/* * Copyright (c) 1987, 1989 University of Maryland * Department of Computer Science. All rights reserved. * Permission to copy for any purpose is hereby granted * so long as this copyright notice remains intact. */ #ifndef lint static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /usr/src/local/tex/local/mctex/lib/RCS/dvistate.c,v 1.1 89/08/22 21:49:03 chris Exp $"; #endif /* * dvistate - basic DVI machine interpreter */ #include #include "types.h" #include "conv.h" #include "dvicodes.h" #include "error.h" #include "fio.h" #include "font.h" #include "gripes.h" #include "postamble.h" #include "search.h" #include "seek.h" #include "dvistate.h" struct dvi_state ds; /* yech, statics! */ static struct font *(*s_deffnt)(); static int s_dpi; static int s_errs; static void pre(), post(), fntdef(); #if !defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _AMIGA ) char *malloc(); #endif /* * Read through the postamble and the preamble and set up the * global DVI state. Each font is passed to (*fontfn)(). * Upon return, the input file (fp) is positioned at the beginning * of the first page. * * dpi is the resolution of the printer in pixels (dots) per inch, * and xoffset and yoffset are the values from the -X and -Y flags * (default zero). We add 1000 to each offset (since the offsets * are in 1/1000ths of an inch), and then multiply by dpi and divide * by 1000, to get the actual offset. * * If a device introduces a constant offset, e.g., of .25 inch * horizontally and .31 inch vertically, the caller can compensate * by passing (xflag - 2500) and (yflag - 3100). */ void DVISetState(fp, fontfn, dpi, xoffset, yoffset) FILE *fp; struct font *(*fontfn)(); int dpi, xoffset, yoffset; { /* make sure fseek() will work */ if ((ds.ds_fp = SeekFile(fp)) == NULL) error(1, -1, "unable to copy input to temp file (disk full?)"); /* h and v must be deferred until we have a conversion */ ds.ds_fresh.hh = ((1000 + (i32)xoffset) * dpi) / 1000; ds.ds_fresh.vv = ((1000 + (i32)yoffset) * dpi) / 1000; ds.ds_fonts = SCreate(sizeof(struct font *)); if (ds.ds_fonts == NULL) error(1, 0, "cannot create font table (out of memory?)"); s_errs = 0; s_dpi = dpi; s_deffnt = fontfn; ScanPostAmble(ds.ds_fp, post, fntdef); if (s_errs) GripeMissingFontsPreventOutput(s_errs); pre(); } /* * Read the preamble and apply sanity checks. * The presence of a preamble is virtually certain, * since we have already found and read a postamble. */ static void pre() { register int n; register FILE *fp = ds.ds_fp; rewind(fp); if (GetByte(fp) != Sign8(DVI_PRE)) GripeMissingOp("PRE"); if (GetByte(fp) != Sign8(DVI_VERSION)) GripeMismatchedValue("version number"); if (GetLong(fp) != ds.ds_num) GripeMismatchedValue("numerator"); if (GetLong(fp) != ds.ds_denom) GripeMismatchedValue("denominator"); if (GetLong(fp) != ds.ds_dvimag) GripeMismatchedValue("\\magnification"); n = UnSign8(GetByte(fp)); while (--n >= 0) (void) GetByte(fp); } /* * Store the relevant information from the DVI postamble. */ static void post(p) register struct PostAmbleInfo *p; { register int n; ds.ds_prevpage = p->pai_PrevPagePointer; ds.ds_num = p->pai_Numerator; ds.ds_denom = p->pai_Denominator; ds.ds_dvimag = p->pai_DVIMag; ds.ds_maxheight = p->pai_TallestPageHeight; ds.ds_maxwidth = p->pai_WidestPageWidth; ds.ds_npages = p->pai_NumberOfPages; /* set the global conversion factor */ SetConversion(s_dpi, ds.ds_usermag, ds.ds_num, ds.ds_denom, ds.ds_dvimag); ds.ds_fresh.h = toSP(ds.ds_fresh.hh); ds.ds_fresh.v = toSP(ds.ds_fresh.vv); #ifdef unneeded /* counting on init-to-zero ... */ ds.ds_fresh.w = 0; ds.ds_fresh.x = 0; ds.ds_fresh.y = 0; ds.ds_fresh.z = 0; #endif /* make the stack */ n = p->pai_DVIStackSize * sizeof(DviStack); if ((ds.ds_stack = (struct dvi_stack *)malloc((unsigned)n)) == NULL) GripeOutOfMemory(n, "DVI stack"); ds.ds_sp = ds.ds_stack; } /* * Handle a font definition from the postamble. */ static void fntdef(p) register struct PostAmbleFont *p; { register struct font *f, **fp; int def = S_CREATE | S_EXCL; fp = (struct font **)SSearch(ds.ds_fonts, p->paf_DVIFontIndex, &def); if (fp == NULL) { if (def & S_COLL) GripeFontAlreadyDefined(p->paf_DVIFontIndex); else error(1, 0, "cannot stash font %ld (out of memory?)", (long)p->paf_DVIFontIndex); /* NOTREACHED */ } /* apply driver function to get font */ f = (*s_deffnt)(p->paf_name, p->paf_DVIMag, p->paf_DVIDesignSize); if (f == NULL) { s_errs++; return; } *fp = f; /* match checksums, unless one is (or both are) zero */ if (p->paf_DVIChecksum && f->f_checksum && p->paf_DVIChecksum != f->f_checksum) GripeDifferentChecksums(f->f_path, p->paf_DVIChecksum, f->f_checksum); } /* * Given a font index, return the corresponding pointer. */ struct font * DVIFindFont(n) i32 n; { int x = S_LOOKUP; char *p; if ((p = SSearch(ds.ds_fonts, n, &x)) == NULL) { GripeNoSuchFont(n); /* NOTREACHED */ } return (*(struct font **)p); } /* * Handle a rule: read width and height, then call the given function. * If `advance', move dvi position afterwards. */ void DVIRule(fn, advance) void (*fn)(); int advance; { register i32 h, w, ww; register FILE *fp = ds.ds_fp; fGetLong(fp, h); fGetLong(fp, ww); h = ConvRule(h); w = ConvRule(ww); (*fn)(h, w); if (advance) { dvi_hh += w; dvi_h += ww; w = fromSP(dvi_h); FIXDRIFT(dvi_hh, w); } } /* * Handle a BOP: read the ten \count values and the previous page pointer, * reset DVI position, and call the given function. */ void DVIBeginPage(fn) void (*fn)(); { register int i; i32 count[10]; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) count[i] = GetLong(ds.ds_fp); ds.ds_prevpage = GetLong(ds.ds_fp); /* reset DVI page position and stack pointer, then call driver */ ds.ds_cur = ds.ds_fresh; ds.ds_sp = ds.ds_stack; (*fn)(count); }