v. 0.45 glyf.c: how to deal with zero contours and zero instructions ?? cmap.c: format 2 4 6 post.c: format 2.0 ,2.5 os2 table table init methods are not implemented modify Makefile remove possibel memory leak by dmalloc check the program by lint problem: the various tables have interdependency with each other, how can we de-couple them ?? should the table init method load the entries of each table ?? or just return a memory space ?? should we change the interface from xxxYYYZZZ(file,ZZZ,ofset) into xxxYYYZZZ(TTFontPtr font) ?? v 0.5 try to port to different machine use autoconf optional tables instruction dissasembler instruction interpreter final layer of abstraction for TTFont structure glyph and bitmap buffer cache