#include "mendex.h" #include #include #include #include "kana.h" #include "var.h" #include "kp.h" char *styfile,*idxfile[256],*indfile,*dicfile,*logfile; /* default paths */ #ifndef DEFAULT_INDEXSTYLES #define DEFAULT_INDEXSTYLES "." #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_INDEXDICTS #define DEFAULT_INDEXDICTS "." #endif KpathseaSupportInfo kp_ist,kp_dict; #define VERSION "version 3.0 [15-May-2018]" int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i,j,cc=0,startpagenum=-1,ecount=0,chkopt=1; const char *envbuff; char *p; enable_UPTEX (true); /* enable */ #ifdef WIN32 _setmaxstdio(2048); #endif set_enc_string(NULL, "uptex"); kpse_set_program_name(argv[0], "mendex"); p = getenv ("PTEX_KANJI_ENC"); if (p) { if (!set_enc_string (p, NULL)) fprintf (stderr, "Ignoring bad kanji encoding \"%s\".\n", p); } #ifdef WIN32 p = kpse_var_value ("guess_input_kanji_encoding"); if (p) { if (*p == '1' || *p == 'y' || *p == 't') infile_enc_auto = 1; free(p); } #endif kp_ist.var_name = "INDEXSTYLE"; kp_ist.path = DEFAULT_INDEXSTYLES; /* default path. */ kp_ist.suffix = "ist"; KP_entry_filetype(&kp_ist); kp_dict.var_name = "INDEXDICTIONARY"; kp_dict.path = DEFAULT_INDEXDICTS; /* default path */ kp_dict.suffix = "dict"; KP_entry_filetype(&kp_dict); /* check options */ for (i=1,j=0;i=2)&&chkopt) { switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'c': bcomp=1; break; case 'd': if ((argv[i][2]=='\0')&&(i+1.\n", is_internalUPTEX() ? AKASATANAutf8 : AKASATANA); fprintf(stderr,"-f force to output kanji.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-s sty take sty as style file.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-d dic take dic as dictionary file.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-o ind take ind as the output index file.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-t log take log as the error log file.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-p no set the starting page number of index.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-E EUC mode.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-J JIS mode.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-S ShiftJIS mode.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-U UTF-8 mode.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-I enc internal encoding for keywords (enc: euc or utf8).\n"); fprintf(stderr,"idx... input files.\n"); exit(0); break; } } else { cc=strlen(argv[i]); if (cc<4) cc+=4; else if (strcmp(&argv[i][cc-4],".idx")) cc+=4; idxfile[j]=xmalloc(cc+1); strcpy(idxfile[j++],argv[i]); } } idxcount=j+fsti; /* check option errors */ if (idxcount==0) idxcount=fsti=1; if (styfile==NULL) { envbuff=kpse_var_value("INDEXDEFAULTSTYLE"); if (envbuff!=NULL) { styfile=xstrdup(envbuff); } } if (!indfile &&(idxcount-fsti>0)) { indfile=xmalloc(strlen(idxfile[0])+6); for (i=strlen(idxfile[0]);i>=0;i--) { if (idxfile[0][i]=='.') { strncpy(indfile,idxfile[0],i); sprintf(&indfile[i],".ind"); break; } } if (i==-1) sprintf(indfile,"%s.ind",idxfile[0]); } if (!logfile && (idxcount-fsti > 0)) { logfile=xmalloc(strlen(idxfile[0])+6); for (i=strlen(idxfile[0]);i>=0;i--) { if (idxfile[0][i]=='.') { strncpy(logfile,idxfile[0],i); sprintf(&logfile[i],".ilg"); break; } } if (i==-1) sprintf(logfile,"%s.ilg",idxfile[0]); } if (logfile && kpse_out_name_ok(logfile)) efp=fopen(logfile,"wb"); if(efp == NULL) { efp=stderr; logfile=xstrdup("stderr"); } if (styfile!=NULL) styread(styfile); if (strcmp(argv[0],"makeindex")==0) { verb_printf(efp,"This is Not `MAKEINDEX\', But `MENDEX\' %s (%s) (%s).\n", VERSION, get_enc_string(), TL_VERSION); } else { verb_printf(efp,"This is mendex %s (%s) (%s).\n", VERSION, get_enc_string(), TL_VERSION); } /* init kanatable */ initkanatable(); /* read dictionary */ ecount+=dicread(dicfile); switch (letter_head) { case 0: case 1: if (gflg==1) { strcpy(atama,akasatana); } else { strcpy(atama,aiueo); } break; case 2: if (gflg==1) { strcpy(atama,AKASATANA); } else { strcpy(atama,AIUEO); } break; default: break; } /* read idx file */ lines=0; ecount=0; ind=xmalloc(sizeof(struct index)); for (i=0;i1)&&(idxcount-fsti>0)) cc=lastpage(idxfile[0]); switch (fpage) { case 2: startpagenum=cc+1; break; case 3: if ((cc+1)%2==0) startpagenum=cc+2; else startpagenum=cc+1; break; case 4: if ((cc+1)%2==1) startpagenum=cc+2; else startpagenum=cc+1; break; default: break; } /* write indfile */ verb_printf(efp,"Making index file."); indwrite(indfile,ind,startpagenum); verb_printf(efp,"...done.\n"); if (idxcount-fsti==0) indfile=xstrdup("stdout"); verb_printf(efp,"%d warnings, written in %s.\n",warn,logfile); verb_printf(efp,"Output written in %s.\n",indfile); if (efp!=stderr) fclose(efp); return 0; }