% vim ft=ch % Dealing with extended formats % and changing the last Omega references to Aleph @x @ @ @= begin if eof(pool_file) then bad_pool('! OMEGA.POOL has no check sum.'); @.OMEGA.POOL has no check sum@> read(pool_file,m,n); {read two digits of string length} if m='*' then @ else begin if (m<"0")or(m>"9")or@| (n<"0")or(n>"9") then bad_pool('! OMEGA.POOL line doesn''t begin with two digits.'); @.OMEGA.POOL line doesn't...@> @y else bad_pool('! I can''t read ALEPH.POOL.') @.I can't read ALEPH.POOL@> @ @= begin if eof(pool_file) then bad_pool('! ALEPH.POOL has no check sum.'); @.ALEPH.POOL has no check sum@> read(pool_file,m,n); {read two digits of string length} if m='*' then @ else begin if (m<"0")or(m>"9")or@| (n<"0")or(n>"9") then bad_pool('! ALEPH.POOL line doesn''t begin with two digits.'); @.ALEPH.POOL line doesn't...@> @z %---------------------------------------- @x bad_pool('! OMEGA.POOL check sum doesn''t have nine digits.'); @.OMEGA.POOL check sum...@> a:=10*a+n-"0"; if k=9 then goto done; incr(k); read(pool_file,n); end; done: if a<>@$ then bad_pool('! OMEGA.POOL doesn''t match; OTANGLE me again.'); @.OMEGA.POOL doesn't match@> @y bad_pool('! ALEPH.POOL check sum doesn''t have nine digits.'); @.ALEPH.POOL check sum...@> a:=10*a+n-"0"; if k=9 then goto done; incr(k); read(pool_file,n); end; done: if a<>@$ then bad_pool('! ALEPH.POOL doesn''t match; OTANGLE me again.'); @.ALEPH.POOL doesn't match@> @z %---------------------------------------- @x print_err("Omega capacity exceeded, sorry ["); @y print_err("Aleph capacity exceeded, sorry ["); @z %---------------------------------------- @x print("Omega output, Version 3.14159265--1.15, "); @y print("Aleph output, Version 3.14159265--1.15--2.1, "); @z %---------------------------------------- @x print_err("Patterns can be loaded only by INIOMEGA"); @y print_err("Patterns can be loaded only by INIALEPH"); @z %---------------------------------------- @x format_ident:=" (INIOMEGA)"; @y format_ident:=" (INIALEPH)"; @z %---------------------------------------- @x print_nl("(\dump is performed only by INIOMEGA)"); return; @:dump_}{\.{\\dump...only by INIOMEGA}@> @y print_nl("(\dump is performed only by INIALEPH)"); return; @:dump_}{\.{\\dump...only by INIALEPH}@> @z %---------------------------------------- @x @!init if (buffer[loc]="*")and(format_ident=" (INITEX)") then @y @!init if (buffer[loc]="*")and(format_ident=" (INIALEPH)") then @z %%% The following lines would let Aleph start in enhanced mode % %---------------------------------------- % @x % incr(loc); eTeX_mode:=1; {enter extended mode} % @y % if (buffer[loc]="*") then incr(loc); % eTeX_mode:=1; {enter extended mode} % @z % %---------------------------------------- % @x % eTeX_mode:=0; {initially we are in compatibility mode} % @y % eTeX_mode:=1; {initially we are in extended mode} % @z % %---------------------------------------- % @x % for j:=0 to eTeX_states-1 do set_new_eqtb_int(eTeX_state_base+j,0); {disable all enhancements} % @y % for j:=0 to eTeX_states-1 do set_new_eqtb_int(eTeX_state_base+j,1); {enable all enhancements} % @z