/* * Gregorio is a program that translates gabc files to GregorioTeX. * This file provides functions to dump out Gregorio structures. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2019 The Gregorio Project (see CONTRIBUTORS.md) * * This file is part of Gregorio. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "bool.h" #include "struct.h" #include "unicode.h" #include "messages.h" #include "plugins.h" #include "support.h" static const char *dump_style_to_string(grestyle_style style) { static char buf[50]; gregorio_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%16s", grestyle_style_to_string(style)); return buf; } void dump_write_characters(FILE *const f, const gregorio_character * current_character) { while (current_character) { fprintf(f, "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); if (current_character->is_character) { fprintf(f, " character "); gregorio_print_unichar(f, current_character->cos.character); fprintf(f, "\n"); } else { switch (current_character->cos.s.type) { case ST_T_BEGIN: fprintf(f, " beginning of style %s\n", dump_style_to_string(current_character->cos.s.style)); break; case ST_T_END: fprintf(f, " end of style %s\n", dump_style_to_string(current_character->cos.s.style)); break; default: /* not reachable unless there's a programming error */ /* LCOV_EXCL_START */ fprintf(f, " !! IMPROPER STYLE !! %s\n", dump_style_to_string(current_character->cos.s.style)); break; /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */ } } current_character = current_character->next_character; } } static const char *dump_bool(bool value) { return value? "true" : "false"; } static const char *dump_pitch(const char height, const char highest_pitch) { static char buf[20]; if (height >= LOWEST_PITCH && height <= highest_pitch) { char pitch = height + 'a' - LOWEST_PITCH; if (pitch == 'o') { pitch = 'p'; } gregorio_snprintf(buf, 20, "%c", pitch); } else { /* not reachable unless there's a programming error */ gregorio_snprintf(buf, 20, "?%d", height); /* LCOV_EXCL_LINE */ } return buf; } static void dump_hepisema_adjustment(FILE *const f, const gregorio_note *note, const gregorio_sign_orientation orientation, const char *const which) { unsigned short index = note->he_adjustment_index[orientation]; if (index) { gregorio_hepisema_adjustment *adj = gregorio_get_hepisema_adjustment( index); fprintf(f, " %s hepisema group %d\n", which, index); fprintf(f, " %s hep. vbasepos %d (%s)\n", which, adj->vbasepos, gregorio_hepisema_vbasepos_to_string(adj->vbasepos)); if (adj->nudge) { fprintf(f, " %s hepisema nudge %s\n", which, adj->nudge); } } } void dump_write_score(FILE *f, gregorio_score *score) { gregorio_voice_info *voice_info = score->first_voice_info; int i; int annotation_num; gregorio_syllable *syllable; gregorio_header *header; gregorio_assert(f, dump_write_score, "call with NULL file", return); fprintf(f, "=====================================================================\n" " SCORE INFOS\n" "=====================================================================\n"); if (score->number_of_voices) { fprintf(f, " number_of_voices %d\n", score->number_of_voices); } if (score->name) { fprintf(f, " name %s\n", score->name); } if (score->gabc_copyright) { fprintf(f, " gabc_copyright %s\n", score->gabc_copyright); } if (score->score_copyright) { fprintf(f, " score_copyright %s\n", score->score_copyright); } if (score->author) { fprintf(f, " author %s\n", score->author); } if (score->mode) { fprintf(f, " mode %s\n", score->mode); } if (score->mode_modifier) { fprintf(f, " mode_modifier %s\n", score->mode_modifier); } if (score->mode_differentia) { fprintf(f, " mode_differentia %s\n", score->mode_differentia); } if (score->staff_lines != 4) { fprintf(f, " staff_lines %d\n", (int)score->staff_lines); } if (score->nabc_lines) { fprintf(f, " nabc_lines %d\n", (int)score->nabc_lines); } if (score->legacy_oriscus_orientation) { fprintf(f, " oriscus-orientation legacy\n"); } fprintf(f, "\n\n" "=====================================================================\n" " HEADERS\n" "=====================================================================\n"); for (header = score->headers; header; header = header->next) { fprintf(f, " %-25s %s\n", header->name, header->value); } fprintf(f, "\n\n" "=====================================================================\n" " VOICES INFOS\n" "=====================================================================\n"); for (i = 0; i < score->number_of_voices; i++) { fprintf(f, " Voice %d\n", i + 1); if (voice_info->initial_clef.line) { fprintf(f, " initial_key %d (%c%d)\n", gregorio_calculate_new_key(voice_info->initial_clef), gregorio_clef_to_char(voice_info->initial_clef.clef), voice_info->initial_clef.line); if (voice_info->initial_clef.flatted) { fprintf(f, " flatted_key true\n"); } if (voice_info->initial_clef.secondary_line) { fprintf(f, " secondary_clef %c%d\n", gregorio_clef_to_char( voice_info->initial_clef.secondary_clef), voice_info->initial_clef.secondary_line); if (voice_info->initial_clef.secondary_flatted) { fprintf(f, " secondary_flatted_key true\n"); } } } for (annotation_num = 0; annotation_num < MAX_ANNOTATIONS; ++annotation_num) { if (score->annotation[annotation_num]) { fprintf(f, " annotation %s\n", score->annotation[annotation_num]); } } voice_info = voice_info->next_voice_info; } fprintf(f, "\n\n" "=====================================================================\n" " SCORE\n" "=====================================================================\n"); for (syllable = score->first_syllable; syllable; syllable = syllable->next_syllable) { gregorio_element *element; fprintf(f, " type 0 (GRE_SYLLABLE)\n"); if (syllable->position) { fprintf(f, " position %d (%s)\n", syllable->position, gregorio_word_position_to_string(syllable->position)); } if (syllable->no_linebreak_area != NLBA_NORMAL) { fprintf(f, " no line break area %s\n", gregorio_nlba_to_string(syllable->no_linebreak_area)); } if (syllable->euouae != EUOUAE_NORMAL) { fprintf(f, " euouae %s\n", gregorio_euouae_to_string(syllable->euouae)); } if (syllable->clear) { fprintf(f, " clear true\n"); } if (syllable->text) { if (syllable->translation) { fprintf(f, "\n Text\n"); } dump_write_characters(f, syllable->text); } if ((syllable->translation && syllable->translation_type != TR_WITH_CENTER_END) || syllable->translation_type == TR_WITH_CENTER_END) { fprintf(f, "\n Translation type %s", gregorio_tr_centering_to_string (syllable->translation_type)); if (syllable->translation_type == TR_WITH_CENTER_END) { fprintf(f, "\n"); } } if (syllable->translation) { fprintf(f, "\n Translation\n"); dump_write_characters(f, syllable->translation); } if (syllable->abovelinestext) { fprintf(f, "\n Abovelinestext\n %s", syllable->abovelinestext); } for (element = *syllable->elements; element; element = element->next) { gregorio_glyph *glyph; fprintf(f, "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); if (element->type) { fprintf(f, " type %d (%s)\n", element->type, gregorio_type_to_string(element->type)); } switch (element->type) { case GRE_CUSTOS: if (element->u.misc.pitched.pitch) { fprintf(f, " pitch %s\n", dump_pitch(element->u.misc.pitched.pitch, score->highest_pitch)); } if (element->u.misc.pitched.force_pitch) { fprintf(f, " force_pitch true\n"); } break; case GRE_SUPPRESS_CUSTOS: /* not handling this would generate an error below */ break; case GRE_SPACE: if (element->u.misc.unpitched.info.space) { char *factor = element->u.misc.unpitched.info. ad_hoc_space_factor; fprintf(f, " space %d (%s)%s%s\n", element->u.misc.unpitched.info.space, gregorio_space_to_string( element->u.misc.unpitched.info.space), factor? " x " : "", factor? factor : ""); } break; case GRE_TEXVERB_ELEMENT: fprintf(f, " TeX string \"%s\"\n", gregorio_texverb(element->texverb)); break; case GRE_NLBA: fprintf(f, " nlba %d (%s)\n", element->u.misc.unpitched.info.nlba, gregorio_nlba_to_string(element->u.misc.unpitched.info. nlba)); break; case GRE_ALT: fprintf(f, " Above lines text \"%s\"\n", gregorio_texverb(element->texverb)); break; case GRE_BAR: if (element->u.misc.unpitched.info.bar) { fprintf(f, " bar %d (%s)\n", element->u.misc.unpitched.info.bar, gregorio_bar_to_string(element->u.misc.unpitched. info.bar)); if (element->u.misc.unpitched.special_sign) { fprintf(f, " special sign %d (%s)\n", element->u.misc.unpitched.special_sign, gregorio_sign_to_string(element-> u.misc.unpitched.special_sign)); } } break; case GRE_CLEF: if (element->u.misc.clef.line) { fprintf(f, " clef %d (%c%d)\n", gregorio_calculate_new_key(element->u.misc.clef), gregorio_clef_to_char(element->u.misc.clef.clef), element->u.misc.clef.line); if (element->u.misc.clef.flatted) { fprintf(f, " flatted_key true\n"); } if (element->u.misc.clef.secondary_line) { fprintf(f, " secondary_clef %c%d\n", gregorio_clef_to_char( element->u.misc.clef.secondary_clef), element->u.misc.clef.secondary_line); if (element->u.misc.clef.secondary_flatted) { fprintf(f, " secondary_flatted_key true\n"); } } } break; case GRE_END_OF_LINE: if (element->u.misc.unpitched.info.eol_ragged) { fprintf(f, " ragged true\n"); } if (element->u.misc.unpitched.info.eol_forces_custos) { fprintf(f, " forces custos %s\n", dump_bool(element ->u.misc.unpitched.info.eol_forces_custos_on)); } break; case GRE_ELEMENT: for (glyph = element->u.first_glyph; glyph; glyph = glyph->next) { gregorio_note *note; fprintf(f, "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n"); if (glyph->type) { fprintf(f, " type %d (%s)\n", glyph->type, gregorio_type_to_string(glyph-> type)); } switch (glyph->type) { case GRE_TEXVERB_GLYPH: fprintf(f, " TeX string \"%s\"\n", gregorio_texverb(glyph->texverb)); break; case GRE_SPACE: fprintf(f, " space %d (%s)\n", glyph->u.misc.unpitched.info.space, gregorio_space_to_string(glyph->u.misc. unpitched.info.space)); break; case GRE_GLYPH: fprintf(f, " glyph_type %d (%s)\n", glyph->u.notes.glyph_type, gregorio_glyph_type_to_string(glyph->u.notes. glyph_type)); if (glyph->u.notes.is_cavum) { fprintf(f, " is_cavum true\n"); } if (glyph->u.notes.liquescentia) { fprintf(f, " liquescentia %d (%s)\n", glyph->u.notes.liquescentia, gregorio_liquescentia_to_string( glyph->u.notes.liquescentia)); } break; default: /* not reachable unless there's a programming error */ /* LCOV_EXCL_START */ fprintf(f, " !!! NOT ALLOWED !!! %s\n", gregorio_type_to_string(glyph->type)); break; /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */ } if (glyph->type == GRE_GLYPH) { for (note = glyph->u.notes.first_note; note; note = note->next) { fprintf(f, "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \n"); if (note->type) { fprintf(f, " type %d (%s)\n", note->type, gregorio_type_to_string(note->type)); } switch (note->type) { case GRE_NOTE: if (note->u.note.pitch) { fprintf(f, " pitch %s\n", dump_pitch(note->u.note.pitch, score->highest_pitch)); } if (note->u.note.shape) { fprintf(f, " shape %d (%s)\n", note->u.note.shape, gregorio_shape_to_string( note->u.note.shape)); } if (note->u.note.is_cavum) { fprintf(f, " is_cavum true\n"); } if (note->u.note.liquescentia) { fprintf(f, " liquescentia %d (%s)\n", note->u.note.liquescentia, gregorio_liquescentia_to_string( note->u.note.liquescentia)); } break; default: /* not reachable unless there's a programming error */ /* LCOV_EXCL_START */ fprintf(f, " !!! NOT ALLOWED !!! %s\n", gregorio_type_to_string(note->type)); break; /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */ } if (note->texverb) { fprintf(f, " TeX string \"%s\"\n", gregorio_texverb(note->texverb)); } if (note->choral_sign) { fprintf(f, " Choral Sign \"%s\"\n", note->choral_sign); } if (note->signs) { fprintf(f, " signs %d (%s)\n", note->signs, gregorio_sign_to_string(note->signs)); } if (note->signs & _V_EPISEMA && note->v_episema_height) { if (note->v_episema_height < note->u.note.pitch) { fprintf(f, " v episema forced BELOW\n"); } else { fprintf(f, " v episema forced ABOVE\n"); } } if ((note->signs == _PUNCTUM_MORA || note->signs == _V_EPISEMA_PUNCTUM_MORA) && note->mora_vposition) { fprintf(f, " mora vposition %s\n", gregorio_vposition_to_string(note-> mora_vposition)); } if (note->special_sign) { fprintf(f, " special sign %d (%s)\n", note->special_sign, gregorio_sign_to_string( note->special_sign)); } if (note->h_episema_above == HEPISEMA_AUTO && note->h_episema_below == HEPISEMA_AUTO) { fprintf(f, " auto hepisema size %d (%s)\n", note->h_episema_above_size, grehepisema_size_to_string(note-> h_episema_above_size)); fprintf(f, " auto hepisema bridge %s\n", dump_bool(note->h_episema_above_connect)); } else { if (note->h_episema_above == HEPISEMA_FORCED) { fprintf(f, " above hepisema size %d (%s)\n", note->h_episema_above_size, grehepisema_size_to_string(note-> h_episema_above_size)); fprintf(f, " above hepisema bridge %s\n", dump_bool(note->h_episema_above_connect)); } if (note->h_episema_below == HEPISEMA_FORCED) { fprintf(f, " below hepisema size %d (%s)\n", note->h_episema_below_size, grehepisema_size_to_string(note-> h_episema_below_size)); fprintf(f, " below hepisema bridge %s\n", dump_bool(note->h_episema_below_connect)); } } dump_hepisema_adjustment(f, note, SO_OVER, "above"); dump_hepisema_adjustment(f, note, SO_UNDER, "below"); switch (note->high_ledger_specificity) { case LEDGER_SUPPOSED: break; case LEDGER_EXPLICIT: fprintf(f, " explicit high line %s\n", dump_bool(note->high_ledger_line)); break; case LEDGER_DRAWN: fprintf(f, " drawn high line %s\n", dump_bool(note->high_ledger_line)); break; case LEDGER_EXPLICITLY_DRAWN: fprintf(f, " forced drawn high line %s\n", dump_bool(note->high_ledger_line)); break; } switch (note->low_ledger_specificity) { case LEDGER_SUPPOSED: break; case LEDGER_EXPLICIT: fprintf(f, " explicit low line %s\n", dump_bool(note->low_ledger_line)); break; case LEDGER_DRAWN: fprintf(f, " drawn low line %s\n", dump_bool(note->low_ledger_line)); break; case LEDGER_EXPLICITLY_DRAWN: fprintf(f, " forced drawn low line %s\n", dump_bool(note->low_ledger_line)); break; } } } } break; default: /* not reachable unless there's a programming error */ /* LCOV_EXCL_START */ fprintf(f, " !!! NOT ALLOWED !!! %s\n", gregorio_type_to_string(element->type)); break; /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */ } if (element->nabc_lines) { fprintf(f, " nabc_lines %d\n", (int)element->nabc_lines); } if (element->nabc_lines && element->nabc) { for (i = 0; i < (int)element->nabc_lines; i++) { if (element->nabc[i]) { fprintf(f, " nabc_line %d \"%s\"\n", (int)(i+1), element->nabc[i]); } } } } fprintf(f, "=====================================================================\n"); } }