% usage: refsort foo.sref (after first pass with ctwimac) \datethis @* Introduction. This short program sorts the mini-indexes of listings prepared by \.{CTWILL}. More precisely, suppose you have said \.{ctwill} \.{foo.w}, getting a file \.{foo.tex}, and that you've then said \.{tex} \.{foo.tex}, getting files \.{foo.dvi} and \.{foo.ref}. If you're happy with \.{foo.dvi} except for the alphabetic order of the mini-indexes, you can then say $$\hbox{\tt refsort foo.sref}$$ after which \.{tex} \.{foo} will produce \.{foo.dvi} again, this time with the mini-indexes in order. Still more precisely, this program reads from standard input a file consisting of groups of unsorted lines and writes to standard output a file consisting of groups of sorted lines. Each input group begins with an identification line whose first character is \.!; the remaining characters are a page number. The other lines in the group all have the form $$\.{+\ }\alpha\.{\ \\?\{}\kappa\.{\}}\omega$$ where $\alpha$ is a string containing no spaces, \.? is a single character, $\kappa$ is a string of letters, digits, and \.{\\\_}'s, and $\omega$ is an arbitrary string. The output groups contain the same lines without the initial \.{+\ }, sorted alphabetically with respect to the $\kappa$ fields, followed by a closing line that says `\.{\\donewithpage}' followed by the page number copied from the original identification line. Exception: In the case of a ``custom'' identifier, \.{\\?\{$\kappa$\}} takes the alternative form \.{\$\\$\kappa$\ \$} instead. We define limits on the number and size of mini-index entries that should be plenty big enough. @d max_key 30 /* greater than the length of the longest identifier */ @d max_size 100 /* greater than the length of the longest mini-index entry */ @d max_items 300 /* the maximum number of items in a single mini-index */ @ Here's the layout of the \Cee\ program: @d abort(c,m) { fprintf(stderr,"%s!\n%s",m,buf); return c; } @c #include #include #include @# typedef struct { char key[max_key]; char entry[max_size]; } item; item items[max_items]; /* all items of current group */ item *sorted[max_items]; /* pointers to items in alphabetic order */ char cur_page[10]; /* page number, as a string */ char buf[max_size]; /* current line of input */ char *input_status; /* |NULL| if end of input reached, else |buf| */ @# int main() { register char *p,*q; register int n; /* current number of items */ register item *x, **y; input_status=fgets(buf,max_size,stdin); while (input_status) { @; @; @; } return 0; /* normal exit */ } @ @= if (*buf!='!') abort(-1,"missing '!'"); if (strlen(buf+1)>11) abort (-2,"page number too long"); for (p=buf+1,q=cur_page;*p!='\n';p++) *q++=*p; *q='\0'; @ @= n=0; while (1) { input_status=fgets(buf,max_size,stdin); if (input_status==NULL || *buf!='+') break; x=&items[n]; @; @; if (++n>max_items) abort(-11,"too many lines in group"); } @ @= { for (y=sorted;yentry); printf("\\donewithpage%s\n",cur_page); } @* Sorting. We convert the key to lowercase as we copy it, and we omit backslashes. We also convert \.{\_} to \.{\ }. Then \.{\\\_} will be alphabetically less than alphabetic letters, as desired. @= if (*(buf+1)!=' ') abort(-3,"missing blank after +"); @; if (*p!=' ') abort(-4,"missing blank after alpha"); if (*(p+1)=='$') @@; else { if (*(p+1)!='\\') abort(-5,"missing backslash"); if (!*(p+2)) abort(-6,"missing control code"); if (*(p+3)!='{') abort(-7,"missing left brace"); for (p+=4,q=x->key;*p!='}'&&*p;p++) { if (*p!='\\') { if (isupper(*p)) *q++=*p+('a'-'A'); else if (*p=='_') *q++=' '; else *q++=*p; } } if (*p!='}') abort(-8,"missing right brace"); } if (q>=&x->key[max_key]) abort(-9,"key too long"); *q='\0'; @entry|@>; if (p==buf+max_size-1) abort(-10,"entry too long"); *(q-1)='\0'; @ @= { if (*(p+2)!='\\') abort(-11,"missing custom backlash"); for (p+=3,q=x->key;*p!=' '&&*p;p++) { if (isupper(*p)) *q++=*p+('a'-'A'); else *q++=*p; } if (*p!=' ') abort(-12,"missing custom space"); if (*(p+1)!='$') abort(-13,"missing custom dollarsign"); } @ @= for (y=&sorted[n]; y>&sorted[0] && strcmp((*(y-1))->key,x->key)>0; y--) *y=*(y-1); *y=x; @*A bugfix. The program specification had a subtle bug: There are cases where $\alpha$ includes spaces that should be removed in the output. These cases occur when a space occurs after an odd number of doublequote characters. Ergo, the following routine replaced a simpler original loop. @= { register int toggle=0; for (p=buf+2;(*p!=' '||toggle)&&*p;p++) if (*p=='"') toggle^=1; } @ A corresponding change to the copying loop is also needed. @entry|@>= { register int toggle=0; for (p=buf+2,q=x->entry;(*p!=' '||toggle)&&*p;p++) { if (*p=='"') toggle^=1; if (*p!=' ') *q++=*p; } for (;*p;p++) *q++=*p; } @* Index.