_changed_error(L); \ if (lua_gettop(L) >= 2) { \ if (lua_isstring(L, 2) \ && ((Object *) uin->d)->function((char *) lua_tostring(L, 2))) \ lua_pushboolean(L, 1); \ else \ lua_pushboolean(L, 0); \ } else { \ if (((Object *) uin->d)->function()) \ lua_pushboolean(L, 1); \ else \ lua_pushboolean(L, 0); \ } \ return 1; \ } static int m_Object_initBool(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TBOOLEAN); if (lua_toboolean(L, 2) != 0) ((Object *) uin->d)->initBool(gTrue); else ((Object *) uin->d)->initBool(gFalse); return 0; } static int m_Object_initInt(lua_State * L) { int i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); ((Object *) uin->d)->initInt(i); return 0; } static int m_Object_initReal(lua_State * L) { double d; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); d = luaL_checknumber(L, 2); ((Object *) uin->d)->initReal(d); return 0; } static int m_Object_initString(lua_State * L) { GooString *gs; const char *s; size_t len; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &len); gs = new GooString(s, len); ((Object *) uin->d)->initString(gs); return 0; } static int m_Object_initName(lua_State * L) { const char *s; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); ((Object *) uin->d)->initName((char *) s); return 0; } static int m_Object_initNull(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); ((Object *) uin->d)->initNull(); return 0; } static int m_Object_initArray(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin, *uxref; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); uxref = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 2, M_XRef); if (uin->pd != NULL && uxref->pd != NULL && uin->pd != uxref->pd) pdfdoc_differs_error(L); if ((uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) || (uxref->pd != NULL && uxref->pd->pc != uxref->pc)) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); ((Object *) uin->d)->initArray((XRef *) uxref->d); return 0; } // TODO: decide betweeen // Object *initDict(XRef *xref); // Object *initDict(Dict *dictA); static int m_Object_initDict(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin, *uxref; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); uxref = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 2, M_XRef); if (uin->pd != NULL && uxref->pd != NULL && uin->pd != uxref->pd) pdfdoc_differs_error(L); if ((uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) || (uxref->pd != NULL && uxref->pd->pc != uxref->pc)) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); ((Object *) uin->d)->initDict((XRef *) uxref->d); return 0; } static int m_Object_initStream(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin, *ustream; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); ustream = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 2, M_Stream); if (uin->pd != NULL && ustream->pd != NULL && uin->pd != ustream->pd) pdfdoc_differs_error(L); if ((uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) || (ustream->pd != NULL && ustream->pd->pc != ustream->pc)) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); ((Object *) uin->d)->initStream((Stream *) ustream->d); return 0; } static int m_Object_initRef(lua_State * L) { int num, gen; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); num = luaL_checkint(L, 2); gen = luaL_checkint(L, 3); ((Object *) uin->d)->initRef(num, gen); return 0; } static int m_Object_initCmd(lua_State * L) { const char *s; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); ((Object *) uin->d)->initCmd((char *) s); return 0; } static int m_Object_initError(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); ((Object *) uin->d)->initError(); return 0; } static int m_Object_initEOF(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); ((Object *) uin->d)->initEOF(); return 0; } static int m_Object_fetch(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin, *uxref, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); uxref = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 2, M_XRef); if (uin->pd != NULL && uxref->pd != NULL && uin->pd != uxref->pd) pdfdoc_differs_error(L); if ((uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) || (uxref->pd != NULL && uxref->pd->pc != uxref->pc)) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); ((Object *) uin->d)->fetch((XRef *) uxref->d, (Object *) uout->d); uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; return 1; } static int m_Object_getType(lua_State * L) { ObjType t; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); t = ((Object *) uin->d)->getType(); lua_pushinteger(L, (int) t); return 1; } static int m_Object_getTypeName(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); lua_pushstring(L, ((Object *) uin->d)->getTypeName()); return 1; } m_poppler_get_BOOL(Object, isBool); m_poppler_get_BOOL(Object, isInt); m_poppler_get_BOOL(Object, isReal); m_poppler_get_BOOL(Object, isNum); m_poppler_get_BOOL(Object, isString); m_Object_isType(isName); m_poppler_get_BOOL(Object, isNull); m_poppler_get_BOOL(Object, isArray); m_Object_isType(isDict); m_Object_isType(isStream); m_poppler_get_BOOL(Object, isRef); m_Object_isType(isCmd); m_poppler_get_BOOL(Object, isError); m_poppler_get_BOOL(Object, isEOF); m_poppler_get_BOOL(Object, isNone); static int m_Object_getBool(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isBool()) { if (((Object *) uin->d)->getBool()) lua_pushboolean(L, 1); else lua_pushboolean(L, 0); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_getInt(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isInt()) lua_pushnumber(L, ((Object *) uin->d)->getInt()); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_getReal(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isReal()) lua_pushnumber(L, ((Object *) uin->d)->getReal()); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_getNum(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isNum()) lua_pushnumber(L, ((Object *) uin->d)->getNum()); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_getString(lua_State * L) { GooString *gs; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isString()) { gs = ((Object *) uin->d)->getString(); lua_pushlstring(L, gs->getCString(), gs->getLength()); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_getName(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isName()) lua_pushstring(L, ((Object *) uin->d)->getName()); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_getArray(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isArray()) { uout = new_Array_userdata(L); uout->d = ((Object *) uin->d)->getArray(); uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_getDict(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isDict()) { uout = new_Dict_userdata(L); uout->d = ((Object *) uin->d)->getDict(); uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_getStream(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isStream()) { uout = new_Stream_userdata(L); uout->d = ((Object *) uin->d)->getStream(); uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_getRef(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isRef()) { uout = new_Ref_userdata(L); uout->d = (Ref *) gmalloc(sizeof(Ref)); ((Ref *) uout->d)->num = ((Object *) uin->d)->getRef().num; ((Ref *) uout->d)->gen = ((Object *) uin->d)->getRef().gen; uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_getRefNum(lua_State * L) { int i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isRef()) { i = ((Object *) uin->d)->getRef().num; lua_pushinteger(L, i); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_getRefGen(lua_State * L) { int i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isRef()) { i = ((Object *) uin->d)->getRef().gen; lua_pushinteger(L, i); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_getCmd(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isCmd()) lua_pushstring(L, ((Object *) uin->d)->getCmd()); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_arrayGetLength(lua_State * L) { int len; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isArray()) { len = ((Object *) uin->d)->arrayGetLength(); lua_pushnumber(L, len); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_arrayAdd(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin, *uobj; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); uobj = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 2, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uobj->pd != NULL && uin->pd != uobj->pd) pdfdoc_differs_error(L); if ((uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) || (uobj->pd != NULL && uobj->pd->pc != uobj->pd->pc)) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (!((Object *) uin->d)->isArray()) luaL_error(L, "Object is not an Array"); ((Object *) uin->d)->arrayAdd((Object *) uobj->d); return 0; } static int m_Object_arrayGet(lua_State * L) { int i, len; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isArray()) { len = ((Object *) uin->d)->arrayGetLength(); if (i > 0 && i <= len) { uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); ((Object *) uin->d)->arrayGet(i - 1, (Object *) uout->d); uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_arrayGetNF(lua_State * L) { int i, len; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isArray()) { len = ((Object *) uin->d)->arrayGetLength(); if (i > 0 && i <= len) { uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); ((Object *) uin->d)->arrayGetNF(i - 1, (Object *) uout->d); uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_dictGetLength(lua_State * L) { int len; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isDict()) { len = ((Object *) uin->d)->dictGetLength(); lua_pushnumber(L, len); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_dictAdd(lua_State * L) { const char *s; udstruct *uin, *uobj; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); s = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); uobj = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 3, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uobj->pd != NULL && uin->pd != uobj->pd) pdfdoc_differs_error(L); if ((uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) || (uobj->pd != NULL && uobj->pd->pc != uobj->pd->pc)) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (!((Object *) uin->d)->isDict()) luaL_error(L, "Object is not a Dict"); ((Object *) uin->d)->dictAdd((char *) s, (Object *) uobj->d); return 0; } static int m_Object_dictSet(lua_State * L) { const char *s; udstruct *uin, *uobj; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); s = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); uobj = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 3, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uobj->pd != NULL && uin->pd != uobj->pd) pdfdoc_differs_error(L); if ((uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) || (uobj->pd != NULL && uobj->pd->pc != uobj->pd->pc)) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (!((Object *) uin->d)->isDict()) luaL_error(L, "Object is not a Dict"); ((Object *) uin->d)->dictSet((char *) s, (Object *) uobj->d); return 0; } static int m_Object_dictLookup(lua_State * L) { const char *s; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isDict()) { uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); ((Object *) uin->d)->dictLookup((char *) s, (Object *) uout->d); uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_dictLookupNF(lua_State * L) { const char *s; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isDict()) { uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); ((Object *) uin->d)->dictLookupNF((char *) s, (Object *) uout->d); uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_dictGetKey(lua_State * L) { int i, len; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isDict()) { len = ((Object *) uin->d)->dictGetLength(); if (i > 0 && i <= len) lua_pushstring(L, ((Object *) uin->d)->dictGetKey(i - 1)); else lua_pushnil(L); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_dictGetVal(lua_State * L) { int i, len; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isDict()) { len = ((Object *) uin->d)->dictGetLength(); if (i > 0 && i <= len) { uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); ((Object *) uin->d)->dictGetVal(i - 1, (Object *) uout->d); uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_dictGetValNF(lua_State * L) { int i, len; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isDict()) { len = ((Object *) uin->d)->dictGetLength(); if (i > 0 && i <= len) { uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); ((Object *) uin->d)->dictGetValNF(i - 1, (Object *) uout->d); uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_streamIs(lua_State * L) { const char *s; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isStream()) { if (((Object *) uin->d)->streamIs((char *) s)) lua_pushboolean(L, 1); else lua_pushboolean(L, 0); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_streamReset(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isStream()) ((Object *) uin->d)->streamReset(); return 0; } static int m_Object_streamGetChar(lua_State * L) { int i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isStream()) { i = ((Object *) uin->d)->streamGetChar(); lua_pushinteger(L, i); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_streamLookChar(lua_State * L) { int i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isStream()) { i = ((Object *) uin->d)->streamLookChar(); lua_pushinteger(L, i); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_streamGetPos(lua_State * L) { int i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isStream()) { i = (int) ((Object *) uin->d)->streamGetPos(); lua_pushinteger(L, i); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object_streamSetPos(lua_State * L) { int i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isStream()) ((Object *) uin->d)->streamSetPos(i); return 0; } static int m_Object_streamGetDict(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((Object *) uin->d)->isStream()) { uout = new_Dict_userdata(L); uout->d = ((Object *) uin->d)->streamGetDict(); uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_Object__gc(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Object); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); #ifdef DEBUG printf("\n===== Object GC ===== uin=<%p>\n", uin); #endif if (uin->atype == ALLOC_LEPDF) { ((Object *) uin->d)->free(); delete(Object *) uin->d; } return 0; } m_poppler__tostring(Object); static const struct luaL_Reg Object_m[] = { {"initBool", m_Object_initBool}, {"initInt", m_Object_initInt}, {"initReal", m_Object_initReal}, {"initString", m_Object_initString}, {"initName", m_Object_initName}, {"initNull", m_Object_initNull}, {"initArray", m_Object_initArray}, {"initDict", m_Object_initDict}, {"initStream", m_Object_initStream}, {"initRef", m_Object_initRef}, {"initCmd", m_Object_initCmd}, {"initError", m_Object_initError}, {"initEOF", m_Object_initEOF}, // {"copy", m_Object_copy}, {"fetch", m_Object_fetch}, {"getType", m_Object_getType}, {"getTypeName", m_Object_getTypeName}, {"isBool", m_Object_isBool}, {"isInt", m_Object_isInt}, {"isReal", m_Object_isReal}, {"isNum", m_Object_isNum}, {"isString", m_Object_isString}, {"isName", m_Object_isName}, {"isNull", m_Object_isNull}, {"isArray", m_Object_isArray}, {"isDict", m_Object_isDict}, {"isStream", m_Object_isStream}, {"isRef", m_Object_isRef}, {"isCmd", m_Object_isCmd}, {"isError", m_Object_isError}, {"isEOF", m_Object_isEOF}, {"isNone", m_Object_isNone}, {"getBool", m_Object_getBool}, {"getInt", m_Object_getInt}, {"getReal", m_Object_getReal}, {"getNum", m_Object_getNum}, {"getString", m_Object_getString}, {"getName", m_Object_getName}, {"getArray", m_Object_getArray}, {"getDict", m_Object_getDict}, {"getStream", m_Object_getStream}, {"getRef", m_Object_getRef}, {"getRefNum", m_Object_getRefNum}, {"getRefGen", m_Object_getRefGen}, {"getCmd", m_Object_getCmd}, {"arrayGetLength", m_Object_arrayGetLength}, {"arrayAdd", m_Object_arrayAdd}, {"arrayGet", m_Object_arrayGet}, {"arrayGetNF", m_Object_arrayGetNF}, {"dictGetLength", m_Object_dictGetLength}, {"dictAdd", m_Object_dictAdd}, {"dictSet", m_Object_dictSet}, {"dictLookup", m_Object_dictLookup}, {"dictLookupNF", m_Object_dictLookupNF}, {"dictGetKey", m_Object_dictGetKey}, {"dictGetVal", m_Object_dictGetVal}, {"dictGetValNF", m_Object_dictGetValNF}, {"streamIs", m_Object_streamIs}, {"streamReset", m_Object_streamReset}, // {"streamClose", m_Object_streamClose}, {"streamGetChar", m_Object_streamGetChar}, {"streamLookChar", m_Object_streamLookChar}, // {"streamGetLine", m_Object_streamGetLine}, {"streamGetPos", m_Object_streamGetPos}, {"streamSetPos", m_Object_streamSetPos}, {"streamGetDict", m_Object_streamGetDict}, {"__tostring", m_Object__tostring}, {"__gc", m_Object__gc}, // finalizer {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // Page m_poppler_get_BOOL(Page, isOk); m_poppler_get_INT(Page, getNum); m_poppler_get_poppler(Page, PDFRectangle, getMediaBox); m_poppler_get_poppler(Page, PDFRectangle, getCropBox); m_poppler_get_BOOL(Page, isCropped); m_poppler_get_DOUBLE(Page, getMediaWidth); m_poppler_get_DOUBLE(Page, getMediaHeight); m_poppler_get_DOUBLE(Page, getCropWidth); m_poppler_get_DOUBLE(Page, getCropHeight); m_poppler_get_poppler(Page, PDFRectangle, getBleedBox); m_poppler_get_poppler(Page, PDFRectangle, getTrimBox); m_poppler_get_poppler(Page, PDFRectangle, getArtBox); m_poppler_get_INT(Page, getRotate); m_poppler_get_GOOSTRING(Page, getLastModified); m_poppler_get_poppler(Page, Dict, getBoxColorInfo); m_poppler_get_poppler(Page, Dict, getGroup); m_poppler_get_poppler(Page, Stream, getMetadata); m_poppler_get_poppler(Page, Dict, getPieceInfo); m_poppler_get_poppler(Page, Dict, getSeparationInfo); m_poppler_get_poppler(Page, Dict, getResourceDict); m_poppler_get_OBJECT(Page, getAnnots); m_poppler_get_OBJECT(Page, getContents); m_poppler__tostring(Page); static const struct luaL_Reg Page_m[] = { {"isOk", m_Page_isOk}, {"getNum", m_Page_getNum}, {"getMediaBox", m_Page_getMediaBox}, {"getCropBox", m_Page_getCropBox}, {"isCropped", m_Page_isCropped}, {"getMediaWidth", m_Page_getMediaWidth}, {"getMediaHeight", m_Page_getMediaHeight}, {"getCropWidth", m_Page_getCropWidth}, {"getCropHeight", m_Page_getCropHeight}, {"getBleedBox", m_Page_getBleedBox}, {"getTrimBox", m_Page_getTrimBox}, {"getArtBox", m_Page_getArtBox}, {"getRotate", m_Page_getRotate}, {"getLastModified", m_Page_getLastModified}, {"getBoxColorInfo", m_Page_getBoxColorInfo}, {"getGroup", m_Page_getGroup}, {"getMetadata", m_Page_getMetadata}, {"getPieceInfo", m_Page_getPieceInfo}, {"getSeparationInfo", m_Page_getSeparationInfo}, {"getResourceDict", m_Page_getResourceDict}, {"getAnnots", m_Page_getAnnots}, {"getContents", m_Page_getContents}, {"__tostring", m_Page__tostring}, {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // PDFDoc #define m_PDFDoc_BOOL(function) \ static int m_PDFDoc_##function(lua_State * L) \ { \ udstruct *uin; \ uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFDoc); \ if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) \ pdfdoc_changed_error(L); \ if (((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->function()) \ lua_pushboolean(L, 1); \ else \ lua_pushboolean(L, 0); \ return 1; \ } #define m_PDFDoc_INT(function) \ static int m_PDFDoc_##function(lua_State * L) \ { \ int i; \ udstruct *uin; \ uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFDoc); \ if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) \ pdfdoc_changed_error(L); \ i = ((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->function(); \ lua_pushinteger(L, i); \ return 1; \ } m_PDFDoc_BOOL(isOk); m_PDFDoc_INT(getErrorCode); static int m_PDFDoc_getFileName(lua_State * L) { GooString *gs; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFDoc); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); gs = ((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->getFileName(); if (gs != NULL) lua_pushlstring(L, gs->getCString(), gs->getLength()); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_PDFDoc_getErrorCodeName(lua_State * L) { int i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFDoc); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = ((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->getErrorCode(); lua_pushstring(L, ErrorCodeNames[i]); return 1; } static int m_PDFDoc_getXRef(lua_State * L) { XRef *xref; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFDoc); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); xref = ((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->getXRef(); if (xref->isOk()) { uout = new_XRef_userdata(L); uout->d = xref; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_PDFDoc_getCatalog(lua_State * L) { Catalog *cat; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFDoc); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); cat = ((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->getCatalog(); if (cat->isOk()) { uout = new_Catalog_userdata(L); uout->d = cat; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } #define m_PDFDoc_PAGEDIMEN(function) \ static int m_PDFDoc_##function(lua_State * L) \ { \ int i, pages; \ double d; \ udstruct *uin; \ uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFDoc); \ if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) \ pdfdoc_changed_error(L); \ i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); \ pages = ((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->getNumPages(); \ if (i > 0 && i <= pages) { \ d = (double) ((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->function(i); \ lua_pushnumber(L, d); \ } else \ lua_pushnil(L); \ return 1; \ } m_PDFDoc_PAGEDIMEN(getPageMediaWidth); m_PDFDoc_PAGEDIMEN(getPageMediaHeight); m_PDFDoc_PAGEDIMEN(getPageCropWidth); m_PDFDoc_PAGEDIMEN(getPageCropHeight); m_PDFDoc_INT(getNumPages); static int m_PDFDoc_readMetadata(lua_State * L) { GooString *gs; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFDoc); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->getCatalog()->isOk()) { gs = ((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->readMetadata(); if (gs != NULL) lua_pushlstring(L, gs->getCString(), gs->getLength()); else lua_pushnil(L); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_PDFDoc_getStructTreeRoot(lua_State * L) { #ifdef GETSTRUCTTREEROOT_RETURNS_OBJECT Object *obj; #else StructTreeRoot *obj; #endif udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFDoc); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->getCatalog()->isOk()) { obj = ((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->getStructTreeRoot(); #ifdef GETSTRUCTTREEROOT_RETURNS_OBJECT uout = new_Object_userdata(L); #else uout = new_StructTreeRoot_userdata(L); #endif uout->d = obj; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_PDFDoc_findPage(lua_State * L) { int num, gen, i; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFDoc); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); num = luaL_checkint(L, 2); gen = luaL_checkint(L, 3); if (((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->getCatalog()->isOk()) { i = ((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->findPage(num, gen); if (i > 0) lua_pushinteger(L, i); else lua_pushnil(L); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_PDFDoc_getLinks(lua_State * L) { int i, pages; Links *links; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFDoc); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); i = luaL_checkint(L, 2); pages = ((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->getNumPages(); if (i > 0 && i <= pages) { links = ((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->getLinks(i); if (links != NULL) { uout = new_Links_userdata(L); uout->d = links; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_PDFDoc_findDest(lua_State * L) { GooString *name; LinkDest *dest; const char *s; size_t len; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFDoc); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &len); name = new GooString(s, len); if (((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->getCatalog()->isOk()) { dest = ((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->findDest(name); if (dest != NULL) { uout = new_LinkDest_userdata(L); uout->d = dest; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); } else lua_pushnil(L); delete name; return 1; } m_PDFDoc_BOOL(isEncrypted); m_PDFDoc_BOOL(okToPrint); m_PDFDoc_BOOL(okToChange); m_PDFDoc_BOOL(okToCopy); m_PDFDoc_BOOL(okToAddNotes); m_PDFDoc_BOOL(isLinearized); static int m_PDFDoc_getDocInfo(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFDoc); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->getXRef()->isOk()) { uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); ((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->getDocInfo((Object *) uout->d); uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_PDFDoc_getDocInfoNF(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFDoc); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); if (((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->getXRef()->isOk()) { uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); ((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->doc->getDocInfoNF((Object *) uout->d); uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } m_PDFDoc_INT(getPDFMajorVersion); m_PDFDoc_INT(getPDFMinorVersion); m_poppler__tostring(PDFDoc); static int m_PDFDoc__gc(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFDoc); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); #ifdef DEBUG printf("\n===== PDFDoc GC ===== file_path=<%s>\n", ((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->file_path); #endif assert(uin->atype == ALLOC_LEPDF); unrefPdfDocument(((PdfDocument *) uin->d)->file_path); return 0; } static const struct luaL_Reg PDFDoc_m[] = { {"isOk", m_PDFDoc_isOk}, {"getErrorCode", m_PDFDoc_getErrorCode}, {"getErrorCodeName", m_PDFDoc_getErrorCodeName}, // not poppler {"getFileName", m_PDFDoc_getFileName}, {"getXRef", m_PDFDoc_getXRef}, {"getCatalog", m_PDFDoc_getCatalog}, // {"getBaseStream", m_PDFDoc_getBaseStream}, {"getPageMediaWidth", m_PDFDoc_getPageMediaWidth}, {"getPageMediaHeight", m_PDFDoc_getPageMediaHeight}, {"getPageCropWidth", m_PDFDoc_getPageCropWidth}, {"getPageCropHeight", m_PDFDoc_getPageCropHeight}, {"getNumPages", m_PDFDoc_getNumPages}, {"readMetadata", m_PDFDoc_readMetadata}, {"getStructTreeRoot", m_PDFDoc_getStructTreeRoot}, {"findPage", m_PDFDoc_findPage}, {"getLinks", m_PDFDoc_getLinks}, {"findDest", m_PDFDoc_findDest}, {"isEncrypted", m_PDFDoc_isEncrypted}, {"okToPrint", m_PDFDoc_okToPrint}, {"okToChange", m_PDFDoc_okToChange}, {"okToCopy", m_PDFDoc_okToCopy}, {"okToAddNotes", m_PDFDoc_okToAddNotes}, {"isLinearized", m_PDFDoc_isLinearized}, {"getDocInfo", m_PDFDoc_getDocInfo}, {"getDocInfoNF", m_PDFDoc_getDocInfoNF}, {"getPDFMajorVersion", m_PDFDoc_getPDFMajorVersion}, {"getPDFMinorVersion", m_PDFDoc_getPDFMinorVersion}, {"__tostring", m_PDFDoc__tostring}, {"__gc", m_PDFDoc__gc}, // finalizer {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // PDFRectangle m_poppler_get_BOOL(PDFRectangle, isValid); m_poppler__tostring(PDFRectangle); static int m_PDFRectangle__index(lua_State * L) { const char *s; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFRectangle); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); if (strlen(s) == 2) { if (s[0] == 'x') { if (s[1] == '1') lua_pushnumber(L, ((PDFRectangle *) uin->d)->x1); else if (s[1] == '2') lua_pushnumber(L, ((PDFRectangle *) uin->d)->x2); else lua_pushnil(L); } else if (s[0] == 'y') { if (s[1] == '1') lua_pushnumber(L, ((PDFRectangle *) uin->d)->y1); else if (s[1] == '2') lua_pushnumber(L, ((PDFRectangle *) uin->d)->y2); else lua_pushnil(L); } else lua_pushnil(L); } else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } static int m_PDFRectangle__newindex(lua_State * L) { double d; const char *s; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFRectangle); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); d = luaL_checknumber(L, 3); if (strlen(s) == 2) { if (s[0] == 'x') { if (s[1] == '1') ((PDFRectangle *) uin->d)->x1 = d; else if (s[1] == '2') ((PDFRectangle *) uin->d)->x2 = d; else luaL_error(L, "wrong PDFRectangle coordinate (%s)", s); } else if (s[0] == 'y') { if (s[1] == '1') ((PDFRectangle *) uin->d)->y1 = d; else if (s[1] == '2') ((PDFRectangle *) uin->d)->y2 = d; } else luaL_error(L, "wrong PDFRectangle coordinate (%s)", s); } else luaL_error(L, "wrong PDFRectangle coordinate (%s)", s); return 0; } static int m_PDFRectangle__gc(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_PDFRectangle); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); #ifdef DEBUG printf("\n===== PDFRectangle GC ===== uin=<%p>\n", uin); #endif if (uin->atype == ALLOC_LEPDF) delete(PDFRectangle *) uin->d; return 0; } static const struct luaL_Reg PDFRectangle_m[] = { {"isValid", m_PDFRectangle_isValid}, {"__index", m_PDFRectangle__index}, {"__newindex", m_PDFRectangle__newindex}, {"__tostring", m_PDFRectangle__tostring}, {"__gc", m_PDFRectangle__gc}, {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // Ref static int m_Ref__index(lua_State * L) { const char *s; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Ref); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); s = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); if (strcmp(s, "num") == 0) lua_pushinteger(L, ((Ref *) uin->d)->num); else if (strcmp(s, "gen") == 0) lua_pushinteger(L, ((Ref *) uin->d)->gen); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } m_poppler__tostring(Ref); static int m_Ref__gc(lua_State * L) { udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Ref); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); #ifdef DEBUG printf("\n===== Ref GC ===== uin=<%p>\n", uin); #endif if (uin->atype == ALLOC_LEPDF && ((Ref *) uin->d) != NULL) gfree(((Ref *) uin->d)); return 0; } static const struct luaL_Reg Ref_m[] = { {"__index", m_Ref__index}, {"__tostring", m_Ref__tostring}, {"__gc", m_Ref__gc}, // finalizer {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // Stream static const char *StreamKindNames[] = { "File", "ASCIIHex", "ASCII85", "LZW", "RunLength", "CCITTFax", "DCT", "Flate", "JBIG2", "JPX", "Weird", NULL }; m_poppler_get_INT(Stream, getKind); static int m_Stream_getKindName(lua_State * L) { StreamKind t; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_Stream); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); t = ((Stream *) uin->d)->getKind(); lua_pushstring(L, StreamKindNames[t]); return 1; } m_poppler_do(Stream, reset); m_poppler_do(Stream, close); m_poppler_get_INT(Stream, getChar); m_poppler_get_INT(Stream, lookChar); m_poppler_get_INT(Stream, getRawChar); m_poppler_get_INT(Stream, getUnfilteredChar); m_poppler_do(Stream, unfilteredReset); m_poppler_get_INT(Stream, getPos); m_poppler_get_BOOL(Stream, isBinary); m_poppler_get_poppler(Stream, Stream, getUndecodedStream); m_poppler_get_poppler(Stream, Dict, getDict); m_poppler__tostring(Stream); static const struct luaL_Reg Stream_m[] = { {"getKind", m_Stream_getKind}, {"getKindName", m_Stream_getKindName}, // not poppler {"reset", m_Stream_reset}, {"close", m_Stream_close}, {"getUndecodedStream", m_Stream_getUndecodedStream}, {"getChar", m_Stream_getChar}, {"lookChar", m_Stream_lookChar}, {"getRawChar", m_Stream_getRawChar}, {"getUnfilteredChar", m_Stream_getUnfilteredChar}, {"unfilteredReset", m_Stream_unfilteredReset}, // {"getLine", m_Stream_getLine}, {"getPos", m_Stream_getPos}, {"isBinary", m_Stream_isBinary}, {"getUndecodedStream", m_Stream_getUndecodedStream}, {"getDict", m_Stream_getDict}, {"__tostring", m_Stream__tostring}, {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // XRef m_poppler_get_BOOL(XRef, isOk); m_poppler_get_INT(XRef, getErrorCode); m_poppler_get_BOOL(XRef, isEncrypted); m_poppler_get_BOOL(XRef, okToPrint); m_poppler_get_BOOL(XRef, okToPrintHighRes); m_poppler_get_BOOL(XRef, okToChange); m_poppler_get_BOOL(XRef, okToCopy); m_poppler_get_BOOL(XRef, okToAddNotes); m_poppler_get_BOOL(XRef, okToFillForm); m_poppler_get_BOOL(XRef, okToAccessibility); m_poppler_get_BOOL(XRef, okToAssemble); m_poppler_get_OBJECT(XRef, getCatalog); static int m_XRef_fetch(lua_State * L) { int num, gen; udstruct *uin, *uout; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_XRef); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); num = luaL_checkint(L, 2); gen = luaL_checkint(L, 3); uout = new_Object_userdata(L); uout->d = new Object(); ((XRef *) uin->d)->fetch(num, gen, (Object *) uout->d); uout->atype = ALLOC_LEPDF; uout->pc = uin->pc; uout->pd = uin->pd; return 1; } m_poppler_get_OBJECT(XRef, getDocInfo); m_poppler_get_OBJECT(XRef, getDocInfoNF); m_poppler_get_INT(XRef, getNumObjects); m_poppler_get_INT(XRef, getRootNum); m_poppler_get_INT(XRef, getRootGen); // getStreamEnd static int m_XRef_getNumEntry(lua_State * L) { int i, offset; udstruct *uin; uin = (udstruct *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, M_XRef); if (uin->pd != NULL && uin->pd->pc != uin->pc) pdfdoc_changed_error(L); offset = luaL_checkint(L, 2); i = ((XRef *) uin->d)->getNumEntry(offset); if (i >= 0) lua_pushinteger(L, i); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } m_poppler_get_poppler(XRef, Object, getTrailerDict); m_poppler__tostring(XRef); static const struct luaL_Reg XRef_m[] = { {"isOk", m_XRef_isOk}, {"getErrorCode", m_XRef_getErrorCode}, {"isEncrypted", m_XRef_isEncrypted}, {"okToPrint", m_XRef_okToPrint}, {"okToPrintHighRes", m_XRef_okToPrintHighRes}, {"okToChange", m_XRef_okToChange}, {"okToCopy", m_XRef_okToCopy}, {"okToAddNotes", m_XRef_okToAddNotes}, {"okToFillForm", m_XRef_okToFillForm}, {"okToAccessibility", m_XRef_okToAccessibility}, {"okToAssemble", m_XRef_okToAssemble}, {"getCatalog", m_XRef_getCatalog}, {"fetch", m_XRef_fetch}, {"getDocInfo", m_XRef_getDocInfo}, {"getDocInfoNF", m_XRef_getDocInfoNF}, {"getNumObjects", m_XRef_getNumObjects}, {"getRootNum", m_XRef_getRootNum}, {"getRootGen", m_XRef_getRootGen}, // {"getStreamEnd", m_XRef_getStreamEnd}, {"getNumEntry", m_XRef_getNumEntry}, {"getTrailerDict", m_XRef_getTrailerDict}, {"__tostring", m_XRef__tostring}, {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** // XRefEntry m_poppler__tostring(XRefEntry); static const struct luaL_Reg XRefEntry_m[] = { {"__tostring", m_XRefEntry__tostring}, {NULL, NULL} // sentinel }; //********************************************************************** #ifdef LuajitTeX #define setfuncs_meta(type) \ luaL_newmetatable(L, M_##type); \ lua_pushvalue(L, -1); \ lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index"); \ lua_pushstring(L, "no user access"); \ lua_setfield(L, -2, "__metatable"); \ luaL_register(L, NULL, type##_m) #else #define setfuncs_meta(type) \ luaL_newmetatable(L, M_##type); \ lua_pushvalue(L, -1); \ lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index"); \ lua_pushstring(L, "no user access"); \ lua_setfield(L, -2, "__metatable"); \ luaL_setfuncs(L, type##_m, 0) #endif int luaopen_epdf(lua_State * L) { setfuncs_meta(Annot); setfuncs_meta(Annots); setfuncs_meta(Array); setfuncs_meta(Catalog); setfuncs_meta(Dict); setfuncs_meta(EmbFile); setfuncs_meta(FileSpec); setfuncs_meta(GooString); setfuncs_meta(LinkDest); setfuncs_meta(Links); setfuncs_meta(Object); setfuncs_meta(Page); setfuncs_meta(PDFDoc); setfuncs_meta(PDFRectangle); setfuncs_meta(Ref); setfuncs_meta(Stream); setfuncs_meta(XRef); setfuncs_meta(XRefEntry); #ifdef LuajitTeX luaL_register(L, "epdf", epdflib_f); #else luaL_newlib(L, epdflib_f); #endif return 1; }