// -*- related-file-name: "../include/lcdf/transform.hh" -*- /* transform.{cc,hh} -- planar affine transformations * * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Eddie Kohler * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include Transform::Transform() { _m[0] = _m[3] = 1; _m[1] = _m[2] = _m[4] = _m[5] = 0; _null = true; } Transform::Transform(const double m[6]) { _m[0] = m[0]; _m[1] = m[1]; _m[2] = m[2]; _m[3] = m[3]; _m[4] = m[4]; _m[5] = m[5]; check_null(0); } Transform::Transform(double m0, double m1, double m2, double m3, double m4, double m5) { _m[0] = m0; _m[1] = m1; _m[2] = m2; _m[3] = m3; _m[4] = m4; _m[5] = m5; check_null(0); } void Transform::check_null(double tolerance) { _null = (fabs(_m[0] - 1) < tolerance && fabs(_m[1]) < tolerance && fabs(_m[2]) < tolerance && fabs(_m[3] - 1) < tolerance && fabs(_m[4]) < tolerance && fabs(_m[5]) < tolerance); } void Transform::scale(double x, double y) { _m[0] *= x; _m[1] *= x; _m[2] *= y; _m[3] *= y; if (x != 1 || y != 1) _null = false; } void Transform::rotate(double r) { double c = cos(r); double s = sin(r); double a = _m[0], b = _m[2]; _m[0] = a*c + b*s; _m[2] = b*c - a*s; a = _m[1], b = _m[3]; _m[1] = a*c + b*s; _m[3] = b*c - a*s; if (r != 0) _null = false; } void Transform::translate(double x, double y) { _m[4] += _m[0]*x + _m[2]*y; _m[5] += _m[1]*x + _m[3]*y; if (x != 0 || y != 0) _null = false; } void Transform::shear(double s) { *this *= Transform(1, 0, s, 1, 0, 0); } Transform Transform::transformed(const Transform &t) const { return Transform(_m[0] * t._m[0] + _m[2] * t._m[1], _m[1] * t._m[0] + _m[3] * t._m[1], _m[0] * t._m[2] + _m[2] * t._m[3], _m[1] * t._m[2] + _m[3] * t._m[3], _m[0] * t._m[4] + _m[2] * t._m[5] + _m[4], _m[1] * t._m[4] + _m[3] * t._m[5] + _m[5]); } void Transform::real_apply_to(Point &p) const { double x = p.x; p.x = x*_m[0] + p.y*_m[2] + _m[4]; p.y = x*_m[1] + p.y*_m[3] + _m[5]; } Point Transform::real_apply(const Point &p) const { return Point(p.x*_m[0] + p.y*_m[2] + _m[4], p.x*_m[1] + p.y*_m[3] + _m[5]); } Bezier & operator*=(Bezier &b, const Transform &t) { if (!t.null()) { b.mpoint(0) *= t; b.mpoint(1) *= t; b.mpoint(2) *= t; b.mpoint(3) *= t; } return b; } Bezier operator*(const Bezier &b, const Transform &t) { return (t.null() ? b : Bezier(b.point(0) * t, b.point(1) * t, b.point(2) * t, b.point(3) * t)); } String Transform::unparse() const { StringAccum sa; sa << '['; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (i) sa << ',' << ' '; sa << _m[i]; } sa << ']'; return sa.take_string(); }