/* Copyright 1996-2006 Han The Thanh Copyright 2006-2013 Taco Hoekwater This file is part of LuaTeX. LuaTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LuaTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LuaTeX; if not, see . */ #include "ptexlib.h" #include "lua/luatex-api.h" /*tex Some macros for processing character packets. */ #define packet_number(fw) { \ fw = *(vfp++); \ fw = fw * 256 + *(vfp++); \ fw = fw * 256 + *(vfp++); \ fw = fw * 256 + *(vfp++); \ } #define packet_scaled(a, fs) { \ int fw; \ fw = *(vfp++); \ if (fw > 127) \ fw = fw - 256; \ fw = fw * 256 + *(vfp++); \ fw = fw * 256 + *(vfp++); \ fw = fw * 256 + *(vfp++); \ a = store_scaled_f(fw, fs); \ } vf_struct *new_vfstruct(void) { vf_struct *vp = (vf_struct *) xmalloc(sizeof(vf_struct)); vp->packet_stack_level = vp->packet_stack_minlevel = 0; vp->packet_stack = (packet_stack_record *) xmalloc(packet_stack_size * sizeof(packet_stack_record)); vp->lf = 0; vp->fs_f = 0; vp->packet_cur_s = 0; vp->refpos = NULL; vp->vflua = false; return vp; } /*tex Count the number of bytes in a command packet. */ int vf_packet_bytes(charinfo * co) { eight_bits *vf_packets, *vfp; unsigned k; int cmd; vfp = vf_packets = get_charinfo_packets(co); if (vf_packets == NULL) { return 0; } while ((cmd = *(vfp++)) != packet_end_code) { switch (cmd) { case packet_nop_code: case packet_pop_code: case packet_push_code: break; case packet_char_code: case packet_down_code: case packet_font_code: case packet_image_code: case packet_node_code: case packet_right_code: vfp += 4; break; case packet_rule_code: vfp += 8; break; case packet_pdf_mode: vfp += 4; break; case packet_pdf_code: vfp += 4; /*tex Plus a string so we fall through: */ case packet_special_code: /*tex |+4| */ packet_number(k); vfp += (int) k; break; default: normal_error("vf", "invalid DVI command (1)"); } }; return (vfp - vf_packets); } /*tex Typeset the \.{DVI} commands in the character packet for character |c| in current font |f|. */ const char *packet_command_names[] = { /*tex |slot| maps to |char| and |font| */ "char", "font", "pop", "push", "special", "image", "right", "down", "rule", "node", "nop", "end", /*tex the next one is not (yet) supported */ "scale", "lua", "pdf", NULL }; static float packet_float(eight_bits ** vfpp) { unsigned int i; union U { float a; eight_bits b[sizeof(float)]; } u; eight_bits *vfp = *vfpp; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(float); i++) u.b[i] = *(vfp++); *vfpp = vfp; return u.a; } /*tex The |do_vf_packet| procedure is called in order to interpret the character packet for a virtual character. Such a packet may contain the instruction to typeset a character from the same or an other virtual font; in such cases |do_vf_packet| calls itself recursively. The recursion level, i.e., the number of times this has happened, is kept in the global variable |packet_cur_s| and should not exceed |packet_max_recursion|. */ void do_vf_packet(PDF pdf, internal_font_number vf_f, int c, int ex_glyph) { eight_bits *vfp; posstructure *save_posstruct, localpos; vf_struct *save_vfstruct, localvfstruct, *vp; int cmd, w, mode; unsigned k; scaledpos size; scaled i; str_number s; float f; packet_stack_record *mat_p; vfp = get_charinfo_packets(get_charinfo(vf_f, c)); save_posstruct = pdf->posstruct; /*tex use local structure for recursion */ pdf->posstruct = &localpos; localpos.pos = save_posstruct->pos; /*tex invariably for vf */ localpos.dir = dir_TLT; save_vfstruct = pdf->vfstruct; vp = pdf->vfstruct = &localvfstruct; localvfstruct = *save_vfstruct; vp->packet_stack_minlevel = ++(vp->packet_stack_level); vp->lf = 0; vp->fs_f = font_size(vf_f); vp->ex_glyph = ex_glyph; vp->packet_cur_s++; if (vp->packet_cur_s == packet_max_recursion) overflow("max level recursion of virtual fonts", packet_max_recursion); vp->refpos = save_posstruct; vp->vflua = false; mat_p = &(vp->packet_stack[vp->packet_stack_level]); mat_p->c0 = 1.0; mat_p->c1 = 0.0; mat_p->c2 = 0.0; mat_p->c3 = 1.0; mat_p->pos.h = 0; mat_p->pos.v = 0; while ((cmd = *(vfp++)) != packet_end_code) { switch (cmd) { case packet_font_code: packet_number(vp->lf); break; case packet_push_code: vp->packet_stack_level++; if (vp->packet_stack_level == packet_stack_size) normal_error("vf", "packet_stack_level overflow"); vp->packet_stack[vp->packet_stack_level] = *mat_p; mat_p = &(vp->packet_stack[vp->packet_stack_level]); break; case packet_pop_code: if (vp->packet_stack_level == vp->packet_stack_minlevel) normal_error("vf", "packet_stack_level underflow"); vp->packet_stack_level--; mat_p = &(vp->packet_stack[vp->packet_stack_level]); break; case packet_char_code: packet_number(k); /*tex We also check if |c == k| and |font(c) == font(k)| */ if (!char_exists(vp->lf, (int) k)) { char_warning(vp->lf, (int) k); } else if (! ((c == k && vp->lf == vf_f)) && (has_packet(vp->lf, (int) k))) { do_vf_packet(pdf, vp->lf, (int) k, ex_glyph); } else { backend_out[glyph_node] (pdf, vp->lf, (int) k, ex_glyph); } w = char_width(vp->lf, (int) k); if (ex_glyph != 0 && w != 0) w = round_xn_over_d(w, 1000 + ex_glyph, 1000); mat_p->pos.h += w; break; case packet_rule_code: packet_scaled(size.v, vp->fs_f); packet_scaled(size.h, vp->fs_f); if (ex_glyph != 0 && size.h > 0) size.h = round_xn_over_d(size.h, 1000 + ex_glyph, 1000); if (size.h > 0 && size.v > 0) backend_out[rule_node](pdf, 0, size); mat_p->pos.h += size.h; break; case packet_right_code: packet_scaled(i, vp->fs_f); if (ex_glyph != 0 && i != 0) i = round_xn_over_d(i, 1000 + ex_glyph, 1000); mat_p->pos.h += i; break; case packet_down_code: packet_scaled(i, vp->fs_f); mat_p->pos.v += i; break; case packet_pdf_code: packet_number(mode); packet_number(k); str_room(k); while (k > 0) { k--; append_char(*(vfp++)); } s = make_string(); pdf_literal(pdf, s, mode, false); flush_str(s); break; case packet_pdf_mode: packet_number(mode); pdf_literal_set_mode(pdf, mode); break; case packet_special_code: packet_number(k); str_room(k); while (k > 0) { k--; append_char(*(vfp++)); } s = make_string(); pdf_literal(pdf, s, scan_special, false); flush_str(s); break; case packet_lua_code: packet_number(k); vp->vflua = true; luacall_vf(k, vf_f, c); /*tex We don't release as we (can ) flush multiple times, so no: \starttyping luaL_unref(Luas, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, k); \stoptyping here! */ vp->vflua = false; break; case packet_image_code: packet_number(k); vf_out_image(pdf, k); break; case packet_node_code: packet_number(k); hlist_out(pdf, (halfword) k, 0); break; case packet_nop_code: break; case packet_scale_code: /*tex This is not yet supported in the backend. */ f = packet_float(&vfp); mat_p->c0 = mat_p->c0 * f; mat_p->c3 = mat_p->c3 * f; /* pdf->pstruct->scale = f; */ pdf->pstruct->need_tm = true; pdf->pstruct->need_tf = true; break; default: normal_error("vf", "invalid DVI command (2)"); } /*tex The trivial case, always |TLT|. */ synch_pos_with_cur(&localpos, save_posstruct, mat_p->pos); } pdf->posstruct = save_posstruct; pdf->vfstruct = save_vfstruct; } int *packet_local_fonts(internal_font_number f, int *num) { int c, cmd, lf, k, l, i; int localfonts[256] = { 0 }; int *lfs; charinfo *co; eight_bits *vf_packets, *vfp; k = 0; for (c = font_bc(f); c <= font_ec(f); c++) { if (quick_char_exists(f, c)) { co = get_charinfo(f, c); vfp = vf_packets = get_charinfo_packets(co); if (vf_packets == NULL) continue; while ((cmd = *(vfp++)) != packet_end_code) { switch (cmd) { case packet_font_code: packet_number(lf); for (l = 0; l < k; l++) { if (localfonts[l] == lf) { break; } } if (l == k) { localfonts[k++] = lf; } break; case packet_nop_code: case packet_pop_code: case packet_push_code: break; case packet_char_code: case packet_down_code: case packet_image_code: case packet_node_code: case packet_right_code: vfp += 4; break; case packet_rule_code: vfp += 8; break; case packet_special_code: packet_number(i); vfp += i; break; default: normal_error("vf", "invalid DVI command (3)"); } } } } *num = k; if (k > 0) { lfs = xmalloc((unsigned) ((unsigned) k * sizeof(int))); memcpy(lfs, localfonts, (size_t) ((unsigned) k * sizeof(int))); return lfs; } return NULL; } void replace_packet_fonts(internal_font_number f, int *old_fontid, int *new_fontid, int count) { int c, cmd, lf, k, l; charinfo *co; eight_bits *vf_packets, *vfp; for (c = font_bc(f); c <= font_ec(f); c++) { if (quick_char_exists(f, c)) { co = get_charinfo(f, c); vfp = vf_packets = get_charinfo_packets(co); if (vf_packets == NULL) continue; while ((cmd = *(vfp++)) != packet_end_code) { switch (cmd) { case packet_font_code: packet_number(lf); for (l = 0; l < count; l++) { if (old_fontid[l] == lf) { break; } } if (l < count) { k = new_fontid[l]; *(vfp - 4) = (eight_bits) ((k & 0xFF000000) >> 24); *(vfp - 3) = (eight_bits) ((k & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); *(vfp - 2) = (eight_bits) ((k & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); *(vfp - 1) = (eight_bits) (k & 0x000000FF); } break; case packet_nop_code: case packet_pop_code: case packet_push_code: break; case packet_char_code: case packet_down_code: case packet_image_code: case packet_node_code: case packet_right_code: case packet_rule_code: vfp += 8; break; case packet_pdf_mode: vfp += 4; break; case packet_pdf_code: vfp += 4; /*tex Plus a string so we fall through. */ case packet_special_code: packet_number(k); vfp += k; break; default: normal_error("vf", "invalid DVI command (4)"); } } } } }