/* ttc.c -- True Type Collection Support * Copyright (C) 1997 Li-Da Lho, All right reserved */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "ttf.h" #include "ttfutil.h" #include "ttc.h" /* $Id: ttc.c,v 1998/06/05 07:47:52 robert Exp $ */ static void ttfLoadTTCFont(TTCHeaderPtr ttc, FILE *fp, const char *filename); TTCHeaderPtr ttfLoadTTCHeader(char * filename) { ULONG tag = FT_MAKE_TAG ('t', 't', 'c', 'f'); TTCHeaderPtr ttc; FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen_truetype (filename)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open ttc file %s\n",filename); return NULL; } ttc = XCALLOC1 (TTCHeader); /* True Type Collection's TTCHeader */ if ((ttc->TTCTag = ttfGetULONG(fp)) == tag) { ttc->version = ttfGetFixed(fp); ttc->DirCount = (USHORT) ttfGetULONG(fp); ttc->offset = ttfMakeULONG (ttc->DirCount, fp); ttfLoadTTCFont(ttc,fp,filename); return ttc; } else /* a file with ttc in name but no ttc tag in it */ return NULL; } static void ttfLoadTTCFont(TTCHeaderPtr ttc,FILE *fp,const char *filename) { unsigned int i; ttc->font = XCALLOC (ttc->DirCount, TTFont); /* currently, we are loading all fonts in a TTC file. * I still can't find a good way to share the data. */ for (i=0;iDirCount;i++) { (ttc->font+i) -> fp = fp; (ttc->font+i) -> ttfname = XTALLOC (strlen(filename)+16, char); sprintf ((ttc->font+i)->ttfname, "%s:%u", filename, i); ttfLoadFont((ttc->font+i),(ttc->offset)[i]); } } void ttfFreeTTCFont(TTCHeaderPtr ttc) { int i; for (i=0;iDirCount;i++) { ttfFreeRequiredTables(ttc->font+i); ttfFreeOptionalTables(ttc->font+i); ttfFreeTableDir((ttc->font+i)->dir); free((ttc->font+i)->refcount); } free(ttc->offset); free(ttc->font); free(ttc); }