% !TEX root = GregorioRef.tex % !TEX program = LuaLaTeX+se \begin{landscape} \section{Font Glyph Tables}\label{glyphtable} \subsection{Score Font Glyphs} The following table lists all of the score glyphs available in the greciliae, gregorio, and granapadano fonts, and any variant glyphs contained within. If a variant glyph is unavailable in a given font, it will be listed as {\itshape\small N/A} under the appropriate column. Some of the glyphs listed are representative of sets of glyphs differentiated by the ambitus of the component notes. These are listed with English words for the numbers in italics, such as {\itshape TwoTwo}. The gabc column lists a gabc sequence that uses the given glyph. If there are small, slanted characters, such as \excluded{gege} in this column, they produce glyphs additional to the given glyph, but are necessary for the given glyph to appear. Note: glyphs for the horizontal episema (activated using {\ttfamily\char`_} in gabc) are excluded from this table. \newcommand\ScoreFontTable[1]{% \begin{longtable}{llccccccc} \caption{Score Glyphs}\\ &&&&&\multicolumn{4}{c}{\bfseries Variants}\\ \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{lightgray}}----->{\arrayrulecolor{black}}----} {\bfseries Glyph Name}&% {\scriptsize\bfseries Sample gabc}&% {\scriptsize\bfseries greciliae}&% {\scriptsize\bfseries gregorio}&% {\scriptsize\bfseries granapadano}&% {\scriptsize\bfseries Name}&% {\scriptsize\bfseries greciliae}&% {\scriptsize\bfseries gregorio}&% {\scriptsize\bfseries granapadano}\\ \hline \endfirsthead &&&&&\multicolumn{4}{c}{\bfseries Variants}\\ \hhline{>{\arrayrulecolor{lightgray}}----->{\arrayrulecolor{black}}----} {\bfseries Glyph Name}&% {\scriptsize\bfseries Sample gabc}&% {\scriptsize\bfseries greciliae}&% {\scriptsize\bfseries gregorio}&% {\scriptsize\bfseries granapadano}&% {\scriptsize\bfseries Name}&% {\scriptsize\bfseries greciliae}&% {\scriptsize\bfseries gregorio}&% {\scriptsize\bfseries granapadano}\\ \hline \endhead \directlua{GregorioRef.emit_score_glyphs(#1)} \end{longtable} }% \ScoreFontTable{'greciliae','gregorio','granapadano'} \subsection{Dominican Score Font Glyphs} The following table lists all of the score glyphs available in the Dominican versions of the greciliae, gregorio, and granapadano fonts in the same vein as the prior table. \ScoreFontTable{'greciliaeOp','gregorioOp','granapadanoOp'} \subsection{Extra Glyphs}\label{subsec:greextra} The following table lists the glyphs available in the greextra font. There are score glyphs which may be substituted into the score, text glyphs meant to be used in the verses or in the \TeX{} document, and miscellaneous glyphs like decorative lines for more specialized use. \begin{longtable}{lc|lc} \caption{Extra Glyphs}\\ {\bfseries Glyph Name}&{\bfseries Glyph}&{\bfseries Glyph Name}&{\bfseries Glyph}\\ \hline \endfirsthead {\bfseries Glyph Name}&{\bfseries Glyph}&{\bfseries Glyph Name}&{\bfseries Glyph}\\ \hline \endhead \directlua{GregorioRef.emit_extra_glyphs('greextra')} \end{longtable} \end{landscape}