/* Copyright 1996-2006 Han The Thanh Copyright 2006-2010 Taco Hoekwater This file is part of LuaTeX. LuaTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LuaTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LuaTeX; if not, see . */ #include "ptexlib.h" #include #include #include #include #define FM_BUF_SIZE 1024 static FILE *fm_file; static unsigned char *fm_buffer = NULL; static int fm_size = 0; static int fm_curbyte = 0; #define fm_open(a) (fm_file = fopen((char *)(a), FOPEN_RBIN_MODE)) #define fm_read_file() readbinfile(fm_file,&fm_buffer,&fm_size) #define fm_close() xfclose(fm_file, cur_file_name) #define fm_getchar() fm_buffer[fm_curbyte++] #define fm_eof() (fm_curbyte>fm_size) #define is_cfg_comment(c) (c == 10 || c == '*' || c == '#' || c == ';' || c == '%') typedef enum { FM_DUPIGNORE, FM_REPLACE, FM_DELETE } updatemode; typedef struct mitem { /*tex |FM_DUPIGNORE| or |FM_REPLACE| or |FM_DELETE| */ updatemode mode; /*tex map file or map line */ maptype type; /*tex pointer to map file name or map line */ char *line; /*tex line number in map file */ int lineno; } mapitem; mapitem *mitem = NULL; #define read_field(r, q, buf) do { \ q = buf; \ while (*r != ' ' && *r != '<' && *r != '"' && *r != '\0') \ *q++ = *r++; \ *q = '\0'; \ skip_char(r, ' '); \ } while (0) #define set_field(F) do { \ if (q > buf) \ fm->F = xstrdup(buf); \ if (*r == '\0') \ goto done; \ } while (0) fm_entry *new_fm_entry(void) { fm_entry *fm; fm = xtalloc(1, fm_entry); fm->tfm_name = NULL; fm->ps_name = NULL; fm->fd_flags = FD_FLAGS_NOT_SET_IN_MAPLINE; fm->ff_name = NULL; fm->encname = NULL; fm->type = 0; fm->slant = 0; fm->extend = 1000; unset_slantset(fm); unset_extendset(fm); unset_inuse(fm); return fm; } void delete_fm_entry(fm_entry * fm) { xfree(fm->tfm_name); xfree(fm->ps_name); xfree(fm->ff_name); xfree(fm); } static ff_entry *new_ff_entry(void) { ff_entry *ff; ff = xtalloc(1, ff_entry); ff->ff_name = NULL; ff->ff_path = NULL; return ff; } static void delete_ff_entry(ff_entry * ff) { xfree(ff->ff_name); xfree(ff->ff_path); xfree(ff); } static struct avl_table *tfm_tree = NULL; static struct avl_table *ff_tree = NULL; static struct avl_table *encname_tree = NULL; /*tex We sort |fm_entry| into |tfm_tree| by |tfm_name|: */ static int comp_fm_entry_tfm(const void *pa, const void *pb, void *p) { (void) p; return strcmp(((const fm_entry *) pa)->tfm_name, ((const fm_entry *) pb)->tfm_name); } /* We sort |ff_entry| into |ff_tree| by |ff_name|: */ static int comp_ff_entry(const void *pa, const void *pb, void *p) { (void) p; return strcmp(((const ff_entry *) pa)->ff_name, ((const ff_entry *) pb)->ff_name); } static void create_avl_trees(void) { tfm_tree = avl_create(comp_fm_entry_tfm, NULL, &avl_xallocator); ff_tree = avl_create(comp_ff_entry, NULL, &avl_xallocator); encname_tree = avl_create(comp_string_entry, NULL, &avl_xallocator); } int avl_do_entry(fm_entry * fm, int mode) { fm_entry *p; void *a; void **aa; int delete_new = 0; if (tfm_tree == NULL) create_avl_trees(); p = (fm_entry *) avl_find(tfm_tree, fm); if (p != NULL) { switch (mode) { case FM_DUPIGNORE: formatted_warning("map file", "entry for '%s' already exists, duplicates ignored", fm->tfm_name); delete_new = 1; break; case FM_REPLACE: case FM_DELETE: if (is_inuse(p)) { formatted_warning("map file", "entry for '%s' has been used, replace/delete not allowed", fm->tfm_name); delete_new = 1; } else { a = avl_delete(tfm_tree, p); assert(a != NULL); delete_fm_entry(p); } break; default: formatted_error("map file", "something bad happened",0); } } if ((mode == FM_DUPIGNORE || mode == FM_REPLACE) && delete_new == 0) { aa = avl_probe(tfm_tree, fm); if (aa == NULL) { /*tex Is this a problem? */ } } else delete_new = 1; return delete_new; } /*tex Add the encoding name to an AVL tree. This has nothing to do with |writeenc.c|. */ static char *add_encname(char *s) { char *p; void **aa; if ((p = (char *) avl_find(encname_tree, s)) == NULL) { /*tex The encoding name has not yet been registered. */ p = xstrdup(s); aa = avl_probe(encname_tree, p); if (aa == NULL) { /*tex Is this a problem? */ } } return p; } /*tex A consistency check for map entry, with warn flag. */ static int check_fm_entry(fm_entry * fm, boolean warn) { int a = 0; if (is_fontfile(fm) && !is_included(fm)) { if (warn) formatted_warning("map file", "ambiguous entry for '%s': font file present but not included, " "will be treated as font file not present", fm->tfm_name); xfree(fm->ff_name); /*tex Do not set variable |a| as this entry will be still accepted. */ } /*tex If both ps_name and font file are missing, drop this entry. */ if (fm->ps_name == NULL && !is_fontfile(fm)) { if (warn) formatted_warning("map file", "invalid entry for '%s': both ps_name and font file missing", fm->tfm_name); a += 1; } /*tex \TRUETYPE\ fonts cannot be reencoded without subsetting. */ if (is_truetype(fm) && is_reencoded(fm) && !is_subsetted(fm)) { if (warn) formatted_warning("map file", "invalid entry for '%s': only subsetted TrueType font can be reencoded", fm->tfm_name); a += 2; } /*tex The value of |SlantFont| and |ExtendFont| must be reasonable. */ if (fm->slant < FONT_SLANT_MIN || fm->slant > FONT_SLANT_MAX) { if (warn) formatted_warning("map file", "invalid entry for '%s': value '%g' is to large for SlantFont", fm->tfm_name, fm->slant / 1000.0); a += 8; } if (fm->extend < FONT_EXTEND_MIN || fm->extend > FONT_EXTEND_MAX) { if (warn) formatted_warning("map file", "invalid entry for '%s': value '%g' is too large for ExtendFont", fm->tfm_name, fm->extend / 1000.0); a += 16; } return a; } /*tex Returns the font number if s is one of the 14 std. font names, -1 otherwise. A bit speed trimmed. Using these base fonts is oldfashioned and doesn't happen in a decent \LUATEX\ produced file. */ int check_std_t1font(char *s) { static const char *std_t1font_names[] = { "Courier", /* 0:7 */ "Courier-Bold", /* 1:12 */ "Courier-Oblique", /* 2:15 */ "Courier-BoldOblique", /* 3:19 */ "Helvetica", /* 4:9 */ "Helvetica-Bold", /* 5:14 */ "Helvetica-Oblique", /* 6:17 */ "Helvetica-BoldOblique", /* 7:21 */ "Symbol", /* 8:6 */ "Times-Roman", /* 9:11 */ "Times-Bold", /* 10:10 */ "Times-Italic", /* 11:12 */ "Times-BoldItalic", /* 12:16 */ "ZapfDingbats" /* 13:12 */ }; static const int index[] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 8, 0, -1, 4, 10, 9, -1, -1, 5, 2, 12, 6, -1, 3, -1, 7 }; size_t n; int k = -1; n = strlen(s); if (n > 21) return -1; if (n == 12) { /*tex three names have length 12 */ switch (*s) { case 'C': /*tex Courier-Bold */ k = 1; break; case 'T': /*tex Times-Italic */ k = 11; break; case 'Z': /*tex ZapfDingbats */ k = 13; break; default: return -1; } } else k = index[n]; if (k > -1 && !strcmp(std_t1font_names[k], s)) return k; return -1; } static void fm_scan_line(void) { int a, b, c, j, u = 0, v = 0; char cc; float d; fm_entry *fm; char fm_line[FM_BUF_SIZE], buf[FM_BUF_SIZE]; char *p, *q, *s; char *r = NULL; switch (mitem->type) { case MAPFILE: p = fm_line; while (!fm_eof()) { if (fm_curbyte == fm_size) { fm_curbyte++; cc = 10; } else { cc = (char) fm_getchar(); } append_char_to_buf(cc, p, fm_line, FM_BUF_SIZE); if (cc == 10) break; } *(--p) = '\0'; r = fm_line; break; case MAPLINE: /*tex Work on a string from |makecstring|. */ r = mitem->line; break; default: assert(0); } if (*r == '\0' || is_cfg_comment(*r)) return; fm = new_fm_entry(); read_field(r, q, buf); set_field(tfm_name); if (!isdigit((unsigned char)*r)) { /*tex The 2nd field |ps_name| may not start with a digit. */ read_field(r, q, buf); set_field(ps_name); } if (isdigit((unsigned char)*r)) { /*tex Is the font descriptor |/Flags| given? */ for (s = r; isdigit((unsigned char)*s); s++); if (*s == ' ' || *s == '"' || *s == '<' || *s == '\0') { /*tex not e.g.\ |8r.enc| */ fm->fd_flags = atoi(r); while (isdigit((unsigned char)*r)) r++; } } /*tex Loop through specials, encoding, font file:*/ while (1) { skip_char(r, ' '); switch (*r) { case '\0': goto done; case '"': /*tex The pening quote. */ r++; u = v = 0; do { skip_char(r, ' '); if (sscanf(r, "%f %n", &d, &j) > 0) { /*tex Jump behind number, eat also blanks, if any. */ s = r + j; if (*(s - 1) == 'E' || *(s - 1) == 'e') { /*tex e.g.\ |0.5ExtendFont|: |%f = 0.5E| */ s--; } if (str_prefix(s, "SlantFont")) { /*tex Correct rounding also for negative numbers. */ d *= (float) 1000.0; fm->slant = (int) (d > 0 ? d + 0.5 : d - 0.5); set_slantset(fm); r = s + strlen("SlantFont"); } else if (str_prefix(s, "ExtendFont")) { d *= (float) 1000.0; fm->extend = (int) (d > 0 ? d + 0.5 : d - 0.5); set_extendset(fm); r = s + strlen("ExtendFont"); } else { /*tex unknown name, jump over it */ for (r = s; *r != ' ' && *r != '"' && *r != '\0'; r++); c = *r; *r = '\0'; formatted_warning("map file", "invalid entry for '%s': unknown name '%s' ignored", fm->tfm_name, s); *r = (char) c; } } else for (; *r != ' ' && *r != '"' && *r != '\0'; r++); } while (*r == ' '); if (*r == '"') { /*tex The closing quote. */ r++; } else { formatted_warning("map file", "invalid entry for '%s': closing quote missing", fm->tfm_name); goto bad_line; } break; case 'P': /*tex Handle cases for sub fonts like |PidEid=3,1| */ formatted_warning("map file", "invalid entry for '%s': subfonts are not supported", fm->tfm_name); goto bad_line; break; default: /*tex Encoding or font file specification. */ a = b = 0; if (*r == '<') { a = *r++; if (*r == '<' || *r == '[') b = *r++; } read_field(r, q, buf); /*tex Encoding, Formats: |8r.enc| or |<8r.enc| or |<[8r.enc| */ if (strlen(buf) > 4 && strcasecmp(strend(buf) - 4, ".enc") == 0) { /*tex |u|, |v| used if intervening blank: |<< foo| */ fm->encname = add_encname(buf); u = v = 0; } else if (strlen(buf) > 0) { /*tex We get the file name given where possible formats are: \starttabulate[|||] \NC subsetting \NC \tpe {ps_name != NULL && (check_std_t1font(fm->ps_name) >= 0)) set_std_t1font(fm); if (is_fontfile(fm) && strlen(fm_fontfile(fm)) > 3) { if (strcasecmp(strend(fm_fontfile(fm)) - 4, ".ttf") == 0) set_truetype(fm); else if (strcasecmp(strend(fm_fontfile(fm)) - 4, ".ttc") == 0) set_truetype(fm); else if (strcasecmp(strend(fm_fontfile(fm)) - 4, ".otf") == 0) set_opentype(fm); else set_type1(fm); } else { /*tex Assume a builtin font is \TYPEONE\: */ set_type1(fm); } if (check_fm_entry(fm, true) != 0) goto bad_line; /*tex Until here the map line has been completely scanned without errors; |fm| points to a valid, freshly filled-out |fm_entry| structure. Now follows the actual work of registering or deleting. */ if (avl_do_entry(fm, mitem->mode) == 0) return; bad_line: delete_fm_entry(fm); } static void fm_read_info(void) { int callback_id; int file_opened = 0; if (tfm_tree == NULL) create_avl_trees(); if (mitem->line == NULL) { /*tex There is nothing to do. */ return; } mitem->lineno = 1; switch (mitem->type) { case MAPFILE: xfree(fm_buffer); fm_curbyte = 0; fm_size = 0; cur_file_name = luatex_find_file(mitem->line, find_map_file_callback); if (cur_file_name) { callback_id = callback_defined(read_map_file_callback); if (callback_id > 0) { if (run_callback(callback_id, "S->bSd", cur_file_name, &file_opened, &fm_buffer, &fm_size)) { if (file_opened) { if (fm_size > 0) { report_start_file(filetype_map,cur_file_name); while (!fm_eof()) { fm_scan_line(); mitem->lineno++; } report_stop_file(filetype_map); fm_file = NULL; } } else { formatted_warning("map file", "cannot open font map file '%s'", cur_file_name); } } else { formatted_warning("map file", "cannot open font map file '%s'", cur_file_name); } } else { if (!fm_open(cur_file_name)) { formatted_warning("map file", "cannot open font map file '%s'", cur_file_name); } else { fm_read_file(); report_start_file(filetype_map,cur_file_name); while (!fm_eof()) { fm_scan_line(); mitem->lineno++; } fm_close(); report_stop_file(filetype_map); fm_file = NULL; } } cur_file_name = NULL; } break; case MAPLINE: cur_file_name = NULL; fm_scan_line(); break; default: assert(0); } /*tex Done with this line: */ mitem->line = NULL; cur_file_name = NULL; return; } fm_entry *getfontmap(char *tfm_name) { fm_entry *fm; fm_entry tmp; if (tfm_name == NULL) { /*tex Wide \LUA\ loaded fonts may not have a name. */ return NULL; } if (tfm_tree == NULL) { /*tex Only read the default map file. */ fm_read_info(); } /*tex Look up the name. */ tmp.tfm_name = tfm_name; fm = (fm_entry *) avl_find(tfm_tree, &tmp); if (fm == NULL) return NULL; set_inuse(fm); return fm; } /*tex Process map file given by its name or map line contents. Items not beginning with [+-=] flush default map file, if it has not yet been read. Leading blanks and blanks immediately following [+-=] are ignored. */ void process_map_item(char *s, int type) { char *p; int mode; if (*s == ' ') { /*tex Ignore leading blanks: */ s++; } switch (*s) { case '+': /* +mapfile.map, +mapline: insert an entry, if it is not duplicate */ mode = FM_DUPIGNORE; s++; break; case '=': /* =mapfile.map, =mapline: try to replace an existing entry */ mode = FM_REPLACE; s++; break; case '-': /* -mapfile.map, -mapline: try to delete an entry */ mode = FM_DELETE; s++; break; default: /* like +, but also: flush the default map file name */ mode = FM_DUPIGNORE; mitem->line = NULL; } if (*s == ' ') { /*tex Ignore a blank after |[+-=]| */ s++; } /*tex The map item starts here. */ p = s; switch (type) { case MAPFILE: /*tex Remove blank at the end. */ while (*p != '\0' && *p != ' ') p++; *p = '\0'; break; case MAPLINE: /*tex A blank at end is allowed. */ break; default: assert(0); } if (mitem->line != NULL) { /*tex Read default map file first */ fm_read_info(); } if (*s != '\0') { /*tex Only if real item to process. */ mitem->mode = mode; mitem->type = type; mitem->line = s; fm_read_info(); } } void pdfmapfile(int t) { char *s = tokenlist_to_cstring(t, true, NULL); process_map_item(s, MAPFILE); free(s); } void pdfmapline(int t) { char *s = tokenlist_to_cstring(t, true, NULL); process_map_item(s, MAPLINE); free(s); } void pdf_init_map_file(const char *map_name) { assert(mitem == NULL); mitem = xtalloc(1, mapitem); mitem->mode = FM_DUPIGNORE; mitem->type = MAPFILE; mitem->line = xstrdup(map_name); } /*tex An early check whether a font file exists. Search tree |ff_tree| is used in 1st instance, as it may be faster than the |kpse_find_file|, and |kpse_find_file| is called only once per font file name plus expansion parameter. This might help keeping speed, if many \PDF\ pages with same fonts are to be embedded (not that we deal with that fragile approach any longer in \LUATEX). The |ff_tree| contains only font files, which are actually needed, so this tree typically is much smaller than the tfm_tree. */ ff_entry *check_ff_exist(char *ff_name, boolean is_tt) { ff_entry *ff; ff_entry tmp; void **aa; int callback_id; char *filepath = NULL; tmp.ff_name = ff_name; ff = (ff_entry *) avl_find(ff_tree, &tmp); if (ff == NULL) { /*tex The name is not yet in the database. */ ff = new_ff_entry(); ff->ff_name = xstrdup(ff_name); if (is_tt) { callback_id = callback_defined(find_truetype_file_callback); if (callback_id > 0) { run_callback(callback_id, "S->S", ff_name, &filepath); if (filepath && strlen(filepath) == 0) filepath = NULL; ff->ff_path = filepath; } else { ff->ff_path = kpse_find_file(ff_name, kpse_truetype_format, 0); } } else { callback_id = callback_defined(find_type1_file_callback); if (callback_id > 0) { run_callback(callback_id, "S->S", ff_name, &filepath); if (filepath && strlen(filepath) == 0) filepath = NULL; ff->ff_path = filepath; } else { ff->ff_path = kpse_find_file(ff_name, kpse_type1_format, 0); } } aa = avl_probe(ff_tree, ff); if (aa == NULL) { /*tex Is this a problem? */ } } return ff; } int is_subsetable(fm_entry * fm) { assert(is_included(fm)); return is_subsetted(fm); } /*tex Cleaning up: */ static void destroy_fm_entry_tfm(void *pa, void *pb) { fm_entry *fm; (void) pb; fm = (fm_entry *) pa; delete_fm_entry(fm); } static void destroy_ff_entry(void *pa, void *pb) { ff_entry *ff; (void) pb; ff = (ff_entry *) pa; delete_ff_entry(ff); } void fm_free(void) { if (tfm_tree != NULL) { avl_destroy(tfm_tree, destroy_fm_entry_tfm); tfm_tree = NULL; } if (ff_tree != NULL) { avl_destroy(ff_tree, destroy_ff_entry); ff_tree = NULL; } }