This is the change file for CWEB's COMMON under VAX/VMS. created: 1987 BL (Bjorn Larsen, University of Oslo) modified: 01-FEB-1992 ST (Stephan Trebels ) > include ctype,stdio,ssdef from textlibrary SYS$SHARE:VAXCDEF.TLB > change error return code to SS$_ABORT (perhaps better than %NONAME-E-NOMSG, Message number 2 ) (also modified by Don Knuth to match changes in the master file) (only the two changes by BL are necessary for initial bootstrapping via hand-editing of common.c) @x section 3 (01-FEB-1992 ST) #include /* definition of |@!isalpha|, |@!isdigit| and so on */ #include /* definition of |@!bool|, |@!true| and |@!false| */ #include /* definition of |@!ptrdiff_t| */ #include /* definition of |@!uint8_t| and |@!uint16_t| */ #include /* definition of |@!getenv| and |@!exit| */ #include /* definition of |@!printf| and friends */ #include /* definition of |@!strlen|, |@!strcmp| and so on */ @y #include ctype /* definition of |@!isalpha|, |@!isdigit| and so on */ /* VMS searches text libraries faster */ #include stdbool /* definition of |@!bool|, |@!true| and |@!false| */ #include stddef /* definition of |@!ptrdiff_t| */ #include stdint /* definition of |@!uint8_t| and |@!uint16_t| */ #include stdlib /* definition of |@!getenv| and |@!exit| */ #include stdio /* definition of |@!printf| and friends */ #include string /* definition of |@!strlen|, |@!strcmp| and so on */ @z @x section 68 (01-FEB-1992 ST) programs are started. Here, for instance, we pass the operating system a status of 0 if and only if only harmless messages were printed. @y programs are started. Here, for instance, we pass VAX/VMS a status of |SS$_NORMAL| if and only if only harmless messages have been printed. A suitable status to signal an error condition to VAX/VMS could be |SS$_ABORT|, telling the operating system to print |"%SYSTEM-F-ABORT, abort"|, if |history > harmless_message|. @z @x section 68 (1987 BL) (01-FEB-1992 ST) (11-JAN-1993 DEK) if (history > harmless_message) return(1); else return(0); @y /* VAX/VMS and UNIX have different error status conventions. VAX/VMS uses odd values (for example |SS$_NORMAL|) to indicate success, even values indicate errors, resulting in messages displayed on the screen. |SS$_ABORT| has been chosen, to indicate an error and display something that's not complete nonsense. */ if (history > harmless_message) exit(SS$_ABORT); else exit(SS$_NORMAL); @z @x section 75 (01-FEB-1992 ST) An omitted change file argument means that |"/dev/null"| should be used, when no changes are desired. @y An omitted change file argument means that the null device |"NL:"| should be used, when no changes are desired. @z @x section 76 (1987 BL) (01-FEB-1992 ST) (05-APR-1992 DEK) strcpy(change_file_name,"/dev/null"); @y strcpy(change_file_name,"NL:"); /* {\tt NL:} is the VAX/VMS notation for {\tt /dev/null} */ @z @x section 85 (01-FEB-1992 ST) @** Index. @y @* VAX/VMS specific code. We have used |SS$_NORMAL| and |SS$_ABORT| as return codes, so we have to include the system message codes. @= #include ssdef /* we need VAX/VMS system messages */ @** Index. @z