@x cur_tok := (cur_cmd*@'400)+cur_chr; @y cur_tok := (cur_cmd*max_char_val)+cur_chr; @z @x @d pdf_last_x_pos_code=eptex_version_code+1 {code for \.{\\pdflastxpos}} @y @d uptex_version_code=eptex_version_code+1 {code for \.{\\uptexversion}} @d pdf_last_x_pos_code=uptex_version_code+1 {code for \.{\\pdflastxpos}} @z @x @d uptex_version_code=ptex_minor_version_code+2 {code for \.{\\uptexversion}} @y @z @x check_kcat_code(cc) then begin if (cc=not_cjk) then cc:=other_kchar; @y ((cat>=kanji)or check_kcat_code(cc)) then begin if cat>=kanji then cc:=cat else if (cc=not_cjk) then cc:=other_kchar; @z @x else if (t=" ")and(cat=0) then t:=space_token else if (cat=0)or(cat>=kanji) then t:=other_token+t else if cat=active_char then t:= cs_token_flag + active_base + t else t:=left_brace_token*cat+t; @y if (t=" ")and(cat=0) then t:=space_token else if (cat=0)or(cat>=kanji) then t:=other_token+t else if cat=active_char then t:= cs_token_flag + active_base + t else t:=left_brace_token*cat+t; @z @x @d illegal_Ucharcat_wchar_catcode(#)==(#other_kchar) @y @d illegal_Ucharcat_wchar_catcode(#)==(#hangul) @z @x Uchar_convert_code: scan_char_num; Ucharcat_convert_code: begin scan_ascii_num; @y Uchar_convert_code: begin scan_char_num; if not is_char_ascii(cur_val) then if kcat_code(kcatcodekey(cur_val))=not_cjk then cat:=other_kchar; end; Ucharcat_convert_code: begin scan_char_num; @z @x if illegal_Ucharcat_ascii_catcode(cur_val) then begin print_err("Invalid code ("); print_int(cur_val); @.Invalid code@> print("), should be in the ranges 1..4, 6..8, 10..13"); help1("I'm going to use 12 instead of that illegal code value.");@/ error; cat:=12; end else cat:=cur_val; @y if i<=@"7F then { no |wchar_token| } begin if illegal_Ucharcat_ascii_catcode(cur_val) then begin print_err("Invalid code ("); print_int(cur_val); @.Invalid code@> print("), should be in the ranges 1..4, 6..8, 10..13"); help1("I'm going to use 12 instead of that illegal code value.");@/ error; cat:=12; end else cat:=cur_val; end else if i<=@"FF then begin if (illegal_Ucharcat_ascii_catcode(cur_val)) and (illegal_Ucharcat_wchar_catcode(cur_val)) then begin print_err("Invalid code ("); print_int(cur_val); @.Invalid code@> print("), should be in the ranges 1..4, 6..8, 10..13, 16..19"); help1("I'm going to use 12 instead of that illegal code value.");@/ error; cat:=12; end else cat:=cur_val; end else { |wchar_token| only } begin if illegal_Ucharcat_wchar_catcode(cur_val) then begin print_err("Invalid code ("); print_int(cur_val); @.Invalid code@> print("), should be in the ranges 16..19"); help1("I'm going to use 18 instead of that illegal code value.");@/ error; cat:=other_kchar; end else cat:=cur_val; end; @z @x procedure print_kanji(@!s:integer); {prints a single character} begin if s>255 then begin if isprint_utf8 then begin s:=UCStoUTF8(toUCS(s)); if BYTE1(s)<>0 then print_char(BYTE1(s)); if BYTE2(s)<>0 then print_char(BYTE2(s)); if BYTE3(s)<>0 then print_char(BYTE3(s)); print_char(BYTE4(s)); end else begin print_char(Hi(s)); print_char(Lo(s)); end; end else print_char(s); end; @y procedure print_kanji(@!s:KANJI_code); {prints a single character} begin if isprint_utf8 then s:=UCStoUTF8(toUCS(s mod max_cjk_val)) else s:=toBUFF(s mod max_cjk_val); if BYTE1(s)<>0 then print_char(BYTE1(s)); if BYTE2(s)<>0 then print_char(BYTE2(s)); if BYTE3(s)<>0 then print_char(BYTE3(s)); print_char(BYTE4(s)); end; @z