@echo off REM Staszek Wawrykiewicz (staw@gust.org.pl). March 2000 REM This batch file installs the local TeX tree for running REM programs directly from the CD TeX Live 5 (Windows 9x/2000/NT) REM It allows changing some parameters (MF mode for dvips and windvi, etc.) REM and building local format files. REM Run: mkloctex g c REM where: %1 - CD ROM drive letter; %2 - HD drive letter for local tree if "%1"=="" goto HELPA if "%2"=="" goto HELPB %2: cd \ md TeX md TeX\texmf md TeX\texmf\dvips md TeX\texmf\dvips\config md TeX\texmf\tex md TeX\texmf\tex\generic md TeX\texmf\tex\generic\config md TeX\texmf\web2c copy %1:\texmf\dvips\config\config.ps %2:\TeX\texmf\dvips\config\*.* copy %1:\texmf\tex\generic\config\language.dat %2:\TeX\texmf\tex\generic\config\*.* copy %1:\texmf\web2c\fmtutil.cnf %2:\TeX\texmf\web2c\*.* copy %1:\texmf\web2c\mktex.cnf %2:\TeX\texmf\web2c\*.* copy %1:\texmf\web2c\texmf.cnf %2:\TeX\texmf\web2c\*.* goto OKOK :HELPA echo Missing parameter: should be the letter of your CD-ROM drive goto FINIS :HELPB echo Missing parameter: should be the letter of HD drive for local TeX tree goto FINIS :OKOK echo. echo 1. Add %1:\bin\win32 directory to your environment PATH, echo 2. Add: set TEXMFCNF=%2:/TeX/texmf/web2c to your environment echo 3. Modify %2:\TeX\texmf\web2c\texmf.cnf accordingly, e.g., echo TEXMFMAIN = %1:/texmf echo VARTEXMF = %2:/TeX/texmf echo. echo 4. Remember to run `mktexlsr' after any changes. :FINIS mktexlsr pause