$! EJG - 02-Jul-1996 - Made from Make.com $! PWD - 03-Mar-1997 - Add t1part.c $! Changes: $! $! Added HPS define to compilation. $! Skip all the questions at the beginning and go straight to compile. $! Reorder modules (bbox and emspecial) to be in alphabetical order $! during compile. $! Add hps.c to compile. $! Add hps to link. $! Remove option file from links. $! Add /standard=vaxc to all cc commands $! Remove FONTLIB (if included, need to define FLINAME and FLIPATH, but $! before I do this I need to find out what a font library is!) $! $! PWD: add t1part.c to compile and link $! change TEX$POSTSCRIPT to TEX_POSTSCRIPT $ ! $ ! dvips for VAX/VMS $ ! $ ! $ ! Use to compile and link dvips with VAXC under VMS. Before using $ ! this command file you must set the following definitions according $ ! to your own environment; $ ! $ ! TFMPATH - The directory where TFM files live ( needed for $ ! the compilation of dvips.c ). Be sure and include $ ! the needed directory separator in the path ( i.e. $ ! TEX_FONTS: ) $ ! PKPATH - The directory where PK files live ( needed for the $ ! compilation of dvips.c ). You should also decided $ ! whether you need VMS_ROOTED ( needed for the $ ! compilation of loadfont.c ) defined so that $ ! PKPATH will be interpreted as a rooted directory $ ! under VMS. Be sure and include the needed directory $ ! separator in the path ( i.e. TEX_FONTS: ). $ ! HEADERPATH - The directory where the PostScript prologue file $ ! live ( needed for the compilation of output.c & $ ! dvips.c). Be sure and include a trailing comma in $ ! your definition of the header path as dvips uses this $ ! definition as a path for both PostScript prologue $ ! files and files which are included with \special $ ! options. This definition should be a comma $ ! separated list of directories where dvips will $ ! look for a specified file. As an example; $ ! $ ! "HEADERPATH=""TEX_POSTSCRIPT:,SYS$LOGIN:,""" $ ! $ ! to look first in TEX_POSTSCRIPT:, then in SYS$LOGIN:, $ ! and finally in the current default directory. $ ! CONFIGPATH - The directory where the configuration file lives $ ! ( needed for the compilation of resident.c ). Be $ ! sure and include the needed directory separator $ ! in the path ( i.e. TEX_POSTSCRIPT: ). $ ! $ ! FIGPATH - Where the .ps and .eps files are $ ! $ ! After dvips has been compiled and linked the user will be given the $ ! option of compressing the PostScript prologue files which are used $ ! by dvips and copying the resultant prologue files to the specifed $ ! HEADERPATH. The user will also be given the option of copying the $ ! dvips image file to the area where TeX related images are stored. $ ! Answering "yes" to either of these options should be done only if $ ! the user has write priviledges to the directories which are specified. $ ! $ ! Command file by: Robert Schneider $ ! Department of Petroleum Engineering $ ! The University of Texas at Austin $ ! $ ! October 1989 $ ! $ ! Updates by: Earle Ake $ ! Science Applications International Corporation $ ! Dayton, Ohio $ ! ake@dayton.saic.com $ ! $ ! Updated for DVIPS 5.34 $ ! August 1990 $ ! $ ! Ted Nieland $ ! Control Data Corporation $ ! DECUS TeX Collection Editor $ ! ted@nieland.dayton.oh.us $ ! $ ! Updated for DVIPS 5.47, February 1991 $ ! $ ! Updated for DVIPS 5.474, March 1992 $ ! Earle F. Ake $ ! $! Updated for DVIPS 5.493, Sept 1992 $! Added HAVE_GETCWD,ANSI in CC for $! dvips.c and resident.c $! Max Calvani $! calvani@astrpd.astro.it $! $! Updated for DVIPS 5.495, Oct. 1992 $! calvani@astrpd.astro.it $! $! Updated for DVIPS 5.499, Jan. 1993 $! Added FONTLIB support $! calvani@astrpd.astro.it $! $ on error then goto bad_exit $ on severe_error then goto bad_exit $ ! $ TFMPATH = "TEX_FONTS:" $ PKPATH = "TEX_PKDIR:" $ VFPATH = "TEX_VFDIR:" $ HEADERPATH = "TEX_POSTSCRIPT:,TEX_INPUTS:,SYS$LOGIN:,SYS$DISK:[]," ! PWD $ PLACEHEADER_DIR = "TEX_POSTSCRIPT:,TEX_ROOT:[TEX.DVIDRIVERS]" ! Changed by PWD $ CONFIGPATH = "TEX_POSTSCRIPT:" !Changed by PWD $ FIGPATH = "TEX_INPUTS:,SYS$DISK:" $ TPIC = ",TPIC" $ EMTEX = ",EMTEX" $! FONTLIB = ",FONTLIB" !EJG 02-Jul-1996 $ FONTLIB = "" !EJG 02-Jul-1996 $ VMS_ROOTED = ",VMS_ROOTED" $ TEXEXEPATH = "TEX_DISK:[TEX.EXE]" $ DEBUG = ",DEBUG" $ HPS = ",HPS" !EJG 02-Jul-1996 $ GOTO DOCOMPILE !EJG 02-Jul-1996 $ ! $ write sys$output " " $ inquire/nop ANSWER "Have you read the file VMS_INSTALL.TXT [no]? " $ if ANSWER .eqs. "" then ANSWER = 0 $ if ANSWER then goto read_instructions $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output "Please read the VMS_INSTALL.TXT file, edit this command" $ write sys$output "file if necessary, and then execute this file again." $ write sys$output " " $ exit $ read_instructions: $ write sys$output " " $ inquire/nop ANSWER "Compile sources [no]? " $ if ANSWER .eqs. "" then ANSWER = 0 $ if .not. ANSWER then goto linkstep $ ! $ get_definitions: $ write sys$output " " $ ! $ inquire/nop ANSWER "TFM path [''TFMPATH']? " $ if ANSWER .nes. "" then TFMPATH = ANSWER $ inquire/nop ANSWER "PK path [''PKPATH']? " $ if ANSWER .nes. "" then PKPATH = ANSWER $ inquire/nop ANSWER "VF path [''VFPATH']? " $ if ANSWER .nes. "" then VFPATH = ANSWER $ inquire/nop ANSWER "PostScript HEADER path [''HEADERPATH']? " $ if ANSWER .nes. "" then HEADERPATH = ANSWER $ inquire/nop ANSWER "PostScript CONFIG path [''CONFIGPATH'])? " $ if ANSWER .nes. "" then CONFIGPATH = ANSWER $ inquire/nop ANSWER "FIG path [''FIGPATH'])? " $ if ANSWER .nes. "" then FIGPATH = ANSWER $ inquire/nop ANSWER "Do you want TPIC support [yes]? " $ if ANSWER .eqs. "" then ANSWER = 1 $ if .not. ANSWER then TPIC = "" $ inquire/nop ANSWER "Do you want EMTEX support [yes]? " $ if ANSWER .eqs. "" then ANSWER = 1 $ if .not. ANSWER then EMTEX = "" $ inquire/nop ANSWER "Do you want FONTLIB support [yes]? " $ if ANSWER .eqs. "" then ANSWER = 1 $ if .not. ANSWER then FONTLIB = "" $ inquire/nop ANSWER "Do you want DEBUG support [yes]? " $ if ANSWER .eqs. "" then ANSWER = 1 $ if .not. ANSWER then DEBUG = "" $ inquire/nop ANSWER "Is ''PKPATH' a rooted directory [yes]? " $ if ANSWER .eqs. "" then ANSWER = 1 $ if .not. ANSWER then VMS_ROOTED = "" $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output "dvips will be compiled with the following definitions;" $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output "TFMPATH = ",TFMPATH $ write sys$output "PKPATH = ",PKPATH $ write sys$output "VFPATH = ",VFPATH $ write sys$output "HEADERPATH = ",HEADERPATH $ write sys$output "CONFIGPATH = ",CONFIGPATH $ write sys$output "FIGPATH = ",FIGPATH $ if TPIC .eqs. "" then - write sys$output "TPIC support is not enabled." $ if TPIC .nes. "" then - write sys$output "TPIC support is enabled." $ if FONTLIB .eqs. "" then - write sys$output "FONTLIB support is not enabled." $ if FONTLIB .nes. "" then - write sys$output "FONTLIB support is enabled." $ if EMTEX .eqs. "" then - write sys$output "EMTEX support is not enabled." $ if EMTEX .nes. "" then - write sys$output "EMTEX support is enabled." $ if DEBUG .eqs. "" then - write sys$output "DEBUG support is not enabled." $ if DEBUG .nes. "" then - write sys$output "DEBUG support is enabled." $ if VMS_ROOTED .eqs. "" then - write sys$output PKPATH," is not a rooted directory." $ if VMS_ROOTED .nes. "" then - write sys$output PKPATH," is a rooted directory." $ write sys$output " " $ inquire/nop ANSWER "Is this correct [yes]? " $ if ANSWER .eqs. "" then ANSWER = 1 $ if .not. ANSWER then goto get_definitions $ ! $DOCOMPILE: !EJG 02-Jul-1996 $ if VMS_ROOTED .nes. "" then PKPATH = "''PKPATH'[%d]%f.PK" $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output "Compiling sources ..." $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output "afm2tfm.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') AFM2TFM.C $ write sys$output "bbox.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') BBOX.C $ write sys$output "color.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') COLOR.C $ write sys$output "dopage.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS''EMTEX') DOPAGE.C $ write sys$output "dosection.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') DOSECTION.C $ write sys$output "dospecial.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS''TPIC') DOSPECIAL.C $ write sys$output "download.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') DOWNLOAD.C $ write sys$output "dpicheck.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') DPICHECK.C $ write sys$output "drawps.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS''TPIC') DRAWPS.C $ write sys$output "dviinput.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') DVIINPUT.C $ write sys$output "dvips.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS',"TFMPATH=""''TFMPATH'""","PKPATH=""''PKPATH'""", - "VFPATH=""''VFPATH'""","FIGPATH=""''FIGPATH'""",HAVE_GETCWD,ANSI, - "CONFIGPATH=""''CONFIGPATH'""","HEADERPATH=""''HEADERPATH'""") DVIPS.C $ write sys$output "emspecial.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS''EMTEX') EMSPECIAL.C $ write sys$output "finclude.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /DEF=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') FINCLUDE.C $ write sys$output "flib.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /DEF=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS''FONTLIB') FLIB.C $ write sys$output "fontdef.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') FONTDEF.C $ write sys$output "header.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') HEADER.C $ write sys$output "hps.c ..." !EJG 02-Jul-1996 $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') HPS.C !EJG 02-Jul-1996 $ write sys$output "loadfont.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') LOADFONT.C $ write sys$output "makefont.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') MAKEFONT.C $ write sys$output "output.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS',"HEADERPATH=""''HEADERPATH'""") OUTPUT.C $ write sys$output "papersiz.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') PAPERSIZ.C $ write sys$output "pprescan.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') PPRESCAN.C $ write sys$output "prescan.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') PRESCAN.C $ write sys$output "repack.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') REPACK.C $ write sys$output "resident.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS',"CONFIGPATH=""''CONFIGPATH'""",HAVE_GETCWD,ANSI) - RESIDENT.C $ write sys$output "scalewidth.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') SCALEWIDTH.C $ write sys$output "scanpage.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') SCANPAGE.C $ write sys$output "search.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') SEARCH.C $ write sys$output "skippage.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') SKIPPAGE.C $ write sys$output "squeeze.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') SQUEEZE.C $ write sys$output "t1part.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') T1PART.C $ write sys$output "tfmload.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') TFMLOAD.C $ write sys$output "unpack.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') UNPACK.C $ write sys$output "virtualfont.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') VIRTUALFONT.C $ ! $ ! vaxvms fixes some irritating problems with VAXC ( particulary $ ! fseek and ftell ). Thanks to Nelson Beebee at Utah. $ ! $ write sys$output "vaxvms.c ..." $ cc/standard=vaxc /define=(VMS'DEBUG''HPS') [.VMS]VAXVMS.C $ ! $ linkstep: $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output "Linking dvips ..." $ link /exe=dvips dvips,dopage,dosection,dospecial,download,dpicheck,drawps, - t1part, - dviinput,header,hps,finclude,flib,fontdef,loadfont,tfmload,prescan, - scanpage,skippage,output,scalewidth,resident,search,unpack, - makefont,repack,virtualfont,vaxvms,color,papersiz,pprescan, - bbox,emspecial !EJG 02-Jul-1996 $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output "Linking squeeze ..." $ link /exe=squeeze squeeze,vaxvms !EJG 02-Jul-1996 $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output "Linking afm2tfm ..." $ write sys$output " " $ link /exe=afm2tfm afm2tfm,vaxvms !EJG 02-Jul-1996 $ exit !EJG 02-Jul-1996 $ ! $ inquire/nop ANSWER - "Do you wish to compress the PostScript prologue files [no]? " $ if ANSWER .eqs. "" then ANSWER = 0 $ if .not. ANSWER then goto copy_prologue $ squeeze :== $'f$environment("DEFAULT")'squeeze.exe $ write sys$output " " $ set verify $ squeeze COLOR.LPRO COLOR.PRO $ squeeze FINCLUDE.LPRO FINCLUDE.PRO $ squeeze TEX.LPRO TEX.PRO $ squeeze TEXC.LPRO TEXC.PRO $ squeeze TEXPS.LPRO TEXPS.PRO $ squeeze SPECIAL.LPRO SPECIAL.PRO $ squeeze CROP.LPRO CROP.PRO $ squeeze HPS.LPRO HPS.PRO $ verify = 'f$verify(0) $ write sys$output " " $ copy_prologue: $ FIRSTPATH = PLACEHEADER_DIR $ inquire/nop ANSWER - "Do you wish to copy the prologue files to ''FIRSTPATH' [yes]? " $ if ANSWER .eqs. "" then ANSWER = 1 $ if .not. ANSWER then goto copy_config $ write sys$output " " $ set verify $ copy COLOR.PRO 'FIRSTPATH'COLOR.PRO $ copy FINCLUDE.PRO 'FIRSTPATH'FINCLUDE.PRO $ copy TEX.PRO 'FIRSTPATH'TEX.PRO $ copy TEXC.PRO 'FIRSTPATH'TEXC.PRO $ copy TEXPS.PRO 'FIRSTPATH'TEXPS.PRO $ copy SPECIAL.PRO 'FIRSTPATH'SPECIAL.PRO $ copy HPS.PRO 'FIRSTPATH'HPS.PRO $ copy CROP.PRO 'FIRSTPATH'CROP.PRO $ set protection=(s:rwed,o:rwed,g:re,w:re) 'FIRSTPATH'COLOR.PRO $ set protection=(s:rwed,o:rwed,g:re,w:re) 'FIRSTPATH'FINCLUDE.PRO $ set protection=(s:rwed,o:rwed,g:re,w:re) 'FIRSTPATH'TEX.PRO $ set protection=(s:rwed,o:rwed,g:re,w:re) 'FIRSTPATH'TEXC.PRO $ set protection=(s:rwed,o:rwed,g:re,w:re) 'FIRSTPATH'SPECIAL.PRO $ set protection=(s:rwed,o:rwed,g:re,w:re) 'FIRSTPATH'TEXPS.PRO $ set protection=(s:rwed,o:rwed,g:re,w:re) 'FIRSTPATH'HPS.PRO $ set protection=(s:rwed,o:rwed,g:re,w:re) 'FIRSTPATH'CROP.PRO $ verify = 'f$verify(0) $ write sys$output " " $ copy_config: $ FIRSTPATH = PLACEHEADER_DIR $ inquire/nop ANSWER - "Do you wish to copy the CONFIG.PS file to ''FIRSTPATH' [yes]? " $ if ANSWER .eqs. "" then ANSWER = 1 $ if .not. ANSWER then goto copy_image $ write sys$output " " $ set verify $ copy CONFIG.PS 'FIRSTPATH'CONFIG.PS $ set protection=(s:rwed,o:rwed,g:re,w:re) 'FIRSTPATH'CONFIG.PS $ verify = 'f$verify(0) $ write sys$output " " $ copy_image: $ inquire/nop ANSWER "Do you wish to copy DVIPS.EXE to the TeX area [yes]? " $ if ANSWER .eqs. "" then ANSWER = 1 $ if .not. ANSWER then goto done $ inquire/nop ANSWER "TeX image area [''TEXEXEPATH']? " $ if ANSWER .nes. "" THEN TEXEXEPATH = ANSWER $ write sys$output " " $ set verify $ copy dvips.exe 'TEXEXEPATH' $ set protect=(s:rwed,o:rwed,g:re,w:re) 'TEXEXEPATH'dvips.exe $ verify = 'f$verify(0) $ write sys$output " " $ done: $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output "Be sure to add dvips to your CLI by using the SET " $ write sys$output "COMMAND syntax and do the other steps which are" $ write sys$output "necessary to finish up the installation of dvips." $ write sys$output " " $ goto good_exit $ bad_exit: $ write sys$output " " $ write sys$output "Something's wrong here. You might want to take a look" $ write sys$output "at the offending code or command and start over." $ write sys$output " " $ exit $ good_exit: $ write sys$output "Done." $ write sys$output " " $ exit $! --------------------- EOF -------------------------------------