/* special.c */ /************************************************************************ Part of the dvipng distribution This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Jan-Åke Larsson ************************************************************************/ #include "dvipng.h" #define SKIPSPACES(s) while(s && *s==' ' && *s!='\0') s++ /* PostScript can come as a string (headers and raw specials) or a memory-mapped file (headers and included EPS figures). */ struct pscode { struct pscode* next; char* special; /* complete special */ char* code; /* PS string, null if a file */ char* filename; /* file name, null if a string */ char* postcode; /* post PS string */ struct filemmap fmmap; /* file mmap */ }; struct pscode* psheaderp=NULL; /* static, DVI-specific header list */ void PSCodeInit(struct pscode *entry, char *special) { entry->next=NULL; entry->special=special; entry->code=NULL; entry->filename=NULL; entry->postcode=NULL; entry->fmmap.data=NULL; if (special==NULL) return; if (strncmp(special,"header=",7)==0) entry->filename=special+7; else if (strncmp(special,"ps:: plotfile ",14)==0) entry->filename=special+14; else if (special[0]=='"' || special[0]=='!') entry->code=special+1; else if (strncmp(special,"ps::[begin]",11)==0) entry->code=special+11; else if (strncmp(special,"ps::[end]",9)==0) entry->code=special+9; else if (strncmp(special,"ps::",4)==0) entry->code=special+4; else if (strncmp(special,"ps:",3)==0) entry->code=special+3; else entry->code=special; #ifdef DEBUG if (entry->code!=NULL) DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_GS,(" '%s'",entry->code)); if (entry->filename!=NULL) DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_GS,(" {%s}",entry->filename)); if (entry->postcode!=NULL) DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_GS,(" '%s'",entry->postcode)); #endif } void ClearPSHeaders(void) { struct pscode *temp=psheaderp; while(temp!=NULL) { psheaderp=psheaderp->next; if (temp->fmmap.data!=NULL) UnMmapFile(&(temp->fmmap)); free(temp); temp=psheaderp; } } void writepscode(struct pscode* pscodep, FILE* psstream) { while (pscodep!=NULL) { if (pscodep->code!=NULL) { fputs(pscodep->code,psstream); putc('\n',psstream); DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_GS,("\n PS CODE:\t%s",pscodep->code)); } if (pscodep->filename!=NULL && pscodep->fmmap.data==NULL) { char* filepath= kpse_find_file(pscodep->filename,kpse_tex_ps_header_format,false); if (filepath==NULL) { Warning("Cannot find PostScript file %s, ignored", pscodep->filename); page_flags |= PAGE_GAVE_WARN; } else if (MmapFile(filepath,&(pscodep->fmmap))) { Warning("PostScript file %s unusable, ignored", pscodep->filename); page_flags |= PAGE_GAVE_WARN; } } if (pscodep->fmmap.data!=NULL) { unsigned char* position; DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_GS,("\n PS FILE:\t%s",pscodep->filename)); position=(unsigned char*)pscodep->fmmap.data; while(position < (unsigned char*)pscodep->fmmap.data + pscodep->fmmap.size) { putc(*position,psstream); position++; } } if (pscodep->postcode!=NULL) { fputs(pscodep->postcode,psstream); putc('\n',psstream); DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_GS,("\n PS POST CODE:\t%s",pscodep->postcode)); } pscodep=pscodep->next; } } gdImagePtr ps2png(struct pscode* pscodep, char *device, int hresolution, int vresolution, int llx, int lly, int urx, int ury, int bgred, int bggreen, int bgblue) { #ifndef MIKTEX int downpipe[2], uppipe[2]; pid_t pid; #else HANDLE hPngStream; HANDLE hPsStream; HANDLE hStdErr; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; _TCHAR szCommandLine[2048]; _TCHAR szGsPath[_MAX_PATH]; #define GS_PATH szGsPath int fd; #endif FILE *psstream=NULL, *pngstream=NULL; char resolution[STRSIZE]; /* char devicesize[STRSIZE]; */ gdImagePtr psimage=NULL; static bool showpage=false; sprintf(resolution, "-r%dx%d",hresolution,vresolution); /* Future extension for \rotatebox status=sprintf(devicesize, "-g%dx%d", //(int)((sin(atan(1.0))+1)* (urx - llx)*hresolution/72,//), //(int)((sin(atan(1.0))+1)* (ury - lly)*vresolution/72);//); */ DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_GS, ("\n GS CALL:\t%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s",/* %s", */ GS_PATH, device, resolution, /*devicesize,*/ "-dBATCH", "-dNOPAUSE", "-q", "-sOutputFile=-", "-dTextAlphaBits=4", "-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4", (option_flags & NO_GSSAFER) ? "-": "-dSAFER", (option_flags & NO_GSSAFER) ? "": "- ")); #ifndef MIKTEX if (pipe(downpipe) || pipe(uppipe)) return(NULL); /* Ready to fork */ pid = fork (); if (pid == 0) { /* Child process. Execute gs. */ close(downpipe[1]); dup2(downpipe[0], STDIN_FILENO); close(downpipe[0]); close(uppipe[0]); dup2(uppipe[1], STDOUT_FILENO); close(uppipe[1]); execlp(GS_PATH, GS_PATH, device, resolution, /*devicesize,*/ "-dBATCH", "-dNOPAUSE", "-q", "-sOutputFile=-", "-dTextAlphaBits=4", "-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4", (option_flags & NO_GSSAFER) ? "-": "-dSAFER", (option_flags & NO_GSSAFER) ? NULL: "-", NULL); _exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Parent process. */ close(downpipe[0]); psstream=fdopen(downpipe[1],"wb"); /* fclose(psstream); psstream=fopen("test.ps","wb"); */ if (psstream == NULL) close(downpipe[1]); close(uppipe[1]); pngstream=fdopen(uppipe[0],"rb"); if (pngstream == NULL) close(uppipe[0]); #else /* MIKTEX */ if (! miktex_find_miktex_executable("mgs.exe", szGsPath)) { Warning("Ghostscript could not be found"); return(NULL); } sprintf(szCommandLine,"\"%s\" %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s",/* %s",*/ szGsPath, device, resolution, /*devicesize,*/ "-dBATCH", "-dNOPAUSE", "-q", "-sOutputFile=-", "-dTextAlphaBits=4", "-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4", (option_flags & NO_GSSAFER) ? "-": "-dSAFER", (option_flags & NO_GSSAFER) ? "": "-"); if (! miktex_start_process_3(szCommandLine, &pi, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, &hPsStream, &hPngStream, &hStdErr, 0)) { Warning("Ghostscript could not be started"); return(NULL); } CloseHandle (pi.hThread); fd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)hPsStream, _O_WRONLY); if (fd >= 0) { psstream = _tfdopen(fd, "wb"); if (psstream == NULL) _close (fd); } fd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)hPngStream, _O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { pngstream = _tfdopen(fd, "rb"); if (pngstream == NULL) _close (fd); } #endif if (psstream) { writepscode(psheaderp,psstream); DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_GS,("\n PS CODE:\t<>setpagedevice", urx - llx, ury - lly,llx,lly)); fprintf(psstream, "<>setpagedevice\n", urx - llx, ury - lly,llx,lly); if ( bgred < 255 || bggreen < 255 || bgblue < 255 ) { DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_GS,("\n PS CODE:\tgsave %f %f %f setrgbcolor clippath fill grestore", bgred/255.0, bggreen/255.0, bgblue/255.0)); fprintf(psstream, "gsave %f %f %f setrgbcolor clippath fill grestore", bgred/255.0, bggreen/255.0, bgblue/255.0); } writepscode(pscodep,psstream); if (showpage) { DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_GS,("\n PS CODE:\tshowpage")); fprintf(psstream, " showpage "); } fclose(psstream); } if (pngstream) { psimage = gdImageCreateFromPng(pngstream); fclose(pngstream); } #ifdef MIKTEX CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); #endif if (psimage == NULL) { DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_GS,("\n GS OUTPUT:\tNO IMAGE ")); if (!showpage) { showpage=true; DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_GS,("(will try adding \"showpage\") ")); psimage=ps2png(pscodep, device, hresolution, vresolution, llx, lly, urx, ury, bgred,bggreen,bgblue); showpage=false; } #ifdef DEBUG } else { DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_GS,("\n GS OUTPUT:\t%dx%d image ", gdImageSX(psimage),gdImageSY(psimage))); #endif } return psimage; } gdImagePtr rescale(gdImagePtr psimage, int pngwidth, int pngheight) { gdImagePtr scaledimage=psimage; /* Rescale unless correct size */ if (psimage!=NULL && gdImageSX(psimage)!=pngwidth && gdImageSY(psimage)!=pngheight) { DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_DVI, ("\n RESCALE INCLUDED BITMAP \t(%d,%d) -> (%d,%d)", gdImageSX(psimage),gdImageSY(psimage), pngwidth,pngheight)); #ifdef HAVE_GDIMAGECREATETRUECOLOR scaledimage=gdImageCreateTrueColor(pngwidth,pngheight); gdImageCopyResampled(scaledimage,psimage,0,0,0,0, pngwidth,pngheight, gdImageSX(psimage),gdImageSY(psimage)); #else scaledimage=gdImageCreate(pngwidth,pngheight); gdImageCopyResized(scaledimage,psimage,0,0,0,0, pngwidth,pngheight, gdImageSX(psimage),gdImageSY(psimage)); #endif gdImageDestroy(psimage); } return(scaledimage); } void newpsheader(char* special) { struct pscode* tmp; char* txt; if (strncmp(special,"! /pgfH",7)==0) { SetSpecial("header=tex.pro",0,0); SetSpecial("header=special.pro",0,0); SetSpecial("! TeXDict begin",0,0); } if (psheaderp==NULL) { if ((tmp=psheaderp=malloc(sizeof(struct pscode)))==NULL) Fatal("cannot allocate space for PostScript header struct"); } else { tmp=psheaderp; /* No duplicates. This still misses pre=..., because we still change that. To be fixed */ while(tmp->next!=NULL) { tmp=tmp->next; if (strcmp(tmp->special,special)==0) return; } if ((tmp->next=malloc(sizeof(struct pscode)))==NULL) Fatal("cannot allocate space for PostScript header struct"); tmp=tmp->next; } DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_GS,("\n PS HEADER ")); if ((txt=malloc(strlen(special)+1))==NULL) Fatal("cannot malloc space for PostScript header"); strcpy(txt,special); PSCodeInit(tmp,txt); } /*********************************************************************/ /**************************** SetSpecial ***************************/ /*********************************************************************/ void SetSpecial(char * special, int32_t hh, int32_t vv) /* interpret a \special command, made up of keyword=value pairs, * or !header or ps:literal_PostScript */ { DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_DVI,(" '%s'",special)); SKIPSPACES(special); /********************** Color specials ***********************/ if (strncmp(special,"background ",11)==0) { background(special+11); return; } if (strncmp(special,"color ",6)==0) { special+=6; SKIPSPACES(special); if (strncmp(special,"push ",5)==0) { pushcolor(special+5); } else { if (strcmp(special,"pop")==0) popcolor(); else resetcolorstack(special); } return; } /******************* Image inclusion ********************/ /* Needed tests for regression: PNG, GIF, JPEG and EPS inclusion, * for different gd versions */ if (strncmp(special,"PSfile=",7)==0) { /* PSfile */ char* psname = special+7; int llx=0,lly=0,urx=0,ury=0,rwi=0,rhi=0; bool clip=false; int hresolution,vresolution; int pngheight,pngwidth; /* Remove quotation marks around filename. If no quotation marks, use first word as filename */ if (*psname=='"') { psname++; special=strrchr(psname,'"'); } else { special=strchr(psname,' '); } if (special!=NULL) { *special='\0'; special++; } /* Retrieve parameters */ SKIPSPACES(special); while(special && *special) { if (strncmp(special,"llx=",4)==0) llx = strtol(special+4,&special,10); else if (strncmp(special,"lly=",4)==0) lly = strtol(special+4,&special,10); else if (strncmp(special,"urx=",4)==0) urx = strtol(special+4,&special,10); else if (strncmp(special,"ury=",4)==0) ury = strtol(special+4,&special,10); else if (strncmp(special,"rwi=",4)==0) rwi = strtol(special+4,&special,10); else if (strncmp(special,"rhi=",4)==0) rhi = strtol(special+4,&special,10); else if (strncmp(special,"clip",4)==0) {clip = true; special=special+4;} while (*special && *special!=' ') special++; SKIPSPACES(special); } /* Calculate resolution, and use our base resolution as a fallback. */ /* The factor 10 is magic, the dvips graphicx driver needs this. */ hresolution = ((dpi*rwi+urx-llx-1)/(urx - llx)+9)/10; vresolution = ((dpi*rhi+ury-lly-1)/(ury - lly)+9)/10; if (vresolution==0) vresolution = hresolution; if (hresolution==0) hresolution = vresolution; if (hresolution==0) hresolution = vresolution = dpi; /* Convert from postscript 72 dpi resolution to our given resolution */ pngwidth = (dpi*rwi+719)/720; /* +719: round up */ pngheight = (dpi*rhi+719)/720; if (pngwidth==0) pngwidth = ((dpi*rhi*(urx-llx)+ury-lly-1)/(ury-lly)+719)/720; if (pngheight==0) pngheight = ((dpi*rwi*(ury-lly)+urx-llx-1)/(urx-llx)+719)/720; if (pngheight==0) { pngwidth = (dpi*(urx-llx)+71)/72; pngheight = (dpi*(ury-lly)+71)/72; } if (page_imagep != NULL) { /* Draw into image */ struct pscode image; gdImagePtr psimage=NULL; #ifndef HAVE_GDIMAGECREATEFROMPNGPTR FILE* psstream; #endif PSCodeInit(&image, NULL); TEMPSTR(image.filename,kpse_find_file(psname,kpse_pict_format,0)); if (MmapFile(image.filename,&(image.fmmap)) || image.fmmap.size==0) { Warning("Image file %s unusable, image will be left blank", image.filename); page_flags |= PAGE_GAVE_WARN; return; } Message(BE_NONQUIET," <%s",psname); switch ((unsigned char)*image.fmmap.data) { case 0x89: /* PNG magic: "\211PNG\r\n\032\n" */ DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_DVI,("\n INCLUDE PNG \t%s",image.filename)); #ifdef HAVE_GDIMAGECREATEFROMPNGPTR psimage=gdImageCreateFromPngPtr(image.fmmap.size,image.fmmap.data); #else psstream=fopen(image.filename,"rb"); psimage=gdImageCreateFromPng(psstream); fclose(psstream); #endif psimage=rescale(psimage,pngwidth,pngheight); break; case 'G': /* GIF magic: "GIF87" or "GIF89" */ DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_DVI,("\n INCLUDE GIF \t%s",image.filename)); #ifdef HAVE_GDIMAGEGIF psimage=rescale(gdImageCreateFromGifPtr(image.fmmap.size, image.fmmap.data), pngwidth,pngheight); #else DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_DVI,(" (NO GIF DECODER)")); #endif break; case 0xff: /* JPEG magic: 0xffd8 */ DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_DVI,("\n INCLUDE JPEG \t%s",image.filename)); #ifdef HAVE_GDIMAGECREATEFROMJPEG #ifdef HAVE_GDIMAGECREATEFROMPNGPTR psimage=gdImageCreateFromJpegPtr(image.fmmap.size,image.fmmap.data); #else psstream=fopen(image.filename,"rb"); psimage=gdImageCreateFromJpeg(psstream); fclose(psstream); #endif psimage=rescale(psimage,pngwidth,pngheight); #else DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_DVI,(" (NO JPEG DECODER)")); #endif break; default: /* Default, PostScript magic: "%!PS-Adobe" */ if (option_flags & NO_GHOSTSCRIPT) { Warning("GhostScript calls disallowed by --noghostscript" ); page_flags |= PAGE_GAVE_WARN; } else { /* Use alpha blending, and render transparent postscript images. The alpha blending works correctly only from libgd 2.0.12 upwards */ #ifdef HAVE_GDIMAGEPNGEX if (page_imagep->trueColor) { int tllx=llx,tlly=lly,turx=urx,tury=ury; DEBUG_PRINT((DEBUG_DVI | DEBUG_GS), ("\n GS RENDER \t%s -> pngalpha ",image.filename)); if (!clip) { /* Render across the whole image */ tllx=llx-(hh+1)*72/hresolution; tlly=lly-(gdImageSY(page_imagep)-vv-1)*72/vresolution; turx=llx+(gdImageSX(page_imagep)-hh)*72/hresolution; tury=lly+(vv+1)*72/vresolution; DEBUG_PRINT((DEBUG_DVI | DEBUG_GS), ("\n EXPAND BBOX \t%d %d %d %d -> %d %d %d %d", llx,lly,urx,ury,tllx,tlly,turx,tury)); #ifdef DEBUG } else { DEBUG_PRINT((DEBUG_DVI | DEBUG_GS),(", CLIPPED TO BBOX")); #endif } psimage = ps2png(&image, "-sDEVICE=pngalpha", hresolution, vresolution, tllx, tlly, turx, tury, 255,255,255); if (psimage==NULL) Warning("No GhostScript pngalpha output, opaque image inclusion"); } else Warning("Palette output, opaque image inclusion"); #endif if (psimage==NULL) { /* png256 gives inferior result */ DEBUG_PRINT((DEBUG_DVI | DEBUG_GS), ("\n GS RENDER \t%s -> png16m", image.filename)); psimage = ps2png(&image, "-sDEVICE=png16m", hresolution, vresolution, llx, lly, urx, ury, cstack[0].red,cstack[0].green,cstack[0].blue); clip=true; page_flags |= PAGE_GAVE_WARN; } if (!clip) { /* Rendering across the whole image */ hh=0; vv=gdImageSY(psimage)-1; } } } UnMmapFile(&(image.fmmap)); if (psimage!=NULL) { DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_DVI, ("\n GRAPHIC(X|S) INCLUDE \t%s (%d,%d) res %dx%d at (%d,%d)", psname,gdImageSX(psimage),gdImageSY(psimage), hresolution,vresolution,hh,vv)); #ifdef HAVE_GDIMAGECREATETRUECOLOR if (psimage->trueColor && !page_imagep->trueColor) gdImageTrueColorToPalette(psimage,0,256); #endif #ifdef HAVE_GDIMAGEPNGEX gdImageAlphaBlending(page_imagep,1); #else Warning("Using libgd < 2.0.12, opaque image inclusion"); page_flags |= PAGE_GAVE_WARN; #endif gdImageCopy(page_imagep, psimage, hh, vv-gdImageSY(psimage)+1, 0,0, gdImageSX(psimage),gdImageSY(psimage)); #ifdef HAVE_GDIMAGEPNGEX gdImageAlphaBlending(page_imagep,0); #endif gdImageDestroy(psimage); } else { Warning("Unable to load %s, image will be left blank",image.filename); page_flags |= PAGE_GAVE_WARN; } Message(BE_NONQUIET,">"); } else { /* Don't draw */ page_flags |= PAGE_TRUECOLOR; DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_DVI, ("\n GRAPHIC(X|S) INCLUDE \t%s (%d,%d) res %dx%d at (%d,%d)", psname,pngheight,pngwidth, hresolution,vresolution,hh,vv)); min(x_min,hh); min(y_min,vv-pngheight+1); max(x_max,hh+pngwidth); max(y_max,vv+1); } return; } /******************* Raw PostScript ********************/ if (strncmp(special,"!/preview@version(",18)==0) { int length=0; special+=18; while (special[length]!='\0' && special[length]!=')') length++; if (page_imagep==NULL) Message(BE_NONQUIET," (preview-latex version %.*s)",length,special); return; } /* preview-latex' tightpage option */ if (strncmp(special,"!/preview@tightpage",19)==0) { special+=19; SKIPSPACES(special); if (strncmp(special,"true",4)==0) { if (page_imagep==NULL) Message(BE_NONQUIET," (preview-latex tightpage option detected, will use its bounding box)"); dvi->flags |= DVI_PREVIEW_LATEX_TIGHTPAGE; } return; } if (strncmp(special,"!userdict",9)==0 && strstr(special+10,"7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div")!=NULL) { if (page_imagep==NULL && ~dvi->flags & DVI_PREVIEW_LATEX_TIGHTPAGE) Message(BE_NONQUIET," (preview-latex <= 0.9.1 tightpage option detected, will use its bounding box)"); dvi->flags |= DVI_PREVIEW_LATEX_TIGHTPAGE; return; } /* preview-latex' dvips bop-hook redefinition */ if (strncmp(special,"!userdict",9)==0 && strstr(special+10,"preview-bop-")!=NULL) { dvi->flags |= DVI_PREVIEW_BOP_HOOK; if (page_imagep==NULL) Message(BE_VERBOSE," (preview-latex beginning-of-page-hook detected)"); return; } if (dvi->flags & DVI_PREVIEW_BOP_HOOK && ~page_flags & PAGE_PREVIEW_BOP && strncmp(special,"ps::",4)==0) { dviunits adj_llx,adj_lly,adj_urx,adj_ury,ht,dp,wd; page_flags |= PAGE_PREVIEW_BOP; /* Hokay, decode bounding box */ adj_llx = strtol(special+4,&special,10); adj_lly = strtol(special,&special,10); adj_urx = strtol(special,&special,10); adj_ury = strtol(special,&special,10); ht = strtol(special,&special,10); dp = strtol(special,&special,10); wd = strtol(special,&special,10); if (wd>0) { x_offset_tightpage = (-adj_llx+dvi->conv*shrinkfactor-1)/dvi->conv/shrinkfactor; x_width_tightpage = x_offset_tightpage +(wd+adj_urx+dvi->conv*shrinkfactor-1)/dvi->conv/shrinkfactor; } else { x_offset_tightpage = (-wd+adj_urx+dvi->conv*shrinkfactor-1)/dvi->conv/shrinkfactor; x_width_tightpage = x_offset_tightpage +(-adj_llx+dvi->conv*shrinkfactor-1)/dvi->conv/shrinkfactor; } /* y-offset = height - 1 */ y_offset_tightpage = (((ht>0)?ht:0)+adj_ury+dvi->conv*shrinkfactor-1)/dvi->conv/shrinkfactor-1; y_width_tightpage = y_offset_tightpage+1 +(((dp>0)?dp:0)-adj_lly+dvi->conv*shrinkfactor-1)/dvi->conv/shrinkfactor; return; } if (special[0]=='"' || strncmp(special,"ps:",3)==0) { /* Literal PostScript */ if (page_imagep != NULL) { /* Draw into image */ static struct pscode *pscodep=NULL; static bool psenvironment=false; bool nextisps; struct pscode *tmp; gdImagePtr psimage=NULL; char *txt; /* Some packages split their literal PostScript code into several specials. Check for those, and concatenate them so that they're given to one and the same invocation of gs */ if (pscodep==NULL) { Message(BE_NONQUIET," next != NULL) tmp=tmp->next; if ((tmp->next=malloc(sizeof(struct pscode)))==NULL) Fatal("cannot allocate space for raw PostScript struct"); tmp=tmp->next; } if (strncmp(special,"ps::[begin]",11)==0) psenvironment=true; else if (strncmp(special,"ps::[end]",9)==0) psenvironment=false; else if (strcmp(special,"ps:: pgfo")==0) /* PostScript code to start page for pgf PostScript specials. The first numbers are generally valid for the bop instruction, and the latter code is to move the origin to the right place. */ special="ps:: 39139632 55387786 1000 600 600 (tikzdefault.dvi) @start 1 0 bop pgfo 0 0 matrix defaultmatrix transform itransform translate"; else if (strcmp(special,"ps:: pgfc")==0) special="ps:: pgfc eop end"; nextisps=DVIIsNextPSSpecial(dvi); if (psenvironment || nextisps) { if (!nextisps) { Warning("PostScript environment contains DVI commands"); page_flags |= PAGE_GAVE_WARN; } /* Don't use alloca, we do not want to run out of stack space */ DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_GS,("\n PS SPECIAL ")); txt=malloc(strlen(special)+1); strcpy(txt,special); PSCodeInit(tmp,txt); return; } DEBUG_PRINT(DEBUG_DVI,("\n LAST PS SPECIAL ")); PSCodeInit(tmp,special); /* Now, render image */ if (option_flags & NO_GHOSTSCRIPT) Warning("GhostScript calls disallowed by --noghostscript" ); else { /* Use alpha blending, and render transparent postscript images. The alpha blending works correctly only from libgd 2.0.12 upwards */ #ifdef HAVE_GDIMAGEPNGEX if (page_imagep->trueColor) { /* Render across the whole image */ psimage = ps2png(pscodep, "-sDEVICE=pngalpha", dpi,dpi, -(hh+1)*72/dpi, -(gdImageSY(page_imagep)-vv-1)*72/dpi, (gdImageSX(page_imagep)-hh)*72/dpi, (vv+1)*72/dpi, 255,255,255); if (psimage!=NULL) { gdImageAlphaBlending(page_imagep,1); gdImageCopy(page_imagep, psimage, 0,0,0,0, gdImageSX(psimage),gdImageSY(psimage)); gdImageAlphaBlending(page_imagep,0); gdImageDestroy(psimage); } else Warning("No GhostScript pngalpha output, cannot render raw PostScript"); } else Warning("Palette output, cannot include raw PostScript"); #else Warning("Using libgd < 2.0.12, unable to include raw PostScript"); #endif } while(pscodep->next != NULL) { tmp=pscodep->next; free(pscodep->special); free(pscodep); pscodep=tmp; } free(pscodep); pscodep=NULL; if (psimage==NULL) page_flags |= PAGE_GAVE_WARN; Message(BE_NONQUIET,">"); } else { /* Don't draw */ page_flags |= PAGE_TRUECOLOR; } return; } if (strncmp(special,"papersize=",10)==0) { /* papersize spec, ignored */ return; } if (special[0]=='!' || strncmp(special,"header=",7)==0) { /* PS header */ newpsheader(special); return; } if (strncmp(special,"src:",4)==0) { /* source special */ if ( page_imagep != NULL ) Message(BE_NONQUIET," at (%ld,%ld) source \\special{%s}", hh, vv, special); return; } if ( page_imagep != NULL ) { Warning("at (%ld,%ld) unimplemented \\special{%s}", hh, vv, special); page_flags |= PAGE_GAVE_WARN; } }