/* * vplaux.c * * This file is part of the ttf2pk package. * * Copyright 1997-1999, 2000 by * Frederic Loyer * Werner Lemberg */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "ttf2tfm.h" #include "newobj.h" #include "ttfenc.h" #include "texenc.h" #include "tfmaux.h" #include "vplaux.h" #include "errormsg.h" #include "case.h" #undef PI #define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327 #define vout(s) fprintf(out, s) #define voutln(str) {fprintf(out, "%s\n", str); vlevout(level);} #define voutln2(f, s) {fprintf(out, f, s); vlevnlout(level);} #define voutln3(f, a, b) {fprintf(out, f, a, b); vlevnlout(level);} #define voutln4(f, a, b, c) {fprintf(out, f, a, b, c); vlevnlout(level);} static char vcharbuf[6]; static char vnamebuf[100]; /* the depth of parenthesis nesting in VPL file being written */ static int level; static FILE *out; static void vlevout(register int l) { while (l--) vout(" "); } static void vlevnlout(int level) { vout("\n"); vlevout(level); } static void vleft(int *levelp) { (*levelp)++; vout("("); } static void vright(int *levelp) { (*levelp)--; voutln(")"); } static char * vchar(int c, char *buf, Boolean forceoctal) { if (forceoctal == 0 && isalnum(c)) (void)sprintf(buf, "C %c", c); else (void)sprintf(buf, "O %o", (unsigned)c); return buf; } static char * vname(int c, char *buf, ttfinfo **array, Boolean forceoctal) { if (!forceoctal && isalnum(c)) buf[0] = '\0'; else sprintf(buf, " (comment %s)", array[c]->adobename); return buf; } static int texheight(register ttfinfo *ti, ttfinfo *ac, int xh) { register const char **p; register ttfinfo *aci, *acci; char buffer[200]; if (xh <= 50 || *(ti->adobename + 1)) return ti->ury; /* that was the simple case */ for (p = accents; *p; p++) /* otherwise we look for accented letters. */ /* We even check glyphs not in any encoding */ if (NULL != (aci = findadobe(*p, ac))) { strcpy(buffer, ti->adobename); strcat(buffer, *p); if (NULL != (acci = findadobe(buffer, ac))) return acci->ury - aci->ury + xh; } return ti->ury; } /* * Compute uppercase mapping, when making a small caps font. */ void upmap(Font *fnt) { register ttfinfo *ti, *Ti; register const char *p; register char *q; register pcc *np, *nq; int i, j; char lwr[50]; for (Ti = fnt->charlist; Ti; Ti = Ti->next) { p = Ti->adobename; if (isupper(*p)) { q = lwr; for (; *p; p++) *q++ = tolower(*p); *q = '\0'; if (NULL != (ti = findmappedadobe(lwr, fnt->inencptrs))) { for (i = ti->outcode; i >= 0; i = fnt->nextout[i]) fnt->uppercase[i] = Ti; for (i = Ti->outcode; i >= 0; i = fnt->nextout[i]) fnt->lowercase[i] = ti; } } } /* * Note that, contrary to the normal true/false conventions, * uppercase[i] is NULL and lowercase[i] is non-NULL when `i' is the * ASCII code of an uppercase letter; and vice versa for lowercase * letters. */ if (NULL != (ti = findmappedadobe("germandbls", fnt->inencptrs))) if (NULL != (Ti = findmappedadobe("S", fnt->inencptrs))) /* we also construct SS */ { for (i = ti->outcode; i >= 0; i = fnt->nextout[i]) fnt->uppercase[i] = ti; ti->incode = -1; ti->width = Ti->width << 1; ti->llx = Ti->llx; ti->lly = Ti->lly; ti->urx = Ti->width + Ti->urx; ti->ury = Ti->ury; ti->kerns = Ti->kerns; np = newpcc(); np->partname = "S"; nq = newpcc(); nq->partname = "S"; nq->xoffset = Ti->width; np->next = nq; ti->pccs = np; ti->constructed = True; } for (i = 0; casetable[i].upper; i++) { if ((ti = findmappedadobe(casetable[i].lower, fnt->inencptrs))) for (j = ti->outcode; j >= 0; j = fnt->nextout[j]) fnt->uppercase[j] = findmappedadobe(casetable[i].upper, fnt->inencptrs); } } /* * The logic above seems to work well enough, but it leaves useless * characters like `fi' and `fl' in the font if they were present * initially, and it omits characters like `dotlessj' if they are * absent initially. */ void writevpl(Font *fnt, char makevpl, Boolean forceoctal) { register int i, j, k; register ttfinfo *ti; register lig *nlig; register kern *nkern; register pcc *npcc; ttfinfo *asucc, *asub, *api; ttfptr *kern_eq; int xoff, yoff, ht; int bc, ec; char buf[200]; char header[256]; Boolean unlabeled; float Slant; out = fnt->vplout; header[0] = '\0'; strncat(header, "Created by `", 12); strncat(header, fnt->titlebuf, 255 - 12 - 1); strncat(header, "'", 1); voutln2("(VTITLE %s)", header); voutln("(COMMENT Please change VTITLE if you edit this file)"); (void)sprintf(buf, "TeX-%s%s%s%s", fnt->fullname, (fnt->efactor == 1.0 ? "" : "-E"), (fnt->slant == 0.0 ? "" : "-S"), (makevpl == 1 ? "" : "-CSC")); if (strlen(buf) > 19) /* too long, will retain first 9 and last 10 chars */ { register char *p, *q; for (p = &buf[9], q = &buf[strlen(buf)-10]; p < &buf[19]; p++, q++) *p = *q; buf[19] = '\0'; } voutln2("(FAMILY %s)", buf); { char tbuf[300]; const char *base_encoding = fnt->codingscheme; if (strcmp(fnt->outencoding->name, base_encoding) == 0) sprintf(tbuf, "%s", fnt->outencoding->name); else sprintf(tbuf, "%s + %s", base_encoding, fnt->outencoding->name); if (strlen(tbuf) > 39) { warning("Coding scheme too long; shortening to 39 characters"); tbuf[39] = '\0'; } voutln2("(CODINGSCHEME %s)", tbuf); } { long t, sc; char *s; int n, pos; s = header; n = strlen(s); t = ((long)n) << 24; sc = 16; pos = 18; voutln( "(COMMENT The following `HEADER' lines are equivalent to the string)"); voutln2("(COMMENT \"%s\")", header); while (n > 0) { t |= ((long)(*(unsigned char *)s++)) << sc; sc -= 8; if (sc < 0) { voutln3("(HEADER D %d O %lo)", pos, t); t = 0; sc = 24; pos++; } n--; } if (t) voutln3("(HEADER D %d O %lo)", pos, t); } voutln("(DESIGNSIZE R 10.0)"); voutln("(DESIGNUNITS R 1000)"); voutln("(COMMENT DESIGNSIZE (1 em) IS IN POINTS)"); voutln("(COMMENT OTHER DIMENSIONS ARE MULTIPLES OF DESIGNSIZE/1000)"); #if 0 /* Let vptovf compute the checksum. */ voutln2("(CHECKSUM O %lo)", cksum ^ 0xFFFFFFFF); #endif if (fnt->boundarychar >= 0) voutln2("(BOUNDARYCHAR O %lo)", (unsigned long)fnt->boundarychar); vleft(&level); voutln("FONTDIMEN"); Slant = fnt->slant - fnt->efactor * tan(fnt->italicangle * (PI / 180.0)); if (Slant) voutln2("(SLANT R %f)", Slant); voutln2("(SPACE D %d)", fnt->fontspace); if (!fnt->fixedpitch) { voutln2("(STRETCH D %d)", transform(200, 0, fnt->efactor, fnt->slant)); voutln2("(SHRINK D %d)", transform(100, 0, fnt->efactor, fnt->slant)); } voutln2("(XHEIGHT D %d)", fnt->xheight); voutln2("(QUAD D %d)", transform(1000, 0, fnt->efactor, fnt->slant)); voutln2("(EXTRASPACE D %d)", fnt->fixedpitch ? fnt->fontspace : transform(111, 0, fnt->efactor, fnt->slant)); vright(&level); vleft(&level); voutln("MAPFONT D 0"); voutln2("(FONTNAME %s)", fnt->fullname); #if 0 voutln2("(FONTCHECKSUM O %lo)", (unsigned long)cksum); #endif vright(&level); if (makevpl > 1) { vleft(&level); voutln("MAPFONT D 1"); voutln2("(FONTNAME %s)", fnt->fullname); voutln2("(FONTAT D %d)", (int)(1000.0 * fnt->capheight + 0.5)); #if 0 voutln2("(FONTCHECKSUM O %lo)", (unsigned long)cksum); #endif vright(&level); } for (i = 0; i <= 0xFF && fnt->outencptrs[i] == NULL; i++) ; bc = i; for (i = 0xFF; i >= 0 && fnt->outencptrs[i] == NULL; i--) ; ec = i; vleft(&level); voutln("LIGTABLE"); ti = findadobe("||", fnt->charlist); unlabeled = True; for (nlig = ti->ligs; nlig; nlig = nlig->next) if (NULL != (asucc = findmappedadobe(nlig->succ, fnt->inencptrs))) { if (NULL != (asub = findmappedadobe(nlig->sub, fnt->inencptrs))) if (asucc->outcode >= 0) if (asub->outcode >= 0) { if (unlabeled) { voutln("(LABEL BOUNDARYCHAR)"); unlabeled = False; } for (j = asucc->outcode; j >= 0; j = fnt->nextout[j]) voutln4("(%s %s O %o)", vplligops[nlig->op], vchar(j, vcharbuf, forceoctal), (unsigned)asub->outcode); } } if (!unlabeled) voutln("(STOP)"); for (i = bc; i <= ec; i++) if ((ti = fnt->outencptrs[i]) && ti->outcode == i) { unlabeled = True; if (fnt->uppercase[i] == NULL) /* omit ligatures from smallcap lowercase */ for (nlig = ti->ligs; nlig; nlig = nlig->next) if (NULL != (asucc = findmappedadobe(nlig->succ, fnt->inencptrs))) if (NULL != (asub = findmappedadobe(nlig->sub, fnt->inencptrs))) if (asucc->outcode >= 0) if (asub->outcode >= 0) { if (unlabeled) { for (j = ti->outcode; j >= 0; j = fnt->nextout[j]) voutln3("(LABEL %s)%s", vchar(j, vcharbuf, forceoctal), vname(j, vnamebuf, fnt->outencptrs, forceoctal)); unlabeled = False; } for (j = asucc->outcode; j >= 0; j = fnt->nextout[j]) { voutln4("(%s %s O %o)", vplligops[nlig->op], vchar(j, vcharbuf, forceoctal), (unsigned)asub->outcode); if (nlig->boundleft) break; } } for (nkern = (fnt->uppercase[i] ? fnt->uppercase[i]->kerns : ti->kerns); nkern; nkern=nkern->next) if (NULL != (asucc = findmappedadobe(nkern->succ, fnt->inencptrs))) for (j = asucc->outcode; j >= 0; j = fnt->nextout[j]) { if (fnt->uppercase[j] == NULL) { if (unlabeled) { for (k = ti->outcode; k >= 0; k = fnt->nextout[k]) voutln3("(LABEL %s)%s", vchar(k, vcharbuf, forceoctal), vname(k, vnamebuf, fnt->outencptrs, forceoctal)); unlabeled = False; } /* * If other characters have the same kerns as this * one, output the label here. This makes the TFM * file much smaller than if we output all the * kerns again under a different label. */ for (kern_eq = ti->kern_equivs; kern_eq; kern_eq = kern_eq->next) { k = kern_eq->ch->outcode; if (k >= 0 && k <= 0xFF) voutln3("(LABEL %s)%s", vchar(k, vcharbuf, forceoctal), vname(k, vnamebuf, fnt->outencptrs, forceoctal)); } ti->kern_equivs = NULL; /* Only output those labels once. */ if (fnt->uppercase[i]) { if (fnt->lowercase[j]) { for (k = fnt->lowercase[j]->outcode; k >= 0; k = fnt->nextout[k]) voutln4("(KRN %s R %.1f)%s", vchar(k, vcharbuf, forceoctal), fnt->capheight * nkern->delta, vname(k, vnamebuf, fnt->outencptrs, forceoctal)); } else voutln4("(KRN %s R %.1f)%s", vchar(j, vcharbuf, forceoctal), fnt->capheight * nkern->delta, vname(j, vnamebuf, fnt->outencptrs, forceoctal)); } else { voutln4("(KRN %s R %d)%s", vchar(j, vcharbuf, forceoctal), nkern->delta, vname(j, vnamebuf, fnt->outencptrs, forceoctal)); if (fnt->lowercase[j]) for (k = fnt->lowercase[j]->outcode; k >= 0; k = fnt->nextout[k]) voutln4("(KRN %s R %.1f)%s", vchar(k, vcharbuf, forceoctal), fnt->capheight * nkern->delta, vname(k, vnamebuf, fnt->outencptrs, forceoctal)); } } } if (!unlabeled) voutln("(STOP)"); } vright(&level); for (i = bc; i <= ec; i++) if (NULL != (ti = fnt->outencptrs[i])) { vleft(&level); fprintf(out, "CHARACTER %s%s\n ", vchar(i, vcharbuf, forceoctal), vname(i, vnamebuf, fnt->outencptrs, forceoctal)); if (fnt->uppercase[i]) { ti = fnt->uppercase[i]; voutln2("(CHARWD R %.1f)", fnt->capheight * (ti->width)); if (0 != (ht = texheight(ti, fnt->charlist, fnt->xheight))) voutln2("(CHARHT R %.1f)", fnt->capheight * ht); if (ti->lly) voutln2("(CHARDP R %.1f)", -fnt->capheight * ti->lly); if (ti->urx > ti->width) voutln2("(CHARIC R %.1f)", fnt->capheight * (ti->urx - ti->width)); } else { voutln2("(CHARWD R %d)", ti->width); if (0 != (ht = texheight(ti, fnt->charlist, fnt->xheight))) voutln2("(CHARHT R %d)", ht); if (ti->lly) voutln2("(CHARDP R %d)", -ti->lly); if (ti->urx > ti->width) voutln2("(CHARIC R %d)", ti->urx - ti->width); } if (ti->incode != i || fnt->uppercase[i] || ti->constructed) { vleft(&level); voutln("MAP"); if (fnt->uppercase[i]) voutln("(SELECTFONT D 1)"); if (ti->pccs && (ti->incode < 0 || ti->constructed)) { xoff = 0; yoff = 0; for (npcc = ti->pccs; npcc; npcc = npcc->next) if (NULL != (api = findmappedadobe(npcc->partname, fnt->inencptrs))) if (api->outcode >= 0) { if (npcc->xoffset != xoff) { if (fnt->uppercase[i]) { voutln2("(MOVERIGHT R %.1f)", fnt->capheight * (npcc->xoffset - xoff)); } else voutln2("(MOVERIGHT R %d)", npcc->xoffset - xoff); xoff = npcc->xoffset; } if (npcc->yoffset != yoff) { if (fnt->uppercase[i]) { voutln2("(MOVEUP R %.1f)", fnt->capheight * (npcc->yoffset - yoff)); } else voutln2("(MOVEUP R %d)", npcc->yoffset - yoff); yoff = npcc->yoffset; } voutln2("(SETCHAR O %o)", (unsigned)api->incode); xoff += fnt->outencptrs[api->outcode]->width; } } else voutln2("(SETCHAR O %o)", (unsigned)ti->incode); vright(&level); } vright(&level); } if (level) oops("I forgot to match the parentheses."); } void writeovp(Font *fnt) { register int i; register ttfinfo *ti; long bc, ec; char header[256]; float Slant; ttfinfo *ofm_array[65536]; out = fnt->vplout; header[0] = '\0'; strncat(header, "Created by `", 12); strncat(header, fnt->titlebuf, 255 - 12 - 1); strncat(header, "'", 1); voutln2("(VTITLE %s)", header); voutln("(COMMENT Please change VTITLE if you edit this file)"); voutln("(OFMLEVEL H 1)"); voutln("(FONTDIR TL)"); voutln2("(FAMILY %s)", fnt->outname); voutln("(FACE F MRR)"); voutln("(CODINGSCHEME UNSPECIFIED)"); voutln("(DESIGNSIZE R 10.0)"); voutln("(DESIGNUNITS R 1000)"); voutln("(COMMENT DESIGNSIZE (1 em) IS IN POINTS)"); voutln("(COMMENT OTHER DIMENSIONS ARE MULTIPLES OF DESIGNSIZE/1000)"); #if 0 /* Let vptovf compute the checksum. */ voutln2("(CHECKSUM O %lo)", cksum ^ 0xFFFFFFFF); #endif vleft(&level); voutln("FONTDIMEN"); Slant = fnt->slant - fnt->efactor * tan(fnt->italicangle * (PI / 180.0)); if (Slant) voutln2("(SLANT R %f)", Slant); voutln2("(SPACE D %d)", fnt->fontspace); if (!fnt->fixedpitch) { voutln2("(STRETCH D %d)", transform(200, 0, fnt->efactor, fnt->slant)); voutln2("(SHRINK D %d)", transform(100, 0, fnt->efactor, fnt->slant)); } voutln2("(XHEIGHT D %d)", fnt->xheight); voutln2("(QUAD D %d)", transform(1000, 0, fnt->efactor, fnt->slant)); voutln2("(EXTRASPACE D %d)", fnt->fixedpitch ? fnt->fontspace : transform(111, 0, fnt->efactor, fnt->slant)); vright(&level); for (i = 0; i < fnt->subfont_num; i++) { vleft(&level); voutln2("MAPFONT D %d", i); voutln2("(FONTNAME %s)", (fnt->subfont_list[i]).name); voutln2("(FONTCHECKSUM O %lo)", (fnt->subfont_list[i]).cksum); vright(&level); } for (i = 0; i <= 0xFFFF; i++) ofm_array[i] = NULL; for (ti = fnt->charlist; ti != NULL; ti = ti->next) if (ti->charcode >= 0 && ti->charcode <= 0xFFFF) ofm_array[ti->charcode] = ti; for (i = 0; i <= 0xFFFF && ofm_array[i] == NULL; i++) ; bc = i; for (i = 0xFFFF; i >= 0 && ofm_array[i] == NULL; i--) ; ec = i; if (ec < bc) oops("No TTF characters."); for (i = bc; i <= ec; i++) { if ((ti = ofm_array[i]) == NULL) continue; vleft(&level); fprintf(out, "CHARACTER H %lX\n ", ti->charcode); voutln2("(CHARWD R %d)", ti->width); if (ti->ury) voutln2("(CHARHT R %d)", ti->ury); if (ti->lly) voutln2("(CHARDP R %d)", -ti->lly); if (ti->urx > ti->width) voutln2("(CHARIC R %d)", ti->urx - ti->width); vleft(&level); voutln("MAP"); if (ti->fntnum) voutln2("(SELECTFONT D %d)", ti->fntnum); voutln2("(SETCHAR H %X)", (unsigned)ti->incode); vright(&level); vright(&level); } if (level) oops("I forgot to match the parentheses."); } /* end */