% This file is part of HINT % Copyright 2017-2021 Martin Ruckert, Hochschule Muenchen, Lothstrasse 64, 80336 Muenchen % % Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy % of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal % in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights % to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell % copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is % furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: % % The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be % included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. % % THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR % IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, % FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE % COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, % WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT % OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN % THE SOFTWARE. % % Except as contained in this notice, the name of the copyright holders shall % not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other % dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the % copyright holders. \input btxmac.tex \input hintmac.tex %% defining how to display certain C identifiers @s int8_t int @s uint8_t int @s int16_t int @s uint16_t int @s uint32_t int @s int32_t int @s uint64_t int @s bool int @ \makeindex \maketoc \makecode %\makefigindex \titletrue \def\setrevision$#1: #2 ${\gdef\lastrevision{#2}} \setrevision$Revision$ \def\setdate$#1(#2) ${\gdef\lastdate{#2}} \setdate$Date$ \null \font\largetitlefont=cmssbx10 scaled\magstep4 \font\Largetitlefont=cmssbx10 at 40pt \font\hugetitlefont=cmssbx10 at 48pt \font\smalltitlefontit=cmbxti10 scaled\magstep3 \font\smalltitlefont=cmssbx10 scaled\magstep3 %halftitle \def\raggedleft{\leftskip=0pt plus 5em\parfillskip=0pt \spaceskip=.3333em \xspaceskip=0.5em \emergencystretch=1em\relax \hyphenpenalty=1000\exhyphenpenalty=1000\pretolerance=10000\linepenalty=5000 } \hbox{} \vskip 0pt plus 1fill { \baselineskip=60pt \hugetitlefont\hfill HINT:\par \Largetitlefont\raggedleft The File Format\par } \vskip 0pt plus 5fill \eject % verso of half title \titletrue \null \vfill \eject % title \titletrue \hbox{} \vskip 0pt plus 1fill { \baselineskip=1cm\parindent=0pt {\largetitlefont\raggedright HINT: The File Format}\par \leftline{\smalltitlefont Version 1.4} \vskip 10pt plus 0.5fill \leftline{\smalltitlefont Reflowable} \vskip-3pt \leftline{\smalltitlefont Output} \vskip-3pt \leftline{\smalltitlefont for \TeX} \vskip 10pt plus 0.5fill \hskip 0pt plus 2fill{\it F\"ur meine Mutter}\hskip 0pt plus 0.5fill\hbox{} \bigskip \vskip 10pt plus 3fill \raggedright\baselineskip=12pt {\bf MARTIN RUCKERT} \ {\it Munich University of Applied Sciences}\par \bigskip \leftline{Second edition} \bigskip % \leftline{\bf Eigendruck im Selbstverlag} % \bigskip } \eject % verso of title % copyright page (ii) \titletrue \begingroup \figrm \parindent=0pt %\null {\raggedright\advance\rightskip 3.5pc The author has taken care in the preparation of this book, but makes no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information or programs contained herein. \bigskip {\figtt\obeylines\obeyspaces\baselineskip=11pt Ruckert, Martin. HINT: The File Format Includes index. ISBN 979-854992684-4 } \bigskip {\raggedright\advance\rightskip 3.5pc \def\:{\discretionary{}{}{}} Internet page {\tt http:\://hint.\:userweb.\:mwn.\:de/\:hint/\:format.html} may contain current information about this book, downloadable software, and news. \vfill Copyright $\copyright$ 2019, 2021 by Martin Ruckert \smallskip All rights reserved. Printed by Kindle Direct Publishing. This publication is protected by copyright, and permission must be obtained prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a~retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Martin Ruckert, Hochschule M\"unchen, Fakult\"at f\"ur Informatik und Mathematik, Lothstrasse 64, 80335 M\"unchen, Germany. \medskip {\tt ruckert\:@@cs.hm.edu} \medskip ISBN-13: 979-854992684-4\par \medskip First printing: August 2019\par Second edition: August 2021\par \medskip Revision: \lastrevision,\quad Date: \lastdate\par } } \endgroup \frontmatter \plainsection{Preface} Late in summer 2017, with my new \CEE\ based {\tt cweb} implementation of \TeX\cite{Knuth:tex} in hand\cite{MR:webtocweb}\cite{MR:tug38}\cite{MR:web2w}, I started to write the first prototype of the \HINT\ viewer. I basically made two copies of \TeX: In the first copy, I replaced the |build_page| procedure by an output routine which used more or less the printing routines already available in \TeX. This was the beginning of the \HINT\ file format. In the second copy, I replaced \TeX's main loop by an input routine that would feed the \HINT\ file more or less directly to \TeX's |build_page| procedure. And after replacing \TeX's |ship_out| procedure by a modified rendering routine of a dvi viewer that I had written earlier for my experiments with \TeX's Computer Modern fonts\cite{MR:tug37}, I had my first running \HINT\ viewer. My sabbatical during the following Fall term gave me time for ``rapid prototyping'' various features that I considered necessary for reflowable \TeX\ output\cite{MR:tug39}. The textual output format derived from the original \TeX\ debugging routines proved to be insufficient when I implemented a ``page up'' button because it did not support reading the page content ``backwards''. As a consequence, I developed a compact binary file format that could be parsed easily in both directions. The \HINT\ short file format war born. I stopped an initial attempt at eliminating the old textual format because it was so much nicer when debugging. Instead, I converted the long textual format into the short binary format as a preliminary step in the viewer. This was not a long term solution. When opening a big file, as produced from a 1000 pages \TeX\ file, the parsing took several seconds before the first page would appear on screen. This delay, observed on a fast desktop PC, is barley tolerable, and the delay one would expect on a low-cost, low-power, mobile device seemed prohibitive. The consequence is simple: The viewer will need an input file in the short format; and to support debugging (or editing), separate programs are needed to translate the short format into the long format and back again. But for the moment, I did not bother to implement any of this but continued with unrestricted experimentation. With the beginning of the Spring term 2018, I stopped further experiments with the \HINT\ viewer and decided that I had to write down a clean design of the \HINT\ file format. Or of both file formats? Professors are supposed to do research, and hence I tried an experiment: Instead of writing down a traditional language specification, I decided to stick with the ``literate programming'' paradigm\cite{Knuth:lp} and write the present book. It describes and implements the \.{stretch} and \.{shrink} programs translating one file format into the other. As a side effect, it contains the underlying language specification. Whether this experiment is a success as a language specification remains to be seen, and you should see for yourself. But the only important measure for the value of a scientific experiment is how much you can learn form it---and I learned a lot. The whole project turned out to be much more difficult than I had expected. Early on, I decided that I would use a recursive descent parser for the short format and an LR($k$) parser for the long format. Of course, I would use {\tt lex}/{\tt flex} and {\tt yacc}/{\tt bison} to generate the LR($k$) parser, and so I had to extend the {\tt cweb} tools\cite{Knuth:cweb} to support the corresponding source files. About in mid May, after writing down about 100 pages, the first problems emerged that could not be resolved with my current approach. I had started to describe font definitions containing definitions of the interword glue and the default hyphen, and the declarative style of my exposition started to conflict with the sequential demands of writing an output file. So it was time for a first complete redesign. Two more passes over the whole book were necessary to find the concepts and the structure that would allow me to go forward and complete the book as you see it now. While rewriting was on its way, many ``nice ideas'' were pruned from the book. For example, the initial idea of optimizing the \HINT\ file while translating it was first reduced to just gathering statistics and then disappeared completely. The added code and complexity was just too distracting. What you see before you is still a snapshot of the \HINT\ file format because its development is still under way. We will know what features are needed for a reflowable \TeX\ file format only after many people have started using the format. To use the format, the end-user will need implementations, and the implementer will need a language specification. The present book is the first step in an attempt to solve this ``chicken or egg'' dilemma. \vskip 1cm \noindent {\it M\"unchen\hfil\break August 20, 2019 \hfill Martin Ruckert} \tableofcontent %\thefigindex \mainmatter \section{Introduction}\label{intro} This book defines a file format for reflowable text. Actually it describes two file formats: a long format that optimizes readability for human beings, and a short format that optimizes readability for machines and the use of storage space. Both formats use the concept of nodes and lists of nodes to describe the file content. Programs that process these nodes will likely want to convert the compressed binary representation of a node---the short format---or the lengthy textual representation of a node---the long format---into a convenient internal representation. So most of what follows is just a description of these nodes: their short format, their long format and sometimes their internal representation. Where as the description of the long and short external format is part of the file specification, the description of the internal representation is just informational. Different internal representations can be chosen based on the individual needs of the program. While defining the format, I illustrate the processing of long and short format files by implementing two utilities: \.{shrink} and \.{stretch}. \.{shrink} converts the long format into the short format and \.{stretch} goes the other way. There is also a prototype viewer for this file format and a special version of \TeX\cite{DK:texbook} to produce output in this format. Both are not described here; a survey describing them can be found in \cite{MR:tug39}. \subsection{Glyphs} Let's start with a simple and very common kind of node: a node describing a character. Because we describe a format that is used to display text, we are not so much interested in the character itself but we are interested in the specific glyph\index{glyph}. In typography, a glyph is a unique mark to be placed on the page representing a character. For example the glyph representing the character `a' can have many forms among them `{\it a\/}', `{\bf a}', or `{\tenss a}'. Such glyphs come in collections, called fonts, representing every character of the alphabet in a consistent way. The long format of a node describing the glyph `a' might look like this:`` \.{}''. Here ``\.{97}'' is the character code which happens to be the ASCII code of the letter `a' and ``{\tt *1}'' is a font reference that stands for ``Computer Modern Roman 10pt''. Reference numbers, as you can see, start with an asterisk reminiscent of references in the \CEE\ programming language. The Astrix enables us to distinguish between ordinary numbers like ``\.{1}'' and references like ``{\tt *1}''. To make this node more readable, we will see in section~\secref{chars} that it is also possible to write `` \.{}''. The latter form uses a comment ``\.{(cmr10)}'', enclosed in parentheses, to give an indication of what kind of font happens to be font 1, and it uses ``\.{'a'}'', the character enclosed in single quotes to denote the ASCII code of `a'. But let's keep things simple for now and stick with the decimal notation of the character code. The rest is common for all nodes: a keyword, here ``\.{glyph}'', and a pair of pointed brackets ``\.{<}\dots\.{>}''. Internally, we represent a glyph by the font number and the character number or character code. To store the internal representation of a glyph node, we define an appropriate structure type, named after the node with an uppercase first letter. @= typedef struct {@+ uint32_t c;@+ uint8_t f; @+} Glyph; @ Let us now look at the program \.{shrink} and see how it will convert the long format description to the internal representation of the glyph and finally to a short format description. \subsection{Scanning the Long Format} First, \.{shrink} reads the input file and extracts a sequence of tokens. This is called ``scanning''\index{scanning}. We generate the procedure to do the scanning using the program \.{flex}\cite{JL:flexbison}\index{flex+{\tt flex}} which is the GNU version of the common UNIX tool \.{lex}\cite{JL:lexyacc}\index{lex+{\tt lex}}. The input to \.{flex} is a list of pattern/\kern -1pt action rules where the pattern is a regular expression and the action is a piece of \CEE\ code. Most of the time, the \CEE\ code is very simple: it just returns the right token\index{token} number to the parser which we consider shortly. The code that defines the tokens will be marked with a line ending in ``\redsymbol''. This symbol\index{symbol} stands for ``{\it Reading the long format\/}''. These code sequences define the syntactical elements of the long format and at the same time implement the reading process. All sections where that happens are preceded by a similar heading and for reference they are conveniently listed together starting on page~\pageref{codeindex}. \codesection{\redsymbol}{Reading the Long Format}\redindex{1}{2}{Glyphs} @s START symbol @s END symbol @s GLYPH symbol @s UNSIGNED symbol @s REFERENCE symbol @= %token START "<" %token END ">" %token GLYPH "glyph" %token UNSIGNED %token REFERENCE @ You might notice that a small caps font is used for |START|, |END| or |GLYPH|. These are ``terminal symbols'' or ``tokens''. Next are the scanning rules which define the connection between tokens and their textual representation. @= ::@="<"@> :< SCAN_START; return START; >: ::@=">"@> :< SCAN_END; return END; >: ::@=glyph@> :< return GLYPH; >: ::@=0|[1-9][0-9]*@> :< SCAN_UDEC(yytext); return UNSIGNED; >: ::@=\*(0|[1-9][0-9]*)@> :< SCAN_UDEC(yytext+1); return REFERENCE; >: ::@=[[:space:]]@> :< ; >: ::@=\([^()\n]*[)\n]@> :< ; >: @ As we will see later, the macros starting with |SCAN_|\dots\ are scanning macros. Here |SCAN_UDEC| is a macro that converts the decimal representation that did match the given pattern to an unsigned integer value; it is explained in section~\secref{integers}. The macros |SCAN_START| and |SCAN_END| are explained in section~\secref{text}. The action ``{\tt ;}'' is a ``do nothing'' action; here it causes spaces or comments\index{comment} to be ignored. Comments start with an opening parenthesis and are terminated by a closing parenthesis or the end of line character. The pattern ``\.{[\^()\\n]}'' is a negated character class that matches all characters except parentheses and the newline character. These are not allowed inside comments. For detailed information about the patterns used in a \.{flex} program, see the \.{flex} user manual\cite{JL:flexbison}. \subsection{Parsing the Long Format} \label{parse_glyph} Next, the tokens produced by the scanner are assembled into larger entities. This is called ``parsing''\index{parsing}. We generate the procedure to do the parsing using the program \.{bison}\cite{JL:flexbison}\index{bison+{\tt bison}} which is the GNU version of the common UNIX tool \.{yacc}\cite{JL:lexyacc}\index{yacc+{\tt yacc}}. The input to \.{bison} is a list of parsing rules, called a ``grammar''\index{grammar}. The rules describe how to build larger entities from smaller entities. For a simple glyph node like `` \.{}'', we need just these rules: \codesection{\redsymbol}{Reading the Long Format}%\redindex{1}{2}{Glyphs} @s content_node symbol @s node symbol @s glyph symbol @s Glyph int @s start symbol @= %type start %type glyph @ @=@/ glyph: UNSIGNED REFERENCE @/{ $$.c=$1; REF(font_kind,$2); $$.f=$2; }; content_node: start GLYPH glyph END { hput_tags($1,hput_glyph(&($3))); }; start: START {HPUTNODE; $$=(uint32_t)(hpos++-hstart);} @ You might notice that a slanted font is used for |glyph|, |content_node|, or |start|. These are ``nonterminal symbols' and occur on the left hand side of a rule. On the right hand side of a rule you find nonterminal symbols, as well as terminal\index{terminal symbol} symbols and \CEE\ code enclosed in braces. Within the \CEE\ code, the expressions |$1| and |$2| refer to the variables on the parse stack that are associated with the first and second symbol on the right hand side of the rule. In the case of our glyph node, these will be the values 97 and 1, respectively, as produced by the macro |SCAN_UDEC|. |$$| refers to the variable associated with the left hand side of the rule. These variables contain the internal representation of the object in question. The type of the variable is specified by a mandatory {\bf token} or optional {\bf type} clause when we define the symbol. In the above {\bf type} clause for |start| and |glyph| , the identifiers |u| and |c| refer to the |union| declaration of the parser (see page~\pageref{union}) where we find |uint32_t u| and |Glyph c|. The macro |REF| tests a reference number for its valid range. Reading a node is usually split into the following sequence of steps: \itemize \item Reading the node specification, here a |glyph| consisting of an |UNSIGNED| value and a |REFERENCE| value. \item Creating the internal representation in the variable |$$| based on the values of |$1|, |$2|, \dots\ Here the character code field |c| is initialized using the |UNSIGNED| value stored in |$1| and the font field |f| is initialized using |$2| after checking the reference number for the proper range. \item A |content_node| rule explaining that |start| is followed by |GLYPH|, the keyword that directs the parser to |glyph|, the node specification, and a final |END|. \item Parsing |start|, which is defined as the token |START| will assign to the corresponding variable |p| on the parse stack the current position |hpos| in the output and increments that position to make room for the start byte, which we will discuss shortly. \item At the end of the |content_node| rule, the \.{shrink} program calls a {\it hput\_\dots\/} function, here |hput_glyph|, to write the short format of the node as given by its internal representation to the output and return the correct tag value. \item Finally the |hput_tags| function will add the tag as a start byte and end byte to the output stream. \enditemize Now let's see how writing the short format works in detail. \subsection{Writing the Short Format} A content node in short form begins with a start\index{start byte} byte. It tells us what kind of node it is. To describe the content of a short \HINT\ file, 32 different kinds\index{kind} of nodes are defined. Hence the kind of a node can be stored in 5 bits and the remaining bits of the start byte can be used to contain a 3 bit ``info''\index{info} value. We define an enumeration type to give symbolic names to the kind-values. The exact numerical values are of no specific importance; we will see in section~\secref{text}, however, that the assignment chosen below, has certain advantages. Because the usage of kind-values in content nodes is slightly different from the usage in definition nodes, we define alternative names for some kind-values. To display readable names instead of numerical values when debugging, we define two arrays of strings as well. Keeping the definitions consistent is achieved by creating all definitions from the same list of identifiers using different definitions of the macro |DEF_KIND|. @= #define DEF_KIND(C,D,N) @[C##_kind=N@] typedef enum {@+@@+,@+ @ @+} Kind; #undef DEF_KIND @ @= #define DEF_KIND(C,D,N) @[#C@] const char *content_name[32]=@+{@+@@;@+}@+; #undef DEF_KIND@# #define DEF_KIND(C,D,N) @[#D@] const char *definition_name[0x20]=@+{@+@@;@+}@+; #undef DEF_KIND @ @= printf("const char *content_name[32]={"); for (k=0; k<= 31;k++) { printf("\"%s\"",content_name[k]); if (k<31) printf(", "); } printf("};\n\n"); printf("const char *definition_name[32]={"); for (k=0; k<= 31;k++) { printf("\"%s\"",definition_name[k]); if (k<31) printf(", "); } printf("};\n\n"); @ \goodbreak \index{glyph kind+\\{glyph\_kind}} \index{font kind+\\{font\_kind}} \index{penalty kind+\\{penalty\_kind}} \index{int kind+\\{int\_kind}} \index{kern kind+\\{kern\_kind}} \index{xdimen kind+\\{xdimen\_kind}} \index{ligature kind+\\{ligature\_kind}} \index{disc kind+\\{disc\_kind}} \index{glue kind+\\{glue\_kind}} \index{language kind+\\{language\_kind}} \index{rule kind+\\{rule\_kind}} \index{image kind+\\{image\_kind}} \index{baseline kind+\\{baseline\_kind}} \index{dimen kind+\\{dimen\_kind}} \index{hbox kind+\\{hbox\_kind}} \index{vbox kind+\\{vbox\_kind}} \index{par kind+\\{par\_kind}} \index{math kind+\\{math\_kind}} \index{table kind+\\{table\_kind}} \index{item kind+\\{item\_kind}} \index{hset kind+\\{hset\_kind}} \index{vset kind+\\{vset\_kind}} \index{hpack kind+\\{hpack\_kind}} \index{vpack kind+\\{vpack\_kind}} \index{stream kind+\\{stream\_kind}} \index{page kind+\\{page\_kind}} \index{range kind+\\{range\_kind}} \index{adjust kind+\\{adjust\_kind}} \index{param kind+\\{param\_kind}} \index{text kind+\\{text\_kind}} \index{list kind+\\{list\_kind}} \label{kinddef} @= DEF_KIND(t@&ext,t@&ext,0),@/ DEF_KIND(l@&ist,l@&ist,1),@/ DEF_KIND(p@&aram,p@&aram,2),@/ DEF_KIND(x@&dimen,x@&dimen,3),@/ DEF_KIND(a@&djust,a@&djust,4),@/ DEF_KIND(g@&lyph, f@&ont,5),@/ DEF_KIND(k@&ern,d@&imen,6),@/ DEF_KIND(g@&lue,g@&lue,7),@/ DEF_KIND(l@&igature,l@&igature,8),@/ DEF_KIND(d@&isc,d@&isc,9),@/ DEF_KIND(l@&anguage,l@&anguage,10),@/ DEF_KIND(r@&ule,r@&ule,11),@/ DEF_KIND(i@&mage,i@&mage,12),@/ DEF_KIND(l@&eaders,l@&eaders,13),@/ DEF_KIND(b@&aseline,b@&aseline,14),@/ DEF_KIND(h@&b@&ox,h@&b@&ox,15),@/ DEF_KIND(v@&b@&ox,v@&b@&ox,16),@/ DEF_KIND(p@&ar,p@&ar,17),@/ DEF_KIND(m@&ath,m@&ath,18),@/ DEF_KIND(t@&able,t@&able,19),@/ DEF_KIND(i@&tem,i@&tem,20),@/ DEF_KIND(h@&set,h@&set,21),@/ DEF_KIND(v@&set,v@&set,22),@/ DEF_KIND(h@&pack,h@&pack,23),@/ DEF_KIND(v@&pack,v@&pack,24),@/ DEF_KIND(s@&tream,s@&tream,25),@/ DEF_KIND(p@&age,p@&age,26),@/ DEF_KIND(r@&ange,r@&ange,27),@/ DEF_KIND(l@&ink,l@&abel,28),@/ DEF_KIND(u@&ndefined2,u@&ndefined2,29),@/ DEF_KIND(u@&ndefined3,u@&ndefined3,30),@/ DEF_KIND(p@&enalty, i@&nt,31) @t@> @ For a few kind-values we have alternative names; we will use them to express different intentions when using them. @= font_kind=glyph_kind,int_kind=penalty_kind, dimen_kind=kern_kind, label_kind=link_kind, outline_kind=link_kind@/@t{}@> @ The info\index{info value} values can be used to represent numbers in the range 0 to 7; for an example see the |hput_glyph| function later in this section. Mostly, however, the individual bits are used as flags indicating the presence or absence of immediate parameter values. If the info bit is set, it means the corresponding parameter is present as an immediate value; if it is zero, it means that there is no immediate parameter value present, and the node specification will reveal what value to use instead. In some cases there is a common default value that can be used, in other cases a one byte reference number is used to select a predefined value. To make the binary representation of the info bits more readable, we define an enumeration type. \index{b000+\\{b000}} \index{b001+\\{b001}} \index{b010+\\{b010}} \index{b011+\\{b011}} \index{b100+\\{b100}} \index{b101+\\{b101}} \index{b110+\\{b110}} \index{b111+\\{b111}} @= typedef enum {@+ b000=0,b001=1,b010=2,b011=3,b100=4,b101=5,b110=6,b111=7@+ } Info; @ After the start byte follows the node content and it is the purpose of the start byte to reveal the exact syntax and semantics of the node content. Because we want to be able to read the short form of a \HINT\ file in forward direction and in backward direction, the start byte is duplicated after the content as an end\index{end byte} byte. We store a kind and an info value in one byte and call this a tag. The following macros are used to assemble and disassemble tags:\index{TAG+\.{TAG}} @= #define @[KIND(T)@] (((T)>>3)&0x1F) #define @[NAME(T)@] @[content_name[KIND(T)]@] #define @[INFO(T)@] ((T)&0x7) #define @[TAG(K,I)@] (((K)<<3)|(I)) @ Writing a short format \HINT\ file is implemented by a collection of {\it hput\_\kern 1pt\dots\/} functions; they follow most of the time the same schema: \itemize \item First, we define a variable for |info|. \item Then follows the main part of the function body, where we decide on the output format, do the actual output and set the |info| value accordingly. \item We combine the info value with the kind-value and return the correct tag. \item The tag value will be passed to |hput_tags| which generates debugging information, if requested, and stores the tag before and after the node content. \enditemize After these preparations, we turn our attention again to the |hput_glyph| function. The font number in a glyph node is between 0 and 255 and fits nicely in one byte, but the character code is more difficult: we want to store the most common character codes as a single byte and less frequent codes with two, three, or even four byte. Naturally, we use the |info| bits to store the number of bytes needed for the character code. \codesection{\putsymbol}{Writing the Short Format}\putindex{1}{2}{Glyphs} @= static uint8_t hput_n(uint32_t n) {@+ if (n<=0xFF) @+ {@+HPUT8(n);@+ return 1;@+} else if (n<=0xFFFF) @+ {@+HPUT16(n);@+ return 2;@+} else if (n<=0xFFFFFF)@+ {@+HPUT24(n);@+ return 3;@+} else @+ {@+HPUT32(n);@+ return 4;@+} } uint8_t hput_glyph(Glyph *g) { Info info; info = hput_n(g->c); HPUT8(g->f);@/ return TAG(glyph_kind,info); } @ The |hput_tags| function is called after the node content has been written to the stream. It gets a the position of the start byte and the tag. With this information it writes the start byte at the given position and the end byte at the current stream position. @= void hput_tags(uint32_t pos, uint8_t tag) { DBGTAG(tag,hstart+pos);DBGTAG(tag,hpos); HPUTX(1); *(hstart+pos)=*(hpos++)=tag; @+ } @ The variables |hpos| and |hstart|, the macros |HPUT8|, |HPUT16|, |HPUT24|, |HPUT32|, and |HPUTX| are all defined in section~\secref{HPUT}; they put 8, 16, 24, or 32 bits into the output stream and check for sufficient space in the output buffer. The macro |DBGTAG| writes debugging output; its definition is found in section~\secref{error_section}. Now that we have seen the general outline of the \.{shrink} program, starting with a long format file and ending with a short format file, we will look at the program \.{stretch} that reverses this transformation. \subsection{Parsing the Short Format} The inverse of writing the short format with a {\it hput\_\kern 1pt\dots\/} function is reading the short format with a {\it hget\_\kern 1pt\dots\/} function. The schema of {\it hget\_\kern 1pt\dots\/} functions reverse the schema of {\it hput\_\kern 1pt\dots\/} functions. Here is the code for the initial and final part of a get function: @= uint8_t a,z; /* the start and the end byte*/ uint32_t node_pos=hpos-hstart; if (hpos>=hend) QUIT("Attempt to read a start byte at the end of the section"); HGETTAG(a);@/@t{}@> @ @= HGETTAG(z);@+ if (a!=z) QUIT(@["Tag mismatch [%s,%d]!=[%s,%d] at 0x%x to " SIZE_F "\n"@],@| NAME(a),INFO(a),NAME(z),INFO(z),@|node_pos, hpos-hstart-1); @ The central routine to parse\index{parsing} the content section of a short format file is the function |hget_content_node| which calls |hget_content| to do most of the processing. |hget_content_node| will read a content node in short format and write it out in long format: It reads the start\index{start byte} byte |a|, writes the |START| token using the function |hwrite_start|, and based on |KIND(a)|, it writes the node's keyword found in the |content_name| array. Then it calls |hget_content| to read the node's content and write it out. Finally it reads the end\index{end byte} byte, checks it against the start byte, and finishes up the content node by writing the |END| token using the |hwrite_end| function. The function returns the tag byte so that the calling function might check that the content node meets its requirements. |hget_content| uses the start byte |a|, passed as a parameter, to branch directly to the reading routine for the given combination of kind and info value. The reading routine will read the data and store its internal representation in a variable. All that the \.{stretch} program needs to do with this internal representation is writing it in the long format. As we will see, the call to the proper {\it hwrite\_\kern 1pt\dots} function is included as final part of the the reading routine (avoiding another switch statement). \codesection{\getsymbol}{Reading the Short Format}\getindex{1}{2}{Content Nodes} @= void hget_content(uint8_t a); uint8_t hget_content_node(void) { @@;@+ hwrite_start(); hwritef("%s",content_name[KIND(a)]); hget_content(a);@/ @@; hwrite_end(); return a; } void hget_content(uint8_t a) {@+ switch (a)@/ {@+ @@;@t\1@>@/ default: TAGERR(a); break;@t\2@>@/ } } @ We implement the code to read a glyph node in two stages. First we define a general reading macro |HGET_GLYPH(I,G)| that reads a glyph node with info value |I| into a |Glyph| variable |G|; then we insert this macro in the above switch statement for all cases where it applies. Knowing the function |hput_glyph|, the macro |HGET_GLYPH| should not be a surprise. It reverses |hput_glyph|, storing the glyph node in its internal representation. After that, the \.{stretch} program calls |hwrite_glyph| to produce the glyph node in long format. \codesection{\getsymbol}{Reading the Short Format}\getindex{1}{2}{Glyphs} @= #define @[HGET_N(I,X)@] \ if ((I)==1) (X)=HGET8;\ else if ((I)==2) HGET16(X);\ else if ((I)==3) HGET24(X);\ else if ((I)==4) HGET32(X); #define @[HGET_GLYPH(I,G)@] \ HGET_N(I,(G).c); (G).f=HGET8; @+REF_RNG(font_kind,(G).f);@/\ hwrite_glyph(&(G));\ @ Note that we allow a glyph to reference a font even before that font is defined. This is necessary because fonts usually contain definitions---for example the fonts hyphen character---that reference this or other fonts. @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(glyph_kind,1): @+{@+Glyph g;@+ HGET_GLYPH(1,g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glyph_kind,2): @+{@+Glyph g;@+ HGET_GLYPH(2,g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glyph_kind,3): @+{@+Glyph g;@+ HGET_GLYPH(3,g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glyph_kind,4): @+{@+Glyph g;@+ HGET_GLYPH(4,g);@+}@+break; @ If this two stage method seems strange to you, consider what the \CEE\ compiler will do with it. It will expand the |HGET_GLYPH| macro four times inside the switch statement. The macro is, however, expanded with a constant |I| value, so the expansion of the |if| statement in |HGET_GLYPH(1,g)|, for example, will become ``|if (1==1)| \dots\ |else if (1==2)| \dots'' and the compiler will have no difficulties eliminating the constant tests and the dead branches altogether. This is the most effective use of the switch statement: a single jump takes you to a specialized code to handle just the given combination of kind and info value. Last not least, we implement the function |hwrite_glyph| to write a glyph node in long form---that is: in a form that is as readable as possible. \subsection{Writing the Long Format} The |hwrite_glyph| function inverts the scanning and parsing process we have described at the very beginning of this chapter. To implement the |hwrite_glyph| function, we use the function |hwrite_charcode| to write the character code. Besides writing the character code as a decimal number, this function can handle also other representations of character codes as fully explained in section~\secref{chars}. We split off the writing of the opening and the closing pointed bracket, because we will need this function very often and because it will keep track of the |nesting| of nodes and indent them accordingly. The |hwrite_range| and |hwrite_label| functions used in |hwrite_end| are discussed in section~\secref{range} and~\secref{hwritelabel}. \codesection{\wrtsymbol}{Writing the Long Format}\wrtindex{1}{2}{Glyphs} @= int nesting=0; void hwrite_nesting(void) { int i; hwritec('\n'); for (i=0;i'); if (section_no==2) { if (nesting==0) hwrite_range(); hwrite_label(); } } void hwrite_comment(char *str) { char c; if (str==NULL) return; hwritef(" ("); while ((c=*str++)!=0) if (c=='(' || c==')') hwritec('_'); else if (c=='\n') hwritef("\n("); else hwritec(c); hwritec(')'); } void hwrite_charcode(uint32_t c); void hwrite_ref(int n); void hwrite_glyph(Glyph *g) { char *n=hfont_name[g->f]; hwrite_charcode(g->c); hwrite_ref(g->f); if (n!=NULL) hwrite_comment(n); } @ The two primitive operations to write the long format file are defined as macros: @= #define @[hwritec(c)@] @[putc(c,hout)@] #define @[hwritef(...)@] @[fprintf(hout,__VA_ARGS__)@] @ Now that we have completed the round trip of shrinking and stretching glyph nodes, we continue the description of the \HINT\ file formats in a more systematic way. \section{Data Types}\hascode \subsection{Integers} \label{integers} We have already seen the pattern/\kern -1pt action rule for unsigned decimal\index{decimal number} numbers. It remains to define the macro |SCAN_UDEC| which converts a string containing an unsigned\index{unsigned} decimal number into an unsigned integer\index{integer}. We use the \CEE\ library function | strtoul|: \readcode @= #define @[SCAN_UDEC(S)@] @[yylval.u=strtoul(S,NULL,10)@] @ Unsigned integers can be given in hexadecimal\index{hexadecimal} notation as well. @= ::@=HEX@> :< @=[0-9A-F]@> >: @ @= ::@=0x{HEX}+@> :< SCAN_HEX(yytext+2); return UNSIGNED; >: @ Note that the pattern above allows only upper case letters in the hexadecimal notation for integers. @= #define @[SCAN_HEX(S)@] @[yylval.u=strtoul(S,NULL,16)@] @ Last not least, we add rules for signed\index{signed integer} integers. @s SIGNED symbol @s number symbol @s integer symbol @= %token SIGNED %type integer @ @= ::@=[+-](0|[1-9][0-9]*)@> :< SCAN_DEC(yytext); return SIGNED; >: @ @= #define @[SCAN_DEC(S)@] @[yylval.i=strtol(S,NULL,10)@] @ @= integer: SIGNED @+| UNSIGNED { RNG("number",$1,0,0x7FFFFFFF);}; @ To preserve the ``signedness'' of an integer also for positive signed integers in the long format, we implement the function |hwrite_signed|. \writecode @= void hwrite_signed(int32_t i) { if (i<0) hwritef(" -%d",-i); else hwritef(" +%d",+i); } @ Reading and writing integers in the short format is done directly with the {\tt HPUT} and {\tt HGET} macros. \subsection{Strings} \label{strings} Strings\index{string} are needed in the definition part of a \HINT\ file to specify names of objects, and in the long file format, we also use them for file\index{file name} names. In the long format, strings are sequences of characters delimited by single quote\index{single quote} characters; for example: ``\.{'Hello'}'' or ``\.{'cmr10-600dpi.tfm'}''; in the short format, strings are byte sequences terminated by a zero byte. Because file names are system dependent, we no not allow arbitrary characters in strings but only printable ASCII codes which we can reasonably expect to be available on most operating systems. If your file names in a long format \HINT\ file are supposed to be portable, you should probably be even more restrictive. For example you should avoid characters like ``\.{\\}'' or ``\.{/}'' which are used in different ways for directories. The internal representation of a string is a simple zero terminated \CEE\ string. When scanning a string, we copy it to the |str_buffer| keeping track of its length in |str_length|. When done, we make a copy for permanent storage and return the pointer to the parser. To operate on the |str_buffer|, we define a few macros. The constant |MAX_STR| determines the maximum size of a string (including the zero byte) to be $2^{10}$ byte. This restriction is part of the \HINT\ file format specification. @= #define MAX_STR (1<<10) /* $2^{10}$ Byte or 1kByte */ static char str_buffer[MAX_STR]; static int str_length; #define STR_START @[(str_length=0)@] #define @[STR_PUT(C)@] @[(str_buffer[str_length++]=(C))@] #define @[STR_ADD(C)@] @[STR_PUT(C);RNG("String length",str_length,0,MAX_STR-1)@] #define STR_END @[str_buffer[str_length]=0@] #define SCAN_STR @[yylval.s=str_buffer@] @ To scan a string, we switch the scanner to |STR| mode when we find a quote character, then we scan bytes in the range |0x20| to |0x7E|, which is the range of printable ASCII characters, until we find the closing single\index{single quote} quote. Quote characters inside the string are written as two consecutive single quote characters. \readcode @s STRING symbol @s STR symbol @s INITIAL symbol @= %x STR @ @= %token STRING @ @= ::@='@> :< STR_START; BEGIN(STR); >: { ::@='@> :< STR_END; SCAN_STR; BEGIN(INITIAL); return STRING; >: ::@=''@> :< STR_ADD('\''); >: ::@=[\x20-\x7E]@> :< STR_ADD(yytext[0]); >: ::@=.@> :< RNG("String character",yytext[0],0x20,0x7E); >: ::@=\n@> :< QUIT("Unterminated String in line %d",yylineno); >: } @ The function |hwrite_string| reverses this process; it must take care of the quote symbols. \writecode @= void hwrite_string(char *str) {@+hwritec(' '); if (str==NULL) hwritef("''"); else@/ { hwritec('\''); while (*str!=0)@/ { @+if (*str=='\'') hwritec('\''); hwritec(*str++); } hwritec('\''); } } @ In the short format, a string is just a byte sequence terminated by a zero byte. This makes the function |hput_string|, to write a string, and the macro |HGET_STRING|, to read a string in short format, very simple. Note that after writing an unbounded string to the output buffer, the macro |HPUTNODE| will make sure that there is enough space left to write the remainder of the node. \putcode @= void hput_string(char *str) { char *s=str; if (s!=NULL) { do { HPUTX(1); HPUT8(*s); } while (*s++!=0); HPUTNODE; } else HPUT8(0); } @ \getcode @= #define @[HGET_STRING(S)@] @[S=(char*)hpos;\ while(hpos= glyph: CHARCODE REFERENCE @|{ $$.c=$1; REF(font_kind,$2); $$.f=$2; }; @ If the character codes are small, we can represent them using ASCII character codes. We do not offer a special notation for very small character codes that map to the non-printable ASCII control codes; for them, the decimal or hexadecimal notation will suffice. For larger character codes, we use the multibyte encoding scheme known from UTF8\index{UTF8} as follows. Given a character code~|c|: \itemize \item Values in the range |0x00| to |0x7f| are encoded as a single byte with a leading bit of 0. @= ::@=UTF8_1@> :< @=[\x00-\x7F]@> >: @ @= #define @[SCAN_UTF8_1(S)@] @[yylval.u=((S)[0]&0x7F)@] @ \item Values in the range |0x80| to |0x7ff| are encoded in two byte with the first byte having three high bits |110|, indicating a two byte sequence, and the lower five bits equal to the five high bits of |c|. It is followed by a continuation byte having two high bits |10| and the lower six bits equal to the lower six bits of |c|. @= ::@=UTF8_2@> :< @=[\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]@> >: @ @= #define @[SCAN_UTF8_2(S)@] @[yylval.u=(((S)[0]&0x1F)<<6)+((S)[1]&0x3F)@] @ \item Values in the range |0x800| to |0xFFFF| are encoded in three byte with the first byte having the high bits |1110| indicating a three byte sequence followed by two continuation bytes. @= ::@=UTF8_3@> :< @=[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]@> >: @ @= #define @[SCAN_UTF8_3(S)@] @[yylval.u=(((S)[0]&0x0F)<<12)+(((S)[1]&0x3F)<<6)+((S)[2]&0x3F)@] @ \item Values in the range |0x1000| to |0x1FFFFF| are encoded in four byte with the first byte having the high bits |11110| indicating a four byte sequence followed by three continuation bytes. @= ::@=UTF8_4@> :< @=[\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]@> >: @ @= #define @[SCAN_UTF8_4(S)@] @[yylval.u=(((S)[0]&0x03)<<18)+(((S)[1]&0x3F)<<12)+@|(((S)[2]&0x3F)<<6)+((S)[3]&0x3F)@] @ \enditemize In the long format file, we enclose a character code in single\index{single quote} quotes, just as we do for strings. This is convenient but it has the downside that we must exercise special care when giving the scanning rules in order not to confuse character codes with strings. Further we must convert character codes back into strings in the rare case where the parser expects a string and gets a character code because the string was only a single character long. Let's start with the first problem: The scanner might confuse a string\index{string} and a character code if the first or second character of the string is a quote character which is written as two consecutive quotes. For example \.{'a''b'} is a string with three characters, ``\.{a}'', ``\.{'}'', and ``\.{b}''. Two character codes would need a space to separate them like this: \.{'a' 'b'}. @s CHARCODE symbol @= %token CHARCODE @ @= ::@='''@> :< STR_START; STR_PUT('\''); BEGIN(STR); >: ::@=''''@> :< SCAN_UTF8_1(yytext+1); return CHARCODE; >: ::@='[\x20-\x7E]''@> :< STR_START; STR_PUT(yytext[1]); STR_PUT('\''); BEGIN(STR); >: ::@='''''@> :< STR_START; STR_PUT('\''); STR_PUT('\''); BEGIN(STR); >: ::@='{UTF8_1}'@> :< SCAN_UTF8_1(yytext+1); return CHARCODE; >: ::@='{UTF8_2}'@> :< SCAN_UTF8_2(yytext+1); return CHARCODE; >: ::@='{UTF8_3}'@> :< SCAN_UTF8_3(yytext+1); return CHARCODE; >: ::@='{UTF8_4}'@> :< SCAN_UTF8_4(yytext+1); return CHARCODE; >: @ If needed, the parser can convert character codes back to single character strings. @s string symbol @= %type string @ @= string: STRING @+ | CHARCODE { static char s[2]; RNG("String element",$1,0x20,0x7E); s[0]=$1; s[1]=0; $$=s;}; @ The function |hwrite_charcode| will write a character code. While ASCII codes are handled directly, larger character codes are passed to the function |hwrite_utf8|. It returns the number of characters written. \writecode @= int hwrite_utf8(uint32_t c) {@+ if (c<0x80) { hwritec(c); @+return 1;@+ } else if (c<0x800)@/ { hwritec(0xC0|(c>>6));@+ hwritec(0x80|(c&0x3F));@+ return 2;@+} else if (c<0x10000)@/ { hwritec(0xE0|(c>>12)); hwritec(0x80|((c>>6)&0x3F));@+ hwritec(0x80|(c&0x3F)); return 3; } else if (c<0x200000)@/ { hwritec(0xF0|(c>>18));@+ hwritec(0x80|((c>>12)&0x3F)); hwritec(0x80|((c>>6)&0x3F));@+ hwritec(0x80|(c&0x3F)); return 4;} else RNG("character code",c,0,0x1FFFFF); return 0; } void hwrite_charcode(uint32_t c) { @+if (c < 0x20) { if (option_hex) hwritef(" 0x%02X",c); /* non printable ASCII */ else hwritef(" %u",c); } else if (c=='\'') hwritef(" ''''"); else if (c<=0x7E) hwritef(" \'%c\'",c); /* printable ASCII */ else if (option_utf8) { hwritef(" \'"); @+ hwrite_utf8(c); @+ hwritec('\'');@+} else if (option_hex) hwritef(" 0x%04X",c); else hwritef(" %u",c); } @ \getcode @= #define @[HGET_UTF8C(X)@] (X)=HGET8;@+ if ((X&0xC0)!=0x80) \ QUIT(@["UTF8 continuation byte expected at " SIZE_F " got 0x%02X\n"@],hpos-hstart-1,X)@; uint32_t hget_utf8(void) { uint8_t a; a=HGET8; if (a<0x80) return a; else { if ((a&0xE0)==0xC0) @/ { uint8_t b; @+ HGET_UTF8C(b); return ((a&~0xE0)<<6)+(b&~0xC0); } else if ((a&0xF0)==0xE0) @/ { uint8_t b,c; @+ HGET_UTF8C(b); @+ HGET_UTF8C(c); return ((a&~0xF0)<<12)+((b&~0xC0)<<6)+(c&~0xC0); } else if ((a&0xF8)==0xF0) @/ { uint8_t b,c,d; @+ HGET_UTF8C(b); @+ HGET_UTF8C(c); @+ HGET_UTF8C(d); return ((a&~0xF8)<<18)@|+ ((b&~0xC0)<<12)+((c&~0xC0)<<6)+(d&~0xC0); } else QUIT("UTF8 byte sequence expected"); } } @ \putcode @= void hput_utf8(uint32_t c) { @+HPUTX(4); if (c<0x80) HPUT8(c); else if (c<0x800) { HPUT8(0xC0|(c>>6));@+ HPUT8(0x80|(c&0x3F));@+ } else if (c<0x10000)@/ { HPUT8(0xE0|(c>>12)); HPUT8(0x80|((c>>6)&0x3F));@+ HPUT8(0x80|(c&0x3F)); } else if (c<0x200000)@/ { HPUT8(0xF0|(c>>18));@+ HPUT8(0x80|((c>>12)&0x3F)); HPUT8(0x80|((c>>6)&0x3F));@+ HPUT8(0x80|(c&0x3F)); } else RNG("character code",c,0,0x1FFFFF); } @ \subsection{Floating Point Numbers} You know a floating point numbers\index{floating point number} when you see it because it features a radix\index{radix point} point. The optional exponent\index{exponent} allows you to ``float'' the point. \readcode @s FPNUM symbol @s number symbol @= %token FPNUM %type number @ @= ::@=[+-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(e[+-]?[0-9])?@> :< SCAN_DECFLOAT; return FPNUM; >: @ The layout of floating point variables of type |double| or |float| typically follows the IEEE754\index{IEEE754} standard\cite{IEEE754-1985}\cite{IEEE754-2008}. We use the following definitions: \index{float32 t+\&{float32\_t}} \index{float64 t+\&{float64\_t}} @= #define FLT_M_BITS 23 #define FLT_E_BITS 8 #define FLT_EXCESS 127 #define DBL_M_BITS 52 #define DBL_E_BITS 11 #define DBL_EXCESS 1023 @ @s float32_t int @s float64_t int We expect a variable of type |float64_t| to have a binary representation using 64 bit. The most significant bit is the sign bit, then follow $|DBL_E_BITS|=11$ bits for the exponent\index{exponent}, and $|DBL_M_BITS|=52$ bits for the mantissa\index{mantissa}. The sign\index{sign bit} bit is 1 for a negative number and 0 for a positive number. A floating point number is stored in normalized\index{normalization} form which means that the mantissa is shifted such that it has exactly 52+1 bit not counting leading zeros. The leading bit is then always 1 and there is no need to store it. So 52 bits suffice. To store the exponent, the excess $q=1023$ is added and the result is stored as an unsigned 11 bit number. For example if we regard the exponent bits and the mantissa bits as unsigned binary numbers $e$ and $m$ then the absolute value of such a floating point number can be expressed as $(1+m*2^{-52})\cdot2^{e-1023}$. We make similar assumptions about variables of type |float32_t| using the constants as defined above. To convert the decimal representation of a floating point number to binary values of type |float64_t|, we use a \CEE\ library function. @= #define SCAN_DECFLOAT @[yylval.f=atof(yytext)@] @ When the parser expects a floating point number and gets an integer number, it converts it. So whenever in the long format a floating point number is expected, an integer number will do as well. @= number: UNSIGNED {$$=(float64_t)$1; } | SIGNED {$$=(float64_t)$1; } | FPNUM; @ Unfortunately the decimal representation is not optimal for floating point numbers since even simple numbers in decimal notation like $0.1$ do not have an exact representation as a binary floating point number. So if we want a notation that allows an exact representation of binary floating point numbers, we must use a hexadecimal\index{hexadecimal} representation. Hexadecimal floating point numbers start with an optional sign, then as usual the two characters ``{\tt 0x}'', then follows a sequence of hex digits, a radix point, more hex digits, and an optional exponent. The optional exponent starts with the character ``{\tt x}'', followed by an optional sign, and some more hex digits. The hexadecimal exponent is given as a base 16 number and it is interpreted as an exponent with the base 16. As an example an exponent of ``{\tt x10}'', would multiply the mantissa by $16^{16}$. In other words it would shift any mantissa 16 hexadecimal digits to the left. Here are the exact rules: @= ::@=[+-]?0x{HEX}+\.{HEX}+(x[+-]?{HEX}+)?@> :< SCAN_HEXFLOAT; return FPNUM; >: @ @= #define SCAN_HEXFLOAT @[yylval.f=xtof(yytext)@] @ There is no function in the \CEE\ library for hexadecimal floating point notation so we have to write our own conversion routine. The function |xtof| converts a string matching the above regular expression to its binary representation. Its outline is very simple: @= float64_t xtof(char *x) { int sign, digits, exp; uint64_t mantissa=0; DBG(DBGFLOAT,"converting %s:\n",x); @@; x=x+2; /* skip ``\.{0x}'' */ @@; @@; @@; @@; } @ Now the pieces: @= if (*x=='-') { sign=-1;@+ x++;@+ } else if (*x=='+') { sign=+1;@+ x++;@+ } else @+sign=+1; DBG(DBGFLOAT,"\tsign=%d\n",sign); @ When we read the mantissa, we use the temporary variable |mantissa|, keep track of the number of digits, and adjust the exponent while reading the fractional part. @= digits=0; while (*x=='0') x++; /*ignore leading zeros*/ while (*x!='.')@/ { mantissa=mantissa<<4; if (*x<'A') mantissa=mantissa+*x-'0'; else mantissa=mantissa+*x-'A'+10; x++; digits++; } x++; /* skip ``\.{.}'' */ exp=0; while (*x!=0 && *x!='x')@/ { mantissa=mantissa<<4; exp=exp-4; if (*x<'A') mantissa=mantissa+*x-'0'; else mantissa=mantissa+*x-'A'+10; x++; digits++; } DBG(DBGFLOAT,"\tdigits=%d mantissa=0x%" PRIx64 ", exp=%d\n",@|digits,mantissa,exp); @ To normalize the mantissa, first we shift it to place exactly one nonzero hexadecimal digit to the left of the radix point. Then we shift it right bit-wise until there is just a single 1 bit to the left of the radix point. To compensate for the shifting, we adjust the exponent accordingly. Finally we remove the most significant bit because it is not stored. @= if (mantissa==0) return 0.0; { int s; s = digits-DBL_M_BITS/4; if (s>1) mantissa=mantissa>>(4*(s-1)); else if (s<1) mantissa=mantissa<<(4*(1-s)); exp=exp+4*(digits-1); DBG(DBGFLOAT,"\tdigits=%d mantissa=0x%" PRIx64 ", exp=%d\n",@|digits,mantissa,exp); while ((mantissa>>DBL_M_BITS)>1)@/ { mantissa=mantissa>>1; @+ exp++;@+ } DBG(DBGFLOAT,"\tdigits=%d mantissa=0x%" PRIx64 ", exp=%d\n",@|digits,mantissa,exp); mantissa=mantissa&~((uint64_t)1<= if (*x=='x')@/ { int s; x++; /* skip the ``\.{x}'' */ if (*x=='-') {s=-1;@+x++;@+} else if (*x=='+') {s=+1;@+x++;@+} else s=+1; DBG(DBGFLOAT,"\texpsign=%d\n",s); DBG(DBGFLOAT,"\texp=%d\n",exp); while (*x!=0 ) { if (*x<'A') exp=exp+4*s*(*x-'0'); else exp=exp+4*s*(*x-'A'+10); x++; DBG(DBGFLOAT,"\texp=%d\n",exp); } } RNG("Floating point exponent",@|exp,-DBL_EXCESS,DBL_EXCESS); @ To assemble the binary representation, we use a |union| of a |float64_t| and |uint64_t|. @= { union {@+float64_t d; @+uint64_t bits; @+} u; if (sign<0) sign=1;@+ else@+ sign=0; /* the sign bit */ exp=exp+DBL_EXCESS; /* the exponent bits */ u.bits=((uint64_t)sign<<63)@/ | ((uint64_t)exp<= #define MAX_HEX_DIGITS 12 void hwrite_float64(float64_t d) { uint64_t bits, mantissa; int exp, digits; hwritec(' '); if (floor(d)==d) { hwritef("%d",(int)d);@+ return;@+} if (floor(10000.0*d)==10000.0*d) { hwritef("%g",d); @+return;@+} DBG(DBGFLOAT,"Writing hexadecimal float %f\n",d); if (d<0) { hwritec('-');@+ d=-d;@+} hwritef("0x"); @@; if (exp>MAX_HEX_DIGITS) @@; else if (exp>=0) @@; else @@; } @ The extraction just reverses the creation of the binary representation. @= { union {@+float64_t d; @+ uint64_t bits; @+} u; u.d=d; @+ bits=u.bits; } mantissa= bits&(((uint64_t)1<>DBL_M_BITS)&((1<= { int r; if (exp>=0) { r= exp%4; if (r>0) { mantissa=mantissa<0) { mantissa=mantissa>>r; @+exp=exp+r; @+digits=digits-r;@+} } } exp=exp/4; DBG(DBGFLOAT,"\tdigits=%d mantissa=0x%" PRIx64 " hex exp=%d\n",@|digits,mantissa,exp); @ In preparation for writing, we shift the mantissa to the left so that the leftmost hexadecimal digit of it will occupy the 4 leftmost bits of the variable |bits| . @= mantissa=mantissa<<(64-DBL_M_BITS-4); /* move leading digit to leftmost nibble */ @ If the exponent is larger than |MAX_HEX_DIGITS|, we need to use an exponent even if the mantissa uses only a few digits. When we use an exponent, we always write exactly one digit preceding the radix point. @= { DBG(DBGFLOAT,"writing large number\n"); hwritef("%X.",(uint8_t)(mantissa>>60)); mantissa=mantissa<<4; do { hwritef("%X",(uint8_t)(mantissa>>DBL_M_BITS)&0xF); mantissa=mantissa<<4; } while (mantissa!=0); hwritef("x+%X",exp); } @ If the exponent is small and non negative, we can write the number without an exponent by writing the radix point at the appropriate place. @= { DBG(DBGFLOAT,"writing medium number\n"); do { hwritef("%X",(uint8_t)(mantissa>>60)); mantissa=mantissa<<4; if (exp--==0) hwritec('.'); } while (mantissa!=0 || exp>=-1); } @ Last non least, we write numbers that would require additional zeros after the radix point with an exponent, because it keeps the mantissa shorter. @= { DBG(DBGFLOAT,"writing small number\n"); hwritef("%X.",(uint8_t)(mantissa>>60)); mantissa=mantissa<<4; do { hwritef("%X",(uint8_t)(mantissa>>60)); mantissa=mantissa<<4; } while (mantissa!=0); hwritef("x-%X",-exp); } @ Compared to the complications of long format floating point numbers, the short format is very simple because we just use the binary representation. Since 32 bit floating point numbers offer sufficient precision we use only the |float32_t| type. It is however not possible to just write |HPUT32(d)| for a |float32_t| variable |d| or |HPUT32((uint32_t)d)| because in the \CEE\ language this would imply rounding the floating point number to the nearest integer. But we have seen how to convert floating point values to bit pattern before. @= void hput_float32(float32_t d) { union {@+float32_t d; @+ uint32_t bits; @+} u; u.d=d; @+ HPUT32(u.bits); } @ @= float32_t hget_float32(void) { union {@+float32_t d; @+ uint32_t bits; @+} u; HGET32(u.bits); return u.d; } @ \subsection{Fixed Point Numbers} \TeX\ internally represents most real numbers as fixed\index{fixed point number} point numbers or ``scaled integers''\index{scaled integer}. The type {\bf Scaled} is defined as a signed 32 bit integer, but we consider it as a fixed point number with the binary radix point just in the middle with sixteen bits before and sixteen bits after it. To convert an integer into a scaled number, we multiply it by |ONE|; to convert a floating point number into a scaled number, we multiply it by |ONE| and |ROUND| the result to the nearest integer; to convert a scaled number to a floating point number we divide it by |(float64_t)ONE|. \noindent @= typedef int32_t Scaled; #define ONE ((Scaled)(1<<16)) @ @= #define ROUND(X) ((int)((X)>=0.0?floor((X)+0.5):ceil((X)-0.5))) @ \writecode @= void hwrite_scaled(Scaled x) { hwrite_float64(x/(float64_t)ONE); } @ \subsection{Dimensions} In the long format, the dimensions\index{dimension} of characters, boxes, and other things can be given in three units: \.{pt}, \.{in}, and \.{mm}. \readcode @s PT symbol @s MM symbol @s INCH symbol @s dimension symbol @s DIMEN symbol @= %token DIMEN "dimen" %token PT "pt" %token MM "mm" %token INCH "in" %type dimension @ @= ::@=dimen@> :< return DIMEN; >: ::@=pt@> :< return PT; >: ::@=mm@> :< return MM; >: ::@=in@> :< return INCH; >: @ The unit \.{pt} is a printers point\index{point}\index{pt+{\tt pt}}. The unit ``\.{in}'' stands for inches\index{inch}\index{in+{\tt in}} and we have $1\.{in}= 72.27\,\.{pt}$. The unit ``\.{mm}'' stands for millimeter\index{millimeter}\index{mm+{\tt mm}} and we have $1\.{in}= 25.4\,\.{mm}$. The definition of a printers\index{printers point} point given above follows the definition used in \TeX\ which is slightly larger than the official definition of a printer's point which was defined to equal exactly 0.013837\.{in} by the American Typefounders Association in~1886\cite{DK:texbook}. We follow the tradition of \TeX\ and store dimensions as ``scaled points''\index{scaled point} that is a dimension of $d$ points is stored as $d\cdot2^{16}$ rounded to the nearest integer. The maximum absolute value of a dimension is $(2^{30}-1)$ scaled points. @= typedef Scaled Dimen; #define MAX_DIMEN ((Dimen)(0x3FFFFFFF)) @ @= dimension: number PT @|{$$=ROUND($1*ONE); RNG("Dimension",$$,-MAX_DIMEN,MAX_DIMEN); } | number INCH @|{$$=ROUND($1*ONE*72.27); RNG("Dimension",$$,-MAX_DIMEN,MAX_DIMEN);@+} | number MM @|{$$=ROUND($1*ONE*(72.27/25.4)); RNG("Dimension",$$,-MAX_DIMEN,MAX_DIMEN);@+}; @ When \.{stretch} is writing dimensions in the long format, for simplicity it always uses the unit ``\.{pt}''. \writecode @= void hwrite_dimension(Dimen x) { hwrite_scaled(x); hwritef("pt"); } @ In the short format, dimensions are stored as 32 bit scaled point values without conversion. \getcode @= void hget_dimen(uint8_t a) { if (INFO(a)==b000) {uint8_t r; r=HGET8; REF(dimen_kind,r); hwrite_ref(r);} else { uint32_t d; HGET32(d); hwrite_dimension(d); } } @ \putcode @= uint8_t hput_dimen(Dimen d) { HPUT32(d); return TAG(dimen_kind, b001); } @ \subsection{Extended Dimensions}\index{extended dimension}\index{hsize+{\tt hsize}}\index{vsize+{\tt vsize}} The dimension that is probably used most frequently in a \TeX\ file is {\tt hsize}: the ho\-ri\-zon\-tal size of a line of text. Common are also assignments like \.{\\hsize=0.5\\hsize} \.{\\advance\\hsize by -10pt}, for example to get two columns with lines almost half as wide as usual, leaving a small gap between left and right column. Similar considerations apply to {\tt vsize}. Because we aim at a reflowable format for \TeX\ output, we have to postpone such computations until the values of \.{hsize} and \.{vsize} are known in the viewer. Until then, we do symbolic computations on linear functions\index{linear function} of \.{hsize} and \.{vsize}. We call such a linear function $w+h\cdot\.{hsize}+v\cdot\.{vsize}$ an extended dimension and represent it by the three numbers $w$, $h$, and $v$. @= typedef struct {@+ Dimen w; @+ float32_t h, v; @+ } Xdimen; @ Since very often a component of an extended dimension is zero, we store in the short format only the nonzero components and use the info bits to mark them: |b100| implies $|w|\ne0$, |b010| implies $|h|\ne 0$, and |b001| implies $|v|\ne 0$. \readcode @s XDIMEN symbol @s xdimen symbol @s xdimen_node symbol @s H symbol @s V symbol @= %token XDIMEN "xdimen" %token H "h" %token V "v" %type xdimen @ @= ::@=xdimen@> :< return XDIMEN; >: ::@=h@> :< return H; >: ::@=v@> :< return V; >: @ @= xdimen: dimension number H number V { $$.w=$1; @+$$.h=$2; @+$$.v=$4; } | dimension number H { $$.w=$1; @+$$.h=$2; @+$$.v=0.0; } | dimension number V { $$.w=$1; @+$$.h=0.0; @+$$.v=$2; } | dimension { $$.w=$1; @+$$.h=0.0; @+$$.v=0.0; }; xdimen_node: start XDIMEN xdimen END { hput_tags($1,hput_xdimen(&($3))); }; @ \writecode @= void hwrite_xdimen(Xdimen *x) { hwrite_dimension(x->w); if (x->h!=0.0) {hwrite_float64(x->h); @+hwritec('h');@+} if (x->v!=0.0) {hwrite_float64(x->v); @+hwritec('v');@+} } void hwrite_xdimen_node(Xdimen *x) { hwrite_start(); hwritef("xdimen"); hwrite_xdimen(x); hwrite_end();} @ \getcode @= #define @[HGET_XDIMEN(I,X)@] \ if((I)&b100) HGET32((X).w);@+ else (X).w=0;\ if((I)&b010) (X).h=hget_float32(); @+ else (X).h=0.0;\ if((I)&b001) (X).v=hget_float32(); @+else (X).v=0.0; @ @= void hget_xdimen(uint8_t a, Xdimen *x) { switch(a) { case TAG(xdimen_kind,b001): HGET_XDIMEN(b001,*x);@+break; case TAG(xdimen_kind,b010): HGET_XDIMEN(b010,*x);@+break; case TAG(xdimen_kind,b011): HGET_XDIMEN(b011,*x);@+break; case TAG(xdimen_kind,b100): HGET_XDIMEN(b100,*x);@+break; case TAG(xdimen_kind,b101): HGET_XDIMEN(b101,*x);@+break; case TAG(xdimen_kind,b110): HGET_XDIMEN(b110,*x);@+break; case TAG(xdimen_kind,b111): HGET_XDIMEN(b111,*x);@+break; default: QUIT("Extent expected got [%s,%d]",NAME(a),INFO(a)); } } @ Note that the info value |b000|, usually indicating a reference, is not supported for extended dimensions. Most nodes that need an extended dimension offer the opportunity to give a reference directly without the start and end byte. An exception is the glue node, but glue nodes that need an extended width are rare. @= void hget_xdimen_node(Xdimen *x) { @@; if (KIND(a)==xdimen_kind) hget_xdimen(a,x); else QUIT("Extent expected at 0x%x got %s",node_pos,NAME(a)); @@; } @ \putcode @= uint8_t hput_xdimen(Xdimen *x) { Info info=b000; if (x->w==0 && x->h==0.0 && x->v==0.0){ HPUT32(0); @+info|=b100; @+} else { if (x->w!=0) { HPUT32(x->w); @+info|=b100; @+} if (x->h!=0.0) { hput_float32(x->h); @+info|=b010; @+} if (x->v!=0.0) { hput_float32(x->v); @+info|=b001; @+} } return TAG(xdimen_kind,info); } void hput_xdimen_node(Xdimen *x) { uint32_t p=hpos++-hstart; hput_tags(p, hput_xdimen(x)); } @ \subsection{Stretch and Shrink}\label{stretch} In section~\secref{glue}, we will consider glue\index{glue} which is something that can stretch and shrink. The stretchability\index{stretchability} and shrinkability\index{shrinkability} of the glue can be given in ``\.{pt}'' like a dimension, but there are three more units: \.{fil}, \.{fill}, and \.{filll}. A glue with a stretchability of $1\,\hbox{\tt fil}$ will stretch infinitely more than a glue with a stretchability of $1\,\hbox{\tt pt}$. So if you stretch both glues together, the first glue will do all the stretching and the latter will not stretch at all. The ``\.{fil}'' glue has simply a higher order of infinity. You might guess that ``\.{fill}'' glue and ``\.{filll}'' glue have even higher orders of infinite stretchability. The order of infinity is 0 for \.{pt}, 1 for \.{fil}, 2 for \.{fill}, and 3 for \.{filll}. The internal representation of a stretch is a variable of type |Stretch|. It stores the floating point value and the order of infinity separate as a |float64_t| and a |uint8_t|. The short format tries to be space efficient and because it is not necessary to give the stretchability with a precision exceeding about six decimal digits, we use a single 32 bit floating point value. To write a |float32_t| value and an order value as one 32 bit value, we round the two lowest bit of the |float32_t| variable to zero using ``round to even'' and store the order of infinity in these bits. We define a union type \&{Stch} to simplify conversion. @= typedef enum { @+ normal_o=0, fil_o=1, fill_o=2, filll_o=3@+} Order; typedef struct {@+ float64_t f;@+ Order o; @+} Stretch; typedef union {@+float32_t f; @+ uint32_t u; @+} Stch; @ \putcode @= void hput_stretch(Stretch *s) { uint32_t mantissa, lowbits, sign, exponent; Stch st; st.f=s->f; DBG(DBGFLOAT,"joining %f->%f(0x%X),%d:",s->f,st.f,st.u,s->o); mantissa = st.u &(((uint32_t)1<>FLT_M_BITS)&(((uint32_t)1<= ((uint32_t)1<>1; } break; } DBG(DBGFLOAT," round s=%d e=0x%x m=0x%x",sign, exponent, mantissa); st.u=sign| (exponent<o; DBG(DBGFLOAT,"float %f hex 0x%x\n",st.f, st.u); HPUT32(st.u); } @ \getcode @= #define @[HGET_STRETCH(S)@] { Stch st; @+ HGET32(st.u);@+ S.o=st.u&3; st.u&=~3; S.f=st.f; @+} @ \readcode @s FIL symbol @s FILL symbol @s FILLL symbol @s order symbol @= %token FIL "fil" %token FILL "fill" %token FILLL "filll" %type stretch %type order @ @= ::@=fil@> :< return FIL; >: ::@=fill@> :< return FILL; >: ::@=filll@> :< return FILLL; >: @ @s stretch symbol @s Stretch int @= order: PT {$$=normal_o;} | FIL {$$=fil_o;} @+| FILL {$$=fill_o;} @+| FILLL {$$=filll_o;}; stretch: number order { $$.f=$1; $$.o=$2; }; @ \writecode @= void hwrite_order(Order o) { switch (o) { case normal_o: hwritef("pt"); @+break; case fil_o: hwritef("fil"); @+break; case fill_o: hwritef("fill"); @+break; case filll_o: hwritef("filll"); @+break; default: QUIT("Illegal order %d",o); @+ break; } } void hwrite_stretch(Stretch *s) { hwrite_float64(s->f); hwrite_order(s->o); } @ \section{Simple Nodes}\hascode \label{simple} \subsection{Penalties} Penalties\index{penalty} are very simple nodes. They specify the cost of breaking a line or page at the present position. For the internal representation we use an |int32_t|. The full range of integers is, however, not used. Instead penalties must be between -20000 and +20000. (\TeX\ specifies a range of -10000 to +10000, but plain \TeX\ uses the value -20000 when it defines the supereject control sequence.) The more general node is called an integer node; it shares the same kind-value |int_kind=penalty_kind| but allows the full range of values. The info value of a penalty node is 1 or 2 and indicates the number of bytes used to store the integer. The info value 4 can be used for general integers (see section~\secref{definitions}) that need four byte of storage. \readcode @s PENALTY symbol @s INTEGER symbol @s penalty symbol @= %token PENALTY "penalty" %token INTEGER "int" %type penalty @ @= ::@=penalty@> :< return PENALTY; >: ::@=int@> :< return INTEGER; >: @ @= penalty: integer {RNG("Penalty",$1,-20000,+20000);$$=$1;}; content_node: start PENALTY penalty END { hput_tags($1,hput_int($3));@+}; @ \getcode @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(penalty_kind,1): @+{int32_t p;@+ HGET_PENALTY(1,p);@+} @+break; case TAG(penalty_kind,2): @+{int32_t p;@+ HGET_PENALTY(2,p);@+} @+break; @ @= #define @[HGET_PENALTY(I,P)@] \ if (I==1) {int8_t n=HGET8; @+P=n;@+ } \ else {int16_t n;@+ HGET16(n);@+RNG("Penalty",n,-20000,+20000); @+ P=n; @+}\ hwrite_signed(P); @ \putcode @= uint8_t hput_int(int32_t n) { Info info; if (n>=0) @/ { @+if (n<0x80) { @+HPUT8(n); @+info=1;@+ } else if (n<0x8000) {@+ HPUT16(n);@+ info=2;@+ } else {@+ HPUT32(n);@+ info=4;@+ } } else@/ {@+ if (n>=-0x80) {@+ HPUT8(n);@+ info=1;@+ } else if (n>=-0x8000) {@+ HPUT16(n);@+ info=2;@+ } else {@+ HPUT32(n);@+ info=4;@+ } } return TAG(int_kind,info); } @ \subsection{Languages} To render a \HINT\ file on screen, information about the language is not necessary. Knowing the language is, however, very important for language translation and text to speech conversion which makes texts accessible to the visually-impaired. For this reason, \HINT\ offers the opportunity to add this information and encourages authors to supply this information. Language information by itself is not sufficient to decode text. It must be supplemented by information about the character encoding (see section~\secref{fonts}). To represent language information, the world wide web has set universally accepted standards. The Internet Engineering Task Force IETF has defined tags for identifying languages\cite{rfc5646}: short strings like ``en'' for English or ``de'' for Deutsch, and longer ones like ``sl-IT-nedis'', for the specific variant of the Nadiza dialect of Slovenian that is spoken in Italy. We assume that any \HINT\ file will contain only a small number of different languages and all language nodes can be encoded using a reference to a predefined node from the definition section (see section~\secref{reference}). In the definition section, a language node will just contain the language tag as given in~\cite{iana:language} (see section~\secref{definitions}). \readcode @s LANGUAGE symbol @s language symbol @= %token LANGUAGE "language" @ @= ::@=language@> :< return LANGUAGE; >: @ When encoding language nodes in the short format, we use the info value |b000| for language nodes in the definition section and for language nodes in the content section that contain just a one-byte reference (see section~\secref{reference}). We use the info value |1| to |7| as a shorthand for the references {\tt *0} and {\tt *6} to the predefined language nodes. \goodbreak \vbox{\getcode\vskip -\baselineskip\writecode} @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(language_kind,1): REF(language_kind,0); @+hwrite_ref(0); @+break; case TAG(language_kind,2): REF(language_kind,1); @+hwrite_ref(1); @+break; case TAG(language_kind,3): REF(language_kind,2); @+hwrite_ref(2); @+break; case TAG(language_kind,4): REF(language_kind,3); @+hwrite_ref(3); @+break; case TAG(language_kind,5): REF(language_kind,4); @+hwrite_ref(4); @+break; case TAG(language_kind,6): REF(language_kind,5); @+hwrite_ref(5); @+break; case TAG(language_kind,7): REF(language_kind,6); @+hwrite_ref(6); @+break; @ \putcode @= uint8_t hput_language(uint8_t n) { if (n<7) return TAG(language_kind,n+1); HPUT8(n); return TAG(language_kind,0); } @ \subsection{Rules} Rules\index{rule} are simply black rectangles having a height, a depth, and a width. All of these dimensions can also be negative but a rule will not be visible unless its width is positive and its height plus depth is positive. As a specialty, rules can have ``running dimensions''\index{running dimension}. If any of the three dimensions is a running dimension, its actual value will be determined by running the rule up to the boundary of the innermost enclosing box. The width is never running in an horizontal\index{horizontal list} list; the height and depth are never running in a vertical\index{vertical list} list. In the long format, we use a vertical bar ``{\tt \VB}'' or a horizontal bar ``{\tt \_}'' (underscore character) to indicate a running dimension. Of course the vertical bar is meant to indicate a running height or depth while the horizontal bar stands for a running width. The parser, however, makes no distinction between the two and you can use either of them. In the short format, we follow \TeX\ and implement a running dimension by using the special value $-2^{30}=|0xC0000000|$. @= #define RUNNING_DIMEN 0xC0000000 @ It could have been possible to allow extended dimensions in a rule node, but in most circumstances, the mechanism of running dimensions is sufficient and simpler to use. If a rule is needed that requires an extended dimension as its length, it is always possible to put it inside a suitable box and use a running dimension. To make the short format encoding more compact, the first info bit |b100| will be zero to indicate a running height, bit |b010| will be zero to indicate a running depth, and bit |b001| will be zero to indicate a running width. Because leaders\index{leaders} (see section~\secref{leaders}) may contain a rule node, we also provide functions to read and write a complete rule node. While parsing the symbol ``{\sl rule\/}'' will just initialize a variable of type \&{Rule} (the writing is done with a separate routine), parsing a {\sl rule\_node\/} will always include writing it. % Currently no predefined rules. %Further, a {\sl rule\_node} will permit the %use of a predefined rule (see section~\secref{reference}), @= typedef struct {@+ Dimen h,d,w; @+ } Rule; @ \readcode @s RULE symbol @s RUNNING symbol @s rule_dimension symbol @s rule symbol @s rule_node symbol @= %token RULE "rule" %token RUNNING "|" %type rule_dimension %type rule @ @= ::@=rule@> :< return RULE; >: ::@="|"@> :< return RUNNING; >: ::@="_"@> :< return RUNNING; >: @ @= rule_dimension: dimension@+ | RUNNING {$$=RUNNING_DIMEN;}; rule: rule_dimension rule_dimension rule_dimension @/ { $$.h=$1; @+ $$.d=$2; @+ $$.w=$3; if ($3==RUNNING_DIMEN && ($1==RUNNING_DIMEN || $2==RUNNING_DIMEN)) QUIT("Incompatible running dimensions 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x",@|$1,$2,$3); }; rule_node: start RULE rule END { hput_tags($1,hput_rule(&($3))); }; content_node: rule_node; @ \writecode @= static void hwrite_rule_dimension(Dimen d, char c) { @+if (d==RUNNING_DIMEN) hwritef(" %c",c); else hwrite_dimension(d); } void hwrite_rule(Rule *r) { @+hwrite_rule_dimension(r->h,'|'); hwrite_rule_dimension(r->d,'|'); hwrite_rule_dimension(r->w,'_'); } @ \getcode @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(rule_kind,b011): {Rule r;@+ HGET_RULE(b011,r); @+hwrite_rule(&(r));@+ } @+break; case TAG(rule_kind,b101): {Rule r;@+ HGET_RULE(b101,r); @+hwrite_rule(&(r));@+ } @+break; case TAG(rule_kind,b001): {Rule r;@+ HGET_RULE(b001,r); @+hwrite_rule(&(r));@+ } @+break; case TAG(rule_kind,b110): {Rule r;@+ HGET_RULE(b110,r); @+hwrite_rule(&(r));@+ } @+break; case TAG(rule_kind,b111): {Rule r;@+ HGET_RULE(b111,r); @+hwrite_rule(&(r));@+ } @+break; @ @= #define @[HGET_RULE(I,R)@]@/\ if ((I)&b100) HGET32((R).h); @+else (R).h=RUNNING_DIMEN;\ if ((I)&b010) HGET32((R).d); @+else (R).d=RUNNING_DIMEN;\ if ((I)&b001) HGET32((R).w); @+else (R).w=RUNNING_DIMEN; @ @= void hget_rule_node(void) { @@; if (KIND(a)==rule_kind) @/ { @+Rule r; @+HGET_RULE(INFO(a),r); @/ hwrite_start();@+ hwritef("rule"); @+hwrite_rule(&r); @+hwrite_end(); } else QUIT("Rule expected at 0x%x got %s",node_pos,NAME(a)); @@; } @ \putcode @= uint8_t hput_rule(Rule *r) { Info info=b000; if (r->h!=RUNNING_DIMEN) { HPUT32(r->h); @+info|=b100; @+} if (r->d!=RUNNING_DIMEN) { HPUT32(r->d); @+info|=b010; @+} if (r->w!=RUNNING_DIMEN) { HPUT32(r->w); @+info|=b001; @+} return TAG(rule_kind,info); } @ \subsection{Kerns} A kern\index{kern} is a bit of white space with a certain length. If the kern is part of a horizontal list, the length is measured in the horizontal direction, if it is part of a vertical list, it is measured in the vertical direction. The length of a kern is mostly given as a dimension but provisions are made to use extended dimensions as well. The typical use of a kern is its insertion between two characters to make the natural distance between them a bit wider or smaller. In the latter case, the kern has a negative length. The typographic optimization just described is called ``kerning'' and has given the kern node its name. Kerns inserted from font information or math mode calculations are normal kerns, while kerns inserted from \TeX's {\tt \BS kern} or {\tt \BS/} commands are explicit kerns. Kern nodes do not disappear at a line break unless they are explicit\index{explicit kern}. In the long format, explicit kerns are marked with an ``!'' sign and in the short format with the |b100| info bit. The two low order info bits are: 0 for a reference to a dimension, 1 for a reference to an extended dimension, 2 for an immediate dimension, and 3 for an immediate extended dimension node. To distinguish in the long format between a reference to a dimension and a reference to an extended dimension, the latter is prefixed with the keyword ``{\tt xdimen}'' (see section~\secref{reference}). @= typedef struct {@+ bool x;@+ Xdimen d;@+ } Kern; @ \readcode @s KERN symbol @s EXPLICIT symbol @s kern symbol @s explicit symbol @= %token KERN "kern" %token EXPLICIT "!" %type explicit %type kern @ @= ::@=kern@> :< return KERN; >: ::@=!@> :< return EXPLICIT; >: @ @= explicit: {$$=false;} @+| EXPLICIT {$$=true;}; kern: explicit xdimen {$$.x=$1; $$.d=$2;}; content_node: start KERN kern END { hput_tags($1,hput_kern(&($3)));} @ \writecode @= void hwrite_explicit(bool x) { @+if (x) hwritef(" !"); @+} void hwrite_kern(Kern *k) { @+hwrite_explicit(k->x); if (k->d.h==0.0 && k->d.v==0.0 && k->d.w==0) hwrite_ref(zero_dimen_no); else hwrite_xdimen(&(k->d)); } @ \getcode @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(kern_kind,b010): @+ {@+Kern k; @+HGET_KERN(b010,k);@+ } @+break; case TAG(kern_kind,b011): @+ {@+Kern k; @+HGET_KERN(b011,k);@+ } @+break; case TAG(kern_kind,b110): @+ {@+Kern k; @+HGET_KERN(b110,k);@+ } @+break; case TAG(kern_kind,b111): @+ {@+Kern k; @+HGET_KERN(b111,k);@+ } @+break; @ @= #define @[HGET_KERN(I,K)@] \ K.x=(I)&b100;\ if (((I)&b011)==2) {HGET32(K.d.w);@+ K.d.h=K.d.v=0.0;@+}\ else if (((I)&b011)==3) hget_xdimen_node(&(K.d));\ hwrite_kern(&k); @ \putcode @= uint8_t hput_kern(Kern *k) { Info info; if (k->x) info=b100; @+else info=b000; if (k->d.h==0.0 && k->d.v==0.0) { if (k->d.w==0) HPUT8(zero_dimen_no); else {HPUT32(k->d.w); info=info|2;@+} } else {hput_xdimen_node(&(k->d));info=info|3;@+} return TAG(kern_kind,info); } @ \subsection{Glue}\label{glue} %Glue considerations %So what are the cases: %\itemize %\item reference to a dimen (common) %\item reference to a xdimen %\item reference to a dimen plus and minus %\item reference to a xdimen plus and minus %\item reference to a dimen plus %\item reference to a xdimen plus %\item reference to a dimen minus %\item reference to a xdimen minus %\item dimen %\item xdimen %\item dimen plus and minus %\item xdimen plus and minus (covers all other cases) %\item dimen plus %\item xdimen plus %\item dimen minus %\item xdimen minus %\item plus and minus %\item plus %\item minus %\item zero glue (rare, can be replaced by a reference to the zero glue) %\item reference to a predefined glue (common) %\enditemize %This is a total of 21 cases. Can we use the info bits to specify 7 common %cases and one catch all? First the use of an extended dimension in a glue %is probably not very common. More typically is the use of a fill glue %that extends to the boundaries of the enclosing box. %Here is the statistics for ctex: %total 58937 glue entries %total 49 defined glues (so 200 still available) %There are three font specific glues defined for each font used in texts. %The explicit glue nodes are the following: %\itemize %\item 35\% is predefined zero glue %\item 30\% are 39 other predefined glue most of them less than 1% %\item 8\% (4839) is one glue with 25pt pure stretch with order 0 %\item 25\% (14746) is one glue with 100pt stretch and 10pt shrink with order 0 %\item 2\% (1096) is one glue with 10pt no stretch and shrink %\item 0\% (13) are 7 different glues with no stretch and shrink %\item 0\% (3) different glues with width!=0 and some stretch of order 0 %\item 0\% (27) 20 different glues with stretch and shrink %\enditemize %Some more glue with 1fil is insider 55 leaders %one vset has an extent 1 no stretch and shrink %56 hset specify an extent 2 and 1 fil stretch We have seen in section~\secref{stretch} how to deal with stretchability\index{stretchability} and shrinkability\index{shrinkability} and we will need this now. Glue\index{glue} has a natural width---which in general can be an extended dimension---and in addition it can stretch and shrink. It might have been possible to allow an extended dimension also for the stretch\-ability or shrink\-ability of a glue, but this seems of little practical relevance and so simplicity won over generality. Even with that restriction, it is an understatement to regard glue nodes as "simple" nodes. %, and we could equally well list them in %section~\secref{composite} as composite nodes. To use the info bits in the short format wisely, I collected some statistical data using the \TeX book as an example. It turns out that about 99\% of all the 58937 glue nodes (not counting the interword glues used inside texts) could be covered with only 43 predefined glues. So this is by far the most common case; we reserve the info value |b000| to cover it and postpone the description of such glue nodes until we describe references in section~\secref{reference}. We expect the remaining cases to contribute not too much to the file size, and hence, simplicity is a more important aspect than efficiency when allocating the remaining info values. Looking at the glues in more detail, we find that the most common cases are those where either one, two, or all three glue components are zero. We use the two lowest bits to indicate the presence of a nonzero stretchability or shrinkability and reserve the info values |b001|, |b010|, and |b011| for those cases where the width of the glue is zero. The zero glue, where all components are zero, is defined as a fixed, predefined glue instead of reserving a special info value for it. The cost of one extra byte when encoding it seems not too high a price to pay. After reserving the info value |b111| for the most general case of a glue, we have only three more info values left: |b100|, |b101|, and |b110|. Keeping things simple implies using the two lowest info bits---as before---to indicate a nonzero stretchability or shrinkability. For the width, three choices remain: using a reference to a dimension, using a reference to an extended dimension, or using an immediate value. Since references to glues are already supported, an immediate width seems best for glues that are not frequently reused, avoiding the overhead of references. % It also makes parsing simpler because we avoid the confusion % between references to dimensions % and references to glues and references to extended dimensions. Here is a summary of the info bits and the implied layout of glue nodes in the short format: \itemize \item |b000|: reference to a predefined glue \item |b001|: zero width and nonzero shrinkability \item |b010|: zero width and nonzero stretchability \item |b011|: zero width and nonzero stretchability and shrinkability \item |b100|: nonzero width \item |b101|: nonzero width and nonzero shrinkability \item |b110|: nonzero width and nonzero stretchability \item |b111|: extended dimension and nonzero stretchability and shrinkability \enditemize @= typedef struct {@+ Xdimen w; @+ Stretch p, m;@+ } Glue; @ To test for a zero glue, we implement a macro: @= #define @[ZERO_GLUE(G)@] ((G).w.w==0 && (G).w.h==0.0 && (G).w.v==0.0 && (G).p.f==0.0 && (G).m.f==0.0) @ Because other nodes (leaders, baselines, and fonts) contain glue nodes as parameters, we provide functions to read and write a complete glue node in the same way as we did for rule nodes. Further, such an internal {\sl glue\_node\/} has the special property that in the short format a node for the zero glue might be omitted entirely. \readcode @s GLUE symbol @s glue symbol @s glue_node symbol @s PLUS symbol @s MINUS symbol @s plus symbol @s minus symbol @= %token GLUE "glue" %token PLUS "plus" %token MINUS "minus" %type glue %type glue_node %type plus minus @ @= ::@=glue@> :< return GLUE; >: ::@=plus@> :< return PLUS; >: ::@=minus@> :< return MINUS; >: @ @= plus: { $$.f=0.0; $$.o=0; } | PLUS stretch {$$=$2;}; minus: { $$.f=0.0; $$.o=0; } | MINUS stretch {$$=$2;}; glue: xdimen plus minus {$$.w=$1; $$.p=$2; $$.m=$3; }; content_node: start GLUE glue END {if (ZERO_GLUE($3)) {HPUT8(zero_skip_no); hput_tags($1,TAG(glue_kind,0)); } else hput_tags($1,hput_glue(&($3))); }; glue_node: start GLUE glue END @/ {@+ if (ZERO_GLUE($3)) { hpos--; $$=false;@+}@/ else { hput_tags($1,hput_glue(&($3))); $$=true;@+}@+ }; @ \writecode @= void hwrite_plus(Stretch *p) { @+if (p->f!=0.0) { hwritef(" plus");@+hwrite_stretch(p); @+} } void hwrite_minus(Stretch *m) {@+ if (m->f!=0.0) { hwritef(" minus");@+hwrite_stretch(m); @+} } void hwrite_glue(Glue *g) { hwrite_xdimen(&(g->w)); @+ hwrite_plus(&g->p); @+hwrite_minus(&g->m); } void hwrite_ref_node(Kind k, uint8_t n); void hwrite_glue_node(Glue *g) {@+ if (ZERO_GLUE(*g)) hwrite_ref_node(glue_kind,zero_skip_no); else @+{ hwrite_start(); @+hwritef("glue"); @+hwrite_glue(g); @+hwrite_end();@+} } @ \getcode @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(glue_kind,b001): { Glue g;@+ HGET_GLUE(b001,g);@+ hwrite_glue(&g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glue_kind,b010): { Glue g;@+ HGET_GLUE(b010,g);@+ hwrite_glue(&g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glue_kind,b011): { Glue g;@+ HGET_GLUE(b011,g);@+ hwrite_glue(&g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glue_kind,b100): { Glue g;@+ HGET_GLUE(b100,g);@+ hwrite_glue(&g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glue_kind,b101): { Glue g;@+ HGET_GLUE(b101,g);@+ hwrite_glue(&g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glue_kind,b110): { Glue g;@+ HGET_GLUE(b110,g);@+ hwrite_glue(&g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glue_kind,b111): { Glue g;@+ HGET_GLUE(b111,g);@+ hwrite_glue(&g);@+}@+break; @ @= #define @[HGET_GLUE(I,G)@] {\ if((I)!=b111) { if ((I)&b100) HGET32((G).w.w);@+ else (G).w.w=0;}\ if((I)&b010) HGET_STRETCH((G).p) @+else (G).p.f=0.0, (G).p.o=0;\ if((I)&b001) HGET_STRETCH((G).m) @+else (G).m.f=0.0, (G).m.o=0;\ if((I)==b111) hget_xdimen_node(&((G).w)); else (G).w.h=(G).w.v=0.0;@+} @ The |hget_glue_node| can cope with a glue node that is omitted and will supply a zero glue instead. @= void hget_glue_node(void) { @@; if (KIND(a)!=glue_kind) {@+ hpos--; hwrite_ref_node(glue_kind,zero_skip_no);@+return; @+} if (INFO(a)==b000) { uint8_t n=HGET8;@+ REF(glue_kind,n);@+hwrite_ref_node(glue_kind,n); @+} else { @+Glue g; @+HGET_GLUE(INFO(a),g);@+ hwrite_glue_node(&g);@+} @@; } @ \putcode @= uint8_t hput_glue(Glue *g) { Info info=b000; if (ZERO_GLUE(*g)) { HPUT8(zero_skip_no); @+ info=b000; } else if ( (g->w.w==0 && g->w.h==0.0 && g->w.v==0.0)) { if (g->p.f!=0.0) { hput_stretch(&g->p); @+info|=b010; @+} if (g->m.f!=0.0) { hput_stretch(&g->m); @+info|=b001; @+} } else if ( g->w.h==0.0 && g->w.v==0.0 && (g->p.f==0.0 || g->m.f==0.0)) { HPUT32(g->w.w); @+ info=b100; if (g->p.f!=0.0) { hput_stretch(&g->p); @+info|=b010; @+} if (g->m.f!=0.0) { hput_stretch(&g->m); @+info|=b001; @+} } else@/ { hput_stretch(&g->p);@+ hput_stretch(&g->m); hput_xdimen_node(&(g->w)); info=b111; } return TAG(glue_kind,info); } @ \section{Lists}\hascode\label{lists} When a node contains multiple other nodes, we package these nodes into a list\index{list} node. It is important to note that list nodes never occur as individual nodes, they only occur as parts of other nodes. In total, we have three different types of lists: plain lists that use the kind-value |list_kind|, text\index{text} lists that use the kind-value |text_kind|, and parameter\index{parameter} lists that use the kind-value |param_kind|. A description of the first two types of lists follows here. Parameter lists are described in section~\secref{paramlist}. Because lists are of variable size, it is not possible in the short format to tell from the kind and info bits of a tag byte the size of the list node. So advancing from the beginning of a list node to the next node after the list is not as simple as usual. To solve this problem, we store the size of the list immediately after the start byte and before the end byte. Alternatively we could require programs to traverse the entire list. The latter solution is more compact but inefficient for list with many nodes; our solution will cost some extra bytes, but the amount of extra bytes will only grow logarithmically with the size of the \HINT\ file. It would be possible to allow both methods so that a \HINT\ file could balance size and time trade-offs by making small lists---where the size can be determined easily by reading the entire list---without size information and making large lists with size information so that they can be skipped easily without reading them. But the added complexity seems too high a price to pay. Now consider the problem of reading a content stream starting at an arbitrary position $i$ in the middle of the stream. This situation occurs naturally when resynchronizing\index{resynchronization} a content stream after an error has been detected, but implementing links poses a similar problem. We can inspect the byte at position $i$ and see if it is a valid tag. If yes, we are faced with the problem of verifying that this is not a mere coincidence. So we determine the size $s$ of the node. If the byte in question is a start byte, we should find a matching byte $s$ bytes later in the stream; if it is an end byte, we should find the matching byte $s$ bytes earlier in the stream; if we find no matching byte, this was neither a start nor an end byte. If we find exactly one matching byte, we can be quite confident (error probability 1/256 if assuming equal probability of all byte values) that we have found a tag, and we know whether it is the beginning or the end tag. If we find two matching byte, we have most likely the start or the end of a node, but we do not know which of the two. To find out which of the two possibilities is true or to reduce the probability of an error, we can check the start and end byte of the node immediately preceding a start byte or immediately following an end byte in a similar way. By testing two more byte, this additional check will reduce the error probability further to $1/2^{24}$ (under the same assumption as before). So checking more nodes is rarely necessary. This whole schema would, however, not work if we happen to find a tag byte that indicated either the begin or the end of a list without specifying the size of the list. Sure, we can verify the bytes before and after it to find out whether the byte following it is the begin of a node and the byte preceding it is the end of a node, but we still don't know if the byte itself starts a node list or ends a node list. Even reading along in either direction until finding a matching tag will not answer the question. The situation is better if we specify a size: we can read the suspected size after or before the tag and check if we find a matching tag and size at the position indicated. In the short format, we use the |info| value to indicate the number of byte used to store the list size: A list with $0<|info|\le 5$ uses $|info|-1$ byte to store the size. The info value zero is reserved for references to predefined lists (which are currently not implemented). Storing the list size immediately preceding the end tag creates a new problem: If we try to recover from an error, we might not know the size of the list and searching for the end of a list, we might be unable to tell the difference between the bytes that encode the list size and the start tag of a possible next node. If we parse the content backward, the problem is completely symmetric. To solve the problem, we insert an additional byte immediately before the final size and after the initial size marking the size boundary. We choose the byte values |0xFF|, |0xFE|, |0xFD|, and |0xFC| which can not be confused with valid tag bytes and indicate that the size is stored using 1, 2, 3, or 4 byte respectively. Under regular circumstances, these bytes are simply skipped. When searching for the list end (or start) these bytes would correspond to |TAG(penalty_kind,i)| with $7 \ge \hbox{|i|} \ge 4$ and can not be confused with valid penalty nodes which use only the info values 0, 1, and~2. An empty list uses the info value 1 and has neither a size bytes nor boundary bytes; it consists only of the two tags. We are a bit lazy when it comes to the internal representation of a list. Since we need the representation as a short format byte sequence anyway, it consists of the position |p| of the start of the byte sequence combined with an integer |s| giving the size of the byte sequence. If the list is empty, |s| is zero. @= typedef struct {@+ Kind k; @+ uint32_t p;@+ uint32_t s;@+ } List; @ The major drawback of this choice of representation is that it ties together the reading of the long format and the writing of the short format; these are no longer independent. So starting with the present section, we have to take the short format representation of a node into account already when we parse the long format representation. In the long format, we may start a list node with an estimate\index{estimate} of the size needed to store the list in the short format. We do not want to require the exact size because this would make editing of long format \HINT\ files almost impossible. Of course this makes it also impossible to derive the exact |s| value of the internal representation from the long format representation. Therefore we start by parsing the estimate of the list size and use it to reserve the necessary number of byte to store the size. Then we parse the |content_list|. As a side effect---and this is an important point---this will write the list content in short format into the output buffer. As mentioned above, whenever a node contains a list, we need to consider this side effect when we give the parsing rules. We will see examples for this in section~\secref{composite}. The function |hput_list| will be called {\it after} the short format of the list is written to the output. Before we pass the internal representation of the list to the |hput_list| function, we update |s| and |p|. Further, we pass the position in the stream where the list size and its boundary mark is supposed to be. Before |hput_list| is called, space for the tag, the size, and the boundary mark is allocated based on the estimate. The function |hsize_bytes| computes the number of byte required to store the list size, and the function |hput_list_size| will later write the list size. If the estimate turns out to be wrong, the list data can be moved to make room for a larger or smaller size field. If the long format does not specify a size estimate, a suitable default must be chosen. A statistical analysis shows % %statistics about list sizes using my old prototype % %name type size_byte list_count total_size %hello.hnt text 1 6 748 % text 2 2 1967 % list 1 65 3245 % list 2 1 352 %web2w.hnt text 1 1043 121925 % text 2 1344 859070 % list 1 19780 725514 % list 2 487 199243 %ctex.hnt text 1 9121 4241128 % text 2 12329 7872687 % text 3 1 75010 % list 1 121557 4600743 % list 2 222 147358 % that most plain lists need only a single byte to store the size; and even the total amount of data contained in these lists exceeds the amount of data stored in longer lists by a factor of about 3. Hence if we do not have an estimate, we reserve only a single byte to store the size of a list. The statistics looks different for lists stored as a text: The number of texts that require two byte for the size is slightly larger than the number of texts that need only one byte, and the total amount of data stored in these texts is larger by a factor of 2 to 7 than the total amount of data found in all other texts. Hence as a default, we reserve two byte to store the size for texts. \subsection{Plain Lists}\label{plainlists} Plain list nodes start and end with a tag of kind |list_kind|. Not uncommon are empty\index{empty list} lists; these are the only lists that can be stored using $|info|=1$; such a list has zero bytes of size information, and no boundary bytes either; implicitly its size is zero. The |info| value 0 is not used since we do not use predefined plain lists. Writing the long format uses the fact that the function |hget_content_node|, as implemented in the \.{stretch} program, will output the node in the long format. \readcode @s list symbol @s content_list symbol @s estimate symbol @s position symbol @= %type list %type position content_list @ @= position: {$$=hpos-hstart;}; content_list: @+ position @+ | content_list content_node; estimate: {hpos+=2; } @+ | UNSIGNED {hpos+=hsize_bytes($1)+1; } ; list: start estimate content_list END @/ {@+$$.k=list_kind;@+ $$.p=$3; @+ $$.s=(hpos-hstart)-$3; hput_tags($1,hput_list($1+1, &($$)));@+}; @ \writecode @= void hwrite_list(List *l) { uint32_t h=hpos-hstart, e=hend-hstart; /* save |hpos| and |hend| */ hpos=l->p+hstart;@+ hend=hpos+l->s; if (l->k==list_kind ) @@; else if (l->k==text_kind) @@; else QUIT("List expected got %s", content_name[l->k]); hpos=hstart+h;@+ hend=hstart+e; /* restore |hpos| and |hend| */ } @ @= {@+if (l->s==0) hwritef(" <>");@/ else@/ {@+DBG(DBGNODE,"Write list at 0x%x size=%u\n", l->p, l->s); @+hwrite_start();@+ if (section_no==2) hwrite_label(); if (l->s>0xFF) hwritef("%d",l->s); while(hpos= void hget_size_boundary(Info info) { uint32_t n; if (info<2) return; n=HGET8; if (n-1!=0x100-info) QUIT(@["Size boundary byte 0x%x with info value %d at " SIZE_F@], n, info,hpos-hstart-1); } uint32_t hget_list_size(Info info) { uint32_t n=0; if (info==1) return 0; else if (info==2) n=HGET8; else if (info==3) HGET16(n); else if (info==4) HGET24(n); else if (info==5) HGET32(n); else QUIT("List info %d must be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5",info); return n; } void hget_list(List *l) {@+if (KIND(*hpos)!=list_kind && @/ KIND(*hpos)!=text_kind &&@| KIND(*hpos)!=param_kind) @/ QUIT("List expected at 0x%x", (uint32_t)(hpos-hstart)); else { @@; l->k=KIND(a); HGET_LIST(INFO(a),*l); @@; DBG(DBGNODE,"Get list at 0x%x size=%u\n", l->p, l->s); } } @ @= #define @[HGET_LIST(I,L)@] \ (L).s=hget_list_size(I); hget_size_boundary(I);\ (L).p=hpos-hstart; \ hpos=hpos+(L).s; hget_size_boundary(I);\ { uint32_t s=hget_list_size(I); \ if (s!=(L).s) \ QUIT(@["List sizes at 0x%x and " SIZE_F " do not match 0x%x != 0x%x"@],node_pos+1,hpos-hstart-I-1,(L).s,s);} @ \putcode @= uint8_t hsize_bytes(uint32_t n) { @+if (n==0) return 0; else if (n<0x100) return 1; else if (n<0x10000) return 2; else if (n<0x1000000) return 3; else return 4; } void hput_list_size(uint32_t n, int i) { @+if (i==0) ; else if (i==1) HPUT8(n); else if (i==2) HPUT16(n); else if (i==3) HPUT24(n); else HPUT32(n); } uint8_t hput_list(uint32_t start_pos, List *l) { @+if (l->s==0) { hpos=hstart+start_pos; return TAG(l->k,1);@+} else@/ { uint32_t list_end=hpos-hstart; int i=l->p -start_pos-1; /* number of byte allocated for size */ int j=hsize_bytes(l->s); /* number of byte needed for size */ DBG(DBGNODE,"Put list at 0x%x size=%u\n", l->p, l->s); if (i>j && l->s> 0x100) j=i; /* avoid moving large lists */ if (i!=j)@/ { int d= j-i; DBG(DBGNODE,"Moving %u byte by %d\n", l->s,d); if (d>0) HPUTX(d); memmove(hstart+l->p+d,hstart+l->p,l->s); @@; l->p=l->p+d;@+ list_end=list_end+d; } hpos=hstart+start_pos; @+ hput_list_size(l->s,j);@+ HPUT8(0x100-j); hpos=hstart+list_end;@+ HPUT8(0x100-j);@+ hput_list_size(l->s,j); return TAG(l->k,j+1); } } @ \subsection{Texts}\label{text} A Text\index{text} is a list of nodes with a representation optimized for character nodes. In the long format, a sequence of characters like ``{\tt Hello}'' is written ``\.{} \.{} \.{} \.{} \.{}'', and even in the short format it requires 4 byte per character! As a text, the same sequence is written ``{\tt\,"Hello"\,}'' in the long format and the short format requires usually just 1 byte per character. Indeed except the bytes with values from |0x00| to |0x20|, which are considered control\index{control code} codes, all bytes and all \hbox{UTF-8}\index{UTF8} multibyte sequences are simply considered character\index{character code} codes. They are equivalent to a glyph node in the ``current font''. The current\index{current font} font\index{font} is font number 0 at the beginning of a text and it can be changed using the control codes. We introduce the concept of a ``current font'' because we do not expect the font to change too often, and it allows for a more compact representation if we do not store the font with every character code. It has an important disadvantage though: storing only font changes prevents us from parsing a text backwards; we always have to start at the beginning of the text, where the font is known to be font number~0. Defining a second format for encoding lists of nodes adds another difficulty to the problem we had discussed at the beginning of section~\secref{lists}. When we try to recover from an error and start reading a content stream at an arbitrary position, the first thing we need to find out is whether at this position we have the tag byte of an ordinary node or whether we have a position inside a text. Inside a text, character nodes start with a byte in the range |0x21|--|0xF7|. This is a wide range and it overlaps considerably with the range of valid tag bytes. It is however possible to choose the kind-values in such a way that the control codes do not overlap with the valid tag bytes that start a node. For this reason, the values |text_kind==0|, |list_kind==1|, |param_kind==2|, |xdimen_kind==3|, and |adjust_kind==4| were chosen on page~\pageref{kinddef}. Texts, lists, parameter lists, and extended dimensions occur only {\it inside} of content nodes, but are not content nodes in their own right; so the values |0x00| to |0x1F| are not used as tag bytes of content nodes. The value |0x20| would, as a tag byte, indicate an adjust node (|adjust_kind==4|) with info value zero. Because there are no predefined adjustments, |0x20| is not used as a tag byte either. (An alternative choice would be to use the kind value 4 for paragraph nodes because there are no predefined paragraphs.) The largest byte that starts an UTF8 code is |0xF7|; hence, there are eight possible control codes, from |0xF8| to |0xFF|, available. The first three values |0xF8|, |0xF9|, and |0xFA| are actually used for penalty nodes with info values, 0, 1, and 2. The last four |0xFC|, |0xFD|, |0xFE|, and |0xFF| are used as boundary marks for the text size and therefore we use only |0xFB| as control code. In the long format, we do not provide a syntax for specifying a size estimate\index{estimate} as we did for plain lists, because we expect text to be quite short. We allocate two byte for the size and hope that this will prove to be sufficient most of the time. Further, we will disallow the use of non-printable ASCII codes, because these are---by definition---not very readable, and we will give special meaning to some of the printable ASCII codes because we will need a notation for the beginning and ending of a text, for nodes inside a text, and the control codes. Here are the details: \itemize \item In the long format, a text starts and ends with a double\index{double quote} quote character ``{\tt "}''. In the short format, texts are encoded similar to lists using the kind-value |text_kind|. \item Arbitrary nodes can be embedded inside a text. In the long format, they are enclosed in pointed brackets \.{<} \dots \.{>} as usual. In the short format, an arbitrary node can follow the control code $|txt_node|=|0x1E|$. Because text may occur in nodes, the scanner needs to be able to parse texts nested inside nodes nested inside nodes nested inside texts \dots\ To accomplish this, we use the ``stack'' option of \.{flex} and include the pushing and popping of the stack in the macros |SCAN_START| and |SCAN_END|. \item The space\index{space character} character ``\.{\ }'' with ASCII value |0x20| stands in both formats for the font specific interword glue node (control code |txt_glue|). \item The hyphen\index{hyphen character} character ``\.{-}'' in the long format and the control code $|txt_hyphen|=|0x1F|$ in the short format stand for the font specific discretionary hyphenation node. \item In the long format, the backslash\index{backslash} character ``\.{\\}'' is used as an escape character. It is used to introduce notations for control codes, as described below, and to access the character codes of those ASCII characters that otherwise carry a special meaning. For example ``{\tt \BS "}'' denotes the character code of the double quote character ``{\tt "}''; and similarly ``\.{\\\\}'', ``\.{\\<}'', ``\.{\\>}'', ``\.{\\\ }'', and ``\.{\\-}'' denote the character codes of ``\.{\\}'', ``\.{<}'', ``\.{>}'', ``\.{\ }'', and ``\.{-}'' respectively. \item In the long format, a TAB-character (ASCII code |0x09|)\index{tab character} is silently converted to a space\index{space character} character (ASCII code |0x20|); a NL-character\index{newline character} (ASCII code |0x0A|), together with surrounding spaces, TAB-characters, and CR-characters\index{carriage return character} (ASCII code |0x0D|), is silently converted to a single space character. All other ASCII characters in the range |0x00| to |0x1F| are not allowed inside a text. This rule avoids the problems arising from ``invisible'' characters embedded in a text and it allows to break texts into lines, even with indentation\index{indentation}, at word boundaries. To allow breaking a text into lines without inserting spaces, a NL-character together with surrounding spaces, TAB-characters, and CR-characters is completely ignored if the whole group of spaces, TAB-characters, CR-characters, and the NL-character is preceded by a backslash character. For example, the text ``\.{"There\ is\ no\ more\ gas\ in\ the\ tank."}''\hfil\break can be written as \medskip \qquad\vbox{\hsize=0.5\hsize\noindent \.{"There\ is\ }\hfil\break \.{\hbox to 2em {$\rightarrow$\hfill}no more g\\\ \ }\hfil\break \.{\hbox to 2em {$\rightarrow$\hfill}as in the tank."} }\hss To break long lines when writing a long format file, we use the variable |txt_length| to keep track of the approximate length of the current line. \item The control codes $|txt_font|=|0x00|$, |0x01|, |0x02|, \dots, and |0x07| are used to change the current font to font number 0, 1, 2, \dots, and 7. In the long format these control codes are written \.{\\0}, \.{\\1}, \.{\\2}, \dots, and \.{\\7}. \item The control code $|txt_global|=|0x08|$ is followed by a second parameter byte. If the value of the parameter byte is $n$, it will set the current font to font number $n$. In the long format, the two byte sequence is written ``\.{\\F}$n$\.{\\}'' where $n$ is the decimal representation of the font number. \item The control codes |0x09|, |0x0A|, |0x0B|, |0x0C|, |0x0E|, |0x0E|, |0x0F|, and |0x10| are also followed by a second parameter byte. They are used to reference the global definitions of penalty\index{penalty}, kern\index{kern}, ligature\index{ligature}, disc\index{discretionary hyphen}, glue\index{glue}, language\index{language}, rule\index{rule}, and image\index{image} nodes. The parameter byte contains the reference number. For example, the byte sequence |0x09| |0x03| is equivalent to the node \.{}. In the long format these two-byte sequences are written, ``\.{\\P}$n$\.{\\}'' (penalty), ``\.{\\K}$n$\.{\\}'' (kern), ``\.{\\L}$n$\.{\\}'' (ligature), ``\.{\\D}$n$\.{\\}'' (disc), ``\.{\\G}$n$\.{\\}'' (glue), ``\.{\\S}$n$\.{\\}'' (speak or German ``Sprache''), ``\.{\\R}$n$\.{\\}'' (rule), and ``\.{\\I}$n$\.{\\}'' (image), where $n$ is the decimal representation of the parameter value. \item The control codes from $|txt_local|=|0x11|$ to |0x1C| are used to reference one of the 12 font specific parameters\index{font parameter}. In the long format they are written ``\.{\\a}'', ``\.{\\b}'', ``\.{\\c}'', \dots, ``\.{\\j}'', ``\.{\\k}'',``\.{\\l}''. \item The control code $|txt_cc|=|0x1D|$ is used as a prefix for an arbitrary character code represented as an UTF-8 multibyte sequence. Its main purpose is providing a method for including character codes less or equal to |0x20| which otherwise would be considered control codes. In the long format, the byte sequence is written ``\.{\\C}$n$\.{\\}'' where $n$ is the decimal representation of the character code. \item The control code $|txt_node|=|0x1E|$ is used as a prefix for an arbitrary node in short format. In the long format, it is written ``\.{<}'' and is followed by the node content in long format terminated by ``\.{>}''. \item The control code $|txt_hyphen|=|0x1F|$ is used to access the font specific discretionary hyphen\index{hyphen}. In the long format it is simply written as ``\.{-}''. \item The control code $|txt_glue|=|0x20|$ is the space character, it is used to access the font specific interword\index{interword glue} glue. In the long format, we use the space character\index{space character} ``\.{\ }'' as well. \item The control code $|txt_ignore|=|0xFB|$ is ignored, its position can be used in a link to specify a position between two characters. In the long format it is written as ``\.{\\@@}''. \enditemize For the control codes, we define an enumeration type and for references, a reference type. @= typedef enum { @+txt_font=0x00, txt_global=0x08, txt_local=0x11, txt_cc=0x1D, txt_node=0x1E, txt_hyphen=0x1F, txt_glue=0x20, txt_ignore=0xFB} Txt; @ \readcode @s TXT symbol @s TXT_START symbol @s TXT_END symbol @s TXT_FONT symbol @s TXT_LOCAL symbol @s TXT_GLOBAL symbol @s TXT_FONT_GLUE symbol @s TXT_FONT_HYPHEN symbol @s TXT_CC symbol @s TXT_IGNORE symbol @s text symbol @= %x TXT @ @= %token TXT_START TXT_END TXT_IGNORE %token TXT_FONT_GLUE TXT_FONT_HYPHEN %token TXT_FONT TXT_LOCAL %token TXT_GLOBAL %token TXT_CC %type text @ @= ::@=\"@> :< SCAN_TXT_START; return TXT_START; >: { ::@=\"@> :< SCAN_TXT_END; return TXT_END; >: ::@="<"@> :< SCAN_START; return START; >: ::@=">"@> :< QUIT("> not allowed in text mode");>: ::@=\\\\@> :< yylval.u='\\'; return TXT_CC; >: ::@=\\\"@> :< yylval.u='"'; return TXT_CC; >: ::@=\\"<"@> :< yylval.u='<'; return TXT_CC; >: ::@=\\">"@> :< yylval.u='>'; return TXT_CC; >: ::@=\\" "@> :< yylval.u=' '; return TXT_CC; >: ::@=\\"-"@> :< yylval.u='-'; return TXT_CC; >: ::@=\\"@@"@> :< return TXT_IGNORE; >: ::@=[ \t\r]*(\n[ \t\r]*)+@> :< return TXT_FONT_GLUE; >: ::@=\\[ \t\r]*\n[ \t\r]*@> :< ; >: ::@=\\[0-7]@> :< yylval.u=yytext[1]-'0'; return TXT_FONT; >: ::@=\\F[0-9]+\\@> :< SCAN_REF(font_kind); return TXT_GLOBAL; >: ::@=\\P[0-9]+\\@> :< SCAN_REF(penalty_kind); return TXT_GLOBAL; >: ::@=\\K[0-9]+\\@> :< SCAN_REF(kern_kind); return TXT_GLOBAL; >: ::@=\\L[0-9]+\\@> :< SCAN_REF(ligature_kind); return TXT_GLOBAL; >: ::@=\\D[0-9]+\\@> :< SCAN_REF(disc_kind); return TXT_GLOBAL; >: ::@=\\G[0-9]+\\@> :< SCAN_REF(glue_kind); return TXT_GLOBAL; >: ::@=\\S[0-9]+\\@> :< SCAN_REF(language_kind); return TXT_GLOBAL; >: ::@=\\R[0-9]+\\@> :< SCAN_REF(rule_kind); return TXT_GLOBAL; >: ::@=\\I[0-9]+\\@> :< SCAN_REF(image_kind); return TXT_GLOBAL; >: ::@=\\C[0-9]+\\@> :< SCAN_UDEC(yytext+2); return TXT_CC; >: ::@=\\[a-l]@> :< yylval.u=yytext[1]-'a'; return TXT_LOCAL; >: ::@=" "@> :< return TXT_FONT_GLUE; >: ::@="-"@> :< return TXT_FONT_HYPHEN; >: ::@={UTF8_1}@> :< SCAN_UTF8_1(yytext); return TXT_CC; >: ::@={UTF8_2}@> :< SCAN_UTF8_2(yytext); return TXT_CC; >: ::@={UTF8_3}@> :< SCAN_UTF8_3(yytext); return TXT_CC; >: ::@={UTF8_4}@> :< SCAN_UTF8_4(yytext); return TXT_CC; >: } @ @= #define @[SCAN_REF(K)@] @[yylval.rf.k=K;@+ yylval.rf.n=atoi(yytext+2)@;@] static int scan_level=0; #define SCAN_START @[yy_push_state(INITIAL);@+if (1==scan_level++) hpos0=hpos;@] #define SCAN_END @[if (scan_level--) yy_pop_state(); @/else QUIT("Too many '>' in line %d",yylineno)@] #define SCAN_TXT_START @[BEGIN(TXT)@;@] #define SCAN_TXT_END @[BEGIN(INITIAL)@;@] @ @s txt symbol @= list: TXT_START position @| {hpos+=4; /* start byte, two size byte, and boundary byte */ } text TXT_END@| { $$.k=text_kind;$$.p=$4; $$.s=(hpos-hstart)-$4; hput_tags($2,hput_list($2+1, &($$)));@+}; text: position @+| text txt; txt: TXT_CC { hput_txt_cc($1); } | TXT_FONT { REF(font_kind,$1); hput_txt_font($1); } | TXT_GLOBAL { REF($1.k,$1.n); hput_txt_global(&($1)); } | TXT_LOCAL { RNG("Font parameter",$1,0,11); hput_txt_local($1); } | TXT_FONT_GLUE { HPUTX(1); HPUT8(txt_glue); } | TXT_FONT_HYPHEN { HPUTX(1);HPUT8(txt_hyphen); } | TXT_IGNORE { HPUTX(1);HPUT8(txt_ignore); } | { HPUTX(1); HPUT8(txt_node);} content_node; @ The following function keeps track of the position in the current line. It the line gets too long it will break the text at the next space character. If no suitable space character comes along, the line will be broken after any regular character. \writecode @= {@+if (l->s==0) hwritef(" \"\""); else@/ { int pos=nesting+20; /* estimate */ hwritef(" \""); while(hpos=100)@/ { hwritec('\\'); @+hwrite_nesting(); @+pos=nesting; @+} else pos+=i; } hwritec('"'); } } @ The function returns the number of characters written because this information is needed in |hget_txt| below. @= int hwrite_txt_cc(uint32_t c) {@+ if (c<0x20) return hwritef("\\C%d\\",c); else@+ switch(c) { case '\\': return hwritef("\\\\"); case '"': return hwritef("\\\""); case '<': return hwritef("\\<"); case '>': return hwritef("\\>"); case ' ': return hwritef("\\ "); case '-': return hwritef("\\-"); default: return option_utf8?hwrite_utf8(c):hwritef("\\C%d\\",c); } } @ \getcode @= #define @[HGET_GREF(K,S)@] {uint8_t n=HGET8;@+ REF(K,n); @+ return hwritef("\\" S "%d\\",n);@+} @ The function |hget_txt| reads a text element and writes it immediately. To enable the insertion of line breaks when writing a text, we need to keep track of the number of characters in the current line. For this purpose the function |hget_txt| returns the number of characters written. It returns $-1$ if a space character needs to be written providing a good opportunity for a break. @= int hget_txt(void) {@+ if (*hpos>=0x80 && *hpos<=0xF7) { if (option_utf8) return hwrite_utf8(hget_utf8()); else return hwritef("\\C%d\\",hget_utf8()); } else @/ { uint8_t a; a=HGET8; switch (a) { case txt_font+0: return hwritef("\\0"); case txt_font+1: return hwritef("\\1"); case txt_font+2: return hwritef("\\2"); case txt_font+3: return hwritef("\\3"); case txt_font+4: return hwritef("\\4"); case txt_font+5: return hwritef("\\5"); case txt_font+6: return hwritef("\\6"); case txt_font+7: return hwritef("\\7"); case txt_global+0: HGET_GREF(font_kind,"F"); case txt_global+1: HGET_GREF(penalty_kind,"P"); case txt_global+2: HGET_GREF(kern_kind,"K"); case txt_global+3: HGET_GREF(ligature_kind,"L"); case txt_global+4: HGET_GREF(disc_kind,"D"); case txt_global+5: HGET_GREF(glue_kind,"G"); case txt_global+6: HGET_GREF(language_kind,"S"); case txt_global+7: HGET_GREF(rule_kind,"R"); case txt_global+8: HGET_GREF(image_kind,"I"); case txt_local+0: return hwritef("\\a"); case txt_local+1: return hwritef("\\b"); case txt_local+2: return hwritef("\\c"); case txt_local+3: return hwritef("\\d"); case txt_local+4: return hwritef("\\e"); case txt_local+5: return hwritef("\\f"); case txt_local+6: return hwritef("\\g"); case txt_local+7: return hwritef("\\h"); case txt_local+8: return hwritef("\\i"); case txt_local+9: return hwritef("\\j"); case txt_local+10: return hwritef("\\k"); case txt_local+11: return hwritef("\\l"); case txt_cc: return hwrite_txt_cc(hget_utf8()); case txt_node: { int i; @@; i=hwritef("<"); i+= hwritef("%s",content_name[KIND(a)]);@+ hget_content(a); @@; hwritec('>');@+ return i+10; /* just an estimate */ } case txt_hyphen: hwritec('-'); @+return 1; case txt_glue: return -1; case '<': return hwritef("\\<"); case '>': return hwritef("\\>"); case '"': return hwritef("\\\""); case '-': return hwritef("\\-"); case txt_ignore: return hwritef("\\@@"); default: hwritec(a); @+return 1; } } } @ \putcode @= void hput_txt_cc(uint32_t c) { @+ if (c<=0x20) { HPUTX(2); HPUT8(txt_cc);@+ HPUT8(c); @+ } else hput_utf8(c); } void hput_txt_font(uint8_t f) {@+ if (f<8) HPUTX(1),HPUT8(txt_font+f); else QUIT("Use \\F%d\\ instead of \\%d for font %d in a text",f,f,f); } void hput_txt_global(Ref *d) { @+ HPUTX(2); switch (d->k) { case font_kind: HPUT8(txt_global+0);@+ break; case penalty_kind: HPUT8(txt_global+1);@+ break; case kern_kind: HPUT8(txt_global+2);@+ break; case ligature_kind: HPUT8(txt_global+3);@+ break; case disc_kind: HPUT8(txt_global+4);@+ break; case glue_kind: HPUT8(txt_global+5);@+ break; case language_kind: HPUT8(txt_global+6);@+ break; case rule_kind: HPUT8(txt_global+7);@+ break; case image_kind: HPUT8(txt_global+8);@+ break; default: QUIT("Kind %s not allowed as a global reference in a text",NAME(d->k)); } HPUT8(d->n); } void hput_txt_local(uint8_t n) { HPUTX(1); HPUT8(txt_local+n); } @ @= typedef struct { @+Kind k; @+int n; @+} Ref; @ \section{Composite Nodes}\hascode \label{composite} The nodes that we consider in this section can contain one or more list nodes. When we implement the parsing\index{parsing} routines for composite nodes in the long format, we have to take into account that parsing such a list node will already write the list node to the output. So we split the parsing of composite nodes into several parts and store the parts immediately after parsing them. On the parse stack, we will only keep track of the info value. This new strategy is not as transparent as our previous strategy used for simple nodes where we had a clean separation of reading and writing: reading would store the internal representation of a node and writing the internal representation to output would start only after reading is completed. The new strategy, however, makes it easier to reuse the grammar\index{grammar} rules for the component nodes. Another rule applies to composite nodes: in the short format, the subnodes will come at the end of the node, and especially a list node that contains content nodes comes last. This helps when traversing the content section as we will see in appendix~\secref{fastforward}. \subsection{Boxes}\label{boxnodes} The central structuring elements of \TeX\ are boxes\index{box}. Boxes have a height |h|, a depth |d|, and a width |w|. The shift amount |a| shifts the contents of the box, the glue ratio\index{glue ratio} |r| is a factor applied to the glue inside the box, the glue order |o| is its order of stretchability\index{stretchability}, and the glue sign |s| is $-1$ for shrinking\index{shrinkability}, 0 for rigid, and $+1$ for stretching. Most importantly, a box contains a list |l| of content nodes inside the box. @= typedef struct @/{@+ Dimen h,d,w,a;@+ float32_t r;@+ int8_t s,o; @+List l; @+} Box; @ There are two types of boxes: horizontal\index{horizontal box} boxes and vertical\index{vertical box} boxes. The difference between the two is simple: a horizontal box aligns the reference\index{reference point} points of its content nodes horizontally, and a positive shift amount\index{shift amount} |a| shifts the box down; a vertical box aligns\index{alignment} the reference\index{reference point} points vertically, and a positive shift amount |a| shifts the box right. Not all box parameters are used frequently. In the short format, we use the info bits to indicated which of the parameters are used. Where as the width of a horizontal box is most of the time (80\%) nonzero, other parameters are most of the time zero, like the shift amount (99\%) or the glue settings (99.8\%). The depth is zero in about 77\%, the height in about 53\%, and both together are zero in about 47\%. The results for vertical boxes, which constitute about 20\% of all boxes, are similar, except that the depth is zero in about 89\%, but the height and width are almost never zero. For this reason we use bit |b001| to indicate a nonzero depth, bit |b010| for a nonzero shift amount, and |b100| for nonzero glue settings. Glue sign and glue order can be packed as two nibbles in a single byte. % A different use of the info bits for vertical and horizontal boxes is possible, % but does not warrant the added complexity. \goodbreak \readcode @s HBOX symbol @s VBOX symbol @s box symbol @s boxparams symbol @s hbox_node symbol @s vbox_node symbol @s box_dimen symbol @s box_shift symbol @s box_glue_set symbol @= %token HBOX "hbox" %token VBOX "vbox" %token SHIFTED "shifted" %type box box_dimen box_shift box_glue_set @ @= ::@=hbox@> :< return HBOX; >: ::@=vbox@> :< return VBOX; >: ::@=shifted@> :< return SHIFTED; >: @ @=@/ box_dimen: dimension dimension dimension @/ {$$= hput_box_dimen($1,$2,$3); }; box_shift: {$$=b000;} @+ | SHIFTED dimension {$$=hput_box_shift($2);}; box_glue_set: {$$=b000;} | PLUS stretch { $$=hput_box_glue_set(+1,$2.f,$2.o); } | MINUS stretch { $$=hput_box_glue_set(-1,$2.f,$2.o); }; box: box_dimen box_shift box_glue_set list {$$=$1|$2|$3; }; hbox_node: start HBOX box END { hput_tags($1, TAG(hbox_kind,$3)); }; vbox_node: start VBOX box END { hput_tags($1, TAG(vbox_kind,$3)); }; content_node: hbox_node @+ | vbox_node; @ \writecode @= void hwrite_box(Box *b) { hwrite_dimension(b->h); hwrite_dimension(b->d); hwrite_dimension(b->w); if (b->a!=0) { hwritef(" shifted"); @+hwrite_dimension(b->a); @+} if (b->r!=0.0 && b->s!=0 )@/ { @+if (b->s>0) @+hwritef(" plus"); @+else @+hwritef(" minus"); @+hwrite_float64(b->r); @+hwrite_order(b->o); } hwrite_list(&(b->l)); } @ \getcode @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(hbox_kind,b000): {Box b; @+HGET_BOX(b000,b); @+hwrite_box(&b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(hbox_kind,b001): {Box b; @+HGET_BOX(b001,b); @+hwrite_box(&b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(hbox_kind,b010): {Box b; @+HGET_BOX(b010,b); @+hwrite_box(&b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(hbox_kind,b011): {Box b; @+HGET_BOX(b011,b); @+hwrite_box(&b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(hbox_kind,b100): {Box b; @+HGET_BOX(b100,b); @+hwrite_box(&b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(hbox_kind,b101): {Box b; @+HGET_BOX(b101,b); @+hwrite_box(&b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(hbox_kind,b110): {Box b; @+HGET_BOX(b110,b); @+hwrite_box(&b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(hbox_kind,b111): {Box b; @+HGET_BOX(b111,b); @+hwrite_box(&b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(vbox_kind,b000): {Box b; @+HGET_BOX(b000,b); @+hwrite_box(&b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(vbox_kind,b001): {Box b; @+HGET_BOX(b001,b); @+hwrite_box(&b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(vbox_kind,b010): {Box b; @+HGET_BOX(b010,b); @+hwrite_box(&b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(vbox_kind,b011): {Box b; @+HGET_BOX(b011,b); @+hwrite_box(&b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(vbox_kind,b100): {Box b; @+HGET_BOX(b100,b); @+hwrite_box(&b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(vbox_kind,b101): {Box b; @+HGET_BOX(b101,b); @+hwrite_box(&b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(vbox_kind,b110): {Box b; @+HGET_BOX(b110,b); @+hwrite_box(&b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(vbox_kind,b111): {Box b; @+HGET_BOX(b111,b); @+hwrite_box(&b);@+} @+ break; @ @= #define @[HGET_BOX(I,B)@] \ HGET32(B.h);\ if ((I)&b001) HGET32(B.d); @+ else B.d=0;\ HGET32(B.w);\ if ((I)&b010) HGET32(B.a); @+else B.a=0;\ if ((I)&b100) @/{ B.r=hget_float32();@+ B.s=HGET8; @+ B.o=B.s&0xF; @+B.s=B.s>>4;@+ }\ else { B.r=0.0;@+ B.o=B.s=0;@+ }\ hget_list(&(B.l)); @ @= void hget_hbox_node(void) { Box b; @@; if (KIND(a)!=hbox_kind) QUIT("Hbox expected at 0x%x got %s",node_pos,NAME(a)); HGET_BOX(INFO(a),b);@/ @@; hwrite_start();@+ hwritef("hbox");@+ hwrite_box(&b);@+ hwrite_end(); } void hget_vbox_node(void) { Box b; @@; if (KIND(a)!=vbox_kind) QUIT("Vbox expected at 0x%x got %s",node_pos,NAME(a)); HGET_BOX(INFO(a),b);@/ @@; hwrite_start();@+ hwritef("vbox");@+ hwrite_box(&b);@+ hwrite_end(); } @ \putcode @= Info hput_box_dimen(Dimen h, Dimen d, Dimen w) { Info i; @+HPUT32(h); if (d!=0) { HPUT32(d); @+i=b001;@+ } @+else@+ i=b000; HPUT32(w); return i; } Info hput_box_shift(Dimen a) { @+if (a!=0) { @+ HPUT32(a); @+return @+ b010;@+} @+ else @+return b000; } Info hput_box_glue_set(int8_t s, float32_t r, Order o) { @+if (r!=0.0 && s!=0 ) { hput_float32(r);@+ HPUT8((s<<4)|o);@+ return b100;@+ } else return b000; } @ \subsection{Extended Boxes} Hi\TeX\ produces two kinds of extended\index{extended box} horizontal boxes, |hpack_kind| and |hset_kind|, and the same for vertical boxes using |vpack_kind| and |vset_kind|. Let us focus on horizontal boxes; the handling of vertical boxes is completely parallel. The \\{hpack} procedure of Hi\TeX\ produces an extended box of |hset_kind| either if it is given an extended\index{extended dimension} dimension as its width or if it discovers that the width of its content is an extended dimension. After the final width of the box has been computed in the viewer, it just remains to set the glue; a very simple operation indeed. If the \\{hpack} procedure of Hi\TeX\ can not determine the natural dimensions of the box content because it contains paragraphs\index{paragraph} or other extended boxes, it produces a box of |hpack_kind|. Now the viewer needs to traverse the list of content nodes to determine the natural\index{natural dimension} dimensions. Even the amount of stretchability\index{stretchability} and shrinkability\index{shrinkability} has to be determined in the viewer. For example, the final stretchability of a paragraph with some stretchability in the baseline\index{baseline skip} skip will depend on the number of lines which, in turn, depends on \.{hsize}. It is not possible to merge these traversals of the box content with the traversal necessary when displaying the box. The latter needs to convert glue nodes into positioning instructions which requires a fixed glue\index{glue ratio} ratio. The computation of the glue ratio, however, requires a complete traversal of the content. In the short format of a box node of type |hset_kind|, |vset_kind|, |hpack_kind|, or |vpack_kind|, the info bit |b100| indicates, if set, a complete extended dimension, and if unset, a reference to a predefined extended dimension for the target size; the info bit |b010| indicates a nonzero shift amount. For a box of type |hset_kind| or |vset_kind|, the info bit |b001| indicates, if set, a nonzero depth. For a box of type |hpack_kind| or |vpack_kind|, the info bit |b001| indicates, if set, an additional target size, and if unset, an exact target size. For a box of type |vpack_kind| also the maximum depth is given. \readcode @s xbox symbol @s hpack symbol @s vpack symbol @s box_goal symbol @s HPACK symbol @s HSET symbol @s VPACK symbol @s VSET symbol @s TO symbol @s ADD symbol @s box_flex symbol @s vxbox_node symbol @s hxbox_node symbol @s DEPTH symbol @= %token HPACK "hpack" %token HSET "hset" %token VPACK "vpack" %token VSET "vset" %token DEPTH "depth" %token ADD "add" %token TO "to" %type xbox box_goal hpack vpack @ @= ::@=hpack@> :< return HPACK; >: ::@=hset@> :< return HSET; >: ::@=vpack@> :< return VPACK; >: ::@=vset@> :< return VSET; >: ::@=add@> :< return ADD; >: ::@=to@> :< return TO; >: ::@=depth@> :< return DEPTH; >: @ @= box_flex: plus minus { hput_stretch(&($1));hput_stretch(&($2)); }; xbox: box_dimen box_shift box_flex xdimen_ref list {$$=$1|$2;} | box_dimen box_shift box_flex xdimen_node list {$$=$1|$2|b100;}; box_goal: TO xdimen_ref {$$=b000;} | ADD xdimen_ref {$$=b001;} | TO xdimen_node {$$=b100;} | ADD xdimen_node {$$=b101;}; hpack: box_shift box_goal list {$$=$2;}; vpack: box_shift MAX DEPTH dimension {HPUT32($4);} @/ box_goal list {$$= $1|$6;}; vxbox_node: start VSET xbox END { hput_tags($1, TAG(vset_kind,$3)); } | start VPACK vpack END { hput_tags($1, TAG(vpack_kind,$3)); }; hxbox_node: start HSET xbox END { hput_tags($1, TAG(hset_kind,$3)); } | start HPACK hpack END { hput_tags($1, TAG(hpack_kind,$3)); }; content_node: vxbox_node | hxbox_node; @ \getcode @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(hset_kind,b000): HGET_SET(b000); @+ break; case TAG(hset_kind,b001): HGET_SET(b001); @+ break; case TAG(hset_kind,b010): HGET_SET(b010); @+ break; case TAG(hset_kind,b011): HGET_SET(b011); @+ break; case TAG(hset_kind,b100): HGET_SET(b100); @+ break; case TAG(hset_kind,b101): HGET_SET(b101); @+ break; case TAG(hset_kind,b110): HGET_SET(b110); @+ break; case TAG(hset_kind,b111): HGET_SET(b111); @+ break;@# case TAG(vset_kind,b000): HGET_SET(b000); @+ break; case TAG(vset_kind,b001): HGET_SET(b001); @+ break; case TAG(vset_kind,b010): HGET_SET(b010); @+ break; case TAG(vset_kind,b011): HGET_SET(b011); @+ break; case TAG(vset_kind,b100): HGET_SET(b100); @+ break; case TAG(vset_kind,b101): HGET_SET(b101); @+ break; case TAG(vset_kind,b110): HGET_SET(b110); @+ break; case TAG(vset_kind,b111): HGET_SET(b111); @+ break;@# case TAG(hpack_kind,b000): HGET_PACK(hpack_kind,b000); @+ break; case TAG(hpack_kind,b001): HGET_PACK(hpack_kind,b001); @+ break; case TAG(hpack_kind,b010): HGET_PACK(hpack_kind,b010); @+ break; case TAG(hpack_kind,b011): HGET_PACK(hpack_kind,b011); @+ break; case TAG(hpack_kind,b100): HGET_PACK(hpack_kind,b100); @+ break; case TAG(hpack_kind,b101): HGET_PACK(hpack_kind,b101); @+ break; case TAG(hpack_kind,b110): HGET_PACK(hpack_kind,b110); @+ break; case TAG(hpack_kind,b111): HGET_PACK(hpack_kind,b111); @+ break;@# case TAG(vpack_kind,b000): HGET_PACK(vpack_kind,b000); @+ break; case TAG(vpack_kind,b001): HGET_PACK(vpack_kind,b001); @+ break; case TAG(vpack_kind,b010): HGET_PACK(vpack_kind,b010); @+ break; case TAG(vpack_kind,b011): HGET_PACK(vpack_kind,b011); @+ break; case TAG(vpack_kind,b100): HGET_PACK(vpack_kind,b100); @+ break; case TAG(vpack_kind,b101): HGET_PACK(vpack_kind,b101); @+ break; case TAG(vpack_kind,b110): HGET_PACK(vpack_kind,b110); @+ break; case TAG(vpack_kind,b111): HGET_PACK(vpack_kind,b111); @+ break; @ @= #define @[HGET_SET(I)@] @/\ { Dimen h; @+HGET32(h); @+hwrite_dimension(h);@+}\ { Dimen d; @+if ((I)&b001) HGET32(d); @+ else d=0;@+hwrite_dimension(d); @+}\ { Dimen w; @+HGET32(w); @+hwrite_dimension(w);@+} \ if ((I)&b010) { Dimen a; @+HGET32(a); hwritef(" shifted"); @+hwrite_dimension(a);@+}\ { Stretch p; @+HGET_STRETCH(p);@+hwrite_plus(&p);@+}\ { Stretch m; @+HGET_STRETCH(m);@+hwrite_minus(&m);@+}\ if ((I)&b100) {Xdimen x;@+ hget_xdimen_node(&x); @+hwrite_xdimen_node(&x);@+} else HGET_REF(xdimen_kind);\ { List l; @+hget_list(&l);@+ hwrite_list(&l); @+} @# #define @[HGET_PACK(K,I)@] @/\ if ((I)&b010) { Dimen d; @+HGET32(d); hwritef(" shifted"); @+hwrite_dimension(d); @+ }\ if (K==vpack_kind) { Dimen d; @+HGET32(d); hwritef(" max depth");@+hwrite_dimension(d); @+ }\ if ((I)&b001) hwritef(" add");@+ else hwritef(" to");\ if ((I)&b100) {Xdimen x;@+ hget_xdimen_node(&x);@+hwrite_xdimen_node(&x);@+}\ else @+HGET_REF(xdimen_kind);\ { List l; @+hget_list(&l);@+ hwrite_list(&l); @+} @ \subsection{Leaders}\label{leaders} Leaders\index{leaders} are a special type of glue that is best explained by a few examples. Where as ordinary glue fills its designated space with \hfil\ whiteness,\break leaders fill their designated space with either a rule \xleaders\hrule\hfil\ or\break some sort of repeated\leaders\hbox to 15pt{$\hss.\hss$}\hfil content.\break In multiple leaders, the dots\leaders\hbox to 15pt{$\hss.\hss$}\hfil are usually aligned\index{alignment} across lines,\break as in the last\leaders\hbox to 15pt{$\hss.\hss$}\hfil three lines.\break Unless you specify centered\index{centered}\cleaders\hbox to 15pt{$\hss.\hss$}\hfil leaders\break or you specify expanded\index{expanded}\xleaders\hbox to 15pt{$\hss.\hss$}\hfil leaders.\break The former pack the repeated content tight and center the repeated content in the available space, the latter distributes the extra space between all the repeated instances. In the short format, the two lowest info bits store the type of leaders: 1 for aligned, 2 for centered, and 3 for expanded. The |b100| info bit is usually set and only zero in the unlikely case that the glue is zero and therefore not present. \readcode @s LEADERS symbol @s ALIGN symbol @s CENTER symbol @s EXPAND symbol @s leaders symbol @s ltype symbol @= %token LEADERS "leaders" %token ALIGN "align" %token CENTER "center" %token EXPAND "expand" %type leaders %type ltype @ @= ::@=leaders@> :< return LEADERS; >: ::@=align@> :< return ALIGN; >: ::@=center@> :< return CENTER; >: ::@=expand@> :< return EXPAND; >: @ @= ltype: {$$=1;} | ALIGN {$$=1;} @+| CENTER {$$=2;} @+| EXPAND {$$=3;}; leaders: glue_node ltype rule_node {@+if ($1) $$=$2|b100;@+else $$=$2; @+} | glue_node ltype hbox_node {@+if ($1) $$=$2|b100;@+else $$=$2;@+} | glue_node ltype vbox_node {@+if ($1) $$=$2|b100;@+else $$=$2;@+}; content_node: start LEADERS leaders END @| {@+ hput_tags($1, TAG(leaders_kind, $3));} @ \writecode @= void hwrite_leaders_type(int t) {@+ if (t==2) hwritef(" center"); else if (t==3) hwritef(" expand"); } @ \getcode @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(leaders_kind,1): @+ HGET_LEADERS(1); @+break; case TAG(leaders_kind,2): @+ HGET_LEADERS(2); @+break; case TAG(leaders_kind,3): @+ HGET_LEADERS(3); @+break; case TAG(leaders_kind,b100|1): @+ HGET_LEADERS(b100|1); @+break; case TAG(leaders_kind,b100|2): @+ HGET_LEADERS(b100|2); @+break; case TAG(leaders_kind,b100|3): @+ HGET_LEADERS(b100|3); @+break; @ @= #define @[HGET_LEADERS(I)@]@/ \ if ((I)&b100) hget_glue_node();\ hwrite_leaders_type((I)&b011);\ if (KIND(*hpos)==rule_kind) hget_rule_node(); \ else if (KIND(*hpos)==hbox_kind) hget_hbox_node(); \ else hget_vbox_node(); @ \subsection{Baseline Skips} Baseline\index{baseline skip} skips are small amounts of glue inserted between two consecutive lines of text. To get nice looking pages, the amount of glue\index{glue} inserted must take into account the depth of the line above the glue and the height of the line below the glue to achieve a constant distance of the baselines. For example, if we have the lines \medskip \qquad\vbox{\hsize=0.5\hsize\noindent ``There is no\hfil\break more gas\hfil\break in the tank.'' }\hss \medskip\noindent \TeX\ will insert 7.69446pt of baseline skip between the first and the second line and 3.11111pt of baseline skip between the second and the third line. This is due to the fact that the first line has no descenders, its depth is zero, the second line has no ascenders but the ``g'' descends below the baseline, and the third line has ascenders (``t'', ``h'',\dots) so it is higher than the second line. \TeX's choice of baseline skips ensures that the baselines are exactly 12pt apart in both cases. Things get more complicated if the text contains mathematical formulas because then a line can get so high or deep that it is impossible to keep the distance between baselines constant without two adjacent lines touching each other. In such cases, \TeX\ will insert a small minimum line skip glue\index{line skip glue}. For the whole computation, \TeX\ uses three parameters: {\tt base\-line\-skip}, {\tt line\-skip\-limit},\index{line skip limit} and {\tt lineskip}. {\tt baselineskip} is a glue value; its size is the normal distance of two baselines. \TeX\ adjusts the size of the {\tt baselineskip} glue for the height and the depth of the two lines and then checks the result against {\tt lineskiplimit}. If the result is smaller than {\tt lineskiplimit} it will use the {\tt lineskip} glue instead. Because the depth and the height of lines depend on the outcome of the line breaking\index{line breaking} routine, baseline computations must be done in the viewer. The situation gets even more complicated because \TeX\ can manipulate the insertion of baseline skips in various ways. Therefore \HINT\ requires the insertion of baseline nodes wherever the viewer is supposed to perform a baseline skip computation. In the short format of a baseline definition, we store only the nonzero components and use the info bits to mark them: |b100| implies $|bs|\ne0$, |b010| implies $|ls|\ne 0$, and |b001| implies $|lslimit|\ne 0$. If the baseline has only zero components, we put a reference to baseline number 0 in the output. @= typedef struct {@+ Glue bs, ls;@+ Dimen lsl;@+ } Baseline; @ \readcode @s BASELINE symbol @s baseline symbol @= %token BASELINE "baseline" %type baseline @ @= ::@=baseline@> :< return BASELINE; >: @ @= baseline: dimension { if ($1!=0) HPUT32($1); } glue_node glue_node @/{ $$=b000; if ($1!=0) $$|=b001; if ($3) $$|=b100; if ($4) $$|=b010; @+}; content_node: start BASELINE baseline END @/ { @+if ($3==b000) HPUT8(0); @+hput_tags($1,TAG(baseline_kind, $3)); }; @ \getcode @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(baseline_kind,b001): { Baseline b;@+ HGET_BASELINE(b001,b);@+ }@+break; case TAG(baseline_kind,b010): { Baseline b;@+ HGET_BASELINE(b010,b);@+ }@+break; case TAG(baseline_kind,b011): { Baseline b;@+ HGET_BASELINE(b011,b);@+ }@+break; case TAG(baseline_kind,b100): { Baseline b;@+ HGET_BASELINE(b100,b);@+ }@+break; case TAG(baseline_kind,b101): { Baseline b;@+ HGET_BASELINE(b101,b);@+ }@+break; case TAG(baseline_kind,b110): { Baseline b;@+ HGET_BASELINE(b110,b);@+ }@+break; case TAG(baseline_kind,b111): { Baseline b;@+ HGET_BASELINE(b111,b);@+ }@+break; @ @= #define @[HGET_BASELINE(I,B)@] \ if((I)&b001) HGET32((B).lsl); @+else B.lsl=0; hwrite_dimension(B.lsl);\ if((I)&b100) hget_glue_node(); \ else {B.bs.p.o=B.bs.m.o=B.bs.w.w=0; @+B.bs.w.h=B.bs.w.v=B.bs.p.f=B.bs.m.f=0.0; @+hwrite_glue_node(&(B.bs));@+}\ if((I)&b010) hget_glue_node(); \ else {B.ls.p.o=B.ls.m.o=B.ls.w.w=0; @+B.ls.w.h=B.ls.w.v=B.ls.p.f=B.ls.m.f=0.0; @+hwrite_glue_node(&(B.ls));@+} @ \putcode @= uint8_t hput_baseline(Baseline *b) { Info info=b000; if (!ZERO_GLUE(b->bs)) @+info|=b100; if (!ZERO_GLUE(b->ls)) @+ info|=b010; if (b->lsl!=0) { @+ HPUT32(b->lsl); @+info|=b001; @+} return TAG(baseline_kind,info); } @ \subsection{Ligatures} Ligatures\index{ligature} occur only in horizontal lists. They specify characters that combine the glyphs of several characters into one specialized glyph. For example in the word ``{\it difficult\/}'' the three letters ``{\it f{}f{}i\/}'' are combined into the ligature ``{\it ffi\/}''. Hence, a ligature is very similar to a simple glyph node; the characters that got replaced are, however, retained in the ligature because they might be needed for example to support searching. Since ligatures are therefore only specialized list of characters and since we have a very efficient way to store such lists of characters, namely as a |text|, input and output of ligatures is quite simple. The info value zero is reserved for references to a ligature. If the info value is between 1 and 6, it gives the number of bytes used to encode the characters in UTF8. Note that a ligature will always include a glyph byte, so the minimum size is 1. A typical ligature like ``{\it fi\/}'' will need 3 byte: the ligature character ``{\it fi\/}'', and the replacement characters ``f'' and ''i''. More byte might be required if the character codes exceed |0x7F| since we use the UTF8 encoding scheme for larger character codes. If the info value is 7, a full text node follows the font byte. In the long format, we give the font, the character code, and then the replacement characters represented as a text. @= typedef struct{@+uint8_t f; @+List l;@+} Lig; @ \readcode @s ref symbol @s LIGATURE symbol @s ligature symbol @s cc_list symbol @s lig_cc symbol @= %token LIGATURE "ligature" %type lig_cc %type ligature %type ref @ @= ::@=ligature@> :< return LIGATURE; >: @ @=@/ cc_list:@+ | cc_list TXT_CC { hput_utf8($2); }; lig_cc: UNSIGNED {RNG("UTF-8 code",$1,0,0x1FFFFF);$$=hpos-hstart; hput_utf8($1); }; lig_cc: CHARCODE {$$=hpos-hstart; hput_utf8($1); }; ref: REFERENCE { HPUT8($1); $$=$1; }; ligature: ref { REF(font_kind,$1);} lig_cc TXT_START cc_list TXT_END @/ { $$.f=$1; $$.l.p=$3; $$.l.s=(hpos-hstart)-$3; RNG("Ligature size",$$.l.s,0,255);}; content_node: start LIGATURE ligature END {hput_tags($1,hput_ligature(&($3)));}; @ \writecode @= void hwrite_ligature(Lig *l) { uint32_t pos=hpos-hstart; hwrite_ref(l->f); hpos=l->l.p+hstart; hwrite_charcode(hget_utf8()); hwritef(" \""); while (hposl.p+l->l.s) hwrite_txt_cc(hget_utf8()); hwritec('"'); hpos=hstart+pos; } @ \getcode @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(ligature_kind,1):@+ {Lig l; @+HGET_LIG(1,l);@+} @+break; case TAG(ligature_kind,2):@+ {Lig l; @+HGET_LIG(2,l);@+} @+break; case TAG(ligature_kind,3):@+ {Lig l; @+HGET_LIG(3,l);@+} @+break; case TAG(ligature_kind,4):@+ {Lig l; @+HGET_LIG(4,l);@+} @+break; case TAG(ligature_kind,5):@+ {Lig l; @+HGET_LIG(5,l);@+} @+break; case TAG(ligature_kind,6):@+ {Lig l; @+HGET_LIG(6,l);@+} @+break; case TAG(ligature_kind,7):@+ {Lig l; @+HGET_LIG(7,l);@+} @+break; @ @= #define @[HGET_LIG(I,L)@] @/\ (L).f=HGET8;REF(font_kind,(L).f);\ if ((I)==7) hget_list(&((L).l)); \ else { (L).l.s=(I); (L).l.p=hpos-hstart; @+ hpos+=(L).l.s;} \ hwrite_ligature(&(L)); @ \putcode @= uint8_t hput_ligature(Lig *l) { @+if (l->l.s < 7) return TAG(ligature_kind,l->l.s); else@/ { uint32_t pos=l->l.p; hput_tags(pos,hput_list(pos+1, &(l->l))); return TAG(ligature_kind,7); } } @ \subsection{Discretionary breaks}\label{discbreak}\index{discretionary break} \HINT\ is capable to break lines into paragraphs. It does this primarily at interword spaces but it might also break a line in the middle of a word if it finds a discretionary\index{discretionary break} line break there. These discretionary breaks are usually provided by an automatic hyphenation algorithm but they might be also explicitly\index{explicit} inserted by the author of a document. When a line break occurs at such a discretionary break, the line before the break ends with a |pre_break| list of nodes, the line after the break starts with a |post_break| list of nodes, and the next |replace_count| nodes after the discretionary break will be ignored. Both lists must consist entirely of glyphs\index{glyph}, kerns\index{kern}, boxes\index{box}, rules\index{rule}, or ligatures\index{ligature}. For example, an ordinary discretionary break will have a |pre_break| list containing ``-'', an empty |post_break| list, and a |replace_count| of zero. The long format starts with an optional ``{\tt !}'', indicating an explicit discretionary break, followed by the replace-count. Then comes the pre-break list followed by the post-break list. The replace-count can be omitted if it is zero; an empty post-break list may be omitted as well. Both list may be omitted only if both are empty. In the short format, the three components of a disc node are stored in this order: |replace_count|, |pre_break| list, and |post_break| list. The |b100| bit in the info value indicates the presence of a replace-count, the |b010| bit the presence of a |pre_break| list, and the |b001| bit the presence of a |post_break| list. Since the info value |b000| is reserved for references, at least one of these must be specified; so we represent a node with empty lists and a replace\index{replace count} count of zero using the info value |b100| and a zero byte for the replace count. Replace counts must be in the range 0 to 31; so the short format can set the high bit of the replace count to indicate an explicit\index{explicit} break. @= typedef struct@+ {@+ bool x; @+List p,q;@+ uint8_t r;@+ } Disc; @ \readcode @s DISC symbol @s disc symbol @s disc_node symbol @s replace_count symbol @= %token DISC "disc" %type disc %type replace_count @ @= ::@=disc@> :< return DISC; >: @ @=@/ replace_count: explicit {@+ if ($1) {$$=0x80; HPUT8(0x80);@+}@+ else $$=0x00;@+} | explicit UNSIGNED { RNG("Replace count",$2,0,31); $$=($2)|(($1)?0x80:0x00); @+ if ($$!=0) HPUT8($$);@+}; disc: replace_count list list { $$.r=$1;$$.p=$2; $$.q=$3; if ($3.s==0) { hpos=hpos-2;@+ if ($2.s==0) hpos=hpos-2; @+}@+} | replace_count list { $$.r=$1;$$.p=$2; if ($2.s==0) hpos=hpos-2;@+ $$.q.s=0; } | replace_count { $$.r=$1;$$.p.s=0; $$.q.s=0; }; disc_node: start DISC disc END {hput_tags($1,hput_disc(&($3)));}; content_node: disc_node; @ \writecode @= void hwrite_disc(Disc *h) { @+hwrite_explicit(h->x); if (h->r!=0) hwritef(" %d",h->r); if (h->p.s!=0 || h->q.s!=0) hwrite_list(&(h->p)); if (h->q.s!=0) hwrite_list(&(h->q)); } void hwrite_disc_node(Disc *h) { @+ hwrite_start(); @+hwritef("disc"); @+ hwrite_disc(h); @+hwrite_end();} @ \getcode @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(disc_kind,b001): {Disc h; @+HGET_DISC(b001,h);@+ hwrite_disc(&h); @+} @+break; case TAG(disc_kind,b010): {Disc h; @+HGET_DISC(b010,h);@+ hwrite_disc(&h); @+} @+break; case TAG(disc_kind,b011): {Disc h; @+HGET_DISC(b011,h);@+ hwrite_disc(&h); @+} @+break; case TAG(disc_kind,b100): {Disc h; @+HGET_DISC(b100,h);@+ hwrite_disc(&h); @+} @+break; case TAG(disc_kind,b101): {Disc h; @+HGET_DISC(b101,h);@+ hwrite_disc(&h); @+} @+break; case TAG(disc_kind,b110): {Disc h; @+HGET_DISC(b110,h);@+ hwrite_disc(&h); @+} @+break; case TAG(disc_kind,b111): {Disc h; @+HGET_DISC(b111,h);@+ hwrite_disc(&h); @+} @+break; @ @= #define @[HGET_DISC(I,Y)@]\ if ((I)&b100) {uint8_t r=HGET8; (Y).r=r&0x7F; @+ RNG("Replace count",(Y).r,0,31); @+(Y).x=(r&0x80)!=0; @+}\ @+else { (Y).r=0; @+ (Y).x=false;@+}\ if ((I)&b010) hget_list(&((Y).p)); else { (Y).p.p=hpos-hstart; @+(Y).p.s=0; @+(Y).p.k=list_kind; @+}\ if ((I)&b001) hget_list(&((Y).q)); else { (Y).q.p=hpos-hstart; @+(Y).q.s=0; @+(Y).q.k=list_kind; @+} @ @= void hget_disc_node(Disc *h) { @@; if (KIND(a)!=disc_kind || INFO(a)==b000) QUIT("Hyphen expected at 0x%x got %s,%d",node_pos,NAME(a),INFO(a)); HGET_DISC(INFO(a),*h); @@; } @ When |hput_disc| is called, the node is already written to the output, but empty lists might have been deleted, and the info value needs to be determined. Because the info value |b000| is reserved for references, a zero reference count is written to avoid this case. \putcode @= uint8_t hput_disc(Disc *h) { Info info=b000; if (h->r!=0) info|=b100; if (h->q.s!=0) info|=b011; else if (h->p.s!=0) info|=b010; if (info==b000) { @+info|=b100; @+HPUT8(0);@+} return TAG(disc_kind,info); } @ \subsection{Paragraphs} The most important procedure that the \HINT\ viewer inherits from \TeX\ is the line breaking routine. If the horizontal size of the paragraph is not known, breaking the paragraph\index{paragraph} into lines must be postponed and this is done by creating a paragraph node. The paragraph node must contain all information that \TeX's line breaking\index{line breaking} algorithm needs to do its job. Besides the horizontal list describing the content of the paragraph and the extended dimension describing the horizontal size, this is the set of parameters that guide the line breaking algorithm: \itemize \item Integer parameters:\hfill\break {\tt pretolerance} (badness tolerance before hyphenation),\hfill\break {\tt tolerance} (badness tolerance after hyphenation),\hfill\break {\tt line\_penalty} (added to the badness of every line, increase to get fewer lines),\hfill\break {\tt hy\-phen\_pe\-nal\-ty} (penalty for break after hyphenation break),\hfill\break {\tt ex\_hy\-phen\_pe\-nal\-ty} (penalty for break after explicit\index{explicit} break),\hfill\break {\tt doub\-le\_hy\-phen\_de\-merits} (demerits for double hyphen break),\hfill\break {\tt final\_hyphen\_de\-me\-rits} (demerits for final hyphen break),\hfill\break {\tt adj\_demerits} (demerits for adjacent incompatible lines),\hfill\break {\tt looseness} (make the paragraph that many lines longer than its optimal size),\hfill\break {\tt inter\_line\_penalty} (additional penalty between lines),\hfill\break {\tt club\_pe\-nal\-ty} (penalty for creating a club line),\hfill\break {\tt widow\_penalty} (penalty for creating a widow line),\hfill\break {\tt display\_widow\_penalty} (ditto, just before a display),\hfill\break {\tt bro\-ken\_pe\-nal\-ty} (penalty for breaking a page at a broken line),\hfill\break {\tt hang\_af\-ter} (start/end hanging indentation at this line). \item Dimension parameters:\hfill\break {\tt line\_skip\_limit} (threshold for {\tt line\_skip} instead of {\tt base\-line\_skip}),\hfill\break {\tt hang\_in\-dent} (amount of hanging indentation),\hfill\break {\tt emergency\_stretch} (stretchability added to every line in the final pass of line breaking). \item Glue parameters:\hfill\break {\tt baseline\_skip} (desired glue between baselines),\hfill\break {\tt line\_skip} (interline glue if {\tt baseline\_skip} is infeasible),\hfill\break {\tt left\_skip} (glue at left of justified lines),\hfill\break {\tt right\_skip} (glue at right of justified lines),\hfill\break {\tt par\_fill\_skip} (glue on last line of paragraph). \enditemize For a detailed explanation of these parameters and how they influence line breaking, you should consult the {\TeX}book\cite{DK:texbook}; \TeX's {\tt parshape} feature is currently not implemented. There are default values for all of these parameters (see section~\secref{defaults}), and therefore it might not be necessary to specify any of them. Any local adjustments are contained in a list of parameters contained in the paragraph node. A further complication arises from displayed\index{displayed formula} formulas that interrupt a paragraph. Such displays are described in the next section. To summarize, a paragraph node in the long format specifies an extended dimension, a parameter list, and a node list. The extended dimension is given either as an |xdimen| node (info bit |b100|) or as a reference; similarly the parameter list can be embedded in the node (info bit |b010|) or again it is given by a reference. \readcode @s PAR symbol @s par symbol @s xdimen_ref symbol @s param_ref symbol @s par_dimen symbol @= %token PAR "par" %type par @ @= ::@=par@> :< return PAR; >: @ The following parsing rules are slightly more complicated than I would like them to be, but it seems more important to achieve a regular layout of the short format nodes where all sub nodes are located at the end of a node. In this case, I want to put a |param_ref| before an |xdimen| node, but otherwise have the |xdimen_ref| before a |param_list|. The |par_dimen| rule is introduced only to avoid a reduce/reduce conflict in the parser. The parsing of |empty_param_list| and |non_empty_param_list| is explained in section~\secref{paramlist}. @= par_dimen: xdimen { hput_xdimen_node(&($1)); }; par: xdimen_ref param_ref list {$$=b000;} | xdimen_ref empty_param_list non_empty_param_list list { $$=b010;} | xdimen_ref empty_param_list list { $$=b010;} | xdimen param_ref { hput_xdimen_node(&($1)); } list { $$=b100;} | par_dimen empty_param_list non_empty_param_list list { $$=b110;} | par_dimen empty_param_list list { $$=b110;}; content_node: start PAR par END { hput_tags($1,TAG(par_kind,$3));}; @ \getcode @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(par_kind,b000): @+HGET_PAR(b000);@+break; case TAG(par_kind,b010): @+HGET_PAR(b010);@+break; case TAG(par_kind,b100): @+HGET_PAR(b100);@+break; case TAG(par_kind,b110): @+HGET_PAR(b110);@+break; @ @= #define @[HGET_PAR(I)@] @/\ { uint8_t n;\ if ((I)==b100) {n=HGET8; @+REF(param_kind,n);@+}\ if ((I)&b100) {Xdimen x; @+hget_xdimen_node(&x); @+hwrite_xdimen(&x);@+} else HGET_REF(xdimen_kind);\ if ((I)&b010) { List l; @+hget_param_list(&l); @+hwrite_param_list(&l); @+} \ else if ((I)!=b100) HGET_REF(param_kind)@; else hwrite_ref(n);\ { List l; @+hget_list(&l);@+ hwrite_list(&l); @+}} @ \subsection{Mathematics}\index{Mathematics}\index{displayed formula} \gdef\subcodetitle{Displayed Math} Being able to handle mathematics\index{mathematics} nicely is one of the primary features of \TeX\ and so you should expect the same from \HINT. We start here with the more complex case---displayed equations---and finish with the simpler case of mathematical formulas that are part of the normal flow of text. Displayed equations occur inside a paragraph\index{paragraph} node. They interrupt normal processing of the paragraph and the paragraph processing is resumed after the display. Positioning of the display depends on several parameters, the shape of the paragraph, and the length of the last line preceding the display. Displayed formulas often feature an equation number which can be placed either left or right of the formula. Also the size of the equation number will influence the placement of the formula. In a \HINT\ file, the parameter list is followed by a list of content nodes, representing the formula, and an optional horizontal box containing the equation number. In the short format, we use the info bit |b100| to indicate the presence of a parameter list (which might be empty---so it's actually the absence of a reference to a parameter list); the info bit |b010| to indicate the presence of a left equation number; and the info bit |b001| for a right equation\index{equation number} number. In the long format, we use ``{\tt eqno}'' or ``{\tt left eqno}'' to indicate presence and placement of the equation number. \readcode @s MATH symbol @s math symbol @= %token MATH "math" %type math @ @= ::@=math@> :< return MATH; >: @ @= math: param_ref list {$$=b000;} | param_ref list hbox_node {$$=b001;} | param_ref hbox_node list {$$=b010;} | empty_param_list list {$$=b100;} | empty_param_list list hbox_node {$$=b101;} | empty_param_list hbox_node list {$$=b110;} | empty_param_list non_empty_param_list list {$$=b100;} | empty_param_list non_empty_param_list list hbox_node {$$=b101;} | empty_param_list non_empty_param_list hbox_node list {$$=b110;}; content_node: start MATH math END @/{ hput_tags($1,TAG(math_kind,$3));}; @ \getcode @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(math_kind,b000): HGET_MATH(b000); @+ break; case TAG(math_kind,b001): HGET_MATH(b001); @+ break; case TAG(math_kind,b010): HGET_MATH(b010); @+ break; case TAG(math_kind,b100): HGET_MATH(b100); @+ break; case TAG(math_kind,b101): HGET_MATH(b101); @+ break; case TAG(math_kind,b110): HGET_MATH(b110); @+ break; @ @= #define @[HGET_MATH(I)@] \ if ((I)&b100) { List l; @+hget_param_list(&l); @+hwrite_param_list(&l); @+} \ else HGET_REF(param_kind);\ if ((I)&b010) hget_hbox_node(); \ { List l; @+hget_list(&l);@+ hwrite_list(&l); @+} \ if ((I)&b001) hget_hbox_node(); @ \gdef\subcodetitle{Text Math} Things are much simpler if mathematical formulas are embedded in regular text. Here it is just necessary to mark the beginning and the end of the formula because glue inside a formula is not a possible point for a line break. To break the line within a formula you can insert a penalty node. In the long format, such a simple math node just consists of the keyword ``on'' or ``off''. In the short format, there are two info values still unassigned: we use |b011| for ``off'' and |b111| for ``on''. \readcode @s ON symbol @s OFF symbol @s on_off symbol @= %token ON "on" %token OFF "off" %type on_off @ @= ::@=on@> :< return ON; >: ::@=off@> :< return OFF; >: @ @= on_off: ON {$$=1;} | OFF {$$=0;}; math: on_off { $$=b011|($1<<2); }; @ \getcode @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(math_kind,b111): hwritef(" on");@+break; case TAG(math_kind,b011): hwritef(" off");@+break; @ Note that \TeX\ allows math nodes to specify a width using the current value of mathsurround. If this width is nonzero, it is equivalent to inserting a kern node before the math on node and after the math off node. \subsection{Adjustments}\label{adjust} An adjustment\index{adjustment} occurs only in paragraphs\index{paragraph}. When the line breaking\index{line breaking} routine finds an adjustment, it inserts the vertical material contained in the adjustment node right after the current line. Adjustments simply contain a list node. \vbox{\readcode\vskip -\baselineskip\putcode} @s ADJUST symbol @= %token ADJUST "adjust" @ @= ::@=adjust@> :< return ADJUST; >: @ @= content_node: start ADJUST list END { hput_tags($1,TAG(adjust_kind,1));}; @ \vbox{\getcode\vskip -\baselineskip\writecode} @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(adjust_kind,1):@+ { List l;@+hget_list(&l); @+ hwrite_list(&l); @+} @+ break; @ \subsection{Tables}\index{alignment} As long as a table contains no dependencies on \.{hsize} and \.{vsize}, Hi\TeX\ can expand an alignment into a set of nested horizontal and vertical boxes and no special processing is required. As long as only the size of the table itself but neither the tabskip glues nor the table content depends on \.{hsize} or \.{vsize}, the table just needs an outer node of type |hset_kind| or |vset_kind|. If there is non aligned material inside the table that depends on \.{hsize} or \.{vsize}, a vpack or hpack node is still sufficient. While it is reasonable to restrict the tabskip glues to be ordinary glue values without \.{hsize} or \.{vsize} dependencies, it might be desirable to have content in the table that does depend on \.{hsize} or \.{vsize}. For the latter case, we need a special kind of table node. Here is why: As soon as the dimension of an item in the table is an extended dimension, it is no longer possible to compute the maximum natural with of a column, because it is not possible to compare extended dimensions without knowing \.{hsize} and \.{vsize}. Hence the computation of maximum widths needs to be done in the viewer. After knowing the width of the columns, the setting of tabskip glues is easy to compute. To implement these extended tables, we will need a table node that specifies a direction, either horizontal or vertical; a list of tabskip glues, with the provision that the last tabskip glue in the list is repeated as long as necessary; and a list of table content. The table's content is stacked, either vertical or horizontal, orthogonal to the alignment direction of the table. The table's content consists of nonaligned content, for example extra glue or rules, and aligned content. Each element of aligned content is called an outer item and it consist of a list of inner items. For example in a horizontal alignment, each row is an outer item and each table entry in that row is an inner item. An inner item contains a box node (of kind |hbox_kind|, |vbox_kind|, |hset_kind|, |vset_kind|, |hpack_kind|, or |vpack_kind|) followed by an optional span count. The glue of the boxes in the inner items will be reset so that all boxes in the same column reach the same maximum column with. The span counts will be replaced by the appropriate amount of empty boxes and tabskip glues. Finally the glue in the outer item will be set to obtain the desired size of the table. The definitions below specify just a |list| for the list of tabskip glues and a list for the outer table items. This is just for convenience; the first list must contain glue nodes and the second list must contain nonaligned content and inner item nodes. We reuse the |H| and |V| tokens, defined as part of the specification of extended dimensions, to indicate the alignment direction of the table. To tell a reference to an extended dimension from a reference to an ordinary dimension, we prefix the former with an |XDIMEN| token; for the latter, the |DIMEN| token is optional. The scanner will recognize not only ``item'' as an |ITEM| token but also ``row'' and ''column''. This allows a more readable notation, for example by marking the outer items as rows and the inner items as columns. In the short format, the |b010| bit is used to mark a vertical table and the |b101| bits indicate how the table size is specified; an outer item node has the info value |b000|, an inner item node with info value |b111| contains an extra byte for the span count, otherwise the info value is equal to the span count. \readcode @s TABLE symbol @s ITEM symbol @s table symbol @s span_count symbol @= %token TABLE "table" %token ITEM "item" %type table span_count @ @= ::@=table@> :< return TABLE; >: ::@=item@> :< return ITEM; >: ::@=row@> :< return ITEM; >: ::@=column@> :< return ITEM; >: @ @= span_count: UNSIGNED { $$=hput_span_count($1); }; content_node: start ITEM content_node END { hput_tags($1,TAG(item_kind,1)); }; content_node: start ITEM span_count content_node END {@+ hput_tags($1,TAG(item_kind,$3));}; content_node: start ITEM list END { hput_tags($1,TAG(item_kind,b000));}; table: H box_goal list list {$$=$2;}; table: V box_goal list list {$$=$2|b010;}; content_node: start TABLE table END { hput_tags($1,TAG(table_kind,$3));}; @ \getcode @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(table_kind,b000): @+ HGET_TABLE(b000); @+ break; case TAG(table_kind,b001): @+ HGET_TABLE(b001); @+ break; case TAG(table_kind,b010): @+ HGET_TABLE(b010); @+ break; case TAG(table_kind,b011): @+ HGET_TABLE(b011); @+ break; case TAG(table_kind,b100): @+ HGET_TABLE(b100); @+ break; case TAG(table_kind,b101): @+ HGET_TABLE(b101); @+ break; case TAG(table_kind,b110): @+ HGET_TABLE(b110); @+ break; case TAG(table_kind,b111): @+ HGET_TABLE(b111); @+ break;@# case TAG(item_kind,b000): @+{@+ List l;@+ hget_list(&l);@+ hwrite_list(&l);@+ } @+ break; case TAG(item_kind,b001): hget_content_node(); @+ break; case TAG(item_kind,b010): hwritef(" 2");@+hget_content_node(); @+ break; case TAG(item_kind,b011): hwritef(" 3");@+hget_content_node(); @+ break; case TAG(item_kind,b100): hwritef(" 4");@+hget_content_node(); @+ break; case TAG(item_kind,b101): hwritef(" 5");@+hget_content_node(); @+ break; case TAG(item_kind,b110): hwritef(" 6");@+hget_content_node(); @+ break; case TAG(item_kind,b111): hwritef(" %u",HGET8);@+hget_content_node(); @+ break; @ @= #define @[HGET_TABLE(I)@] \ if(I&b010) hwritef(" v"); @+else hwritef(" h"); \ if ((I)&b001) hwritef(" add");@+ else hwritef(" to");\ if ((I)&b100) {Xdimen x; hget_xdimen_node(&x); @+hwrite_xdimen_node(&x);@+} else HGET_REF(xdimen_kind)@;\ {@+ List l; @+hget_list(&l);@+ hwrite_list(&l);@+ } /* tabskip */ \ {@+ List l; @+hget_list(&l);@+ hwrite_list(&l);@+ } /* items */ @ \putcode @= Info hput_span_count(uint32_t n) { if (n==0) QUIT("Span count in item must not be zero"); else if (n<7) return n; else if (n>0xFF) QUIT("Span count %d must be less than 255",n); else { HPUT8(n); return 7; } } @ \section{Extensions to \TeX}\hascode \subsection{Images} In the first implementation attempt, images behaved pretty much like glue\index{glue}. They could stretch (or shrink) together with the surrounding glue to fill a horizontal or vertical box. While I thought this would be in line with \TeX's concepts, it proved to be a bad decission because images, as opposed to glue, would stretch or shrink horizontaly {\it and} vertically at the same time. This would require a two pass algorithm to pack boxes: first to determine the glue setting and a secondf pass to determine the proper image dimensions. Otherwise incorrect width or height values would propagate all the way through a sequence of nested boxes. Even worse so, this two pass algorithm would be needed in the viewer if images were contained in boxes that had extended dimensions. The new design described below allows images with extended dimensions. This covers the case of stretchable or shrinkable images inside of extended boxes. The given extended dimensions are considered maximum values. The stretching or shrinking of images will always preserve the relation of width${}/{}$height, the aspect ratio. For convenience, we allow missing values in the long format, for example the aspect ratio, if they can be determined from the image data. In the short format, the necessary information for a correct layout must be available without using the image data. In the long format, the only required parts of an image node are the number of the auxiliary section where the image data can be found and the descriptive text which is there to make the document more accessible. The section number is followed by the optional aspect ratio, width, and height of the image. If some of these values are missing, it must be possible to determine them from the image data. The node ends with the description. The short format, starts with the section number of the image data and ends with the description. Missing values for aspect ratio, width, and height are only allowed if they can be recomputed from the given data. A missing width or height is represented by a reference to the zero extended dimension. If the |b100| bit is set, the aspect ratio is present as a 32 bit floating point value followed by extended dimensions for width and height. The info value |b100| indicates a width reference followed by a height reference; the value |b111| indicates a width node followed by a height node; the value |b110| indicates a height reference followed by a width node; and the value |b101| indicates a width reference followed by a height node. The last two rules reflect the requirement that subnodes are always located at the end of a node. The remaining info values are used as follows: The value |b000| is used for a reference to an image. The value |b011| indicates an immediate width and an immediate height. The value |b010| indicates an aspect ratio and an immediate width. The value |b001| indicates an aspect ratio and an immediate height. @= typedef struct {@+ uint16_t n;@+ float32_t a;@+ Xdimen w,h;@+ uint8_t wr,hr;@+ } Image; @ \readcode @s IMAGE symbol @s image symbol @s image_aspect symbol @s image_aspect symbol @s image_width symbol @s image_height symbol @s image_spec symbol @= %token IMAGE "image" %token WIDTH "width" %token HEIGHT "height" %type image_width image_height %type image_aspect %type image_spec image @ @= ::@=image@> :< return IMAGE; >: ::@=width@> :< return WIDTH; >: ::@=height@> :< return HEIGHT; >: @ @= image_aspect: number {$$=$1;} | {$$=0.0;}; image_width: WIDTH xdimen { $$=$2;} | { $$=xdimen_defaults[zero_xdimen_no];}; image_height: HEIGHT xdimen { $$=$2; } | { $$=xdimen_defaults[zero_xdimen_no];}; image_spec: UNSIGNED image_aspect image_width image_height {$$=hput_image_spec($1,$2,0,&($3),0,&($4));} | UNSIGNED image_aspect WIDTH REFERENCE image_height {$$=hput_image_spec($1,$2,$4,NULL,0,&($5));} | UNSIGNED image_aspect image_width HEIGHT REFERENCE {$$=hput_image_spec($1,$2,0,&($3),$5,NULL);} | UNSIGNED image_aspect WIDTH REFERENCE HEIGHT REFERENCE {$$=hput_image_spec($1,$2,$4,NULL,$6,NULL);}; image: image_spec list {$$=$1;}; content_node: start IMAGE image END { hput_tags($1,TAG(image_kind,$3));}; @ \writecode @= void hwrite_image(Image *x) { RNG("Section number",x->n,3,max_section_no); hwritef(" %u",x->n); if (x->a!=0.0) hwrite_float64(x->a); if (x->wr!=0) hwritef(" width *%u",x->wr); else if (x->w.w!=0 ||x->w.h!=0.0 || x->w.v!=0.0) { hwritef(" width"); hwrite_xdimen(&x->w); } if (x->hr!=0) hwritef(" height *%u",x->hr); else if (x->h.w!=0 || x->h.h!=0.0 || x->h.v!=0.0) { hwritef(" height"); hwrite_xdimen(&x->h); } } @ \getcode @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(image_kind,b001): @+ HGET_IMAGE(b001);@+break; case TAG(image_kind,b010): @+ HGET_IMAGE(b010);@+break; case TAG(image_kind,b011): @+ HGET_IMAGE(b011);@+break; case TAG(image_kind,b100): @+ HGET_IMAGE(b100);@+break; case TAG(image_kind,b101): @+ HGET_IMAGE(b101);@+break; case TAG(image_kind,b110): @+ HGET_IMAGE(b110);@+break; case TAG(image_kind,b111): @+ HGET_IMAGE(b111);@+break; @ @= #define @[HGET_IMAGE(I)@] @/\ { Image x={0};\ HGET16(x.n);\ if ((I)&b100) { x.a=hget_float32();\ if ((I)==b111) {hget_xdimen_node(&x.w);hget_xdimen_node(&x.h);}\ else if ((I)==b110) {x.hr=HGET8;hget_xdimen_node(&x.w);}\ else if ((I)==b101) {x.wr=HGET8;hget_xdimen_node(&x.h);}\ else {x.wr=HGET8;x.hr=HGET8;}}\ else if((I)==b011) {HGET32(x.w.w);HGET32(x.h.w);} \ else if((I)==b010) { x.a=hget_float32(); HGET32(x.w.w);}\ else if((I)==b001){ x.a=hget_float32(); HGET32(x.h.w);}\ hwrite_image(&x);\ {List d; hget_list(&d);hwrite_list(&d);}}@/ @ Because the long format can omit part of the image specification which is required for the short format if the necessary information is contained in the image data, we have to implement the extraction of image information before we can implement the |hput_image_spec| function. \putcode @= @@; Info hput_image_spec(uint32_t n, float32_t a, uint32_t wr, Xdimen *w, uint32_t hr, Xdimen *h) { HPUT16(n); if (w!=NULL && h!=NULL) { if (w->h==0.0 && w->v==0.0 && h->h==0.0 && h->v==0.0) return hput_image_dimens(n,a,w->w,h->w); else { hput_image_aspect(n,a); hput_xdimen_node(w);hput_xdimen_node(h); return b111; } } else if (w!=NULL && h==NULL) { if (w->h==0.0 && w->v==0.0 && hr==zero_xdimen_no) return hput_image_dimens(n,a,w->w,0); else { hput_image_aspect(n,a); HPUT8(hr);hput_xdimen_node(w); return b110; } } else if (w==NULL && h!=NULL) { if (wr==zero_xdimen_no && h->h==0.0 && h->v==0.0) return hput_image_dimens(n,a,0,h->w); else { hput_image_aspect(n,a); HPUT8(wr);hput_xdimen_node(h); return b101; } } else { if (wr==zero_xdimen_no && hr==zero_xdimen_no) return hput_image_dimens(n,a,0,0); else { hput_image_aspect(n,a); HPUT8(wr);HPUT8(hr); return b100; } } } @ If no extended dimensions are involved in an image specification, we use |hput_image_dimen|. @= @@; static Info hput_image_dimens(int n,float32_t a, Dimen w, Dimen h) { Dimen iw,ih; double ia; hget_image_dimens(n,&ia,&iw,&ih); @@; if (w!=0 && h!=0) { HPUT32(iw); HPUT32(ih); return b011; } else if (a!=0.0) { if (h!=0) { hput_float32((float32_t)ia); HPUT32(ih); return b001; } else { hput_float32((float32_t)ia); HPUT32(iw); return b010; } } else { HPUT32(iw); HPUT32(ih); return b011; } } @ If extended dimensions are involved, we need |hput_image_aspect|. @= static void hput_image_aspect(int n,double a) { if (a==0.0) {Dimen w,h; hget_image_dimens(n,&a,&w,&h);} if (a!=0.0) hput_float32(a); else QUIT("Unable to determine aspect ratio of image %d",n); } @ When we have found the width, height or aspect ratio of the stored image, we can merge this information with the information given by the user. Note that from width and height the aspect ratio can always be determined. The user might very well specify different values than stored in the image. In this case the user given dimensions are interpreted as maximum dimensions and the aspect ratio as given in the image file takes precedence over an user specified value. This is accomplished by the following: @= { if (ia==0.0) { if (a!=0.0) ia=a; else if(w!=0 && h!=0) ia=(double)w/(double)h; else QUIT("Unable to determine dimensions of image %d",n); } if (w==0 && h==0) { if (iw==0) iw=round(ih * ia); else if (ih==0) ih=round(iw/ia); } else if (h==0) { iw=w; ih=round(w/ia); } else if (w==0) { ih=h; iw=round(h*ia);} else { Dimen x; x = round(h*ia); if (w>x) w = x; x = round(w/ia); if (h>x) h=x; ih = h; iw = w; } } @ We define a few macros and variables for the reading of image files. @= #define IMG_BUF_MAX 54 #define IMG_HEAD_MAX 2 static unsigned char img_buf[IMG_BUF_MAX]; static size_t img_buf_size; #define @[LittleEndian32(X)@] (img_buf[(X)]+(img_buf[(X)+1]<<8)+\ (img_buf[(X)+2]<<16)+(img_buf[(X)+3]<<24)) #define @[BigEndian16(X)@] (img_buf[(X)+1]+(img_buf[(X)]<<8)) #define @[BigEndian32(X)@] (img_buf[(X)+3]+(img_buf[(X)+2]<<8)+\ (img_buf[(X)+1]<<16)+(img_buf[(X)]<<24)) #define Match2(X,A,B) ((img_buf[(X)]==(A)) && (img_buf[(X)+1]==(B))) #define Match4(X,A,B,C,D) (Match2(X,A,B)&&Match2((X)+2,C,D)) #define @[GET_IMG_BUF(X)@] \ if (img_buf_size= static bool get_BMP_info(FILE *f, char *fn, double *a, Dimen *w, Dimen *h) { double wpx,hpx; double xppm,yppm; GET_IMG_BUF(2); if (!Match2(0,'B','M')) return false; GET_IMG_BUF(0x2E); wpx=(double)LittleEndian32(0x12); /*width in pixel*/ hpx=(double)LittleEndian32(0x16); /*height in pixel*/ xppm=(double)LittleEndian32(0x26); /* horizontal pixel per meter*/ yppm=(double)LittleEndian32(0x2A); /* vertical pixel per meter*/ *w= floor(0.5+ONE*(72.00*1000.0/25.4)*wpx/xppm); *h= floor(0.5+ONE*(72.00*1000.0/25.4)*hpx/yppm); *a = (wpx/xppm)/(hpx/yppm); return true; } @ Now we repeat this process for image files using the Portable Network Graphics file format. This file format is well suited to simple graphics that do not use color gradients. These images usually have the extension {\tt .png} and start with an eight byte signature: |0x89| followed by the ASCII Codes `P', `N', `G', followd by a carriage return (|0x0D| and line feed (|0x0A|), an DOS end-of-file character (|0x1A|) and final line feed (|0x0A|). After the signature follows a list of chunks. The first chunk is the image header chunk. Each chunk starts with the size of the chunk stored as big-endian 32 bit integer, followed by the chunk name stored as four ASCII codes followed by the chunk data and a CRC. The size, as stored in the chunk, does not include the size itself, nor the name, and neither the CRC. The first chunk is the IHDR chunk. The chunk data of the IHDR chunk starts with the width and the height of the image in pixels stored as 32 bit big-endian integers. Finding the image resolution takes some more effort. The image resolution is stored in an optional chunk named ``pHYs'' for the physical pixel dimensions. All we know is that this chunk, if it exists, will appear after the IHDR chunk and before the (required) IDAT chunk. The pHYs chunk contains two 32 bit big-endian integers, giving the horizontal and vertical pixels per unit, and a one byte unit specifier, which is either 0 for an undefined unit or 1 for the meter as unit. With an undefined unit, only the aspect ratio of the pixels and hence the aspect ratio of the image can be determined. @= static bool get_PNG_info(FILE *f, char *fn, double *a, Dimen *w, Dimen *h) { int pos, size; double wpx,hpx; double xppu,yppu; int unit; GET_IMG_BUF(24); if (!Match4(0, 0x89, 'P', 'N', 'G') || !Match4(4, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A)) return false; size=BigEndian32(8); if (!Match4(12,'I', 'H', 'D', 'R')) return false; wpx=(double)BigEndian32(16); hpx=(double)BigEndian32(20); pos=20+size; while (true) { if (fseek(f,pos,SEEK_SET)!=0) return false; img_buf_size=0; GET_IMG_BUF(17); size=BigEndian32(0); if (Match4(4,'p', 'H', 'Y', 's')) { xppu =(double)BigEndian32(8); yppu =(double)BigEndian32(12); unit=img_buf[16]; if (unit==0) { *a =(wpx/xppu)/(hpx/yppu); return true; } else if (unit==1) { *w=floor(0.5+ONE*(72.00/0.0254)*wpx/xppu); *h=floor(0.5+ONE*(72.00/0.0254)*hpx/yppu); *a = (wpx/xppu)/(hpx/yppu); return true; } else return false; } else if (Match4(4,'I', 'D', 'A', 'T')) return false; else pos=pos+12+size; } return false; } @ For photographs, the JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) is more appropriate. JPEG files come with all sorts of file extensions like {\tt .jpg}, {\tt .jpeg}, or {\tt .jfif}. We check the file siganture: it starts with the the SOI (Start of Image) marker |0xFF|, |0xD8| followed by the JIFI-Tag. The JIFI-Tag starts with the segment marker APP0 (|0xFF|, |0xE0|) followed by the 2 byte segment size, followed by the ASCII codes `J', `F', `I', `F' followed by a zero byte. Next is a two byte version number which we do not read. Before the resolution proper there is a resolution unit indicator byte (0 = no units, 1 = dots per inch, 2 = dots per cm) and then comes the horizontal and vertical resolution both as 16 Bit big-endian integers. To find the actual width and height, we have to search for a start of frame marker (|0xFF|, |0xC0|+$n$ with $0\le n\le 15$). Which is followed by the 2 byte segment size, the 1 byte sample precission, the 2 byte height and the 2 byte width. @= static bool get_JPG_info(FILE *f, char *fn, double *a, Dimen *w, Dimen *h) { int pos, size; double wpx,hpx; double xppu,yppu; int unit; GET_IMG_BUF(18); if (!Match4(0, 0xFF,0xD8, 0xFF, 0xE0)) return false; size=BigEndian16(4); if (!Match4(6,'J', 'F', 'I', 'F')) return false; if (img_buf[10] != 0) return false; unit=img_buf[13]; xppu=(double)BigEndian16(14); yppu=(double)BigEndian16(16); pos=4+size; while (true) { if (fseek(f,pos,SEEK_SET)!=0) return false; img_buf_size=0; GET_IMG_BUF(10); if (img_buf[0] != 0xFF) return false; /* Not the start of a segment */ if ( (img_buf[1]&0xF0) == 0xC0) /* Start of Frame */ { hpx =(double)BigEndian16(5); wpx =(double)BigEndian16(7); if (unit==0) { *a = (wpx/xppu)/(hpx/yppu); return true; } else if (unit==1) { *w = floor(0.5+ONE*72.00*wpx/xppu); *h = floor(0.5+ONE*72.00*hpx/yppu); *a = (wpx/xppu)/(hpx/yppu); return true; } else if (unit==2) { *w = floor(0.5+ONE*(72.00/2.54)*wpx/xppu); *h = floor(0.5+ONE*(72.00/2.54)*hpx/yppu); *a = (wpx/xppu)/(hpx/yppu); return true; } else return false; } else { size= BigEndian16(2); pos=pos+2+size; } } return false; } @ There is still one image format missing: scalable vector graphics. In the moment, I tend not to include a further image format into the definition of the \HINT\ file format but instead use the PostScript subset that is used for Type 1 fonts to encode vector graphics. Any \HINT\ viewer must support Type 1 PostScript fonts and hence it has already the necessary interpreter. So it seems reasonable to put the burden of converting vector graphics into a Type 1 PostScript font on the generator of \HINT\ files and keep the \HINT\ viewer as small and simple as possible. Now we determine width, height and aspect ratio based on an image file. We combine all three functions into the |hget_image_dimens| function. @= static void hget_image_dimens(int n, double *a, Dimen *w, Dimen *h) { char *fn; FILE *f; *a=0.0; *w=*h=0; fn=dir[n].file_name; f=fopen(fn,"rb"); if (f!=NULL) { img_buf_size=0; if (!get_BMP_info(f,fn,a,w,h) && !get_PNG_info(f,fn,a,w,h) && !get_JPG_info(f,fn,a,w,h)) DBG(DBGDEF,"Unknown image type %s",fn); fclose(f); DBG(DBGDEF,"image %d: width= %fpt height= %fpt\n", n,*w/(double)ONE,*h/(double)ONE); } } @ \subsection{Positions, Outlines, Links, and Labels}\label{labels} \index{position}\index{outline}\index{link}\index{label} A viewer can usually not display the entire content section of a \HINT\ file. Instead it will display a page of content and will give its user various means to change the page. This might be as simple as a ``page down'' or ``page up'' button (or gesture) and as sophisticated as searching using regular expressions. More traditional ways to navigate the content include the use of a table of content or an index of keywords. All these methods of changing a page have in common that a part of the content that fits nicely in the screen area provided by the output device must be rendered given a position inside the content section. Let's assume that the viewer uses a \HINT\ file in short format---after all that's the format designed for precisely this use. A position inside the content section is then the position of the starting byte of a node. Such a position can be stored as a 32 bit number. Because even the smallest node contains two tag bytes, the position of any node is strictly smaller than the maximum 32 bit number which we can conveniently use as a ``non position''. @= #define HINT_NO_POS 0xFFFFFFFF @ To render a page starting at a given position is not difficult: We just read content nodes, starting at the given position and feed them to \TeX's page builder until the page is complete. To implement a ``clickable'' table of content this is good enough. We store with every entry in the table of content the position of the section header, and when the user clicks the entry, the viewer can display a new page starting exactly with that section header. Things are slightly more complex if we want to implement a ``page down'' button. If we press this button, we want the next page to start exactly where the current page has ended. This is typically in the middle of a paragraph node, and it might even be in the middle of an hyphenated word in that paragraph. Fortunately, paragraph and table nodes are the only nodes that can be broken across page boundaries. But broken paragraph nodes are a common case non the less, and unless we want to search for the enclosing node, we need to augment in this case the primary 32 bit position inside the content section with a secondary position. Most of the time, 16 bit will suffice for this secondary position if we give it relative to the primary position. Further, if the list of nodes forming the paragraph is given as a text, we need to know the current font at the secondary position. Of course, the viewer can find it by scanning the initial part of the text, but when we think of a page down button, the viewer might already know it from rendering the previous page. Similar is the case of a ``page up'' button. Only here we need a page that ends precisely where our current page starts. Possibly even with the initial part of a hyphenated word. Here we need a reverse version of \TeX's page builder that assembles a ``good'' page from the bottom up instead of from the top down. Sure the viewer can cache the start position of the previous page (or the rendering of the entire page) if the reader has reached the current page using the page down button. But this is not possible in all cases. The reader might have reached the current page using the table of content or even an index or a search form. This is the most complex case to consider: a link from an index or a search form to the position of a keyword in the main text. Let's assume someone looks up the word ``M\"unchen''. Should the viewer then generate a page that starts in the middle of a sentence with the word ``M\"unchen''? Probably not! We want a page that shows at least the whole sentence if not the whole paragraph. Of course the program that generates the link could specify the position of the start of the paragraph instead of the position of the word. But that will not solve the problem. Just imagine reading the groundbreaking masterpiece of a German philosopher on a small hand-held device: the paragraph will most likely be very long and perhaps only part of the first sentence will fit on the small screen. So the desired keyword might not be found on the page that starts with the beginning of the paragraph; it might not even be on the next or next to next page. Only the viewer can decide what is the best fragment of content to display around the position of the given keyword. To summarize, we need three different ways to render a page for a given position: \itemize \item A page that starts exactly at the given position. \item A page that ends exactly at the given position. \item The ``best'' page that contains the given position somewhere in the middle. \enditemize \noindent A possible way to find the ``best'' page for the latter case could be the following: \itemize \item If the position is inside a paragraph, break the paragraph into lines. One line will contain the given position. Let's call this the destination line. \item If the paragraph will not fit entirely on the page, start the page with the beginning of the paragraph if that will place the destination line on the page, otherwise start with a line in the paragraph that is about half a page before the destination line. \item Else traverse the content list backward for about $2/3$ of the page height and forward for about $2/3$ of the page height, searching for the smallest negative penalty node. Use the penalty node found as either the beginning or ending of the page. \item If there are several equally low negative penalty nodes. Prefer penalties preceding the destination line over penalty nodes following it. A good page start is more important than a good page end. \item If there are are still several equally low negative penalty nodes, choose the one whose distance to the destination line is closest to $1/2$ of the page height. \item If no negative penalty nodes could be found, start the page with the paragraph containing the destination line. \item Once the page start (or end) is found, use \TeX's page builder (or its reverse variant) to complete the page. \enditemize We call content nodes that reference some position inside the content section ``link'' nodes. The position that is referenced is called the destination of the link. Link nodes occur always in pairs of an ``on'' link followed by a corresponding ``off'' link that both reference the same position %, the same nesting level, % not sure! and no other link nodes between them. The content between the two will constitute the visible part of the link. To encode a position inside the content section that can be used as the destination of a link node, an other kind of node is needed which we call a ``label''. Links are not the only way to navigate inside a large document. The user interface can also present an ``outline'' of the document that can be used for navigation. An outline node implements an association between a name displayed by the user interface of the \HINT\ viewer and the destination position in the \HINT\ document. It is possible though that outline nodes, link nodes, and label nodes can share the same kind-value and we have |outline_kind==link_kind==label_kind|. To distinguish an outline node from a label node---both occur in the short format definition section---the |b100| info bit is set in an outline node. @= void hget_outline_or_label_def(Info i, uint32_t node_pos) { @+if (i&b100) @@; else @@; } @ The next thing we need to implement is a new maximum number for outline nodes. We store this number in the variable |max_outline| and limit it to a 16 bit value. In the short format, the value of |max_outline| is stored with the other maximum values using the kind value |outline_kind==label_kind| and the info value |b100| for single byte and |b101| for a two byte value. \codesection{\getsymbol}{Reading the Short Format}\getindex{1}{7}{Special Maximum Values} @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(outline_kind,b100): case TAG(outline_kind,b101): max_outline=n; DBG(DBGDEF|DBGLABEL,"max(outline) = %d\n",max_outline); break; @ \codesection{\putsymbol}{Writing the Short Format}\putindex{1}{7}{Special Maximum Values} @= if (max_outline>-1) { uint32_t pos=hpos++-hstart; DBG(DBGDEF|DBGLABEL,"max(outline) = %d\n",max_outline); hput_tags(pos,TAG(outline_kind,b100|(hput_n(max_outline)-1))); } @ \codesection{\wrtsymbol}{Writing the Long Format}\wrtindex{1}{7}{Special Maximum Values} @= @t\1\kern1em@> case label_kind: if (max_ref[label_kind]>-1)@/ { hwrite_start(); hwritef("label %d",max_ref[label_kind]); hwrite_end();@+ } if (max_outline>-1)@/ { hwrite_start(); hwritef("outline %d", max_outline); hwrite_end();@+ } break; @ \codesection{\redsymbol}{Reading the Long Format}\redindex{1}{7}{Special Maximum Values} @= max_value: OUTLINE UNSIGNED { max_outline=$2; RNG("max outline",max_outline,0, 0xFFFF); DBG(DBGDEF|DBGLABEL,"Setting max outline to %d\n",max_outline); }; @ After having seen the maximum values, we now explain labels, then links, and finally outlines. To store labels, we define a data type |Label| and an array |labels| indexed by the labels reference number. @= typedef struct {@+ uint32_t pos; /* position */ uint8_t where; /* where on the rendered page */ bool used; /* label used in a link or an outline */ int next; /* reference in a linked list */ uint32_t pos0;@+ uint8_t f; /* secondary position */ } Label; @ The |where| field indicates where the label position should be on the rendered page: at the top, at the bottom, or somewhere in the middle. An undefined label has |where| equal to zero. @= #define LABEL_UNDEF 0 #define LABEL_TOP 1 #define LABEL_BOT 2 #define LABEL_MID 3 @ @= Label *labels; int first_label=-1; @ The variable |first_label| will be used together with the |next| field of a label to construct a linked list of labels. @= if (max_ref[label_kind]>=0)@/ ALLOCATE(labels,max_ref[label_kind]+1,Label); @ The implementation of labels has to solve the problem of forward links: a link node that references a label that is not yet defined. We solve this problem by keeping all labels in the definition section. So for every label at least a definition is available before we start with the content section and we can fill in the position when the label is found. If we restrict labels to the definition section and do not have an alternative representation, the number of possible references is a hard limit on the number of labels in a document. Therefore label references are allowed to use 16 bit reference numbers. In the short format, the |b001| bit indicates a two byte reference number if set, and a one byte reference number otherwise. In the short format, the complete information about a label is in the definition section. In the long format, this is not possible because we do not have node positions. Therefore we will put label nodes at appropriate points in the content section and compute the label position when writing the short format. \gdef\subcodetitle{Labels} \readcode @s LABEL symbol @s BOT symbol @s MID symbol @s placement symbol @= %token LABEL "label" %token BOT "bot" %token MID "mid" %type placement @ @= ::@=label@> :< return LABEL; >: ::@=bot@> :< return BOT; >: ::@=mid@> :< return MID; >: @ A label node specifies the reference number and a placement. @= placement: TOP {$$=LABEL_TOP;} | BOT {$$=LABEL_BOT;} | MID {$$=LABEL_MID;} | {$$=LABEL_MID;}; content_node: START LABEL REFERENCE placement END @| { hset_label($3,$4); @+} @ After parsing a label, the function |hset_label| is called. @= void hset_label(int n,int w ) { Label *t; REF_RNG(label_kind,n); t=labels+n;@/ if (t->where!=LABEL_UNDEF) MESSAGE("Duplicate definition of label %d\n",n); t->where=w; t->pos=hpos-hstart; t->pos0=hpos0-hstart; t->next=first_label; first_label=n; } @ All that can be done by the above function is storing the data obtained in the |labels| array. The generation of the short format output is postponed until the entire content section has been parsed and the positions of all labels are known. One more complication needs to be considered: The |hput_list| function is allowed to move lists in the output stream and if positions inside the list were recorded in a label, these labels need an adjustment. To find out quickly if any labels are affected, the |hset_label| function constructs a linked list of labels starting with the reference number of the most recent label in |first_label| and the reference number of the label preceding label |i| in |labels[i].next|. Because labels are recorded with increasing positions, the list will be sorted with positions decreasing. @= { int i; for (i=first_label;i>=0 && labels[i].pos>=l->p;i=labels[i].next) { DBG(DBGNODE|DBGLABEL,"Moving label *%d by %d\n", i,d);@/ labels[i].pos+=d; if (labels[i].pos0>=l->p) labels[i].pos0+=d; } } @ The |hwrite_label| function\label{hwritelabel} is the reverse of the above parsing rule. Note that it is different from the usual |hwrite_|\dots\ functions. And we will see shortly why that is so. %see |hwrite_range| \writecode @= void hwrite_label(void) /* called in |hwrite_end| and at the start of a list */ {@+ while (first_label>=0 && (uint32_t)(hpos-hstart)>=labels[first_label].pos)@/ { Label *t=labels+first_label; DBG(DBGLABEL,"Inserting label *%d\n", first_label); hwrite_start(); hwritef("label *%d",first_label); if (t->where==LABEL_TOP) hwritef(" top"); else if (t->where==LABEL_BOT) hwritef(" bot"); nesting--;hwritec('>'); /* avoid a recursive call to |hwrite_end| */ first_label=labels[first_label].next; } } @ The short format specifies the label positions in the definition section. This is not possible in the long format because there are no ``positions'' in the long format. Therefore long format label nodes must be inserted in the content section just before those nodes that should come after the label. The function |hwrite_label| is called in |hwrite_end|. At that point |hpos| is the position of the next node and it can be compared with the positions of the labels taken from the definition section. Because |hpos| is strictly increasing while reading the content section, the comparison can be made efficient by sorting the labels. The sorting uses the |next| field in the array of |labels| to construct a linked list. After sorting, the value of |first_label| is the index of the label with the smallest position; and for each |i|, the value of |labels[i].next| is the index of the label with the next bigger position. If |labels[i].next| is negative, there is no next bigger position. Currently a simple insertion sort is used. The insertion sort will work well if the labels are already mostly in ascending order. If we expect lots of labels in random order, a more sophisticated sorting algorithm might be appropriate. @= void hsort_labels(void) { int i; if (max_ref[label_kind]<0) { first_label=-1; return; @+} /* empty list */ first_label=max_ref[label_kind]; while (first_label>=0 && labels[first_label].where==LABEL_UNDEF) first_label--; if (first_label<0) return; /* no defined labels */ labels[first_label].next=-1; DBG(DBGLABEL,"Sorting %d labels\n",first_label+1); for (i=first_label-1; i>=0; i--) /* insert label |i| */ if (labels[i].where!=LABEL_UNDEF)@/ { uint32_t pos=labels[i].pos; if (labels[first_label].pos >= pos)@/ { labels[i].next= first_label; first_label=i;@+ } /* new smallest */ else @/ { int j; for (j= first_label; labels[j].next>=0 && labels[labels[j].next].pos= { Label *t; int n; if (i&b001) HGET16(n); @+else n=HGET8; REF_RNG(label_kind,n); t=labels+n; if (t->where!=LABEL_UNDEF) DBG(DBGLABEL,"Duplicate definition of label %d at 0x%x\n",n, node_pos); HGET32(t->pos); t->where=HGET8; if (t->where==LABEL_UNDEF || t->where>LABEL_MID) DBG(DBGLABEL,"Label %d where value invalid: %d at 0x%x\n",n,t->where,node_pos); if (i&b010) /* secondary position */ { HGET32(t->pos0); t->f=HGET8;@+} else t->pos0=t->pos; DBG(DBGLABEL,"Defining label %d at 0x%x\n",n,t->pos); } @ The function |hput_label| is simply the reverse of the above code. \putcode @= uint8_t hput_label(int n, Label *l) { Info i=b000; HPUTX(13); if (n>0xFF) {i|=b001; HPUT16(n);@+}@+ else HPUT8(n); HPUT32(l->pos); HPUT8(l->where); if (l->pos!=l->pos0) { i|=b010; HPUT32(l->pos0); HPUT8(l->f); @+} return TAG(label_kind,i); } @ |hput_label_defs| is called by the parser after the entire content section has been processed; it appends the label definitions to the definition section. %Using the fact that the linked list %starting at |first_label| already contains all labels in %order of descending position, we could easily output the %labels in sorted order and reconstruct the sorting while reading %in the labels. The \HINT\ format however does not require %label nodes to be sorted and the |hsort_labels| function %can not be avoided. The outlines are stored after the labels because they reference the labels. @= extern void hput_definitions_end(void); extern uint8_t hput_outline(Outline *t); void hput_label_defs(void) { int n; section_no=1; hstart=dir[1].buffer; hend=hstart+ dir[1].bsize; hpos=hstart+dir[1].size;@/ @@; @@; hput_definitions_end(); } @ @= for (n=0; n<=max_ref[label_kind]; n++)@/ { Label *l=labels+n; uint32_t pos; if (l->used)@/ { pos=hpos++-hstart; hput_tags(pos,hput_label(n,l)); if (l->where==LABEL_UNDEF) MESSAGE("WARNING: Label *%d is used but not defined\n",n); else DBG(DBGDEF|DBGLABEL,"Label *%d defined 0x%x\n",n,pos);@/ } else { if (l->where!=LABEL_UNDEF) { pos=hpos++-hstart; hput_tags(pos,hput_label(n,l)); DBG(DBGDEF|DBGLABEL,"Label *%d defined but not used 0x%x\n",n,pos);@/ } } } @ Links are simpler than labels. They are found only in the content section and resemble pretty much what we have seen for other content nodes. Let's look at them next. When reading a short format link node, we use again the |b001| info bit to indicate a 16 bit reference number to a label. The |b010| info bit indicates an ``on'' link. \gdef\subcodetitle{Links} \getcode @= #define @[HGET_LINK(I)@] @/\ { int n; if (I&b001) HGET16(n);@+ else n=HGET8; @+ hwrite_link(n,I&b010); @+} @ @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(link_kind,b000): @+ HGET_LINK(b000);@+ break; case TAG(link_kind,b001): @+ HGET_LINK(b001);@+ break; case TAG(link_kind,b010): @+ HGET_LINK(b010);@+ break; case TAG(link_kind,b011): @+ HGET_LINK(b011);@+ break; @ The function |hput_link| will insert the link in the output stream and return the appropriate tag. \putcode @= uint8_t hput_link(int n, int on) { Info i; REF_RNG(label_kind,n); labels[n].used=true; if (on) i=b010;@+ else i=b000; if (n>0xFF) { i|=b001; HPUT16(n);@+} @+else HPUT8(n); return TAG(link_kind,i); } @ \readcode @s LINK symbol @= %token LINK "link" @ @= ::@=link@> :< return LINK; >: @ @= content_node:start LINK REFERENCE on_off END {@+ hput_tags($1,hput_link($3,$4));@+ }; @ \writecode @= void hwrite_link(int n, uint8_t on) { REF_RNG(label_kind,n); if (labels[n].where==LABEL_UNDEF) MESSAGE("WARNING: Link to an undefined label %d\n",n); hwrite_ref(n); if (on) hwritef(" on"); else hwritef(" off"); } @ Now we look at the outline nodes which are found only in the definition section. Every outline node is associated with a label node, giving the position in the document, and a unique title that should tell the user what to expect when navigating to this position. For example an item with the title ``Table of Content'' should navigate to the page that shows the table of content. The sequence of outline nodes found in the definition section gets a tree structure by assigning to each item a depth level. @= typedef struct {@+ uint8_t *t; /* title */ int s; /* title size */ int d; /* depth */ uint16_t r; /* reference to a label */ } Outline; @ @= Outline *outlines; @ @= if (max_outline>=0)@/ ALLOCATE(outlines,max_outline+1,Outline); @ Child items follow their parent item and have a bigger depth level. In the short format, the first item must be a root item, with a depth level of 0. Further, if any item has the depth $d$, then the item following it must have either the same depth $d$ in which case it is a sibling, or the depth $d+1$ in which case it is a child, or a depth $d^\prime$ with $0\le d^\prime= n=0;@+ while (n<=max_outline) n=hcompress_depth(n,0); @ Outline items must be listed in the order in which they should be displayed. The function |hcompress_depth(n,c)| will compress the subtree starting at |n| with root level |d| to a new tree with the same structure and root level |c|. It returns the outline number of the following subtree. @= int hcompress_depth(int n, int c) { int d=outlines[n].d; if (c>0xFF) QUIT("Outline %d, depth level %d to %d out of range",n,d,c); while (n<=max_outline) if (outlines[n].d==d) outlines[n++].d=c; else if (outlines[n].d>d) n=hcompress_depth(n,c+1); else break; return n; } @ For an outline node, the |b001| bit indicates a two byte reference to a label. There is no reference number for an outline item itself: it is never referenced anywhere in an \HINT\ file. \gdef\subcodetitle{Outlines} \vbox{\getcode\vskip -\baselineskip\writecode} @= { int r,d; List l; static int outline_no=-1; hwrite_start();@+hwritef("outline"); ++outline_no; RNG("outline",outline_no, 0, max_outline); if (i&b001) HGET16(r);@+ else r=HGET8; REF_RNG(link_kind,r); if (labels[r].where==LABEL_UNDEF)@/ MESSAGE("WARNING: Outline with undefined label %d at 0x%x\n",@|r, node_pos); hwritef(" *%d",r);@/ d=HGET8; hwritef(" %d",d);@/ hget_list(&l);hwrite_list(&l);@/ hwrite_end(); } @ When parsing an outline definition in the long format, we parse the outline title as a |list| which will write the representation of the list to the output stream. Writing the outline definitions, however, must be postponed until the label have found their way into the definition section. So we save the list's representation in the outline node for later use and remove it again from the output stream. \readcode @s OUTLINE symbol @= %token OUTLINE "outline" @ @= ::@=outline@> :< return OUTLINE; >: @ @= def_node: START OUTLINE REFERENCE integer position list END { static int outline_no=-1; $$.k=outline_kind; $$.n=$3; if ($6.s==0) QUIT("Outline with empty title in line %d",yylineno); outline_no++; hset_outline(outline_no,$3,$4,$5); }; @ @= void hset_outline(int m, int r, int d, uint32_t pos) { Outline *t; RNG("Outline",m,0,max_outline); t=outlines+m; REF_RNG(label_kind,r); t->r=r; t->d=d; t->s=hpos-(hstart+pos); hpos=(hstart+pos); ALLOCATE(t->t,t->s,uint8_t); memmove(t->t,hpos,t->s); labels[r].used=true; } @ To output the title, we need to move the list back to the output stream. Before doing so, we allocate space (and make sure there is room left for the end tag of the outline node), and after doing so, we release the memory used to save the title. @= memmove(hpos,t->t,t->s); hpos=hpos+t->s; free(t->t); @ We output all outline definitions from 0 to |max_outline| and check that every one of them has a title. Thereby we make sure that in the short format |max_outline| matches the number of outline definitions. \putcode @= uint8_t hput_outline(Outline *t) { Info i=b100; HPUTX(t->s+4); if (t->r>0xFF) {i|=b001; @+HPUT16(t->r);@+} @+else HPUT8(t->r); labels[t->r].used=true; HPUT8(t->d); @@; return TAG(outline_kind,i); } @ @= @@; for (n=0;n<=max_outline;n++) { Outline *t=outlines+n; uint32_t pos; pos=hpos++-hstart; if (t->s==0 || t->t==NULL) QUIT("Definition of outline %d has an empty title",n); DBG(DBGDEF|DBGLABEL,"Outline *%d defined\n",n);@/ hput_tags(pos,hput_outline(t)); } @ \subsection{Colors} Colors\index{color} are certainly one of the features you will find in the final \HINT\ file format. Here some remarks must suffice. A \HINT\ viewer must be capable of rendering a page given just any valid position inside the content section. Therefore \HINT\ files are stateless; there is no need to search for preceding commands that might change a state variable. As a consequence, we can not just define a ``color change node''. Colors could be specified as an optional parameter of a glyph node, but the amount of data necessary would be considerable. In texts, on the other hand, a color change control code would be possible because we parse texts only in forward direction. The current font would then become a current color and font with the appropriate changes for positions. A more attractive alternative would be to specify colored fonts. This would require an optional color argument for a font. For example one could have a cmr10 font in black as font number 3, and a cmr10 font in blue as font number 4. Having 256 different fonts, this is definitely a possibility because rarely you would need that many fonts or that many colors. If necessary and desired, one could allow 16 bit font numbers of overcome the problem. Background colors could be associated with boxes as an optional parameter. \section{Replacing \TeX's Page Building Process} \TeX\ uses an output\index{output routine} routine to finalize the page. It uses the accumulated material from the page builder, found in {\tt box255}, attaches headers, footers, and floating material like figures, tables, and footnotes. The latter material is specified by insert nodes while headers and footers are often constructed using mark nodes. Running an output routine requires the full power of the \TeX\ engine and will not be part of the \HINT\ viewer. Therefore, \HINT\ replaces output routines by page templates\index{template}. As \TeX\ can use different output routines for different parts of a book---for example the index might use a different output routine than the main body of text---\HINT\ will allow multiple page templates. To support different output media, the page templates will be named and a suitable user interface may offer the user a selection of possible page layouts. In this way, the page layout remains in the hands of the book designer, and the user has still the opportunity to pick a layout that best fits the display device. \TeX\ uses insertions to describe floating content that is not necessarily displayed where it is specified. Three examples may illustrate this: \itemize \item Footnotes\footnote*{Like this one.} are specified in the middle of the text but are displayed at the bottom of the page. Several footnotes\index{footnote} on the same page are collected and displayed together. The page layout may specify a short rule to separate footnotes from the main text, and if there are many short footnotes, it may use two columns to display them. In extreme cases, the page layout may demand a long footnote to be split and continued on the next page. \item Illustrations\index{illustration} may be displayed exactly where specified if there is enough room on the page, but may move to the top of the page, the bottom of the page, the top of next page, or a separate page at the end of the chapter. \item Margin notes\index{margin note} are displayed in the margin on the same page starting at the top of the margin. \enditemize \HINT\ uses page templates and content streams to achieve similar effects. But before I describe the page building\index{page building} mechanisms of \HINT, let me summarize \TeX's page builder. \TeX's page builder ignores leading glue\index{glue}, kern\index{kern}, and penalty\index{penalty} nodes until the first box\index{box} or rule\index{rule} is encountered; whatsit\index{whatsit node} nodes do not really contribute anything to a page; mark\index{mark node} nodes are recorded for later use. Once the first box, rule, or insert\index{insert node} arrives, \TeX\ makes copies of all parameters that influence the page building process and uses these copies. These parameters are the |page_goal| and the |page_max_depth|. Further, the variables |page_total|, |page_shrink|, |page_stretch|, |page_depth|, and {\it insert\_pe\-nal\-ties\/} are initialized to zero. The top skip\index{top skip} adjustment is made when the first box or rule arrives---possibly after an insert. Now the page builder accumulates material: normal material goes into {\tt box255}\index{box 255} and will change |page_total|, |page_shrink|, |page_stretch|, and |page_depth|. The latter is adjusted so that is does not exceed |page_max_depth|. The handling of inserts\index{insert node} is more complex. \TeX\ creates an insert class using \.{newinsert}. This reserves a number $n$ and four registers: {\tt box\hair$n$} for the inserted material, {\tt count\hair$n$} for the magnification factor $f$, {\tt dimen\hair$n$} for the maximum size per page $d$, and {\tt skip\hair$n$} for the extra space needed on a page if there are any insertions of class $n$. For example plain \TeX\ allocates $n=254$ for footnotes\index{footnote} and sets {\tt count254} to~$1000$, {\tt dimen254} to 8in, and {\tt skip254} to {\tt \BS bigskipamount}. An insertion node will specify the insertion class $n$, some vertical material, its natural height plus depth $x$, a {\it split\-\_top\-\_skip}, a {\it split\-\_max\_depth}, and a {\it floa\-ting\-\_pe\-nal\-ty}. Now assume that an insert node with subtype 254 arrives at the page builder. If this is the first such insert, \TeX\ will decrease the |page_goal| by the width of skip254 and adds its stretchability and shrinkability to the total stretchability and shrinkability of the page. Later, the output routine will add some space and the footnote rule to fill just that much space and add just that much shrinkability and stretchability to the page. Then \TeX\ will normally add the vertical material in the insert node to box254 and decrease the |page_goal| by $x\times f/1000$. Special processing is required if \TeX\ detects that there is not enough space on the current page to accommodate the complete insertion. If already a previous insert did not fit on the page, simply the |floating_penalty| as given in the insert node is added to the total |insert_penalties|. Otherwise \TeX\ will test that the total natural height plus depth of box254 including $x$ does not exceed the maximum size $d$ and that the $|page_total| + |page_depth| + x\times f/1000 - |page_shrink| \le |page_goal|$. If one of these tests fails, the current insertion is split in such a way as to make the size of the remaining insertions just pass the tests just stated. Whenever a glue node, or penalty node, or a kern node that is followed by glue arrives at the page builder, it rates the current position as a possible end of the page based on the shrinkability of the page and the difference between |page_total| and |page_goal|. As the page fills, the page breaks tend to become better and better until the page starts to get overfull and the page breaks get worse and worse until they reach the point where they become |awful_bad|. At that point, the page builder returns to the best page break found so far and fires up the output routine. Let's look next at the problems that show up when implementing a replacement mechanism for \HINT. \enumerate \item An insertion node can not always specify its height $x$ because insertions may contain paragraphs that need to be broken in lines and the height of a paragraph depends in some non obvious way on its width. \item Before the viewer can compute the height $x$, it needs to know the width of the insertion. Just imagine displaying footnotes in two columns or setting notes in the margin. Knowing the width, it can pack the vertical material and derive its height and depth. \item \TeX's plain format provides an insert macro that checks whether there is still space on the current page, and if so, it creates a contribution to the main text body, otherwise it creates a topinsert. Such a decision needs to be postponed to the \HINT\ viewer. \item \HINT\ has no output routines that would specify something like the space and the rule preceding the footnote. \item \TeX's output routines have the ability to inspect the content of the boxes, split them, and distribute the content over the page. For example, the output routine for an index set in two column format might expect a box containing index entries up to a height of $2\times\.{vsize}$. It will split this box in the middle and display the top part in the left column and the bottom part in the right column. With this approach, the last page will show two partly filled columns of about equal size. \item \HINT\ has no mark nodes that could be used to create page headers or footers. Marks, like output routines, contain token lists and need the full \TeX\ interpreter for processing them. Hence, \HINT\ does not support mark nodes. \endenumerate Here now is the solution I have chosen for \HINT: Instead of output routines, \HINT\ will use page templates. Page templates are basically vertical boxes with placeholders marking the positions where the content of the box registers, filled by the page builder, should appear. To output the page, the viewer traverses the page template, replaces the placeholders by the appropriate box content, and sets the glue. Inside the page template, we can use insert nodes to act as placeholders. It is only natural to treat the page's main body, the inserts, and the marks using the same mechanism. We call this mechanism a content stream\index{stream}. Content streams are identified by a stream number in the range 0 to 254; the number 255 is used to indicate an invalid stream number. The stream number 0 is reserved for the main content stream; it is always defined. Besides the main content stream, there are three types of streams: \itemize \item normal streams correspond to \TeX's inserts and accumulate content on the page, \item first\index{first stream} streams correspond to \TeX's first marks and will contain only the first insertion of the page, \item last\index{last stream} streams correspond to \TeX's bottom marks and will contain only the last insertion of the page, and \item top\index{top stream} streams correspond to \TeX's top marks. Top streams are not yet implemented. \enditemize Nodes from the content section are considered contributions to stream 0 except for insert nodes which will specify the stream number explicitly. If the stream is not defined or is not used in the current page template, its content is simply ignored. The page builder needs a mechanism to redirect contributions from one content stream to another content stream based on the availability of space. Hence a \HINT\ content stream can optionally specify a preferred stream number, where content should go if there is still space available, a next stream number, where content should go if the present stream has no more space available, and a split ratio if the content is to be split between these two streams before filling in the template. Various stream parameters govern the treatment of contributions to the stream and the page building process. \itemize \item The magnification factor $f$: Inserting a box of height $h$ to this stream will contribute $h\times f/1000$ to the height of the page under construction. For example, a stream that uses a two column format will have an $f$ value of 500; a stream that specifies notes that will be displayed in the page margin will have an $f$ value of zero. \item The height $h$: The extended dimension $h$ gives the maximum height this stream is allowed to occupy on the current page. To continue the previous example, a stream that will be split into two columns will have $h=2\cdot\.{vsize}$ , and a stream that specifies notes that will be displayed in the page margin will have $h=1\cdot\.{vsize}$. You can restrict the amount of space occupied by footnotes to the bottom quarter by setting the corresponding $h$ value to $h=0.25\cdot\.{vsize}$. \item The depth $d$: The dimension $d$ gives the maximum depth this stream is allowed to have after formatting. \item The width $w$: The extended dimension $w$ gives the width of this stream when formatting its content. For example margin notes should have the width of the margin less some surrounding space. \item The ``before'' list $b$: If there are any contributions to this stream on the current page, the material in list $b$ is inserted {\it before\/} the material from the stream itself. For example, the short line that separates the footnotes from the main page will go, together with some surrounding space, into the list~$b$. \item The top skip glue $g$: This glue is inserted between the material from list $b$ and the first box of the stream, reduced by the height of the first box. Hence it specifies the distance between the material in $b$ and the first baseline of the stream content. \item The ``after'' list $a$: The list $a$ is treated like list $b$ but its material is placed {\it after\/} the material from the stream itself. \item The ``preferred'' stream number $p$: If $p\ne 255$, it is the number of the {\it preferred\/} stream. If stream $p$ has still enough room to accommodate the current contribution, move the contribution to stream $p$, otherwise keep it. For example, you can move an illustration to the main content stream, provided there is still enough space for it on the current page, by setting $p=0$. \item The ``next'' stream number $n$: If $n\ne 255$, it is the number of the {\it next\/} stream. If a contribution can not be accommodated in stream $p$ nor in the current stream, treat it as an insertion to stream $n$. For example, you can move contributions to the next column after the first column is full, or move illustrations to a separate page at the end of the chapter. \item The split ratio\index{split ratio} $r$: If $r$ is positive, both $p$ and $n$ must be valid stream numbers and contents is not immediately moved to stream $p$ or $n$ as described before. Instead the content is kept in the stream itself until the current page is complete. Then, before inserting the streams into the page template, the content of this stream is formatted as a vertical box, the vertical box is split into a top fraction and a bottom fraction in the ratio $r/1000$ for the top and $(1000-r)/1000$ for the bottom, and finally the top fraction is moved to stream $p$ and the bottom fraction to stream $n$. You can use this feature for example to implement footnotes arranged in two columns of about equal size. By collecting all the footnotes in one stream and then splitting the footnotes with $r=500$ before placing them on the page into a right and left column. Even three or more columns can be implemented by cascades of streams using this mechanism. \enditemize \subsection{Stream Definitions} \index{stream} There are four types of streams: normal streams that work like \TeX's inserts; and first, last, and top streams that work like \TeX's marks. For the latter types, the long format uses a matching keyword and the short format the two least significant info bits. All stream definitions start with the stream number. In definitions of normal streams after the number follows in this order \itemize \item the maximum insertion height, \item the magnification factor, and \item information about splitting the stream. It consists of: a preferred stream, a next stream, and a split ratio. An asterisk indicates a missing stream reference, in the short format the stream number 255 serves the same purpose. \enditemize All stream definitions finish with \itemize \item the ``before'' list, \item an extended dimension node specifying the width of the inserted material, \item the top skip glue, \item the ``after'' list, \item and the total height, stretchability, and shrinkability of the material in the ``before'' and ``after'' list. \enditemize A special case is the stream definition for stream 0, the main content stream. None of the above information is necessary for it so it is omitted. Stream definitions, including the definition of stream 0, occur only inside page template definitions\index{template} where they occur twice in two different roles: In the stream definition list, they define properties of the stream and in the template they mark the insertion point (see section~\secref{page}). In the latter case, stream nodes just contain the stream number. Because a template looks like ordinary vertical material, we like to use the same functions for parsing it. But stream definitions are very different from stream content nodes. To solve the problem for the long format, the scanner will return two different tokens when it sees the keyword ``{\tt stream}''. In the definition section, it will return |STREAMDEF| and in the content section |STREAM|. The same problem is solved in the short format by using the |b100| bit to mark a definition. \goodbreak \vbox{\readcode\vskip -\baselineskip\putcode} @s STREAM symbol @s STREAMDEF symbol @s TOP symbol @s FIRST symbol @s LAST symbol @s NOREFERENCE symbol @s stream_type symbol @s stream_info symbol @s stream_split symbol @s stream_link symbol @s stream_def_node symbol @s stream_ins_node symbol @s stream_ref symbol @= %token STREAM "stream" %token STREAMDEF "stream (definition)" %token FIRST "first" %token LAST "last" %token TOP "top" %token NOREFERENCE "*" %type stream_type %type stream_ref %type stream_def_node @ @= ::@=stream@> :< if (section_no==1) return STREAMDEF; else return STREAM;@+ >: ::@=first@> :< return FIRST; >: ::@=last@> :< return LAST; >: ::@=top@> :< return TOP; >: ::@=\*@> :< return NOREFERENCE; >: @ @= stream_link: ref { REF_RNG(stream_kind,$1); } | NOREFERENCE {HPUT8(255);}; stream_split: stream_link stream_link UNSIGNED @/{RNG("split ratio",$3,0,1000); HPUT16($3);}; stream_info: xdimen_node UNSIGNED @/{RNG("magnification factor",$2,0,1000); HPUT16($2);} stream_split; stream_type: stream_info {$$=0;} |FIRST {$$=1;} @+ | LAST {$$=2;} @+ |TOP {$$=3;} ; stream_def_node: start STREAMDEF ref stream_type @/ list xdimen_node glue_node list glue_node END @/ {@+ DEF($$,stream_kind,$3); @+ hput_tags($1,TAG(stream_kind,$4|b100));}; stream_ins_node: start STREAMDEF ref END@/ { RNG("Stream insertion",$3,0,max_ref[stream_kind]); hput_tags($1,TAG(stream_kind,b100));}; content_node: stream_def_node @+ | stream_ins_node; @ \goodbreak \vbox{\getcode\vskip -\baselineskip\writecode} @= { Xdimen x; uint16_t f,r; uint8_t n; DBG(DBGDEF,"Defining normal stream %d at " SIZE_F "\n",*(hpos-1),hpos-hstart-2); hget_xdimen_node(&x); @+hwrite_xdimen_node(&x); HGET16(f); @+RNG("magnification factor",f,0,1000);@+ hwritef(" %d",f); n=HGET8; if (n==255) hwritef(" *"); else { REF_RNG(stream_kind,n);@+hwrite_ref(n);@+} n=HGET8; if (n==255) hwritef(" *"); else { REF_RNG(stream_kind,n);@+hwrite_ref(n);@+} HGET16(r); RNG("split ratio",r,0,1000); hwritef(" %d",r); } @ @= static bool hget_stream_def(void) {@+ if (KIND(*hpos)!=stream_kind || !(INFO(*hpos)&b100)) return false; else { Ref df; @@; DBG(DBGDEF,"Defining stream %d at " SIZE_F "\n",*hpos,hpos-hstart-1); DEF(df,stream_kind,HGET8); hwrite_start();@+hwritef("stream");@+@+hwrite_ref(df.n); if (df.n>0) { Xdimen x; @+ List l; if (INFO(a)==b100) @@; else if (INFO(a)==b101) hwritef(" first"); else if(INFO(a)==b110) hwritef(" last"); else if (INFO(a)==b111) hwritef(" top"); hget_list(&l);@+ hwrite_list(&l); hget_xdimen_node(&x); @+hwrite_xdimen_node(&x); hget_glue_node();@+ hget_list(&l);@+ hwrite_list(&l);@+ hget_glue_node(); } @@; hwrite_end(); return true; } } @ When stream definitions are part of the page template, we call them stream insertion points. They contain only the stream reference and are parsed by the usual content parsing functions. @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(stream_kind,b100): {uint8_t n=HGET8;@+ REF_RNG(stream_kind,n); @+hwrite_ref(n); @+ break; @+} @ \subsection{Stream Content} Stream\index{stream} nodes occur in the content section where they must not be inside other nodes except toplevel paragraph\index{paragraph} nodes. A normal stream node contains in this order: the stream reference number, the optional stream parameters, and the stream content. The content is either a vertical box or an extended vertical box. The stream parameters consists of the |floating_penalty|, the |split_max_depth|, and the |split_top_skip|. The parameterlist can be given explicitly or as a reference. In the short format, the info bits |b010| indicate a normal stream content node with an explicit parameter list and the info bits |b000| a normal stream with a parameter list reference. If the info bit |b001| is set, we have a content node of type top, first, or last. In this case, the short format has instead of the parameter list a single byte indicating the type. These types are currently not yet implemented. \goodbreak \vbox{\readcode\vskip -\baselineskip\putcode} @s stream symbol @= %type stream @ @= stream: empty_param_list list {$$=b010;} | empty_param_list non_empty_param_list list {$$=b010;} | param_ref list {$$=b000;}; content_node: start STREAM stream_ref stream END @/{@+hput_tags($1,TAG(stream_kind,$4)); @+}; @ \goodbreak \vbox{\getcode\vskip -\baselineskip\writecode} @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(stream_kind,b000): HGET_STREAM(b000); @+ break; case TAG(stream_kind,b010): HGET_STREAM(b010); @+ break; @ When we read stream numbers, we relax the define before use policy. We just check, that the stream number is in the correct range. \goodbreak @= #define @[HGET_STREAM(I)@] @/\ {uint8_t n=HGET8;@+ REF_RNG(stream_kind,n); @+hwrite_ref(n);@+}\ if ((I)&b010) { List l; @+hget_param_list(&l); @+hwrite_param_list(&l); @+} \ else HGET_REF(param_kind);\ { List l; @+hget_list(&l);@+ hwrite_list(&l); @+} @ \subsection{Page Template Definitions}\label{page} A \HINT\ file can define multiple page templates\index{template}. Not only might an index demand a different page layout than the main body of text, also the front page or the chapter headings might use their own page templates. Further, the author of a \HINT\ file might define a two column format as an alternative to a single column format to be used if the display area is wide enough. To help in selecting the right page template, page template definitions start with a name and an optional priority\index{priority}; the default priority is 1. The names might appear in a menu from which the user can select a page layout that best fits her taste. Without user interaction, the system can pick the template with the highest priority. Of course, a user interface might provide means to alter priorities. Future versions might include sophisticated feature-vectors that identify templates that are good for large or small displays, landscape or portrait mode, etc \dots After the priority follows a glue node to specify the topskip glue and the dimension of the maximum page depth, an extended dimension to specify the page height and an extended dimension to specify the page width. Then follows the main part of a page template definition: the template. The template consists of a list of vertical material. To construct the page, this list will be placed into a vertical box and the glue will be set. But of course before doing so, the viewer will scan the list and replace all stream insertion points by the appropriate content streams. Let's call the vertical box obtained this way ``the page''. The page will fill the entire display area top to bottom and left to right. It defines not only the appearance of the main body of text but also the margins, the header, and the footer. Because the \.{vsize} and \.{hsize} variables of \TeX\ are used for the vertical and horizontal dimension of the main body of text---they do not include the margins---the page will usually be wider than \.{hsize} and taller than \.{vsize}. The dimensions of the page are part of the page template. The viewer, knowing the actual dimensions of the display area, can derive from them the actual values of \.{hsize} and \.{vsize}. Stream definitions are listed after the template. The page template with number 0 is always defined and has priority 0. It will display just the main content stream. It puts a small margin of $\.{hsize}/8 -4.5\hbox{pt}$ all around it. Given a letter size page, 8.5 inch wide, this formula yields a margin of 1 inch, matching \TeX's plain format. The margin will be positive as long as the page is wider than $1/2$ inch. For narrower pages, there will be no margin at all. In general, the \HINT\ viewer will never set {\tt hsize} larger than the width of the page and {\tt vsize} larger than its height. %8.5 in should give 1 inch margin 2/17 %612pt should give 72pt margin %72pt = 612/8-4.5pt %This would give a positive margin starting at 36pt or 1/2 inch \goodbreak \vbox{\readcode\vskip -\baselineskip\putcode} @s PAGE symbol @s page_priority symbol @s page symbol @s stream_def_list symbol @= %token PAGE "page" @ @= ::@=page@> :< return PAGE; >: @ @= page_priority: { HPUT8(1); } | UNSIGNED { RNG("page priority",$1,0,255); HPUT8($1); }; stream_def_list: | stream_def_list stream_def_node; page: string { hput_string($1);} page_priority glue_node dimension {@+HPUT32($5);@+} xdimen_node xdimen_node list stream_def_list ; @ \goodbreak \vbox{\getcode\vskip -\baselineskip\writecode} @= void hget_page(void) { char *n; uint8_t p; Xdimen x; List l; HGET_STRING(n);@+ hwrite_string(n); p=HGET8; @+ if (p!=1) hwritef(" %d",p); hget_glue_node(); hget_dimen(TAG(dimen_kind,b001)); hget_xdimen_node(&x); @+hwrite_xdimen_node(&x); /* page height */ hget_xdimen_node(&x); @+hwrite_xdimen_node(&x); /* page width */ hget_list(&l);@+ hwrite_list(&l); while (hget_stream_def()) continue; } @ \subsection{Page Ranges}\label{range}\index{page range} Not every template\index{template} is necessarily valid for the entire content section. A page range specifies a start position $a$ and an end position $b$ in the content section and the page template is valid if the start position $p$ of the page is within that range: $a\le p < b$. If paging backward this definition might cause problems because the start position of the page is known only after the page has been build. In this case, the viewer might choose a page template based on the position at the bottom of the page. If it turns out that this ``bottom template'' is no longer valid when the page builder has found the start of the page, the viewer might display the page anyway with the bottom template, it might just display the page with the new ``top template'', or rerun the whole page building process using this time the ``top template''. Neither of these alternatives is guaranteed to produce a perfect result because changing the page template might change the amount of material that fits on the page. A good page template design should take this into account. The representation of page ranges differs significantly for the short format and the long format. The short format will include a list of page ranges in the definition section which consist of a page template number, a start position, and an end position. In the long format, the start and end position of a page range is marked with a page range node switching the availability of a page template on and off. Such a page range node must be a top level node. It is an error, to switch a page template off that was not switched on, or to switch a page template on that was already switched on. It is permissible to omit switching off a page template at the very end of the content section. While we parse a long format \HINT\ file, we store page ranges and generate the short format after reaching the end of the content section. While we parse a short format \HINT\ file, we check at the end of each top level node whether we should insert a page range node into the output. For the \.{shrink} program, it is best to store the start and end positions of all page ranges in an array sorted by the position\footnote*{For a \HINT\ viewer, a data structure which allows fast retrieval of all valid page templates for a given position is needed.}. To check the restrictions on the switching of page templates, we maintain for every page template an index into the range array which identifies the position where the template was switched on. A zero value instead of an index will identify templates that are currently invalid. When switching a range off again, we link the two array entries using this index. These links are useful when producing the range nodes in short format. A range node in short format contains the template number, the start position and the end position. A zero start position is not stored, the info bit |b100| indicates a nonzero start position. An end position equal to |HINT_NO_POS| is not stored, the info bit |b010| indicates a smaller end position. The info bit |b001| indicates that positions are stored using 2 byte otherwise 4 byte are used for the positions. @= typedef struct {@+uint8_t pg; @+uint32_t pos; @+ bool on; @+int link;@+} RangePos; @ @= RangePos *range_pos; int next_range=1, max_range; int *page_on; @ @= ALLOCATE(page_on,max_ref[page_kind]+1,int); ALLOCATE(range_pos,2*(max_ref[range_kind]+1),RangePos); @ @= #define @[ALLOCATE(R,S,T)@] @/((R)=@[(T *)calloc((S),sizeof(T)),\ (((R)==NULL)?QUIT("Out of memory for " #R):0)) #define @[REALLOCATE(R,S,T)@] @/((R)=@[(T *)realloc((R),(S)*sizeof(T)),\ (((R)==NULL)?QUIT("Out of memory for " #R):0)) @ \readcode @s RANGE symbol @= %token RANGE "range" @ @= ::@=range@> :< return RANGE; >: @ @= content_node: START RANGE REFERENCE ON END @/{ REF(page_kind,$3);hput_range($3,true);} | START RANGE REFERENCE OFF END @/{ REF(page_kind,$3);hput_range($3,false);}; @ \writecode @= void hwrite_range(void) /* called in |hwrite_end| */ { uint32_t p=hpos-hstart; DBG(DBGRANGE,"Range check at pos 0x%x next at 0x%x\n",p,range_pos[next_range].pos); while (next_range'); /* avoid a recursive call to |hwrite_end| */ next_range++; } } @ \getcode @= void hget_range(Info info, uint8_t pg) { uint32_t from, to; REF(page_kind,pg); REF(range_kind,(next_range-1)/2); if (info&b100) @+ { @+ if (info&b001) HGET32(from); @+else HGET16(from); @+} else from=0; if (info&b010) @+ { @+if (info&b001) HGET32(to); @+else HGET16(to); @+} else to=HINT_NO_POS; range_pos[next_range].pg=pg; range_pos[next_range].on=true; range_pos[next_range].pos=from; DBG(DBGRANGE,"Range *%d from 0x%x\n",pg,from); DBG(DBGRANGE,"Range *%d to 0x%x\n",pg,to); next_range++; if (to!=HINT_NO_POS) @/ { range_pos[next_range].pg=pg; range_pos[next_range].on=false; range_pos[next_range].pos=to; next_range++; } } @ @= void hsort_ranges(void) /* simple insert sort by position */ { int i; DBG(DBGRANGE,"Range sorting %d positions\n",next_range-1); for(i=3; i= void hput_range(uint8_t pg, bool on) { if (((next_range-1)/2)>max_ref[range_kind]) QUIT("Page range %d > %d",(next_range-1)/2,max_ref[range_kind]); if (on && page_on[pg]!=0) QUIT(@["Template %d is switched on at 0x%x and " SIZE_F@],@| pg, range_pos[page_on[pg]].pos, hpos-hstart); else if (!on && page_on[pg]==0) QUIT(@["Template %d is switched off at " SIZE_F " but was not on"@],@| pg, hpos-hstart); DBG(DBGRANGE,@["Range *%d %s at " SIZE_F "\n"@],pg,on?"on":"off",hpos-hstart); range_pos[next_range].pg=pg; range_pos[next_range].pos=hpos-hstart; range_pos[next_range].on=on; if (on) page_on[pg]=next_range; else @/{ range_pos[next_range].link =page_on[pg]; range_pos[page_on[pg]].link=next_range; page_on[pg]=0; } next_range++; } void hput_range_defs(void) { int i; section_no=1; hstart=dir[1].buffer; hend=hstart+ dir[1].bsize; hpos=hstart+dir[1].size; for (i=1; i< next_range;i++) if (range_pos[i].on)@/ { Info info=b000; uint32_t p=hpos++-hstart; uint32_t from, to; HPUT8(range_pos[i].pg); from= range_pos[i].pos; if (range_pos[i].link!=0) to = range_pos[range_pos[i].link].pos; else to=HINT_NO_POS; if (from!=0) @/ { info=info|b100;@+ if (from>0xFFFF) @+ info=info|b001;@+} if (to!=HINT_NO_POS) @/ { info=info|b010;@+ if (to>0xFFFF) info=info|b001;@+ } if (info & b100) @/ { @+if (info & b001) HPUT32(from); @+else HPUT16(from); @+} if (info & b010) @/ { @+if (info & b001) HPUT32(to); @+else HPUT16(to); @+} DBG(DBGRANGE,"Range *%d from 0x%x to 0x%x\n",@|range_pos[i].pg,from, to); hput_tags(p,TAG(range_kind,info)); } hput_definitions_end(); } @ \section{File Structure}\hascode All \HINT\ files\index{file} start with a banner\index{banner} as described below. After that, they contain three mandatory sections\index{section}: the directory\index{directory section} section, the definition\index{definition section} section, and the content\index{content section} section. Usually, further optional\index{optional section} sections follow. In short format files, these contain auxiliary\index{auxiliary file} files (fonts\index{font}, images\index{image}, \dots) necessary for rendering the content. In long format files, the directory section will simply list the file names of the auxiliary files. \subsection{Banner} All \HINT\ files start with a banner\index{banner}. The banner contains only printable ASCII characters and spaces; its end is marked with a newline character\index{newline character}. The first four byte are the ``magic'' number by which you recognize a \HINT\ file. It consists of the four ASCII codes `{\tt H}', `{\tt I}', `{\tt N}', and `{\tt T}' in the long format and `{\tt h}', `{\tt i}', `{\tt n}', and `{\tt t}' in the short format. Then follows a space, then the version number, a dot, the sub-version number, and another space. Both numbers are encoded as decimal ASCII strings. The remainder of the banner is simply ignored but may be used to contain other useful information about the file. The maximum size of the banner is 256 byte. @= #define MAX_BANNER 256 @ \goodbreak To check the banner, we have the function |hcheck_banner|; it returns |true| if successful. @= char hbanner[MAX_BANNER+1]; int hbanner_size=0; @ @= bool hcheck_banner(char *magic) { int v; char *t; t=hbanner; if (strncmp(magic,hbanner,4)!=0) { MESSAGE("This is not a %s file\n",magic); return false; } else t+=4; if(hbanner[hbanner_size-1]!='\n') { MESSAGE("Banner exceeds maximum size=0x%x\n",MAX_BANNER); return false; } if (*t!=' ') { MESSAGE("Space expected in banner after %s\n",magic); return false; } else t++; v=strtol(t,&t,10); if (v!=HINT_VERSION) { MESSAGE("Wrong HINT version: got %d, expected %d\n",v,HINT_VERSION); return false; } if (*t!='.') { MESSAGE("Dot expected in banner after HINT version number\n"); return false; } else t++; v=strtol(t,&t,10); if (v!=HINT_SUB_VERSION) { MESSAGE("Wrong HINT subversion: got %d, expected %d\n",v,HINT_SUB_VERSION); return false; } if (*t!=' ' && *t!='\n') { MESSAGE("Space expected in banner after HINT subversion\n"); return false; } LOG("%s file version %d.%d:%s",magic,HINT_VERSION, HINT_SUB_VERSION, t); DBG(DBGDIR,"banner size=0x%x\n",hbanner_size); return true; } @ To read a short format file, we use the macro |HGET8|. It returns a single byte. We read the banner knowing that it ends with a newline character and is at most |MAX_BANNER| byte long. Because this is the first access to a yet unknown file, we are very careful and make sure we do not read past the end of the file. Checking the banner is a separate step. \getcode @= void hget_banner(void) { hbanner_size=0; while (hbanner_size= { hbanner_size=0; while ( hbanner_size= static size_t hput_banner(char *magic, char *str) { size_t s=fprintf(hout,"%s %d.%d %s\n",magic,HINT_VERSION,HINT_SUB_VERSION,str); if (s>MAX_BANNER) QUIT("Banner too big"); return s; } @ \writecode Writing the banner of a long format file is essentially the same as for a short format file calling |hput_banner| with |"HINT"| as a first argument. \subsection{Long Format Files}\gdef\subcodetitle{Banner}% After reading and checking the banner, reading a long format file is simply done by calling |yyparse|. The following rule gives the big picture: \readcode @s hint symbol @s content_section symbol @= hint: directory_section definition_section content_section ; @ \subsection{Short Format Files}\gdef\subcodetitle{Primitives}% A short format\index{short format} file starts with the banner and continues with a list of sections. Each section has a maximum size of $2^{32}$ byte or 4GByte. This restriction ensures that positions\index{position} inside a section can be stored as 32 bit integers, a feature that we will need only for the so called ``content'' section, but it is also nice for implementers to know in advance what sizes to expect. The big picture is captured by the |put_hint| function: @= static size_t hput_root(void); static size_t hput_section(uint16_t n); static size_t hput_optional_sections(void); size_t hput_hint(char * str) { size_t s; DBG(DBGBASIC,"Writing hint output %s\n",str); s=hput_banner("hint",str); DBG(DBGDIR,@["Root entry at " SIZE_F "\n"@],s); s+=hput_root(); DBG(DBGDIR,@["Directory section at " SIZE_F "\n"@],s); s+=hput_section(0); DBG(DBGDIR,@["Definition section at " SIZE_F "\n"@],s); s+=hput_section(1); DBG(DBGDIR,@["Content section at " SIZE_F "\n"@],s); s+=hput_section(2); DBG(DBGDIR,@["Auxiliary sections at " SIZE_F "\n"@],s); s+=hput_optional_sections(); DBG(DBGDIR,@["Total number of bytes written " SIZE_F "\n"@],s); return s; } @ When we work on a section, we will have the entire section in memory and use three variables to access it: |hstart| points to the first byte of the section, |hend| points to the byte after the last byte of the section, and |hpos| points to the current position inside the section.\label{hpos} The auxiliary variable |hpos0| contains the |hpos| value of the last content node on nesting level zero. @= uint8_t *hpos=NULL, *hstart=NULL, *hend=NULL, *hpos0=NULL; @ There are two sets of macros that read or write binary data at the current position and advance the stream position accordingly.\label{HPUT}\label{HGET} \getcode @= #define HGET_ERROR @/ QUIT(@["HGET overrun in section %d at " SIZE_F "\n"@],@|section_no,hpos-hstart) #define @[HEND@] @[((hpos<=hend)?0:(HGET_ERROR,0))@] #define @[HGET8@] ((hpos= void hput_error(void) {@+if (hpos= extern void hput_error(void); #define @[HPUT8(X)@] (hput_error(),*(hpos++)=(X)) #define @[HPUT16(X)@] (HPUT8(((X)>>8)&0xFF),HPUT8((X)&0xFF)) #define @[HPUT24(X)@] (HPUT8(((X)>>16)&0xFF),HPUT8(((X)>>8)&0xFF),HPUT8((X)&0xFF)) #define @[HPUT32(X)@] (HPUT8(((X)>>24)&0xFF),HPUT8(((X)>>16)&0xFF),HPUT8(((X)>>8)&0xFF),HPUT8((X)&0xFF)) @ The above macros test for buffer overruns\index{buffer overrun}; allocating sufficient buffer space is done separately. Before writing a node, we will insert a test and increase the buffer if necessary. @= void hput_increase_buffer(uint32_t n); #define @[HPUTX(N)@] @[(((hend-hpos) < (N))? hput_increase_buffer(N):(void)0)@] #define HPUTNODE @[HPUTX(MAX_TAG_DISTANCE)@] #define @[HPUTTAG(K,I)@] @|@[(HPUTNODE,@+DBGTAG(TAG(K,I),hpos),@+HPUT8(TAG(K,I)))@] @ Fortunately the only data types that have an unbounded size are strings\index{string} and texts\index{text}. For these we insert specific tests. For all other cases a relatively small upper bound on the maximum distance between two tags can be determined. Currently the maximum distance between tags is 26 byte as can be determined from the |hnode_size| array described in appendix~\secref{fastforward}. The definition below uses a slightly larger value leaving some room for future changes in the design of the short file format. @= #define MAX_TAG_DISTANCE 32 @ \subsection{Mapping a Short Format File to Memory} In the following, we implement two alternatives to map a file into memory. The first implementation, opens the file, gets its size, allocates memory, and reads the file. The second implementation uses a call to |mmap|. Since modern computers with 64bit hardware have a huge address space, using |mmap| to map the entire file into virtual memory is the most efficient way to access a large file. ``Mapping'' is not the same as ``reading'' and it is not the same as allocating precious memory, all that is done by the operating system when needed. Mapping just reserves addresses. There is one disadvantage of mapping: it typically locks the underlying file and will not allow a separate process to modify it. This prevents using this method for previewing a \HINT\ file while editing and recompiling it. In this case, the first implementation, which has a copy of the file in memory, is the better choice. To select the second implementation, define the macro |USE_MMAP|. The following functions map and unmap a short format input file setting |hin_addr| to its address and |hin_size| to its size. The value |hin_addr==NULL| indicates, that no file is open. The variable |hin_time| is set to the time when the file was last modified. It can be used to detect modifications of the file and reload it.\label{map} @= char *hin_name=NULL; uint64_t hin_size=0; uint8_t *hin_addr=NULL; uint64_t hin_time=0; @ @= #ifndef USE_MMAP void hget_unmap(void) {@+ if (hin_addr!=NULL) free(hin_addr); hin_addr=NULL; hin_size=0; } bool hget_map(void) { FILE *f; struct stat st; size_t s,t; uint64_t u; f= fopen(hin_name,"rb"); if (f==NULL)@/ { MESSAGE("Unable to open file: %s\n", hin_name);@+ return false;@+ } if (stat(hin_name,&st)<0) { MESSAGE("Unable to obtain file size: %s\n", hin_name); fclose(f); return false; } if (st.st_size==0) { MESSAGE("File %s is empty\n", hin_name); fclose(f); return false; } u=st.st_size; if (hin_addr!=NULL) hget_unmap(); hin_addr=malloc(u); if (hin_addr==NULL) { MESSAGE("Unable to allocate 0x%"PRIx64" byte for File %s\n", u,hin_name); fclose(f); return 0; } t=0; do{ s=fread(hin_addr+t,1,u,f); if (s<=0) { MESSAGE("Unable to read file %s\n",hin_name); fclose(f); free(hin_addr); hin_addr=NULL; return false; } t=t+s;@+ u=u-s; } while (u>0); hin_size=st.st_size; hin_time=st.st_mtime; return true; } #else #include void hget_unmap(void) {@+ munmap(hin_addr,hin_size); hin_addr=NULL; hin_size=0; } bool hget_map(void) { struct stat st; int fd; fd = open(hin_name, O_RDONLY, 0); if (fd<0)@/ { MESSAGE("Unable to open file %s\n", hin_name);@+ return false;@+ } if (fstat(fd, &st)<0) { MESSAGE("Unable to get file size\n"); close(fd); return false; } if (st.st_size==0) { MESSAGE("File %s is empty\n",hin_name); close(fd); return false; } if (hin_addr!=NULL) hget_unmap(); hin_size=st.st_size; hin_time=st.st_mtime; hin_addr= mmap(NULL,hin_size,PROT_READ,MAP_PRIVATE,fd, 0); if (hin_addr==MAP_FAILED) { close(fd); hin_addr=NULL;hin_size=0; MESSAGE("Unable to map file into memory\n"); return 0; } close(fd); return hin_size; } #endif @ \subsection{Compression} The short file format offers the possibility to store sections in compressed\index{compression} form. We use the {\tt zlib}\index{zlib+{\tt zlib}} compression library\cite{zlib}\cite{RFC1950} to deflate\index{deflate} and inflate\index{inflate} individual sections. When one of the following functions is called, we can get the section buffer, the buffer size and the size actually used from the directory entry. If a section needs to be inflated, its size after decompression is found in the |xsize| field; if a section needs to be deflated, its size after compression will be known after deflating it. @s z_stream int @= static void hdecompress(uint16_t n) { z_stream z; /* decompression stream */ uint8_t *buffer; int i; DBG(DBGCOMPRESS,"Decompressing section %d from 0x%x to 0x%x byte\n",@|n, dir[n].size, dir[n].xsize); z.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;@+ z.zfree = (free_func)0;@+ z.opaque = (voidpf)0; z.next_in = hstart; z.avail_in = hend-hstart; if (inflateInit(&z)!=Z_OK) QUIT("Unable to initialize decompression: %s",z.msg); ALLOCATE(buffer,dir[n].xsize+MAX_TAG_DISTANCE,uint8_t); DBG(DBGBUFFER,"Allocating output buffer size=0x%x, margin=0x%x\n",dir[n].xsize,MAX_TAG_DISTANCE); z.next_out = buffer; z.avail_out =dir[n].xsize+MAX_TAG_DISTANCE; i= inflate(&z, Z_FINISH); DBG(DBGCOMPRESS,"in: avail/total=0x%x/0x%lx "@|"out: avail/total=0x%x/0x%lx, return %d;\n",@| z.avail_in,z.total_in, z.avail_out, z.total_out,i); if (i!=Z_STREAM_END) QUIT("Unable to complete decompression: %s",z.msg); if (z.avail_in != 0) QUIT("Decompression missed input data"); if (z.total_out != dir[n].xsize) QUIT("Decompression output size mismatch 0x%lx != 0x%x",z.total_out, dir[n].xsize ); if (inflateEnd(&z)!=Z_OK) QUIT("Unable to finalize decompression: %s",z.msg); dir[n].buffer=buffer; dir[n].bsize=dir[n].xsize; hpos0=hpos=hstart=buffer; hend=hstart+dir[n].xsize; } @ @= static void hcompress(uint16_t n) { z_stream z; /* compression stream */ uint8_t *buffer; int i; if (dir[n].size==0) { dir[n].xsize=0;@+ return; @+} DBG(DBGCOMPRESS,"Compressing section %d of size 0x%x\n",n, dir[n].size); z.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;@+ z.zfree = (free_func)0;@+ z.opaque = (voidpf)0; if (deflateInit(&z,Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)!=Z_OK) QUIT("Unable to initialize compression: %s",z.msg); ALLOCATE(buffer,dir[n].size+MAX_TAG_DISTANCE,uint8_t); z.next_out = buffer; z.avail_out = dir[n].size+MAX_TAG_DISTANCE; z.next_in = dir[n].buffer; z.avail_in = dir[n].size; i=deflate(&z, Z_FINISH); DBG(DBGCOMPRESS,"deflate in: avail/total=0x%x/0x%lx out: avail/total=0x%x/0x%lx, return %d;\n",@| z.avail_in,z.total_in, z.avail_out, z.total_out,i); if (z.avail_in != 0) QUIT("Compression missed input data"); if (i!=Z_STREAM_END) QUIT("Compression incomplete: %s",z.msg); if (deflateEnd(&z)!=Z_OK) QUIT("Unable to finalize compression: %s",z.msg); DBG(DBGCOMPRESS,"Compressed 0x%lx byte to 0x%lx byte\n",@|z.total_in,z.total_out); free(dir[n].buffer); dir[n].buffer=buffer; dir[n].bsize=dir[n].size+MAX_TAG_DISTANCE; dir[n].xsize=dir[n].size; dir[n].size=z.total_out; } @ \subsection{Reading Short Format Sections} \gdef\subcodetitle{Sections}% After mapping the file at address |hin_addr| access to sections of the file is provided by decompressing them if necessary and setting the three pointers |hpos|, |hstart|, and |hend|. To read sections of a short format input file, we use the function |hget_section|. \getcode %\codesection{\getsymbol}\getindex{1}{3}{Files} @= void hget_section(uint16_t n) { DBG(DBGDIR,"Reading section %d\n",n); RNG("Section number",n,0,max_section_no); if (dir[n].buffer!=NULL && dir[n].xsize>0) { hpos0=hpos=hstart=dir[n].buffer; hend=hstart+dir[n].xsize; } else { hpos0=hpos=hstart=hin_addr+dir[n].pos; hend=hstart+dir[n].size; if (dir[n].xsize>0) hdecompress(n); } } @ \subsection{Writing Short Format Sections} \gdef\subcodetitle{Sections}% To write a short format file, we allocate for each of the first three sections a suitable buffer\index{buffer}, then fill these buffers, and finally write them out in sequential order. @= #define BUFFER_SIZE 0x400 void new_output_buffers(void) { dir[0].bsize=dir[1].bsize=dir[2].bsize=BUFFER_SIZE; DBG(DBGBUFFER,"Allocating output buffer size=0x%x, margin=0x%x\n",BUFFER_SIZE,MAX_TAG_DISTANCE); ALLOCATE(dir[0].buffer,dir[0].bsize+MAX_TAG_DISTANCE,uint8_t); ALLOCATE(dir[1].buffer,dir[1].bsize+MAX_TAG_DISTANCE,uint8_t); ALLOCATE(dir[2].buffer,dir[2].bsize+MAX_TAG_DISTANCE,uint8_t); } void hput_increase_buffer(uint32_t n) { size_t bsize; uint32_t pos, pos0; const double buffer_factor=1.4142136; /* $\sqrt 2$ */ pos=hpos-hstart; pos0=hpos0-hstart; bsize=dir[section_no].bsize*buffer_factor+0.5; if (bsize=HINT_NO_POS) bsize=HINT_NO_POS; if (bsize= %token DIRECTORY "directory" %token SECTION "entry" @ @= ::@=directory@> :< return DIRECTORY; >: ::@=section@> :< return SECTION; >: @ @= directory_section: START DIRECTORY UNSIGNED @|{new_directory($3+1); new_output_buffers();} entry_list END ; entry_list: @,@+ | entry_list entry; entry: START SECTION UNSIGNED string END @/ { RNG("Section number",$3,3,max_section_no); hset_entry(&(dir[$3]), $3,0,0,$4);}; @ We use a dynamically allocated array of directory entries to store the directory. @= typedef struct { uint64_t pos; uint32_t size, xsize; uint16_t section_no; char *file_name; uint8_t *buffer; uint32_t bsize; } Entry; @ The function |new_directory| allocates the directory. @= Entry *dir=NULL; uint16_t section_no, max_section_no; void new_directory(uint32_t entries) { DBG(DBGDIR,"Creating directory with %d entries\n", entries); RNG("Directory entries",entries,3,0x10000); max_section_no=entries-1;@+ ALLOCATE(dir,entries,Entry); dir[0].section_no=0; @+ dir[1].section_no=1; @+ dir[2].section_no=2; } @ The function |hset_entry| fills in the appropriate entry. @= void hset_entry(Entry *e, uint16_t i, uint32_t size, uint32_t xsize, @|char *file_name) { e->section_no=i; e->size=size; @+e->xsize=xsize; if (file_name==NULL || *file_name==0) e->file_name=NULL; else e->file_name=strdup(file_name); DBG(DBGDIR,"Creating entry %d: \"%s\" size=0x%x xsize=0x%x\n",@|i,file_name,size,xsize); } @ Writing the auxiliary files depends on the {\tt -a}, {\tt -g} and {\tt -f} options. @= if ( !option_force && access(aux_name,F_OK)==0) { MESSAGE("File '%s' exists.\n"@| "To rewrite the file use the -f option.\n", aux_name); continue; } @ The above code uses the |access| function, and we need to make sure it is defined: @= #ifdef WIN32 #include #define @[access(N,M)@] @[_access(N, M )@] #define F_OK 0 #else #include #endif @ With the {\tt -g} option, filenames are considered global, and files are written to the filesystem possibly overwriting the existing files. For example a font embedded in a \HINT\ file might replace a font of the same name in some operating systems font folder. If the \HINT\ file is {\tt shrink}ed on one system and {\tt stretch}ed on another system, this is usually not the desired behavior. Without the {\tt -g} option,\label{absrel} the files will be written in two local directories. The names of these directories are derived from the output file name, replacing the extension ``{\tt .hint}'' with ``{\tt .abs}'' if the original filename contained an absolute path, and replacing it with ``{\tt .rel}'' if the original filename contained a relative path. Inside these directories, the path as given in the filename is retained. When {\tt shrink}ing a \HINT\ file without the {\tt -g} option, the original filenames can be reconstructed. @= { char *path=dir[i].file_name; int path_length=(int)strlen(path); int aux_length; @@; aux_length=stem_length+ext_length+path_length; ALLOCATE(aux_name,aux_length+1,char); strcpy(aux_name,stem_name); strcpy(aux_name+stem_length,aux_ext[name_type]); strcpy(aux_name+stem_length+ext_length,path); @@; DBG(DBGDIR,"Replacing auxiliary file name:\n\t%s\n->\t%s\n",path,aux_name); } @ @= enum {absolute=0, relative=1} name_type; char *aux_ext[2]={".abs/",".rel/"}; int ext_length=5; if (path[0]=='/') { name_type=absolute; path++; path_length--; } else if (path_length>3 && isalpha(path[0]) && path[1]==':' && path[2]=='/') { name_type=absolute; path[1]='_'; } else name_type=relative; @ When the {\tt -g} is not given, auxiliar files are written into special subdirectories. To prevent them from escaping into the global file system, we replace links to the parent direcory ``{\tt ../}'' by ``{\tt \_\,\_/}''. @= { int k; for (k=0; k= { char *path_end; path_end=aux_name+1; while (*path_end!=0) { if(*path_end=='/') { struct stat s; *path_end=0; if (stat(aux_name,&s)==-1) { #ifdef WIN32 if (mkdir(aux_name)!=0) #else @t\2\kern-1em@>if (mkdir(aux_name,0777)!=0) #endif QUIT("Unable to create directory %s",aux_name); DBG(DBGDIR,"Creating directory %s\n",aux_name); } else if (!(S_IFDIR&(s.st_mode))) QUIT("Unable to create directory %s, file exists",aux_name); *path_end='/'; } path_end++; } } @ \writecode @= @@; extern char *stem_name; extern int stem_length; void hget_section(uint16_t n); void hwrite_aux_files(void) { int i; if (!option_aux) return; DBG(DBGBASIC|DBGDIR,"Writing %d aux files\n",max_section_no-2); for (i=3;i<=max_section_no;i++) { FILE *f; char *aux_name=NULL; if (option_global) aux_name=strdup(dir[i].file_name); else @@; @@; @@; f=fopen(aux_name,"wb"); if (f==NULL) QUIT("Unable to open file '%s' for writing",aux_name); else { size_t s; hget_section(i); DBG(DBGDIR,"Writing file %s\n",aux_name); s=fwrite(hstart,1,dir[i].size,f); if (s!=dir[i].size) QUIT("writing file %s",aux_name); fclose(f); } free(aux_name); } } @ We write the directory, and the directory entries in long format using the following functions. @= static void hwrite_entry(int i) { hwrite_start(); hwritef("section %u",dir[i].section_no);@+ hwrite_string(dir[i].file_name); hwrite_end(); } void hwrite_directory(void) { int i; if (dir==NULL) QUIT("Directory not allocated"); section_no=0; hwritef("\n"); } @ \subsection{Directories in Short Format} The directory\index{directory section} section of a short format file contains entries for all sections including the directory section itself. After reading the directory section, enough information---position and size---is available to access any section directly. As usual, a directory entry starts and ends with a tag byte. The kind part of an entry's tag is not used; it is always zero. The value $s$ of the two least significant bits of the info part indicate that sizes are stored using $s+1$ byte. The most significant bit of the info part is 1 if the section is stored in compressed\index{compression} form. In this case the size of the section is followed by the size of the section after decompressing it. After the tag byte follows the section number. In the short format file, section numbers must be strictly increasing and consecutive. This is redundant but helps with checking. Then follows the size---or the sizes---of the section. After the size follows the file name terminated by a zero byte. The file name might be an empty string in which case there is just the zero byte. After the zero byte follows a copy of the tag byte. Here is the macro and function to read a directory\index{directory entry} entry: \gdef\subcodetitle{Directory Entries}% \getcode @= #define @[HGET_SIZE(I)@] \ if ((I)&b100) { \ if (((I)&b011)==0) s=HGET8,xs=HGET8; \ else if (((I)&b011)==1) HGET16(s),HGET16(xs); \ else if (((I)&b011)==2) HGET24(s),HGET24(xs); \ else if (((I)&b011)==3) HGET32(s),HGET32(xs); \ } \ else { \ if (((I)&b011)==0) s=HGET8; \ else if (((I)&b011)==1) HGET16(s); \ else if (((I)&b011)==2) HGET24(s); \ else if (((I)&b011)==3) HGET32(s); \ } #define @[HGET_ENTRY(I,E)@] \ { uint16_t i; \ uint32_t s=0,xs=0; \ char *file_name; \ HGET16(i); @+HGET_SIZE(I); @+HGET_STRING(file_name); @/\ hset_entry(&(E),i,s,xs,file_name); \ } @ @= void hget_entry(Entry *e) { @@; DBG(DBGDIR,"Reading directory entry\n"); switch(a) { case TAG(0,b000+0): HGET_ENTRY(b000+0,*e);@+ break; case TAG(0,b000+1): HGET_ENTRY(b000+1,*e);@+ break; case TAG(0,b000+2): HGET_ENTRY(b000+2,*e);@+ break; case TAG(0,b000+3): HGET_ENTRY(b000+3,*e);@+ break; case TAG(0,b100+0): HGET_ENTRY(b100+0,*e);@+ break; case TAG(0,b100+1): HGET_ENTRY(b100+1,*e);@+ break; case TAG(0,b100+2): HGET_ENTRY(b100+2,*e);@+ break; case TAG(0,b100+3): HGET_ENTRY(b100+3,*e);@+ break; default: TAGERR(a); @+ break; } @@; } @ Because the first entry in the directory section describes the directory section itself, we can not check its info bits in advance to determine whether it is compressed or not. Therefore the directory section starts with a root entry, which is always uncompressed. It describes the remainder of the directory which follows. There are two differences between the root entry and a normal entry: it starts with the maximum section number instead of the section number zero, and we set its position to the position of the entry for section 1 (which might already be compressed). The name of the directory section must be the empty string. \gdef\subcodetitle{Directory Section}% \getcode @= static void hget_root(Entry *root) { DBG(DBGDIR,"Root entry at " SIZE_F "\n",hpos-hstart); hget_entry(root); root->pos=hpos-hstart; max_section_no=root->section_no; root->section_no=0; if (max_section_no<2) QUIT("Sections 0, 1, and 2 are mandatory"); } void hget_directory(void) { int i; Entry root={0}; hget_root(&root); DBG(DBGDIR,"Directory\n"); new_directory(max_section_no+1); dir[0]=root; DBG(DBGDIR,"Directory entry 1 at 0x%"PRIx64"\n",dir[0].pos); hget_section(0); for (i=1;i<=max_section_no;i++)@/ { hget_entry(&(dir[i]));@+ dir[i].pos=dir[i-1].pos +dir[i-1].size;@+ DBG(DBGDIR,"Section %d at 0x%"PRIx64"\n",i,dir[i].pos); } } void hclear_dir(void) { int i; if (dir==NULL) return; for (i=0;i<3;i++) /* currently the only compressed sections */ if (dir[i].xsize>0 && dir[i].buffer!=NULL) free(dir[i].buffer); free(dir); dir=NULL; } @ Armed with these preparations, we can put the directory into the \HINT\ file. \gdef\subcodetitle{Directory Section}% \putcode @= static void hput_entry(Entry *e) { uint8_t b; if (e->size<0x100 && e->xsize<0x100) b=0; else if (e->size<0x10000 &&e->xsize<0x10000) b=1; else if (e->size<0x1000000 &&e->xsize<0x1000000) b=2; else b=3; if (e->xsize!=0) b =b|b100; DBG(DBGTAGS,"Directory entry no=%d size=0x%x xsize=0x%x\n",e->section_no, e->size, e->xsize); HPUTTAG(0,b);@/ HPUT16(e->section_no); switch (b) { case 0: HPUT8(e->size);@+break; case 1: HPUT16(e->size);@+break; case 2: HPUT24(e->size);@+break; case 3: HPUT32(e->size);@+break; case b100|0: HPUT8(e->size);@+HPUT8(e->xsize);@+break; case b100|1: HPUT16(e->size);@+HPUT16(e->xsize);@+break; case b100|2: HPUT24(e->size);@+HPUT24(e->xsize);@+break; case b100|3: HPUT32(e->size);@+HPUT32(e->xsize);@+break; default: QUIT("Can't happen");@+ break; } hput_string(e->file_name);@/ DBGTAG(TAG(0,b),hpos);@+HPUT8(TAG(0,b)); } static void hput_directory_start(void) { DBG(DBGDIR,"Directory Section\n"); section_no=0; hpos=hstart=dir[0].buffer; hend=hstart+dir[0].bsize; } static void hput_directory_end(void) { dir[0].size=hpos-hstart; DBG(DBGDIR,"End Directory Section size=0x%x\n",dir[0].size); } static size_t hput_root(void) { uint8_t buffer[MAX_TAG_DISTANCE]; size_t s; hpos=hstart=buffer; hend=hstart+MAX_TAG_DISTANCE; dir[0].section_no=max_section_no; hput_entry(&dir[0]); s=hput_data(0, hstart,hpos-hstart); DBG(DBGDIR,@["Writing root size=" SIZE_F "\n"@],s); return s; } extern int option_compress; static char **aux_names; void hput_directory(void) { int i; @@; if (option_compress) { hcompress(1); @+hcompress(2); @+} hput_directory_start(); for (i=1; i<=max_section_no; i++) { dir[i].pos=dir[i-1].pos+dir[i-1].size; DBG(DBGDIR,"writing entry %u at 0x%" PRIx64 "\n",i, dir[i].pos); hput_entry(&dir[i]); } hput_directory_end(); if (option_compress) hcompress(0); } @ Now let us look at the optional sections described in the directory entries 3 and above. Where these files are found depends on the {\tt -g} and {\tt -a} options. With the {\tt -g} option given, only the file names as given in the directory entries are used. With the {\tt -a} option given, the file names are translated to filenames in the {|hin_name|\tt .abs} and {|hin_name|\tt .rel} directories, as described in section~\secref{absrel}. If neither the {\tt -a} nor the {\tt -g} option is given, {\tt shrink} first tries the translated filename and then the global filename before it gives up. When the \.{shrink} program writes the directory section in the short format, it needs to know the sizes of all the sections---including the optional sections. These sizes are not provided in the long format because it is safer and more convenient to let the machine figure out the file sizes\index{file size}. But before we can determine the size, we need to determine the file. @= { int i; ALLOCATE(aux_names,max_section_no+1,char *); for (i=3;i<=max_section_no;i++) { struct stat s; if (!option_global) { char * aux_name=NULL; @@; if (stat(aux_name,&s)==0) aux_names[i]=aux_name; else { if (option_aux) QUIT("Unable to find file '%s'",aux_name); free(aux_name); } } if ((aux_names[i]==NULL && !option_aux) || option_global) { if (stat(dir[i].file_name,&s)!=0) QUIT("Unable to find file '%s'",dir[i].file_name); } dir[i].size=s.st_size; dir[i].xsize=0; DBG(DBGDIR,"section %i: found file %s size %u\n",i,aux_names[i]?aux_names[i]:dir[i].file_name, dir[i].size); } } @ @= { int i; for (i=3;i<=max_section_no;i++) if (aux_names[i]!=NULL) { free(dir[i].file_name); dir[i].file_name=aux_names[i]; aux_names[i]=NULL; } } @ The computation of the sizes of the mandatory sections will be explained later. \gdef\subcodetitle{Optional Sections}% To conclude this section, here is the function that adds the files that are described in the directory entries 3 and above to a \HINT\ file in short format. \putcode @= static size_t hput_optional_sections(void) { int i; size_t s=0; DBG(DBGDIR,"Optional Sections\n"); for (i=3; i<=max_section_no; i++)@/ { FILE *f; size_t fsize; char *file_name=dir[i].file_name; DBG(DBGDIR,"adding file %d: %s\n",dir[i].section_no,file_name); if (dir[i].xsize!=0) @/ DBG(DBGDIR,"Compressing of auxiliary files currently not supported"); f=fopen(file_name,"rb"); if (f==NULL) QUIT("Unable to read section %d, file %s", dir[i].section_no,file_name); fsize=0; while (!feof(f))@/ { size_t s,t; char buffer[1<<13]; /* 8kByte */ s=fread(buffer,1,1<<13,f);@/ t=fwrite(buffer,1,s,hout); if (s!=t) QUIT("writing file %s",file_name); fsize=fsize+t; } fclose(f); if (fsize!=dir[i].size) QUIT(@["File size " SIZE_F " does not match section[0] size %u"@],@|fsize,dir[i].size); s=s+fsize; } return s; } @ \section{Definition Section}\index{definition section} \label{defsection} In a typical \HINT\ file, there are many things that are used over and over again. For example the interword glue of a specific font or the indentation of the first line of a paragraph. The definition section contains this information so that it can be referenced in the content section by a simple reference number. In addition there are a few parameters that guide the routines of \TeX. An example is the ``above display skip'', which controls the amount of white space inserted above a displayed equation, or the ``hyphen penalty'' that tells \TeX\ the ``\ae sthetic cost'' of ending a line with a hyphenated word. These parameters also get their values in the definition section as explained in section~\secref{defaults}. The most simple way to store these definitions is to store them in an array indexed by the reference numbers. To simplify the dynamic allocation of these arrays, the list of definitions will always start with the list of maximum\index{maximum values} values: a list that contains for each node type the maximum reference number used. In the long format, the definition section starts with the keyword \.{definitions}, followed by the list of maximum values, followed by the definitions proper. When writing the short format, we start by positioning the output stream at the beginning of the definition buffer and we end with recording the size of the definition section in the directory. \readcode @s definition_section symbol @s definition_list symbol @s definition symbol @s DEFINITIONS symbol @= %token DEFINITIONS "definitions" @ @= ::@=definitions@> :< return DEFINITIONS; >: @ @= definition_section: START DEFINITIONS { hput_definitions_start();}@/ max_definitions definition_list @/ END {hput_definitions_end();}; definition_list: @+ | definition_list def_node; @ \writecode @= void hwrite_definitions_start(void) { section_no=1; @+hwritef("\n"); } @ @= void hget_definition_section(void) { DBG(DBGBASIC|DBGDEF,"Definitions\n"); hget_section(1); hwrite_definitions_start(); DBG(DBGDEF,"List of maximum values\n"); hget_max_definitions(); @@; hwrite_max_definitions(); DBG(DBGDEF,"List of definitions\n"); while (hpos= void hput_definitions_start(void) { DBG(DBGDEF,"Definition Section\n"); section_no=1; hpos=hstart=dir[1].buffer; hend=hstart+dir[1].bsize; } void hput_definitions_end(void) { dir[1].size=hpos-hstart; DBG(DBGDEF,"End Definition Section size=0x%x\n",dir[1].size); } @ \gdef\codetitle{Definitions} \hascode \subsection{Maximum Values}\index{maximum values} To help implementations allocating the right amount of memory for the definitions, the definition section starts with a list of maximum values. For each kind of node, we store the maximum valid reference number in the array |max_ref| which is indexed by the kind-values. For a reference number |n| and kind-value $k$ we have $0\le n\le |max_ref[k]|$. To make sure that a hint file without any definitions will work, some definitions have default values. The initialization of default and maximum values is described in section~\secref{defaults}. The maximum reference number that has a default value is stored in the array |max_default|. We have $-1 \le |max_default[k]| \le |max_ref[k]| < 2^{16}$, and for most $k$ even $|max_ref[k]| < 2^{8}$. Specifying maximum values that are lower than the default\index{default value} values is not allowed in the short format; in the long format, lower values are silently ignored. Some default values are permanently fixed; for example the zero glue with reference number |zero_skip_no| must never change. The array |max_fixed| stores the maximum reference number that has a fixed value for a given kind. Definitions with reference numbers less or equal than the corresponding |max_fixed[k]| number are disallowed. Usually we have $-1 \le |max_fixed[k]| \le |max_default[k]| $, but if for a kind-value $k$ no definitions, and hence no maximum values are allowed, we set $|max_fixed[k]|=|0x10000|>|max_default[k]| $. We use the |max_ref| array whenever we find a reference number in the input to check if it is within the proper range. @= #define @[REF_RNG(K,N)@] if ((int)(N)>max_ref[K]) QUIT("Reference %d to %s out of range [0 - %d]",\ (N),definition_name[K],max_ref[K]) @ In the long format file, the list of maximum values starts with ``\.{}'', and it ends with ``\.{>}''. In the short format, we start the list of maximums with a |list_kind| tag and end it with a |list_kind| tag. Each maximum value is preceded and followed by a tag byte with the appropriate kind-value. The info value has its |b001| bit cleared if the maximum value is in the range 0 to |0xFF| and fits into a single byte; the info value hast its |b001| bit set if it fits into two byte. Currently only the |label_kind| may need to use two byte. @= #define MAX_REF(K) ((K)==label_kind?0xFFFF:0xFF) @ Other info values are reserved for future extensions. After reading the maximum values, we initialize the data structures for the definitions. \readcode @s max_list symbol @s max_value symbol @s max_definitions symbol @s MAX symbol @= %token MAX "max" @ @= ::@=max@> :< return MAX; >: @ @= max_definitions: START MAX max_list END @| { @@;@+ hput_max_definitions(); }; max_list:@+ | max_list START max_value END; max_value: FONT UNSIGNED { hset_max(font_kind,$2); } | INTEGER UNSIGNED { hset_max(int_kind,$2); } | DIMEN UNSIGNED { hset_max(dimen_kind,$2); } | LIGATURE UNSIGNED { hset_max(ligature_kind,$2); } | DISC UNSIGNED { hset_max(disc_kind,$2); } | GLUE UNSIGNED { hset_max(glue_kind,$2); } | LANGUAGE UNSIGNED { hset_max(language_kind,$2); } | RULE UNSIGNED { hset_max(rule_kind,$2); } | IMAGE UNSIGNED { hset_max(image_kind,$2); } | LEADERS UNSIGNED { hset_max(leaders_kind,$2); } | BASELINE UNSIGNED { hset_max(baseline_kind,$2); } | XDIMEN UNSIGNED { hset_max(xdimen_kind,$2); } | PARAM UNSIGNED { hset_max(param_kind,$2); } | STREAMDEF UNSIGNED { hset_max(stream_kind,$2); } | PAGE UNSIGNED { hset_max(page_kind,$2); } | RANGE UNSIGNED { hset_max(range_kind,$2); } | LABEL UNSIGNED { hset_max(label_kind,$2); }; @ @= void hset_max(Kind k, int n) { DBG(DBGDEF,"Setting max %s to %d\n",definition_name[k],n); RNG("Maximum",n,max_fixed[k]+1,MAX_REF(k)); if (n>max_ref[k]) max_ref[k]=n; } @ \writecode @= void hwrite_max_definitions(void) { Kind k; hwrite_start();@+ hwritef("max"); for (k=0; k<32;k++) if (max_ref[k]>max_default[k])@/ {@+ switch (k) { @@; default: hwrite_start(); hwritef("%s %d",definition_name[k], max_ref[k]); hwrite_end(); break; } } hwrite_end(); } @ \getcode @= void hget_max_definitions(void) { Kind k; @@; if (a!=TAG(list_kind,0)) QUIT("Start of maximum list expected"); for(k= 0;k<32;k++)max_ref[k]= max_default[k]; max_outline=-1; while (true) @/ { int n; if (hpos>=hend) QUIT("Unexpected end of maximum list"); node_pos=hpos-hstart; HGETTAG(a);@+ k=KIND(a);@+ if (k==list_kind) break; if (INFO(a)&b001) HGET16(n); @+else n=HGET8; switch (a) { @@; default: if (max_fixed[k]>max_default[k]) QUIT("Maximum value for kind %s not supported",definition_name[k]); RNG("Maximum number",n,max_default[k],MAX_REF(k)); max_ref[k]=n; DBG(DBGDEF,"max(%s) = %d\n",definition_name[k],max_ref[k]); break; } @@; } if (INFO(a)!=0) QUIT("End of maximum list with info %d", INFO(a)); } @ \putcode @= void hput_max_definitions(void) { Kind k; DBG(DBGDEF,"Writing Max Definitions\n"); HPUTTAG(list_kind,0); for (k=0; k<32; k++) if (max_ref[k]>max_default[k]) { uint32_t pos=hpos++-hstart; DBG(DBGDEF,"max(%s) = %d\n",definition_name[k],max_ref[k]); hput_tags(pos,TAG(k,hput_n(max_ref[k])-1)); } @@; HPUTTAG(list_kind,0); DBG(DBGDEF,"Writing Max Definitions End\n"); } @ \subsection{Definitions}\label{definitions} A definition\index{definition section} associates a reference number with a content node. Here is an example: A glue definition associates a glue number, for example 71, with a glue specification. In the long format this might look like ``{\tt \.{<}glue *71 4pt plus 5pt minus 0.5pt\.{>}}'' which makes glue number 71 refer to a 4pt glue with a stretchability of 5pt and a shrinkability of 0.5pt. Such a glue definition differs from a normal glue node just by an extra byte value immediately following the keyword respectively start byte. Whenever we need this glue in the content section, we can say ``{\tt \.{<}glue *71\.{>}}''. Because we restrict the number of glue definitions to at most 256, a single byte is sufficient to store the reference number. The \.{shrink} and \.{stretch} programs will, however, not bother to store glue definitions. Instead they will write them in the new format immediately to the output. The parser will handle definitions in any order, but the order is relevant if a definition references another definition, and of course, it never does any harm to present definitions in a systematic way. As a rule, the definition of a reference must always precede the use of that reference. While this is always the case for references in the content section, it restricts the use of references inside the definition section. The definitions for integers, dimensions, extended dimensions, languages, rules, ligatures, and images are ``simple''. They never contain references and so it is always possible to list them first. The definition of glues may contain extended dimensions, the definitions of baselines may reference glue nodes, and the definitions of parameter lists contain definitions of integers, dimensions, and glues. So these definitions should follow in this order. The definitions of leaders and discretionary breaks allow boxes. While these boxes are usually quite simple, they may contain arbitrary references---including again references to leaders and discretionary breaks. So, at least in principle, they might impose complex (or even unsatisfiable) restrictions on the order of those definitions. The definitions of fonts contain not only ``simple'' definitions but also the definitions of interword glues and hyphens introducing additional ordering restrictions. The definition of hyphens regularly contain glyphs which in turn reference a font---typically the font that just gets defined. Therefore we relax the define before use policy for glyphs: Glyphs may reference a font before the font is defined. The definitions of page templates contain lists of arbitrary content nodes, and while the boxes inside leaders or discretionary breaks tend to be simple, the content of page templates is often quite complex. Page templates are probably the source of most ordering restrictions. Placing page templates towards the end of the list of definitions might be a good idea. % A special case are stream definitions. These occur only as part of the corresponding page template definition and are listed at its end. So references to them will occur in the page template always before their definition. % Finally, the definitions of page ranges always reference a page template and they should come after the page template definitions. For technical reasons explained in section~\secref{labels}, definitions of labels and outlines come last. To avoid complex dependencies, an application can always choose not to use references in the definition section. There are only three types of nodes where references can not be avoided: fonts are referenced in glyph nodes, labels are referenced in outlines, and languages are referenced in boxes or page templates. Possible ordering restrictions can be satisfied if languages are defined early. To check the define before use policy, we use an array of bitvectors, but we limit checking to the first 256 references. We have for every reference number $|N|<256$ and every kind |K| a single bit which is set if and only if the corresponding reference is defined. @= uint32_t definition_bits[0x100/32][32]={{0}}; #define @[SET_DBIT(N,K)@] ((N)>0xFF?1:(definition_bits[N/32][K]|=(1<<((N)&(32-1))))) #define @[GET_DBIT(N,K)@] ((N)>0xFF?1:((definition_bits[N/32][K]>>((N)&(32-1)))&1)) #define @[DEF(D,K,N)@] (D).k=K;@+ (D).n=(N);@+SET_DBIT((D).n,(D).k);\ DBG(DBGDEF,"Defining %s %d\n",definition_name[(D).k],(D).n);\ RNG("Definition",(D).n,max_fixed[(D).k]+1,max_ref[(D).k]); #define @[REF(K,N)@] REF_RNG(K,N);if(!GET_DBIT(N,K)) \ QUIT("Reference %d to %s before definition",(N),definition_name[K]) @ @= definition_bits[0][int_kind]=(1<<(MAX_INT_DEFAULT+1))-1; definition_bits[0][dimen_kind]=(1<<(MAX_DIMEN_DEFAULT+1))-1; definition_bits[0][xdimen_kind]=(1<<(MAX_XDIMEN_DEFAULT+1))-1; definition_bits[0][glue_kind]=(1<<(MAX_GLUE_DEFAULT+1))-1; definition_bits[0][baseline_kind]=(1<<(MAX_BASELINE_DEFAULT+1))-1; definition_bits[0][page_kind]=(1<<(MAX_PAGE_DEFAULT+1))-1; definition_bits[0][stream_kind]=(1<<(MAX_STREAM_DEFAULT+1))-1; definition_bits[0][range_kind]=(1<<(MAX_RANGE_DEFAULT+1))-1; @ \goodbreak \vbox{\readcode\vskip -\baselineskip\putcode} @s font symbol @= %type def_node @ @= def_node: start FONT ref font END @| { DEF($$,font_kind,$3);@+ hput_tags($1,$4);@+} | start INTEGER ref integer END @| { DEF($$,int_kind,$3);@+ hput_tags($1,hput_int($4));@+} | start DIMEN ref dimension END @| { DEF($$,dimen_kind,$3);@+ hput_tags($1,hput_dimen($4));} | start LANGUAGE ref string END @| { DEF($$,language_kind,$3);@+hput_string($4); hput_tags($1,TAG(language_kind,0));} | start GLUE ref glue END @| { DEF($$,glue_kind,$3);@+ hput_tags($1,hput_glue(&($4)));} | start XDIMEN ref xdimen END @| { DEF($$,xdimen_kind,$3);@+ hput_tags($1,hput_xdimen(&($4)));} | start RULE ref rule END @| { DEF($$,rule_kind,$3);@+ hput_tags($1,hput_rule(&($4)));} | start LEADERS ref leaders END @| { DEF($$,leaders_kind,$3);@+ hput_tags($1,TAG(leaders_kind, $4));} | start BASELINE ref baseline END @| { DEF($$,baseline_kind,$3);@+hput_tags($1,TAG(baseline_kind, $4));@+} | start LIGATURE ref ligature END @| { DEF($$,ligature_kind,$3);@+hput_tags($1,hput_ligature(&($4)));} | start DISC ref disc END @| { DEF($$,disc_kind,$3);@+ hput_tags($1,hput_disc(&($4)));} | start IMAGE ref image END @| { DEF($$,image_kind,$3);@+ hput_tags($1,TAG(image_kind,$4));} | start PARAM ref parameters END @| { DEF($$,param_kind,$3);@+ hput_tags($1,hput_list($1+2,&($4)));} | start PAGE ref page END @| { DEF($$,page_kind,$3);@+ hput_tags($1,TAG(page_kind,0));}; @ There are a few cases where one wants to define a reference by a reference. For example, a \HINT\ file may want to set the {\tt parfillskip} glue to zero. While there are multiple ways to define the zero glue, the canonical way is a reference using the |zero_glue_no|. All these cases have in common that the reference to be defined is one of the default references and the defining reference is one of the fixed references. We add a few parsing rules and a testing macro for those cases where the number of default definitions is greater than the number of fixed definitions. @= #define @[DEF_REF(D,K,M,N)@] DEF(D,K,M);\ if ((int)(M)>max_default[K]) QUIT("Defining non default reference %d for %s",M,definition_name[K]); \ if ((int)(N)>max_fixed[K]) QUIT("Defining reference %d for %s by non fixed reference %d",M,definition_name[K],N); @ @= def_node: start INTEGER ref ref END @/{DEF_REF($$,int_kind,$3,$4); hput_tags($1,TAG(int_kind,0)); } | start DIMEN ref ref END @/{DEF_REF($$,dimen_kind,$3,$4); hput_tags($1,TAG(dimen_kind,0)); } | start GLUE ref ref END @/{DEF_REF($$,glue_kind,$3,$4); hput_tags($1,TAG(glue_kind,0)); }; @ \goodbreak \vbox{\getcode\vskip -\baselineskip\writecode} @= void hget_definition(int n, uint8_t a, uint32_t node_pos) {@+ switch(KIND(a)) { case font_kind: hget_font_def(n);@+ break; case param_kind: {@+ List l; @+HGET_LIST(INFO(a),l); @+hwrite_parameters(&l); @+ break;@+} case page_kind: hget_page(); @+break; case dimen_kind: hget_dimen(a); @+break; case xdimen_kind: {@+ Xdimen x; @+hget_xdimen(a,&x); @+hwrite_xdimen(&x); @+break;@+ } case language_kind: if (INFO(a)!=b000) QUIT("Info value of language definition must be zero"); else { char *n; HGET_STRING(n);@+ hwrite_string(n); } break; default: hget_content(a); @+break; } } void hget_def_node() { Kind k; @@; k=KIND(a); if (k==label_kind) hget_outline_or_label_def(INFO(a),node_pos); else { int n; n=HGET8; if (k!=range_kind) REF_RNG(k,n); SET_DBIT(n,k); if (k==range_kind) hget_range(INFO(a),n); else { hwrite_start(); @+hwritef("%s *%d",definition_name[k],n); hget_definition(n,a,node_pos); hwrite_end(); } if(n>max_ref[k] || n <= max_fixed[k]) QUIT("Definition %d for %s out of range [%d - %d]",@| n, definition_name[k],max_fixed[k]+1,max_ref[k]); } if (max_fixed[k]>max_default[k]) QUIT("Definitions for kind %s not supported", definition_name[k]); @@; } @ \subsection{Parameter Lists}\label{paramlist}\index{parameter list} Because the content section is a ``stateless'' list of nodes, the definitions we see in the definition section can never change. It is however necessary to make occasionally local modifications of some of these definitions, because some definitions are parameters of the algorithms borrowed from \TeX. Nodes that need such modifications, for example the paragraph nodes that are passed to \TeX's line breaking algorithm, contain a list of local definitions called parameters. Typically sets of related parameters are needed. To facilitate a simple reference to such a set of parameters, we allow predefined parameter lists that can be referenced by a single number. The parameters of \TeX's routines are quite basic---integers\index{integer}, dimensions\index{dimension}, and glues\index{glue}---and all of them have default values. Therefore we restrict the definitions in parameter lists to such basic definitions. @= void check_param_def(Ref *df) { if(df->k!=int_kind && df->k!=dimen_kind && @| df->k!=glue_kind) QUIT("Kind %s not allowed in parameter list", definition_name[df->k]); if(df->n<=max_fixed[df->k] || max_default[df->k]n) QUIT("Parameter %d for %s not allowed in parameter list", df->n, definition_name[df->k]); } @ The definitions below repeat the definitions we have seen for lists in section~\secref{plainlists} with small modifications. For example we use the kind-value |param_kind|. An empty parameter list is omitted in the long format as well as in the short format. \goodbreak \vbox{\readcode\vskip -\baselineskip\putcode} @s PARAM symbol @s def_list symbol @s parameters_node symbol @s def_node symbol @s parameters symbol @s empty_param_list symbol @s non_empty_param_list symbol @= %token PARAM "param" %type def_list %type parameters @ @= ::@=param@> :< return PARAM; >: @ @= def_list: position @+ | def_list def_node {check_param_def(&($2));}; parameters: estimate def_list { $$.p=$2; $$.k=param_kind; $$.s=(hpos-hstart)-$2;}; @ Using a parsing rule like ``\nts{param\_list}: \nts{start} \ts{PARAM} \nts{parameters} \ts{END}'', an empty parameter list will be written as ``\.{}''. This looks ugly and seems like unnecessary syntax. It would be nicer if an empty parameter list could simply be omitted. Generating an empty parameter list for an omitted parameter list is however a bit tricky. Consider the sequence ``\.{} \.{}'' versus the sequence ``\.{}''. In the latter case, the parser will notice the missing parameter list when it encounters the \.{hbox} token. Of course it is not a good idea to augment the rules for the \.{hbox} with a special test for the missing empty parameter list. It is better to insert an empty parameter list before parsing the first ``\.{<}'' token and remove it again if a non-empty parameter list has been detected. This can be accomplished by the following two rules. @= empty_param_list: position { HPUTX(2); hpos++; hput_tags($1,TAG(param_kind,1));}; non_empty_param_list: start PARAM {hpos=hpos-2;} parameters END @/ { @+ hput_tags($1-2,hput_list($1-1,&($4)));@+}; @ \writecode @= void hwrite_parameters(List *l) { uint32_t h=hpos-hstart, e=hend-hstart; /* save |hpos| and |hend| */ hpos=l->p+hstart;@+ hend=hpos+l->s; if (l->s>0xFF) hwritef(" %d",l->s); while(hposs!=0) @/ { hwrite_start();@+ hwritef("param"); hwrite_parameters(l); hwrite_end(); } } @ \getcode @= void hget_param_list(List *l) { @+if (KIND(*hpos)!=param_kind) @/ QUIT("Parameter list expected at 0x%x", (uint32_t)(hpos-hstart)); else hget_list(l); } @ \subsection{Fonts}\label{fonts} Another definition that has no corresponding content node is the font\index{font} definition. Fonts by themselves do not constitute content, instead they are used in glyph\index{glyph} nodes. Further, fonts are never directly embedded in a content node; in a content node, a font is always specified by its font number. This limits the number of fonts that can be used in a \HINT\ file to at most 256. A long format font definition starts with the keyword ``\.{font}'' and is followed by the font number, as usual prefixed by an asterisk. Then comes the font specification with the font size, the font name, the section number of the \TeX\ font metric file, and the section number of the file containing the glyphs for the font. The \HINT\ format supports \.{.pk} files, the traditional font format for \TeX, and the more modern PostScript Type 1 fonts, TrueType fonts, and OpenType fonts. The format of font definitions will probably change in future versions of the \HINT\ file format. For example, \.{.pk} files might be replaced entirely by PostScript Type 1 fonts. Also \HINT\ needs the \TeX\ font metric files only to obtain the sizes of characters when running \TeX's line breaking algorithm. But for many TrueType fonts there are no \TeX\ font metric files, while the necessary information about character sizes should be easy to obtain. Another information, that is currently missing from font definitions, is the fonts character encoding. In a \HINT\ file, text is represented as a sequence of numbers called character codes. \HINT\ files use the UTF-8 character encoding scheme (CES) to map these numbers to their representation as byte sequences. For example the number ``|0xE4|'' is encoded as the byte sequence ``|0xC3| |0xA4|''. The same number |0xE4| now can represent different characters depending on the coded character set (CCS). For example in the common ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1) encoding the number |0xE4| is the umlaut ``\"a'' where as in the ISO-8859-7 (Latin/Greek) it is the Greek letter ``$\delta$'' and in the EBCDIC encoding, used on IBM mainframes, it is the upper case letter ``U''. The character encoding is irrelevant for rendering a \HINT\ file as long as the character codes in the glyph nodes are consistent with the character codes used in the font file, but the character encoding is necessary for all programs that need to ``understand'' the content of the \HINT\ file. For example programs that want to translate a \HINT\ document to a different language, or for text-to-speech conversion. The Internet Engineering Task Force IETF has established a character set registry\cite{ietf:charset-mib} that defines an enumeration of all registered coded character sets\cite{iana:charset-mib}. The coded character set numbers are in the range 1--2999. This encoding number, as given in~\cite{iana:charset}, might be one possibility for specifying the font encoding as part of a font definition. Currently, it is only required that a font specifies an interword glue and a default discretionary break. After that comes a list of up to 12 font specific parameters. The font size specifies the desired ``at size''\index{font at size} which might be different from the ``design size''\index{font design size} of the font as stored in the \.{.tfm} file. In the short format, the font specification is given in the same order as in the long format. Our internal representation of a font just stores the font name because in the long format we add the font name as a comment to glyph nodes. @= char **hfont_name; /* dynamically allocated array of font names */ @ @= #define MAX_FONT_PARAMS 11 @ @= ALLOCATE(hfont_name,max_ref[font_kind]+1,char *); @ \readcode @s FONT symbol @s fref symbol @s font_param_list symbol @s font_param symbol @s font_head symbol @= %token FONT "font" %type font font_head @ @= ::@=font@> :< return FONT; >: @ Note that we set the definition bit early because the definition of font |f| might involve glyphs that reference font |f| (or other fonts). @=@/ font: font_head font_param_list; font_head: string dimension UNSIGNED UNSIGNED @/ {uint8_t f=$@&0; SET_DBIT(f,font_kind); @+hfont_name[f]=strdup($1); $$=hput_font_head(f,hfont_name[f],$2,$3,$4);}; font_param_list: glue_node disc_node @+ | font_param_list font_param ; font_param: @/ start PENALTY fref penalty END { hput_tags($1,hput_int($4));} | start KERN fref kern END { hput_tags($1,hput_kern(&($4)));} | start LIGATURE fref ligature END { hput_tags($1,hput_ligature(&($4)));} | start DISC fref disc END { hput_tags($1,hput_disc(&($4)));} | start GLUE fref glue END { hput_tags($1,hput_glue(&($4)));} | start LANGUAGE fref string END { hput_string($4);hput_tags($1,TAG(language_kind,0));} | start RULE fref rule END { hput_tags($1,hput_rule(&($4)));} | start IMAGE fref image END { hput_tags($1,TAG(image_kind,$4));}; fref: ref @/{ RNG("Font parameter",$1,0,MAX_FONT_PARAMS); }; @ \goodbreak \vbox{\getcode\vskip -\baselineskip\writecode} @= static void hget_font_params(void) { Disc h; hget_glue_node(); hget_disc_node(&(h));@+ hwrite_disc_node(&h); DBG(DBGDEF,"Start font parameters\n"); while (KIND(*hpos)!=font_kind)@/ { Ref df; @@; df.k=KIND(a); df.n=HGET8; DBG(DBGDEF,"Reading font parameter %d: %s\n",df.n, definition_name[df.k]); if (df.k!=penalty_kind && df.k!=kern_kind && df.k!=ligature_kind && @| df.k!=disc_kind && df.k!=glue_kind && df.k!=language_kind && @| df.k!=rule_kind && df.k!=image_kind) QUIT("Font parameter %d has invalid type %s",df.n, content_name[df.n]); RNG("Font parameter",df.n,0,MAX_FONT_PARAMS); hwrite_start(); @+ hwritef("%s *%d",content_name[KIND(a)],df.n); hget_definition(df.n,a,node_pos); hwrite_end(); @@; } DBG(DBGDEF,"End font parameters\n"); } void hget_font_def(uint8_t f) { char *n; @+Dimen s=0;@+uint16_t m,y; HGET_STRING(n);@+ hwrite_string(n);@+ hfont_name[f]=strdup(n); HGET32(s); @+ hwrite_dimension(s); DBG(DBGDEF,"Font %s size 0x%x\n", n, s); HGET16(m); @+RNG("Font metrics",m,3,max_section_no); HGET16(y); @+RNG("Font glyphs",y,3,max_section_no); hwritef(" %d %d",m,y); hget_font_params(); DBG(DBGDEF,"End font definition\n"); } @ \putcode @= uint8_t hput_font_head(uint8_t f, char *n, Dimen s, @| uint16_t m, uint16_t y) { Info i=b000; DBG(DBGDEF,"Defining font %d (%s) size 0x%x\n", f, n, s); hput_string(n); HPUT32(s);@+ HPUT16(m); @+HPUT16(y); return TAG(font_kind,i); } @ \subsection{References}\label{reference} We have seen how to make definitions, now let's see how to reference\index{reference} them. In the long form, we can simply write the reference number, after the keyword like this: ``{\tt \.{<}glue *17\.{>}}''. The asterisk\index{asterisk} is necessary to keep apart, for example, a penalty with value 50, written ``{\tt \.{<}penalty 50\.{>}}'', from a penalty referencing the integer definition number 50, written ``{\tt \.{<}penalty *50\.{>}}''. \goodbreak \vbox{\readcode\vskip -\baselineskip\putcode} @= xdimen_ref: ref { REF(xdimen_kind,$1);}; param_ref: ref { REF(param_kind,$1); }; stream_ref: ref { REF_RNG(stream_kind,$1); }; content_node: start PENALTY ref END @/{ REF(penalty_kind,$3); @+ hput_tags($1,TAG(penalty_kind,0)); } |start KERN explicit ref END @/ { REF(dimen_kind,$4); @+ hput_tags($1,TAG(kern_kind,($3)?b100:b000)); } |start KERN explicit XDIMEN ref END @/ { REF(xdimen_kind,$5); @+hput_tags($1,TAG(kern_kind,($3)?b101:b001)); } |start GLUE ref END @/{ REF(glue_kind,$3); @+ hput_tags($1,TAG(glue_kind,0)); } |start LIGATURE ref END @/{ REF(ligature_kind,$3); @+ hput_tags($1,TAG(ligature_kind,0)); } |start DISC ref END @/{ REF(disc_kind,$3); @+ hput_tags($1,TAG(disc_kind,0)); } |start RULE ref END @/{ REF(rule_kind,$3); @+ hput_tags($1,TAG(rule_kind,0)); } |start IMAGE ref END @/{ REF(image_kind,$3);@+ hput_tags($1,TAG(image_kind,0)); } |start LEADERS ref END @/{ REF(leaders_kind,$3); @+ hput_tags($1,TAG(leaders_kind,0)); } |start BASELINE ref END @/{ REF(baseline_kind,$3);@+ hput_tags($1,TAG(baseline_kind,0)); } |start LANGUAGE REFERENCE END @/{ REF(language_kind,$3);@+ hput_tags($1,hput_language($3)); }; glue_node: start GLUE ref END @/{ REF(glue_kind,$3); if ($3==zero_skip_no) { hpos=hpos-2; $$=false;@+ } else {hput_tags($1,TAG(glue_kind,0)); $$=true;@t\2@>@+}}; @ \getcode @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(penalty_kind,0): HGET_REF(penalty_kind); @+break; case TAG(kern_kind,b000): HGET_REF(dimen_kind); @+break; case TAG(kern_kind,b100): hwritef(" !"); @+HGET_REF(dimen_kind); @+break; case TAG(kern_kind,b001): @| hwritef(" xdimen");@+ HGET_REF(xdimen_kind); @+break; case TAG(kern_kind,b101): @| hwritef(" ! xdimen");@+ HGET_REF(xdimen_kind); @+break; case TAG(ligature_kind,0): HGET_REF(ligature_kind); @+break; case TAG(disc_kind,0): HGET_REF(disc_kind); @+break; case TAG(glue_kind,0): HGET_REF(glue_kind); @+break; case TAG(language_kind,b000): HGET_REF(language_kind); @+break; case TAG(rule_kind,0): HGET_REF(rule_kind); @+break; case TAG(image_kind,0): HGET_REF(image_kind); @+break; case TAG(leaders_kind,0): HGET_REF(leaders_kind); @+break; case TAG(baseline_kind,0): HGET_REF(baseline_kind); @+break; @ @= #define @[HGET_REF(K)@] {uint8_t n=HGET8;@+ REF(K,n); @+hwrite_ref(n);@+} @ \writecode @= void hwrite_ref(int n) {hwritef(" *%d",n);@+} void hwrite_ref_node(Kind k, uint8_t n) { hwrite_start(); @+hwritef("%s",content_name[k]);@+ hwrite_ref(n); @+hwrite_end();} @ \section{Defaults}\label{defaults}\index{default value} Several of the predefined values found in the definition section are used as parameters for the routines borrowed from \TeX\ to display the content of a \HINT\ file. These values must be defined, but it is inconvenient if the same standard definitions need to be placed in each and every \HINT\ file. Therefore we specify in this chapter reasonable default values. As a consequence, even a \HINT\ file without any definitions should produce sensible results when displayed. The definitions that have default values are integers, dimensions, extended dimensions, glues, baselines, labels, page templates, streams, and page ranges. Each of these defaults has its own subsection below. Actually the defaults for extended dimensions, baselines, and labels are not needed by \TeX's routines, but it is nice to have default values for the extended dimensions that represent \.{hsize}, \.{vsize}, a zero baseline skip, and a label for the table of content. The array |max_default| contains for each kind-value the maximum number of the default values. The function |hset_max| is used to initialize them. The programs \.{shrink} and \.{stretch} actually do not use the defaults, but it would be possible to suppress definitions if the defined value is the same as the default value. % We start by setting |max_default[k]==-1|, meaning no defaults, and |max_fixed[k]==0x10000|, meaning no definitions. The following subsections will then overwrite these values for all kinds of definitions that have defaults. It remains to reset |max_fixed| to $-1$ for all those kinds that have no defaults but allow definitions. @= for (k=0; k<32; k++) max_default[k]=-1,max_fixed[k]=0x10000; @/@t}$\hangindent=1em${@>max_fixed[font_kind]= max_fixed[ligature_kind]= max_fixed[disc_kind] @|=max_fixed[language_kind]=max_fixed[rule_kind]= max_fixed[image_kind] @|= max_fixed[leaders_kind]= max_fixed[param_kind]=max_fixed[label_kind]@|= -1; @ \subsection{Integers} Integers\index{integer} are very simple objects, and it might be tempting not to use predefined integers at all. But the \TeX\ typesetting engine, which is used by \HINT, uses many integer parameters to fine tune its operations. As we will see, all these integer parameters have a predefined integer number that refers to an integer definition. Integers and penalties\index{penalty} share the same kind-value. So a penalty node that references one of the predefined penalties, simply contains the integer number as a reference number. The following integer numbers are predefined. The zero integer is fixed with integer number zero. %It is never redefined. The default values are taken from {\tt plain.tex}. @= typedef enum {@t}$\hangindent=2em${@> zero_int_no=0, pretolerance_no=1, tolerance_no=2, line_penalty_no=3, hyphen_penalty_no=4, ex_hyphen_penalty_no=5, club_penalty_no=6, widow_penalty_no=7, display_widow_penalty_no=8, broken_penalty_no=9, pre_display_penalty_no=10, post_display_penalty_no=11, inter_line_penalty_no=12, double_hyphen_demerits_no=13, final_hyphen_demerits_no=14, adj_demerits_no=15, looseness_no=16, time_no=17, day_no=18, month_no=19, year_no=20, hang_after_no=21, floating_penalty_no=22 } Int_no; #define MAX_INT_DEFAULT floating_penalty_no @ @= max_default[int_kind]=MAX_INT_DEFAULT; max_fixed[int_kind]=zero_int_no; int_defaults[zero_int_no]=0; int_defaults[pretolerance_no]=100; int_defaults[tolerance_no]=200; int_defaults[line_penalty_no]=10; int_defaults[hyphen_penalty_no]=50; int_defaults[ex_hyphen_penalty_no]=50; int_defaults[club_penalty_no]=150; int_defaults[widow_penalty_no]=150; int_defaults[display_widow_penalty_no]=50; int_defaults[broken_penalty_no]=100; int_defaults[pre_display_penalty_no]=10000; int_defaults[post_display_penalty_no]=0; int_defaults[inter_line_penalty_no]=0; int_defaults[double_hyphen_demerits_no]=10000; int_defaults[final_hyphen_demerits_no]=5000; int_defaults[adj_demerits_no]=10000; int_defaults[looseness_no]=0; int_defaults[time_no]=720; int_defaults[day_no]=4; int_defaults[month_no]=7; int_defaults[year_no]=1776; int_defaults[hang_after_no]=1; int_defaults[floating_penalty_no]=20000; @# printf("int32_t int_defaults[MAX_INT_DEFAULT+1]={"); for (i=0; i<= max_default[int_kind];i++)@/ { printf("%d",int_defaults[i]);@+ if (i= typedef enum {@t}$\hangindent=2em${@> zero_dimen_no=0, hsize_dimen_no=1, vsize_dimen_no=2, line_skip_limit_no=3, max_depth_no=4, split_max_depth_no=5, hang_indent_no=6, emergency_stretch_no=7, quad_no=8, math_quad_no=9 } Dimen_no; #define MAX_DIMEN_DEFAULT math_quad_no @ @= max_default[dimen_kind]=MAX_DIMEN_DEFAULT; max_fixed[dimen_kind]=zero_dimen_no;@# dimen_defaults[zero_dimen_no]=0; dimen_defaults[hsize_dimen_no]=(Dimen)(6.5*72.27*ONE); dimen_defaults[vsize_dimen_no]=(Dimen)(8.9*72.27*ONE); dimen_defaults[line_skip_limit_no]=0; dimen_defaults[split_max_depth_no]=(Dimen)(3.5*ONE); dimen_defaults[hang_indent_no]=0; dimen_defaults[emergency_stretch_no]=0; dimen_defaults[quad_no]=10*ONE; dimen_defaults[math_quad_no]=10*ONE;@# printf("Dimen dimen_defaults[MAX_DIMEN_DEFAULT+1]={"); for (i=0; i<= max_default[dimen_kind];i++) { printf("0x%x",dimen_defaults[i]); if (i= typedef enum { zero_xdimen_no=0, hsize_xdimen_no=1, vsize_xdimen_no=2 } Xdimen_no; #define MAX_XDIMEN_DEFAULT vsize_xdimen_no @ @= max_default[xdimen_kind]=MAX_XDIMEN_DEFAULT; max_fixed[xdimen_kind]=vsize_xdimen_no;@# printf("Xdimen xdimen_defaults[MAX_XDIMEN_DEFAULT+1]={"@/ "{0x0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0x0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0x0, 0.0, 1.0}"@/ "};\n\n"); @ \subsection{Glue} There are predefined glue\index{glue} numbers that correspond to the skip parameters of \TeX. The default values are taken from {\tt plain.tex}. @= typedef enum {@t}$\hangindent=2em${@> zero_skip_no=0, fil_skip_no=1, fill_skip_no=2, line_skip_no=3, baseline_skip_no=4, above_display_skip_no=5, below_display_skip_no=6, above_display_short_skip_no=7, below_display_short_skip_no=8, left_skip_no=9, right_skip_no=10, top_skip_no=11, split_top_skip_no=12, tab_skip_no=13, par_fill_skip_no=14 } Glue_no; #define MAX_GLUE_DEFAULT par_fill_skip_no @ @= max_default[glue_kind]=MAX_GLUE_DEFAULT; max_fixed[glue_kind]=fill_skip_no; glue_defaults[fil_skip_no].p.f=1.0; glue_defaults[fil_skip_no].p.o=fil_o; glue_defaults[fill_skip_no].p.f=1.0; glue_defaults[fill_skip_no].p.o=fill_o;@# glue_defaults[line_skip_no].w.w=1*ONE; glue_defaults[baseline_skip_no].w.w=12*ONE; glue_defaults[above_display_skip_no].w.w=12*ONE; glue_defaults[above_display_skip_no].p.f=3.0; glue_defaults[above_display_skip_no].p.o=normal_o; glue_defaults[above_display_skip_no].m.f=9.0; glue_defaults[above_display_skip_no].m.o=normal_o; glue_defaults[below_display_skip_no].w.w=12*ONE; glue_defaults[below_display_skip_no].p.f=3.0; glue_defaults[below_display_skip_no].p.o=normal_o; glue_defaults[below_display_skip_no].m.f=9.0; glue_defaults[below_display_skip_no].m.o=normal_o; glue_defaults[above_display_short_skip_no].p.f=3.0; glue_defaults[above_display_short_skip_no].p.o=normal_o; glue_defaults[below_display_short_skip_no].w.w=7*ONE; glue_defaults[below_display_short_skip_no].p.f=3.0; glue_defaults[below_display_short_skip_no].p.o=normal_o; glue_defaults[below_display_short_skip_no].m.f=4.0; glue_defaults[below_display_short_skip_no].m.o=normal_o; glue_defaults[top_skip_no].w.w=10*ONE; glue_defaults[split_top_skip_no].w.w=(Dimen)8.5*ONE; glue_defaults[par_fill_skip_no].p.f=1.0; glue_defaults[par_fill_skip_no].p.o=fil_o; #define @[PRINT_GLUE(G)@] \ @[printf("{{0x%x, %f, %f},{%f, %d},{%f, %d}}",\ G.w.w, G.w.h, G.w.v, G.p.f, G.p.o, G.m.f,G.m.o)@]@# printf("Glue glue_defaults[MAX_GLUE_DEFAULT+1]={\n"); for (i=0; i<= max_default[glue_kind];i++)@/ { PRINT_GLUE(glue_defaults[i]); @+ if (i= typedef enum {@+ zero_baseline_no=0@+ } Baseline_no; #define MAX_BASELINE_DEFAULT zero_baseline_no @ @= max_default[baseline_kind]=MAX_BASELINE_DEFAULT; max_fixed[baseline_kind]=zero_baseline_no;@# { Baseline z={{{0}}}; printf("Baseline baseline_defaults[MAX_BASELINE_DEFAULT+1]={{"); PRINT_GLUE(z.bs); @+printf(", "); @+PRINT_GLUE(z.ls); printf(", 0x%x}};\n\n",z.lsl); } @ \subsection{Labels} The zero label\index{label} is predefined. It should point to the ``home'' position of the document which should be the position where a user can start reading or navigating the document. For a short document this is usually the start of the document, and hence, the default is the first position of the content section. For a larger document, the home position could point to the table of content where a reader will find links to other parts of the document. @= typedef enum {@+ zero_label_no=0@+ } Label_no; #define MAX_LABEL_DEFAULT zero_label_no @ @= max_default[label_kind]=MAX_LABEL_DEFAULT; printf("Label label_defaults[MAX_LABEL_DEFAULT+1]="@|"{{0,LABEL_TOP,true,0,0,0}};\n\n"); @ \subsection{Streams} The zero stream\index{stream} is predefined for the main content. @= typedef enum {@+ zero_stream_no=0@+ } Stream_no; #define MAX_STREAM_DEFAULT zero_stream_no @ @= max_default[stream_kind]=MAX_STREAM_DEFAULT; max_fixed[stream_kind]=zero_stream_no; @ \subsection{Page Templates} The zero page template\index{template} is a predefined, built-in page template. @= typedef enum {@+ zero_page_no=0@+ } Page_no; #define MAX_PAGE_DEFAULT zero_page_no @ @= max_default[page_kind]=MAX_PAGE_DEFAULT; max_fixed[page_kind]=zero_page_no; @ \subsection{Page Ranges} The page\index{page range} range for the zero page template is the entire content section. @= typedef enum {@+ zero_range_no=0@+ } Range_no; #define MAX_RANGE_DEFAULT zero_range_no @ @= max_default[range_kind]=MAX_RANGE_DEFAULT; max_fixed[range_kind]=zero_range_no; @ \section{Content Section} The content section\index{content section} is just a list of nodes. Within the \.{shrink} program, reading a node in long format will trigger writing the node in short format. Similarly within the \.{stretch} program, reading a node in short form will cause writing it in long format. As a consequence, the main task of writing the content section in long format is accomplished by calling |get_content| and writing it in the short format is accomplished by parsing the |content_list|. %\readcode \codesection{\redsymbol}{Reading the Long Format}\redindex{1}{6}{Content Section} \label{content}% @s CONTENT symbol @= %token CONTENT "content" @ @= ::@=content@> :< return CONTENT; >: @ @= content_section: START CONTENT { hput_content_start(); } @| content_list END @| { hput_content_end(); hput_range_defs(); hput_label_defs(); }; @ %\writecode \codesection{\wrtsymbol}{Writing the Long Format}\wrtindex{1}{6}{Content Section} @= void hwrite_content_section(void) { section_no=2; hwritef("\n"); } @ %\getcode \codesection{\getsymbol}{Reading the Short Format}\getindex{1}{6}{Content Section} @= void hget_content_section() { DBG(DBGBASIC|DBGDIR,"Content\n"); hget_section(2); hwrite_range(); hwrite_label(); while(hpos= void hput_content_start(void) { DBG(DBGDIR,"Content Section\n"); section_no=2; hpos0=hpos=hstart=dir[2].buffer; hend=hstart+dir[2].bsize; } void hput_content_end(void) { dir[2].size=hpos-hstart; /* Updating the directory entry */ DBG(DBGDIR,"End Content Section, size=0x%x\n", dir[2].size); } @ \section{Processing the Command Line} The following code explains the command line\index{command line} parameters and options\index{option}\index{debugging}. It tells us what to expect in the rest of this section. {\def\SP{\hskip .5em} @= fprintf(stdout, "Usage: %s [OPTION]... FILENAME%s\n",prog_name, in_ext);@/ fprintf(stdout,DESCRIPTION); fprintf(stdout, "\nOptions:\n"@/ "\t --help \t display this message\n"@/ "\t --version\t display the HINT version\n"@/ "\t -l \t redirect stderr to a log file\n"@/ #if defined (STRETCH) || defined (SHRINK) "\t -o FILE\t specify an output file name\n"@/ #endif #if defined (STRETCH) "\t -a \t write auxiliary files\n"@/ "\t -g \t do not use localized names (implies -a)\n"@/ "\t -f \t force overwriting existing auxiliary files\n"@/ "\t -u \t enable writing utf8 character codes\n"@/ "\t -x \t enable writing hexadecimal character codes\n"@/ #elif defined (SHRINK) "\t -a \t use only localized names\n"@/ "\t -g \t do not use localized names\n"@/ "\t -c \t enable compression\n"@/ #endif ); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stdout,"\t -d XXXX \t set debug flag to hexadecimal value XXXX.\n" "\t\t\t OR together these values:\n");@/ fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t XX=%03X basic debugging\n", DBGBASIC);@/ fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t XX=%03X tag debugging\n", DBGTAGS);@/ fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t XX=%03X node debugging\n",DBGNODE);@/ fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t XX=%03X definition debugging\n", DBGDEF);@/ fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t XX=%03X directory debugging\n", DBGDIR);@/ fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t XX=%03X range debugging\n",DBGRANGE);@/ fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t XX=%03X float debugging\n", DBGFLOAT);@/ fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t XX=%03X compression debugging\n", DBGCOMPRESS);@/ fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t XX=%03X buffer debugging\n", DBGBUFFER);@/ fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t XX=%03X flex debugging\n", DBGFLEX);@/ fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t XX=%03X bison debugging\n", DBGBISON);@/ fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t XX=%03X TeX debugging\n", DBGTEX);@/ fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t XX=%03X Page debugging\n", DBGPAGE);@/ fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t XX=%03X Font debugging\n", DBGFONT);@/ fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t XX=%03X Render debugging\n", DBGRENDER);@/ fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t XX=%03X Label debugging\n", DBGLABEL);@/ #endif @ } We define constants for different debug flags. @= #define DBGNONE 0x0 #define DBGBASIC 0x1 #define DBGTAGS 0x2 #define DBGNODE 0x4 #define DBGDEF 0x8 #define DBGDIR 0x10 #define DBGRANGE 0x20 #define DBGFLOAT 0x40 #define DBGCOMPRESS 0x80 #define DBGBUFFER 0X100 #define DBGFLEX 0x200 #define DBGBISON 0x400 #define DBGTEX 0x800 #define DBGPAGE 0x1000 #define DBGFONT 0x2000 #define DBGRENDER 0x4000 #define DBGLABEL 0x8000 @ Next we define common variables that are needed in all three programs defined here. @= unsigned int debugflags=DBGNONE; int option_utf8=false; int option_hex=false; int option_force=false; int option_global=false; int option_aux=false; int option_compress=false; char *stem_name=NULL; int stem_length=0; @ The variable |stem_name| contains the name of the input file not including the extension. The space allocated for it is large enough to append an extension with up to five characters. It can be used with the extension {\tt .log} for the log file, with {\tt .hint} or {\tt .hnt} for the output file, and with {\tt .abs} or {\tt .rel} when writing or reading the auxiliary sections. The {\tt stretch} program will overwrite the |stem_name| using the name of the output file if it is set with the {\tt -o} option. Next are the variables that are local in the |main| program. @= char *prog_name; char *in_ext; char *out_ext; int option_log=false; #ifndef SKIP char *file_name=NULL; int file_name_length=0; #endif @ Processing the command line looks for options and then sets the input file name\index{file name}. For compatibility with GNU standards, the long options {\tt --help} and {\tt --version} are supported in addition to the short options. @= debugflags=DBGBASIC; prog_name=argv[0]; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: no input file given\n" "Try '%s --help' for more information\n",prog_name, prog_name); exit(1); } argv++; /* skip the program name */ while (*argv!=NULL) { if ((*argv)[0]=='-') { char option=(*argv)[1]; switch(option) { case '-': if (strcmp(*argv,"--version")==0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s version %d.%d\n",prog_name, HINT_VERSION, HINT_SUB_VERSION); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(*argv,"--help")==0) { @@; fprintf(stdout,"\nFor further information and reporting bugs see https://hint.userweb.mwn.de/\n"); exit(0); } case 'l': option_log=true; @+break; #if defined (STRETCH) || defined (SHRINK) case 'o': argv++; file_name_length=(int)strlen(*argv); ALLOCATE(file_name,file_name_length+6,char); /*plus extension*/ strcpy(file_name,*argv);@+ break; case 'g': option_global=option_aux=true; @+break; case 'a': option_aux=true; @+break; #endif #if defined (STRETCH) case 'u': option_utf8=true;@+break; case 'x': option_hex=true;@+break; case 'f': option_force=true; @+break; #elif defined (SHRINK) case 'c': option_compress=true; @+break; #endif case 'd': @/ argv++; if (*argv==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: option -d expects an argument\n" "Try '%s --help' for more information\n",prog_name, prog_name); exit(1); } debugflags=strtol(*argv,NULL,16); break; default: { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized option '%s'\n" "Try '%s --help' for more information\n",prog_name,*argv,prog_name); exit(1); } } } else /* the input file name */ { int path_length=(int)strlen(*argv); int ext_length=(int)strlen(in_ext); ALLOCATE(hin_name,path_length+ext_length+1,char); strcpy(hin_name,*argv); if (path_length= FILE *hin=NULL, *hout=NULL, *hlog=NULL; @ The log file is opened first because this is the place where error messages\index{error message} should go while the other files are opened. It inherits its name from the input file name. @ = if (option_log) { strcat(stem_name,".log"); hlog=freopen(stem_name,"w",stderr); if (hlog==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open logfile %s",stem_name); hlog=stderr; } stem_name[stem_length]=0; } else hlog=stderr; @ Once we have established logging, we can try to open the other files. @= hin=fopen(hin_name,"rb"); if (hin==NULL) QUIT("Unable to open input file %s",hin_name); @ @= if (file_name!=NULL) { int ext_length=(int)strlen(out_ext); if (file_name_length<=ext_length || strncmp(file_name+file_name_length-ext_length,out_ext,ext_length)!=0) { strcat(file_name,out_ext); file_name_length+=ext_length; } } else { file_name_length=stem_length+(int)strlen(out_ext); ALLOCATE(file_name,file_name_length+1,char); strcpy(file_name,stem_name);@+ strcpy(file_name+stem_length,out_ext); } { char *aux_name=file_name; @@; aux_name=NULL; } hout=fopen(file_name,"wb"); if (hout==NULL) QUIT("Unable to open output file %s",file_name); @ The {\tt stretch} program will replace the |stem_name| using the stem of the output file. @= stem_length=file_name_length-(int)strlen(out_ext); ALLOCATE(stem_name,stem_length+6,char); strncpy(stem_name,file_name,stem_length); stem_name[stem_length]=0; @ At the very end, we will close the files again. @= if (hin_name!=NULL) free(hin_name); if (hin!=NULL) fclose(hin); @ @= if (file_name!=NULL) free(file_name); if (hout!=NULL) fclose(hout); @ @= if (hlog!=NULL) fclose(hlog); if (stem_name!=NULL) free(stem_name); @ \section{Error Handling and Debugging}\label{error_section} There is no good program without good error handling\index{error message}\index{debugging}. To print messages\index{message} or indicate errors, I define the following macros: \index{MESSAGE+\.{MESSAGE}}\index{QUIT+\.{QUIT}} @(hierror.h@>= #ifndef _ERROR_H #define _ERROR_H #include #include extern FILE *hlog; extern uint8_t *hpos, *hstart; #ifndef LOG_PREFIX #define LOG_PREFIX "HINT " #endif #define @[LOG(...)@] @[(fprintf(hlog,LOG_PREFIX __VA_ARGS__),fflush(hlog))@] #define @[MESSAGE(...)@] @[(fprintf(hlog,LOG_PREFIX __VA_ARGS__),fflush(hlog))@] #define @[QUIT(...)@] (MESSAGE("ERROR: " __VA_ARGS__),fprintf(hlog,"\n"),exit(1)) #endif @ The amount of debugging\index{debugging} depends on the debugging flags. For portability, we first define the output specifier for expressions of type |size_t|. \index{DBG+\.{DBG}}\index{SIZE F+\.{SIZE\_F}}\index{DBGTAG+\.{DBGTAG}} \index{RNG+\.{RNG}}\index{TAGERR+\.{TAGERR}} @= #ifdef WIN32 #define SIZE_F "0x%x" #else #define SIZE_F "0x%zx" #endif #ifdef DEBUG #define @[DBG(FLAGS,...)@] ((debugflags & (FLAGS))?LOG(__VA_ARGS__):0) #else #define @[DBG(FLAGS,...)@] (void)0 #endif #define @[DBGTAG(A,P)@] @[DBG(DBGTAGS,@["tag [%s,%d] at " SIZE_F "\n"@],@|NAME(A),INFO(A),(P)-hstart)@] #define @[RNG(S,N,A,Z)@] @/\ if ((int)(N)<(int)(A)||(int)(N)>(int)(Z)) QUIT(S@, " %d out of range [%d - %d]",N,A,Z) #define @[TAGERR(A)@] @[QUIT(@["Unknown tag [%s,%d] at " SIZE_F "\n"@],NAME(A),INFO(A),hpos-hstart)@] @ The \.{bison} generated parser will need a function |yyerror| for error reporting. We can define it now: @= extern int yylineno; int yyerror(const char *msg) { QUIT(" in line %d %s",yylineno,msg); return 0; } @ To enable the generation of debugging code \.{bison} needs also the following: @= #ifdef DEBUG #define YYDEBUG 1 extern int yydebug; #else #define YYDEBUG 0 #endif @ \appendix \section{Traversing Short Format Files}\label{fastforward} For applications like searching or repositioning a file after reloading a possibly changed version of a file, it is useful to have a fast way of getting from one content node to the next. For quite some nodes, it is possible to know the size of the node from the tag. So the fastest way to get to the next node is looking up the node size in a table. Other important nodes, for example hbox, vbox, or par nodes, end with a list node and it is possible to know the size of the node up to the final list. With that knowledge it is possible to skip the initial part of the node, then skip the list, and finally skip the tag byte. The size of the initial part can be stored in the same node size table using negated values. What works for lists, of course, will work for other kinds of nodes as well. So we use the lowest two bits of the values in the size table to store the number of embedded nodes that follow after the initial part. For list nodes neither of these methods works and these nodes can be marked with a zero entry in the node size table. This leads to the following code for a ``fast forward'' function for |hpos|: @= uint32_t hff_list_pos=0, hff_list_size=0; uint8_t hff_tag; void hff_hpos(void) { signed char i,k; hff_tag=*hpos;@+ DBGTAG(hff_tag,hpos); i= hnode_size[hff_tag]; if (i>0) {hpos=hpos+i; @+return;@+ } else if (i<0) { k=1+(i&0x3);@+ i=i>>2; hpos=hpos-i; /* skip initial part */ while (k>0) { hff_hpos(); @+k--; @+} /* skip trailing nodes */ hpos++;/* skip end byte */ return; } else if (hff_tag <=TAG(param_kind,5)) @@; TAGERR(hff_tag); } @ We will put the |hnode_size| variable into the {\tt tables.c} file using the following function. We add some comments and split negative values into their components, to make the result more readable. @= printf("signed char hnode_size[0x100]= {\n"); for (i=0; i<=0xff; i++)@/ { signed char s = hnode_size[i]; if (s>=0) printf("%d",s); else printf("-4*%d+%d",-(s>>2),s&3); if (i<0xff) printf(","); else printf("};"); if ((i&0x7)==0x7) printf(" /* %s */\n", content_name[KIND(i)]); } printf("\n\n"); @ \subsection{Lists}\index{list}\index{text}\index{parameters} List don't follow the usual schema of nodes. They have a variable size that is stored in the node. We keep position and size in global variables so that the list that ends a node can be conveniently located. @= switch (INFO(hff_tag)){ case 1: hff_list_pos=hpos-hstart+1;hff_list_size=0; hpos=hpos+2;@+ return; case 2: hpos++;@+ hff_list_size=HGET8;@+ hff_list_pos=hpos-hstart+1; hpos=hpos+1+hff_list_size+1+1+1;@+ return; case 3: hpos++;@+ HGET16(hff_list_size);@+hff_list_pos=hpos-hstart+1; hpos=hpos+1+hff_list_size+1+2+1;@+ return; case 4: hpos++;@+ HGET24(hff_list_size);@+hff_list_pos=hpos-hstart+1; hpos=hpos+1+hff_list_size+1+3+1;@+ return; case 5: hpos++;@+ HGET32(hff_list_size);@+hff_list_pos=hpos-hstart+1; hpos=hpos+1+hff_list_size+1+4+1;@+ return; } @ Now let's consider the different kinds of nodes. \subsection{Glyphs}\index{glyph} We start with the glyph nodes. All glyph nodes have a start and an end tag, one byte for the font, and depending on the info from 1 to 4 bytes for the character code. @= hnode_size[TAG(glyph_kind,1)] = 1+1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(glyph_kind,2)] = 1+1+2+1; hnode_size[TAG(glyph_kind,3)] = 1+1+3+1; hnode_size[TAG(glyph_kind,4)] = 1+1+4+1; @ \subsection{Penalties}\index{penalty} Penalty nodes either contain a one byte reference, a one byte number, or a two byte number. @= hnode_size[TAG(penalty_kind,0)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(penalty_kind,1)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(penalty_kind,2)] = 1+2+1; @ \subsection{Kerns}\index{kern} Kern nodes can contain a reference (either to a dimension or an extended dimension) a dimension, or an extended dimension node. @= hnode_size[TAG(kern_kind,b000)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(kern_kind,b001)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(kern_kind,b010)] = 1+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(kern_kind,b011)] = I_T(1,1); hnode_size[TAG(kern_kind,b100)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(kern_kind,b101)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(kern_kind,b110)] = 1+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(kern_kind,b111)] = I_T(1,1); @ For the two cases where a kern node contains an extended dimension, we use the following macro to combine the size of the initial part with the number of trailing nodes: @= #define @[I_T(I,T)@] (((-(I))<<2)|((T)-1)) @ \subsection{Extended Dimensions}\index{extended dimension} Extended dimensions contain either one two or three 4 byte values depending on the info bits. @= hnode_size[TAG(xdimen_kind,b100)] = 1+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(xdimen_kind,b010)] = 1+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(xdimen_kind,b001)] = 1+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(xdimen_kind,b110)] = 1+4+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(xdimen_kind,b101)] = 1+4+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(xdimen_kind,b011)] = 1+4+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(xdimen_kind,b111)] = 1+4+4+4+1; @ \subsection{Language}\index{language} Language nodes either code the language in the info value or they contain a reference byte. @= hnode_size[TAG(language_kind,b000)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(language_kind,1)] = 1+1; hnode_size[TAG(language_kind,2)] = 1+1; hnode_size[TAG(language_kind,3)] = 1+1; hnode_size[TAG(language_kind,4)] = 1+1; hnode_size[TAG(language_kind,5)] = 1+1; hnode_size[TAG(language_kind,6)] = 1+1; hnode_size[TAG(language_kind,7)] = 1+1; @ \subsection{Rules}\index{rule} Rules usually contain a reference, otherwise they contain either one, two, or three 4 byte values depending on the info bits. @= hnode_size[TAG(rule_kind,b000)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(rule_kind,b100)] = 1+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(rule_kind,b010)] = 1+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(rule_kind,b001)] = 1+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(rule_kind,b110)] = 1+4+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(rule_kind,b101)] = 1+4+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(rule_kind,b011)] = 1+4+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(rule_kind,b111)] = 1+4+4+4+1; @ \subsection{Glue}\index{glue} Glues usually contain a reference or they contain either one two or three 4 byte values depending on the info bits, and possibly even an extended dimension node followed by two 4 byte values. @= hnode_size[TAG(glue_kind,b000)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(glue_kind,b100)] = 1+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(glue_kind,b010)] = 1+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(glue_kind,b001)] = 1+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(glue_kind,b110)] = 1+4+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(glue_kind,b101)] = 1+4+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(glue_kind,b011)] = 1+4+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(glue_kind,b111)] = I_T(1+4+4,1); @ \subsection{Boxes}\index{box} The layout of boxes is quite complex and explained in section~\secref{boxnodes}. All boxes contain height and width, some contain a depth, some a shift amount, and some a glue setting together with glue sign and glue order. The last item in a box is a node list. @= hnode_size[TAG(hbox_kind,b000)] = I_T(1+4+4,1); /* tag, height, width*/ hnode_size[TAG(hbox_kind,b001)] = I_T(1+4+4+4,1); /* and depth */ hnode_size[TAG(hbox_kind,b010)] = I_T(1+4+4+4,1); /* or shift */ hnode_size[TAG(hbox_kind,b011)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4,1); /* or both */ hnode_size[TAG(hbox_kind,b100)] = I_T(1+4+4+5,1); /* and glue setting*/ hnode_size[TAG(hbox_kind,b101)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+5,1); /* and depth */ hnode_size[TAG(hbox_kind,b110)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+5,1); /* or shift */ hnode_size[TAG(hbox_kind,b111)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4+5,1); /*or both */ hnode_size[TAG(vbox_kind,b000)] = I_T(1+4+4,1); /* same for vbox*/ hnode_size[TAG(vbox_kind,b001)] = I_T(1+4+4+4,1); hnode_size[TAG(vbox_kind,b010)] = I_T(1+4+4+4,1); hnode_size[TAG(vbox_kind,b011)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4,1); hnode_size[TAG(vbox_kind,b100)] = I_T(1+4+4+5,1); hnode_size[TAG(vbox_kind,b101)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+5,1); hnode_size[TAG(vbox_kind,b110)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+5,1); hnode_size[TAG(vbox_kind,b111)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4+5,1); @ \subsection{Extended Boxes}\index{extended box} Extended boxes start with height, width, depth, stretch, or shrink components. Then follows an extended dimension either as a reference or a node. The node ends with a list. @= hnode_size[TAG(hset_kind,b000)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(hset_kind,b001)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4+4+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(hset_kind,b010)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4+4+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(hset_kind,b011)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4+4+4+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(vset_kind,b000)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(vset_kind,b001)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4+4+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(vset_kind,b010)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4+4+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(vset_kind,b011)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4+4+4+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(hset_kind,b100)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4,2); hnode_size[TAG(hset_kind,b101)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4+4,2); hnode_size[TAG(hset_kind,b110)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4+4,2); hnode_size[TAG(hset_kind,b111)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4+4+4,2); hnode_size[TAG(vset_kind,b100)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4,2); hnode_size[TAG(vset_kind,b101)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4+4,2); hnode_size[TAG(vset_kind,b110)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4+4,2); hnode_size[TAG(vset_kind,b111)] = I_T(1+4+4+4+4+4+4,2); @ The hpack and vpack nodes start with a shift amount and in case of vpack a depth. Then again an extended dimension and a list. @= hnode_size[TAG(hpack_kind,b000)] = I_T(1+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(hpack_kind,b001)] = I_T(1+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(hpack_kind,b010)] = I_T(1+4+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(hpack_kind,b011)] = I_T(1+4+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(vpack_kind,b000)] = I_T(1+4+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(vpack_kind,b001)] = I_T(1+4+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(vpack_kind,b010)] = I_T(1+4+4+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(vpack_kind,b011)] = I_T(1+4+4+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(hpack_kind,b100)] = I_T(1,2); hnode_size[TAG(hpack_kind,b101)] = I_T(1,2); hnode_size[TAG(hpack_kind,b110)] = I_T(1+4,2); hnode_size[TAG(hpack_kind,b111)] = I_T(1+4,2); hnode_size[TAG(vpack_kind,b100)] = I_T(1+4,2); hnode_size[TAG(vpack_kind,b101)] = I_T(1+4,2); hnode_size[TAG(vpack_kind,b110)] = I_T(1+4+4,2); hnode_size[TAG(vpack_kind,b111)] = I_T(1+4+4,2); @ \subsection{Leaders}\index{leaders} Most leader nodes will use a reference. Otherwise they contain a glue node followed by a box or rule node. @= hnode_size[TAG(leaders_kind,b000)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(leaders_kind,1)] = I_T(1,1); hnode_size[TAG(leaders_kind,2)] = I_T(1,1); hnode_size[TAG(leaders_kind,3)] = I_T(1,1); hnode_size[TAG(leaders_kind,b100|1)] = I_T(1,2); hnode_size[TAG(leaders_kind,b100|2)] = I_T(1,2); hnode_size[TAG(leaders_kind,b100|3)] = I_T(1,2); @ \subsection{Baseline Skips}\index{baseline skip} Here we expect either a reference or two optional glue nodes followed by an optional dimension. @= hnode_size[TAG(baseline_kind,b000)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(baseline_kind,b001)] = 1+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(baseline_kind,b010)] = I_T(1,1); hnode_size[TAG(baseline_kind,b100)] = I_T(1,1); hnode_size[TAG(baseline_kind,b110)] = I_T(1,2); hnode_size[TAG(baseline_kind,b011)] = I_T(1+4,1); hnode_size[TAG(baseline_kind,b101)] = I_T(1+4,1); hnode_size[TAG(baseline_kind,b111)] = I_T(1+4,2); @ \subsection{Ligatures}\index{ligature} As usual a reference is possible, otherwise the font is followed by character bytes as given by the info. Only if the info value is 7, the number of character bytes is stored separately. @= hnode_size[TAG(ligature_kind,b000)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(ligature_kind,1)] = 1+1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(ligature_kind,2)] = 1+1+2+1; hnode_size[TAG(ligature_kind,3)] = 1+1+3+1; hnode_size[TAG(ligature_kind,4)] = 1+1+4+1; hnode_size[TAG(ligature_kind,5)] = 1+1+5+1; hnode_size[TAG(ligature_kind,6)] = 1+1+6+1; hnode_size[TAG(ligature_kind,7)] = I_T(1+1,1); @ \subsection{Discretionary breaks}\index{discretionary break} The simple cases here are references, discretionary breaks with empty pre- and post-list, or with a zero line skip limit Otherwise one or two lists are followed by an optional replace count. @= hnode_size[TAG(disc_kind,b000)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(disc_kind,b010)] = I_T(1,1); hnode_size[TAG(disc_kind,b011)] = I_T(1,2); hnode_size[TAG(disc_kind,b100)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(disc_kind,b110)] = I_T(1+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(disc_kind,b111)] = I_T(1+1,2); @ \subsection{Paragraphs}\index{paragraph} Paragraph nodes contain an extended dimension, an parameter list and a list. The first two can be given as a reference. @= hnode_size[TAG(par_kind,b000)] = I_T(1+1+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(par_kind,b010)] = I_T(1+1,2); hnode_size[TAG(par_kind,b110)] = I_T(1,3); hnode_size[TAG(par_kind,b100)] = I_T(1+1,2); @ \subsection{Mathematics}\index{mathematics}\index{displayed formula} Displayed math needs a parameter list, either as list or as reference followed by an optional left or right equation number and a list. Text math is simpler: the only information is in the info value. @= hnode_size[TAG(math_kind,b000)] = I_T(1+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(math_kind,b001)] = I_T(1+1,2); hnode_size[TAG(math_kind,b010)] = I_T(1+1,2); hnode_size[TAG(math_kind,b100)] = I_T(1,2); hnode_size[TAG(math_kind,b101)] = I_T(1,3); hnode_size[TAG(math_kind,b110)] = I_T(1,3); hnode_size[TAG(math_kind,b111)] = 1+1; hnode_size[TAG(math_kind,b011)] = 1+1; @ \subsection{Adjustments}\index{adjustment} @= hnode_size[TAG(adjust_kind,1)] = I_T(1,1); @ \subsection{Tables}\index{alignment} Tables have an extended dimension either as a node or as a reference followed by two lists. @= hnode_size[TAG(table_kind,b000)] = I_T(1+1,2); hnode_size[TAG(table_kind,b001)] = I_T(1+1,2); hnode_size[TAG(table_kind,b010)] = I_T(1+1,2); hnode_size[TAG(table_kind,b011)] = I_T(1+1,2); hnode_size[TAG(table_kind,b100)] = I_T(1,3); hnode_size[TAG(table_kind,b101)] = I_T(1,3); hnode_size[TAG(table_kind,b110)] = I_T(1,3); hnode_size[TAG(table_kind,b111)] = I_T(1,3); @ Outer item nodes are lists of inner item nodes, inner item nodes are box nodes followed by an optional span count. @= hnode_size[TAG(item_kind,b000)] = I_T(1,1); /* outer */ hnode_size[TAG(item_kind,1)] = I_T(1,1); /* inner */ hnode_size[TAG(item_kind,2)] = I_T(1,1); hnode_size[TAG(item_kind,3)] = I_T(1,1); hnode_size[TAG(item_kind,4)] = I_T(1,1); hnode_size[TAG(item_kind,5)] = I_T(1,1); hnode_size[TAG(item_kind,6)] = I_T(1,1); hnode_size[TAG(item_kind,6)] = I_T(2,1); @ \subsection{Images}\index{image} If not given by a reference, images contain a section reference and optional dimensions and a descriptive list. @= hnode_size[TAG(image_kind,b000)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(image_kind,b001)] = I_T(1+2+4+4,1); hnode_size[TAG(image_kind,b010)] = I_T(1+2+4+4,1); hnode_size[TAG(image_kind,b011)] = I_T(1+2+4+4,1); hnode_size[TAG(image_kind,b100)] = I_T(1+2+4+1+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(image_kind,b101)] = I_T(1+2+4+1,2); hnode_size[TAG(image_kind,b110)] = I_T(1+2+4+1,2); hnode_size[TAG(image_kind,b111)] = I_T(1+2+4,3); @ \subsection{Links}\index{link} Links contain either a 2 byte or a 1 byte reference. @= hnode_size[TAG(link_kind,b000)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(link_kind,b001)] = 1+2+1; hnode_size[TAG(link_kind,b010)] = 1+1+1; hnode_size[TAG(link_kind,b011)] = 1+2+1; @ \subsection{Stream Nodes}\index{stream} After the stream reference follows a parameter list, either as reference or as a list, and then a content list. @= hnode_size[TAG(stream_kind,b000)] = I_T(1+1+1,1); hnode_size[TAG(stream_kind,b010)] = I_T(1+1,2); @ \section{Reading Short Format Files Backwards} This section is not really part of the file format definition, but it illustrates an important property of the content section in short format files: it can be read in both directions. This is important because we want to be able to start at an arbitrary point in the content and from there move pagewise backward. The program {\tt skip}\index{skip+{\tt skip}} described in this section does just that. As wee see in appendix~\secref{skip}, its |main| program is almost the same as the |main| program of the program {\tt stretch} in appendix~\secref{stretchmain}. The major difference is the removal of an output file and the replacement of the call to |hwrite_content_section| by a call to |hteg_content_section|. @= static void hteg_content_section(void) { hget_section(2); hpos=hend; while(hpos>hstart) hteg_content_node(); } @ The functions |hteg_content_section| and |hteg_content_node| above are reverse versions of the functions |hget_content_section| and |hget_content_node|. Many such ``reverse functions'' will follow now and we will consistently use the same naming scheme: replacing ``{\it get\/}`` by ``{\it teg\/}'' or ``{\tt GET}'' by ``{\tt TEG}''. The {\tt skip} program does not do much input checking; it will just extract enough information from a content node to skip a node and ``advance'' or better ``retreat'' to the previous node. @= static void hteg_content_node(void) { @@; hteg_content(z); @@; } static void hteg_content(uint8_t z) {@+ switch (z)@/ { @@;@t\1@>@/ default: TAGERR(z); break;@t\2@>@/ } } @ The code to skip the end\index{end byte} byte |z| and to check the start\index{start byte} byte |a| is used repeatedly. @= uint8_t a,z; /* the start and the end byte*/ uint32_t node_pos=hpos-hstart; if (hpos<=hstart) return; HTEGTAG(z); @ @= HTEGTAG(a); if (a!=z) QUIT(@["Tag mismatch [%s,%d]!=[%s,%d] at " SIZE_F " to 0x%x\n"@],@|NAME(a),INFO(a),NAME(z),INFO(z),@| hpos-hstart,node_pos-1); @ We replace the ``{\tt GET}'' macros by the following ``{\tt TEG}'' macros: @= #define @[HBACK(X)@] @[((hpos-(X)= float32_t hteg_float32(void) { union {@+float32_t d; @+ uint32_t bits; @+} u; HTEG32(u.bits); return u.d; } @ \subsection{Extended Dimensions}\index{extended dimension} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_XDIMEN(I,X)@] \ if((I)&b001) HTEG32((X).v); \ if((I)&b010) HTEG32((X).h);\ if((I)&b100) HTEG32((X).w); @ @= static void hteg_xdimen_node(Xdimen *x) { @@; switch(z) { #if 0 /* currently the info value 0 is not supported */ case TAG(xdimen_kind,b000): /* see section~\secref{reference} */ {uint8_t n;@+ n=HTEG8;} @+ break; #endif case TAG(xdimen_kind,b001): HTEG_XDIMEN(b001,*x);@+break; case TAG(xdimen_kind,b010): HTEG_XDIMEN(b010,*x);@+break; case TAG(xdimen_kind,b011): HTEG_XDIMEN(b011,*x);@+break; case TAG(xdimen_kind,b100): HTEG_XDIMEN(b100,*x);@+break; case TAG(xdimen_kind,b101): HTEG_XDIMEN(b101,*x);@+break; case TAG(xdimen_kind,b110): HTEG_XDIMEN(b110,*x);@+break; case TAG(xdimen_kind,b111): HTEG_XDIMEN(b111,*x);@+break; default: QUIT("Extent expected at 0x%x got %s",node_pos,NAME(z)); @+ break; } @@; } @ \subsection{Stretch and Shrink}\index{stretchability}\index{shrinkability} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_STRETCH(S)@] { Stch st; @+ HTEG32(st.u);@+ S.o=st.u&3;@+ st.u&=~3;@+ S.f=st.f; @+} @ \subsection{Glyphs}\index{glyph} \noindent @= #define HTEG_GLYPH(I,G) \ (G).f=HTEG8; \ if (I==1) (G).c=HTEG8;\ else if (I==2) HTEG16((G).c);\ else if (I==3) HTEG24((G).c);\ else if (I==4) HTEG32((G).c); @ @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(glyph_kind,1): @+{@+Glyph g;@+ HTEG_GLYPH(1,g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glyph_kind,2): @+{@+Glyph g;@+ HTEG_GLYPH(2,g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glyph_kind,3): @+{@+Glyph g;@+ HTEG_GLYPH(3,g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glyph_kind,4): @+{@+Glyph g;@+ HTEG_GLYPH(4,g);@+}@+break; @ \subsection{Penalties}\index{penalty} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_PENALTY(I,P)@] \ if (I==1) {int8_t n; @+n=HTEG8; @+P=n;@+ } \ else {int16_t n;@+ HTEG16(n); @+ P=n; @+}\ @ @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(penalty_kind,1): @+{int32_t p;@+ HTEG_PENALTY(1,p);@+} @+break; case TAG(penalty_kind,2): @+{int32_t p;@+ HTEG_PENALTY(2,p);@+} @+break; @ \subsection{Kerns}\index{kern} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_KERN(I,X)@] @[if (((I)&b011)==2) HTEG32(X.w); else if (((I)&b011)==3) hteg_xdimen_node(&(X))@] @ @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(kern_kind,b010): @+ {@+Xdimen x; @+HTEG_KERN(b010,x);@+ } @+break; case TAG(kern_kind,b011): @+ {@+Xdimen x; @+HTEG_KERN(b011,x);@+ } @+break; case TAG(kern_kind,b110): @+ {@+Xdimen x; @+HTEG_KERN(b110,x);@+ } @+break; case TAG(kern_kind,b111): @+ {@+Xdimen x; @+HTEG_KERN(b111,x);@+ } @+break; @ \subsection{Language}\index{language} \noindent @= @t\kern1em@>case TAG(language_kind,1): case TAG(language_kind,2): case TAG(language_kind,3): case TAG(language_kind,4): case TAG(language_kind,5): case TAG(language_kind,6): case TAG(language_kind,7):@+break; @ \subsection{Rules}\index{rule} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_RULE(I,R)@]@/\ if ((I)&b001) HTEG32((R).w); @+else (R).w=RUNNING_DIMEN;\ if ((I)&b010) HTEG32((R).d); @+else (R).d=RUNNING_DIMEN;\ if ((I)&b100) HTEG32((R).h); @+else (R).h=RUNNING_DIMEN; @ @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(rule_kind,b011): @+ {Rule r;@+ HTEG_RULE(b011,r);@+ }@+ break; case TAG(rule_kind,b101): @+ {Rule r;@+ HTEG_RULE(b101,r);@+ }@+ break; case TAG(rule_kind,b001): @+ {Rule r;@+ HTEG_RULE(b001,r);@+ }@+ break; case TAG(rule_kind,b110): @+ {Rule r;@+ HTEG_RULE(b110,r);@+ }@+ break; case TAG(rule_kind,b111): @+ {Rule r;@+ HTEG_RULE(b111,r);@+ }@+ break; @ @= static void hteg_rule_node(void) { @@; if (KIND(z)==rule_kind) { @+Rule r; @+HTEG_RULE(INFO(z),r); @+} else QUIT("Rule expected at 0x%x got %s",node_pos,NAME(z)); @@; } @ \subsection{Glue}\index{glue} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_GLUE(I,G)@] @/\ if(I==b111) hteg_xdimen_node(&((G).w)); else (G).w.h=(G).w.v=0.0;\ if((I)&b001) HTEG_STRETCH((G).m) @+else (G).m.f=0.0, (G).m.o=0; \ if((I)&b010) HTEG_STRETCH((G).p) @+else (G).p.f=0.0, (G).p.o=0;\ if((I)!=b111) { @+if ((I)&b100) HTEG32((G).w.w);@+ else (G).w.w=0;@+ } @ @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(glue_kind,b001): @+{ Glue g;@+ HTEG_GLUE(b001,g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glue_kind,b010): @+{ Glue g;@+ HTEG_GLUE(b010,g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glue_kind,b011): @+{ Glue g;@+ HTEG_GLUE(b011,g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glue_kind,b100): @+{ Glue g;@+ HTEG_GLUE(b100,g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glue_kind,b101): @+{ Glue g;@+ HTEG_GLUE(b101,g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glue_kind,b110): @+{ Glue g;@+ HTEG_GLUE(b110,g);@+}@+break; case TAG(glue_kind,b111): @+{ Glue g;@+ HTEG_GLUE(b111,g);@+}@+break; @ @= static void hteg_glue_node(void) { @@; if (INFO(z)==b000) HTEG_REF(glue_kind); else { @+Glue g; @+HTEG_GLUE(INFO(z),g);@+} @@; } @ \subsection{Boxes}\index{box} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_BOX(I,B)@] \ hteg_list(&(B.l));\ if ((I)&b100) @/{ B.s=HTEG8; @+ B.r=hteg_float32();@+ B.o=B.s&0xF; @+B.s=B.s>>4;@+ }\ else { B.r=0.0;@+ B.o=B.s=0;@+ }\ if ((I)&b010) HTEG32(B.a); @+else B.a=0;\ HTEG32(B.w);\ if ((I)&b001) HTEG32(B.d); @+ else B.d=0;\ HTEG32(B.h);\ @ @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(hbox_kind,b000): @+{Box b; @+HTEG_BOX(b000,b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(hbox_kind,b001): @+{Box b; @+HTEG_BOX(b001,b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(hbox_kind,b010): @+{Box b; @+HTEG_BOX(b010,b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(hbox_kind,b011): @+{Box b; @+HTEG_BOX(b011,b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(hbox_kind,b100): @+{Box b; @+HTEG_BOX(b100,b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(hbox_kind,b101): @+{Box b; @+HTEG_BOX(b101,b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(hbox_kind,b110): @+{Box b; @+HTEG_BOX(b110,b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(hbox_kind,b111): @+{Box b; @+HTEG_BOX(b111,b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(vbox_kind,b000): @+{Box b; @+HTEG_BOX(b000,b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(vbox_kind,b001): @+{Box b; @+HTEG_BOX(b001,b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(vbox_kind,b010): @+{Box b; @+HTEG_BOX(b010,b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(vbox_kind,b011): @+{Box b; @+HTEG_BOX(b011,b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(vbox_kind,b100): @+{Box b; @+HTEG_BOX(b100,b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(vbox_kind,b101): @+{Box b; @+HTEG_BOX(b101,b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(vbox_kind,b110): @+{Box b; @+HTEG_BOX(b110,b);@+} @+ break; case TAG(vbox_kind,b111): @+{Box b; @+HTEG_BOX(b111,b);@+} @+ break; @ @= static void hteg_hbox_node(void) { Box b; @@; if (KIND(z)!=hbox_kind) QUIT("Hbox expected at 0x%x got %s",node_pos,NAME(z)); HTEG_BOX(INFO(z),b);@/ @@; } static void hteg_vbox_node(void) { Box b; @@; if (KIND(z)!=vbox_kind) QUIT("Vbox expected at 0x%x got %s",node_pos,NAME(z)); HTEG_BOX(INFO(z),b);@/ @@; } @ \subsection{Extended Boxes}\index{extended box} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_SET(I)@] @/\ { List l; @+hteg_list(&l); @+} \ if ((I)&b100) {Xdimen x;@+ hteg_xdimen_node(&x); @+} \ else HTEG_REF(xdimen_kind);\ { Stretch m; @+HTEG_STRETCH(m);@+}\ { Stretch p; @+HTEG_STRETCH(p);@+}\ if ((I)&b010) { Dimen a; @+HTEG32(a);@+} \ { Dimen w; @+HTEG32(w);@+} \ { Dimen d; @+if ((I)&b001) HTEG32(d); @+ else d=0;@+}\ { Dimen h; @+HTEG32(h);@+} @# #define @[HTEG_PACK(K,I)@] @/\ { List l; @+hteg_list(&l); @+} \ if ((I)&b100) {Xdimen x; hteg_xdimen_node(&x);@+} @+ else HTEG_REF(xdimen_kind);\ if (K==vpack_kind) { Dimen d; @+HTEG32(d); @+ }\ if ((I)&b010) { Dimen d; @+HTEG32(d); @+ } @ @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(hset_kind,b000): HTEG_SET(b000); @+ break; case TAG(hset_kind,b001): HTEG_SET(b001); @+ break; case TAG(hset_kind,b010): HTEG_SET(b010); @+ break; case TAG(hset_kind,b011): HTEG_SET(b011); @+ break; case TAG(hset_kind,b100): HTEG_SET(b100); @+ break; case TAG(hset_kind,b101): HTEG_SET(b101); @+ break; case TAG(hset_kind,b110): HTEG_SET(b110); @+ break; case TAG(hset_kind,b111): HTEG_SET(b111); @+ break;@# case TAG(vset_kind,b000): HTEG_SET(b000); @+ break; case TAG(vset_kind,b001): HTEG_SET(b001); @+ break; case TAG(vset_kind,b010): HTEG_SET(b010); @+ break; case TAG(vset_kind,b011): HTEG_SET(b011); @+ break; case TAG(vset_kind,b100): HTEG_SET(b100); @+ break; case TAG(vset_kind,b101): HTEG_SET(b101); @+ break; case TAG(vset_kind,b110): HTEG_SET(b110); @+ break; case TAG(vset_kind,b111): HTEG_SET(b111); @+ break;@# case TAG(hpack_kind,b000): HTEG_PACK(hpack_kind,b000); @+ break; case TAG(hpack_kind,b001): HTEG_PACK(hpack_kind,b001); @+ break; case TAG(hpack_kind,b010): HTEG_PACK(hpack_kind,b010); @+ break; case TAG(hpack_kind,b011): HTEG_PACK(hpack_kind,b011); @+ break; case TAG(hpack_kind,b100): HTEG_PACK(hpack_kind,b100); @+ break; case TAG(hpack_kind,b101): HTEG_PACK(hpack_kind,b101); @+ break; case TAG(hpack_kind,b110): HTEG_PACK(hpack_kind,b110); @+ break; case TAG(hpack_kind,b111): HTEG_PACK(hpack_kind,b111); @+ break;@# case TAG(vpack_kind,b000): HTEG_PACK(vpack_kind,b000); @+ break; case TAG(vpack_kind,b001): HTEG_PACK(vpack_kind,b001); @+ break; case TAG(vpack_kind,b010): HTEG_PACK(vpack_kind,b010); @+ break; case TAG(vpack_kind,b011): HTEG_PACK(vpack_kind,b011); @+ break; case TAG(vpack_kind,b100): HTEG_PACK(vpack_kind,b100); @+ break; case TAG(vpack_kind,b101): HTEG_PACK(vpack_kind,b101); @+ break; case TAG(vpack_kind,b110): HTEG_PACK(vpack_kind,b110); @+ break; case TAG(vpack_kind,b111): HTEG_PACK(vpack_kind,b111); @+ break; @ \subsection{Leaders}\index{leaders} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_LEADERS(I)@]@/ \ if (KIND(hpos[-1])==rule_kind) hteg_rule_node(); \ else if (KIND(hpos[-1])==hbox_kind) hteg_hbox_node();\ else hteg_vbox_node();\ if ((I)&b100) hteg_glue_node(); @ @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(leaders_kind,1): @+ HTEG_LEADERS(1); @+break; case TAG(leaders_kind,2): @+ HTEG_LEADERS(2); @+break; case TAG(leaders_kind,3): @+ HTEG_LEADERS(3); @+break; case TAG(leaders_kind,b100|1): @+ HTEG_LEADERS(b100|1); @+break; case TAG(leaders_kind,b100|2): @+ HTEG_LEADERS(b100|2); @+break; case TAG(leaders_kind,b100|3): @+ HTEG_LEADERS(b100|3); @+break; @ \subsection{Baseline Skips}\index{baseline skip} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_BASELINE(I,B)@] \ if((I)&b010) hteg_glue_node(); \ else {B.ls.p.o=B.ls.m.o=B.ls.w.w=0; @+B.ls.w.h=B.ls.w.v=B.ls.p.f=B.ls.m.f=0.0;@+}\ if((I)&b100) hteg_glue_node(); \ else {B.bs.p.o=B.bs.m.o=B.bs.w.w=0; @+B.bs.w.h=B.bs.w.v=B.bs.p.f=B.bs.m.f=0.0;@+}\ if((I)&b001) HTEG32((B).lsl); @+else B.lsl=0; @ @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(baseline_kind,b001): @+{ Baseline b;@+ HTEG_BASELINE(b001,b);@+ }@+break; case TAG(baseline_kind,b010): @+{ Baseline b;@+ HTEG_BASELINE(b010,b);@+ }@+break; case TAG(baseline_kind,b011): @+{ Baseline b;@+ HTEG_BASELINE(b011,b);@+ }@+break; case TAG(baseline_kind,b100): @+{ Baseline b;@+ HTEG_BASELINE(b100,b);@+ }@+break; case TAG(baseline_kind,b101): @+{ Baseline b;@+ HTEG_BASELINE(b101,b);@+ }@+break; case TAG(baseline_kind,b110): @+{ Baseline b;@+ HTEG_BASELINE(b110,b);@+ }@+break; case TAG(baseline_kind,b111): @+{ Baseline b;@+ HTEG_BASELINE(b111,b);@+ }@+break; @ \subsection{Ligatures}\index{ligature} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_LIG(I,L)@] @/\ if ((I)==7) hteg_list(&((L).l)); \ else {(L).l.s=(I); @+hpos-=(L).l.s; @+ (L).l.p=hpos-hstart;@+} \ (L).f=HTEG8; @ @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(ligature_kind,1):@+ {Lig l; @+HTEG_LIG(1,l);@+} @+break; case TAG(ligature_kind,2):@+ {Lig l; @+HTEG_LIG(2,l);@+} @+break; case TAG(ligature_kind,3):@+ {Lig l; @+HTEG_LIG(3,l);@+} @+break; case TAG(ligature_kind,4):@+ {Lig l; @+HTEG_LIG(4,l);@+} @+break; case TAG(ligature_kind,5):@+ {Lig l; @+HTEG_LIG(5,l);@+} @+break; case TAG(ligature_kind,6):@+ {Lig l; @+HTEG_LIG(6,l);@+} @+break; case TAG(ligature_kind,7):@+ {Lig l; @+HTEG_LIG(7,l);@+} @+break; @ \subsection{Discretionary breaks}\index{discretionary breaks} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_DISC(I,H)@]\ if ((I)&b001) hteg_list(&((H).q)); else { (H).q.p=hpos-hstart; @+(H).q.s=0; @+(H).q.k=list_kind; @+}\ if ((I)&b010) hteg_list(&((H).p)); else { (H).p.p=hpos-hstart; @+(H).p.s=0; @+(H).p.k=list_kind; @+} \ if ((I)&b100) (H).r=HTEG8; @+else (H).r=0; @ @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(disc_kind,b001): @+{Disc h; @+HTEG_DISC(b001,h); @+} @+break; case TAG(disc_kind,b010): @+{Disc h; @+HTEG_DISC(b010,h); @+} @+break; case TAG(disc_kind,b011): @+{Disc h; @+HTEG_DISC(b011,h); @+} @+break; case TAG(disc_kind,b100): @+{Disc h; @+HTEG_DISC(b100,h); @+} @+break; case TAG(disc_kind,b101): @+{Disc h; @+HTEG_DISC(b101,h); @+} @+break; case TAG(disc_kind,b110): @+{Disc h; @+HTEG_DISC(b110,h); @+} @+break; case TAG(disc_kind,b111): @+{Disc h; @+HTEG_DISC(b111,h); @+} @+break; @ \subsection{Paragraphs}\index{paragraph} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_PAR(I)@] @/\ { List l; @+hteg_list(&l); @+} \ if ((I)&b010) { List l; @+hteg_param_list(&l); @+} else if ((I)!=b100) HTEG_REF(param_kind);\ if ((I)&b100) {Xdimen x; @+ hteg_xdimen_node(&x); @+} else HTEG_REF(xdimen_kind);\ if ((I)==b100) HTEG_REF(param_kind); @ @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(par_kind,b000): @+HTEG_PAR(b000);@+break; case TAG(par_kind,b010): @+HTEG_PAR(b010);@+break; case TAG(par_kind,b100): @+HTEG_PAR(b100);@+break; case TAG(par_kind,b110): @+HTEG_PAR(b110);@+break; @ \subsection{Mathematics}\index{mathematics}\index{displayed formula}% \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_MATH(I)@] \ if ((I)&b001) hteg_hbox_node();\ { List l; @+hteg_list(&l); @+} \ if ((I)&b010) hteg_hbox_node(); \ if ((I)&b100) { List l; @+hteg_param_list(&l); @+} @+ else HTEG_REF(param_kind); @ @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(math_kind,b000): HTEG_MATH(b000); @+ break; case TAG(math_kind,b001): HTEG_MATH(b001); @+ break; case TAG(math_kind,b010): HTEG_MATH(b010); @+ break; case TAG(math_kind,b100): HTEG_MATH(b100); @+ break; case TAG(math_kind,b101): HTEG_MATH(b101); @+ break; case TAG(math_kind,b110): HTEG_MATH(b110); @+ break; case TAG(math_kind,b011): case TAG(math_kind,b111): @+ break; @ \subsection{Images}\index{image} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_IMAGE(I)@] @/\ { Image x={0}; List d; hteg_list(&d);\ if ((I)&b100) {\ if ((I)==b111) {hteg_xdimen_node(&x.h);hteg_xdimen_node(&x.w);}\ else if ((I)==b110) {hteg_xdimen_node(&x.w);x.hr=HTEG8;}\ else if ((I)==b101) {hteg_xdimen_node(&x.h);x.wr=HTEG8;}\ else {x.hr=HTEG8;x.wr=HTEG8;}\ x.a=hteg_float32();}\ else if((I)==b011) {HTEG32(x.h.w);HTEG32(x.w.w);} \ else if((I)==b010) { HTEG32(x.w.w); x.a=hteg_float32();}\ else if((I)==b001){ HTEG32(x.h.w); x.a=hteg_float32();}\ HTEG16(x.n);} @ @= @t\1\kern1em@> case TAG(image_kind,b001): @+ HTEG_IMAGE(b001);@+break; case TAG(image_kind,b010): @+ HTEG_IMAGE(b010);@+break; case TAG(image_kind,b011): @+ HTEG_IMAGE(b011);@+break; case TAG(image_kind,b100): @+ HTEG_IMAGE(b100);@+break; case TAG(image_kind,b101): @+ HTEG_IMAGE(b101);@+break; case TAG(image_kind,b110): @+ HTEG_IMAGE(b110);@+break; case TAG(image_kind,b111): @+ HTEG_IMAGE(b111);@+break; @ \subsection{Links and Labels} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_LINK(I)@] @/\ { uint16_t n; if (I&b001) HTEG16(n);@+ else n=HTEG8; @+} @ @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(link_kind,b000): @+ HTEG_LINK(b000); @+break; case TAG(link_kind,b001): @+ HTEG_LINK(b001); @+break; case TAG(link_kind,b010): @+ HTEG_LINK(b010); @+break; case TAG(link_kind,b011): @+ HTEG_LINK(b011); @+break; @ \subsection{Plain Lists, Texts, and Parameter Lists}\index{list} \noindent @= void hteg_size_boundary(Info info) { uint32_t n; if (info<2) return; n=HTEG8; if (n-1!=0x100-info) QUIT(@["List size boundary byte 0x%x does not match info value %d at " SIZE_F@], n, info,hpos-hstart); } uint32_t hteg_list_size(Info info) { uint32_t n; if (info==1) return 0; else if (info==2) n=HTEG8; else if (info==3) HTEG16(n); else if (info==4) HTEG24(n); else if (info==5) HTEG32(n); else QUIT("List info %d must be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5",info); return n; } void hteg_list(List *l) { @@, @+if (KIND(z)!=list_kind && KIND(z)!=text_kind &&@| KIND(z)!=param_kind) @/ QUIT("List expected at 0x%x", (uint32_t)(hpos-hstart)); else { uint32_t s; l->k=KIND(z); l->s=hteg_list_size(INFO(z)); hteg_size_boundary(INFO(z)); hpos=hpos-l->s; l->p=hpos-hstart; hteg_size_boundary(INFO(z)); s=hteg_list_size(INFO(z)); if (s!=l->s) QUIT(@["List sizes at " SIZE_F " and 0x%x do not match 0x%x != 0x%x"@], hpos-hstart,node_pos-1,s,l->s); @@; } } void hteg_param_list(List *l) { @+if (KIND(*(hpos-1))!=param_kind) return; hteg_list(l); } @ \subsection{Adjustments}\index{adjustment} \noindent @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(adjust_kind,b001): @+ { List l; @+hteg_list(&l);@+ } @+ break; @ \subsection{Tables}\index{table} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_TABLE(I)@] \ {@+ List l; @+ hteg_list(&l);@+}\ {@+ List l; @+ hteg_list(&l);@+}\ if ((I)&b100) {Xdimen x;@+ hteg_xdimen_node(&x);@+} else HTEG_REF(xdimen_kind)@; @ @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(table_kind,b000): @+ HTEG_TABLE(b000); @+ break; case TAG(table_kind,b001): @+ HTEG_TABLE(b001); @+ break; case TAG(table_kind,b010): @+ HTEG_TABLE(b010); @+ break; case TAG(table_kind,b011): @+ HTEG_TABLE(b011); @+ break; case TAG(table_kind,b100): @+ HTEG_TABLE(b100); @+ break; case TAG(table_kind,b101): @+ HTEG_TABLE(b101); @+ break; case TAG(table_kind,b110): @+ HTEG_TABLE(b110); @+ break; case TAG(table_kind,b111): @+ HTEG_TABLE(b111); @+ break;@# case TAG(item_kind,b000): @+{@+ List l; @+hteg_list(&l);@+ } @+ break; case TAG(item_kind,b001): hteg_content_node(); @+ break; case TAG(item_kind,b010): hteg_content_node(); @+ break; case TAG(item_kind,b011): hteg_content_node(); @+ break; case TAG(item_kind,b100): hteg_content_node(); @+ break; case TAG(item_kind,b101): hteg_content_node(); @+ break; case TAG(item_kind,b110): hteg_content_node(); @+ break; case TAG(item_kind,b111): hteg_content_node(); @+{uint8_t n;@+ n=HTEG8;@+}@+ break; @ \subsection{Stream Nodes}\index{stream} @= #define @[HTEG_STREAM(I)@] @/\ { List l; @+hteg_list(&l); @+}\ if ((I)&b010) { List l; @+hteg_param_list(&l); @+} @+ else HTEG_REF(param_kind);\ HTEG_REF(stream_kind); @ @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(stream_kind,b000): HTEG_STREAM(b000); @+ break; case TAG(stream_kind,b010): HTEG_STREAM(b010); @+ break; @ \subsection{References}\index{reference} \noindent @= #define @[HTEG_REF(K)@] do@+{uint8_t n; @+ n=HTEG8;@+} @+ while (false) @ @= @t\1\kern1em@>case TAG(penalty_kind,0): HTEG_REF(penalty_kind); @+break; case TAG(kern_kind,b000): HTEG_REF(dimen_kind); @+break; case TAG(kern_kind,b100): HTEG_REF(dimen_kind); @+break; case TAG(kern_kind,b001): HTEG_REF(xdimen_kind); @+break; case TAG(kern_kind,b101): HTEG_REF(xdimen_kind); @+break; case TAG(ligature_kind,0): HTEG_REF(ligature_kind); @+break; case TAG(disc_kind,0): HTEG_REF(disc_kind); @+break; case TAG(glue_kind,0): HTEG_REF(glue_kind); @+break; case TAG(language_kind,0): HTEG_REF(language_kind); @+break; case TAG(rule_kind,0): HTEG_REF(rule_kind); @+break; case TAG(image_kind,0): HTEG_REF(image_kind); @+break; case TAG(leaders_kind,0): HTEG_REF(leaders_kind); @+break; case TAG(baseline_kind,0): HTEG_REF(baseline_kind); @+break; @ \section{Code and Header Files}\index{code file}\index{header file} \subsection{{\tt basetypes.h}} To define basic types in a portable way, we create an include file. The macro |_MSC_VER| (Microsoft Visual C Version)\index{Microsoft Visual C} is defined only if using the respective compiler. \index{false+\\{false}}\index{true+\\{true}}\index{bool+\&{bool}} @(hibasetypes.h@>= #ifndef __BASETYPES_H__ #define __BASETYPES_H__ #include #include #ifndef _STDLIB_H #define _STDLIB_H #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #define uint8_t UINT8 #define uint16_t UINT16 #define uint32_t UINT32 #define uint64_t UINT64 #define int8_t INT8 #define int16_t INT16 #define int32_t INT32 #define bool BOOL #define true (0==0) #define false (!true) #define __SIZEOF_FLOAT__ 4 #define __SIZEOF_DOUBLE__ 8 #define PRIx64 "I64x" #pragma @[warning( disable : @[4244@]@t @> @[4996@]@t @> @[4127@])@] #else #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #endif typedef float float32_t; typedef double float64_t; #if __SIZEOF_FLOAT__!=4 #error @=float32 type must have size 4@> #endif #if __SIZEOF_DOUBLE__!=8 #error @=float64 type must have size 8@> #endif #define HINT_VERSION 1 #define HINT_SUB_VERSION 4 #endif @ \subsection{{\tt format.h}}\index{format.h+{\tt format.h}} The \.{format.h} file contains definitions of types, macros, variables and functions that are needed in other compilation units. @(hiformat.h@>= #ifndef _HFORMAT_H_ #define _HFORMAT_H_ @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; extern const char *content_name[32]; extern const char *definition_name[32]; extern unsigned int debugflags; extern FILE *hlog; extern int max_fixed[32], max_default[32], max_ref[32], max_outline; extern int32_t int_defaults[MAX_INT_DEFAULT+1]; extern Dimen dimen_defaults[MAX_DIMEN_DEFAULT+1]; extern Xdimen xdimen_defaults[MAX_XDIMEN_DEFAULT+1]; extern Glue glue_defaults[MAX_GLUE_DEFAULT+1]; extern Baseline baseline_defaults[MAX_BASELINE_DEFAULT+1]; extern Label label_defaults[MAX_LABEL_DEFAULT+1]; extern signed char hnode_size[0x100]; #endif @ \subsection{{\tt tables.c}}\index{tables.c+{\tt tables.c}}\index{mktables.c+{\tt mktables.c}} For maximum flexibility and efficiency, the file {\tt tables.c} is generated by a \CEE\ program. Here is the |main| program of {\tt mktables}: @(himktables.c@>= #include "hibasetypes.h" #include "hiformat.h" @@; int max_fixed[32], max_default[32]; int32_t int_defaults[MAX_INT_DEFAULT+1]={0}; Dimen dimen_defaults[MAX_DIMEN_DEFAULT+1]={0}; Xdimen xdimen_defaults[MAX_XDIMEN_DEFAULT+1]={{0}}; Glue glue_defaults[MAX_GLUE_DEFAULT+1]={{{0}}}; Baseline baseline_defaults[MAX_BASELINE_DEFAULT+1]={{{{0}}}}; signed char hnode_size[0x100]={0}; @@; int main(void) { Kind k; int i; printf("#include \"hibasetypes.h\"\n"@/ "#include \"hiformat.h\"\n\n");@/ @@; printf("int max_outline=-1;\n\n"); @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; return 0; } @ The following code prints the arrays containing the default values. @= printf("int max_fixed[32]= {"); for (k=0; k<32; k++)@/ { printf("%d",max_fixed[k]);@+ if (k<31) printf(", ");@+ } printf("};\n\n");@# printf("int max_default[32]= {"); for (k=0; k<32; k++)@/ { printf("%d",max_default[k]);@+ if (k<31) printf(", ");@+ } printf("};\n\n"); printf("int max_ref[32]= {"); for (k=0; k<32; k++)@/ { printf("%d",max_default[k]);@+ if (k<31) printf(", ");@+ } printf("};\n\n"); @ \subsection{{\tt get.h}}\index{get.h+{\tt get.h}} The \.{get.h} file contains function prototypes for all the functions that read the short format. @(higet.h@>= @@; @@; @@; extern Entry *dir; extern uint16_t section_no, max_section_no; extern uint8_t *hpos, *hstart, *hend, *hpos0; extern uint64_t hin_size, hin_time; extern uint8_t *hin_addr; extern Label *labels; extern char *hin_name; extern bool hget_map(void); extern void hget_unmap(void); extern void new_directory(uint32_t entries); extern void hset_entry(Entry *e, uint16_t i, @|uint32_t size, uint32_t xsize, char *file_name); extern void hget_banner(void); extern void hget_section(uint16_t n); extern void hget_entry(Entry *e); extern void hget_directory(void); extern void hclear_dir(void); extern bool hcheck_banner(char *magic); extern void hget_max_definitions(void); extern uint32_t hget_utf8(void); extern void hget_size_boundary(Info info); extern uint32_t hget_list_size(Info info); extern void hget_list(List *l); extern uint32_t hget_utf8(void); extern float32_t hget_float32(void); extern float32_t hteg_float32(void); extern void hteg_size_boundary(Info info); extern uint32_t hteg_list_size(Info info); extern void hteg_list(List *l); extern void hff_hpos(void); extern uint32_t hff_list_pos, hff_list_size; extern uint8_t hff_tag; @ \subsection{{\tt get.c}}\index{get.c+{\tt get.c}} @(higet.c@>= #include "hibasetypes.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hierror.h" #include "hiformat.h" #include "higet.h" @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @ \subsection{{\tt put.h}}\index{put.h+{\tt put.h}} The \.{put.h} file contains function prototypes for all the functions that write the short format. @(hiput.h@>= @@; @@; @@; @@; extern Entry *dir; extern uint16_t section_no, max_section_no; extern uint8_t *hpos, *hstart, *hend, *hpos0; extern int next_range; extern RangePos *range_pos; extern int *page_on; extern Label *labels; extern int first_label; extern int max_outline; extern Outline *outlines; extern FILE *hout; extern void new_directory(uint32_t entries); extern void new_output_buffers(void); /* declarations for the parser */ extern void hput_definitions_start(void); extern void hput_definitions_end(void); extern void hput_content_start(void); extern void hput_content_end(void); extern void hset_label(int n,int w); extern uint8_t hput_link(int n, int on); extern void hset_outline(int m, int r, int d, uint32_t p); extern void hput_label_defs(void); extern void hput_tags(uint32_t pos, uint8_t tag); extern uint8_t hput_glyph(Glyph *g); extern uint8_t hput_xdimen(Xdimen *x); extern uint8_t hput_int(int32_t p); extern uint8_t hput_language(uint8_t n); extern uint8_t hput_rule(Rule *r); extern uint8_t hput_glue(Glue *g); extern uint8_t hput_list(uint32_t size_pos, List *y); extern uint8_t hsize_bytes(uint32_t n); extern void hput_txt_cc(uint32_t c); extern void hput_txt_font(uint8_t f); extern void hput_txt_global(Ref *d); extern void hput_txt_local(uint8_t n); extern Info hput_box_dimen(Dimen h, Dimen d, Dimen w); extern Info hput_box_shift(Dimen a); extern Info hput_box_glue_set(int8_t s, float32_t r, Order o); extern void hput_stretch(Stretch *s); extern uint8_t hput_kern(Kern *k); extern void hput_utf8(uint32_t c); extern uint8_t hput_ligature(Lig *l); extern uint8_t hput_disc(Disc *h); extern Info hput_span_count(uint32_t n); extern Info hput_image_spec(uint32_t n, float32_t a, uint32_t wr, Xdimen *w, uint32_t hr, Xdimen *h); extern void hput_string(char *str); extern void hput_range(uint8_t pg, bool on); extern void hput_max_definitions(void); extern uint8_t hput_dimen(Dimen d); extern uint8_t hput_font_head(uint8_t f, char *n, Dimen s,@| uint16_t m, uint16_t y); extern void hput_range_defs(void); extern void hput_xdimen_node(Xdimen *x); extern void hput_directory(void); extern size_t hput_hint(char * str); extern void hput_list_size(uint32_t n, int i); extern int hcompress_depth(int n, int c); @ \subsection{{\tt put.c}}\label{writeshort}\index{put.c+{\tt put.c}} \noindent @(hiput.c@>= #include "hibasetypes.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hierror.h" #include "hiformat.h" #include "hiput.h" @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @ \subsection{{\tt lexer.l}}\index{lexer.l+{\tt lexer.l}}\index{scanning} The definitions for lex are collected in the file {\tt lexer.l} @(hilexer.l@>= %{ #include "hibasetypes.h" #include "hierror.h" #include "hiformat.h" #include "hiput.h" @@; #include "hiparser.h" @@;@+ @@; int yywrap (void )@+{ return 1;@+} #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( disable : 4267) #endif %} %option yylineno stack batch never-interactive %option debug %option nounistd nounput noinput noyy_top_state @@/ %% @@/ ::@=[a-z]+@> :< QUIT("Unexpected keyword '%s' in line %d",@|yytext,yylineno); >: ::@=.@> :< QUIT("Unexpected character '%c' (0x%02X) in line %d",@|yytext[0]>' '?yytext[0]:' ',yytext[0],yylineno); >: %% @ \subsection{{\tt parser.y}}\index{parser.y+{\tt parser.y}}\index{parsing} The grammar rules for bison are collected in the file {\tt parser.y}. % for the option %token-table use the command line parameter -k @(hiparser.y@>= %{ #include "hibasetypes.h" #include #include #include "hierror.h" #include "hiformat.h" #include "hiput.h" extern char **hfont_name; /* in common variables */ @@; extern void hset_entry(Entry *e, uint16_t i, @|uint32_t size, uint32_t xsize, char *file_name); @@; extern int yylex(void); @@; %} @t{\label{union}\index{union}\index{parsing}}@> %union {uint32_t u; @+ int32_t i; @+ char *s; @+ float64_t f; @+ Glyph c; @+ Dimen @+d; Stretch st; @+ Xdimen xd; @+ Kern kt; @+ Rule r; @+ Glue g; @+ @+ Image x; @+ List l; @+ Box h; @+ Disc dc; @+ Lig lg; @+ Ref rf; @+ Info info; @+ Order o; bool@+ b; } @t{}@> %error_verbose %start hint @t@> @@/ %% @@; %% @ \subsection{{\tt shrink.c}}\index{shrink.c+{\tt shrink.c}} \.{shrink} is a \CEE\ program translating a \HINT\ file in long format into a \HINT\ file in short format. @(hishrink.c@>= #include "hibasetypes.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #include #include "hierror.h" #include "hiformat.h" #include "hiput.h" @@; #include "hiparser.h" extern void yyset_debug(int lex_debug); extern int yylineno; extern FILE *yyin, *yyout; extern int yyparse(void); @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; #define SHRINK #define DESCRIPTION "\nConvert a `long' ASCII HINT file into a `short' binary HINT file.\n" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { @@; in_ext=".hint"; out_ext=".hnt"; @@; if (debugflags&DBGFLEX) yyset_debug(1); else yyset_debug(0); #if YYDEBUG if (debugflags&DBGBISON) yydebug=1; else yydebug=0; #endif @@; @@; @@; yyin=hin; yyout=hlog; @@; if (!hcheck_banner("HINT")) QUIT("Invalid banner"); yylineno++; DBG(DBGBISON|DBGFLEX,"Parsing Input\n"); yyparse(); hput_directory(); @@; hput_hint("created by shrink"); @@; @@; @@; return 0; } @ \subsection{{\tt stretch.c}}\label{stretchmain}\index{stretch.c+{\tt stretch.c}} \.{stretch} is a \CEE\ program translating a \HINT\ file in short format into a \HINT\ file in long format. @(histretch.c@>= #include "hibasetypes.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #include #include "hierror.h" #include "hiformat.h" #include "higet.h" @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; #define STRETCH #define DESCRIPTION "\nConvert a `short' binary HINT file into a `long' ASCII HINT file.\n" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { @@; in_ext=".hnt"; out_ext=".hint"; @@; @@; @@; @@; if (!hget_map()) QUIT("Unable to map the input file"); hpos=hstart=hin_addr; hend=hstart+hin_size; hget_banner(); if (!hcheck_banner("hint")) QUIT("Invalid banner"); hput_banner("HINT","created by stretch"); hget_directory(); hwrite_directory(); hget_definition_section(); hwrite_content_section(); hwrite_aux_files(); hget_unmap(); @@; DBG(DBGBASIC,"End of Program\n"); @@; return 0; } @ In the above program, the get functions call the write functions and the write functions call some get functions. This requires function declarations to satisfy the define before use requirement of \CEE. Some of the necessary function declarations are already contained in {\tt get.h}. The remaining declarations are these: @= extern void hget_xdimen_node(Xdimen *x); extern void hget_def_node(void); extern void hget_font_def(uint8_t f); extern void hget_content_section(void); extern uint8_t hget_content_node(void); extern void hget_glue_node(void); extern void hget_rule_node(void); extern void hget_hbox_node(void); extern void hget_vbox_node(void); extern void hget_param_list(List *l); extern int hget_txt(void); @ \subsection{{\tt skip.c}}\label{skip}\index{skip.c+{\tt skip.c}} \.{skip} is a \CEE\ program reading the content section of a \HINT\ file in short format backwards. @(hiskip.c@>= #include "hibasetypes.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "hierror.h" #include "hiformat.h" @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; @@; #define SKIP #define DESCRIPTION "\n This program tests parsing a binary HINT file in reverse direction.\n" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { @@; in_ext=".hnt"; out_ext=".bak"; @@; @@; if (!hget_map()) QUIT("Unable to map the input file"); hpos=hstart=hin_addr; hend=hstart+hin_size; hget_banner(); if (!hcheck_banner("hint")) QUIT("Invalid banner"); hget_directory(); DBG(DBGBASIC,"Skipping Content Section\n"); hteg_content_section(); DBG(DBGBASIC,"Fast forward Content Section\n"); hpos=hstart; while(hpos0) { uint8_t *p=hpos,*q; DBG(DBGTAGS,"Fast forward list at 0x%x, size %d",hff_list_pos,hff_list_size); hpos=hstart+hff_list_pos; q=hpos+hff_list_size; while (hpos@; return 0; } @ As we have seen already in the {\tt stretch} program, a few function declarations are necessary to satisfy the define before use requirement of \CEE. @= static void hteg_content_node(void); static void hteg_content(uint8_t z); static void hteg_xdimen_node(Xdimen *x); static void hteg_list(List *l); static void hteg_param_list(List *l); static float32_t hteg_float32(void); static void hteg_rule_node(void); static void hteg_hbox_node(void); static void hteg_vbox_node(void); static void hteg_glue_node(void); @ \thecodeindex \crosssections \plainsection{References} {\baselineskip=11pt \def\bfblrm{\small\rm}% \def\bblem{\small\it}% \bibliography{../hint} \bibliographystyle{plain} } \plainsection{Index} { \def\_{{\tt \UL}} % underline in a string \catcode`\_=\active \let_=\_ % underline is a letter \input format.ind } \write\cont{} % ensure that the contents file isn't empty % \write\cont{\catcode `\noexpand\@=12\relax} % \makeatother \closeout\cont% the contents information has been fully gathered