.TH "updmap" "1" "February 2005" "teTeX" "teTeX" .PP .SH "NAME" updmap \- Update font map files for TeX output drivers\&. .PP updmap-sys \- Update font map files for TeX output drivers system\-wide\&. .PP .SH "SYNOPSIS" .PP \fBupdmap\fP [ \fIOPTION\fP \&.\&.\&. ] [ \fICOMMAND\fP \&.\&.\&. ] .PP \fBupdmap-sys\fP [ \fIOPTION\fP \&.\&.\&. ] [ \fICOMMAND\fP \&.\&.\&. ] .PP .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP \fBupdmap\fP is a utility that creates font configuration files for \fBdvips\fP(1), \fBpdftex\fP(1), \fBxdvi\fP(1), \fBps2pk\fP(1), \fBgsftopk\fP(1), \fBdvipdfm\fP(1) and (soon) \fBdvipdfmx\fP(1)\&. In an ideal world, updmap would be unnecessary -- each of these programs would read the same configuration file to learn what fonts are available and how they should be treated\&. As things stand, however, each of these tools has subtly different requirements and thereby needs its own font configuration file\&. \fBupdmap\fP creates font configuration files for all of these programs from a single source, allowing you to easily keep all the different configuration files in sync\&. .PP \fBupdmap\fP reads a configuration file, \fBupdmap\&.cfg\fP(5) and, depending on the options specified in that file and on the command line, \fBupdmap\fP will write generated map files to a directory of your choosing (via one of the \fB--*outputdir\fP options), or automatically determine where to place the files\&. In the latter case, it tries to use the tree where the variable TEXMFVAR points to. When used with the options \fB--edit\fP, \fB--setoption\fP, \fB--enable\fP, \fB--disable\fP, or \fB--syncwithtrees\fP, \fBupdmap\fP will first write \fBupdmap\&.cfg\fP(5) and regenerate the map files only if this file has been changed\&. .PP .SH "OPTIONS" .PP The following command-line options are available: .IP .IP "\fB--cnffile\fP \fIfile\fP" Specify a configuration \fIfile\fP\&. .IP .IP "\fB--dvipsoutputdir\fP \fIdirectory\fP" Specify the output \fIdirectory\fP for map files generated with dvips syntax\&. .IP .IP "\fB--pdftexoutputdir\fP \fIdirectory\fP" Specify the output \fIdirectory\fP for map files generated with pdftex syntax\&. .IP .IP "\fB--dvipdfmoutputdir\fP \fIdirectory\fP" Specify the output \fIdirectory\fP for map files generated with dvipdfm syntax\&. .IP .IP "\fB--outputdir\fP \fIdirectory\fP" Specify the output \fIdirectory\fP for all generated map files\&. .IP .IP "\fB--nohash\fP" Do not run \fBtexhash\fP(1)\&. .IP .IP "\fB--nomkmap\fP" Do not recreate existing map files\&. .IP .IP "\fB--quiet\fP" Reduce verbosity\&. .IP .PP The following commands can be substituted for \fICOMMAND\fP: .IP .IP "\fB--edit\fP" Edit the \fIupdmap\&.cfg\fP file\&. .IP .IP "\fB--help\fP" Show a command and option summary\&. .IP .IP "\fB--showoptions\fP \fIitem\fP" Show alternatives for option \fIitem\fP\&. .IP .IP "\fB--setoption\fP \fIoption\fP \fIvalue\fP" Set \fIoption\fP to \fIvalue\fP, where \fIoption\fP is one of: .IP "" \fBdvipsPreferOutline\fP .IP "" \fBLW35\fP .IP "" \fBdvipsDownloadBase35\fP .IP "" \fBpdftexDownloadBase14\fP .IP "" \fBdvipdfmDownloadBase14\fP .IP .IP "\fB--enable\fP \fImaptype\fP \fImapfile\fP" Add or enable a \fBMap\fP or \fBMixedMap\fP for \fImapfile\fP\&. .IP .IP "\fB--enable Map=\fImapfile\fP" Add or enable a Map for \fImapfile\fP\&. .IP .IP "\fB--enable MixedMap=\fP\fImapfile\fP" Add or enable a MixedMap for \fImapfile\fP\&. .IP .IP "\fB--disable\fP \fImapfile\fP" Disable Map or MixedMap for \fImapfile\fP\&. .IP .IP "\fB--syncwithtrees\fP" Disable entries in the config file that refer to map files which are unavailable\&. .IP .IP "\fB--listmaps\fP" List all active and inactive maps\&. .IP .IP "\fB--listavailablemaps\fP" List all active and inactive maps, but restrict output to map files that are available in one of the texmf trees\&. .PP .SH "FILES" .PP Configuration and input files: .IP "\fIupdmap\&.cfg\fP" Main configuration file\&. In \fItexmf/web2c\fP by default, but may be located elsewhere depending on your distribution\&. .IP .IP "\fIdvips35\&.map\fP" Map file for standard 35 PostScript fonts for use with \fBdvips\fP(1)\&. .IP .IP "\fIpdftex35\&.map\fP" Map file for standard 35 PostScript fonts for use with \fBpdftex\fP(1)\&. .IP .IP "\fIdvipdfm35\&.map\fP" Map file for standard 35 PostScript fonts for use with \fBdvipdfm\fP(1)\&. .IP .IP "\fIps2pk35\&.map\fP" Map file for standard 35 PostScript fonts for use with \fBps2pk\fP(1)\&. .IP .PP Output files: .IP .IP "\fIpsfonts\&.map\fP" For \fBdvips\fP(1)\&. Soft link against \fIpsfonts_t1\&.map\fP if option \fBdvipsPreferOutline\fP active, else against \fIpsfonts_pk\&.map\fP. .IP .IP "\fIpsfonts_pk\&.map\fP" For \fBdvips\fP(1)\&. Without information from MixedMap files\&. (Setting of \fBdvipsPreferOutline\fP ignored\&.) .IP .IP "\fIpsfonts_t1\&.map\fP" For \fBdvips\fP(1)\&. With information from MixedMap files\&. (Setting of \fBdvipsPreferOutline\fP ignored\&.) .IP .IP "\fIdownload35\&.map\fP" For \fBdvips\fP(1)\&. Always downloads the standard 35 fonts\&. (Setting of \fBdvipsDownloadBase35\fP ignored\&.) .IP .IP "\fIbuiltin35\&.map\fP" For \fBdvips\fP(1)\&. Never downloads the standard 35 fonts\&. (Setting of \fBdvipsDownloadBase35\fP ignored\&.) .IP .IP "\fIpdftex\&.map\fP" For \fBpdftex\fP(1)\&. Soft link against \fIpdftex_dl14\&.map\fP if option \fBpdftexDownloadBase14\fP active, else against \fIpdftex_ndl14\&.map\fP. .IP .IP "\fIpdftex_dl14\&.map\fP" For \fBpdftex\fP(1)\&. Always downloads the standard 14 fonts\&. .IP .IP "\fIpdftex_ndl14\&.map\fP" For \fBpdftex\fP(1)\&. Never downloads the standard 14 fonts\&. .IP .IP "\fIdvipdfm\&.map\fP" For \fBdvipdfm\fP(1)\&. Soft link against \fIdvipdfm_dl14\&.map\fP if option \fBdvipdfmDownloadBase14\fP active, else against \fIdvipdfm_ndl14\&.map\fP. .IP "\fIdvipdfm_dl14\&.map\fP" For \fBdvipdfm\fP(1)\&. Always downloads the standard 14 fonts\&. .IP .IP "\fIdvipdfm_ndl14\&.map\fP" For \fBdvipdfm\fP(1)\&. Never downloads the standard 14 fonts\&. .IP .IP "\fIps2pk\&.map\fP" Similar to \fIpsfonts.map\fP file, but forces all fonts to be downloaded, so this map file can be used with \fBxdvi\fP(1) and \fBps2pk\fP(1)\&. .IP .PP teTeX configuration files for \fBdvips\fP(1) tuned for use with \fBupdmap\fP: .IP .IP "\fIconfig\&.builtin35\fP" Loads \fIbuildin35\&.map\fP instead of \fIpsfonts\&.map\fP\&. .IP .IP "\fIconfig\&.download35\fP" Loads \fIdownload35\&.map\fP instead of \fIpsfonts\&.map\fP\&. .IP .IP "\fIconfig\&.outline\fP" Loads \fIpsfonts_t1\&.map\fP instead of \fIpsfonts\&.map\fP\&. .IP .IP "\fIconfig\&.pdf\fP" Loads \fIpsfonts_t1\&.map\fP instead of \fIpsfonts\&.map\fP and has additional optimizations for PDF generation\&. .IP .IP "\fIconfig\&.pk\fP" Loads \fIpsfonts_pk\&.map\fP instead of \fIpsfonts\&.map\fP\&. .IP .IP "\fIconfig\&.www\fP" Loads \fIpsfonts_t1\&.map\fP instead of \fIpsfonts\&.map\fP\&. (For compatibility with previous versions of teTeX\&.) .IP .IP "\fIconfig\&.gstopk\fP" Loads \fIpsfonts_t1\&.map\fP instead of \fIpsfonts\&.map\fP\&. .IP .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP \fBupdmap\&.cfg\fP(5), \fBdvipdfm\fP(1), \fBdvips\fP(1), \fBgsftopk\fP(1), \fBpdftex\fP(1), \fBps2pk\fP(1), \fBtexhash\fP(1), \fBxdvi\fP(1)\&. .PP Web page: \fI\fP .PP .SH "BUGS" .PP None known, but report any bugs found to (mailing list)\&. .PP .SH "AUTHOR" .PP \fBupdmap\fP was written by Thomas Esser and is in the public domain\&. .PP This manual page was written by C\&.M\&. Connelly , for the Debian GNU/Linux system and later slightly adapted for teTeX 3\&.