$Id$ (This file is public domain.) This directory contains Web2c, a system which converts TeX, Metafont, and other related WEB programs to C. By itself, it is not a complete, ready-to-run, TeX distribution, nor is it a general-purpose Pascal-to-C or WEB-to-C translator. Web2c no longer exists as a separate distribution. It is maintained as part of TeX Live (http://tug.org/texlive). Mailing list for bug reports and all general discussion: https://lists.tug.org/tex-k; anyone can join the list, but it is not necessary to join to post. Archives are public. See `NEWS' for changes by release, `ChangeLog` for all changes, `PROJECTS' for some old rainy-day ideas. If present, see *dir/README for more details on each package. Info on building only one of the engines here: https://tug.org/texinfohtml/tlbuild.html#Build-one-engine TeX Live general build info: https://tug.org/texlive/build.html Mailing list for build issues (same setup as tex-k, above): https://lists.tug.org/tlbuild The original TeX and Metafont programs by Donald Knuth are public domain. Web2c is free software.