/* Copyright 2006-2013 Taco Hoekwater This file is part of LuaTeX. LuaTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LuaTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LuaTeX; if not, see . */ /*tex Here is the main font API implementation for the original pascal parts. Stuff to watch out for: \startitemize \startitem Knuth had a |'null_character'| that was used when a character could not be found by the |fetch()| routine, to signal an error. This has been deleted, but it may mean that the output of luatex is incompatible with TeX after |fetch()| has detected an error condition. \stopitem \startitem Knuth also had a |font_glue()| optimization. I've removed that because it was a bit of dirty programming and it also was problematic |if 0 != null|. \stopitem \stopitemize */ #include "ptexlib.h" #include "lua/luatex-api.h" #define noDEBUG #define proper_char_index(c) (c<=font_ec(f) && c>=font_bc(f)) #define do_realloc(a,b,d) a = xrealloc(a,(unsigned)((unsigned)(b)*sizeof(d))) texfont **font_tables = NULL; static int font_arr_max = 0; static int font_id_maxval = 0; static void grow_font_table(int id) { int j; if (id >= font_arr_max) { font_bytes += (int) (((id + 8 - font_arr_max) * (int) sizeof(texfont *))); font_tables = xrealloc(font_tables, (unsigned) (((unsigned) id + 8) * sizeof(texfont *))); j = 8; while (j--) { font_tables[id + j] = NULL; } font_arr_max = id + 8; } } int new_font_id(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < font_arr_max; i++) { if (font_tables[i] == NULL) { break; } } if (i >= font_arr_max) grow_font_table(i); if (i > font_id_maxval) font_id_maxval = i; return i; } int max_font_id(void) { return font_id_maxval; } void set_max_font_id(int i) { font_id_maxval = i; } int new_font(void) { int k; int id; charinfo *ci; sa_tree_item sa_value = { 0 }; id = new_font_id(); font_bytes += (int) sizeof(texfont); /*tex Most stuff is zero */ font_tables[id] = xcalloc(1, sizeof(texfont)); font_tables[id]->_font_name = NULL; font_tables[id]->_font_area = NULL; font_tables[id]->_font_filename = NULL; font_tables[id]->_font_fullname = NULL; font_tables[id]->_font_psname = NULL; font_tables[id]->_font_encodingname = NULL; font_tables[id]->_font_cidregistry = NULL; font_tables[id]->_font_cidordering = NULL; font_tables[id]->_left_boundary = NULL; font_tables[id]->_right_boundary = NULL; font_tables[id]->_param_base = NULL; font_tables[id]->_math_param_base = NULL; /*tex |ec = 0| */ set_font_bc(id, 1); set_font_writingmode(id, 0); set_font_identity(id, 0); /* set_font_encoding_bytes(id,1) */ /* ? */ set_font_subfont(id, 0); set_hyphen_char(id, '-'); set_skew_char(id, -1); /*tex vertical */ font_slant(id) = 0; /*tex normal width */ font_extend(id) = 1000; /*tex normal height */ font_squeeze(id) = 1000; font_width(id) = 0; font_mode(id) = 0; /*tex allocate eight values including 0 */ set_font_params(id, 7); for (k = 0; k <= 7; k++) { set_font_param(id, k, 0); } /*tex character info zero is reserved for |notdef|. The stack size 1, default item value 0. */ font_tables[id]->_characters = new_sa_tree(1, 1, sa_value); ci = xcalloc(1, sizeof(charinfo)); set_charinfo_name(ci, xstrdup(".notdef")); font_tables[id]->_charinfo = ci; font_tables[id]->_charinfo_size = 1; return id; } void font_malloc_charinfo(internal_font_number f, int num) { int glyph = font_tables[f]->_charinfo_size; font_bytes += (int) (num * (int) sizeof(charinfo)); do_realloc(font_tables[f]->_charinfo, (unsigned) (glyph + num), charinfo); memset(&(font_tables[f]->_charinfo[glyph]), 0, (size_t) (num * (int) sizeof(charinfo))); font_tables[f]->_charinfo_size += num; } #define find_charinfo_id(f,c) (get_sa_item(font_tables[f]->_characters,c).int_value) charinfo *get_charinfo(internal_font_number f, int c) { int glyph; charinfo *ci; if (proper_char_index(c)) { glyph = get_sa_item(font_tables[f]->_characters, c).int_value; if (!glyph) { sa_tree_item sa_value = { 0 }; int tglyph = ++font_tables[f]->_charinfo_count; if (tglyph >= font_tables[f]->_charinfo_size) { font_malloc_charinfo(f, 256); } font_tables[f]->_charinfo[tglyph].ef = 1000; sa_value.int_value = tglyph; /*tex 1 means global */ set_sa_item(font_tables[f]->_characters, c, sa_value, 1); glyph = tglyph; } return &(font_tables[f]->_charinfo[glyph]); } else if (c == left_boundarychar) { if (left_boundary(f) == NULL) { ci = xcalloc(1, sizeof(charinfo)); font_bytes += (int) sizeof(charinfo); set_left_boundary(f, ci); } return left_boundary(f); } else if (c == right_boundarychar) { if (right_boundary(f) == NULL) { ci = xcalloc(1, sizeof(charinfo)); font_bytes += (int) sizeof(charinfo); set_right_boundary(f, ci); } return right_boundary(f); } return &(font_tables[f]->_charinfo[0]); } static void set_charinfo(internal_font_number f, int c, charinfo * ci) { int glyph; if (proper_char_index(c)) { glyph = get_sa_item(font_tables[f]->_characters, c).int_value; if (glyph) { font_tables[f]->_charinfo[glyph] = *ci; } else { normal_error("font","character insertion failed"); } } else if (c == left_boundarychar) { set_left_boundary(f, ci); } else if (c == right_boundarychar) { set_right_boundary(f, ci); } } charinfo *copy_charinfo(charinfo * ci) { int x, k; kerninfo *kern; liginfo *lig; eight_bits *packet; charinfo *co = NULL; if (ci == NULL) return NULL; co = xmalloc(sizeof(charinfo)); memcpy(co, ci, sizeof(charinfo)); set_charinfo_used(co, false); co->name = NULL; co->tounicode = NULL; co->packets = NULL; co->ligatures = NULL; co->kerns = NULL; co->vert_variants = NULL; co->hor_variants = NULL; if (ci->name != NULL) { co->name = xstrdup(ci->name); } if (ci->tounicode != NULL) { co->tounicode = xstrdup(ci->tounicode); } /*tex Kerns */ if ((kern = get_charinfo_kerns(ci)) != NULL) { x = 0; while (!kern_end(kern[x])) { x++; } x++; co->kerns = xmalloc((unsigned) (x * (int) sizeof(kerninfo))); memcpy(co->kerns, ci->kerns, (size_t) (x * (int) sizeof(kerninfo))); } /*tex Ligatures */ if ((lig = get_charinfo_ligatures(ci)) != NULL) { x = 0; while (!lig_end(lig[x])) { x++; } x++; co->ligatures = xmalloc((unsigned) (x * (int) sizeof(liginfo))); memcpy(co->ligatures, ci->ligatures, (size_t) (x * (int) sizeof(liginfo))); } /*tex Packets */ if ((packet = get_charinfo_packets(ci)) != NULL) { x = vf_packet_bytes(ci); co->packets = xmalloc((unsigned) x); memcpy(co->packets, ci->packets, (size_t) x); } /*tex Horizontal and vertical extenders */ if (get_charinfo_vert_variants(ci) != NULL) { set_charinfo_vert_variants(co, copy_variants(get_charinfo_vert_variants(ci))); } if (get_charinfo_hor_variants(ci) != NULL) { set_charinfo_hor_variants(co, copy_variants(get_charinfo_hor_variants(ci))); } x = ci->top_left_math_kerns; co->top_left_math_kerns = x; if (x > 0) { co->top_left_math_kern_array = xmalloc((unsigned) (2 * (int) sizeof(scaled) * x)); for (k = 0; k < co->top_left_math_kerns; k++) { co->top_left_math_kern_array[(2 * k)] = ci->top_left_math_kern_array[(2 * k)]; co->top_left_math_kern_array[(2 * k) + 1] = ci->top_left_math_kern_array[(2 * k) + 1]; } } x = ci->bottom_left_math_kerns; co->bottom_left_math_kerns = x; if (x > 0) { co->bottom_left_math_kern_array = xmalloc((unsigned) (2 * (int) sizeof(scaled) * x)); for (k = 0; k < co->bottom_left_math_kerns; k++) { co->bottom_left_math_kern_array[(2 * k)] = ci->bottom_left_math_kern_array[(2 * k)]; co->bottom_left_math_kern_array[(2 * k) + 1] = ci->bottom_left_math_kern_array[(2 * k) + 1]; } } x = ci->top_right_math_kerns; co->top_right_math_kerns = x; if (x > 0) { co->top_right_math_kern_array = xmalloc((unsigned) (2 * (int) sizeof(scaled) * x)); for (k = 0; k < co->top_right_math_kerns; k++) { co->top_right_math_kern_array[(2 * k)] = ci->top_right_math_kern_array[(2 * k)]; co->top_right_math_kern_array[(2 * k) + 1] = ci->top_right_math_kern_array[(2 * k) + 1]; } } x = ci->bottom_right_math_kerns; co->bottom_right_math_kerns = x; if (x > 0) { co->bottom_right_math_kern_array = xmalloc((unsigned) (2 * (int) sizeof(scaled) * x)); for (k = 0; k < co->bottom_right_math_kerns; k++) { co->bottom_right_math_kern_array[(2 * k)] = ci->bottom_right_math_kern_array[(2 * k)]; co->bottom_right_math_kern_array[(2 * k) + 1] = ci->bottom_right_math_kern_array[(2 * k) + 1]; } } return co; } charinfo *char_info(internal_font_number f, int c) { if (f > font_id_maxval) return 0; if (proper_char_index(c)) { register int glyph = (int) find_charinfo_id(f, c); return &(font_tables[f]->_charinfo[glyph]); } else if (c == left_boundarychar && left_boundary(f) != NULL) { return left_boundary(f); } else if (c == right_boundarychar && right_boundary(f) != NULL) { return right_boundary(f); } return &(font_tables[f]->_charinfo[0]); } scaled_whd get_charinfo_whd(internal_font_number f, int c) { scaled_whd s; charinfo *i; i = char_info(f, c); s.wd = i->width; s.dp = i->depth; s.ht = i->height; return s; } int char_exists(internal_font_number f, int c) { if (f > font_id_maxval) return 0; if (proper_char_index(c)) { return (int) find_charinfo_id(f, c); } else if ((c == left_boundarychar) && has_left_boundary(f)) { return 1; } else if ((c == right_boundarychar) && has_right_boundary(f)) { return 1; } return 0; } int lua_glyph_not_found_callback(internal_font_number f, int c) { int callback_id; int ret = 0; int top, i; callback_id = callback_defined(glyph_not_found_callback); if (callback_id != 0) { top = lua_gettop(Luas); if (!get_callback(Luas, callback_id)) { lua_settop(Luas, top); return 0; } lua_pushinteger(Luas, f); lua_pushinteger(Luas, c); if ((i=lua_pcall(Luas, 2, 1, 0)) != 0) { formatted_warning ("glyph not found", "error: %s", lua_tostring(Luas, -1)); lua_settop(Luas, top); luatex_error(Luas, (i == LUA_ERRRUN ? 0 : 1)); } else { ret = lua_toboolean(Luas, -1); } lua_settop(Luas, top); } else { char_warning(f,c); } return ret; } extinfo *new_variant(int glyph, int startconnect, int endconnect, int advance, int repeater) { extinfo *ext; ext = xmalloc(sizeof(extinfo)); ext->next = NULL; ext->glyph = glyph; ext->start_overlap = startconnect; ext->end_overlap = endconnect; ext->advance = advance; ext->extender = repeater; return ext; } static extinfo *copy_variant(extinfo * old) { extinfo *ext; ext = xmalloc(sizeof(extinfo)); ext->next = NULL; ext->glyph = old->glyph; ext->start_overlap = old->start_overlap; ext->end_overlap = old->end_overlap; ext->advance = old->advance; ext->extender = old->extender; return ext; } static void dump_variant(extinfo * ext) { dump_int(ext->glyph); dump_int(ext->start_overlap); dump_int(ext->end_overlap); dump_int(ext->advance); dump_int(ext->extender); return; } static extinfo *undump_variant(void) { int x; extinfo *ext; undump_int(x); if (x == 0) return NULL; ext = xmalloc(sizeof(extinfo)); ext->next = NULL; ext->glyph = x; undump_int(x); ext->start_overlap = x; undump_int(x); ext->end_overlap = x; undump_int(x); ext->advance = x; undump_int(x); ext->extender = x; return ext; } void add_charinfo_vert_variant(charinfo * ci, extinfo * ext) { if (ci->vert_variants == NULL) { ci->vert_variants = ext; } else { extinfo *lst = ci->vert_variants; while (lst->next != NULL) lst = lst->next; lst->next = ext; } } void add_charinfo_hor_variant(charinfo * ci, extinfo * ext) { if (ci->hor_variants == NULL) { ci->hor_variants = ext; } else { extinfo *lst = ci->hor_variants; while (lst->next != NULL) lst = lst->next; lst->next = ext; } } extinfo *copy_variants(extinfo * o) { extinfo *c, *t = NULL, *h = NULL; while (o != NULL) { c = copy_variant(o); if (h == null) h = c; else t->next = c; t = c; o = o->next; } return h; } static void dump_charinfo_variants(extinfo * o) { while (o != NULL) { dump_variant(o); o = o->next; } dump_int(0); return; } static extinfo *undump_charinfo_variants(void) { extinfo *c, *t = NULL, *h = NULL; c = undump_variant(); while (c != NULL) { if (h == null) h = c; else t->next = c; t = c; c = undump_variant(); } return h; } /*tex Note that many more small things like this are implemented as macros in the header file. */ void set_charinfo_width(charinfo * ci, scaled val) { ci->width = val; } void set_charinfo_height(charinfo * ci, scaled val) { ci->height = val; } void set_charinfo_depth(charinfo * ci, scaled val) { ci->depth = val; } void set_charinfo_italic(charinfo * ci, scaled val) { ci->italic = val; } void set_charinfo_vert_italic(charinfo * ci, scaled val) { ci->vert_italic = val; } void set_charinfo_top_accent(charinfo * ci, scaled val) { ci->top_accent = val; } void set_charinfo_bot_accent(charinfo * ci, scaled val) { ci->bot_accent = val; } void set_charinfo_tag(charinfo * ci, scaled val) { ci->tag = (char) val; } void set_charinfo_remainder(charinfo * ci, scaled val) { ci->remainder = val; } void set_charinfo_used(charinfo * ci, scaled val) { ci->used = (char) val; } void set_charinfo_index(charinfo * ci, scaled val) { ci->index = (unsigned short) val; } void set_charinfo_name(charinfo * ci, char *val) { xfree(ci->name); ci->name = val; } void set_charinfo_tounicode(charinfo * ci, char *val) { xfree(ci->tounicode); ci->tounicode = val; } void set_charinfo_ligatures(charinfo * ci, liginfo * val) { dxfree(ci->ligatures, val); } void set_charinfo_kerns(charinfo * ci, kerninfo * val) { dxfree(ci->kerns, val); } void set_charinfo_packets(charinfo * ci, eight_bits * val) { dxfree(ci->packets, val); } void set_charinfo_ef(charinfo * ci, scaled val) { ci->ef = val; } void set_charinfo_lp(charinfo * ci, scaled val) { ci->lp = val; } void set_charinfo_rp(charinfo * ci, scaled val) { ci->rp = val; } void set_charinfo_vert_variants(charinfo * ci, extinfo * ext) { extinfo *c, *lst; if (ci->vert_variants != NULL) { lst = ci->vert_variants; while (lst != NULL) { c = lst->next; free(lst); lst = c; } } ci->vert_variants = ext; } void set_charinfo_hor_variants(charinfo * ci, extinfo * ext) { extinfo *c, *lst; if (ci->hor_variants != NULL) { lst = ci->hor_variants; while (lst != NULL) { c = lst->next; free(lst); lst = c; } } ci->hor_variants = ext; } int get_charinfo_math_kerns(charinfo * ci, int id) { /*tex All callers check for |result>0|. */ int k = 0; if (id == top_left_kern) { k = ci->top_left_math_kerns; } else if (id == bottom_left_kern) { k = ci->bottom_left_math_kerns; } else if (id == top_right_kern) { k = ci->top_right_math_kerns; } else if (id == bottom_right_kern) { k = ci->bottom_right_math_kerns; } else { confusion("get_charinfo_math_kerns"); } return k; } void add_charinfo_math_kern(charinfo * ci, int id, scaled ht, scaled krn) { int k; if (id == top_left_kern) { k = ci->top_left_math_kerns; do_realloc(ci->top_left_math_kern_array, ((k + 1) * 2), sizeof(scaled)); ci->top_left_math_kern_array[(2 * (k))] = ht; ci->top_left_math_kern_array[((2 * (k)) + 1)] = krn; ci->top_left_math_kerns++; } else if (id == bottom_left_kern) { k = ci->bottom_left_math_kerns; do_realloc(ci->bottom_left_math_kern_array, ((k + 1) * 2), sizeof(scaled)); ci->bottom_left_math_kern_array[(2 * (k))] = ht; ci->bottom_left_math_kern_array[(2 * (k)) + 1] = krn; ci->bottom_left_math_kerns++; } else if (id == top_right_kern) { k = ci->top_right_math_kerns; do_realloc(ci->top_right_math_kern_array, ((k + 1) * 2), sizeof(scaled)); ci->top_right_math_kern_array[(2 * (k))] = ht; ci->top_right_math_kern_array[(2 * (k)) + 1] = krn; ci->top_right_math_kerns++; } else if (id == bottom_right_kern) { k = ci->bottom_right_math_kerns; do_realloc(ci->bottom_right_math_kern_array, ((k + 1) * 2), sizeof(scaled)); ci->bottom_right_math_kern_array[(2 * (k))] = ht; ci->bottom_right_math_kern_array[(2 * (k)) + 1] = krn; ci->bottom_right_math_kerns++; } else { confusion("add_charinfo_math_kern"); } } static void dump_math_kerns(charinfo * ci) { int k, l; l = ci->top_left_math_kerns; dump_int(l); for (k = 0; k < l; k++) { dump_int(ci->top_left_math_kern_array[(2 * k)]); dump_int(ci->top_left_math_kern_array[(2 * k) + 1]); } l = ci->bottom_left_math_kerns; dump_int(l); for (k = 0; k < l; k++) { dump_int(ci->bottom_left_math_kern_array[(2 * k)]); dump_int(ci->bottom_left_math_kern_array[(2 * k) + 1]); } l = ci->top_right_math_kerns; dump_int(l); for (k = 0; k < l; k++) { dump_int(ci->top_right_math_kern_array[(2 * k)]); dump_int(ci->top_right_math_kern_array[(2 * k) + 1]); } l = ci->bottom_right_math_kerns; dump_int(l); for (k = 0; k < l; k++) { dump_int(ci->bottom_right_math_kern_array[(2 * k)]); dump_int(ci->bottom_right_math_kern_array[(2 * k) + 1]); } } static void undump_math_kerns(charinfo * ci) { int k, x; undump_int(x); ci->top_left_math_kerns = x; if (x > 0) ci->top_left_math_kern_array = xmalloc((unsigned) (2 * (int) sizeof(scaled) * x)); for (k = 0; k < ci->top_left_math_kerns; k++) { undump_int(x); ci->top_left_math_kern_array[(2 * k)] = (scaled) x; undump_int(x); ci->top_left_math_kern_array[(2 * k) + 1] = (scaled) x; } undump_int(x); ci->bottom_left_math_kerns = x; if (x > 0) ci->bottom_left_math_kern_array = xmalloc((unsigned) (2 * (int) sizeof(scaled) * x)); for (k = 0; k < ci->bottom_left_math_kerns; k++) { undump_int(x); ci->bottom_left_math_kern_array[(2 * k)] = (scaled) x; undump_int(x); ci->bottom_left_math_kern_array[(2 * k) + 1] = (scaled) x; } undump_int(x); ci->top_right_math_kerns = x; if (x > 0) ci->top_right_math_kern_array = xmalloc((unsigned) (2 * (int) sizeof(scaled) * x)); for (k = 0; k < ci->top_right_math_kerns; k++) { undump_int(x); ci->top_right_math_kern_array[(2 * k)] = (scaled) x; undump_int(x); ci->top_right_math_kern_array[(2 * k) + 1] = (scaled) x; } undump_int(x); ci->bottom_right_math_kerns = x; if (x > 0) ci->bottom_right_math_kern_array = xmalloc((unsigned) (2 * (int) sizeof(scaled) * x)); for (k = 0; k < ci->bottom_right_math_kerns; k++) { undump_int(x); ci->bottom_right_math_kern_array[(2 * k)] = (scaled) x; undump_int(x); ci->bottom_right_math_kern_array[(2 * k) + 1] = (scaled) x; } } /*tex In TeX, extensibles were fairly simple things. This function squeezes a TFM extensible into the vertical extender structures. |advance==0| is a special case for TFM fonts, because finding the proper advance width during tfm reading can be tricky. A small complication arises if |rep| is the only non-zero: it needs to be doubled as a non-repeatable to avoid mayhem. */ void set_charinfo_extensible(charinfo * ci, int top, int bot, int mid, int rep) { extinfo *ext; /*tex Clear old data: */ set_charinfo_vert_variants(ci, NULL); if (bot == 0 && top == 0 && mid == 0 && rep != 0) { ext = new_variant(rep, 0, 0, 0, EXT_NORMAL); add_charinfo_vert_variant(ci, ext); ext = new_variant(rep, 0, 0, 0, EXT_REPEAT); add_charinfo_vert_variant(ci, ext); return; } if (bot != 0) { ext = new_variant(bot, 0, 0, 0, EXT_NORMAL); add_charinfo_vert_variant(ci, ext); } if (rep != 0) { ext = new_variant(rep, 0, 0, 0, EXT_REPEAT); add_charinfo_vert_variant(ci, ext); } if (mid != 0) { ext = new_variant(mid, 0, 0, 0, EXT_NORMAL); add_charinfo_vert_variant(ci, ext); if (rep != 0) { ext = new_variant(rep, 0, 0, 0, EXT_REPEAT); add_charinfo_vert_variant(ci, ext); } } if (top != 0) { ext = new_variant(top, 0, 0, 0, EXT_NORMAL); add_charinfo_vert_variant(ci, ext); } } /*tex Note that many more simple things like this are implemented as macros in the header file. */ scaled get_charinfo_width(charinfo * ci) { return ci->width; } scaled get_charinfo_height(charinfo * ci) { return ci->height; } scaled get_charinfo_depth(charinfo * ci) { return ci->depth; } scaled get_charinfo_italic(charinfo * ci) { return ci->italic; } scaled get_charinfo_vert_italic(charinfo * ci) { return ci->vert_italic; } scaled get_charinfo_top_accent(charinfo * ci) { return ci->top_accent; } scaled get_charinfo_bot_accent(charinfo * ci) { return ci->bot_accent; } char get_charinfo_tag(charinfo * ci) { return ci->tag; } int get_charinfo_remainder(charinfo * ci) { return ci->remainder; } char get_charinfo_used(charinfo * ci) { return ci->used; } int get_charinfo_index(charinfo * ci) { return ci->index; } char *get_charinfo_name(charinfo * ci) { return ci->name; } char *get_charinfo_tounicode(charinfo * ci) { return ci->tounicode; } liginfo *get_charinfo_ligatures(charinfo * ci) { return ci->ligatures; } kerninfo *get_charinfo_kerns(charinfo * ci) { return ci->kerns; } eight_bits *get_charinfo_packets(charinfo * ci) { return ci->packets; } int get_charinfo_ef(charinfo * ci) { return ci->ef; } int get_charinfo_rp(charinfo * ci) { return ci->rp; } int get_charinfo_lp(charinfo * ci) { return ci->lp; } extinfo *get_charinfo_vert_variants(charinfo * ci) { extinfo *w = NULL; if (ci->vert_variants != NULL) w = ci->vert_variants; return w; } extinfo *get_charinfo_hor_variants(charinfo * ci) { extinfo *w = NULL; if (ci->hor_variants != NULL) w = ci->hor_variants; return w; } scaled char_width(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); scaled w = get_charinfo_width(ci); return w; } scaled calc_char_width(internal_font_number f, int c, int ex) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); scaled w = get_charinfo_width(ci); if (ex != 0) w = round_xn_over_d(w, 1000 + ex, 1000); return w; } scaled char_depth(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); scaled d = get_charinfo_depth(ci); return d; } scaled char_height(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); scaled h = get_charinfo_height(ci); return h; } scaled char_italic(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); scaled i = get_charinfo_italic(ci); return i; } scaled char_vert_italic(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); scaled i = get_charinfo_vert_italic(ci); return i; } scaled char_top_accent(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); return get_charinfo_top_accent(ci); } scaled char_bot_accent(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); return get_charinfo_bot_accent(ci); } int char_remainder(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); return get_charinfo_remainder(ci); } char char_tag(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); return get_charinfo_tag(ci); } char char_used(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); return get_charinfo_used(ci); } char *char_name(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); return get_charinfo_name(ci); } int char_index(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); return get_charinfo_index(ci); } liginfo *char_ligatures(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); return get_charinfo_ligatures(ci); } kerninfo *char_kerns(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); return get_charinfo_kerns(ci); } eight_bits *char_packets(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); return get_charinfo_packets(ci); } void set_font_params(internal_font_number f, int b) { int i; i = font_params(f); if (i != b) { font_bytes += (int) ((b - (int) font_params(f) + 1) * (int) sizeof(scaled)); do_realloc(param_base(f), (b + 2), int); font_params(f) = b; if (b > i) { while (i < b) { font_param(f, ++i) = 0; } } } } void set_font_math_params(internal_font_number f, int b) { int i; i = font_math_params(f); if (i != b) { font_bytes += ((b - (int) font_math_params(f) + 1) * (int) sizeof(scaled)); do_realloc(math_param_base(f), (b + 2), int); font_math_params(f) = b; if (b > i) { while (i < b) { font_math_param(f,++i) = undefined_math_parameter; } } } } int copy_font(int f) { int i, ci_cnt, ci_size; charinfo *ci; int k = new_font(); { ci = font_tables[k]->_charinfo; ci_cnt = font_tables[k]->_charinfo_count; ci_size = font_tables[k]->_charinfo_size; memcpy(font_tables[k], font_tables[f], sizeof(texfont)); font_tables[k]->_charinfo = ci; font_tables[k]->_charinfo_count = ci_cnt; font_tables[k]->_charinfo_size = ci_size; } font_malloc_charinfo(k, font_tables[f]->_charinfo_count); set_font_cache_id(k, 0); set_font_used(k, 0); set_font_touched(k, 0); font_tables[k]->_font_name = NULL; font_tables[k]->_font_filename = NULL; font_tables[k]->_font_fullname = NULL; font_tables[k]->_font_psname = NULL; font_tables[k]->_font_encodingname = NULL; font_tables[k]->_font_area = NULL; font_tables[k]->_font_cidregistry = NULL; font_tables[k]->_font_cidordering = NULL; font_tables[k]->_left_boundary = NULL; font_tables[k]->_right_boundary = NULL; set_font_name(k, xstrdup(font_name(f))); if (font_filename(f) != NULL) set_font_filename(k, xstrdup(font_filename(f))); if (font_fullname(f) != NULL) set_font_fullname(k, xstrdup(font_fullname(f))); if (font_psname(f) != NULL) set_font_psname(k, xstrdup(font_psname(f))); if (font_encodingname(f) != NULL) set_font_encodingname(k, xstrdup(font_encodingname(f))); if (font_area(f) != NULL) set_font_area(k, xstrdup(font_area(f))); if (font_cidregistry(f) != NULL) set_font_cidregistry(k, xstrdup(font_cidregistry(f))); if (font_cidordering(f) != NULL) set_font_cidordering(k, xstrdup(font_cidordering(f))); set_font_encodingbytes(k,font_encodingbytes(f)); set_font_subfont(k,font_subfont(f)); i = (int) (sizeof(*param_base(f)) * (unsigned) (font_params(f)+1)); font_bytes += i; param_base(k) = xmalloc((unsigned) (i+1)); memcpy(param_base(k), param_base(f), (size_t) (i)); if (font_math_params(f) > 0) { i = (int) (sizeof(*math_param_base(f)) * (unsigned) font_math_params(f)); font_bytes += i; math_param_base(k) = xmalloc((unsigned) i); memcpy(math_param_base(k), math_param_base(f), (size_t) i); } for (i = 0; i <= font_tables[f]->_charinfo_count; i++) { ci = copy_charinfo(&font_tables[f]->_charinfo[i]); font_tables[k]->_charinfo[i] = *ci; } if (left_boundary(f) != NULL) { ci = copy_charinfo(left_boundary(f)); set_charinfo(k, left_boundarychar, ci); } if (right_boundary(f) != NULL) { ci = copy_charinfo(right_boundary(f)); set_charinfo(k, right_boundarychar, ci); } /*tex Not updated yet: */ font_tables[k]->_charinfo_count = font_tables[f]->_charinfo_count; return k; } void delete_font(int f) { int i; charinfo *co; assert(f > 0); if (font_tables[f] != NULL) { set_font_name(f, NULL); set_font_filename(f, NULL); set_font_fullname(f, NULL); set_font_psname(f, NULL); set_font_encodingname(f, NULL); set_font_area(f, NULL); set_font_cidregistry(f, NULL); set_font_cidordering(f, NULL); set_left_boundary(f, NULL); set_right_boundary(f, NULL); for (i = font_bc(f); i <= font_ec(f); i++) { if (quick_char_exists(f, i)) { co = char_info(f, i); set_charinfo_name(co, NULL); set_charinfo_tounicode(co, NULL); set_charinfo_packets(co, NULL); set_charinfo_ligatures(co, NULL); set_charinfo_kerns(co, NULL); set_charinfo_vert_variants(co, NULL); set_charinfo_hor_variants(co, NULL); } } /*tex free |notdef| */ set_charinfo_name(font_tables[f]->_charinfo + 0, NULL); free(font_tables[f]->_charinfo); destroy_sa_tree(font_tables[f]->_characters); free(param_base(f)); if (math_param_base(f) != NULL) free(math_param_base(f)); free(font_tables[f]); font_tables[f] = NULL; if (font_id_maxval == f) { font_id_maxval--; } } } void create_null_font(void) { int i = new_font(); assert(i == 0); set_font_name(i, xstrdup("nullfont")); set_font_area(i, xstrdup("")); set_font_touched(i, 1); } boolean is_valid_font(int id) { int ret = 0; if (id >= 0 && id <= font_id_maxval && font_tables[id] != NULL) ret = 1; return ret; } boolean cmp_font_area(int id, str_number t) { char *tt = NULL; char *tid = font_area(id); if (t == 0) { if (tid == NULL || strlen(tid) == 0) return 1; else return 0; } tt = makecstring(t); if ((tt == NULL || strlen(tt) == 0) && (tid == NULL || strlen(tid) == 0)) return 1; if (tt == NULL || strcmp(tid, tt) != 0) return 0; free(tt); return 1; } /*tex Here come some subroutines to deal with expanded fonts for HZ-algorithm. returning 1 means that they are identical. */ static boolean cmp_font_name(int id, char *tt) { char *tid; if (!is_valid_font(id)) return 0; tid = font_name(id); if (tt == NULL && tid == NULL) return 1; if (tt == NULL || tid == NULL || strcmp(tid, tt) != 0) return 0; return 1; } int test_no_ligatures(internal_font_number f) { int c; for (c = font_bc(f); c <= font_ec(f); c++) { if (has_lig(f, c)) return 0; } return 1; } int get_tag_code(internal_font_number f, int c) { small_number i; if (char_exists(f, c)) { i = char_tag(f, c); if (i == lig_tag) return 1; else if (i == list_tag) return 2; else if (i == ext_tag) return 4; else return 0; } return -1; } int get_lp_code(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); return get_charinfo_lp(ci); } int get_rp_code(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); return get_charinfo_rp(ci); } int get_ef_code(internal_font_number f, int c) { charinfo *ci = char_info(f, c); return get_charinfo_ef(ci); } void set_tag_code(internal_font_number f, int c, int i) { int fixedi; charinfo *co; if (char_exists(f, c)) { fixedi = -(i < -7 ? -7 : (i > 0 ? 0 : i)); co = char_info(f, c); if (fixedi >= 4) { if (char_tag(f, c) == ext_tag) set_charinfo_tag(co, (char_tag(f, c) - ext_tag)); fixedi = fixedi - 4; } if (fixedi >= 2) { if (char_tag(f, c) == list_tag) set_charinfo_tag(co, (char_tag(f, c) - list_tag)); fixedi = fixedi - 2; }; if (fixedi >= 1) { if (has_lig(f, c)) set_charinfo_ligatures(co, NULL); if (has_kern(f, c)) set_charinfo_kerns(co, NULL); } } } void set_lp_code(internal_font_number f, int c, int i) { charinfo *co; if (char_exists(f, c)) { co = char_info(f, c); set_charinfo_lp(co, i); } } void set_rp_code(internal_font_number f, int c, int i) { charinfo *co; if (char_exists(f, c)) { co = char_info(f, c); set_charinfo_rp(co, i); } } void set_ef_code(internal_font_number f, int c, int i) { charinfo *co; if (char_exists(f, c)) { co = char_info(f, c); set_charinfo_ef(co, i); } } void set_no_ligatures(internal_font_number f) { int c; charinfo *co; if (font_tables[f]->_ligatures_disabled) return; co = char_info(f, left_boundarychar); set_charinfo_ligatures(co, NULL); co = char_info(f, right_boundarychar); set_charinfo_ligatures(co, NULL); for (c = 0; c < font_tables[f]->_charinfo_count; c++) { co = font_tables[f]->_charinfo + c; set_charinfo_ligatures(co, NULL); } font_tables[f]->_ligatures_disabled = 1; } liginfo get_ligature(internal_font_number f, int lc, int rc) { int k = 0; liginfo t, u; charinfo *co; t.lig = 0; t.type = 0; t.adj = 0; if (lc == non_boundarychar || rc == non_boundarychar || (!has_lig(f, lc))) return t; co = char_info(f, lc); while (1) { u = charinfo_ligature(co, k); if (lig_end(u)) break; if (lig_char(u) == rc) { if (lig_disabled(u)) { return t; } else { return u; } } k++; } return t; } scaled raw_get_kern(internal_font_number f, int lc, int rc) { int k = 0; kerninfo u; charinfo *co; if (lc == non_boundarychar || rc == non_boundarychar) return 0; co = char_info(f, lc); while (1) { u = charinfo_kern(co, k); if (kern_end(u)) break; if (kern_char(u) == rc) { if (kern_disabled(u)) return 0; else return kern_kern(u); } k++; } return 0; } scaled get_kern(internal_font_number f, int lc, int rc) { if (lc == non_boundarychar || rc == non_boundarychar || (!has_kern(f, lc))) return 0; return raw_get_kern(f, lc, rc); } /*tex Dumping and undumping fonts. */ #define dump_string(a) \ if (a!=NULL) { \ x = (int)(strlen(a)+1); \ dump_int(x); dump_things(*a, x); \ } else { \ x = 0; dump_int(x); \ } static void dump_charinfo(int f, int c) { charinfo *co; int x; liginfo *lig; kerninfo *kern; dump_int(c); co = char_info(f, c); set_charinfo_used(co, 0); dump_int(get_charinfo_width(co)); dump_int(get_charinfo_height(co)); dump_int(get_charinfo_depth(co)); dump_int(get_charinfo_italic(co)); dump_int(get_charinfo_vert_italic(co)); dump_int(get_charinfo_top_accent(co)); dump_int(get_charinfo_bot_accent(co)); dump_int(get_charinfo_tag(co)); dump_int(get_charinfo_ef(co)); dump_int(get_charinfo_rp(co)); dump_int(get_charinfo_lp(co)); dump_int(get_charinfo_remainder(co)); dump_int(get_charinfo_used(co)); dump_int(get_charinfo_index(co)); dump_string(get_charinfo_name(co)); dump_string(get_charinfo_tounicode(co)); /*tex Ligatures */ x = 0; if ((lig = get_charinfo_ligatures(co)) != NULL) { while (!lig_end(lig[x])) { x++; } x++; dump_int(x); dump_things(*lig, x); } else { dump_int(x); } /*tex Kerns */ x = 0; if ((kern = get_charinfo_kerns(co)) != NULL) { while (!kern_end(kern[x])) { x++; } x++; dump_int(x); dump_things(*kern, x); } else { dump_int(x); } /*tex Packets */ x = vf_packet_bytes(co); dump_int(x); if (x > 0) { dump_things(*get_charinfo_packets(co), x); } if (get_charinfo_tag(co) == ext_tag) { dump_charinfo_variants(get_charinfo_vert_variants(co)); dump_charinfo_variants(get_charinfo_hor_variants(co)); } dump_math_kerns(co); } static void dump_font_entry(texfont * f) { int x; dump_int(f->_font_size); dump_int(f->_font_dsize); dump_int(f->_font_cidversion); dump_int(f->_font_cidsupplement); dump_int(f->_font_ec); x = (int) f->_font_checksum; dump_int(x); dump_int(f->_font_used); dump_int(f->_font_touched); dump_int(f->_font_cache_id); dump_int(f->_font_encodingbytes); dump_int(f->_font_subfont); dump_int(f->_font_oldmath); dump_int(f->_font_slant); dump_int(f->_font_extend); dump_int(f->_font_squeeze); dump_int(f->_font_mode); dump_int(f->_font_width); dump_int(f->_font_max_shrink); dump_int(f->_font_max_stretch); dump_int(f->_font_step); dump_int(f->_font_tounicode); dump_int(f->_font_type); dump_int(f->_font_format); dump_int(f->_font_writingmode); dump_int(f->_font_identity); dump_int(f->_font_embedding); dump_int(f->_font_streamprovider); dump_int(f->_font_bc); dump_int(f->_hyphen_char); dump_int(f->_skew_char); dump_int(f->_font_natural_dir); dump_int(f->_font_params); dump_int(f->_font_math_params); dump_int(f->_ligatures_disabled); dump_int(f->_pdf_font_num); dump_int(f->_pdf_font_attr); } void dump_font(int f) { int i, x; set_font_used(f, 0); dump_font_entry(font_tables[f]); dump_string(font_name(f)); dump_string(font_area(f)); dump_string(font_filename(f)); dump_string(font_fullname(f)); dump_string(font_psname(f)); dump_string(font_encodingname(f)); dump_string(font_cidregistry(f)); dump_string(font_cidordering(f)); dump_things(*param_base(f), (font_params(f) + 1)); if (font_math_params(f) > 0) { dump_things(*math_param_base(f), (font_math_params(f) + 1 )); } if (has_left_boundary(f)) { dump_int(1); dump_charinfo(f, left_boundarychar); } else { dump_int(0); } if (has_right_boundary(f)) { dump_int(1); dump_charinfo(f, right_boundarychar); } else { dump_int(0); } for (i = font_bc(f); i <= font_ec(f); i++) { if (quick_char_exists(f, i)) { dump_charinfo(f, i); } } } static int undump_charinfo(int f) { charinfo *co; int x, i; char *s = NULL; liginfo *lig = NULL; kerninfo *kern = NULL; eight_bits *packet = NULL; undump_int(i); co = get_charinfo(f, i); undump_int(x); set_charinfo_width(co, x); undump_int(x); set_charinfo_height(co, x); undump_int(x); set_charinfo_depth(co, x); undump_int(x); set_charinfo_italic(co, x); undump_int(x); set_charinfo_vert_italic(co, x); undump_int(x); set_charinfo_top_accent(co, x); undump_int(x); set_charinfo_bot_accent(co, x); undump_int(x); set_charinfo_tag(co, x); undump_int(x); set_charinfo_ef(co, x); undump_int(x); set_charinfo_rp(co, x); undump_int(x); set_charinfo_lp(co, x); undump_int(x); set_charinfo_remainder(co, x); undump_int(x); set_charinfo_used(co, x); undump_int(x); set_charinfo_index(co, x); /*tex Name */ undump_int(x); if (x > 0) { font_bytes += x; s = xmalloc((unsigned) x); undump_things(*s, x); } set_charinfo_name(co, s); /*tex Tounicode */ undump_int(x); if (x > 0) { font_bytes += x; s = xmalloc((unsigned) x); undump_things(*s, x); } set_charinfo_tounicode(co, s); /*tex Ligatures */ undump_int(x); if (x > 0) { font_bytes += (int) ((unsigned) x * sizeof(liginfo)); lig = xmalloc((unsigned) ((unsigned) x * sizeof(liginfo))); undump_things(*lig, x); } set_charinfo_ligatures(co, lig); /*tex Kerns */ undump_int(x); if (x > 0) { font_bytes += (int) ((unsigned) x * sizeof(kerninfo)); kern = xmalloc((unsigned) ((unsigned) x * sizeof(kerninfo))); undump_things(*kern, x); } set_charinfo_kerns(co, kern); /*tex Packets */ undump_int(x); if (x > 0) { font_bytes += x; packet = xmalloc((unsigned) x); undump_things(*packet, x); } set_charinfo_packets(co, packet); if (get_charinfo_tag(co) == ext_tag) { set_charinfo_vert_variants(co, undump_charinfo_variants()); set_charinfo_hor_variants(co, undump_charinfo_variants()); } undump_math_kerns(co); return i; } #define undump_font_string(a) \ undump_int (x); \ if (x>0) { \ font_bytes += x; \ s = xmalloc((unsigned)x); \ undump_things(*s,x); \ a(f,s); \ } static void undump_font_entry(texfont * f) { int x = 0; undump_int(x); f->_font_size = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_dsize = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_cidversion = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_cidsupplement = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_ec = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_checksum = (unsigned)x; undump_int(x); f->_font_used = (char)x; undump_int(x); f->_font_touched = (char)x; undump_int(x); f->_font_cache_id = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_encodingbytes = (char)x; undump_int(x); f->_font_subfont = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_oldmath = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_slant = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_extend = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_squeeze = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_mode = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_width = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_max_shrink = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_max_stretch = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_step = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_tounicode = (char)x; undump_int(x); f->_font_type = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_format = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_writingmode = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_identity = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_embedding = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_streamprovider = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_bc = x; undump_int(x); f->_hyphen_char = x; undump_int(x); f->_skew_char = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_natural_dir = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_params = x; undump_int(x); f->_font_math_params = x; undump_int(x); f->_ligatures_disabled = x; undump_int(x); f->_pdf_font_num = x; undump_int(x); f->_pdf_font_attr = x; } void undump_font(int f) { int x, i; texfont *tt; charinfo *ci; char *s; sa_tree_item sa_value = { 0 }; grow_font_table(f); tt = xmalloc(sizeof(texfont)); memset(tt, 0, sizeof(texfont)); font_bytes += (int) sizeof(texfont); undump_font_entry(tt); font_tables[f] = tt; undump_font_string(set_font_name); undump_font_string(set_font_area); undump_font_string(set_font_filename); undump_font_string(set_font_fullname); undump_font_string(set_font_psname); undump_font_string(set_font_encodingname); undump_font_string(set_font_cidregistry); undump_font_string(set_font_cidordering); i = (int) (sizeof(*param_base(f)) * ((unsigned) font_params(f) + 1)); font_bytes += i; param_base(f) = xmalloc((unsigned) i); undump_things(*param_base(f), (font_params(f) + 1)); if (font_math_params(f) > 0) { i = (int) (sizeof(*math_param_base(f)) * ((unsigned) font_math_params(f) + 1)); font_bytes += i; math_param_base(f) = xmalloc((unsigned) i); undump_things(*math_param_base(f), (font_math_params(f) + 1)); } /*tex stack size 1, default item value 0 */ font_tables[f]->_characters = new_sa_tree(1, 1, sa_value); ci = xcalloc(1, sizeof(charinfo)); set_charinfo_name(ci, xstrdup(".notdef")); font_tables[f]->_charinfo = ci; undump_int(x); if (x) { /*tex left boundary */ i = undump_charinfo(f); } undump_int(x); if (x) { /*tex right boundary */ i = undump_charinfo(f); } i = font_bc(f); while (i < font_ec(f)) { i = undump_charinfo(f); } } /* The \PK\ pixel density value from |texmf.cnf| */ int pk_dpi; /*tex This one looks up the font for a \TFM\ with name |s| loaded at |fs| size and if found then flushes |s|. */ internal_font_number tfm_lookup(char *s, scaled fs) { internal_font_number k; if (fs != 0) { for (k = 1; k <= max_font_id(); k++) { if (cmp_font_name(k, s) && font_size(k) == fs) { return k; } } } else { for (k = 1; k <= max_font_id(); k++) { if (cmp_font_name(k, s)) { return k; } } } return null_font; } /*tex This returns the multiple of |font_step(f)| that is nearest to |e|. */ int fix_expand_value(internal_font_number f, int e) { int step; int max_expand; boolean neg; if (e == 0) return 0; if (e < 0) { e = -e; neg = true; max_expand = font_max_shrink(f); } else { neg = false; max_expand = font_max_stretch(f); } if (e > max_expand) { e = max_expand; } else { step = font_step(f); if (e % step > 0) e = step * round_xn_over_d(e, 1, step); } if (neg) e = -e; return e; } void set_expand_params(internal_font_number f, int stretch_limit, int shrink_limit, int font_step) { set_font_step(f, font_step); set_font_max_shrink(f, shrink_limit); set_font_max_stretch(f, stretch_limit); } /*tex This reads font expansion spec and load expanded font. */ void read_expand_font(void) { int shrink_limit, stretch_limit, font_step; internal_font_number f; scan_font_ident(); f = cur_val; if (f == null_font) normal_error("font expansion", "invalid font identifier"); scan_optional_equals(); scan_int(); stretch_limit = fix_int(cur_val, 0, 1000); scan_int(); shrink_limit = fix_int(cur_val, 0, 500); scan_int(); font_step = fix_int(cur_val, 0, 100); if (font_step == 0) normal_error("font expansion", "invalid step"); stretch_limit = stretch_limit - stretch_limit % font_step; if (stretch_limit < 0) stretch_limit = 0; shrink_limit = shrink_limit - shrink_limit % font_step; if (shrink_limit < 0) shrink_limit = 0; if ((stretch_limit == 0) && (shrink_limit == 0)) normal_error("font expansion", "invalid limit(s)"); if (scan_keyword("autoexpand")) { normal_warning("font expansion", "autoexpand not supported"); /*tex scan an optional space */ get_x_token(); if (cur_cmd != spacer_cmd) back_input(); } if (font_step(f) != 0) { /*tex This font has been expanded, ensure the expansion parameters are identical. */ if (font_step(f) != font_step) normal_error("font expansion","font has been expanded with different expansion step"); if (((font_max_stretch(f) == 0) && (stretch_limit != 0)) || ((font_max_stretch(f) > 0) && (font_max_stretch(f) != stretch_limit))) normal_error("font expansion","font has been expanded with different stretch limit"); if (((font_max_shrink(f) == 0) && (shrink_limit != 0)) || ((font_max_shrink(f) > 0) && (font_max_shrink(f) != shrink_limit))) normal_error("font expansion","font has been expanded with different shrink limit"); } else { if (font_used(f)) normal_warning("font expansion", "font should be expanded before its first use"); set_expand_params(f, stretch_limit, shrink_limit, font_step); } } /*tex Here's an old (sort of obsolete) letterspace-a-font helper. It does so by by creating a virtual font. */ void new_letterspaced_font(small_number a) { pointer u; str_number t; internal_font_number f, k; boolean nolig = false; get_r_token(); u = cur_cs; if (u >= hash_base) t = cs_text(u); else t = maketexstring("FONT"); define(u, set_font_cmd, null_font); scan_optional_equals(); scan_font_ident(); k = cur_val; scan_int(); if (scan_keyword("nolig")) nolig=true; f = letter_space_font(k, fix_int(cur_val, -1000, 1000), nolig); equiv(u) = f; eqtb[font_id_base + f] = eqtb[u]; font_id_text(f) = t; } /*tex This makes a font copy for further use with font expansion. Again a traditional font related helper. */ void make_font_copy(small_number a) { pointer u; str_number t; internal_font_number f, k; get_r_token(); u = cur_cs; if (u >= hash_base) t = cs_text(u); else t = maketexstring("FONT"); define(u, set_font_cmd, null_font); scan_optional_equals(); scan_font_ident(); k = cur_val; f = copy_font_info(k); equiv(u) = f; eqtb[font_id_base + f] = eqtb[u]; font_id_text(f) = t; } void glyph_to_unicode(void) { str_number s1, s2; scan_toks(false, true); s1 = tokens_to_string(def_ref); delete_token_ref(def_ref); scan_toks(false, true); s2 = tokens_to_string(def_ref); delete_token_ref(def_ref); def_tounicode(s1, s2); flush_str(s2); flush_str(s1); }