% $Id$ % Sadly, this is not tested as part of make check; if you feel so % inclined, please add it. For now, just including the file for the record. % % The problem was that the \verb parsing in detex.l did not check for % going past eof when looking for the matching delimiter. With random % stuff following the \verb, this would typically cause a crash ("in % __memmove_avx_unaligned_erms") as buffers filled with junk. % % Testing for eof before the opening delimiter catches another case in % the code. % % Also, as long as we're here, might as well check that the closing % delimiter is found on the same line as the opening, since that's what % LaTeX requires. % % Bug report sent by Preston Moore to tlsecurity, 08 Jun 2022 22:21:28. % \begin{document} % force interpretation as LaTeX \verb+ok+ \verb| \verb