.TH "mkocp" "1" "September 2000" "Omega" "Omega" .PP .SH "NAME" mkocp \- frontend to \fBotp2ocp\fP(1) .PP .SH "SYNOPSIS" .PP \fBmkocp\fP \fIOTPFILE\fP .PP .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP \fBmkocp\fP is used to create or recreate Omega Compiled Process files (binary) from Omega Translation Process (text) files\&. .PP Omega Translation Processes are used to translate one character set to another and to choose between characters with one or more context-sensitive variants\&. OTPs could also be used to change the case or hyphenation of text\&. .PP OTPs are defined in text files, and compiled into binary code (OCPs) using \fBmkocp\fP (this script) or directly with \fBotp2ocp\fP(1)\&. .PP .SH "FILES" .IP "\fIOTPFILE\fP" An Omega Typesetting Process filter file\&. .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP \fBomega\fP(1), \fBotp2ocp\fP(1)\&. .PP \fIDraft Manual for the Omega System\fP (\fIomega-manual\&.dvi\fP)\&. .PP Web page: .PP .SH "BUGS" .PP None known, but report any bugs found to (mailing list)\&. .PP .SH "AUTHOR" .PP \fBmkocp\fP is part of Omega\&. The primary authors of Omega are John Plaice and Yannis Haralambous \&. .PP This manual page was written by C\&.M\&. Connelly , for the Debian GNU/Linux system\&. It may be used by other distributions without contacting the author\&. Any mistakes or omissions in the manual page are my fault; inquiries about or corrections to this manual page should be directed to me (and not to the primary author)\&.