/* This is (x)dvipdfmx, an extended version of... DVIPDFMx, an eXtended version of DVIPDFM by Mark A. Wicks. Copyright (C) 2002-2015 by Jin-Hwan Cho, Matthias Franz, and Shunsaku Hirata, the DVIPDFMx project team. Copyright (c) 2006 SIL. (xdvipdfmx extensions for XeTeX support) Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 by Mark A. Wicks This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "system.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dpxconf.h" #include "dpxfile.h" #include "dpxutil.h" #include "dvi.h" #include "pdflimits.h" #include "pdfdoc.h" #include "pdfdev.h" #include "pdfparse.h" #include "pdfencrypt.h" #include "spc_tpic.h" #include "specials.h" #include "mpost.h" #include "fontmap.h" #include "pdffont.h" #include "pdfximage.h" #include "cid.h" #include "dvipdfmx.h" #include "tt_aux.h" #include "error.h" int is_xdv = 0; #ifdef XETEX const char *my_name = "xdvipdfmx"; #else const char *my_name = "dvipdfmx"; #endif int compat_mode = 0; /* 0 = dvipdfmx, 1 = dvipdfm */ static int verbose = 0; static int mp_mode = 0; static long opt_flags = 0; #define OPT_TPIC_TRANSPARENT_FILL (1 << 1) #define OPT_CIDFONT_FIXEDPITCH (1 << 2) #define OPT_FONTMAP_FIRST_MATCH (1 << 3) #define OPT_PDFDOC_NO_DEST_REMOVE (1 << 4) static char ignore_colors = 0; static double annot_grow = 0.0; static int bookmark_open = 0; static double mag = 1.0; static int font_dpi = 600; static int really_quiet = 0; /* * Precision is essentially limited to 0.01pt. * See, dev_set_string() in pdfdev.c. */ static int pdfdecimaldigits = 2; /* Image cache life in hours */ /* 0 means erase all old images and leave new images */ /* -1 means erase all old images and also erase new images */ /* -2 means ignore image cache (default) */ static int image_cache_life = -2; /* Encryption */ static int do_encryption = 0; static unsigned key_bits = 40; static unsigned permission = 0x003C; /* Page device */ double paper_width = 595.0; double paper_height = 842.0; static double x_offset = 72.0; static double y_offset = 72.0; char landscape_mode = 0; int always_embed = 0; /* always embed fonts, regardless of licensing flags */ char *dvi_filename = NULL, *pdf_filename = NULL; static void read_config_file (const char *config); static void set_default_pdf_filename(void) { const char *dvi_base; dvi_base = xbasename(dvi_filename); if (mp_mode && strlen(dvi_base) > 4 && FILESTRCASEEQ(".mps", dvi_base + strlen(dvi_base) - 4)) { pdf_filename = NEW(strlen(dvi_base)+1, char); strncpy(pdf_filename, dvi_base, strlen(dvi_base) - 4); pdf_filename[strlen(dvi_base)-4] = '\0'; } else if (strlen(dvi_base) > 4 && (FILESTRCASEEQ(".dvi", dvi_base+strlen(dvi_base)-4) || FILESTRCASEEQ(".xdv", dvi_base+strlen(dvi_base)-4))) { pdf_filename = NEW(strlen(dvi_base)+1, char); strncpy(pdf_filename, dvi_base, strlen(dvi_base)-4); pdf_filename[strlen(dvi_base)-4] = '\0'; } else { pdf_filename = NEW(strlen(dvi_base)+5, char); strcpy(pdf_filename, dvi_base); } strcat (pdf_filename, ".pdf"); } static void show_version (void) { printf ("This is %s Version " VERSION " by the DVIPDFMx project team,\n", my_name); printf ("modified for TeX Live,\n"); #ifdef XETEX printf ("an extended version of DVIPDFMx, which in turn was\n"); #endif printf ("an extended version of dvipdfm-0.13.2c developed by Mark A. Wicks.\n"); printf ("\nCopyright (C) 2002-2015 the DVIPDFMx project team\n"); printf ("Copyright (C) 2006 SIL International.\n"); printf ("\nThis is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"); printf ("it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"); printf ("the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n"); printf ("(at your option) any later version.\n"); } static void show_usage (void) { printf ("\nUsage: %s [OPTION]... [DVIFILE[.dvi|.xdv]]\n", my_name); printf (" %s --extractbb|--xbb|--ebb [OPTION]...\tBe \"extractbb\"\n", my_name); printf (" %s --help|--showpaper|--version\n", my_name); printf ("Convert DVI or XDV input to PDF; defaults given below.\n"); printf ("\nOptions:\n"); printf (" -c \t\tIgnore color specials (for B&W printing)\n"); printf (" --dvipdfm\tEnable DVIPDFM emulation mode\n"); printf (" -d number\tSet PDF decimal digits (0-5) [2]\n"); printf (" -f filename\tSet font map file name [pdftex.map]\n"); printf (" -g dimension\tAnnotation \"grow\" amount [0.0in]\n"); printf (" -h | --help \tShow this help message and exit\n"); printf (" -l \t\tLandscape mode\n"); printf (" -m number\tSet additional magnification [1.0]\n"); printf (" -o filename\tSet output file name, \"-\" for stdout [DVIFILE.pdf]\n"); printf (" -p papersize\tSet papersize [a4]\n"); printf (" -q \t\tBe quiet\n"); printf (" -r resolution\tSet resolution (in DPI) for raster fonts [600]\n"); printf (" -s pages\tSelect page ranges [all pages]\n"); printf (" --showpaper\tShow available paper formats and exit\n"); printf (" -t \t\tEmbed thumbnail images of PNG format [DVIFILE.1] \n"); printf (" --version\tOutput version information and exit\n"); printf (" -v \t\tBe verbose\n"); printf (" -vv\t\tBe more verbose\n"); printf (" --kpathsea-debug number\tSet kpathsea debugging flags [0]\n"); printf (" -x dimension\tSet horizontal offset [1.0in]\n"); printf (" -y dimension\tSet vertical offset [1.0in]\n"); printf (" -z number \tSet zlib compression level (0-9) [9]\n"); printf (" -C number\tSpecify miscellaneous option flags [0]:\n"); printf ("\t\t 0x0001 reserved\n"); printf ("\t\t 0x0002 Use semi-transparent filling for tpic shading command,\n"); printf ("\t\t\t instead of opaque gray color; requires PDF 1.4.\n"); printf ("\t\t 0x0004 Treat all CIDFont as fixed-pitch font.\n"); printf ("\t\t 0x0008 Do not replace duplicate fontmap entries.\n"); printf ("\t\t 0x0010 Do not optimize PDF destinations.\n"); printf ("\t\tPositive values are always ORed with previously given flags.\n"); printf ("\t\tAnd negative values replace old values.\n"); printf (" -D template\tPS->PDF conversion command line template [none]\n"); printf (" -E \t\tAlways try to embed fonts, regardless of licensing flags.\n"); printf (" -I number\tImage cache life in hours [-2]\n"); printf (" \t 0: erase all old images and leave new images\n"); printf (" \t-1: erase all old images and also erase new images\n"); printf (" \t-2: ignore image cache\n"); printf (" -K number\tEncryption key length [40]\n"); printf (" -M \t\tProcess MetaPost PostScript output\n"); printf (" -O number\tSet maximum depth of open bookmark items [0]\n"); printf (" -P number\tSet permission flags for PDF encryption [0x003C]\n"); printf (" -S \t\tEnable PDF encryption\n"); printf (" -V number\tSet PDF minor version [%d]\n", PDF_VERSION_DEFAULT); printf ("\nAll dimensions entered on the command line are \"true\" TeX dimensions.\n"); printf ("Argument of \"-s\" lists physical page ranges separated by commas,\n"); printf ("\te.g., \"-s 1-3,5-6\".\n"); printf ("Papersize is specified by paper format (e.g., \"a4\")\n"); printf ("\tor by w,h (e.g., \"20cm,30cm\").\n"); printf ("\n"); printf ("Email bug reports to tex-k@tug.org.\n"); } static void usage (void) { fprintf (stderr, "\nTry \"%s --help\" for more information.\n", my_name); exit(1); } static int read_length (double *vp, const char **pp, const char *endptr) { char *q; const char *p = *pp; double v, u = 1.0; const char *_ukeys[] = { #define K_UNIT__PT 0 #define K_UNIT__IN 1 #define K_UNIT__CM 2 #define K_UNIT__MM 3 #define K_UNIT__BP 4 "pt", "in", "cm", "mm", "bp", NULL }; int k, error = 0; q = parse_float_decimal(&p, endptr); if (!q) { *vp = 0.0; *pp = p; return -1; } v = atof(q); RELEASE(q); skip_white(&p, endptr); q = parse_c_ident(&p, endptr); if (q) { char *qq = q; if (strlen(q) >= strlen("true") && !memcmp(q, "true", strlen("true"))) { q += strlen("true"); /* just skip "true" */ } if (strlen(q) == 0) { RELEASE(qq); skip_white(&p, endptr); qq = q = parse_c_ident(&p, endptr); } if (q) { for (k = 0; _ukeys[k] && strcmp(_ukeys[k], q); k++); switch (k) { case K_UNIT__PT: u *= 72.0 / 72.27; break; case K_UNIT__IN: u *= 72.0; break; case K_UNIT__CM: u *= 72.0 / 2.54 ; break; case K_UNIT__MM: u *= 72.0 / 25.4 ; break; case K_UNIT__BP: u *= 1.0 ; break; default: WARN("Unknown unit of measure: %s", q); error = -1; break; } RELEASE(qq); } else { WARN("Missing unit of measure after \"true\""); error = -1; } } *vp = v * u; *pp = p; return error; } static void select_paper (const char *paperspec) { const struct paper *pi; int error = 0; pi = paperinfo(paperspec); if (pi && papername(pi)) { paper_width = paperpswidth (pi); paper_height = paperpsheight(pi); } else { const char *p = paperspec, *endptr, *comma; comma = strchr(p, ','); endptr = p + strlen(p); if (!comma) ERROR("Unrecognized paper format: %s", paperspec); error = read_length(&paper_width, &p, comma); p = comma + 1; error = read_length(&paper_height, &p, endptr); } if (error || paper_width <= 0.0 || paper_height <= 0.0) ERROR("Invalid paper size: %s (%.2fx%.2f)", paperspec, paper_width, paper_height); } struct page_range { long first, last; } *page_ranges = NULL; int num_page_ranges = 0; int max_page_ranges = 0; static void select_pages (const char *pagespec) { char *q; const char *p = pagespec; while (*p != '\0') { /* Enlarge page range table if necessary */ if (num_page_ranges >= max_page_ranges) { max_page_ranges += 4; page_ranges = RENEW(page_ranges, max_page_ranges, struct page_range); } page_ranges[num_page_ranges].first = 0; page_ranges[num_page_ranges].last = 0; for ( ; *p && isspace((unsigned char)*p); p++); q = parse_unsigned(&p, p + strlen(p)); /* Can't be signed. */ if (q) { /* '-' is allowed here */ page_ranges[num_page_ranges].first = atoi(q) - 1; page_ranges[num_page_ranges].last = page_ranges[num_page_ranges].first; RELEASE(q); } for ( ; *p && isspace((unsigned char)*p); p++); if (*p == '-') { for (++p; *p && isspace((unsigned char)*p); p++); page_ranges[num_page_ranges].last = -1; if (*p) { q = parse_unsigned(&p, p + strlen(p)); if (q) { page_ranges[num_page_ranges].last = atoi(q) - 1; RELEASE(q); } for ( ; *p && isspace((unsigned char)*p); p++); } } else { page_ranges[num_page_ranges].last = page_ranges[num_page_ranges].first; } num_page_ranges++; if (*p == ',') p++; else { for ( ; *p && isspace((unsigned char)*p); p++); if (*p) ERROR("Bad page range specification: %s", p); } } return; } #define POP_ARG() {argv += 1; argc -= 1;} /* It doesn't work as expected (due to dvi filename). */ #define CHECK_ARG(n,m) if (argc < (n) + 1) {\ fprintf (stderr, "\nMissing %s after \"-%c\".\n", (m), *flag);\ usage();\ } static void set_verbose (int argc, char *argv[]) { while (argc > 0) { if(*argv[0] == '-') { char *flag; for (flag = argv[0] + 1; *flag != 0; flag++) { if (*flag == '-') break; if (*flag == 'q') really_quiet = 2; if (*flag == 'v') verbose++; } } POP_ARG(); } if (!really_quiet) { int i; for (i = 0; i < verbose; i++) { dvi_set_verbose(); pdf_dev_set_verbose(); pdf_doc_set_verbose(); pdf_enc_set_verbose(); pdf_obj_set_verbose(); pdf_fontmap_set_verbose(); dpx_file_set_verbose(); tt_aux_set_verbose(); } } } static void do_args (int argc, char *argv[]) { while (argc > 0 && *argv[0] == '-') { char *flag, *nextptr; const char *nnextptr; for (flag = argv[0] + 1; *flag != 0; flag++) { switch (*flag) { case '-': if (flag == argv[0] + 1 && ++flag) { if (!strcmp(flag, "help")) { show_usage(); exit(0); } else if (!strcmp(flag, "version")) { show_version(); exit(0); } else if (!strcmp(flag, "dvipdfm")) { compat_mode = 1; goto Out_of_For_Loop; } else if (!strcmp(flag, "kpathsea-debug")) { int value; CHECK_ARG(1, "kpathsearch debugging flags"); value = atoi(argv[1]); if (value < 0) ERROR("Invalid kpathsearch debugging flags specified: %s", argv[1]); kpathsea_debug = value; POP_ARG(); goto Out_of_For_Loop; } } fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option \"%s\"", argv[0]); usage(); case 'D': CHECK_ARG(1, "PS->PDF conversion command line template"); set_distiller_template(argv[1]); POP_ARG(); break; case 'r': CHECK_ARG(1, "bitmap font dpi"); font_dpi = atoi(argv[1]); if (font_dpi <= 0) ERROR("Invalid bitmap font dpi specified: %s", argv[1]); POP_ARG(); break; case 'm': CHECK_ARG(1, "magnification value"); mag = strtod(argv[1], &nextptr); if (mag < 0.0 || nextptr == argv[1]) ERROR("Invalid magnification specifiied: %s", argv[1]); POP_ARG(); break; case 'g': CHECK_ARG(1, "annotation \"grow\" amount"); nnextptr = nextptr = argv[1]; read_length(&annot_grow, &nnextptr, nextptr + strlen(nextptr)); POP_ARG(); break; case 'x': CHECK_ARG(1, "horizontal offset value"); nnextptr = nextptr = argv[1]; read_length(&x_offset, &nnextptr, nextptr + strlen(nextptr)); POP_ARG(); break; case 'y': CHECK_ARG(1, "vertical offset value"); nnextptr = nextptr = argv[1]; read_length(&y_offset, &nnextptr, nextptr + strlen(nextptr)); POP_ARG(); break; case 'o': CHECK_ARG(1, "output file name"); pdf_filename = NEW (strlen(argv[1])+1,char); strcpy(pdf_filename, argv[1]); POP_ARG(); break; case 's': CHECK_ARG(1, "page selection specification"); select_pages(argv[1]); POP_ARG(); break; case 't': pdf_doc_enable_manual_thumbnails(); break; case 'p': CHECK_ARG(1, "paper format/size"); select_paper(argv[1]); POP_ARG(); break; case 'c': ignore_colors = 1; break; case 'l': landscape_mode = 1; break; case 'f': CHECK_ARG(1, "fontmap file name"); if (opt_flags & OPT_FONTMAP_FIRST_MATCH) pdf_load_fontmap_file(argv[1], FONTMAP_RMODE_APPEND); else pdf_load_fontmap_file(argv[1], FONTMAP_RMODE_REPLACE); POP_ARG(); break; case 'i': CHECK_ARG(1, "subsidiary config file"); read_config_file(argv[1]); POP_ARG(); break; case 'q': case 'v': break; case 'V': { int ver_minor; if (isdigit((unsigned char)*(flag+1))) { flag++; ver_minor = atoi(flag); } else { CHECK_ARG(1, "PDF minor version number"); ver_minor = atoi(argv[1]); POP_ARG(); } if (ver_minor < PDF_VERSION_MIN) { WARN("PDF version 1.%d not supported. Using PDF 1.%d instead.", ver_minor, PDF_VERSION_MIN); ver_minor = PDF_VERSION_MIN; } else if (ver_minor > PDF_VERSION_MAX) { WARN("PDF version 1.%d not supported. Using PDF 1.%d instead.", ver_minor, PDF_VERSION_MAX); ver_minor = PDF_VERSION_MAX; } pdf_set_version((unsigned) ver_minor); } break; case 'z': { int level; if (isdigit((unsigned char)*(flag+1))) { flag++; level = atoi(flag); } else { CHECK_ARG(1, "compression level"); level = atoi(argv[1]); POP_ARG(); } pdf_set_compression(level); } break; case 'd': if (isdigit((unsigned char)*(flag+1))) { flag++; pdfdecimaldigits = atoi(flag); } else { CHECK_ARG(1, "number of fractional digits"); pdfdecimaldigits = atoi(argv[1]); POP_ARG(); } break; case 'I': CHECK_ARG(1, "image cache life in hours"); image_cache_life = atoi(argv[1]); POP_ARG(); break; case 'S': do_encryption = 1; break; case 'K': CHECK_ARG(1, "encryption key length"); key_bits = (unsigned) atoi(argv[1]); if (key_bits < 40 || key_bits > 128 || (key_bits & 0x7)) ERROR("Invalid encryption key length specified: %s", argv[1]); POP_ARG(); break; case 'P': CHECK_ARG(1, "encryption permission flag"); permission = (unsigned) strtoul(argv[1], &nextptr, 0); if (nextptr == argv[1]) ERROR("Invalid encryption permission flag: %s", argv[1]); POP_ARG(); break; case 'O': /* Bookmark open level */ CHECK_ARG(1, "bookmark open level"); bookmark_open = atoi(argv[1]); POP_ARG(); break; case 'M': mp_mode = 1; break; case 'C': CHECK_ARG(1, "a number"); { long flags; flags = (unsigned) strtol(argv[1], &nextptr, 0); if (nextptr == argv[1]) ERROR("Invalid flag: %s", argv[1]); if (flags < 0) opt_flags = -flags; else opt_flags |= flags; } POP_ARG(); break; case 'E': always_embed = 1; break; case 'h': show_usage(); exit(0); case 'e': if (compat_mode) { WARN("dvipdfm \"-e\" option not supported."); break; } /* else fall through */ default: fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option in \"%s\"", argv[0]); usage(); } } Out_of_For_Loop: POP_ARG(); } if (argc > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Multiple dvi filenames?"); usage(); } else if (argc > 0) { dvi_filename = NEW(strlen(argv[0]) + 5, char); /* space to append ".dvi" */ strcpy(dvi_filename, argv[0]); } } static void cleanup (void) { if (dvi_filename) RELEASE(dvi_filename); if (pdf_filename) RELEASE(pdf_filename); if (page_ranges) RELEASE(page_ranges); } static void read_config_file (const char *config) { const char *start, *end; char *option; FILE *fp; fp = DPXFOPEN(config, DPX_RES_TYPE_TEXT); if (!fp) { WARN("Could not open config file \"%s\".", config); return; } while ((start = mfgets (work_buffer, WORK_BUFFER_SIZE, fp)) != NULL) { char *argv[2]; int argc; argc = 0; end = work_buffer + strlen(work_buffer); skip_white (&start, end); if (start >= end) continue; /* Build up an argument list as if it were passed on the command line */ if ((option = parse_ident (&start, end))) { argc = 1; argv[0] = NEW (strlen(option)+2, char); strcpy (argv[0]+1, option); RELEASE (option); *argv[0] = '-'; skip_white (&start, end); if (start < end) { argc += 1; if (*start == '"') { argv[1] = parse_c_string (&start, end); } else argv[1] = parse_ident (&start, end); } } do_args (argc, argv); while (argc > 0) { RELEASE (argv[--argc]); } } if (fp) MFCLOSE(fp); } static void system_default (void) { if (systempapername() != NULL) { select_paper(systempapername()); } else if (defaultpapername() != NULL) { select_paper(defaultpapername()); } } void error_cleanup (void) { pdf_close_images(); /* delete temporary files */ pdf_error_cleanup(); if (pdf_filename) { remove(pdf_filename); fprintf(stderr, "\nOutput file removed.\n"); } } #define SWAP(v1,v2) do {\ double _tmp = (v1);\ (v1) = (v2);\ (v2) = _tmp;\ } while (0) static void do_dvi_pages (void) { int page_no, page_count, i, step; double page_width, page_height; double init_paper_width, init_paper_height; pdf_rect mediabox; spc_exec_at_begin_document(); if (num_page_ranges == 0) { if (!page_ranges) { page_ranges = NEW(1, struct page_range); max_page_ranges = 1; } page_ranges[0].first = 0; page_ranges[0].last = -1; /* last page */ num_page_ranges = 1; } init_paper_width = page_width = paper_width; init_paper_height = page_height = paper_height; page_count = 0; mediabox.llx = 0.0; mediabox.lly = 0.0; mediabox.urx = paper_width; mediabox.ury = paper_height; pdf_doc_set_mediabox(0, &mediabox); /* Root node */ for (i = 0; i < num_page_ranges && dvi_npages(); i++) { if (page_ranges[i].last < 0) page_ranges[i].last += dvi_npages(); step = (page_ranges[i].first <= page_ranges[i].last) ? 1 : -1; page_no = page_ranges[i].first; while (dvi_npages()) { if (page_no < dvi_npages()) { double w, h, xo, yo; char lm; MESG("[%d", page_no+1); /* Users want to change page size even after page is started! */ page_width = paper_width; page_height = paper_height; w = page_width; h = page_height; lm = landscape_mode; xo = x_offset; yo = y_offset; dvi_scan_specials(page_no, &w, &h, &xo, &yo, &lm, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (lm != landscape_mode) { SWAP(w, h); landscape_mode = lm; } if (page_width != w || page_height != h) { page_width = w; page_height = h; } if (x_offset != xo || y_offset != yo) { x_offset = xo; y_offset = yo; } if (page_width != init_paper_width || page_height != init_paper_height) { mediabox.llx = 0.0; mediabox.lly = 0.0; mediabox.urx = page_width; mediabox.ury = page_height; pdf_doc_set_mediabox(page_count+1, &mediabox); } dvi_do_page(page_height, x_offset, y_offset); page_count++; MESG("]"); } if (step > 0 && page_no >= page_ranges[i].last) break; else if (step < 0 && page_no <= page_ranges[i].last) break; else { page_no += step; } } } if (page_count < 1) { ERROR("No pages fall in range!"); } spc_exec_at_end_document(); } static void do_mps_pages (void) { FILE *fp; /* _FIXME_ */ fp = MFOPEN(dvi_filename, FOPEN_RBIN_MODE); if (fp) { mps_do_page(fp); MFCLOSE(fp); } else { long i, page_no, step, page_count = 0; char *filename; /* Process filename.1, filename.2,... */ filename = NEW(strlen(dvi_filename) + 16 + 1, char); for (i = 0; i < num_page_ranges; i++) { step = (page_ranges[i].first <= page_ranges[i].last) ? 1 : -1; page_no = page_ranges[i].first; for (;;) { if (page_no < 0) ERROR("Invalid page number for MPS input: %d", page_no); sprintf(filename, "%s.%ld", dvi_filename, page_no + 1); fp = MFOPEN(filename, FOPEN_RBIN_MODE); if (fp) { MESG("[%ld<%s>", page_no + 1, filename); mps_do_page(fp); page_count++; MESG("]"); MFCLOSE(fp); } if (step > 0 && page_no >= page_ranges[i].last) break; else if (step < 0 && page_no <= page_ranges[i].last) break; else { page_no += step; } } } RELEASE(filename); if (page_count == 0) ERROR("No page output for \"%s\".", dvi_filename); } } #if defined(XETEX) /* At present no DLL for xdvipdfmx */ #undef DLLPROC #else /* Support to make DLL in W32TeX */ #define DLLPROC dlldvipdfmxmain #endif #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(MIKTEX) && defined(DLLPROC) extern __declspec(dllexport) int DLLPROC (int argc, char *argv[]); #else #undef DLLPROC #endif #if defined(MIKTEX) # define main Main #endif int #if defined(DLLPROC) DLLPROC (int argc, char *argv[]) #else CDECL main (int argc, char *argv[]) #endif { double dvi2pts; char *base; #ifdef WIN32 int ac; char **av, *enc; #endif #ifdef MIKTEX miktex_initialize(); #else kpse_set_program_name(argv[0], "dvipdfmx"); /* we pretend to be dvipdfmx for kpse purposes */ #ifdef WIN32 texlive_gs_init (); enc = kpse_var_value("command_line_encoding"); if (get_command_line_args_utf8(enc, &ac, &av)) { argc = ac; argv = av; } #endif #endif if (argc > 1 && (STREQ (argv[1], "--xbb") || STREQ (argv[1], "--extractbb") || STREQ (argv[1], "--dvipdfm") || STREQ (argv[1], "--ebb"))) { argc--; base = argv++[1]+2; } else base = kpse_program_basename (argv[0]); if (FILESTRCASEEQ (base, "extractbb") || FILESTRCASEEQ (base, "xbb")) { my_name = "extractbb"; return extractbb (argc, argv); } if (FILESTRCASEEQ (base, "ebb")) { my_name = "ebb"; compat_mode = 1; return extractbb (argc, argv); } /* Special-case single option --help, --showpaper, or --version, to avoid possible diagnostics about config files, etc. */ if (argc == 2 && STREQ (argv[1], "--help")) { show_usage(); exit(0); } else if (argc == 2 && STREQ (argv[1], "--version")) { show_version(); exit(0); } else if (argc == 2 && STREQ (argv[1], "--showpaper")) { dumppaperinfo(); exit(0); } if (FILESTRCASEEQ (base, "dvipdfm")) compat_mode = 1; else free (base); paperinit(); system_default(); argv+=1; argc-=1; set_verbose(argc, argv); /* quiet mode cannot be set in config file */ if (really_quiet) shut_up(really_quiet); pdf_init_fontmaps(); /* This must come before parsing options... */ read_config_file(DPX_CONFIG_FILE); do_args (argc, argv); #ifndef MIKTEX kpse_init_prog("", font_dpi, NULL, NULL); kpse_set_program_enabled(kpse_pk_format, true, kpse_src_texmf_cnf); #endif pdf_font_set_dpi(font_dpi); dpx_delete_old_cache(image_cache_life); if (!dvi_filename) { if (verbose) MESG("No dvi filename specified, reading standard input.\n"); if (!pdf_filename) if (verbose) MESG("No pdf filename specified, writing to standard output.\n"); } else if (!pdf_filename) set_default_pdf_filename(); if (pdf_filename && !strcmp(pdf_filename, "-")) { RELEASE(pdf_filename); pdf_filename = NULL; } MESG("%s -> %s\n", dvi_filename ? dvi_filename : "stdin", pdf_filename ? pdf_filename : "stdout"); pdf_enc_compute_id_string(dvi_filename, pdf_filename); if (do_encryption) { if (key_bits > 40 && pdf_get_version() < 4) ERROR("Chosen key length requires at least PDF 1.4. " "Use \"-V 4\" to change."); pdf_enc_set_passwd(key_bits, permission, NULL, NULL); } if (mp_mode) { x_offset = 0.0; y_offset = 0.0; dvi2pts = 0.01; /* dvi2pts controls accuracy. */ } else { unsigned ver_minor = 0; char owner_pw[MAX_PWD_LEN], user_pw[MAX_PWD_LEN]; /* Dependency between DVI and PDF side is rather complicated... */ dvi2pts = dvi_init(dvi_filename, mag); if (dvi2pts == 0.0) ERROR("dvi_init() failed!"); pdf_doc_set_creator(dvi_comment()); if (do_encryption) /* command line takes precedence */ dvi_scan_specials(0, &paper_width, &paper_height, &x_offset, &y_offset, &landscape_mode, &ver_minor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); else { dvi_scan_specials(0, &paper_width, &paper_height, &x_offset, &y_offset, &landscape_mode, &ver_minor, &do_encryption, &key_bits, &permission, owner_pw, user_pw); if (do_encryption) { if (key_bits < 40 || key_bits > 128 || (key_bits & 0x7)) ERROR("Invalid encryption key length specified: %u", key_bits); else if (key_bits > 40 && pdf_get_version() < 4) ERROR("Chosen key length requires at least PDF 1.4. " "Use \"-V 4\" to change."); do_encryption = 1; pdf_enc_set_passwd(key_bits, permission, owner_pw, user_pw); } } if (ver_minor >= PDF_VERSION_MIN && ver_minor <= PDF_VERSION_MAX) { pdf_set_version(ver_minor); } if (landscape_mode) { SWAP(paper_width, paper_height); } } pdf_files_init(); /* Set default paper size here so that all page's can inherite it. * annot_grow: Margin of annotation. * bookmark_open: Miximal depth of open bookmarks. */ pdf_open_document(pdf_filename, do_encryption, paper_width, paper_height, annot_grow, bookmark_open, !(opt_flags & OPT_PDFDOC_NO_DEST_REMOVE)); /* Ignore_colors placed here since * they are considered as device's capacity. */ pdf_init_device(dvi2pts, pdfdecimaldigits, ignore_colors); if (opt_flags & OPT_CIDFONT_FIXEDPITCH) CIDFont_set_flags(CIDFONT_FORCE_FIXEDPITCH); /* Please move this to spc_init_specials(). */ if (opt_flags & OPT_TPIC_TRANSPARENT_FILL) tpic_set_fill_mode(1); if (mp_mode) { do_mps_pages(); } else { do_dvi_pages(); } pdf_files_close(); /* Order of close... */ pdf_close_device (); /* pdf_close_document flushes XObject (image) and other resources. */ pdf_close_document(); pdf_close_fontmaps(); /* pdf_font may depend on fontmap. */ if (!mp_mode) dvi_close(); MESG("\n"); cleanup(); paperdone(); #ifdef MIKTEX miktex_uninitialize (); #endif return 0; }