/* * Copyright 1989 Dirk Grunwald * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that * both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation, and that the name of Dirk Grunwald or M.I.T. * not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of * the software without specific, written prior permission. Dirk * Grunwald and M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of * this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express * or implied warranty. * * DIRK GRUNWALD AND M.I.T. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS * SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL M.I.T. BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS * OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE * OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Author: * Dr. Dirk Grunwald * Dept. of Computer Science * Campus Box 430 * Univ. of Colorado, Boulder * Boulder, CO 80309 * * grunwald@colorado.edu * */ #include #include #include "dvistuff.h" /* includes types & fonts */ static char *rcsid="$Header: /home/reed/grunwald/Iptex/drivers/RCS/dvistuff.c,v 1.17 88/07/07 23:25:32 grunwald Exp Locker: grunwald $" ; #include "dviclass.h" #include "dvicodes.h" #include "postamble.h" #include "search.h" #include "fio.h" int dviHH = -1; /* current horizontal position, in DEVs */ int dviVV = -1; /* current vertical position, in DEVs */ long *dviCount[DVI_COUNT]; /* values of count */ DviStack dvi_current; int dviHHMargin = -1; /* horizontal margin (in DEVs) */ int dviVVMargin = -1; /* vertical margin (in DEVs) */ int dviTallestPage = -1; int dviWidestPage = -1 ; int dviCurrentPage = -1; int dviTotalPages = -1; int dviDPI = -1; int dviMaxDrift = -1; int dviUserMag = -1; /* user-specified magnification */ int dviBlackness = -1; int dviFontRotation = -1; char *DVIFileName; static char *dviTmpFileName = 0; static char dviTmpFileNameBuffer[256]; FILE *dviFile; /* users file */ char *dviPrintEngine = "canon"; char *ProgName; /* * Similar to dvi_stack, but includes `dviHH and `dviVV, which are usually * but not always the same as fromSP(h) and fromSP(v): */ struct localstack { int stack_hh; int stack_vv; struct dvi_stack stack_dvi; }; static struct localstack *dvi_stack = 0;/* base of stack */ static struct localstack *dvi_stackp; /* current place in stack */ /* * DVI preamble and postamble information. */ static long Magnification; static long Numerator; /* numerator from DVI file */ static long Denominator; /* denominator from DVI file */ /* * Font related things. * We keep track of the current font, use the fontfiner * and record errors in the dvi postable in FontErros. * the NoFont is a used when we cant find a font, * to avoid errors. */ struct fontinfo *dviCurrentFont = 0; /* * imagen1-special uses the NextFamilyNumber. *sigh* */ int NextFamilyNumber = 0; static int MaxFontFamily = MAX_FONTFAMILY; static struct search *FontFinder = 0; int FontErrors = 0; static struct fontinfo NoFont; /* * We keep a list of pointers to the beginning of pages. * Each page is headed by a DVI_BOP + 44 bytes of information. */ static long *pageOffset = 0; #undef FIXDRIFT /* * Correct devpos (the actual device position) to be within MaxDrift pixels * of dvipos (the virtual DVI position). */ #define FIXDRIFT(devpos, dvipos) \ if (ABS((devpos) - (dvipos)) <= dviMaxDrift) \ /* void */; \ else \ if ((devpos) < (dvipos)) \ (devpos) = (dvipos) - dviMaxDrift; \ else \ (devpos) = (dvipos) + dviMaxDrift #define ABS(X) ( (X) < 0 ? -(X) : (X) ) /* * Store the relevant information from the DVI postamble, and set up * various internal things. */ static void PostAmbleHeader(p) register struct PostAmbleInfo *p; { int i; int page; int pageSize; int stackSize; long prevPagePointer; long wuzAt; Numerator = p->pai_Numerator; Denominator = p->pai_Denominator; Magnification = p->pai_DVIMag; /* * Set the conversion factor. This must be done before using * any fonts or the fromSP routine. */ SetConversion(dviDPI, dviUserMag, Numerator, Denominator, Magnification); dviTotalPages = p -> pai_NumberOfPages; dviWidestPage = fromSP(p -> pai_WidestPageWidth); dviTallestPage = fromSP(p -> pai_TallestPageHeight); /* * Set up the DVI stack */ stackSize = p -> pai_DVIStackSize * sizeof(*dvi_stack); if (dvi_stack != 0) { free(dvi_stack); } dvi_stack = (struct localstack *) malloc((unsigned) stackSize); /* * Set of the table of pointers to pages and room for the * count variables. */ pageSize = dviTotalPages * sizeof(long); if (pageOffset != 0) { free(pageOffset); } pageOffset = (long *) malloc(pageSize); if (pageOffset == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"xdvi: Can not allocate page directory (%d pages)", dviTotalPages); exit(1); } for (i = 0; i < DVI_COUNT; i++) { if (dviCount[i] != 0) { free(dviCount[i]); } dviCount[i] = (long*) malloc(pageSize); if (dviCount[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"xdvi: Can not allocate count directory (%d pages)", dviTotalPages); exit(1); } } /* * Follow back pointers through pages in the DVI file, * storing the offsets in the pageOffset table. */ prevPagePointer = p->pai_PrevPagePointer; wuzAt = (long) ftell(dviFile); for (page = dviTotalPages - 1; page >= 0 ; page--) { /* * Skip to previous page, but skip over BOP marker. */ pageOffset[page] = prevPagePointer; if( fseek(dviFile, prevPagePointer+1, 0) < 0) { perror("fseek"); fprintf(stderr,"[postamble] improper seek looking up pages\n"); fprintf(stderr,"prevPagePointer = %lx\n", prevPagePointer); exit(1); } /* * Read the other counters at the beginning of the page */ for (i = 0; i < DVI_COUNT; i++) { long value; fGetLong(dviFile, value); dviCount[i][page] = value; } fGetLong(dviFile, prevPagePointer); } fseek(dviFile, wuzAt, 0); } static void PostAmbleFontDef(p) register struct PostAmbleFont *p; { register struct fontinfo *fi; register struct font *f; char *fname; int def = S_CREATE | S_EXCL; fi = (struct fontinfo *) SSearch(FontFinder, p->paf_DVIFontIndex, &def); if (fi == NULL) { /* * If the font already exists, lets just check that its really the * same thing & return */ if ((def & S_FOUND) | (def & S_COLL)) { def = S_LOOKUP; if ((fi = (struct fontinfo *) SSearch(FontFinder, p -> paf_DVIFontIndex, &def)) == 0){ GripeNoSuchFont(p -> paf_DVIFontIndex); exit(1); } if (fi -> f == NULL) { GripeCannotGetFont(p->paf_name, p->paf_DVIMag, p->paf_DVIDesignSize, dviPrintEngine, fname); } f = fi -> f; if (p->paf_DVIChecksum && f->f_checksum && p->paf_DVIChecksum != f->f_checksum) { GripeDifferentChecksums(fname, p->paf_DVIChecksum, f->f_checksum); exit(1); } return; /* font already defined */ } else { fprintf(stderr, "Can not stash font %ld (out of memory?)\n", p -> paf_DVIFontIndex); exit(1); } } if (NextFamilyNumber == MaxFontFamily) { fprintf(stderr,"Out of font family!\n"); exit(1); } fi->family = NextFamilyNumber; NextFamilyNumber++; f = GetFont(p->paf_name, p->paf_DVIMag, p->paf_DVIDesignSize, dviPrintEngine, &fname); /* * Give the application a chance to bang on this if they want to. */ f = applicationNewFont(f, fi -> family); if ((fi->f = f) == NULL) { GripeCannotGetFont(p->paf_name, p->paf_DVIMag, p->paf_DVIDesignSize, dviPrintEngine, fname); FontErrors++; return; } /* match checksums, if not zero */ if (p->paf_DVIChecksum && f->f_checksum && p->paf_DVIChecksum != f->f_checksum) GripeDifferentChecksums(fname, p->paf_DVIChecksum, f->f_checksum); fi->pspace = p->paf_DVIMag / 6; /* a three-unit "thin space" */ fi->nspace = -4 * fi->pspace; fi->vspace = 5 * fi->pspace; } static void ReadPostAmble() { if (FontFinder == 0) { if ((FontFinder = SCreate(sizeof(struct fontinfo))) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can not create FontFinder (out of memory?)"); exit(1); } } ScanPostAmble(dviFile, PostAmbleHeader, PostAmbleFontDef); if (FontErrors) GripeMissingFontsPreventOutput(FontErrors); } /* * Read the preamble and do a few sanity checks */ static void ReadPreAmble() { register int n; rewind(dviFile); if (GetByte(dviFile) != Sign8(DVI_PRE)) GripeMissingOp("PRE"); if (GetByte(dviFile) != Sign8(DVI_VERSION)) GripeMismatchedValue("version numbers"); if (GetLong(dviFile) != Numerator) GripeMismatchedValue("numerator"); if (GetLong(dviFile) != Denominator) GripeMismatchedValue("denominator"); if (GetLong(dviFile) != Magnification) GripeMismatchedValue("\\magfactor"); n = UnSign8(GetByte(dviFile)); while (--n >= 0) (void) GetByte(dviFile); } int dviInit() { extern char *ProgName; FILE *tmpFile; #ifndef WIN32 char *mktemp(); #endif dviFini(); /* clean up the old files */ if (DVIFileName == 0) { dviFile = stdin; DVIFileName = ""; }else if ((dviFile = fopen(DVIFileName, "r")) == NULL) { int n = strlen(DVIFileName); char *dvi_name; if (strcmp(DVIFileName + n - sizeof(".dvi") + 1, ".dvi") == 0) { perror(DVIFileName); return(1); } dvi_name = (char *) malloc((unsigned) n + sizeof(".dvi")); sprintf(dvi_name, "%s.dvi", DVIFileName); if ((dviFile = fopen(dvi_name, "r")) == NULL) { perror(dvi_name); return(1); } DVIFileName = dvi_name; } /* * node, copy the file to a temporary location. This lets the person * peruse the file while theyre re-texing it */ strcpy(dviTmpFileNameBuffer,"/tmp/dvistuff.XXXXXX"); dviTmpFileName = mktemp(dviTmpFileNameBuffer); if (!(tmpFile = fopen(dviTmpFileName,"w+"))) { perror("fopen"); fprintf(stderr,"Unable to create temporary file"); dviTmpFileName = 0; } else { char buffer[BUFSIZ]; int b; rewind(dviFile); do { b = fread(buffer, 1, BUFSIZ, dviFile); fwrite(buffer, 1, b, tmpFile); } while (! feof(dviFile)); fclose(dviFile); dviFile = tmpFile; rewind(dviFile); } /* * Unlink the temporary file. This keeps tmp files from cluddering * up /tmp and it does it in a very application-independent way. * You can't reopen the tmp file, but we don't really allow that * anyway (the tmp file is hidden from the user). */ if (dviTmpFileName != 0 && strncmp(dviTmpFileName,"/tmp/",5) == 0) { unlink(dviTmpFileName); } if (dviUserMag == -1) { dviUserMag = 1000; } if (dviMaxDrift == -1) { dviMaxDrift = DEFAULT_MAX_DRIFT; } if (dviDPI == -1) { dviDPI = DEFAULT_DPI; } if (dviBlackness == -1) { dviBlackness = DEFAULT_BLACKNESS; } if (dviFontRotation == -1) { dviFontRotation = ROT_NORM; } ReadPostAmble(); ReadPreAmble(); /* Margins -- needs work! */ if (dviHHMargin == -1) { dviHHMargin = DEFAULT_HHMARGIN; } if (dviVVMargin == -1) { dviVVMargin = DEFAULT_VVMARGIN; } dviCurrentFont = &NoFont; /* fake font, all zeros */ return(0); } void dviFini() { if (dviFile != 0) { fclose(dviFile); } if (dviTmpFileName != 0 && strncmp(dviTmpFileName,"/tmp/",5) == 0) { unlink(dviTmpFileName); } } static void SelectFont(n) i32 n; { int x = S_LOOKUP; if ((dviCurrentFont = (struct fontinfo *)SSearch(FontFinder, n, &x)) == 0) GripeNoSuchFont(n); } /* Read the postamble. */ static void doDviChar(c, advance) int c; int advance; { register struct glyph *g; register struct font *f; int p; f = dviCurrentFont->f; if (c < f -> f_lowch || c > f -> f_highch) { fprintf(stderr,"Character out of range: %d\n", c); return; } g = GLYPH(f, c); if (!GVALID(g)) { fprintf(stderr, "there is no character %d in %s", c, f->f_path); exit(1); } else { if (HASRASTER(g)) { /* workaround for Imagen bug */ applicationPutChar(dviHH,dviVV,c); } if (advance) { dviHH += g->g_pixwidth; dvi_h += g->g_tfmwidth; p = fromSP(dvi_h); FIXDRIFT(dviHH, p); } } } /* * The next two routines are used to reset all the glyphs. * the dviResetFont routine is called for each font in the font table. * It de-allocates the rasters & glyphs for the shrunken fonts, leaving * the original glyph data untouched. */ static void dviResetFont(fi, key) struct fontinfo *fi; int key; { if (fi != 0) { applicationResetFont(fi, fi -> family); } } void dviResetAll() { SEnumerate(FontFinder, dviResetFont); } /* * Process the DVI commands for page #page. If the page number is * out of range, it is cropped to the end. * * Updates dviCurrentPage */ void dviPreparePage(page) int page; { register int c; register i32 p; int advance; if (page < 0) { page = 0; } if (page >= dviTotalPages) { page = dviTotalPages - 1; } dviCurrentPage = page; fseek(dviFile, (long) pageOffset[page], 0); dviHH = dviHHMargin; dviVV = dviVVMargin; dvi_h = toSP(dviHH); dvi_v = toSP(dviVV); dvi_w = 0; dvi_x = 0; dvi_y = 0; dvi_z = 0; dvi_stackp = dvi_stack; for(;;) { /* * Get the DVI byte, and switch on its parameter length and type. * Note that getchar() returns unsigned values. */ if (feof(dviFile)) { fprintf(stderr,"Unexpected end-of-file\n"); exit(1); } c = getc(dviFile); if (DVI_IsChar(c)) { advance = 1; doDviChar(c, advance); } else { switch (DVI_OpLen(c)) { case DPL_NONE: break; case DPL_SGN1: p = getc(dviFile); p = Sign8(p); break; case DPL_SGN2: fGetWord(dviFile, p); p = Sign16(p); break; case DPL_SGN3: fGet3Byte(dviFile, p); p = Sign24(p); break; case DPL_SGN4: fGetLong(dviFile, p); break; case DPL_UNS1: p = UnSign8(getc(dviFile)); break; case DPL_UNS2: fGetWord(dviFile, p); p = UnSign16(p); break; case DPL_UNS3: fGet3Byte(dviFile, p); p = UnSign24(p); break; default: panic("DVI_OpLen(%d) = %d", c, DVI_OpLen(c)); /* NOTREACHED */ } switch (DVI_DT(c)) { case DT_SET: c = p; doDviChar(c, 1); break; case DT_PUT: c = p; doDviChar(c, 0); break; case DT_SETRULE: case DT_PUTRULE: { i32 h, w, rw; fGetLong(dviFile, h); fGetLong(dviFile, rw); h = ConvRule(h); w = ConvRule(rw); applicationSetRule(dviHH, dviVV, h,w); if (DVI_DT(c) == DT_SETRULE) { dviHH += w; dvi_h += rw; w = fromSP(dvi_h); FIXDRIFT(dviHH, w); } } break; case DT_NOP: break; case DT_BOP: /* * Each beginning of page has 11 4-byte words telling us things * about the page. We ignore them. */ { fseek(dviFile, (long) (11 * 4), 1); } break; case DT_EOP: return; case DT_PUSH: dvi_stackp->stack_hh = dviHH; dvi_stackp->stack_vv = dviVV; dvi_stackp->stack_dvi = dvi_current; dvi_stackp++; break; case DT_POP: dvi_stackp--; dviHH = dvi_stackp->stack_hh; dviVV = dvi_stackp->stack_vv; dvi_current = dvi_stackp->stack_dvi; break; case DT_W0: /* there should be a way to make these pretty */ p = dvi_w; goto move_right; case DT_W: dvi_w = p; goto move_right; case DT_X0: p = dvi_x; goto move_right; case DT_X: dvi_x = p; goto move_right; case DT_RIGHT: move_right: dvi_h += p; /* * DVItype tells us that we must round motions in this way: * `When the horizontal motion is small, like a kern, hh * changes by rounding the kern; but when the motion is * large, hh changes by rounding the true position so that * accumulated rounding errors disappear. */ if (p >= dviCurrentFont->pspace || p <= dviCurrentFont->nspace) dviHH = fromSP(dvi_h); else { dviHH += fromSP(p); p = fromSP(dvi_h); FIXDRIFT(dviHH, p); } break; case DT_Y0: p = dvi_y; goto move_down; case DT_Y: dvi_y = p; goto move_down; case DT_Z0: p = dvi_z; goto move_down; case DT_Z: dvi_z = p; goto move_down; case DT_DOWN: move_down: dvi_v += p; /* * `Vertical motion is done similarly, but with the threshold * between ``small and ``large increased by a factor of * 5. The idea is to make fractions like $1\over2$ round * consistently, but to absorb accumulated rounding errors in * the baseline-skip moves. */ if (ABS(p) >= dviCurrentFont->vspace) dviVV = fromSP(dvi_v); else { dviVV += fromSP(p); p = fromSP(dvi_v); FIXDRIFT(dviVV, p); } break; case DT_FNTNUM: SelectFont((i32) (c - DVI_FNTNUM0)); break; case DT_FNT: SelectFont(p); break; case DT_XXX: { char specialBuffer [2048]; register char *cp; int sweetp = 0; if (p > 2047) { sweetp = p - 2047; p = 2047; } for (cp = specialBuffer ; p > 0; p--) { *cp = getc(dviFile); cp++; } *(cp) = 0; while(sweetp > 0) { getc(dviFile); } applicationDoSpecial(specialBuffer); } break; case DT_FNTDEF: SkipFontDef(dviFile); break; case DT_PRE: GripeUnexpectedOp("PRE"); /* NOTREACHED */ case DT_POST: GripeUnexpectedOp("POST"); /* NOTREACHED */ case DT_POSTPOST: GripeUnexpectedOp("POSTPOST"); /* NOTREACHED */ case DT_UNDEF: GripeUndefinedOp(c); /* NOTREACHED */ default: panic("DVI_DT(%d) = %d", c, DVI_DT(c)); /* NOTREACHED */ } } } } /* Transpose bytes in each pair of bytes (0123 -> 1032) */ /* Reverse bits in a byte (01234567 -> 76543210) */ /* needed for sun386i */ /* Gerhard Fleischanderl & Wolfgang Nejdl */ #ifdef sun386 static unsigned char pow2[]={1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128}; unsigned char reverseByte(oldByte) unsigned char oldByte; { unsigned short i; unsigned char newByte=0; /* build newByte with bits mirrored */ for(i=0;i<8;i++) if (oldByte & pow2[i]) newByte |= pow2[7-i]; return newByte; } #ifdef UNDEF #define transposeBytesMirrorBits(pairPtr) \ /* B16 *pairPtr; */ \ /* B16 comprises 2 bytes */ \ { \ unsigned char c0,c1, *bP = (unsigned char *) pairPtr; \ \ /* transpose neighbouring bytes and \ reverse bits in each byte */ \ \ c0 = *bP; \ c1 = *(bP+1); \ *bP = ReverseByteTable[c1]; \ *(bP+1) = ReverseByteTable[c0]; \ } #else #define transposeBytesMirrorBits(ptr) {*ptr = ReverseByteTable[ (*ptr)&0xff ];} #endif /* undef */ #endif /* * The following routine is used to shrink a glyph by some * shrink factor (in the width & height dimension). * * These shrunken glyphs are more appropriate for previewers. * * To do this, we simple scan the original raster, counting the * number of pixels within a given area. If the number of on pixels is * at least twice the total number of pixels, we turn the pixel in * the shrunken glyph ON, else OFF. * * We use a lookup table to hasten the process of counting pixels. * * The method used should be independent of byte-order (I think). * * You need to define two types. One should be 32-bits long, and * the other 16 bits long. */ typedef unsigned char B8; typedef unsigned short B16; typedef unsigned long B32; #define LOOKUP_BYTES 256 #define LOOKUP_BITS 8 #define LOOKUP_MASK 0xff static char dviLookUpTable[LOOKUP_BYTES]; static char tableNotInitialized = 1; #ifdef sun386 static unsigned char ReverseByteTable[LOOKUP_BYTES]; #endif struct glyph * dviShrinkGlyph(gly, shrinkH, shrinkW) DviGlyph *gly; int shrinkH; int shrinkW; { int shrunkHeight; int shrunkWidth; int glyphWide; int glyphHigh; int glyphAdvance; int shrunkAdvance; int bytesWide; int shrunkBytesWide; struct glyph *ngly; B16 *shrunkRaster; int rasterSize; int x,y; B8 *cp; B8 *ptr; B32 shrinkMask; int sampleSize; if (gly == 0 || !HASRASTER(gly)) { return(0); } if (gly -> g_raster == 0) { gly-> g_raster = RASTER(gly, dviCurrentFont -> f, dviFontRotation); } /* * Initialize the lookup table of the number of bits in a given byte */ if (tableNotInitialized) { register int i; register int j; register int k; register int acc; for (i = 0; i < LOOKUP_BYTES; i++) { j = i; acc = 0; for (k = 0; j != 0 && k < LOOKUP_BITS ; k++) { acc += (j & 1); j >>= 1; } dviLookUpTable[i] = acc; } #ifdef sun386 for (i = 0; i < LOOKUP_BYTES; i++) { ReverseByteTable[i] = reverseByte(i); } #endif tableNotInitialized = 0; } /* * When shrinking the fonts, we convert them from byte alligned * to 16 bit-aligned fonts. I think that this is needed by X, * and also SunWindows. This is done rather than changing the * library routines because some device drivers, i.e. imagen1, * depend on the byte-alligned fonts. */ glyphHigh = gly -> g_height; glyphWide = gly -> g_width; gly -> g_pixwidth = fromSP(gly -> g_tfmwidth); glyphAdvance = gly -> g_pixwidth; shrunkHeight = (glyphHigh + shrinkH - 1) / shrinkH; shrunkWidth = (glyphWide + shrinkW - 1) / shrinkW; shrunkAdvance = (glyphAdvance + shrinkW - 1) / shrinkW; bytesWide = (gly -> g_width + 7) >> 3; shrunkBytesWide = ((shrunkWidth + 15) >> 4) * 2; rasterSize = (shrunkHeight + 1) * shrunkBytesWide; shrunkRaster = (B16 *) malloc(rasterSize); bzero(shrunkRaster, rasterSize); ptr = (B8 *) shrunkRaster; if (shrunkRaster == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n"); exit(1); } for (y = 0; y < glyphHigh; y+= shrinkH) { cp = (B8 *) ptr; shrinkMask = 0x80; for (x = 0; x < glyphWide; x += shrinkW) { int i; int samples; B8 *baseP; int upper; register int thisShrinkW; baseP = (B8 *) gly -> g_raster + (y * bytesWide); /* * Set the upper limit on the height iteration so we dont count * off the end of the raster */ upper = y + shrinkH; if (upper > glyphHigh) { upper = glyphHigh; } if (x + shrinkW > glyphWide) { thisShrinkW = glyphWide - x; } else { thisShrinkW = shrinkW; } samples = 0; sampleSize = thisShrinkW * (upper - y); for (i = y; i < upper; i++) { register int acc; register B8 *p; register B8 *ep; /* * Determine how many bytes our shrink window crosses (we might * overlap on byte-edges) */ p = baseP + (x >> 3); ep = baseP + ( (x + thisShrinkW - 1) >> 3); baseP += bytesWide; /* * stuff everything in the accumulator */ acc = 0; while (p <= ep) { acc = ((acc << 8) & ~0xff) | *p; p++; } /* * clean off the right hand-side of extra bits, then clean off * the left hand side of extra bits, and then count them. */ acc = acc >> ( 7 - ((x + thisShrinkW - 1) & 0x7)); acc &= ~(-1 << thisShrinkW); while (acc != 0) { samples += dviLookUpTable[ acc & LOOKUP_MASK ]; acc >>= LOOKUP_BITS; } } /* * If at least 1/blackness of the bits are on, treat this entire sample as * being on. */ if ((samples * dviBlackness) >= sampleSize) { *ptr |= shrinkMask; } else { *ptr &= ~ shrinkMask; } shrinkMask >>= 1; if (shrinkMask == 0) { shrinkMask = 0x80; #ifdef sun386 transposeBytesMirrorBits(ptr) #endif ptr ++; } } #ifdef sun386 transposeBytesMirrorBits(ptr) #endif ptr = (B8 *) (cp + shrunkBytesWide); } /* * Build a new glyph from the shrunken raster */ #ifdef UNDEF if ( shrunkBytesWide != 2 ) { printf("Old glyph:\n"); seeGlyph(gly -> g_raster, glyphHigh, bytesWide); printf("%d ", shrunkBytesWide); printf("New glyph:\n"); seeGlyph(shrunkRaster, shrunkHeight, shrunkBytesWide); } #endif UNDEF ngly = (struct glyph *) malloc(sizeof(struct glyph)); bzero(ngly, sizeof(struct glyph)); ngly -> g_raster = (char * ) shrunkRaster; ngly -> g_width = shrunkWidth; ngly -> g_pixwidth = shrunkAdvance; ngly -> g_height = shrunkHeight; ngly -> g_xorigin = gly -> g_xorigin / shrinkH; ngly -> g_yorigin = gly -> g_yorigin / shrinkW; ngly -> g_flags |= GF_SHRUNK; /* yes, its been shrunk */ return(ngly); } #ifdef UNDEF seeGlyph(c, h, w) char *c; int h; int w; { int i,j; for (i = 0; i < h; i++ ) { for (j = 0; j < w; j++) { int k; register int ch; register int m; char str[9]; ch = *(c++); m = 0x80; for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { str[k] = '"' + ( (ch & m) ? 1 : 0 ); m >>= 1; } str[8] = 0; printf("%s", str); } printf("\n"); } } #endif UNDEF