$Id$ This file is public domain. Here are some things left to do. If you would like to contribute, send mail to tex-k@tug.org (https://lists.tug.org/tex-k). * TeX/MF: change prompt from `\n*' (for simpler cut-and-paste). * Have bibtex -verbose print full pathnames. * Reallocate memory arrays as needed instead of just allocating once at the beginning. * Make web2c handle fields correctly, i.e., to put the field identifier in the symbol table of the type, instead of the global symbol table. This would simplify the GFtoDVI change file a fair amount. * Make web2c handle variant records. This would make the TeX, Metafont, and GFtoDVI change files simpler. * Implement overflow checking for adding and subtracting dimensions. According to Knuth "a few dozen checks" would be needed (section 104). Knuth calls the chances of it occuring unlikely, but unfortunately you will get a bad DVI file when it does. The following source demonstrates the problem. (Reported many times.) % \newcount \loopcount \newcount \limit \limit = 3570 \hfuzz = \maxdimen \showboxdepth = -\maxdimen \showboxbreadth = -\maxdimen \overfullrule = 0 pt \tracingonline = 1 \scrollmode \loop \message {\the \limit} \setbox 0 = \hbox {\loopcount = 0 \loop M% \ifnum \loopcount < \limit \advance \loopcount by 1 \repeat }% \message {\the \wd 0} \advance \limit by 1 \iftrue \repeat \end