.TH TEXUTIL 1 UMFT .de EX .sp .in +5 .nf .ft CW .. .de EE .in -5 .ft R .sp .fi .. .TH "texutil" "1" "October 2000" "ConTeXt" "CONTEXT" .PP .SH "NAME" texutil \- ConTeXt auxiliary program .PP .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBtexutil\fP [ \fIOPTION\fP\&.\&.\&. ] \fIFILENAME\fP[\&.\&.\&.] .PP .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP When processing a source file, \fBConTeXt\fP (via \fBtexexec\fP(1)) saves information (including table of contents, tables of figures and tables, index entries, cross-references) in a ``utility file\'\' called \fIFILENAME\fP\fI\&.tui\fP\&. After each successful run, this utility file is postprocessed by \fBtexutil\fP to organize the information for the next run\&. .PP \fBtexutil\fP performs a number of useful functions: .PP .IP o Postprocessing references, including sorting index and list entries (with \fB--references\fP) .IP o Extracting documentation and other types of information from \fBConTeXt\fP source files (with \fB--documents\fP) .IP o Logfile analysis (with \fB--logfile\fP) .IP o Collecting information about graphic files to help with typesetting (with \fB--figures\fP) .IP o Converting EPS files to a PDF format suitable for inclusion in PDF files generated with \fBpdftex\fP(1) (with --\fB--epspage\fP and \fB--epstopdf\fP) .PP .SH "OPTIONS" .PP All switches are specified here in full, but can be abbreviated to the shortest unique string\&. Thus, \fB--ver\fP works the same as \fB--verbose\fP provided that there is no other flag beginning with ``\f(CWver\fP\'\'\&. .PP .SH "General Options" .PP .IP "\fB--help\fP" Print a usage summary to stdout\&. .IP "\fB--interface=\fP\fILANGUAGECODE\fP" Specify the language for messages\&. One of \fBen\fP (English), \fBde\fP (German), or \fBnl\fP (Dutch)\&. The default language is English\&. .IP "\fB--outputfile=\fP\fIFILENAME\fP" Specify the name of the output file\&. .IP "\fB--purge\fP [ \fIBASENAME\fP ]" Delete temporary files\&. Specifying an optional \fIBASENAME\fP will only affect the temporary files that begin with that \fIBASENAME\fP\&. .IP "\fB--silent\fP" Redirects stdout to the \fIlog\fP file (\fItexutil\&.log\fP, by default)\&. When used with \fB--verbose\fP, a summary is printed to stdout, while any other output is written to the \fIlog\fP file\&. .IP For example, .IP .EX \f(CWtexutil --figures --silent --verbose somefile\&.png\fP .EE .IP will output something like .IP .EX \f(CWn=somefile\&.png t=png x=0bp y=0bp w=443bp h=591bp\fP .EE .IP to stdout, placing other output into \fItexutil\&.log\fP\&. This information can be piped into another program for further processing\&. .IP "\fB--type=\fP\fISUFFIX\fP" Specify the \fISUFFIX\fP of the file you want \fBtexutil\fP to process\&. .IP "\fB--verbose\fP" Print diagnostic messages to the screen\&. .PP .SH "Postprocessing References" .PP The \fB--references\fP flag instructs \fBtexutil\fP to process information about cross-references, index entries, and other data requiring more than one pass to process in the \fBConTeXt\fP utility file\&. .PP Index and sorted list entries are sorted before being written out; redundant index entries are removed\&. .PP \fBtexutil\fP is called automatically by \fBtexexec\fP(1) during its processing runs unless you specify otherwise\&. \fBtexutil\fP can also be run by hand, using the form .PP .EX \f(CWtexutil --references\fP \fIFILENAME\fP .EE .PP This command would cause \fBtexutil\fP to load the utility file \fIFILENAME\fP\fI\&.tui\fP, sort and convert the contents of that file, and write the results to \fIFILENAME\fP\fI\&.tuo\fP\&. .PP Options specific to this mode are: .IP "\fB--ij\fP" Sort ``\f(CWIJ\fP\'\' as ``\f(CWY\fP\'\'\&. Often used when processing files written in Dutch\&. .IP "\fB--high\fP" Convert ``high\'\' ASCII values into equivalent TeX commands\&. This switch is provided for backward compatibility\&. .IP "\fB--quotes\fP" Take \fBtex\fP(1) accent commands into consideration when sorting\&. (Otherwise, quotes are considered to be boundary characters for strings\&.) .IP "\fB--tcxpath=\fP\fIPATH\fP" Specify path to \fItcx\fP filter files for translating between encodings\&. .PP .SH "Extracting Information from ConTeXt Source Files" .PP \fBConTeXt\fP source files often contain documentation (see USAGE for more information about the format) or other information that can be extracted by \fBtexutil\fP when called with the \fB--documents\fP flag: .PP .EX \f(CWtexutil --documents\fP \fIFILENAME\fP .EE .PP This command produces a file called \fIFILENAME\fP\fI\&.ted\fP from a ConTeXt file called \fIFILENAME\fP\fI\&.tex\fP\&. .PP The \fB--sources\fP flag does the opposite: Documentation lines are stripped out of the output, which is written to a file called \fIFILENAME\fP\fI\&.tes\fP\&. .PP Historically, \fBConTeXt\fP source files included other forms of information -- such as syntax definitions, macro definitions, and editor templates -- that can be extracted with the following flags: .PP .IP "\fB--infos\fP" Extract TeXEdit macro information (\fItex\fP->\fItud\fP -- see USAGE) .IP "\fB--setups\fP" Extract \fBConTeXt\fP syntax definitions (\fItex\fP->\fItexutil\&.tus\fP) .IP "\fB--templates\fP" Extract TeXEdit editor templates (\fItex\fP->\fItud\fP) .PP .SH "Analyzing Log Files" .PP Calling \fBtexutil\fP with the \fB--logfile\fP option allows you to extract information about problems with your \fBConTeXt\fP source file from the log file produced during a \fBtexexec\fP(1) run\&. .PP You can specify what information \fBtexutil\fP should report with the following options: .IP "\fB--box\fP" Extract information about overfull boxes\&. By default, this flag will cause \fBtexedit\fP to report both horizontal and vertical overfull boxes\&. If you\'re only interested in one kind, you can specify \fB--hbox\fP or \fB--vbox\fP instead\&. .IP "\fB--criterium=\fP\fISIZE\fP" Exclude reports about boxes that are less than \fISIZE\fP points too large\&. .IP "\fB--unknown\fP" Extract messages about missing references or figures\&. .PP .SH "Gathering Information about Figures" .PP The \fB--figures\fP flag tells \fBtexutil\fP to generate information about one or more (non-EPS) graphics files for use in typesetting\&. Called as, for example, .PP .EX \f(CWtexutil --figures *\&.png *\&.tif\fP .EE .PP \fBtexutil\fP will scan the current directory for PNG and TIFF files and extract some useful information about their sizes and types\&. By default, this information is stored in a file called \fItexutil\&.tuf\fP, which is consulted by \fBConTeXt\fP when typesetting a page with a non-EPS image file -- see the example given for the \fB--silent\fP flag for an alternative\&. .PP This flag is especially useful when you plan to typeset a file of previews of graphic files -- see the discussion of the \fB--figures\fP flag in the \fBtexexec\fP(1) manpage\&. .PP .SH "Converting EPS Files for PDF Inclusion" .PP \fBtexutil\fP can also convert EPS files to PDF format for inclusion in PDF files generated with \fBpdftex\fP(1) or \fBpdfetex\fP(1)\&. .PP .IP "\fB--epspage\fP" Adjust the bounding box of an EPS file to the dimensions of the output page\&. This option also removes some redundant information and marks files as converted so that they will not be affected by subsequent runs\&. .IP "\fB--epstopdf\fP" Calls \fBgs\fP(1) to convert the specified EPS graphic files into PDF format\&. .PP .SH "USAGE" .PP .SH "Embedded Documentation Format" .PP Documentation lines included in \fBConTeXt\fP source files can be specified by beginning lines with the following strings: .IP "\f(CW%C\fP" Copyright information .IP "\f(CW%D\fP" Documentation lines .IP "\f(CW%I\fP" TeXEdit information lines (mostly in Dutch) .IP "\f(CW%M\fP" Macro code needed to processs the documentation .IP "\f(CW%S\fP" ``Suppressed\'\' lines .PP The same forms can be used for Perl scripts, except that the ``\f(CW%\fP\'\' characters are replaced by ``\f(CW#\fP\'\' characters\&. See the source for \fBtexutil\fP for an example\&. .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP \fBgs\fP(1), \fBpdfetex\fP(1), \fBpdftex\fP(1), \fBtexexec\fP(1), \fBtexshow\fP(1)\&. .PP Web page: .PP .SH "AUTHOR" .PP This manpage was written by C\&.M\&. Connelly and Tobias Burnus \&. It is based on the \fBtexutil\fP manual written by Hans Hagen \&. .PP The PDF manual and \fBtexutil\fP itself can be obtained at \&.