@q This file defines type names introduced in modern dialects of C++ as @> @q special items for formatting; see http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/header @> @q only the std::class names listed there are included here. @> @q @@i'nclude this file in addition to the file 'c++lib.w' @> @s type_index int @s initializer_list int @s tuple int @s any int @s optional int @s variant int @s error_code int @s basic_string_view int @s array int @s forward_list int @s unordered_set int @s unordered_multiset int @s unordered_map int @s unordered_multimap int @s thread int @s path int @q add more std::classes from (some) C++1x headers @> @s integral_constant int @s bool_constant int @s function int @s mem_fn int @s bad_function_call int @s is_bind_expression int @s is_placeholder int @s reference_wrapper int @s hash int @s unique_ptr int @s shared_ptr int @s weak_ptr int