/* This is dvipdfmx, an eXtended version of dvipdfm by Mark A. Wicks. Copyright (C) 2002-2023 by Jin-Hwan Cho and Shunsaku Hirata, the dvipdfmx project team. Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 by Mark A. Wicks This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "system.h" #include "mem.h" #include "error.h" #include "dpxutil.h" int xtoi (char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return (c - '0'); else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return (c - 'W'); else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return (c - '7'); else return -1; } double min4 (double x1, double x2, double x3, double x4) { double v = x1; if (x2 < v) v = x2; if (x3 < v) v = x3; if (x4 < v) v = x4; return v; } double max4 (double x1, double x2, double x3, double x4) { double v = x1; if (x2 > v) v = x2; if (x3 > v) v = x3; if (x4 > v) v = x4; return v; } /* Duplicate from pdfparse.c */ static void skip_white (const char **pp, const char *endptr) { while (*pp < endptr && (**pp == ' ' || **pp == '\t' || **pp == '\f' || **pp == '\r' || **pp == '\n' || **pp == '\0')) { (*pp)++; } } /* This need to allow 'true' prefix for unit and length value must be divided * by current magnification. */ int dpx_util_read_length (double *vp, double mag, const char **pp, const char *endptr) { char *q; const char *p = *pp; double v, u = 1.0; const char *_ukeys[] = { #define K_UNIT__PT 0 #define K_UNIT__IN 1 #define K_UNIT__CM 2 #define K_UNIT__MM 3 #define K_UNIT__BP 4 #define K_UNIT__PC 5 #define K_UNIT__DD 6 #define K_UNIT__CC 7 #define K_UNIT__SP 8 "pt", "in", "cm", "mm", "bp", "pc", "dd", "cc", "sp", NULL }; int k, error = 0; q = parse_float_decimal(&p, endptr); if (!q) { *vp = 0.0; *pp = p; return -1; } v = atof(q); RELEASE(q); skip_white(&p, endptr); q = parse_c_ident(&p, endptr); if (q) { char *qq = q; /* remember this for RELEASE, because q may be advanced */ if (strlen(q) >= strlen("true") && !memcmp(q, "true", strlen("true"))) { u /= mag != 0.0 ? mag : 1.0; /* inverse magnify */ q += strlen("true"); } if (strlen(q) == 0) { /* "true" was a separate word from the units */ RELEASE(qq); skip_white(&p, endptr); qq = q = parse_c_ident(&p, endptr); } if (q) { for (k = 0; _ukeys[k] && strcmp(_ukeys[k], q); k++); switch (k) { case K_UNIT__PT: u *= 72.0 / 72.27; break; case K_UNIT__IN: u *= 72.0; break; case K_UNIT__CM: u *= 72.0 / 2.54 ; break; case K_UNIT__MM: u *= 72.0 / 25.4 ; break; case K_UNIT__BP: u *= 1.0 ; break; case K_UNIT__PC: u *= 12.0 * 72.0 / 72.27 ; break; case K_UNIT__DD: u *= 1238.0 / 1157.0 * 72.0 / 72.27 ; break; case K_UNIT__CC: u *= 12.0 * 1238.0 / 1157.0 * 72.0 / 72.27 ; break; case K_UNIT__SP: u *= 72.0 / (72.27 * 65536) ; break; default: WARN("Unknown unit of measure: %s", q); error = -1; break; } RELEASE(qq); } else { WARN("Missing unit of measure after \"true\""); error = -1; } } *vp = v * u; *pp = p; return error; } #if defined(_MSC_VER) #define strtoll _strtoi64 #endif /* If an environment variable SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is correctly defined like * SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1456304492, then returns this value, to be used as the * 'current time', otherwise returns INVALID_EPOCH_VALUE (= (time_t)-1). * In the case of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, the value should be less * than 32535291600. */ time_t dpx_util_get_unique_time_if_given(void) { const char *source_date_epoch; int64_t epoch; char *endptr; time_t ret = INVALID_EPOCH_VALUE; source_date_epoch = getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"); if (source_date_epoch) { errno = 0; epoch = strtoll(source_date_epoch, &endptr, 10); if (!(epoch < 0 || *endptr != '\0' || errno != 0)) { ret = (time_t) epoch; #if defined(_MSC_VER) if (ret > 32535291599ULL) ret = 32535291599ULL; #endif } } return ret; } /* * Docinfo */ #define TIME_STR_SIZE 30 int dpx_util_format_asn_date (char *date_string, int need_timezone) { int32_t off, off_hours, off_mins; time_t current_time; struct tm bd_time, gmt; size_t size; current_time = dpx_util_get_unique_time_if_given(); if (current_time == INVALID_EPOCH_VALUE) { time(¤t_time); bd_time = *localtime(¤t_time); } else { bd_time = *gmtime(¤t_time); } size = strftime(date_string, TIME_STR_SIZE, "D:%Y%m%d%H%M%S", &bd_time); /* expected format: "YYYYmmddHHMMSS" */ if (size == 0) { /* unexpected, contents of date_string is undefined */ date_string[0] = '\0'; return 0; } /* correction for seconds: %S can be in range 00..61, the PDF reference expects 00..59, therefore we map "60" and "61" to "59" */ if (date_string[14] == '6') { date_string[14] = '5'; date_string[15] = '9'; date_string[16] = '\0'; /* for safety */ } /* calculate the time zone offset in the same way as in texmfmp.c */ gmt = *gmtime(¤t_time); off = 60 * (bd_time.tm_hour - gmt.tm_hour) + bd_time.tm_min - gmt.tm_min; if (bd_time.tm_year != gmt.tm_year) { off += (bd_time.tm_year > gmt.tm_year) ? 1440 : -1440; } else if (bd_time.tm_yday != gmt.tm_yday) { off += (bd_time.tm_yday > gmt.tm_yday) ? 1440 : -1440; } if (need_timezone) { if (off == 0) { date_string[size++] = 'Z'; date_string[size] = 0; } else { off_hours = off / 60; off_mins = abs(off - off_hours * 60); sprintf(&date_string[size], "%+03d'%02d'", off_hours, off_mins); } } else { date_string[size] = 0; } return (int)strlen(date_string); } void skip_white_spaces (unsigned char **s, unsigned char *endptr) { while (*s < endptr) if (!is_space(**s)) break; else (*s)++; } void dpx_stack_init (dpx_stack *stack) { stack->size = 0; stack->top = NULL; stack->bottom = NULL; } void dpx_stack_push (dpx_stack *stack, void *data) { stack_elem *elem; ASSERT(stack); elem = NEW(1, stack_elem); elem->prev = stack->top; elem->data = data; stack->top = elem; if (stack->size == 0) stack->bottom = elem; stack->size++; return; } void * dpx_stack_pop (dpx_stack *stack) { stack_elem *elem; void *data; ASSERT(stack); if (stack->size == 0) return NULL; data = stack->top->data; elem = stack->top; stack->top = elem->prev; if (stack->size == 1) stack->bottom = NULL; RELEASE(elem); stack->size--; return data; } void * dpx_stack_top (dpx_stack *stack) { void *data; ASSERT(stack); if (stack->size == 0) return NULL; data = stack->top->data; return data; } void * dpx_stack_at (dpx_stack *stack, int pos) { void *data = NULL; stack_elem *elem; if (stack->size == 0) return NULL; elem = stack->top; while (pos > 0) { elem = elem->prev; pos--; } if (elem) data = elem->data; return data; } void dpx_stack_roll (dpx_stack *stack, int n, int j) { if (n > stack->size) return; if (n == 1) return; j = j % n; if (j < 0) j = n + j; while (j-- > 0) { int m = n; stack_elem *elem, *prev, *top; elem = top = stack->top; while (--m > 0) { elem = elem->prev; } prev = elem->prev; stack->top = top->prev; elem->prev = top; top->prev = prev; } } int dpx_stack_depth (dpx_stack *stack) { ASSERT(stack); return stack->size; } void ht_init_table (struct ht_table *ht, hval_free_func hval_free_fn) { int i; ASSERT(ht); for (i = 0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { ht->table[i] = NULL; } ht->count = 0; ht->hval_free_fn = hval_free_fn; } void ht_clear_table (struct ht_table *ht) { int i; ASSERT(ht); for (i = 0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { struct ht_entry *hent, *next; hent = ht->table[i]; while (hent) { if (hent->value && ht->hval_free_fn) { ht->hval_free_fn(hent->value); } hent->value = NULL; if (hent->key) { RELEASE(hent->key); } hent->key = NULL; next = hent->next; RELEASE(hent); hent = next; } ht->table[i] = NULL; } ht->count = 0; ht->hval_free_fn = NULL; } int ht_table_size (struct ht_table *ht) { ASSERT(ht); return ht->count; } static unsigned int get_hash (const void *key, int keylen) { unsigned int hkey = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < keylen; i++) { hkey = (hkey << 5) + hkey + ((const char *)key)[i]; } return (hkey % HASH_TABLE_SIZE); } void * ht_lookup_table (struct ht_table *ht, const void *key, int keylen) { struct ht_entry *hent; unsigned int hkey; ASSERT(ht && key); hkey = get_hash(key, keylen); hent = ht->table[hkey]; while (hent) { if (hent->keylen == keylen && !memcmp(hent->key, key, keylen)) { return hent->value; } hent = hent->next; } return NULL; } int ht_remove_table (struct ht_table *ht, const void *key, int keylen) /* returns 1 if the element was found and removed and 0 otherwise */ { struct ht_entry *hent, *prev; unsigned int hkey; ASSERT(ht && key); hkey = get_hash(key, keylen); hent = ht->table[hkey]; prev = NULL; while (hent) { if (hent->keylen == keylen && !memcmp(hent->key, key, keylen)) { break; } prev = hent; hent = hent->next; } if (hent) { if (hent->key) RELEASE(hent->key); hent->key = NULL; hent->keylen = 0; if (hent->value && ht->hval_free_fn) { ht->hval_free_fn(hent->value); } hent->value = NULL; if (prev) { prev->next = hent->next; } else { ht->table[hkey] = hent->next; } RELEASE(hent); ht->count--; return 1; } else return 0; } /* replace... */ void ht_insert_table (struct ht_table *ht, const void *key, int keylen, void *value) { struct ht_entry *hent, *prev; unsigned int hkey; ASSERT(ht && key); hkey = get_hash(key, keylen); hent = ht->table[hkey]; prev = NULL; while (hent) { if (hent->keylen == keylen && !memcmp(hent->key, key, keylen)) { break; } prev = hent; hent = hent->next; } if (hent) { if (hent->value && ht->hval_free_fn) ht->hval_free_fn(hent->value); hent->value = value; } else { hent = NEW(1, struct ht_entry); hent->key = NEW(keylen, char); memcpy(hent->key, key, keylen); hent->keylen = keylen; hent->value = value; hent->next = NULL; if (prev) { prev->next = hent; } else { ht->table[hkey] = hent; } ht->count++; } } void ht_append_table (struct ht_table *ht, const void *key, int keylen, void *value) { struct ht_entry *hent, *last; unsigned int hkey; hkey = get_hash(key, keylen); hent = ht->table[hkey]; if (!hent) { hent = NEW(1, struct ht_entry); ht->table[hkey] = hent; } else { while (hent) { last = hent; hent = hent->next; } hent = NEW(1, struct ht_entry); last->next = hent; } hent->key = NEW(keylen, char); memcpy(hent->key, key, keylen); hent->keylen = keylen; hent->value = value; hent->next = NULL; ht->count++; } int ht_set_iter (struct ht_table *ht, struct ht_iter *iter) { int i; ASSERT(ht && iter); for (i = 0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { if (ht->table[i]) { iter->index = i; iter->curr = ht->table[i]; iter->hash = ht; return 0; } } return -1; } void ht_clear_iter (struct ht_iter *iter) { if (iter) { iter->index = HASH_TABLE_SIZE; iter->curr = NULL; iter->hash = NULL; } } char * ht_iter_getkey (struct ht_iter *iter, int *keylen) { struct ht_entry *hent; hent = (struct ht_entry *) iter->curr; if (iter && hent) { *keylen = hent->keylen; return hent->key; } else { *keylen = 0; return NULL; } } void * ht_iter_getval (struct ht_iter *iter) { struct ht_entry *hent; hent = (struct ht_entry *) iter->curr; if (iter && hent) { return hent->value; } else { return NULL; } } int ht_iter_next (struct ht_iter *iter) { struct ht_entry *hent; struct ht_table *ht; ASSERT(iter); ht = iter->hash; hent = (struct ht_entry *) iter->curr; hent = hent->next; while (!hent && ++iter->index < HASH_TABLE_SIZE) { hent = ht->table[iter->index]; } iter->curr = hent; return (hent ? 0 : -1); } static int read_c_escchar (char *r, const char **pp, const char *endptr) { int c = 0, l = 1; const char *p = *pp; switch (p[0]) { case 'a' : c = '\a'; p++; break; case 'b' : c = '\b'; p++; break; case 'f' : c = '\f'; p++; break; case 'n' : c = '\n'; p++; break; case 'r' : c = '\r'; p++; break; case 't' : c = '\t'; p++; break; case 'v' : c = '\v'; p++; break; case '\\': case '?': case '\'': case '\"': c = p[0]; p++; break; case '\n': l = 0; p++; break; case '\r': { p++; if (p < endptr && p[0] == '\n') p++; l = 0; } break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': { int i; for (c = 0, i = 0; i < 3 && p < endptr && p[0] >= '0' && p[0] <= '7'; i++, p++) c = (c << 3) + (p[0] - '0'); } break; case 'x': { int i; for (c = 0, i = 0, p++; i < 2 && p < endptr && isxdigit((unsigned char)p[0]); i++, p++) c = (c << 4) + (isdigit((unsigned char)p[0]) ? p[0] - '0' : (islower((unsigned char)p[0]) ? p[0] - 'a' + 10: p[0] - 'A' + 10)); } break; default: WARN("Unknown escape char sequence: \\%c", p[0]); l = 0; p++; break; } if (r) *r = (char) c; *pp = p; return l; } #define C_QUOTE '"' #define C_ESCAPE '\\' static int read_c_litstrc (char *q, int len, const char **pp, const char *endptr) { const char *p; int l = 0; #define Q_TERM 0 #define Q_CONT -1 #define Q_ERROR_UNTERM -1 #define Q_ERROR_INVAL -2 #define Q_ERROR_BUFF -3 int s = Q_CONT; for (l = 0, p = *pp; s == Q_CONT && p < endptr; ) { switch (p[0]) { case C_QUOTE: s = Q_TERM; p++; break; case C_ESCAPE: if (q && l == len) s = Q_ERROR_BUFF; else { p++; l += read_c_escchar(q ? &q[l] : NULL, &p, endptr); } break; case '\n': case '\r': s = Q_ERROR_INVAL; break; default: if (q && l == len) s = Q_ERROR_BUFF; else { if (!q) l++; else q[l++] = p[0]; p++; } break; } } if (s == Q_TERM) { if (q && l == len) s = Q_ERROR_BUFF; else if (q) q[l++] = '\0'; } *pp = p; return ((s == Q_TERM) ? l : s); } char * parse_c_string (const char **pp, const char *endptr) { char *q = NULL; const char *p = *pp; int l = 0; if (p >= endptr || p[0] != C_QUOTE) return NULL; p++; l = read_c_litstrc(NULL, 0, &p, endptr); if (l >= 0) { q = NEW(l + 1, char); p = *pp + 1; l = read_c_litstrc(q, l + 1, &p, endptr); } *pp = p; return q; } #define ISCNONDIGITS(c) ( \ (c) == '_' || \ ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z') || \ ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z') \ ) #define ISCIDENTCHAR(c) ( \ ISCNONDIGITS((c)) || \ ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9') \ ) char * parse_c_ident (const char **pp, const char *endptr) { char *q = NULL; const char *p = *pp; int n; if (p >= endptr || !ISCNONDIGITS(*p)) return NULL; for (n = 0; p < endptr && ISCIDENTCHAR(*p); p++, n++); q = NEW(n + 1, char); memcpy(q, *pp, n); q[n] = '\0'; *pp = p; return q; } char * parse_float_decimal (const char **pp, const char *endptr) { char *q = NULL; const char *p = *pp; int s = 0, n = 0; if (p >= endptr) return NULL; if (p[0] == '+' || p[0] == '-') p++; /* 1. .01 001 001E-001 */ for (s = 0, n = 0; p < endptr && s >= 0; ) { switch (p[0]) { case '+': case '-': if (s != 2) s = -1; else { s = 3; p++; } break; case '.': if (s > 0) s = -1; else { s = 1; p++; } break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': n++; p++; break; case 'E': case 'e': if (n == 0 || s == 2) s = -1; else { s = 2; p++; } break; default: s = -1; break; } } if (n != 0) { n = (int) (p - *pp); q = NEW(n + 1, char); memcpy(q, *pp, n); q[n] = '\0'; } *pp = p; return q; }