This file contains the read-me file for the PSTricks package, including information on how to obtain PSTricks, and a PostScript file that gives an idea of what the package has to offer. *********************************************************************** **** "readme" file for PSTricks package, v0.92, 92/10/02 **** *********************************************************************** COPYRIGHT 1992, by Timothy Van Zandt, tvz@Princeton.EDU COPYING: Copying of part or all of any file in the PSTricks package is allowed under the following conditions only: (1) You may freely distribute unchanged copies of the files. Please include the documentation when you do so. (2) You may modify a renamed copy of any file, but only for personal use or use within an organization. (3) You may copy fragments from the files, for personal use or for use in a macro package for distribution, as long as credit is given where credit is due. You are NOT ALLOWED to take money for the distribution or use of these files or modified versions or fragments thereof, except for a nominal charge for copying etc. DESCRIPTION: pstricks.tex is an extensive collection of PostScript macros that is compatible with most TeX macro packages, including Plain TeX , LaTeX AmSTeX and AmS-LaTeX. Included are macros for color, graphics, rotation, trees and overlays. It has several special features: * There is a wide variety of graphics (picture drawing) macros, with a flexible interface and with color support. All lines and outlines can be solid, dotted or dashed. Lines and curves can have arrowheads, t-bars, brackets or circles on the ends. Regions can be filled with solid colors, lines or crosshatch. * There is support for polar and cartesian coordinate systems. * There are macros for plots and axes. * Nested rotations can be made with respect to the physical page. * There are flexible node macros, useful for trees, mathematical diagrams, and linking information of any kind. * There is a powerful loop macro that is useful for making pictures. * There are macros for coloring or shading the cells of tables. PSTricks puts the icing (PostScript) on your cake (TeX)! GETTING PSTRICKS The PSTricks package is available from the /pub directory at Princeton.EDU, and at other archives. A bug list pstricks.bug is kept up-to-date on Princeton.EDU. Send requests to get on or off the PSTricks mailing list to the author. FILES: Inputs: pstricks.tex : The main macro file, for use with a header file. pstricks.sty : The same as pstricks.tex, but the .sty extension. pstricks.con : The configuration file for pstricks.tex. multido.tex : Contains the \multido macro. multido.sty : Same as multido.tex, but with .sty extension. Contributed: pallete.tex : A palette of RGB colors, by Fred Knight. pallete.sty : The same as pallete.tex, but with .sty extension. Documentation: : User's Guide, part I. : User's Guide, part II. : Quick Reference. samples.pst : A LaTeX file of samples. pst-test.tex : A Plain TeX test file. changes.pst : An ASCII list of changes. : Documentation for multido.tex. Sources: pstricks.doc : Documentation and code for pstricks.tex. pst-code.tex : LaTeX file for typesetting pstricks.doc. pst-user.tex : LaTeX source for User's Guide. defaults.pst : List of parameter defaults, for pst-user.tex. tvz-hax.sty : Macros for pst-user.tex and pst-code.tex. npsfont.sty : Macros for pst-user.tex. pst-make.tex : For making pstricks.tex and from pstricks.doc Other: read-me.pst : This file. : A PostScript prologue (for use with dvips). PRINTING THE USER'S GUIDE: The User's Guide is distributed in PostScript format as and There is also a quick reference, Sun Newsprint/Pageview users: See relevant section below. For printing on a4 paper: See relevant section below. The User's Guide uses less than 150K of virtual memory, which is well below the minimal PostScript configuration. If you run out of memory, try turning off the printer to flush out stuff left in memory from previous jobs. Any other problems printing and should be reported to me. However, you are on your own if you choose to typeset the LaTeX source (pst-user.tex). LaTeXing pst-user.tex is NOT a good way to test PSTricks, as there are too many other macros involved. PRINTING THE USER'S GUIDE ON A4 PAPER: You may find that it prints fine as is, but you might want to try making the following changes to the .ps files (this stuff is printer dependent): Change these lines: OLD: %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792 TeXDict begin 40258431 52099146 1000 300 300 @start /Fa 134[33 NEW: %%BoundingBox: 0 0 596 842 TeXDict begin 39158280 55380996 1000 300 300 @start /Fa 134[33 Add this just before %%EndComments: %%DocumentPaperSizes: a4 Add these just before %%EndSetup. %%BeginPaperSize: a4 a4 %%EndPaperSize INSTALLATION FOR USERS OF ROKICKI'S DVIPS: 1. Put the input files where your TeX looks for inputs. 2. Put the file where dvips looks for headers. Probably /usr/lib/tex/ps on unix systems. 3. Typeset the LaTeX file samples.pst as a test and to see the samples. 3. Have fun! INSTALLATION FOR USERS OF ARBORTEXT'S DVIPS AND TEXTURES: 1. Examine the configuration file pstricks.con. Uncomment the \iffalse...\fi surrounding the commands for Rokicki's dvips. Comment out the \iffalse...\fi surrounding the commands for Arbortext's dvips or Textures. 2. If using Textures, decide whether you want to use a header file. Uncomment the definition of \pstheader if you do. 3. Run pst-make through Plain TeX or LaTeX. This generates pstricks.tex and possibly 4. Follow the instructions above for Rokicki's dvips, using the pstricks.tex and files that you generated rather than the ones that came with the package. INSTALLATION FOR USERS OF OTHER DVI-TO-PS DRIVERS: PSTricks should be adaptable to other drivers with similar capabilities. Feel free to contact me for help. 1. Use pstricks.doc as your input file for now (rather than pstricks.tex). 2. Examine the configuration file pstricks.con. Uncomment the \iffalse...\fi surrounding the commands for Rokicki's dvips. Try to define the required commands appropriately for you driver, but don't use a header file yet (i.e., leave \pstheader undefined). 3. Run pst-test.tex through Plain TeX until you get things to work as well as possible. You may not be able to use all of PSTricks features, but if you can define \pstverb and \pstunit, you at least can use all the graphics objects. 4. Decide whether your driver supports inclusion of a PostScript header file. (PSTricks runs much more efficiently with a header,) If so, define \pstheader appropriately in pstricks.con. 5. Run pst-make through Plain TeX or LaTeX. This generates pstricks.tex and possibly 6. Follow the instructions above for Rokicki's dvips, using the pstricks.tex and files that you generated rather than the ones that came with the package. UPGRADING FROM VERSION 0.91: You need to reinstall the package in its entirety, including There are a few incompatible changes, described in changes.pst. The User's Guide is greatly improved -- check it out. UPGRADING FROM VERSION 0.9 OR EARLIER: Much has changed. You should reinstall the package in its entirety. \dbox and \rotate have been removed. \psput has been replaced by \rput, with new syntax. However, the command \OldPsput defines \psput to work with the old syntax; the command \NewPsput defines \psput to work with the new syntax. See the pst-chan.ges for more information. TIPS FOR HACKERS: The file pstricks.doc contains the documentation and code, using Frank Mittelbach's doc system. You can typeset this, if desired, by running LaTeX on pst-code.tex. See pst-code.tex for details. Don't expect too much from the documentation. If you want to modify the internals of PSTricks, don't use a PostScript header file (i.e., don't define \pstheader in pstricks.con) and use pstricks.doc as your input file. This allows you to modify both the TeX and the PostScript macros. When you don't expect to make more changes for a while, run pst-make to generate a new compact macro file and a new PostScript header file (if desired). If using a header file, don't forget to redefine \pstheader in pstricks.con. Beware that the internal code in PSTricks is still unstable. USING PSTRICKS WITH SUN'S PAGEVIEW/NEWSPRINT/OPENWINDOWS Sun's PageView/NeWSPrint/OpenWindows have many bugs. Workarounds for several known problems of these have been coded into PSTricks. A workaround for another bug is described below. Report other problems to me. A bug under Sun's PageView/NeWSprint 3.0 (perhaps fixed in 3.0.1), causes arrows to disturb the lines. To see if you have this problem, try previewing the section in on axes. Here is a workaround: If using a header, append the following to /EndArrow { x2 y2 currentpoint grestore angle matrix identmatrix rotate transform y1 add exch x1 add exch end } def Do this in and as well. If not using a header file, add the following to the end of pstricks.con: \pst@def{EndArrow}<% x2 y2 currentpoint grestore angle matrix identmatrix rotate transform y1 add exch x1 add exch end> CONTRIBUTING TO PSTRICKS Please send me: * Whatever you can spare. * Pretty/interesting/clever things you have created with PSTricks, for possible inclusion in the User's Guide or pst-samp.tex. Don't be bashful! * High level macros for trees/graphs, math diagrams, and linguistic diagrams, based on PSTricks' node macros. * Any other macros based on PSTricks. * Contributions to the Tips and Tricks section of the User's Guide. * Reports on +/- experiences with DVI-to-PS converters and previewers. * Bug reports. * pstricks.doc -- cleaned up, optimized, and documented. * To Nepal. PSTRICKS AND SEMINAR.STY The PSTricks package grew out of macros originally written for the seminar.sty package. seminar.sty is a LaTeX style for slides and notes. seminar.sty, combined with pstricks.tex and your favorite macros for inclusion of EPS files, make a complete TeX presentation software package. PSTricks v0.92 works with seminar.sty version 0.92, and maybe later versions as well. The seminar.sty package is also available from Princeton.EDU, and perhaps from wherever else you got PSTricks. ABOUT MULTIDO.TEX: multido.tex contains a loop macro that is useful for making pictures, among other things. See for details. multido.tex is required by PSTricks \psaxes macro. The complete multido.tex distribution (i.e., including sources) is available from the /pub directory at Princeton.EDU. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The basic idea for the node macros is from Emma Pease's tree-dvips.sty. The algorithm in the \pscurve macro was adapted from a C program by Shamim Zvonko Mohamed. Thanks to Geoffrey Tobin for helpful comments. The author is thankful to Frank Mittelbach for his documentation system. Thanks to various contributors to samples.pst. DISCLAIMERS: This is just an elaborate hack. Not for use as children's sleepware.