.TH HITEX 1 "11 November 2021" "Version 1.0" .\"===================================================================== .if n .ds MF Metafont .if t .ds MF Metafont .if t .ds TX \fRT\\h'-0.1667m'\\v'0.20v'E\\v'-0.20v'\\h'-0.125m'X\fP .if n .ds TX TeX .ie t .ds OX \fIT\v'+0.25m'E\v'-0.25m'X\fP .el .ds OX TeX .\" BX definition must follow TX so BX can use TX .if t .ds BX \fRB\s-2IB\s0\fP\*(TX .if n .ds BX BibTeX .\" LX definition must follow TX so LX can use TX .if t .ds LX \fRL\\h'-0.36m'\\v'-0.15v'\s-2A\s0\\h'-0.15m'\\v'0.15v'\fP\*(TX .if n .ds LX LaTeX .if t .ds AX \fRA\\h'-0.1667m'\\v'0.20v'M\\v'-0.20v'\\h'-0.125m'S\fP\*(TX .if n .ds AX AmSTeX .if t .ds AY \fRA\\h'-0.1667m'\\v'0.20v'M\\v'-0.20v'\\h'-0.125m'S\fP\*(LX .if n .ds AY AmSLaTeX .if n .ds WB Web .if t .ds WB W\s-2EB\s0 .\"===================================================================== .SH NAME hitex \- HINT output from TeX .SH SYNOPSIS .B hitex .RI [ options ] .RI [ \fB&\fPformat ] .RI [ file | \fB\e\fPcommands ] .\"===================================================================== .SH DESCRIPTION Run the Hi\*(TX typesetter on .IR file , usually creating .IR file.hnt . If the file argument has no extension, ".tex" will be appended to it. Instead of a file name, a set of Hi\*(TX commands can be given, the first of which must start with a backslash. With a .BI & format argument Hi\*(TX uses a different set of precompiled commands, contained in .IR format\fB.fmt\fP ; it is usually better to use the .B -fmt .I format option instead. .PP Hi\*(TX is a version of \*(TX that creates HINT files. The HINT file format is designed for on-screen reading of documents. Using a HINT viewer (see .BR https://hint.userweb.mwn.de ) to display a HINT file its content will dynamically adapt to the available display area. .PP The typical use of Hi\*(TX is with pre generated formats. The .B hitex command uses the equivalent of the plain \*(TX format, and the .B hilatex command uses the equivalent of the \*(LX format. To generate formats, use the .B -ini switch. .PP Hi\*(TX's handling of its command-line arguments is similar to that of of the other \*(TX programs in the .I web2c implementation. .PP Hi\*(TX incorporates the e-\*(TX extensions (see .BR etex (1)) if used with the .B -etex switch. .PP Hi\*(TX incorporates the extensions needed for \*(LX (see .BR latex (1)) if used with the .B -ltx switch. .\"===================================================================== .SH OPTIONS This version of Hi\*(TX understands the following command line options. .TP .BI -cnf-line \ string Parse .I string as a .I texmf.cnf configuration line. See the Kpathsea manual. .TP .B -compress Enable the use of compression for the HINT file. Compressed files are smaller but require decompression when viewing. Use only for large files if the file size matters. .TP .B -empty-page When writing books, often empty pages are inserted - for example to begin chapters on a right hand side page. These empty pages are a nuisance for on-screen reading where there are no left or right hand side pages. This option keeps empty pages in the output. .TP .B -no-empty-page This option tries to eliminate empty pages in the output. It is set as a default. .TP .B -etex Enable the e-\*(TX extensions. This option is only effective in combination with .BR -ini . See .BR etex (1). .TP .B -file-line-error Print error messages in the form .I file:line:error which is similar to the way many compilers format them. .TP .B -no-file-line-error Disable printing error messages in the .I file:line:error style. .TP .BI -fmt \ format Use .I format as the name of the format to be used, instead of the name by which Hi\*(TX was called or a .I %& line. .TP .B -help Print help message and exit. .TP .BI -hint-debug \ bitmask Sets HINT file debugging flags according to the .IR bitmask . See the .B -hint-debug-help option for details. .TP .B -hint-debug-help Print an explanation of the HINT debugging flags and exit. .TP .B -hyphenate-first-word \*(TX will usually not attempt to insert hyphenation points into the first word of a paragraph. If a HINT file must be displayed on a very small device such hyphenation points might prove necessary. This option is set by default and enables the generation of these hyphenation points. .TP .B -no-hyphenate-first-word Disable the automatic insertion of hyphenation points in the first word of a paragraph. Needed only if complete compatibility with \*(TX is required. .TP .B -ini Start in .I INI mode, which is used to dump formats. The .I INI mode can be used for typesetting, but no format is preloaded, and basic initializations like setting catcodes may be required. .TP .BI -interaction \ mode Sets the interaction mode. The mode can be either .IR batchmode , .IR nonstopmode , .IR scrollmode , and .IR errorstopmode . The meaning of these modes is the same as that of the corresponding \ecommands. .TP .BI -jobname \ name Use .I name for the job name, instead of deriving it from the name of the input file. .TP .BI -kpathsea-debug \ bitmask Sets path searching debugging flags according to the bitmask. See the .I Kpathsea manual for details. .TP .B -ltx Enable the \*(LX extensions. This option is only effective in combination with .BR -ini . See .BR latex (1). .TP .BI -mfmode \ mode Use .I mode as the \*(MF .I mode when generating missing fonts. See .BR mf (1) for details. .TP .BI -mktex \ fmt Enable .RI mktex fmt , where .I fmt must be either .IR tex , .IR tfm , .IR fmt , or .IR pk . .TP .BI -no-mktex \ fmt Disable .RI mktex fmt , where .I fmt must be either .IR tex , .IR tfm , .IR fmt , or .IR pk . .TP .BI -output-directory \ directory Write output files in .I directory instead of the current directory. Look up input files in .I directory first, then along the normal search path. .TP .B -parse-first-line If the first line of the main input file begins with .I %& parse it to look for a dump name. .TP .B -no-parse-first-line Disable parsing of the first line of the main input file. .TP .BI -progname \ name Pretend to be program .IR name . This affects both the format used and the search paths. .TP .BI -resolution \ number When using \*(MF to generate missing pk fonts, use a resolution of .I number DPI. See .BR mf (1) for details. .TP .B -version Print version information and exit. .\"===================================================================== .SH ENVIRONMENT See the Kpathsea library documentation (e.g., the `Path specifications' node) for precise details of how the environment variables are used. The .B kpsewhich utility can be used to query the values of the variables. .PP One caveat: In most Hi\*(TX formats, you cannot use ~ in a file name you give directly to Hi\*(TX, because ~ is an active character in \*(TX, and hence is expanded, not taken as part of the file name. Other programs, such as \*(MF, do not have this problem. .PP .TP .B TEXMFOUTPUT Normally, Hi\*(TX puts its output files in the current directory. If any output file cannot be opened there, it tries to open it in the directory specified in the environment variable TEXMFOUTPUT. There is no default value for that variable. For example, if you say .I hitex paper and the current directory is not writable and TEXMFOUTPUT has the value .IR /tmp , Hi\*(TX attempts to create .I /tmp/paper.log (and .IR /tmp/paper.hnt , if any output is produced.) TEXMFOUTPUT is also checked for input files, as \*(TX often generates files that need to be subsequently read; for input, no suffixes (such as ``.tex'') are added by default, the input name is simply checked as given. .TP .B TEXINPUTS Search path for .I \einput and .I \eopenin files. This normally starts with ``.'', so that user files are found before system files. An empty path component will be replaced with the paths defined in the .I texmf.cnf file. For example, set TEXINPUTS to ".:/home/user/tex:" to prepend the current directory and ``/home/user/tex'' to the standard search path. .TP .B TEXFORMATS Search path for format files. .TP .B TFMFONTS Search path for font metric .RI ( .tfm ) files. .TP .B SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH If set, its value, taken to be in epoch-seconds, will be used for the creation date and as the reference moment for the time related primitives of \*(LX. This is useful for making reproducible builds. .TP .B FORCE_SOURCE_DATE If set to the value "1", the time-related \*(TX primitives .RI ( \eyear , .IR \emonth , .IR \eday , .IR \etime ) are also initialized from the value of SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. This is not recommended if there is any viable alternative. .PP Many, many more environment variables may be consulted related to path searching. See the Kpathsea manual. .\"===================================================================== .SH FILES The location of the files mentioned below varies from system to system. Use the .B kpsewhich utility to find their locations. .TP .I *.tfm Metric files for Hi\*(TX's fonts. .TP .I *.fmt Predigested Hi\*(TX format files. .TP .I *.pk *.pfb Font files used by Hi\*(TX. .\"===================================================================== .SH NOTES This manual page is not meant to be exhaustive. The complete documentation for Hi\*(TX can be found in the .IR "Hi\*(TX user manual" Further information can be found in the manual of the .I "Kpathsea library" and in .IR "HINT: The file format" . which is available as a book or in electronic form from the HINT project home page at .BR https://hint.userweb.mwn.de . .PP.\"===================================================================== .SH BUGS This version of Hi\*(TX fails to handle correctly glues and kerns with a width that depends on \ehsize or \evsize. Similarly, when the layout of table entries or mathematical formulas depends on \ehsize or \evsize their output might be distorted. .\"===================================================================== .SH AVAILABILITY Hi\*(TX should compile on a large variety of machine architectures and operating systems. Hi\*(TX is part of the \*(TX Live distribution. .PP The Hi\*(TX home page is at .BR https://hint.userweb.mwn.de . There you find additional software, most importantly viewers for HINT files, and further information. .\"===================================================================== .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR histretch (1), .BR hishrink (1), .BR latex (1), .BR tex (1), .BR kpsewhich (1), .\"===================================================================== .SH AUTHORS The primary author of Hi\*(TX is Martin Ruckert, with e\*(TX extensions by Peter Breitenlohner, \*(LX extensions by Thierry Laronde, and the kpathsearch library by Karl Berry. .PP \*(TX was designed by Donald E. Knuth, who implemented it using his \*(WB system for Pascal programs. .PP Many, many more contributed to the typesetting system now known as \*(TX; far too many to name all of them here. .\" vim: syntax=nroff