/* Copyright (C) 2000-2012 by George Williams */ /* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _UCHAR_H # define _UCHAR_H #include #include #include #include #include extern char *copy(const char *); extern char *copyn(const char *,long); extern unichar_t *u_copy(const unichar_t*); extern unichar_t *u_copyn(const unichar_t*, long); extern unichar_t *u_copynallocm(const unichar_t *pt, long n, long m); extern unichar_t *uc_copyn(const char *, int); extern unichar_t *uc_copy(const char*); extern unichar_t *u_concat(const unichar_t*,const unichar_t*); extern char *cu_copyn(const unichar_t *pt,int len); extern char *cu_copy(const unichar_t*); extern long uc_strcmp(const unichar_t *,const char *); extern long u_strcmp(const unichar_t *, const unichar_t *); extern long uc_strncmp(const unichar_t *,const char *,int); extern long u_strncmp(const unichar_t *, const unichar_t *,int); extern long uc_strmatch(const unichar_t *,const char *); extern long uc_strnmatch(const unichar_t *,const char *,int); extern long u_strnmatch(const unichar_t *str1, const unichar_t *str2, int len); extern long u_strmatch(const unichar_t *, const unichar_t *); extern int strmatch(const char *,const char *); extern int strnmatch(const char *str1, const char *str2, int n); extern void uc_strcpy(unichar_t *, const char *); extern void cu_strcpy(char *, const unichar_t *); extern void u_strcpy(unichar_t *, const unichar_t *); extern void u_strncpy(unichar_t *, const unichar_t *,int); extern void cu_strncpy(char *to, const unichar_t *from, int len); extern void uc_strncpy(unichar_t *to, const char *from, int len); /** * Like strncpy but passing a null 'from' will simply null terminate * to[0] to give a blank result rather than a crash. */ extern char *cc_strncpy(char *to, const char *from, int len); extern void uc_strcat(unichar_t *, const char *); extern void uc_strncat(unichar_t *, const char *,int len); extern void cu_strcat(char *, const unichar_t *); extern void cu_strncat(char *, const unichar_t *,int len); extern void u_strcat(unichar_t *, const unichar_t *); extern void u_strncat(unichar_t *, const unichar_t *, int len); extern int u_strlen(const unichar_t *); /** * Like strlen() but passing a null pointer gets a 0 length */ extern int c_strlen(const char *); extern unichar_t *u_strchr(const unichar_t *,unichar_t); extern unichar_t *u_strrchr(const unichar_t *,unichar_t); extern unichar_t *uc_strstr(const unichar_t *,const char *); extern unichar_t *u_strstr(const unichar_t *,const unichar_t *); extern unichar_t *uc_strstrmatch(const unichar_t *,const char *); extern unichar_t *u_strstrmatch(const unichar_t *,const unichar_t *); extern char * strstrmatch(const char *,const char *); extern char *u_to_c(const unichar_t *); extern unichar_t *c_to_u(const char *); extern unsigned long u_strtoul(const unichar_t *,unichar_t **,int); extern long u_strtol(const unichar_t *,unichar_t **,int); extern double u_strtod(const unichar_t *,unichar_t **); /* * Convert the integer 'v' to a string and return it. * You do not own the return value, it is an internal buffer * so you should copy it before using the function again */ extern char* c_itostr( int v ); extern char *strstart(const char *initial,const char *full); extern char *strstartmatch(const char *initial,const char *full); extern unichar_t *u_strstartmatch(const unichar_t *initial, const unichar_t *full); extern unichar_t *cu_strstartmatch(const char *initial, const unichar_t *full); #define utf82u_strncpy utf82U_strncpy extern int32 utf8_ildb(const char **utf8_text); #define UTF8IDPB_NOZERO 1 /* Allow for 0 encoded as a non-zero utf8 0xc0:0x80 char */ #define UTF8IDPB_OLDLIMIT 2 /* Today's utf8 is agreed to be limited to {0..0x10FFFF} */ #define UTF8IDPB_UCS2 8 /* Encode {0...0xffff} as 16bit ucs2 type values */ #define UTF8IDPB_UTF16 16 /* Encode {0...0x10ffff} as 16bit utf16 type values */ #define UTF8IDPB_UTF32 32 /* Encode {0...0x10ffff} as 32bit utf32 type values */ extern char *utf8_idpb(char *utf8_text,uint32 ch,int flags); extern char *utf8_db(char *utf8_text); extern char *utf8_ib(char *utf8_text); extern int utf8_valid(const char *str); extern void utf8_truncatevalid(char *str); extern char *latin1_2_utf8_strcpy(char *utf8buf,const char *lbuf); extern char *latin1_2_utf8_copy(const char *lbuf); extern char *utf8_2_latin1_copy(const char *utf8buf); extern long utf8_strlen(const char *utf8_str); /* Count how many characters in the string NOT bytes */ extern long utf82u_strlen(const char *utf8_str); /* Count how many shorts needed to represent in UCS2 */ extern void utf8_strncpy(register char *to, const char *from, int len); /* copy n characters NOT bytes */ extern char *def2utf8_copy(const char *from); extern char *utf82def_copy(const char *ufrom); extern char *utf8_strchr(const char *utf8_str, int search_char); extern unichar_t *utf82u_strncpy(unichar_t *ubuf,const char *utf8buf,int len); extern unichar_t *utf82u_strcpy(unichar_t *ubuf,const char *utf8buf); extern void utf82u_strcat(unichar_t *ubuf,const char *utf8buf); extern unichar_t *utf82u_copyn(const char *utf8buf,int len); extern unichar_t *utf82u_copy(const char *utf8buf); extern char *u2utf8_strcpy(char *utf8buf,const unichar_t *ubuf); extern char *u2utf8_copy(const unichar_t *ubuf); extern char *u2utf8_copyn(const unichar_t *ubuf,int len); extern unichar_t *encoding2u_strncpy(unichar_t *uto, const char *from, int n, enum encoding cs); extern char *u2encoding_strncpy(char *to, const unichar_t *ufrom, size_t n, enum encoding cs); extern unichar_t *def2u_strncpy(unichar_t *uto, const char *from, size_t n); extern char *u2def_strncpy(char *to, const unichar_t *ufrom, size_t n); extern unichar_t *def2u_copy(const char *from); extern char *u2def_copy(const unichar_t *ufrom); extern int uAllAscii(const unichar_t *str); extern int AllAscii(const char *); extern char *StripToASCII(const char *utf8_str); extern char *copytolower(const char *); extern int endswith(const char *haystack,const char *needle); extern int endswithi(const char *haystack,const char *needle); extern int endswithi_partialExtension( const char *haystack,const char *needle); /** * Remove trailing \n or \r from the given string. No memory * allocations are performed, null is injected over these terminators * to trim the string. * * This function is designed to be impotent if called with a string * that does not end with \n or \r. ie, you don't need to redundantly * check if there is a newline at the end of string and not call here * if there is no newline. You can just call here with any string and * be assured that afterwards there will be no trailing newline or * carrage return character found at the end of the string pointed to * by 'p'. */ extern char* chomp( char* p ); /** * Return true if the haystack plain string ends with the string * needle. Return 0 otherwise. * * Needles which are larger than the haystack are handled. * * No new strings are allocated, freed, or returned. */ int endswith(const char *haystack,const char *needle); /** * Return true if the haystack unicode string ends with the string needle. * Return 0 otherwise. * * Needles which are larger than the haystack are handled. * * No new strings are allocated, freed, or returned. */ extern int u_endswith(const unichar_t *haystack,const unichar_t *needle); extern int u_startswith(const unichar_t *haystack,const unichar_t *needle); extern int uc_startswith(const unichar_t *haystack,const char* needle); /** * In the string 's' replace all occurances of 'orig' with 'replacement'. * If you set free_s to true then the string 's' will be freed by this function. * Normally you want to set free_s to 0 to avoid that. The case you will want to * use free_s to 1 is chaining many calls like: * * char* s = copy( input ); * s = str_replace_all( s, "foo", "bar", 1 ); * s = str_replace_all( s, "baz", "gah", 1 ); * // use s * free(s); * // no leaks in the above. * * Note that 's' is first copied before the first call to replace_all in the above * so it can be freed without concern. This also allows the ordering of replace_all * in the above to be changed without having to worry about the free_s flag. */ extern char* str_replace_all( char* s, char* orig, char* replacement, int free_s ); int toint( char* v ); char* tostr( int v ); #endif