# lcdf-typetools texglyphlist.txt, Version 2.95 # Contents: Extensions to the Adobe Glyph List for TeX fonts and # encodings. We also extend the second field so that it can contain # multiple Unicode scalar values, separated by commas, analogous to # otftotfm's "% UNICODING" comments. ############################################################################### Delta;2206,0394 Ifractur;2111 FFsmall;F766 F766,0066 0066 FFIsmall;F766 F766 F769,0066 0066 0069 FFLsmall;F766 F766 F76C,0066 0066 006C FIsmall;F766 F769,0066 0069 FLsmall;F766 F76C,0066 006C Germandbls;0053 0053 Germandblssmall;F773 F773,0073 0073 Ng;014A Omega;2126,03A9 Rfractur;211C SS;0053 0053 SSsmall;F773 F773,0073 0073 # altselector: invalid Unicode altselector;D802 angbracketleft;27E8,2329 angbracketright;27E9,232A arrowbothv;2195 arrowdblbothv;21D5 arrowleftbothalf;21BD arrowlefttophalf;21BC arrownortheast;2197 arrownorthwest;2196 arrowrightbothalf;21C1 arrowrighttophalf;21C0 arrowsoutheast;2198 arrowsouthwest;2199 # ascendercompwordmark: taller cwm, invalid Unicode ascendercompwordmark;D80A asteriskcentered;2217 bardbl;2225 # capitalcompwordmark: taller cwm, invalid Unicode capitalcompwordmark;D809 ceilingleft;2308 ceilingright;2309 circlecopyrt;20DD,25CB circledivide;2298 circledot;2299 circleminus;2296 coproduct;2A3F ct;0063 0074 # cwm: Unicode for ZWNJ, used for secondary replacement from EC.enc cwm;200C dblbracketleft;27E6 dblbracketright;27E7 # U+2662 is WHITE DIAMOND SUIT # U+25CA is LOZENGE # U+2666 is BLACK DIAMOND SUIT diamond;2662,25CA,2666 diamondmath;22C4 # U+0237 is the proposed allocation for dotless j as of Unicode 4.0 # U+1D6A5 is the mathematical italic version approved in Unicode 5.0 dotlessj;0237,F6BE,1D6A5 emptyset;2205,F638 # emptyslot: invalid Unicode; the user explicitly wants this slot empty emptyslot;D801 epsilon1;03F5 epsiloninv;03F6 equivasymptotic;224D flat;266D floorleft;230A floorright;230B follows;227B followsequal;2AB0 followsorcurly;227D greatermuch;226B heart;2661,2665 interrobang;203D interrobangdown;2E18 intersectionsq;2293 latticetop;22A4 lessmuch;226A longdbls;017F 017F longsh;017F 0068 longsi;017F 0069 longsl;017F 006C longst;FB05,017F 0074 lscript;2113 natural;266E negationslash;0338 ng;014B owner;220B pertenthousand;2031 # TeX encodings such as 'texmital.enc' disagree with Unicode and the Adobe # glyph list; in TeX, the "straight" form of phi takes the name "phi", # whereas the more-common "loopy" form of phi, \varphi, takes the name "phi1". phi;03D5,03C6 phi1;03C6 pi1;03D6 precedesequal;2AAF precedesorcurly;227C prime;2032,02B9 rho1;03F1 # ringfitted: a ring character centered on the x-width of A, invalid Unicode ringfitted;D80D sharp;266F similarequal;2243 slurabove;2322 slurbelow;2323 st;FB06,0073 0074 star;22C6 subsetsqequal;2291 supersetsqequal;2292 triangle;25B3 triangleinv;25BD triangleleft;25C1 triangleright;25B7 turnstileleft;22A2 turnstileright;22A3 # twelveudash: 2/3-em dash; invalid Unicode twelveudash;D80C unionmulti;228E unionsq;2294 vector;20D7 # visualspace: Unicode for OPEN BOX, used for secondary replacement from EC.enc visualspace;2423 wreathproduct;2240 # -- Marco Kuhlmann reported annoying glyph neologisms in fontinst encodings # Dbar = Dcroat Dbar;0110 # compwordmark = cwm compwordmark;200C # dbar = dcroat dbar;0111 # rangedash = endash rangedash;2013 # hyphenchar = hyphen hyphenchar;002D # punctdash = emdash punctdash;2014 # visiblespace = visualspace visiblespace;2423 # -- # -- These character names are used in the MSAM fonts # -- Yen;00A5 # the MSAM10 glyph is more closed than U+21BA # the MSAM10 glyph's gap is at the top, while U+27F2 is on the left anticlockwise;27F2,21BA # XXX arrowaxisleft # XXX arrowaxisright arrowparrleftright;21C6 arrowparrrightleft;21C4 arrowtailleft;21A2 arrowtailright;21A3 arrowtripleleft;21DA arrowtripleright;21DB # XXX axisshort between;226C # U+2713 is a Zapf dingbat check;2713 circleR;00AE # the MSAM10 glyph may be smaller than U+24C8 circleS;24C8 circleasterisk;229B circleequal;229C circlering;229A # the MSAM10 glyph is more closed than U+21BB # the MSAM10 glyph's gap is at the top, while U+27F3 is on the left clockwise;27F3,21BB complement;2201 curlyleft;21AB curlyright;21AC dblarrowdwn;21CA dblarrowheadleft;219E dblarrowheadright;21A0 dblarrowup;21C8 defines;225C # U+2666 is BLACK DIAMOND SUIT # U+29EB is BLACK LOZENGE diamondsolid;2666,29EB difference;224F dotplus;2214 downfall;22CE equaldotleftright;2252 equaldotrightleft;2253 equalorfollows;22DF equalorgreater;2A96 equalorless;2A95 equalorprecedes;22DE equalsdots;2251 followsorequal;227F forces;22A9 forcesbar;22AA fork;22D4 frown;2322 geomequivalent;224E greaterdbleqlless;2A8C greaterdblequal;2267 greaterlessequal;22DB greaterorapproxeql;2A86 greaterorequalslant;2A7E greaterorsimilar;2273 harpoondownleft;21C3 harpoondownright;21C2 # MSAM probably misnamed this glyph; the right pointing harpoon is above # U+21CC has the right pointing harpoon above, like MSAM harpoonleftright;21CC # MSAM probably misnamed this glyph; the left pointing harpoon is above # U+21CB has the left pointing harpoon above, like MSAM harpoonrightleft;21CB harpoonupleft;21BF harpoonupright;21BE # U+22BA may be larger than MSAM intercal intercal;22BA intersectiondbl;22D2 lessdbleqlgreater;2A8B lessdblequal;2266 lessequalgreater;22DA lessorapproxeql;2A85 lessorequalslant;2A7D lessorsimilar;2272 maltesecross;2720 measuredangle;2221 multimap;22B8 multiopenleft;22CB multiopenright;22CC nand;22BC orunderscore;22BB # U+2306 PERSPECTIVE is larger than the MSAM glyph perpcorrespond;2A5E,2306 precedesorequal;227E primereverse;2035 revasymptequal;22CD revsimilar;223D # U+231D TOP RIGHT CORNER is a quine corner, # U+2E23 TOP RIGHT HALF BRACKET is a half bracket. # MSAM rightanglene matches the shape of U+231C but the spacing of U+2E23. # Similar for other rightangle characters. rightanglene;231D,2E23 rightanglenw;231C,2E22 rightanglese;231F,2E25 rightanglesw;231E,2E24 ringinequal;2256 # U+22A7 MODELS is shorter than U+22A8 TRUE = satisfies. # MSAM satisfies is in between. satisfies;22A8 shiftleft;21B0 shiftright;21B1 smile;2323 sphericalangle;2222 # U+25A1 WHITE SQUARE square;25A1 squaredot;22A1 squareimage;228F squareminus;229F squaremultiply;22A0 squareoriginal;2290 squareplus;229E # XXX U+25AA BLACK SMALL SQUARE doesn't sit on the baseline # XXX squaresmallsolid squaresolid;25A0 # U+21AD LEFT RIGHT WAVE ARROW is not actually a squiggle arrow squiggleleftright;21AD squiggleright;21DD subsetdbl;22D0 subsetdblequal;2AC5 supersetdbl;22D1 supersetdblequal;2AC6 triangledownsld;25BC # U+22B4 NORMAL SUBGROUP OF OR EQUAL TO is sharper than MSAM triangleleftequal;22B4,25C1 0332 triangleleftsld;25C0 # U+22B5 CONTAINS AS NORMAL SUBGROUP OR EQUAL TO is sharper than MSAM trianglerightequal;22B5,25B7 0332 trianglerightsld;25B6 trianglesolid;25B2 uniondbl;22D3 uprise;22CF # -- # -- These character names are used in the MSBM fonts # -- # U+1D7CB MATHEMATICAL BOLD SMALL DIGAMMA is the closest match to MSBM, # although MSBM Digamma's spelling indicates that a capital was intended # U+03DD GREEK SMALL LETTER DIGAMMA for fallback Digamma;1D7CB,03DD # U+2132 TURNED CAPITAL F is shown as seriffed, MSBM Finv is sans Finv;2132 # U+2141 TURNED SANS-SERIF CAPITAL G is turned, MSBM Gmir is only reversed Gmir;2141 Omegainv;2127 approxorequal;224A archleftdown;21B6 archrightdown;21B7 # XXX barshort beth;2136 daleth;2138 dividemultiply;22C7 # U+29F9 BIG REVERSE SOLIDUS seems the right size downslope;29F9 equalorsimilar;2242 follownotdbleqv;2ABA follownotslnteql;2AB6 followornoteqvlnt;22E9 greaterdot;22D7 # MSBM misnamed this glyph; should be greaternotdbleqv greaternotdblequal;2A8A greaternotequal;2A88 greaterornotdbleql;2269 # XXX MSBM greaterornotequal has a vertical negation slash, not U+2269 diagonal greaterornotequal;2269 # XXX greaterornotsimilar # XXX hatwide # XXX hatwider integerdivide;2216 lessdot;22D6 # MSBM misnamed this glyph; should be lessnotdbleqv lessnotdblequal;2A89 lessnotequal;2A87 lessornotdbleql;2268 # XXX MSBM lessornotequal has a vertical negation slash, not U+2268 diagonal lessornotequal;2268 # XXX lessornotsimilar multicloseleft;22C9 multicloseright;22CA notapproxequal;2247 notarrowboth;21AE notarrowleft;219A notarrowright;219B notbar;2224 notdblarrowboth;21CE notdblarrowleft;21CD notdblarrowright;21CF notexistential;2204 notfollows;2281 # U+22E1 DOES NOT SUCCEED OR EQUAL has a curved equal sign, unlike MSBM notfollowsoreql;2AB0 0338,22E1 notforces;22AE notforcesextra;22AF # Unicode has no precomposed negation of U+2267 GREATER THAN OVER EQUAL TO notgreaterdblequal;2267 0338 notgreaterequal;2271 notgreaterorslnteql;2A7E 0338 notlessdblequal;2266 0338 notlessequal;2270 notlessorslnteql;2A7D 0338 # U+22E0 DOES NOT PRECEDE OR EQUAL has a curved equal sign, unlike MSBM notprecedesoreql;2AAF 0338,22E0 notsatisfies;22AD # XXX notshortbar # XXX notshortparallel notsimilar;2241 notsubseteql;2288 notsubsetordbleql;2AC5 0338 # U+228A SUBSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO negation slash only touches bar below; # MSBM negation slash touches bar and lower part of subset notsubsetoreql;228A notsuperseteql;2289 notsupersetordbleql;2AC6 0338 # U+228A SUPERSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO negation slash only touches bar below; # MSBM negation slash touches bar and lower part of superset notsupersetoreql;228B # U+22EC NOT NORMAL SUBGROUP OF OR EQUAL TO is sharper than MSBM nottriangeqlleft;22EC,25C1 0332 0338 # U+22ED DOES NOT CONTAIN AS NORMAL SUBGROUP OR EQUAL is sharper than MSBM nottriangeqlright;22ED,25B7 0332 0338 # U+22EA NOT NORMAL SUBGROUP OF is sharper than MSBM nottriangleleft;22EA,25C1 0338 # U+22EB DOES NOT CONTAIN AS NORMAL SUBGROUP is sharper than MSBM nottriangleright;22EB,25B7 0338 notturnstile;22AC # XXX parallelshort planckover2pi;210F # U+210F PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI is shown with diagonal slash, which # corresponds to MSBM planckover2pi, but this is a font variant planckover2pi1;210F precedenotdbleqv;2AB9 precedenotslnteql;2AB5 precedeornoteqvlnt;22E8 subsetnoteql;228A subsetornotdbleql;2ACB # XXX subsetornoteql supersetnoteql;228B supersetornotdbleql;2ACC # XXX supersetornoteql # XXX tildewide # XXX tildewider # U+29F8 BIG SOLIDUS seems the right size upslope;29F8