/* * Here's the code to load a VF file into memory. * Any resemblance between this file and loadfont.c is purely uncoincidental. */ #include "dvips.h" /* The copyright notice in that file is included too! */ #ifdef KPATHSEA #include #include #endif /* * The external declarations: */ #include "protos.h" /* * Now we have some routines to get stuff from the VF file. * Subroutine vfbyte returns the next byte. */ static FILE *vffile; static char name[500]; static void badvf(const char *s) { char *msg = concatn("! Bad VF file ", name, ": ", s, NULL); error(msg); } static shalfword vfbyte(void) { register shalfword i; if ((i=getc(vffile))==EOF) badvf("unexpected eof"); return(i); } static integer vfquad(void) { register integer i; i = vfbyte(); if (i > 127) i -= 256; i = i * 256 + vfbyte(); i = i * 256 + vfbyte(); i = i * 256 + vfbyte(); return(i); } static integer vftrio(void) { register integer i; i = vfbyte(); i = i * 256 + vfbyte(); i = i * 256 + vfbyte(); return(i); } static int vfopen(register fontdesctype *fd) { register char *n; #ifndef KPATHSEA register char *d; #endif n = fd->name; #ifndef KPATHSEA d = fd->area; if (*d==0) d = vfpath; #endif if (strlen(n) + 5 >= sizeof (name)) { /* 5 for vf() + null */ error("! VF file name too long in vfopen"); } #ifdef MVSXA /* IBM: MVS/XA */ sprintf(name, "vf(%s)", n); #else sprintf(name, "%s.vf", n); #endif #ifdef KPATHSEA if (0 != (vffile=search(vfpath, name, READBIN))) #else if (0 != (vffile=search(d, name, READBIN))) #endif return(1); if (!noomega) #ifdef KPATHSEA if (0 != (vffile=search(ovfpath, n, READBIN))) #else if (0 != (vffile=search(d, n, READBIN))) #endif return(2); return(0); } /* * The following routine is like fontdef, but for local fontdefs in VF files. */ static fontmaptype * vfontdef(integer s, int siz) { register integer i, j, fn; register fontdesctype *fp; register fontmaptype *cfnt; char *nam, *area; integer cksum, scsize, dssize; fn = vfbyte(); while (siz-- > 1) fn = (fn << 8) + vfbyte(); cfnt = (fontmaptype *)mymalloc((integer)sizeof(fontmaptype)); cfnt->fontnum = fn; cksum = vfquad(); scsize = scalewidth(s, vfquad()); dssize = (integer)(alpha * (real)vfquad()); i = vfbyte(); j = vfbyte(); if (nextstring + i + j > maxstring) error("! out of string space"); area = nextstring; for (; i>0; i--) *nextstring++ = vfbyte(); *nextstring++ = 0; nam = nextstring; for (; j>0; j--) *nextstring++ = vfbyte(); *nextstring++ = 0; fp = matchfont(nam, area, scsize, (char *)0); if (fp) { nextstring = nam; fp->checksum = cksum; } else { fp = newfontdesc(cksum, scsize, dssize, nam, area); fp->next = fonthead; fonthead = fp; } cfnt->desc = fp; return (cfnt); } /* * Now our virtualfont routine. */ Boolean virtualfont(register fontdesctype *curfnt) { register integer i, j; register shalfword cmd; register integer k; register integer length; register integer cc; register chardesctype *cd; integer scaledsize = curfnt->scaledsize; integer no_of_chars=256; integer maxcc=255; register quarterword *tempr; fontmaptype *fm, *newf; int kindfont; kindfont = vfopen(curfnt); /* 1 for TeX and pTeX, 2 for Omega */ if (!kindfont) return (0); #ifdef DEBUG if (dd(D_FONTS)) fprintf(stderr,"Loading virtual font %s at %.1fpt\n", name, (real)scaledsize/(alpha*0x100000)); #endif /* DEBUG */ /* * We clear out some pointers: */ if (kindfont==2) { no_of_chars = VF_MEM_UNIT; curfnt->maxchars=VF_MEM_UNIT; free(curfnt->chardesc); curfnt->chardesc = (chardesctype *) mymalloc(VF_MEM_UNIT * (integer)sizeof(chardesctype)); } for (i=0; ichardesc[i].TFMwidth = 0; curfnt->chardesc[i].packptr = NULL; curfnt->chardesc[i].pixelwidth = 0; curfnt->chardesc[i].flags = 0; curfnt->chardesc[i].flags2 = 0; } if (vfbyte()!=247) badvf("expected pre"); if (vfbyte()!=202) badvf("wrong id byte"); for(i=vfbyte(); i>0; i--) vfbyte(); k = vfquad(); check_checksum (k, curfnt->checksum, curfnt->name); k = (integer)(alpha * (real)vfquad()); if (k > curfnt->designsize + 2 || k < curfnt->designsize - 2) { int id = 0; if (!noptex) { tfmopen(curfnt); /* We check if parent is jfm or not. */ id = tfm16(); fclose(tfmfile); } if (id != 9 && id != 11) { char *msg = concat("Design size mismatch in font ", name); error(msg); free(msg); } } /* * Now we look for font definitions. */ fm = NULL; while ((cmd=vfbyte())>=243) { if (cmd>246) badvf("unexpected command in preamble"); newf = vfontdef(scaledsize, cmd-242); if (fm) fm->next = newf; else curfnt->localfonts = newf; fm = newf; fm->next = NULL; /* FIFO */ } /* * Now we get down to the serious business of reading character definitions. */ do { if (cmd==242) { length = vfquad() + 2; if (length<2) badvf("negative length packet"); if (length>65535) badvf("packet too long"); cc = vfquad(); if (cc>=no_of_chars && ccchardesc = (chardesctype *)xrealloc(curfnt->chardesc, sizeof(chardesctype)*j); for (i=no_of_chars; ichardesc[i].TFMwidth = 0; curfnt->chardesc[i].packptr = NULL; curfnt->chardesc[i].pixelwidth = 0; curfnt->chardesc[i].flags = 0; curfnt->chardesc[i].flags2 = 0; } no_of_chars = j; curfnt->maxchars=no_of_chars; } else if (cc<0 || cc>=no_of_chars) badvf("character code out of range"); cd = curfnt->chardesc + cc; cd->TFMwidth = scalewidth(vfquad(), scaledsize); } else { length = cmd + 2; cc = vfbyte(); cd = curfnt->chardesc + cc; cd->TFMwidth = scalewidth(vftrio(), scaledsize); } maxcc = (maxccTFMwidth >= 0) cd->pixelwidth = ((integer)(conv*cd->TFMwidth+0.5)); else cd->pixelwidth = -((integer)(conv*-cd->TFMwidth+0.5)); cd->flags = EXISTS; cd->flags2 = EXISTS; if (bytesleft < length) { #ifdef DEBUG if (dd(D_MEM)) fprintf(stderr, #ifdef SHORTINT "Allocating new raster memory (%ld req, %ld left)\n", #else "Allocating new raster memory (%d req, %ld left)\n", #endif length, bytesleft); #endif /* DEBUG */ if (length > MINCHUNK) { tempr = (quarterword *)mymalloc((integer)length); bytesleft = 0; } else { raster = (quarterword *)mymalloc((integer)RASTERCHUNK); tempr = raster; bytesleft = RASTERCHUNK - length; raster += length; } } else { tempr = raster; bytesleft -= length; raster += length; } cd->packptr = tempr; length -= 2; *tempr++ = length / 256; *tempr++ = length % 256; for (; length>0; length--) *tempr++ = vfbyte(); cmd = vfbyte(); } while (cmd < 243); if (cmd != 248) badvf("missing postamble"); fclose(vffile); curfnt->loaded = 2; if (maxcc+1chardesc = (chardesctype *) xrealloc(curfnt->chardesc, (maxcc+1) * (integer)sizeof(chardesctype)); curfnt->maxchars=maxcc+1; } return (1); }