/* * Gregorio is a program that translates gabc files to GregorioTeX * This header defines the Gregorio data structures and functions. * * Copyright (C) 2016-2021 The Gregorio Project (see CONTRIBUTORS.md) * * This file is part of Gregorio. * * Gregorio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Gregorio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Gregorio. If not, see . */ /** * @file * The file starts by the definition of all the structures used in * gregorio. As it is certainly the most important file for * understanding, read it carefully. */ #ifndef STRUCT_ITER_H #define STRUCT_ITER_H #include "struct.h" /* This enum defines bitfields selecting the node types that should be passed * to end_item in gregorio_from_note_to_note */ typedef enum { GRESTRUCT_NONE = 0, GRESTRUCT_NOTE = 1 << 0, GRESTRUCT_GLYPH = 1 << 1, GRESTRUCT_ELEMENT = 1 << 2, GRESTRUCT_SYLLABLE = 1 << 3 } gregorio_note_iter_item_type; typedef struct { gregorio_syllable *syllable; gregorio_element *element; gregorio_glyph *glyph; gregorio_note *note; } gregorio_note_iter_position; static __inline void gregorio_from_note_to_note( const gregorio_note_iter_position *const start, const gregorio_note_iter_position *const end, bool include_end, void (*const visit)(const gregorio_note_iter_position *, void *), void (*const end_item)(const gregorio_note_iter_position *, gregorio_note_iter_item_type, void *), const gregorio_note_iter_item_type desired_end_items, void *data) { /* Note: include_end is effectively ignored if end is NULL */ gregorio_note_iter_position p = *start; while (p.syllable) { if (!p.element) { p.element = p.syllable->elements[0]; } while (p.element) { if (p.element->type == GRE_ELEMENT) { if (!p.glyph) { p.glyph = p.element->u.first_glyph; } while (p.glyph) { if (p.glyph->type == GRE_GLYPH) { if (!p.note) { p.note = p.glyph->u.notes.first_note; } while (p.note) { bool at_end = (end && p.note == end->note); if (p.note->type == GRE_NOTE && (!at_end || include_end)) { visit(&p, data); } if (at_end) { if (end_item) { gregorio_fail(gregorio_from_note_to_note, "unused code path"); if (desired_end_items & GRESTRUCT_NOTE) { /* currently unused */ /* LCOV_EXCL_START */ /* to enable the real code, delete this * assertion: */ gregorio_fail(gregorio_from_note_to_note, "unused code path"); end_item(&p, GRESTRUCT_NOTE, data); } /* LCOV_EXCL_END */ if (desired_end_items & GRESTRUCT_GLYPH) { /* currently unused */ /* LCOV_EXCL_START */ /* to enable the real code, delete this * assertion: */ gregorio_fail(gregorio_from_note_to_note, "unused code path"); end_item(&p, GRESTRUCT_GLYPH, data); } /* LCOV_EXCL_END */ if (desired_end_items & GRESTRUCT_ELEMENT) { /* currently unused */ /* LCOV_EXCL_START */ /* to enable the real code, delete this * assertion: */ gregorio_fail(gregorio_from_note_to_note, "unused code path"); end_item(&p, GRESTRUCT_ELEMENT, data); } /* LCOV_EXCL_END */ if (desired_end_items & GRESTRUCT_SYLLABLE) { end_item(&p, GRESTRUCT_SYLLABLE, data); } } return; } if (end_item && (desired_end_items & GRESTRUCT_NOTE)) { /* in 4.2.0, this code is never hit, as the only * usage that gets through to here does not * include GRESTRUCT_NOTE in desired_end_items */ /* LCOV_EXCL_START */ /* to enable the real code, delete this * assertion: */ gregorio_fail(gregorio_from_note_to_note, "unused code path"); end_item(&p, GRESTRUCT_NOTE, data); } /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */ p.note = p.note->next; } /* note */ } if (end_item && (desired_end_items & GRESTRUCT_GLYPH)) { /* in 4.2.0, this code is never hit, as the only usage * that gets through to here does not include * GRESTRUCT_GLYPH in desired_end_items */ /* LCOV_EXCL_START */ /* to enable the real code, delete this assertion: */ gregorio_fail(gregorio_from_note_to_note, "unused code path"); end_item(&p, GRESTRUCT_GLYPH, data); } /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */ p.glyph = p.glyph->next; } /* glyph */ } if (end_item && (desired_end_items & GRESTRUCT_ELEMENT)) { end_item(&p, GRESTRUCT_ELEMENT, data); } p.element = p.element->next; } /* element */ if (end_item && (desired_end_items & GRESTRUCT_SYLLABLE)) { end_item(&p, GRESTRUCT_SYLLABLE, data); } p.syllable = p.syllable->next_syllable; } /* syllable */ } static __inline void gregorio_for_each_note(const gregorio_score *score, void (*const visit)(const gregorio_note_iter_position *, void *), void (*const end_item)(const gregorio_note_iter_position *, gregorio_note_iter_item_type, void *), const gregorio_note_iter_item_type desired_end_items, void *data) { gregorio_note_iter_position p = { /* .syllable = */ NULL, /* .element = */ NULL, /* .glyph = */ NULL, /* .note = */ NULL }; p.syllable = score->first_syllable; gregorio_from_note_to_note(&p, NULL, true, visit, end_item, desired_end_items, data); } #endif