/* win32lib.c: bits and pieces for win32 and msvc. Copyright 1996, 1997. 1998, 1999 Fabrice Popineau. Copyright 2006, 2011, 2012 Akira Kakuto. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see . */ #include #include #include #include FILE * win32_popen (const char *cmd, const char *fmode) { char mode[3]; mode[0] = fmode[0]; mode[1] = 'b'; mode[2] = '\0'; return _popen (cmd, mode); } int win32_pclose (FILE *f) { return _pclose (f); } /* large file support */ __int64 xftell64 (FILE *f, const char *filename) { __int64 where, filepos; int fd; fd = fileno(f); if(f->_cnt < 0) f->_cnt = 0; if((filepos = _lseeki64(fd, (__int64)0, SEEK_CUR)) < (__int64)0) { FATAL_PERROR(filename); return (__int64)(-1); } if(filepos == (__int64)0) where = (__int64)(f->_ptr - f->_base); else where = filepos - f->_cnt; return where; } void xfseek64 (FILE *f, __int64 offset, int wherefrom, const char *filename) { if(wherefrom == SEEK_CUR) { offset += xftell64(f, filename); wherefrom = SEEK_SET; } fflush(f); if (_lseeki64(fileno(f), offset, wherefrom) < (__int64)0) FATAL_PERROR(filename); } /* special TeXLive Ghostscript */ static int is_dir (char *buff) { struct stat stats; return stat (buff, &stats) == 0 && S_ISDIR (stats.st_mode); } /* TeXlive uses its own gs in $SELFAUTOPARENT/tlpkg/tlgs */ void texlive_gs_init(void) { char *nptr, *path; char tlgsbindir[512]; char tlgslibdir[512]; nptr = kpse_var_value("SELFAUTOPARENT"); if (nptr) { strcpy(tlgsbindir, nptr); strcat(tlgsbindir,"/tlpkg/tlgs"); if(is_dir(tlgsbindir)) { strcpy(tlgslibdir, tlgsbindir); strcat(tlgslibdir, "/lib;"); strcat(tlgslibdir, tlgsbindir); strcat(tlgslibdir, "/fonts"); strcat(tlgsbindir, "/bin;"); free(nptr); for(nptr = tlgsbindir; *nptr; nptr++) { if(*nptr == '/') *nptr = '\\'; } nptr = getenv("PATH"); path = (char *)malloc(strlen(nptr) + strlen(tlgsbindir) + 6); strcpy(path, tlgsbindir); strcat(path, nptr); xputenv("PATH", path); xputenv("GS_LIB", tlgslibdir); } } } /* path name in char *input is changed into the long name format and returned in char *buff. return value: 0 if failed 1 if succeeded */ int getlongpath(char *buff, char *input, int len) { HANDLE hnd; WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd; int cnt = 0; char *p, *q, *r; buff[0] = '\0'; /* temporarily change directory separators into back slashs */ for(p = input; *p; p++) { if(*p == '/') *p = '\\'; } p = q = input; r = buff; /* UNC name */ if(q[0] == '\\' && q[1] == '\\') { cnt += 2; if(cnt > len) return 0; buff[0] = '/'; buff[1] = '/'; p += 2; r += 2; while(*p != '\\' && *p) { if (IS_KANJI(p)) { cnt++; if(cnt > len) return 0; *r++ = *p++; } cnt++; if(cnt > len) return 0; *r++ = *p++; } cnt++; if(cnt > len) return 0; *r++ = '/'; if(*p) p++; while(*p != '\\' && *p) { if (IS_KANJI(p)) { cnt++; if(cnt > len) return 0; *r++ = *p++; } cnt++; if(cnt > len) return 0; *r++ = *p++; } cnt++; if(cnt > len) return 0; *r++ = '/'; *r= '\0'; if(*p) p++; /* drive name */ } else if(isalpha(q[0]) && q[1] == ':' && q[2] == '\\') { *r++ = q[0]; *r++ = ':'; *r++ = '/'; *r = '\0'; p += 3; cnt += 3; if(cnt > len) return 0; } for( ; *p; p++) { if(IS_KANJI(p)) { p++; continue; } if(*p == '\\') { *p = '\0'; if((hnd = FindFirstFile(q, &ffd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } FindClose(hnd); cnt += strlen(ffd.cFileName); cnt++; if(cnt > len) return 0; strcat(buff, ffd.cFileName); strcat(buff, "/"); *p = '\\'; } } /* file itself */ if((hnd = FindFirstFile(q, &ffd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } FindClose(hnd); cnt += strlen(ffd.cFileName); if(cnt > len) return 0; strcat(buff, ffd.cFileName); return 1; } /* user info */ /* Adapted for XEmacs by David Hobley */ /* Sync'ed with Emacs 19.34.6 by Marc Paquette */ /* Adapted to fpTeX 0.4 by Fabrice Popineau */ char * get_home_directory() { char *p; char *home = getenv("HOME"); if(!home) home = getenv("USERPROFILE"); if(home) { home = xstrdup(home); for(p = home; *p; p++) { if(IS_KANJI(p)) { p++; continue; } if(*p == '\\') *p = '/'; } } return home; } int kpathsea_getuid (kpathsea kpse) { return kpse->the_passwd.pw_uid; } int kpathsea_getgid (kpathsea kpse) { return kpse->the_passwd.pw_gid; } struct passwd * kpathsea_getpwuid (kpathsea kpse, int uid) { if (uid == kpse->the_passwd.pw_uid) return &kpse->the_passwd; return NULL; } struct passwd * kpathsea_getpwnam (kpathsea kpse, char *name) { struct passwd *pw; pw = kpathsea_getpwuid (kpse, kpathsea_getuid (kpse)); if (!pw) return pw; if (stricmp (name, pw->pw_name)) return NULL; return pw; } void kpathsea_init_user_info (kpathsea kpse) { char *home; DWORD nSize = 256; if (!GetUserName (kpse->the_passwd.pw_name, &nSize)) strcpy (kpse->the_passwd.pw_name, "unknown"); kpse->the_passwd.pw_uid = 123; kpse->the_passwd.pw_gid = 123; /* Ensure HOME and SHELL are defined. */ home = get_home_directory(); if (home) { putenv(concat("HOME=", home)); } else { putenv ("HOME=c:/"); } if (getenv ("SHELL") == NULL) putenv ((GetVersion () & 0x80000000) ? "SHELL=command" : "SHELL=cmd"); { /* If TEXMFTEMP is defined, then use it as the TEMP and TMP variables. */ char *p; if ((p = getenv("TEXMFTEMP")) != NULL) { putenv(concat("TEMP=", p)); putenv(concat("TMP=", p)); } } /* Set dir and shell from environment variables. */ strcpy (kpse->the_passwd.pw_dir, get_home_directory()); strcpy (kpse->the_passwd.pw_shell, getenv ("SHELL")); } /* win32_system */ static int is_include_space(const char *s) { char *p; p = strchr(s, ' '); if(p) return 1; p = strchr(s, '\t'); if(p) return 1; return 0; } int win32_system(const char *cmd) { const char *p; char *q; char *av[4]; int len, ret; int spacep = 0; if(cmd == NULL) return 1; av[0] = xstrdup("cmd.exe"); av[1] = xstrdup("/c"); len = strlen(cmd) + 3; spacep = is_include_space(cmd); av[2] = malloc(len); q = av[2]; if(spacep) *q++ = '"'; for(p = cmd; *p; p++, q++) { if(*p == '\'') *q = '"'; else *q = *p; } if(spacep) *q++ = '"'; *q = '\0'; av[3] = NULL; ret = spawnvp(_P_WAIT, av[0], av); free(av[0]); free(av[1]); free(av[2]); return ret; } #if defined (KPSE_COMPAT_API) int getuid (void) { return kpathsea_getuid(kpse_def); } int geteuid (void) { /* I could imagine arguing for checking to see whether the user is in the Administrators group and returning a UID of 0 for that case, but I don't know how wise that would be in the long run. */ return getuid (); } int getgid (void) { return kpathsea_getgid (kpse_def); } int getegid (void) { return getgid (); } struct passwd * getpwuid (int uid) { return kpathsea_getpwuid (kpse_def, uid); } struct passwd * getpwnam (char *name) { return kpathsea_getpwnam (kpse_def, name); } #endif /* KPSE_COMPAT_API */