% eptexdir/eptex.ech: changefile used to build e-pTeX, see eptexdir/eptex-base.ch for details. % Public domain. Originally written by Peter Breitenlohner . @x e-pTeX: logo \def\eTeX{$\varepsilon$-\TeX} @y \def\eTeX{$\varepsilon$-\TeX} \def\epTeX{$\varepsilon$-p\TeX} @z @x [1.2] l.190 - epTeX: @d eTeX_version_string=='-2.6' {current \eTeX\ version} @y @d eTeX_version_string=='-2.6' {current \eTeX\ version} @# @d epTeX_version_string=='-110825' @z @x e-pTeX: banner {printed when p\TeX\ starts} @y {printed when p\TeX\ starts} @# @d epTeX_version==pTeX_version_string,epTeX_version_string,eTeX_version_string @d epTeX_banner=='This is e-pTeX, Version 3.1415926',epTeX_version @d epTeX_banner_k==epTeX_banner {printed when \epTeX\ starts} @z @x [1.2] @d banner==pTeX_banner @d banner_k==pTeX_banner_k @y @d banner==epTeX_banner @d banner_k==epTeX_banner_k @z @x @d max_quarterword=255 {largest allowable value in a |quarterword|} @y @d max_quarterword=@"FFFF {largest allowable value in a |quarterword|} @z @x [10.135] l.2895 - e-pTeX: box_lr and box_dir In \eTeX\ the |subtype| field records the box direction mode |box_lr|. @y In \eTeX\ the |subtype| field records the box direction mode |box_lr|. In \epTeX\ the |subtype| field is |qi(8*box_lr+box_dir)|. @z @x @d box_dir(#) == (qo(subtype(#))) {direction of a box} @d set_box_dir(#) == subtype(#):=set_box_dir_end @y @d box_dir(#) == ((qo(subtype(#)))mod 8) {direction of a box} @d set_box_dir(#) == subtype(#):=box_lr(#)*8+set_box_dir_end @z @x [26.413] l.8343 - e-pTeX: scan_something_internal var m:halfword; {|chr_code| part of the operand token} @y label exit; var m:halfword; {|chr_code| part of the operand token} @z @x [26.420] l.8474 - pTeX: Fetch a box dimension: dir_node begin scan_eight_bit_int; q:=box(cur_val); @y begin scan_register_num; fetch_box(q); @z @x [26.424] l.8508 - e-pTeX: TeXXeT and disp_node node of the current list. @y node of the current list. The macro |find_effective_tail_epTeX| sets |tx| to the last non-\.{\\endM} non-|disp_node| of the current list. @z @x [26.424] l.8510 - e-pTeX: last node @d find_effective_tail==find_effective_tail_pTeX @y @d find_effective_tail_epTeX== tx:=tail; if not is_char_node(tx) then if type(tx)=disp_node then tx:=prev_node; if not is_char_node(tx) then if (type(tx)=disp_node) {|disp_node| from a discretionary} or((type(tx)=math_node)and(subtype(tx)=end_M_code)) then begin r:=head; q:=link(head); while q<>tx do begin if is_char_node(q) then r:=q else if (type(q)<>disp_node)and ((type(q)<>math_node)or(subtype(q)<>end_M_code)) then r:=q; q:=link(q); end; tx:=r; end @# @d find_effective_tail==find_effective_tail_epTeX @z @x [26.424] e-pTeX: node types last_node_type_code: if type(tx)<=unset_node then cur_val:=type(tx)+1 else cur_val:=unset_node+2; @y last_node_type_code: if type(tx)<=unset_node then begin if type(tx)=dir_node then tx:=list_ptr(tx); cur_val:=type(tx); if cur_valdisp_node then cur_val:=cur_val-1; end else cur_val:=unset_node; {\epTeX's |unset_node| is \eTeX's |unset_node+2|} @z @x e-pTeX: if primitives - leave room for three e-TeX codes @d if_tdir_code=if_case_code+1 { `\.{\\iftdir}' } @y @d if_tdir_code=if_case_code+4 { `\.{\\iftdir}' } @z @x @d box_lr(#) == (qo(subtype(#))) {direction mode of a box} @d set_box_lr(#) == subtype(#):=set_box_lr_end @d set_box_lr_end(#) == qi(#) @y @d box_lr(#) == ((qo(subtype(#)))div 8) {direction mode of a box} @d set_box_lr(#) == subtype(#):=box_dir(#)+set_box_lr_end @d set_box_lr_end(#) == qi(8*(#)) @z @x [45.996] l.19420 last_node_type:=type(p)+1; @y if type(p) end else if type(q)=disp_node then begin prev_node:=p; gd:=2; if link(q)=null then gm:=0 else if type(link(q))=math_node then gm:=1 else confusion("tail4"); @:this can't happen tail4}{\quad tail4@> end else confusion("tail5"); @:this can't happen tail5}{\quad tail5@> end; if gm=0 then if fm=2 then confusion("tail1") @:this can't happen tail1}{\quad tail1@> else if fm=1 then confusion("tail2"); @:this can't happen tail2}{\quad tail2@> if (fm+fd)=1 then begin fm:=0; fd:=0;@+end; if gm=0 then fm:=0; if gd=0 then fd:=0; @# if fd>0 then {merge a |disp_node| pair} begin if gm=0 then {|p|$\to$|q=disp_node|$to$|null|} begin t:=q; q:=null; link(p):=q; tail:=p;@+end else if gm=1 then {|p|$\to$|q=disp_node|$to$|end_M|$to$|null|} begin t:=q; q:=link(q); link(p):=q; gm:=2;@+end else {|p|$\to$|q=end_M|$\to$|disp_node|$to$|null|} begin t:=link(q); link(q):=null; tail:=q;@+end; @# if fd=1 then {|s|$\to$|r=disp_node|} begin prev_node:=s; disp_dimen(r):=disp_dimen(t);@+end else {|r|$\to$|p=disp_node|} begin prev_node:=r; disp_dimen(p):=disp_dimen(t);@+end; prev_disp:=pdisp; free_node(t,small_node_size); gd:=0; end; @# if fm>0 then {drop \.{\\beginM} \.{\\endM} pair} begin if gd=0 then {|p|$\to$|q=end_M|$to$|null|} begin t:=q; q:=null; link(p):=q; tail:=p;@+end else if gd=1 then {|p|$\to$|q=end_M|$to$|disp_node|$to$|null|} begin t:=q; q:=link(q); link(p):=q; prev_node:=p; link(t):=null end else {|p|$\to$|q=disp_node|$\to$|end_M|$to$|null|} begin t:=link(q); link(q):=null; tail:=q;@+end; @# if fm=1 then {|s|$\to$|r=begin_M|$\to$|p=disp_node|} begin link(s):=p; link(r):=t; t:=r; prev_node:=s;@+end else {|r|$\to$|p=begin_M|$\to$|q|} begin link(r):=q; link(p):=t; t:=p; if q=null then tail:=r@+else prev_node:=r; end; flush_node_list(t); end @# @d check_effective_tail(#)==find_effective_tail_epTeX @d fetch_effective_tail==fetch_effective_tail_epTeX @z @x [47.1105] l.21246 @!fd:boolean; {a final |disp_node| pair?} @y @!s:pointer; {running behind |r|} @!t:pointer; @!fm:integer; {1: if |r|, 2: if |p| is a \.{\\beginM} node} @!gm:integer; {1: if |link(q)|, 2: if |q| is an \.{\\endM} node} @!fd,@!gd:integer; {same for |disp_node|} @z @x e-pTeX: font_char_{wd,ht,dp,ic}_code l.27306 begin i:=char_info(q)(qi(cur_val)); @y begin i:=orig_char_info(q)(qi(cur_val)); @z @x e-pTeX: displacement value when typesetting right-to-left l.27798 @!LR_ptr:pointer; {stack of LR codes for |hpack|, |ship_out|, and |init_math|} @y @!revdisp:scaled; {temporary value of displacement} @!LR_ptr:pointer; {stack of LR codes for |hpack|, |ship_out|, and |init_math|} @z @x e-pTeX: reverse nodes of an hlist l.28010 var l:pointer; {the new list} @y var l,la:pointer; {the new list} disp,disp2: scaled; { displacement } disped: boolean; @z @x e-pTeX: reverse nodes of an hlist l.28010 begin g_order:=glue_order(this_box); g_sign:=glue_sign(this_box); @y begin g_order:=glue_order(this_box); g_sign:=glue_sign(this_box); disp:=revdisp; disped:=false; @z @x e-pTeX: reverse nodes of an hlist l.28010 done:reverse:=l; @y done: {if the beginning node of the new list isn't |disp_node|, we insert |disp_node| to fix.} if (l<>null)and(type(l)<>disp_node) then begin p:=get_node(small_node_size); type(p):=disp_node; disp_dimen(p):=disp; link(p):=l; reverse:=p; end else reverse:=l; @z @x e-pTeX: reverse nodes of an hlist l.28010 q:=link(p); link(p):=l; l:=p; p:=q; @y if font_dir[f]<>dir_default then begin q:=link(p); la:=l; l:=p; p:=link(q); link(q):=la; end else begin q:=link(p); link(p):=l; l:=p; p:=q; end; @z @x e-pTeX: reverse nodes of an hlist l.28010 othercases goto next_p @y disp_node: begin disp2:=disp_dimen(p); disp_dimen(p):=disp; disp:=disp2; if not disped then disped:=true; end; othercases goto next_p @z @x e-pTeX: just_copy hlist_node,vlist_node: begin r:=get_node(box_node_size); @y dir_node, hlist_node,vlist_node: begin r:=get_node(box_node_size); @z @x e-pTeX: just_copy mem[r+6]:=mem[p+6]; mem[r+5]:=mem[p+5]; {copy the last two words} @y mem[r+7]:=mem[p+7]; mem[r+6]:=mem[p+6]; mem[r+5]:=mem[p+5]; {copy the last three words} add_glue_ref(space_ptr(r)); add_glue_ref(xspace_ptr(r)); @z @x e-pTeX: ifcsname l.28620 buffer[m]:=info(p) mod @'400; incr(m); p:=link(p); @y if check_kanji(info(p)) then {|wchar_token|} begin buffer[m]:=Hi(info(p)); incr(m); end; buffer[m]:=Lo(info(p)); incr(m); p:=link(p); @z @x e-pTeX: if_font_char_code l.28633 b:=char_exists(char_info(n)(qi(cur_val))) @y b:=char_exists(orig_char_info(n)(qi(cur_val))) @z @x procedure print_direction(@!d:integer); {print the direction represented by d} @y procedure print_direction_alt(@!d:integer); var x: boolean; begin x:=false; case abs(d) of dir_yoko: begin print(", yoko"); x:=true; end; dir_tate: begin print(", tate"); x:=true; end; dir_dtou: begin print(", dtou"); x:=true; end; end; if x then begin if d<0 then print("(math)"); print(" direction"); end; end; @# procedure print_direction(@!d:integer); {print the direction represented by d} @z